Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, February 01, 1917, Page 8, Image 8

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Wouldn't You
Like to Get Rid
a tar r h?
Well, itrr I* your opportunity. I
am Bolnic to give ana T. Uurlnic the next
ten ila.v*, two thousand pncknite* of
Combined Treatment to thoiie
who need It, nnd if you mint relief, alien
the eoupon nt the root of thix notlee.
and the free packaae will be forwarded
to you at once by pareelx pom.
1 ivant to prove to you that Gauss
Combined Treatment will relieve your
catarrh. The method is effective, be
cause it strikes at the root of the
trouble and gives permanent relief by
removing the cause. This is the only
correct way to treat catarrh and if vou
■want quick and lasting results, send at
once for the free package. Fill out the
coupon below and package will be sent
-*o you by return mail.
This coupon is eood for a park
TREATMENT, sent free bv mail.
Simply fill in your name and address
on doted lines below, and mall to
C. E. GAUSS. 090 Main St. Marshall
That Orrine really does bring quick
relief to those being tortured by the
liquor habit, is the testimony of many
mothers, wives and daughters.
This scientific preparation promptly
kills all desire for whiskey, beer and
other intoxicants. It can be given in
the home secretly without loss of time
from work. N'o sanitarium expense.
We are so sure that Orrine will
benefit that we say to you, if, after a
trial you fall to get any benefit front
its use, your money will be refunded.
Costs only sl.ou a box. Ask us for
free booklet telling all about Orrine.
Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. 3rd St., Harris
burg; John A. McCurdy, Steelton; H.
i\ Brunhouse, Mechanicsburg, Pa.
Here is the girl's own story: "For
years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach
and constipation. I drank hot water
and olive oil by the gallon. Noth
ing helped until I tried buckthorn
bark, glycerine, etc., s mixed in
Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL help
ed me INSTANTLY." Because Ad
ler-l-ka flushes the ENTIRE ailmen
tary tract it relieves ANY CASE
constipation, sour stomach, or gas
and prevents appendicitis. It has
QUICKEST action of anything wa
ever sold.—ll. C. Kennedy, druggist,
321 Market street.
Buy Your
Used Car
A small deposit will
hold it until spring.
We'll store it free.
Our stock is going
rapidly. Buy now from
a splendid assortment at
winter prices.
The Overland-
Harrishurg Co.
212 North Second St.
Open Evenings
School of Commerce
Troup Batldlnc IS So. Market Sq.
Day & Night School
Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Steaotypy,
Typewriting and Penmanahlp
Bell 453 Cumberland 341-1
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School, 31st Year
320 Market St. HarrUburg, Pa.
Hershey Building
Use Telegraph Want Ads^
Savs War Department Should
Be "Sandbagged" First; Ob
jects to Joint Control
• Washington. Feb. 1. General
Leonard Wood yesterday appeared for
the second time before the subcom
mittee of the Senate Committee on
Military Affairs, which has been con
ducting hearings in preparation for
framing a bill to provide universal
military training.
Declaring again that the National
Guard, system was "vicious and in
defensible," (Jeneral Wood acknowl
edged that the regular army hud de
fects, agreeing with a question by
Senator L.ee, who pointed out that the
regulars had played their part in the
border mobilization failures, the Gen
eral said:
"Yes, and I would go after the War
Department with a sandbag and re
organize it."
Heads of several branches of the
State Government aro understood to
have started some probes on their own
hook into the financial affairs of their
departments, especially in tl.e mat
ter of expenditures for traveling and
ncidentnls. For the last week or so
there ha been a vigorous scrutiny of
accounts in quite a number of de
partments and commissions with the
idea of seeing that everything was
what might be termed safe in the
event of an investigation and that
there would be a minimum of j
tion required, while at the same time
it could be ascertained whether any j
items charged to the State could be!
classed as personal and refund made. !
It is understood that among the de- '
partments overhauling expenditures j
for the last four or live years are ;
Agricultural, Labor and Industry and j
Mines. The Labor and Industry in-!
vestigationi which was "set afoot by!
Commissioner Jackson, will go back'
into the days of the old factory in- i
spector department.
Highway Commissioner Black, who]
received a letter from the Governor I
yesterday informing him that "joy- i
riding" in State automobiles must:
cease, is said about the Capitol to be:
marked for "irritation" in the hope I
that lie will resign. The story goes!
that Mr. Black's place is to be filled,,
if he gets mad and resigns by J. Denny '
O'NeU, the insurance commissioner, i
No one interested would talk about it.
Some time ago Mr. Black decided to
play politics in his department and in
curred the hostility of some of the
more strenuous members of the State j
administration, but it was thought j
that things had blown over.
The Governor's office declined to
make any comments upon the pass
ing show in politics to-day.
Archbishop Prenderpast and 200'
Priests to Attend Service
Shamokin, Pa., Feb. 1. —Arrange-]
ments were made yesterday for the j
funeral on Saturday morning of,
Monsignor J. J. Kocl.. Vicar General j
of the Diocese of Harrisburg and pas- |
tor emeritus of St. Edward's Catholic!
Church, who died Tuesday morning j
after more than half a century in the j
priesthood. In view of the wide ac- |
quaintanceship and prominence of the !
deceased, it promises to be the most!
impressive funeral in the history of
the region.
Archbishop Prendergast, of Phila
delphia. with 200 visiting priests will
attend the service.
<i J
| Mother-Made, Quick |
| Acting Cough Syrup *
A Should he Kept Hiadr In Every 4*
i Home—Easily Prepared and J
J Costa Little.
Mothers, you'll never know what you
are missing: until you make up this in
expensive, quick-acting cough syrup and
try it. Children love its pleasant taste
and nothing else will loosen a cough or
chest cold and heal the inflamed or
swollen throat membranes with such
ease and promptness. It's equally as
good for grown-ups as for children.
This splendid cough syrup is made by
pouring 2'i ounces of "Pinex (50 cents
worth), into a pint bottle and filling the
bottte with plain granulated sugar
syrup. This gives you a full pint—a
family supply—of much better cough
remedy than vou could buy ready-made
for $2.50 —a clear saving of $2.
I The moment it touches the inflamed,
cold-congested membranes that line the
throat and air passages, the healing be
gins, the phlegm loosens, soreness
leaves, cough spasms lessen and soon
i disappear altogether, thus ending a
< cough quicker than vou ever thought
possible. Hoarseness and ordinary
I coughs are conquered by it in 24 hours
or less. ' Excellent for bronchitis, whoop
ing cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial
asthma or winter coughs.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com
i pound of genuine Norway pine extract,
: combined with guaiacol and is famous
i the world over for its quick healing
effect on the membranes.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
: druggist for "I\U ounces of Pinex" with
directions and don't accept anything
I else. Guaranteed to give absolute satis
faction or money refunded. The Pinex
1 Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
! Lose Your Fat,
Keep Your Health
Superfluous flesh is not healthy,
neither is it healthy to diet or exer
[ rise too much for its removal. The
simplest method known for reducing
the overfat body two, three or four
pounds a week is the Marmola
Method, tried and endorsed by thou
sands. Marmola Prescription Tablets,
t containing exact doses of the famous
prescription, are sold by druggists at
75 cents for a large c-ase, or if you
prefer you can obtain them by send
ing direct to the Marmola Company,
864 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich.
They are harmless and leave no
wrinkles or flabbiness. They are
popular because effective and con
Ak-k-ah-ttlssbooo!! Citcblag Call?
Get a Bottle of
Take as directed—right away.
Checks and aborts colds sad
Cornells In Z4 hoars. Guaranteed.
Nothing so good. I'roven so. Makes
a pint of Couch Syrup. All drug
WE want every one in Harrisburg who must purchase fur- _
g * niture between now and May Ist and who can make it S
convenient to purchase now, provided price inducement is B
||j tempting enough, to visit this store during our February jji
y Furniture Sale. We positively promise price concessions in
y this sale that will convince the most skeptical that this will £9
s be the month of the whole year of 1917 for money saving
Ly values in Furniture. Q
a ' 75. PER CENT. / "
UJj of the furniture now on our floors is priced on a basis that existed just prior to the last general advance l®|
0 which took place in the wholesale furniture market. Our old price tags remain on our furniture and in PJ
addition we have made a cut from these prices on nearly every piece of furniture in our store. This cer- Im
tainly is worth something to our customers. This is simply a plain statement of facts. We give our word ||J|
n that what we have said is absolutely the truth. We will be pleased to have you visit our store this month finS
and decide for yourself.
lii Special display this month of pictures. Those who have been in this store within the past year will
not miss this display. See our special for February. Price $1.75. Largest and best pictures ever offered
fcHI for this price. I
H ' 1217 AN# 1219 N. IBRD ST. H
nrciH mma mra ncmtn mania lamnmniarciania
The powers of the Governor in re- j
gard to action in cases of persons J
condemned to death are set forth in |
an opinion given to Governor Brum- j
baugh to-day by Attorney General i
Brown. He says that there is no act;
which provides that the Governor on j
his own initiative or in response to |
an appeal to him can appoint a com
mission to inquire into the mental
condition of a person under sentence !
of death. The "executive power, says j
Mr. Brown, "can not be extended be- j
yond the right to disagree with the.
Board of Pardons after the latter has
recommended a pardon."
"The practice in this Commonwealth
has been for the Governor to refer to
the Pardon Board for investigation,
any matters which ultimately come
before the Governor in the way of
pardons, commutations and remis
sions of fines and forfeitures," says
Mr. Brown. "Remission of fines or
forfeitures is a matter for the dis
cretion of the Governor independent
of any action of the Pardon Hoard.
• • • The Governor has no power
to pardon or commute a sentence of
one under sentence of death without
a recommendation to that effect by
the Pardon Board." Mr. Brown con
cludes that the Governor has no more
| authority to recommend to the board
j that 1t pass upon the insanity of a
I prisoner than would a private citizen,
I but that it is discretionary with him
"to recall a death warrant and there-
I after refuse to issue the same until
| you have thoroughly satisfied yourself
[ of the propriety of doing so."
New York, Feb. 1. —The international
crisis, making advisable the presence
of all representatives in Washington
Is expected to bring the congressional
"leak" inquiry here to a close to-night.
All future hearings probably will be
held In Washington.
Only sensational testimony to-day
would hold the committee here longer
than to-night It was said, and the
morning session produced nothing of
this nature.
F. A. Connolly, the Washington
broker who wrote a resume of Presi
dent Wilson's peace note ten hours be
fore It was published, was on the stand
most of the time, lie did not swerve
from his original contention that his
information came mainly from "rumor
and gossip."
Inquiry Into the hint of tt coming
peace note carried oy the Dow Jones
ticker service at 2.05 o'clock on De
cember 20. was resumed after Connolly
left the stand.
James Reilly, manager editor of the
Wall Street Journal, and the ticker
service, said he put out the report
largely on a "tip" brought him by a
reporter, that the President would
issi/e a peace manifesto Christmas.
Berlin, Feb. 1 (by wireless)^—Turk
ish cavalry is making additional prog
ress against the Russians in North
western Persia, pursuing them on
their retreat from Devletabad and
nearlng the city of Sultanabafl, Turk
ish army headquarters reports In Its
statement of January 80. Dizabad lias
[been entered by Turkish troops. ,
•* * -*
LOOK TO 1920
New York, Feb. 1. —George W. Per- |
kins and Everett Colby have formally I
requested William R. Willcox, chair- j
man of the Republican national com- !
mittee, to call a meeting of the com- i
mlttee "to discuss fully and openly the :
grave and important questions that l
confront our country to-day."
"We are unwilling to believe," the 1
communication stated, "that the na- i
tional committee will be shortsighted
and reactionary if called together for
a free and open conference on the
affairs of country. If the national
committee after such a conference
should decide that the Bepubllcan
party shall remain reactionary, this
should be known at once so that other
alignments can be Immediately made
t "ph© Q®
Here, Sis, I've got two more pieces
left—take one.
Ooh, goody! Thanks, Buddy. I
like it better than any kind of
You bet! Fts bully for a cough, too.
I and no time should be lost in prepar- ]
| ing for the fight of 1920."
Profound Sensation in
England Because of
Germany's Declaration 1
j London, Feb. I.—The German dec- i
j laration of unrestricted war at sea
| has created a profound sensation In
| England, wihere it was unexpected. All
.interest centers on the policy which
; neutral maritime nations will adopt.
I The decision of the United States Is
| awaited with the most intense inter
est as it Is recognized it will have a
strong influence on other neutrals and
! tile utmost importance factor In the :
I solution of one of the most serious
, I crisis of the war.
Officials decline to discuss the ques- j
, j tlon formally at present. It is-pointed
•! out that Inasmuch as the note is ad- j
! | dressed to neutrals and not to the i
FEBRUARY 1, 1917.
British government it is essentially
for them to deal with.
Naval Officials Do Not
Believe Germany Will Be
Able to Sink Many Ships
Washington, Feb. I.—Naval officials
do not believe that a material increase
In the damage to allied commerce is
Names For
The geographical name of the locality from which
coal is taken is no guarantee that such coal will be
lirst class.
Pennsylvania has approximately 350 Anthracite
coal mines. In the regions designated by such
names as '"Wilkes-Barrc," "Lehigh," "Nanticokc,"
"Shamokin," etc., etc., there are many, many mines
producing all kinds of coal; good, bad and indif
W'c have made careful tests of many kinds of coal.
Only those products of uniform quality are sold by
To distinguish our high grade coal from others we
{sell it under the trade name "Sun-Glo" Coal.
"Sun-Glo" Coal is your guarantee that you will
receive -the best kinds possible to obtain.
United Ice & Coal Co.
Forster A Cowden . Hummel & Mulberry
.Third & Boas 15 & Chestnut tits.
Also Steelton, Pa.
I'm your friend at all times
and you can call on me for a
, nickel. My name is
and you can find me most any
Just try me!
V / s
to be expected from the Increased ac
tivities of Gorman u-boats. Officers
think it quite possible that Great Bri
tain may assemble fleets of merchant
men and take them through the danger
zone and under heavy guard of light
swift submarine destroyers. A circle
of such boats about the merchantmen,
it was said, would make it exceedingly
dangerous for a submarine to operate
and while an occasional big ship might
be torpedoed the greater number could
be protected.