Deaths FORKH¥ Caroline E. Forney, aged 1 i years, at her home, 2623 lierr street. Fenbrook. . Funeral on Wednesday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment East Harris burs Cemetery. HOW On Saturday evening. January 13. 1917. Mrs. Annie Beach How, wite ot Jacob C. How, died at her her late Home, No. 1907 Forster street, used Funeral services will be held at the above address on Wednesday after noon, at 2:30 o'clock. Relatives and friend.3 are invited to attend without turtner notice. SCOL'T Mrs. Eliza Jane Scout died Friday morning: at her home, in n.age lnont. Death was uue to a complica tion of diseases. She is survived by the following: Mrs. Bertha Dean, 01 St. Louis, Mo.; Miss Margaret Snyder, Mrs. Edna Stetler, the iUisses Maine and Naomi, and two sons, Herman At. and George G., all of Harrisburg. Age u7 years. .. funeral will be held Tuesday after noon. at the home of her uaughter, IS3'J Eleventh street. interment in East Harrisburg Cemetery. lrlcnds ana relatives cordially invited to at tend without further notice. ETTELE Mary Catherine Peebles Ettele. wife of the late Henry Etteiv, died Saturday, January 13, at her home, in MidUietown, Fa. Funeral Thursaay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from 42 West Main street. LONGEKECKER Died. llarr W. Longenecker, on Sunday, January 14, 131.. aged years. 1' uneral 011 Wednesday, at 2-30 o'clock, from residence, No. IS4O State street. _ Kelatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Inter ment private. DUXKEL On January 13. 1317, Cor nelius Dunkel, ageu "in years, 3 months and 20 days. iirlet services 1 uesday afternoon,_at 1:30 o'clock, at his late residence, 2720 jetferson street. Furtiier services at Shoop's Church, at 2:30. Interment shoop's Cnurcii Cemetery. The rela tives and friends arc invited to at tend without further notice. MII.iL.EII —On Sunday. January 14, 11)17, John F. Miller, aged 54 years, I months and 6 days. v uneral on Thursday afternoon, at 2 o clock, from his late residence, 1232 Wainut street. Kelatives ana friends are mviteO to attend without further notice. WELSH on Saturday morning, Janu ary 13, 191". Mrs. Mary C. Welsh, aged 71 years, died at her late home, V22A Penn street. . .. Funeral services will be held on Tuesaay afternoon, January 10, at I o'clock. Kelatives and friends are in vited to attena without turtner notice. Burial East Harrisuurg Cemetery. CLOUSER — On January 12, 1917, Helen P. Clouser, wite 01 Harry Clouser, aged 27 years. .. . ine relatives and friends are invited to attend the tuneial services Tues uay afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from the late resiuence, 045 Dauphin street. 1 nterment East Harrisou 1 g Cemetery. Lost anu round LOST On Saturday evening, be tween Tenth and Market and Sixtu and Emerald, 1311 High School classpin. Ini tials M. M. S. Keturn to Telegraph Office. DOST Seven rings and breastpin that was dropped at Fourth and Black berry streets, if returned by the party s-een picking them up, to the Telegraph Office, they will be rewarded. XjOST Brown Cocker Spaniel, with in the last three weeks. Keward if re turned to No. 301 North Front street, C 1 ty. _ Help Wanted —Male WANTED Teamster who can drive truck on farm, married man without children; reference required. Apply Kiverside Drive. J. S. Hargest. WANTED —Good boy. with reference, to work in store; give age; wages. $lO per week. Answer to Box K., ojiS. care of Telegraph. WANTED 2O laborers at *2.60 per day. Fay every night. Report at Kutherford Bridge, 6:30 A. M. On Hum me Is town car line. Duquesue Contract ing Co. UOKSESHOEK WANTED As as sistant at the Beaufort t arms Black smith. Apply to E. B. Mitchell. 109 North street, Ilarrlsburg. Fa. TIMEKEEPERS AND COST-CEERKS needed for construction jobs. State full particulars. The Austin Co., 53 Trans portation Building. Philadelphia. KEEPER WANTED in the vegetable department. Married man preferred. Must have had farm experience. Apply to E. B. Mitchell. WANTED —SO able-bodied men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent ot Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., liarris burg, Pa. CIGAR MAKERS Wanted at Lewlsberry, Pa. Either hand or shape workmen. Houses may be rented cheaply in factory vicinity. Apply Fac tory, Lewlsberry, Pa. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK examina tion February 10. Special preparation at Young Men" Business Institute. Small lee charged. Day or night. WANTED Boy, from 16 to 18, V work in store. Call between 5 and 6 any evening at 8 North Third street. RAILWAY MAIL CLERK EXAMINA TION FEBRUARY H>. at Harrisburg; ages 18-35. Thorough correspondence instruction. $5; ample time for prepara tion; request particulars. Federal Civil Service School, Kellogg Building, Washington, D. C. SH')EB First and second lasters on ladies' high-grade turn shoes. Plenty work and good job. Smaltz Goodwin Co., 315 North Twelfth street, Philadelphia, Pa. BOY 18 years old wanted to work In butcher shop. Apply Buehler Bros., 43a Market street. Where Can You Duplicate This Business Location? 14 N. THIRD STREET On one of the most traveled streets in Harrisburg and only 'a few doors from Market street. Knowledge of the growth of the shopping district, and every-day business judgment will prove to the retail merchant the wisdom and importance of securing a permanent location, now. This property is for sale subject to the present lease. MILLER BROTHERS & CO., cSS? sEI* Member Harrisburg Keal Estate Board MONDAY EVENING, HAVE YflU A ROOM TO RENT? . CALL BELL 4100! Help Wanted —Male . WANT Young men to learn auto -1 mobile business, to become practical r mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money 1 at the rate of 20c per hour between ■ class hours. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. I&0 in cash required. Auto Transporta ' lion Scnool. *7-29 North Cameron s street. i WANTED Hustling Ford owner to take agenc> for Ford Auto Power 3 Transmitter, a new article on the mar ■ ket. Operates farm machinery of any 1 description when attached to Ford t engine. Easily attached and detached. Address 1114 Capital street, Harrisburg, - Pa. 1 WANTED First-class Molder* - ami Coremakers, experienced on Gen r era! Machine Csstlngs. Steady work t and good wages. Apply in person to BETHLEHEM STEEL COMPANY. Employment Department, 1 Sparrow's Point, Md. WANTED—Competent sales . man to represent us with our line ! of calendars for local trade; must be a hustler; one with car pre ferred ; good reference required. ! Apply Meyers Mfg. Co., Third and Cumberland streets, Harris -1 burg, Pa. GREGG & PITMAN shorthand are taught at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS ' INSTITUTE by iale University Graau -1 ate. ! SALESMAN for Clothing Department. , Appiy steelton Store Co., Steelton. WANTED Electricians and helpers. Dauphin Electrical Supply Co., 434 Mai ket street. GOOD, strong, healthy boy* over I*. Apply Superintendent The Telegrapa ; muting Co.. Harrisuurg. Pa. Help Wanted—remale WHITE GIRL to do general house work; references desired. Apply 1600 Market street. WANTED A reliable nurse girl for kindergarten. Apply 1505 Nor ( tn Sec ■ ond street. WANTED, AT ONCE A young girl, schoolgirl prefered, to help with light housework. Apply 314 Chestnut street. EXPERIENCED Salesladies wanted immediately. Competent help can se cure good position. Also girls 16 and over to learn to sell merchandise. Ap piy to Mr. Greene, ground floor, As ' trich's. WANTED Clerk, with knowledge of typewriting. Must be fair penman. Apply Mr. Schell, Automatic Electric Company. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT thoroughly from any pattern. Make dresses for yourself while learning. Day and even ing classes. Mine. Henaerson, 528 North street. WANTED A reliable white girl for general housework in an apart ment. Must be good, plain cook and waitress. No washing. Wages, $5.00 per week. Telephone 1658. WANTED We have just completed the in stallation of new and additional machinery in our plant and are needing, at once, fifty (50) girls for operators. A liberal bonus is paid all employes, and learners are paid Five ($5.00) Dollars per week while learning. Blough Manufacturing Company, Reily and Fulton Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Middle-aged woman to assist with housework; one accustomed to children. Apply 1411 North Second street. WANTED —Experienced sew ing machine operators to make 1 ladies' and children's wear; best pay and easy work. Our new factory at Sixth and Herr streets will be completed in a few weeks and will be equipped with the latest convenience and comforts for our operators. Harrisburg apparel Co., over City Star Laun dry, State street, rear entrance. WANTED Girls to make straight shape on hand work. Rolling 44c; bunching 22c. We teach suction rollers to make hand work. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race Street WHITE GIRL WANTED For gen eral housework; two in family; good wages. 2137 Green street. WANTED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learners. Pay good wages while learning. Apply to Steel ton Glove Company, Second and Hotter | streets, Steelton, Pa. WANTED Girls 16 years ' and over, experienced and learn ; ers. Apply Harrisburg Silk Mill, Corner of North and Second streets. Situations Wanted —Male WANTED Expert chauffeur wan .a position. Can repnir uutomobiles in all 1 branches. Furnish best of references. Apply to Henry Johnson, 136 South Front street, Steelton, Pa. 1 Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Toung woman wants position with dressmaker; experienced. Address M., 5577. care of Telegraph. | ! [ PROPERTY TO SELL? If in this - city there should be but ten possible or probable buyers of your property, it would be worth to ONE of these ten per cent, more than to any of the other nine. Through your advertising you should be able to get in touch with the ONE PERSON TO WHOM YOUR J PROPERTY IS WORTH MOST, t When you do that you will have little trouble in closing the transaction. i * ___ ' __ Situations Wanted —Female WANTED Young, whltf .. mail wants position doing upstairs jrk or dlnlngroom work. Call Bell phono 1712R, or 109 South Fourteenth street. WANTED A middle-aged white woman, and reliable, wants cooking in . private family, where she can go home ' nights, in central part of city. M., 4741, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young woman desires place as private telephone operator; ex perienced. Address is., 473!), care of Telegraph. , , Real Estate For Sale NEW DWELLING, with steam heat and all other improvements for sale. .Let us show you this property. Th® Srlce is right. Bell Realty Co., Bergner u 1 Id Ing. WHY NOT INSPECT No. 1518 Fifth street corner property suitable for business. Price is right and the time to act on this property is now. Bell Kealty Co., Bergner Building. FOK SALE—I 733 Sixth street —frame building, dwelling and store lot, 28x 120. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. NO. 674 SCHUYLKILL STREET Frame bungalow for sale; six rooms, bath, gas, hot water heat, large porches, cemented cellar; price very low. Bell , Kealty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE; 3-story buff brick house; nine rooms and bath; gas; elec tric; chestnut finish; street in rear; ex cellent condition. Bargain. Apply 1931 Park street. THAT RIVER ROAD property at Heckton is really cheap at $1,700. Good house; lot, 50x400. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. ANOTHER VACANT HOUSE, prac tically new, for $lB per month. Only SIOO cash needed. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. 215 FRONT STREET, MARYSVILLE —Good, single, frame dwelling; 8 rooms and bath; ail improvements; lot, 62x130; large porches; chickeuhouse and ice house. This is an unusually attractive property. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 624 PEFFER STREET 3-story brick corner lo rooms, bath and storeroom; lot, 20x6; good condition; all improvements. Would make an ex cellent apartment location. Price, $4,300.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. 332 BROAD STREET BUSINESS PROPERTY, opposite Broad Street Mar ket. Storeroom, 9 rooms, bath, steam heat and electricity. Lot, 20x131 to ; Sayford avenue. Room for garage. CHAS. ADLEK, 1002 North Third street. FOR SALE Residence No. 427 Pef -1 fer street. Cottage style frame dwell , iug, open on ail sides. Front, side and rear yards. Lot, 32 by 100 ft. All im provements. Five rooms first floor, Ave bedrooms and bath seccmd floor. Built by owner for his own occupancy. No. 2622 Lexington street. Three story pressed brick corner. Side and rear yards, steam heat and hardwood tloorlng. Finished In chestnut, in ex cellent condition. A bargain. No. 1635 N. Seventh street. Three story name dwelling, with bath. A good paying investment properly. Inquire of B. F. Umberger, 108 North Second street, or 427 Pelter street. FOR SALE—Reglna street. No. 1526, three-story frame house with modern improvements, front porch and side en trance. A very desirable home. Price, $3,000. J. E. Gipple, 1261 Market street. FOR SALE—North Fifteenth street, No. 10, modern three-story frame house, all improvements, porch and side en trance, and conveniently located. Price, $3,000. J. E. Gipple, 120 l Market street. EXCHANGE STABLE FOR SALE OR I RENT On Fulton street. Farm lor j rent or sale. House In Llnglestown, i acre ground, SIO.OO month. Possession immediately. Inquire 2217 North Fifth street. ______ FOR SALE Second St., No. 1917. If you are interested in a cheap home or apartment location. Inspect this prop erty at $6,260. H. C. BRANDT. 16 North Third Street. FOR SALE ll4 Washington street, corner River alley, two-and-one-half story frame; eight rooms and a bath, all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two-and-one-hall-story frame; elftht rooms and oath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at a bargain. vpply K.eeney it Simmons, New Cumberland. FOR SALE North Seventeenth street. No. 89, nine-room brick house, with steam heat and hardwood floors, well located and In good repair. Price, I $3,450. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR SALE House 1718 Green street; 8 rooms with bath; lot, 21 ft. 6 in. by 87 ft; front and back porch; side and back alley; furnace. Phone 3023 M. Real Estate For Rent FOR HUNT —lß3l State street; all improvements; rent, $25 per month. Apply Geo. W. Ortn, 1720 North Sixth street. FOR RENT 2359 Prospect St. $14.00 2014 Swatara St 20.00 2029 Swatara St 21.00 All Improvements; steam heat. In quire of Erwin Johnson, 2111 Swatara street. Bell phone 1897 J. FOR RENT Bl3 North Second —3-story brick 9 rooms and bath— all improvements. Possession April 1— possibly earlier. Apply 1100 North Front street. FOR RENT Three-story house, j 3219 North Third street; gas and all other modern improvements; hardwood Unish throughout; large lot and . chlckenhouse. Call Bell pnone 3622J-2. FOR RENT One house in Hainton; ■ six rooms; front, side and rear porches; electric lights; large garden in rear. Inquire of John Hain, Hainton. Bell phone. FOR RENT Brick house. No. 807 North Eighteenth street; steam heat; electric light; porch and tide entrance. '■ Rent, $26. J. E. Gipple, I*6l Market, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Rent STOREROOMS FOR RENT No. oo Soutn Cameron Street. No. 60 South Cameron Street. Apply ta South Cameron Street. Real Estate For bale or Rent 2427 NORTH SIXTH ST. All Im provements. C. H. ltinter. Room 300. Commonwealth Trust Building. Bell phone 1821. NORTH FIFTH STREET HOMES Located at 2313-15-17 North Fifth street. Easy terms. Fred C. Miller, Builder, 213 Walnut street, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 797 M. Real Estate Wanted HOUSE WANTED Five or six rooms and bath, within about fifteen or twenty minutes' walk to the Square. Address A., 557 a, care of Telegrapn. For bale —Miscellaneous FOR SALE White iron bed, bureau, mission morris chair, electric lamp, hand vacuum cleaner, combination coal and gas range, refrigerator. Prices rea sonable. Bell phone 4419. FOR SALE—Victrola; used 8 months; good as new; a reliable party can ar range part cash; rest to suit buyer. Aa dress S„ 5433, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Two cast iron section model steam heating boilers. Suit gar age, church, factory or other large building. Also steam heating Harris burg boiler, suitable for residence heating. F. R. Laverty, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 1857. FOR SALE. CHEAP One iron bed one pair springs, one dresser, one kitchen table, chairs and kitchen cabi net, one three-burner oil stove, one re frigerator. Apply 231 South Fifteenth street. DININGROOM TABLE, four leather seated chairs, early English finish, good as new; reasonable. Bell phone 304&J-1. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER, like new. Will sell cheap for cash. Address R., 4740, care of Telegraph. BRASS BED, SPRINGS AND MAT TRESS, stand, dresser and two rugs 9x12. All in good condition. Price rea sonable. Call 18 Nortn Third street, or Bell phone 4565 J. FOR SALE 3 Pool Tables, in good condition. Two 4%x9, one 4xß. New clotn, cues, racks. Bargain. W. H. Hetney, Duncannon, Pa. REMOVAL SALE Everything in stock uust be sold account of moving to new location about February 1, 1315 North Third street. N. Brenner, 423 Walnut street. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board, Upson Walt Board Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Garage. Cheap rent. Phone 4570. FOR RENT 3,000 square feet of floor space for storage or light manu facturing. Well lighted. Call at 1520 Fulton street. ' FOR RENT Desk room in down town office, centrally located. Address P. O. Box No. 367, Harrisburg, Pa, STOREROOM FOR RENT No. 110 North second street About 12 4x37 feet newly finished centrally lo cated. Rent reasonable. Ready for oc cupancy. inquire o< L. Mlnter, 19 South Second street. Bell phone 4282. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. DESK ROOM FOR RENT Good lo calion, near Post Office, ground lloor Inquire Typewriter office, 211 Locust atreet. Apartments Jbor Kent FOR RENT First floor ap.irtment, 1017 North Front street. Five rooms and bath. Front and rear porch. Pos session February 1. Garage in rear also for rent. Guy H. Davies, Attor ney General's Department. SECOND ST., TOO Five and six rooms with porcli; most pleasant and open surroundings In city. Rooms For Rent SECOND FLOOR ROOM Also first I floor room. Both front rooms. All im provements. 408 Briggs. Bell phone 3244 M. FOR RENT Furnished room facing Capitol Park; stationary washstanu electric ligfits, city steam; use of large bathroom and Bell plione. Apply 410 North street. LARGE AND ATTRACTIVE ROOMS FOR ReNT With hot and cold run ning water in rooms. Terms reason able. Apply 801 North Sixth street Piione 1085 J. FURNISHED ROOM~FOR RENT Electric lights, city steam heat; second lloor front. Apply 1101 North Sixth street. Ring proprietor's belL 257 FORSTER ST., large furnished front room, with bay winaow and bath attached; steam heat; electric lights use of phone; suitable for two gentle men or man and wife. FOR RENT oa second floor, two rooms and bath: steam heat, electric light, hardwood floors, nicely furnished Apply at Storeroom 925 North Third street. FOR RENT Very desirable furnish ed rooms, singly or en suite; all con veniences; references required. Call 1016 North Front street. Rooms Wanted ROOM Refined gentleman desires comfortably furnished room, with use of bath, etc., central part of city. Pri vate family preferred. Reference given. I Address M„ 4742, care oI Telegraph. Farms WOULD like to buy a farm; posses sion April 1; slate location, kind of buildings aim lowest price. Address M., 5580, caro of Telegraph. FARM WANTED Small farm of about rtve acres in York county, six or eight miles from Harrisburg; give price and particulars. Address P., 4743, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE IDEAL 4-ACRE POULTRY FARM, on State Highway, one-half mile P. It. It. station; li a miles to Elizabethvllle, a good manutacturing town; two houses, main house 6 rooms, newly painted and papered; second house, a rooms, in ■fair shape; good barn, chlckenhouse and pigsty; a va riety of fruit; good, close neighbors; one-fourth-mile to church; good well; small stream through lurni. A snap at $700.00. Address K. E. Koppenhaver, Elizabethville, Pa. FARM FOR SALE At a sacrifice it sold at once. About nine miles from Harrisburg in Cumberland county on Statu road. New house and all neces sary buildings. Contains about 63 acres. Reason for selling, party going to Florida. Possession at once or April 1. Call Hell phone 861 M. SMALL POULTRY FARM 1 to 6 acres, not more than 6 miles from Har risburg. Near trolley preferred. House, stable, chickenhouso. Box 7, Dauphin, Pa; .Wanted —Miscellaneous WOULD like to have on hand about SI,OOO worth of good, second-nand fur : nilure. Highest cash prices paid tor Furniture, Moves and Carpets. Bell phone 3387 R. 324 Reiiy street. WANTED Old False Teeth. Don't matter if broken. 1 pay SI.OO to $5.00 per set. Mail to L. Mazer, 2007 South i'lfth street, Philadelphia, Pa. vVill send cash by return mail. WANTED. AUTOMOBILES IN ANY CONDITION, to sell or buy. Why not consign your car with us to avoid i trouble and worry in trying to dispose of it. We make no charges for storage or lor any repairs while car la on sale. Auto Transportation Co., 27-29 North Cameron street. Business i J ersonals AUTO FOR HIRE at reasonable rates. Day or night service. Phone 3SSJ. Day ton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. WE don't buy rags, but pay HIGHEST CASH PRICES lor ladies', rentiemen's good CLOTH IN O AND SHOES. Also Furniture and Carpels. Send postal lo 636 Herr street. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handleu —one eye always open. BELL PHONE 4399. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases I drummers' samples; positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call ana be convinced. Also overcoats and cloth ing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. Cohen & Son, Ke liable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market "tree, at subway. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO. Mill work of all kinds. Estimates cheerfully given. 821 North Seventh street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED ALL kinds of SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED, 25c doz., ex cept Star heavy, log; old style, 25c each. HENRY GILBERT & SONS, 219 Market street. FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street. Harrisburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell 1960. WE BUY Tin and Lead Foil, Lead Pipe, Brass, Copper and Scrapiron. Also , Magazines, Books, Newspapers and Mix ed Paper. Highest Prices. HARRIS BURG JUNK COMPANY. 526 West ave nue. Bell phone 4024 J. Wagon will ; call. : UPHOLSTERING And furniture re pairing; mattresses renovated and cush ions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, [ 320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. VACUUM CLEANERS New ' chines, FOR RENT. Ask Martin. Beli 862 M. ! CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest c;.sh prices and sold ! reasonable. S. Refkln. 407 Broad street, 1 Bell phone 8880. I Business Opportunities SILENT OR ACTIVE PARTNER with ■ $2,500 cash to invest for one-half inter -1 est in high-class establshed business in . Harrisburg. Past and present business ' assures 5 per cent, a month on invest ment. Address Y., 4736, care of Tele graph. SEVERAL BUSINESS PROPOSITIONS • for sale at reasonable prices. Restau rant, grocery store, barber shop, drug store, etc.; complete information from j Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. > Business Opportunities HOTEL OPPORTUNITY FOR SALE Furniture and Fixtures 1 of the Florin Inn, a road house with all modern conveniences. License, SIOO. j Rent, $50.00 per month. Address J. G. f Forney, No. 05 North Queen street, Lan caster, Pa. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY—For 1 sale. Job Printery. Established in present location 21 years. Electrically " equipped. Annual Business, SIO,OOO. In ' the heart of Wilkes-Barre, population ' 90,000. Reason for selling, death of owner. For particulars address Harold A. Clark, 22 Public Square. Wilkes ' Barre. Pa. ANY intelligent person can earn good income corresponding for newspapers, ■ experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 792 Lock port, N. Y. ; Money to .Loan ' HAVE ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS to buy an active interest in some business . in or near Harrisburg. Business must . be a live one and proposition on the t level. Box B, 6432, care of Telegraph. MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate security in any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174, Harrisburg, Ta. $1,700.00 AND $1,200.00 to loan on first . mortgage at six per cent, interest. Ad , dress "C." P. O. Box 776, Harrisburg, MONEY ADVANCED to housekeep ' era at legal rates; business confiden ; tlal. Proilt Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spoouer Building, D North Market ' Square. i , Hauling and Moving NATIONAL TRANSFER Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. H. W. Lathe, Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone 3029 J. Storage STORAGE in 3-story brick building. 1 rear 408 Market street. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to P. G. Dlener, Jeweler, 40X Market St. STORAGE—Private rooms for house hold goods in fireproof warehouse, $2 per month and up. Lower storage rates in nun-fireproof warehouse. HARRIS BURG STORAGE CO.. 437-446 South Second street. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods, merchandise. Private rooms, sl-$3. Wagons, 75 cents montiL D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Bou> : phones. Musical VICTROLA I have a $75 mahogany, new Victrola, with 14 records. Will sell cheap to quick buyer. Good reason for selling. Address R., 4738, care of Tele graph. JANUARY 15, 1917. PRICES MAKE UPWARD MOVE 1 Trading Becomes More Active; Equipments Higher; Rails Back New York, Jan. 15. Trading be came slightly more active and prices made additional upward progress, ex cept for a further decline in Central Leather and a setback in rubber. Most of the better known equipments, coppers, oils, shippings and motors were higher by 1 to 2 points, with 2% for Pressed Steel Car. Except for Canadian Pacific which | rose two points, rails held back on | very light dealings. Little attention was paid to last Saturday's bank statement and other favorable de velopments over the week end. Bonds were firm. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members Now Fork and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 North Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 3 4 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Jan. 15. Open. Clos. . Allis-Chalmers 27 27% American Beet Sugar ... A3 92% American Can 44% 45 American C & F 65 66 % American Ice Securities . 30 30 American Locomotive .. 75% 75% American Smelting .... 106% 106% \ American Sugar 111% 11% I Anaconda 83 84% Atchison 104% 104% Baldwin locomotive ... 55 55% Baltimore & Ohio 83% 83% Bethlehem Steel 470 470 Butte Copper 46 46% California Petroleum ... 24% 25% Canadian Pacific 158% 159% Central Leather 90% 89% Chesapeake & Ohio .... 63% 03% Chicago, Mil and St Paul 90% 90% , Chicago, R 1 and Pacific 30% 31% Chino Con Copper 55 54 | Colorado Fuel and Iron. 45% 45% , Corn Products 21% 21% Crucible Steel 62% 62% Distilling Securities .... 26 26% Erie 32% 32% General Electric Co 168 V'. 168 V, Goodrich B F 55% 55% Great Northern pfd .... 116 116 Great Northern Ore subs 35% 35% Inspiration Copper 56 56% Interboro-Metropolitan. . 15 15% Kennecott Copper 45% 45% Lackawanna Steel 83% 84% Lehigh Valley 1 771^ Maxwell Motors 52% 53% Merc Mar ctfs 24% 24% ; Merc Mar ctfs pfd 80% 80% Mex Petroleum 'lO4 103% Miami Copper 41 40% New York Central 101 101 Vi N Y N H and H 47 46% I N Y O and W 28 28 Nor and West 133% 134 , Pacific Mail 20 20 Penna Railroad 56% 56% ' Ray Con Copper 26% 26% I Reading 99% 100 , Republic Iron and Steel. 77% 77% 1 (Southern Pacific 96% 97% !Southern Ry 30% 30% ' Studebaker 105 105 [ Texas Oil 230 232 Union Pacific 143% 143% [ Musical WE BUY, sell and exchange all disc records; dispose of your old records; we pay the highest cash prices. Open every evening. Stauiter Alusiu House. 315 jJroad street. ZKMBKA MANDOLIN CLUB plays the latest selections for all occasions. House parties our specialty. For tull informa tion address the Manager, P. o. iiox 343, OLD VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. TjuT TAKS, BANJOS bought, sold, exenanged Artistic repairing on ail stringed in : struuients. Bows rehaited. Tone re storing a specialty. Ui-ACi£, nu-i Heir Btreet. 1 FREE I will show any person the factory way of polishing turniture free l with every order for piano tuning at 1 1-1.50. Twenty-live years' experience. Address Factory Tuner, 622 Noun Third street. BRING your phonograph and Victrola ! to Stauiter Music House, 315 Broad street, if it needs repairing. We guar ; antee our worK. Open every evening. Automobiles FOR SALE 1915 Chandler car. Price reasonable. Apply 1103 Cowden street. ! TWO-TON REO TRUCK 1916 model; good as new. Miller Auto Co. 68 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Seven-passenger Over land Touring Car. Extras ana tires. In ' splendid condition. No reasonable ot ter refused. Cash or terms. Address J., care of Telegraph. TIRE REPAIRING We repair all 1 makes of pneumatic auto and motor cycle tires successfully. Good service 'lire Co., 1019 Market street. FOR SALE Used tires. Sizes, 30x3 37x5%. New tires at one-half price! 37x5, 35x5, 35x4. Assortment of new aud used tubes. CRESCENT AUTO GAK AGU. 232 South street. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it to or exchange it witn us for a better one. Our cnarges for ; sellin? are 6 per cent. only. No storage charges if car is not sold. AUTO TRANSPORTATION EXCHANGE DE PARTMENT, 27-29 1 North Cameron BUICK ROADSTER With bramT new set of tires, in excellent condition Built for city aid country use. Address Box S., 5431, care of Telegraph. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLES BOUGHT FOR HIGHEST CASH PRICES. Drop card and buyer will call. Address Motor cylcle Exchange, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Barley-Davidson twin cylinder, two-speed, fully equipped in line condition, $125. Inquire 343 Necta rine street. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE _ Also Thor and Harley-Davidson for sale cheaD just been overhauled; all twin cylinders and in good condition. C. H. Uhler 1317 Perry street. Legal Notices NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the State Capital Savings and Loan Association will be held at Its office, 108 North Second street. Harrisburg, on Monday, Janu ary 22d, 1917, at 11 a. m. for the gen eral transaction of business. JOHN P. MELICK, Secretary. Pennsylvania State Highway Depart ment, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Sealed proposals will be received at said office until 10 A. M„ of the following days for the following materials to be used in the mainte nance work of the Department: Janu ary 29, dynamite, caps, fuse, exploders; January 29 and 30, pea gravel or stone chips; January 30, culvert pipe: January 30 and 31, crushed stone; February 1, furnishing and applying bituminous materials. Bids will ire publicly opened and scheduled and conrtacts awarded as soon thereafter as possible. Bidding blanks, specifications and full particu lars on application to F. B. Black, State .\ Willys-Overland 36 35%! rniLADELI'IHA PRODUCE! Philadelphia, Jan. 15. Wheat —* £ red, spot and January, ® 1 ' ' faout hern, red, $1.9:3 ~< t ?^ steady; No. 2, yellow* 11.11 %e,1.i2%; No. 3, yellow, sl.lo%<&> 1,11%. No i. yellow. SI.OB ® 1.09 % ; yellow, ?!!o6@'i Southern 64;i a^6i^;^tw^ dy 6 : 2% N^63 2 b. Wh,te ' Bran The market is higher; City it,,lis, um. * u.OU, .. oai etn winter, n-r .., n *26 f.o- soft, winter, |3 e 3.50 O "3 1 $ 0d; 5 °® 35,00: BPrinS ' Per tOD -1 Refined Sugars Market steady: powdered, 6.85 c; fine granulated, 6.75 c; I confectioners' A. 6.65cr ••••. 1 Butter The market Is unchanged! western, creamery, extras, 40®41c; nearby prints, fancy, 43c. Eggs— The market is firm; r'eniitfyivaum and utiier nearby time*, free case?, $15.30 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $15.00 per case: western, extras, lirsts, free cases. per case; do., firsts, free cusea, $15.00 per case. Live Poultry The market is steady: fowls, 18© 19c; roosters. 14®15c; sprina chickens, 17® 19c; turkeys. £2®24ca ducks, 18@20c: geese, 18®21c. Dressed Poultry Market firm: fowls, fancy, 23Vi@24c; do., good to choice, 2.!®23c; do., small sizes. 17®21c: old roosters, 17c; roasting chick ens. western. 20(026c; broiling chickens, western, 18®25c; do., nearby, 30®35c: Spring ducKs. nearby. 2233c; do., weati ern, fancy, large, 31®32c; do., western, i fair to good. 29®30n: do., common, 24 14.25. Sheep Receipts, 13,000; firm. Wethers, $9.60®10.70; lambs, $11.60® 14.1 a. Hogs Receipts, 68,000; strong, 5a above Saturday's average. Bulk of sales, $10.60® 10.80: light, slo.lo® 10.8#: mixed, $10.45®10.90: heavy, $10.50® 10.95; rough, $10.50@10.60; pigs, $7.85<3> CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE Chicago, 111., Jan. 15.—Board of Trad* closing: Wheat—May, 1.84%; Julv, 1.48%. Corn—May, 98%: July. 97%. Oats—May, 57; July, 64%. Pork—January, 29.25; May, 29.60. Lard—January, 15.52; May, 15.95. Ribs—January, 14.72; May, 15.12. Adjutant Walmer Installs Officers of Zinn Posi Meclianicsburg, Pa., Jan. 15. —At a meeting of Col. 11. I. Zinn Post, No, 415, G. A. R., the following officers elected for the ensuing year were in stalled by Comrade N. A. Walmer, ad jutant of Post No. 58 of Harrisburg, who was especially detailed for this duty by orders from department head quarters: Post commander, H. S. Mohler; sen ior vice-commander, Henry Moyer; junior vice-commander, Samuel R, Coover; adjutant, F. K. Ployer; quar termaster, William E. Strock; officer of the day, J. C. Reeser; quartermas ter sergeant, Jacob Kimmel; sergeant major, S. S. Dlehl; patriotic instruc tor, F. K. Ployer; inside guard, George W. Baish; outer guard, William H. Wilson. The chaplain and surgeon elect, the Rev. J. L. Nicholas and J. D. Blair, respectively, not being present, their installation was deferred to a subsequent meeting. Comrade Wal mer, assisted by Comrade F. 11. Hoy, of Post 58, as officer of the day, per. formed the service. (Addresses were made by Comrades Walmer, A. W. Black. E. B. Hoffman and F. H. Hoy, all members of Post 58, and by Adjutant Ployer, of tha local Post. Trustees Bring Suit to Recover Subscriptions Waynesboro, Pa., Jan. 15.—Thred suits of rather unusual nature have been filed In Chambersburg. They were brought to recover subscriptions made to the Y. M. C. A. of Waynes boro, which built and now occupies a magnificent structure erected at a cost of SIOO,OOO. The suits were brought by W. T. Omwake, J. J. Oiler and D. W. Hess, trustees of the Waynes boro beneficent fund to the use of the Waynesboro Y. M. C. A. against Grace Philips Cranwell and James H< Cranwell, M. H. Landis and J. E. Beck, all of Waynesboro. There are many: subscriptions to this fund that still remain unpaid and It is the Intention of the trustees to collect same by] due process of law. FRANK R. LEIB & SON Real Estate and Insurance Office, No. 18 North Third St. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE Store and dwelling, corner Sixth and Calder streets, 3-story brick building; all improvements. 1415 and 1417 Shoop St, 2%- story frame dwellings. Price right to quick buyer. 1010 N. Third St., 3-story brick store and apartment building, store room 63x15 and a 3-room apart ment on first floor. Two apart ments, 3 rooms each or one 6-room and bath apartment, second floor 3-room and bath apartment on third floor. Electric light, city steam, on lot 20x155, Myrtle ave nue, in rear. FOR RENT 117 Reily street, 3-story brick; all Improvements, $40.00. 13