Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, January 31, 1917, Page 2, Image 2

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Chamber of Commerce Makes
Arrangements For Parade
and Banquet
Carlisle, Pa.. Jan. 31.—Carlisle will
tender an elaborate reception to her
quota of National Guardmen on their
arrival hera from the border next
month. Plans were made at a meet
ing of the Chamber of Commerce last
evening. D. E. Rrindle, a former ofli
oer of Company O and a member of the
Spanish War Veterans' Association, will |
be executive chairman, and not only the i
Spanish war veterans but a number of
patriotic and fraternal organizations |
will turn out for a parade. Special ]
telegrams will keep the residents ad
vised of the movement of troops. With
the men of the company, regimental
band and in other divisions of the ser
vice. this town lias upwards of 150 men
at the border. Letters from soldiers
state that they expect to leave El Paso
about February S, coming home byway
of Memphis and Hagerstown. Tlio
celebration hero will include a pro
cession and banquet, testimonial din
ners, general decorations of homes and ;
buildings and similar features.
Marietta, Pa., Jan. 31.—The condi
tion of the Susquehanna river Is seri
ous, and it is feared that the back
water will causo considerable trouble.
Several times during Monday night the
ice moved below town, and piled about
twenty feet high. *
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Trouble ?
Pain or dull aclie in the back ispnent, etc.
often evidence of kidney trouble. It j Lack of control, smarting, uric acid,
is r*ature s timely warning to show |dizainess, Indigestion, sleeplessness,;
you that the track of health is not | nervousness, sometimes the heart acts
clear. % j badly, rheumatism, bloating, lack of
Danger Signals i ambition may be loss of flesh, sallow
If these danger signals are unheeded complexion,
more serious results may be expected; Prevalently or Kidney Disease
kidney trouble in its worst form may
steal upon you. Most people do not realize the
Thousands of people have testified "firming increase and remarkable
that the mild and immediate effect {, e^ y °. f kldne >" disease. AMiile
of Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver l J disorders are among the niost
and bladder remedy, is soon realized l ' omnlon diseases that prevail, they
—that it. stands the highest for its are sometimes the last recognized by j
remarkable curative effect in the most . '-? i ? Vi 1 V l ', 1 "
distressing cases. If you need a medi- ! V} 'kwtoring tlie effects, while |
cine, you should have the best. , °f' ,tla y constantly
undermine the system.
I.ante Hack j Regular lifty cent and one dollar
Lame back is only one of the many s ' :4e bottles at all drug stores,
symptons of kidney trouble. Other Don't make any mistake but re-!
symptons showing that you may need I member the name, Dr. Kilmer's J
Swamp-Root are, being subject to j Swamp-Root, and the address, Bing
embarrassing and frequent bladder h&mton, N. Y„ which you will find
troubles day and night, irritation, sedi- I on every bottle.
SPECIAL NOTE—Ton may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp-Root by
enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. This gives you :
the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medicine. They will 1
also send you a book of valuable information, containing many of the'
thousands of grateful letters received from men and women who say tliey
found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed in kidney, liver and bladder
troubles. The value and success of Swamp-Root are so well known that
our readers are advised to semi for a sample size bottle. Address Dr. :
Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, X. Y. Be sure to say you read this offer ia
the llarrisburg Daily Telegraph.
Disease Preventives—
Your Dentist and
diyriAsLCXj) I!
The toothpaste that reaUy cleans.
Senreco gives you a new thought on
mouth cleanliness and in conjunction
with your dentist, keeps mouth and j
gums healthy. \
Get a tube of Senreco, (25c) today.
The really clean feeling that follows its I
regular use will surprise and delight you \
Sample size tube mailed for 4c in stamps. s 1
Masonic Temple Cincinnati, Ohio
V. g_u
I'm your friend at all times
and you can call on me for a
nickel. My name is
and you can find me most any
Just try me!
v Makers J
- - - I
j Program For Whittier
Literary Society Meeting
I West Kalrvicw. Pa., Jan. 31. To
morrow evening the Wliittler Literary
I Society will hold its semimonthly
I meeting in the high school room at
7.30 o'clock, when the following pro
gram will be rendered: Song, by the
society; rollcall, quotations from Low
ell. secretary; violin solo, Harold
Mulsh: debate, "".evolved. That the
United States should enforce military
service," affirmative, Arthur Spurrier
and John Wolf; negative, Albert Kop
penheffer and Charles Shaffer; de
cision of judges; song, society; re
ferred questions, "Name All the Books
of the Bible in Rotation." Jacob!
Wachtman; "Where Did the First
Chicken Come From?" Catherine!
j Fisher; "Explain How Cotton Is Plant- j
led. Cultivated, Harvested and Mar-I
j keted," Margaret Gaitaber; piano duet,
Hazel Givler and Elizabeth Fisher;
| reading, E. R. Lower; paino solo, Miss
' Allen: recitation, Catherine Erford;
| current events, Edna Lantz; essay,
! Kenneth Lantz: Latin definition con
test. E. K. Lower; recitation, Miss
McCune; reading of "Knocker," editor.
Cold" 4'ntmr tlmriacbr nnil Grip
moves cause. There is only one "Bromo
Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S signature on
box. 25c.
| Carlisle, Pa.. Jan. 31.—Evangelistic
services in the First Presbyterian
I Church, the oldest church editice west
of the Susquehanna and the place where
Washington worshipped while going to
the West to quell the Whisky Insurrec
tion, have been started by the Rev. S.
S. Aikman and will continue for three
weeks. A special choir has been en
rolled. .
I Woman Bequeaths Money to
Churches For Horse Shelters
Marietta. Pa.. Jan. 31.—1n the, will of
Mary A. l>iller, late of East Earl town
ship, she bequeaths to the trustees of
the Methodist Episcopal Church at
Churohtown, the sum of $l5O. for the
purpose of erecting a shed for horses
and the maintenance of the graveyard.
She also gave SSO to the trustees of
the Methodist church at New Holland
for the purpose of erecting sheds for
Social and Personal Items
of Towns Along West Shore
Mr. and Mrs. Omri Malehorn and
daughters, Miss Kathryn Malehorn and
Miss A Ida Malehorn, of Steelton, mo
tored to Shiremanstown Sunday, where
they were entertained by Mr. and Mrs.
David 11. Slioop and family.
Mrs. Oscar Itupp, of llarrisburg, vis
ited her sister. Mrs. Gjlbert Stair, who
is seriously ill at her homo at Shire
Mrs. Mary Eppley, of Shiremanstown,
has gono to York county to visit her
son, Earle Eppley, and family.
Mrs. Elizabeth Bigler, of Shiremans
town, visited her sister at Leinoyne
Miss Dorcas Miller has returned to
Pcnbrook after spending over Sunday
with her grandparents at Shiremans
town. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wolfo and
daughter, of Lemoyne, spent Sunday
with the latter's grandparents at Shire
Mrs. Harriet Wickersham, of Now
Cumberland, entertained the following
guests at dinner on Sunday: Mr. and
Airs. Frank B. Wickersliani, Airs. Susan
i-reeburn and Mrs. Marianna Sponsler,
lof Steelton, and Mr. and Mrs. Russel
! Balsley, of Harrlsburg.
Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Klrkpatrick, of
Third street. New Cumberland, an
nounce tlio birth of a son, Monday,
January X'J.
| Mrs. Guy Kuhn, of Washington, D. C.,
j who has been the guest of C. L. Wise,
! at New Cumberland, has returned home.
! Mrs. Harry Williams and daughter
Mabel, who have been spending the
week with George Cook's iamily
:at New Cumberland, nave returned to
j their home at Scotland, Pa.
On Friday evening Hie JJorcas Circle
will meet at tile home of Miss Miriam
j Koch, in Reno street. New Cumberland.
! Mis. C. McCausiand and Miss 1. G.
| Ennis, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mr.
I and Mrs. William Ennis at New Cum
j berland.
Mr. and rMs. Elmer Myers acjd daugh
ter, Miss Evelyn Myers. Mrs. Elwood
.;iyers and son, Aaron Myers, of Mount
j Airy, and Miss Virgie Steinman, ot
; Spring Lake, were entertained Sunday
;by Mr. and Mrs. George Sheaffer at
their residence at Shiremanstown.
Mr. and Mrs. John Spangler and son
! Curtis, of Harrisburg, visited Mrs.
j Spangler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil
: I lam Bentz, and her aunt and uncle,
J Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Miller, at Shire
! manstown Sunday.
Mrs. Oliver B. Baker and son, Harvey
I \V. Baker, of Lemoyne, spent Tuesday
| with tho former's mother, Mrs. Eliza
, beth Comfort, at ShiremanstowiH
Five Wormleysburg Citizens
Want to Be Councilmen
Wormleysburg, Pa., Jan. 31.—The
I vacancy in council caused bv the restg
. nation of President L. B. Wanbaugh
j will be filled at a meeting of council
'to be held on Monday. It was learned
from an authentic source to-day that
live prominent residents of the town
are desirous of the position.
Burgess J. Fred Hummel will ask
council to act on an appropriation for
playground work that lie suggested at
the last meeting of the borough
An ordinance authorizing the in
stallation of two fireplugs in the bor
ough and agreeing to pay for the five
plugs in the borough belonging to the I
Riverton Consolidated Water Com
pany will be passed on final reading
at this meeting. The plugs were in
stalled when the town was first built
and council has not paid any rental.
This has caused much dispute between
the borough and the company and this
ordinance, council expects, will bring
an amicable agreement.
Camp Hill, Pa., Jan. 31.—An enter
tainment will be given by the Willing
Workers Class of the Methodist Sun
day School, taught by A. L. Datesman.
in the firehouse, Tuesday evening,
February 20, and on the following
Tuesday evening, February 27. The
subject is "Single Blessedness." The
proceeds will be devoted to the church
New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 31.—0n
Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Grove
celebrated the sixty-fourth anniversary
of their marriage at their home in
Bridge street. A dinner was held in
honor of the event. Those who at
tended were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Spangler and son, Mrs. Wiseman and
son Harold, of Y'ork; Mr. and Mrs.
Kunkle and family, Lemoyne; Mr. and
Mrs. Tolbert Hempt, son Floyd and
daughter Myrna, Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Grove and daughter Lillian, of New
Sleep After Cuticura
It's really wonderful how quickly a hot
hath with Cuticura Soap followed by a
gentle arointing with Cuticura Oint
ment relies itching, burning eczemas,
rashes and dialings, permits sleep for
infant and rest for mother, and points
to speedy healment in most cases when
it seems nothing would do any good.
This is only one of the many things Cu
ticura does for the skin. Use them for
cvery-day toilet purposes and have a
clear-skin, clean scalp, good hair and
soft hands. Samples free by return
mail for the asking. Address post
card: "Cuticura," Dept. 15F, Bos
ton. bold everywhere.
Thursday, the Ist of February Our Annual I
Sale of Furniture Begins j
You will save more money by buying now than any time in the history of our business. 2
Everything has advanced in price but we have anticipated our wants and purchased six ?
months ago for this event. We are prepared to save you money by buying here now during |
this sale. ' |
Our Liberal Credit will be extended to you during this sale. You have the privilege of |
paying monthly or weekly as your incomesuits. i i
r M --S'- Colonial Buffet j
gSSKS ££"•"• $79.00 • $ 33.52 $22.50
William and Mary design, made of solid oak, golden finish; All quartered oak with planlt this china closet; swell j!
I consisting of dresser, bed, chiffonier and toilet table. You must top; length 40 inches; mirror front" : all i uart - |
1 .... , v 10x34, beveled edge. < - ,tu " tIK oni. ;
| see this suite in order to appreciate its value. _ „ rn., nz„„L.j, f
t . ' nn a 1 11 n 75c Weekly Payments [ eekly
#6 .00 Monthly Payments other bufrets r r ,.n, sio.s Payments
4 Piece Library Suite . . . . $19.95 j
50c Weekly Payments I
This suite consists of one arm rocker, one arm chair, one side chair and library table; fumed oak finish, scats covered with |
brown Spanish imitation leather, spring seat construction. " . %
Three-piece Fumed Oak Library Suite, chair, rocker and table, brown Chase leather scat and back 011 chair and rocker at |
_ $24.75 i
lhree piece fumed Oak Library Suite, chair, rocker and settee, William and Mary Period brown Spanish Chase Leather f
seats $31.50 5
Three-piece Oak Mahogany or Fumed Oak Suites, chair, rocker and settee, turned posts, shaped backs, genuine leather seats, §
spring construction in seats, specially priced during this sale, at ' $35.55 i
Four-piece Golden Oak Dull Library Suite, chair, rocker, settee and table, seats covered with genuine brown Spanish leather !;
spring construction in seat, Period styles, at $40.50 '!
' Three-piece Golden Oak Library Suite, chair, rocker and 54-inch long settee, seats covered with tapestry, spring construe
tion in seats, period style, at „ * $53.00 !>
Hear the New 1 fJOTHIFBLT Join Our Sewing | jj
Record, in Our Machi " e Club
West Fair view Councilman
Refuses to Work or Resign
West Fairview, Pa., Jan. 31. —What
course council will pursue ill order to
get some understanding out of Coun
cilman Charles Witmer as to his inten
tion in borough matters will be de
cided at the monthly meeting of the
borough fathers on Monday night.
Councilman Witmer has not at
tended tlie meetings of council for
three months antl when called on by
Councilmen Elmer Erb and Samuel
Stuckey, the committee appointed to
investigate the matter, he declared
he was too busy with private affairs
to attend the meetings.
Mr. Witmer has been a member of
(he body for two years and has two
more years to serve before his term
expires. It is understood that several
prominent men would like to serve in
the council.
Shlremanstown, Pa., Jan. Sl.—Mon
day evening the Indies' Aid Society of
the United Brethren Church met at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Draw
haugh, at which time this program was
rendered: Music, by society; prayer;
Scripture lesson; music by society;
business session; song by class of boys;
recitation, Milton Wolfe; recitation,
Miss Ruth Zimmerman; song by class of
boys; violin solo, Mrs. J. Henderson
Stock; recitation. Miss Wealthy Diller;
vocal duet, the Kev. 11. C. Kottler and
Miss Thelina Drawbaugh; violin solo.
Mrs. J. Hederson Stock; monolog. Miss
Belva Chronister; reading, Mrs. William
A. Clouser; instrumental duet. Miss
Rhoda Reamer and Miss Thelma Draw
baugh; benediction by the pastor.
New Cumberland, Pa., Jan. 31.—0n
Sunday evening an illustrated lecture,
"An Kvenlng Among Indians, Chinese,
Japanese and Mexicans In the South
west," will be delivered by the Rev.
Freeman Bovard, l>. D.. In Bairghman
Memorial Methodist Church at 7.30
i o'clock.
j Negro Eludes Pursuers, Shoots Tlu'ee
Times at Woman
j Chester, Pa., Jan. 31. > — Robert
' j Carney, colored of Jacksonville, Fla.,
entered a crowded dance hall early
yesterday morning and shot to death
Marry Lohmaii, 24 years ojd, who was
dancing with Maud S\evenson, with
j whom both men were infatuated.
, | Captain of Police Sill headed a
1 ! searching force of patrolmen, but Car
ney dared capture by returning to the
neighborhood and making an unsuc
cessful attempt to shoot the woman.
i Carlisle, Pa.. Jan. 21.—Arrested,
charged with passing fraudulent checks,
a man who gave Ills name as 11. B.
Plum, and his residence as nea'r Ship
pensburg, is in jail here. Plum passed
a check for $ on E. A. Ijiu, a car
riage maker and tax collector of the
boroiwih and another one for $lO on
boardinghouse keeper. Several oth
er used stubs were found In the check
book taken from him and it is thought
that he secured other sums.
Plum, according to oflicers, came here
from Lebanon or llarrlsburg, and posed
as a coach painter. He deposited $1 at
the Carlisle Trust Company, securing
check and bank book. The deposit book
he changed, it is claimed, to make the
figures read $95 and with this as col
lateral tried to huvo checks cashed.
iTour eye* are worthy of tlie best
attention you can give them
P. S. You can get Belstnger
Glasses as low u 92.
JANUARY 31, 1917.
Signs Hail ISoml When I>at.tcr Is Ac
cused of Obtaining Ear Truni[>ct
Sunbury, Pa., Jan. 31. Sympathy
for an afflicted fellow man caused J.
W. Wilson, totally blind, to go on the
bail bond of Frank Edgar, deaf, at a
hearing before United States Commis
sioner N. S. Engle here yesterday.
Both live in Bloomsburg.
Edgar is charged with using the
mails with intent to defraud. It is al
leged that he ordered an ear trumpet
from a New York concern, signing his
daughter's name and neither returned
nor paid for the instrument. Postal
inspectors caused his arrest.
Many people dread winter because |
the sudden climatic changes bring
colds, grippe, rheumatism, tonsilitis or
bronchitis. But thousands of well
informed men and women today avoid
much sicknessfor themselvesand their
children by taking a few bottles of
Scott's Emulsion to make richer blood,
fortify the membranes of the throat
and chest and create body-warmth to re-;
sist sickness. Soldiers at war receive cod
liver oil; it will also strengthen you.
6cott & Dowae, Bloomfield, N. J. 16-31
Personally Conducted
Savannah, Jacksonville and St. Augua
tlnc, leaving; llaltliuorc, Friday, Feb
ruary 10.
Set: Including Necessary Expenses. Ccc
Excursion tickets tu all Florida Points.
Merchants & Miners Trans. Co.
Ticket Office. Light and German Sts.
W. ?. TURNER, G. P. A.. Baltimore. Md.
"l'lnest Qomlwlm Trip* la the World."
Camp Hill, Pa., Jan. 31. "The
Court of the Seasons" is the subject of
an entertainment to be given lay the
Sunday school class of the Trinity Lu
theran Church taught by Mrs. tlcorgo
A. Rice In the church on Thursday
Absolutely- Removes
Indigestion. One package
proves it. 25c at all druggists.
School of Commerce
Troup UulldluK IS So. Market Sq.
Day & Night School
Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy,
Typewriting and Penmanship
Bell 4SS Cumberland 240-Y
Kaufman Bldg. 4 S. Market Sq.
Training That Secures
Salary Increasing Positions
In the Office
Call or send to-day for interesting
booklet. "The Art of Gettlug Alone In
•Ke World." Bell phone 649-R.
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School, 31st Year
32U Market St. Harrisburg, Pn.
Hcrshey Building