pJJ U C_J CJ3 Q3 C_3 dzi CJ3 C3l_3 C_3 C_J C_3 C_2 C_D C_J £-4^] K Good Old Home-Made | S Family Cough Remedy a tn Much Heller than ibe Bi Qj Made Kind—KMllr aad |Jj ru Cheaply Prepared. nl . If you combined the curative proper ties of every known "ready-made coujih remedy, you would hardly have in them all the curative power that lies in thin simple "home-made" cough syrup which takes only a few minutes to prepare. Get from anv druggist 2Ys ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth), pour it into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain ?;ranulated sugar syrup. The total cost s about 54 cents and gives you a full pint of really better cough syrup than you could buy ready-made for $2.50. Tastes pleasant and never spoils. This Pinex and sugar syrup prepara tion gets right at the cause of a cough and gives almost immediate relief. It loosens the phlegm, stops the nasty throat tickle and heals the sore, irri tated membranes that line the throat, chest and bronchial tubes, so gently and easily that it is really astonishing. A day's use will usually overcome the ordinary cough and for bronchitis, croup, whooping cough and bronchial asthma, there is nothing better. Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine ex tract, combined with guaiacol and has been used for generations to break up severe coughs. To avoid disappointment, be sure to ask your druggist for "2'i ounces of Pinex" with full directions, and don't accept anything else. A guarantee of absolute satisfaction or money prompt ly refunded, goes with this preparation. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, lnd. Styled "Seamstress," Vassar Girl Sues i Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 23.—T0 be listed in your own city directory as a "seamstress" when really and truly you are a Vassar College girl is worth .iust $13,000 damages, and to be listed as "an inspector at Jones' store" when you are really engaged in no occupa tion at all and are just staying at borne with your mother is worth $50,- 000 damages. This is the opinion of Miss Beatrice M. Stevens, one-time Vassar College girl who lias filed suit for $65,000 damages against the Gate City Direc tory Company, which. Miss Stevens says, listed her in 1912 and 1810 as a "working woman." They do the one thing that all other cigarettes would do—if they could. Tomorrow you'll know nil n.bout Chesterfield AMtSMMF.XTS AMUSEMENTS rAPjt, 'l< v TJH _ Jks mJ William Koi prcaent* GLADYS COBURN j| B£ "THE BATTLE OF LIFE" ■ Km Wg U IjS WjS See the Great Auto It tie e E B& Wednesday, January 24th I fly Mrs. Vernon Castle M Tlie beftt-known aiul l>e*t-s Angeles mil lionaire, who later disposed of it to an art.dealer. The bed and small table are made of soft pine and are valued nt more than SIOO,OOO. The Fine Arts Company succeeded in renting the fur niture for two days, special watchmen guarding it while at the studio. "The House Built Upon Sand" is an interesting five-part soeiety drama, with a clever an unique plot. Wednes day and Thursday the Metro Film Com pany will present Mme. Petrova in "Extravagance," a picture that dealts with the social spendthrifts, who strug gle desperately to maintain what they call "a position of prominence." Cleo Ridgley and Wallace Iteid will appear in "The Yellow lifiwn" for the last time to-day at the "The Yellow Regent. I'nwn," nt "The Yellow Pawn" Regent has to do with the artist life in the fashionable Bohemian set in New York City, and deals with the love affair between the wife of a district attorney and a famous painter. How the artist's Chinese servant brings about a terrible situa tion and later rectifies it, makes a theme of absolutely unusual intensity. One of the most difficult roles which the motion picture producer can ask his stars to play is that of the girl of the wilds —the uncouth, unkempt crea ture, dressed in rags, with hair stream ing. Such a role Is "Nanette." in "Nan ette of the Wilds," in which Pauline Frederick is starred In to-morrow and Thursday. The story is an original one written by Willard Mack, the well known playwright, author and actor. i who also takes an important part In the picture. I "The Battle of Life,' 'as the name implies, would naturally call for an extraordinary amount of , "The Ilnttle dramatic talent to care of l.lfe" nt fully portray the chnrac the Victoria ter which Gladys Coburn is enacting in this rc imarknble silent drama, now being I shown at the Victoria. It is the story Moonlight Dance to be given by W. C. I.anom, Satur day evening, January 27, In the tier | ntim Hull, Front and Wnnhlngton atreeta. Mteeltoa. DANCISU from 8 to 12. C.KVrs, Site. LADIES, lOe. ' —* lORPH E U M All Week—Matlncri Dally WILLIAM FOX presents | A DAUGHTER OF THE GODS With ANNETTE | KELLERMANN The Picture Beautiful Nights 25c to SI.OO Matinees 25c to 75c 3HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH k0 mo Kt. wn i nvn FLOOR -* J| '| ■ M MM* K MTW II 1 SECOND EL.OOR I || Silk ®jY r rYf- 'cOATps^l| i Misses' sizes, made of a good qual- g siruble new fabrics, black and inl - % & ty silk poplin In a wide variety of *E ~ I ~= -= - • ■==: ■=• 3r fISP ors; all sizes, wonderful values. M * clever stvfes and colors. *s?—I— . " \ SECOND F LOO it < K. W V SECOND r ... . \ \ % Woniea'a nnd A jrt. ml A Worao'i and A ■ jjs f* g\ """M 8 11 ICoaS 16— ; ™ Handsome models of velour, Ultra stylish models of Bolivia j M Worth to $1 l.flO mixtures, zibeline, etc.; all col- Cloth, Velour, etc.; wonderful Worth to 922.50 | \ Made of tine velours and other ors and all stunning: styles and models, full flare and plush or Made of *ood quality Salt's Plush; M popular fabrics, blacks, blues in sizes. fur trimmed; all sizes and all col- nicely lined. newest styles, bigr a wide flare belted and fur trimmed Vmm SECOND FLOOR —I—B ors. collars; all sizes for Women and | % all sizes. SECOND I-'I.OOII Misses. I SECOND y V SECOND FLOOR {(Children's C-| QC $Q.69| - 5-J -J j™*™*l 0 Suits HJ— SJI4 s ?t }/.50 % Worth worm to $.<.00 for tures in desirable styles for little Attractive models in black and I Good cloth or corduroy; assorted tots - assorted si 7p n -mil oolnr** blue poplin, nicely tailored and m I colors, styles arid sizes and extra m finished in this season's latest Beautiful models worth $ ..00 and biy value. ~ ' model- all sizes. s4.uo more, assorted colors and sizes SECOND V ' SKCO \l) KI (ton Jf iu taffeta silk and satin. I ——— ——— W V WI'II\N 1.-IIUM \ IVomea'a and fa m m ia /v \ Silk,Tan&sn 00 All* L -. S :P RESSES |Girls' Dresses', Serge D K S II sr u .95 95 J DRESSES Lovely street, afternoon and Xlenew'"stvfes B styles made of allK /• t/t7 % evening styles of taffeta, char- üble , ne , w st > leß - B wool blue serge and M ——■ W I that are worth to J12.50: latest meuse and crepe; wide assort- assorted sizes. _BL corduroy: 0 to 11 fl styles; assorted colors and sizes. ment ot styles and sizes and c-peciai \\ canes- years. Special Wed- M IV si-.nxn fi.Mii colors. . df, y • • • -nesdayfor t ___ V H Q"" imoil j Men's SILK TIES Flannelette Ni ht Gowns \ aMrtri Bath Robes 50c Black Petticoats' | 1 nw- • pa OA ~" d o" 0 " "" 07 c attractive colors and I m blue, pink and f_ II A variety of colors, jfC H BMA color black sateen in M Tf striped effects. Spe- ■ J gray assorted sor'ted'^izl?' 1 Sm- |lA|| all sizes. Special m 9 M £ ciai Wednesday ....*• Bizes . SpPc ial & ' MnyVVV Wednesday *• Kin ST I'LOOH Wednesday for .. 4i.<' but not all sizes of i tiffiV LUAI ij W M Crepes; assorted ■ ——— dainty styles; as- /. _, vlo an (Overcoats..' O'coats Av REDUCED Reduced I j WORTH TO $12.00 WORTH TO fi.i.oo Men's $2.00 Pants for Jpl..>o Boys 75c Pants * £ Sav^to4.so° o„ a your "purchase: Men's $2.50 Pants for $ 1.95 Boys'sl.so Pants 7i)f C I sizes. ' styles" 8, A colo ' a ad latest Men's $3.50 Pants for #2.-49 Boys'sl.7s Pants *I.OO I H y FIRST t i nnil v I IIIS'r KI.OOR J V HItST .-■ Im V KIIIST FI.OOIt i (' Muslins and Nainsook ]| TABLE OIL CLOTH ] I FIGURED VOILES COTTON BLANKETS |l M 12\ic to 15c (juali- ag 25c fancy table am r"|a> -m A good 2uc 1 51.25 tan cotton MCS. S ■ ties, bleached tnuslln oil cloth', 1U yds. TB fi J[ quality in a biff gl 91 | Bod Ulankets, Rood J||JP K K and nainsooks; yard I III* wide, brown. ■ W Q variety of fancy HI / Q heavy quality and^h ff # wide. Special Wed- BIV 1 green and red. X patterns. Wednes- 2 • sizo - Wednesday % M nesday for Wednesday for .. day only only, a pair f\ f v BARGAIN HA>II,-MKVM' t BARGAIN BASEMENT ___/ V BARGAIN HASKMENT *- IIARGAI.M HIKI.,\T J JJ )( BED BLANKETS ' Pattern Table Cloth f TABLE DAMASK ' MERCERIZED DAMASK ' M J2.50 full bed size A Ap Size 58x58 Inch- | x-v Ssc quality ,|sc 0,1(5 K |uclo ° r /FGk WU # I gray Cotton Blankets Jh g -Jylj es; ' •'° <|uality; H& fig a large assort- mercerized m < "-"* -• -4HP /ffjP i ored border. Wednes- JL ci?i£S! \Vednlsl JflL €f Wednesday only, V/ patterns. Wednesday %gt fgF g g day only day only a yard only, a yard 0 f v BAROAIX ns,-Ml. VT v BARGAIN BASKJIEST - _J V BARGAIX *i i"v r J V BARGAIN HISI-VIAT fi K \ 1 1 \ f " 1111 1 ■■' \ N X I FIGURED PRINTS 1 U'Ac PERCALES SERPENTINE CREPE English Nainsook i Light and dark pat- jmg Full yard wide, m 19c quality in xv a , (i - m 1/\ S J terns; excellent quality; f_ in a wl<^e range ■■ attractive llgured fe® a Si H. C good, desirable widths H| #• of light and dark fl HS |l effects. remnant I W C J " 10 " yard P |eces - *T j** ** * < j£ h J. I W only, a yard only, a vard ft f v BARGAIN BASEMENT V__ BARGAIN BASEMENT V— BARGAIN n txtniPAT V BARGAIN BASEMENT ___ji \\/ 1 ■ \ \ m I 29c IRISH POPLIN j 15c PAJAMA CHECKS j 69c MUSLIN SHEETS 75c MUSLIN SHEETS f Remnant lengths jm 30 inches wide, m mm >-v _ „ J in white nnd colors, fIV. white and colors; 4 / a very desirable | g* ' good grade. Wed- |S I fl* madtwith heavy quality, seam-jU | a quality In a 28-inch ■ —K S B in center. Special A ■ less. Special Ved-i|>El K ( width. Wednesday JL Zf \j "esday only, spe- \j Wednesday V nesdayfor V \j f i| only, n yard, special. olal. a yard t r V BARGAIN BASEMENT V— BARGAIN. BASEMENT ' BARGAIN BASEMENT BARGAIN BASEMENT J of a young ~irl who lias never had! real, honest parentu who could or would show her the l'lirhi road to happiness— thc-y were, thieves—she had thieves for companions—and yet despite all these burdensome handicaps works out her own reformation and happiness. Earle Williams and Edith Storey are also shown to-day in the final chapter of "The Scarlet Itunner." for Wednesday the Victoria presents Mrs. Vernon Castle in the serial plcturlzation, 'Patrla." It is n brilliant film of so olety and romance and preparedness. 'tlATifcyMQtflf: EVt JiMtlC-,30.1gin Fireside Reverie | A l*lnt.v Musical Comedy oHfrlu* j with proplf. I'uir other good Keith altnellona. Coming Thursday C A IT. GEORGE AUGER The inllrat man In the world. All patrons oyer feet U go In free. I *\ Seek Dark Man 'o Hand Him SIOO,OOO Denver, 0010., Jan. 23. There's a dark man somewhere in Colorado who can have a bundle of money if he'll Just speak up. He's short and stout, and fourteen years ago, when last heard from, he had black hair, and If A Sit' SK M EN TS : REGENT THEATER To-day only, Cleo Itldsrley and Wallace Held, In an unnsunl society drama, "The Yellow I'awn." Added attraction Mutual Weekly, koiv- Ing Current Events. Victor Moore Comedy. To-morrow and Wednesday, Panl lue Frederick la "Sinnette of the Wilds." A ihrilllnit and romantic tale of the ltoyal Canadian Mounted Po lice. Friday and Saturday, double at traction, "The Martyrdom of Philip Btn>(" with Mohert Conneaa and Mabel Trunnelle and Charlie Chaplin In a return engagement of "The Mill." Admission I Adults, 10e| Children, sc. h ' JANUARY 23, 1917. he makes his Identity known he can collect $ 100,000. I That Is the amount which awaits Lewis Dodge as a result of the death of his brother, Cliurles H. i lJodge, well-to-do merchant of I'rovi , dence, R. I. The search for Lewis I Dodge is being made by John E. Can tield, of Greeley, Colo., nephew of ' Charles Dodge's partner. ' Lewis Dodge came to the Canfleld ranch thirty years ago. Until 1902 he corresponded regularly with his east ern relatives. Then liis letters ceased after he left the Canfleld employ and wandered away. Falls 15 Feet in Auto at 76, but Is Unhurt Mullca Hill., X, J., Jan. 23. —For- imcr Sheriff Frank H. lUdgway, who Is | 7