Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 18, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    The Globe "The Big Friendly Store"
Do Your Shopping Early
Come Out Tonight t
As an especial convenience to those of I JCTAJBI
our patrons who work until 6, THE irnffSw
GLOBE will be open to-night until 10 1/ i ilpSj
p. m. and every night till Christmas, so \jLJr
that shopping may be done with comfort l|m| ~
The largest salesforce that we have ever had is
ready to render a most courteous and efficient \f*h | f ®kZvrVr
Special House Coats at (Cr - I y
A belated shipment has just i 1 "
arrived House Coats that ■ £#
were bought a year ago—manufac- • W WB HI r^Ztmi^SA
turer had difficulty in securing —-JMpjffllllllMM
piece goods—all of which means | IwMni'^l
that you prolit by the delay for values such as these 1 '
if bought to-day would sell at $6.50 —all sizes up to —Wr
48—see these exceptional value House Coats.
nnfl'T' T Have your children
lot. uLUdL
Representatives of labor unions in
the city will meet to-night at 0.30
o'clock and at 7.30 o'clock in Fackler's
hall to discuss plans for the labor
parade to be held January 1 in the
morning as an "eight-hour law dem
onstration." ' Members of White Block j
Lodge, No. 127. Brotherhood of Rail
road Trainmen, are making arrange
ments for the parade together with
the other organization representatives.
Aides and other parade officials will
be announced later in the week.
Improve Your Complexion
Get your blood pure, keep the liver active and the
bowels regular, and disfiguring pimples and unsightly
blotches will disappear from the face. For improving
the complexion and putting the blood in good order
are safer,, better and surer than cosmetics. They
eliminate poisonous matters from the system, strength
en the organs and purify the blood—bring the health
glow to the cheeks, brighten the eyes, improve and
Beautify the Skin
Direction* of Special Value to Women are with Every Box.
Sold by druggists throughout the world. la boxe*, 10c., 25c.
fkfK FOR A $7.50
Only 28 left. Hemeinber theae ere the only guaranteed trains on the market.
YINGST ELECTRICAL CO., 1423 North Third Street
Imported Toy* and Every Electric Novelty.
Cor to Third nnd nelly Streets.
/>"■ ==> — ___
Christmas Shopping Goes Merrily
On In (he Big Hp-Town Store
Many people are just now realizing that this Big Up-Town Store is a
very pleasant and profitable place in which to look around and to pur
chase many of the gifts needed to complete their Christmas lists. We are
showing one of the largest and most complete stocks of Home and Gift
Furniture ever brought to this city. If you have never visited this store, it
will most certainly be to your advantage and interest to do so now.
— _
m ° St a PP ro P r ' ate f.or many people
1 Mggtjis a beautiful Picture. We have them
diking Machines
Plays Any Disc Record Made, Without
1 There are master records of many makes.
l\Jj E * ch conce^n controls artists whom you
wish to hear but who are barred from many
Doll Baby Carts, .$3.50 to $15.00 homes because no one machine will play
Early last June we placed a double sized order for our Christ- them all, The Rishell" Opens 3 broader
am? Sees Cartß ' We havo plenty of them - allßtyl "' lzes field of music, removing every restriction.
— —— J L.
Bedl Room Suits, Dining Room Suits, Living Room Suits, Odd Pieces for any room in the House
Prices the lowest, quality of goods considered. nouse.
( v— The Big Up-Town Home Furnishers
. - ' I. i
London, Dec. 18. The morning'
papers comment with enthusiasm on
the French victory at Verdun and pay
the heartiest tributes to French lead
ership, valor and skill. ' The oppor
tunity is taken to rediscuss the peace
offer in the light of this blow inflicted
on the Germans, which is regarded as
I demonstrating that the latter's morale
is serious'y undermined. It is also
claimed that the battle puts the actual
position as between the central pow
ers and the allies In a truer perspec
tive than that afforded by the Teu
tonic successes in Rumania.
. - i
Christmas Boxes For
Troopers on the Border
Members of the Hope Fire Com
pany who are with Company I and
Troop C., on the border will receive
a Christmas box. Hope members
were busy to-day gathering gifts,
cigarets, cigars and tobacco. The
box will be shipped in time for dis
tribution on Christmas day.
Captain Owen M. Copelin, who is
on his way to the border, after a
30-day leave of absence, will look |
after the box on its arrival at ElPaso. |
The Rev. Harry Nelson Bassler,
chaplin of the Eighth regiment, and
a member of the Hope Fire company,
will leave Saturday. He will be ac
companied by his family.
Employes of the Mast Mechanics'
department of the Pennsylvania Rail
road will also send a Christmas box
to the employes doing military duty
at the border.
C. of C. Luncheon Open to
Entire Membership
President David E. Tracy of the
Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce,
to-day called the attention of the
membership to the fact that Wednes
day's luncheon meeting which will be
addressed by E. J. Cattell, the noted
wit and after dinner speaker, jis in
tended just as much for the regular
members as any other meeting, al
though the traveling men of the city
are especially invited guests.
London, Dec. 18. Sir Samuel
Evans, president of the British prize
court, ruled to-day that German bonds
come under the reprisals order and
that German securities to the value
of 30,000 marks which were seized
while on their way in a letter to the
State Commercial and Savings Bank,
of Chicago, should remain in court as
property of enemy origin until the
declaration of peace or until dealt
witli as the court might direct subse
quently. I
Extensive Propagation Work
Undertaken by the Fisheries
Branch This Year
Pennsylvania has
i\\\ gone into the busl
v\v\\A ((/ ness of raising tad
f poles and frogs and
weeks more such
WjqISQSCSK products of State
I nfiltiffiirtifw fisheries were ship.
■ ifUS UlljlljnL ,ICl ' to P°°P' e for
IHg . ,-r-—n'gl streams of the
State than ever
before. During the month of No
vember alone 22,300 tadpoles were
sent to various points for placing in
streams and ponds and lakes, while
2,000 young frogs were put out.
The propagation of frogs has been
taken up actively the last few years
and reports Indicate that in a num
ber of districts where frogs had been
exterminated they are to be found
Owing to the cold weather the dis
tribution of trout fry which has been
going on at a very rapid rate was
suspended last week.
Honey Crop Crows Pennsyl
vania's honey crop showed the biggest
jump this year since the gathering of
figures for that branch of agriculture
began. Figures taken from every
county indicate a production of honey
close to a record. The average pro-i
auction for each colony of bees was
£.l po " ni,s ' In 1915 it was 34 pounds.
The State's honey crop is estimated
r,^ 6 # vorth ov er a million dollars,
lo Inspect Farms As a result
°i o e . c ? nfer ence of superintendents
of State hospitals with State Economy
and Efficiency Commission officers and
members of the State Board of Pub
lic Charities a number of the farms
at the institutions will be inspected by
farm experts from the Department of
Agriculture They wJU make testfj
ot the soils during the winter in order
to prescribe for increase of product
Merger Approved Governor
has a PP r °ved the merger
the In i ld ? Ve < !; an com P*ny and
mfni K Stouffer company, of
Philipsburg. into the S. & S. shirt
eIH? a i ny 'r,^ hiapsbure: ' with J 70,000
Marks President is A. W.
Hoard Meets Thursday The State
(la^?n n i?H°? Bo * rd wln me et Tluirs-
and ° eXt Week ln
(l ® ,n ' ll ' s ,n Demand The corpora
tion tax report blanks which were
started out from the Capitol \Z\
Stalp aF A much . in demand over the
hit "umber of corporations
have written for extra copies
„I #n "" ,s " C W VP—The Germer
stole company, of Erie, to-dav Hied
fnp'.uh" 1 that the P ,ans approved
twTJL Wa *£ and other changes in
tracks in the city of Erie, recently
submitted to the commission by the
S k railroads, would cause it to
rebuild part of its plant and inter
fere with business. They asked that
taken CPS PUt them into effect b e
Many I.e tiers Here.—Numerous let
ters and petitions in behalf of the
Jefferson county youths whose appli
cations for rehearings will be consid
ered by the Board of Pardons on Wed-
Capltol arC belng received at the
Capitol Visitors.— Visitors to the
Capitol included William T. Creasv
the Grangers leader, and Samuel Wil
son, Republican county chairman of
Pliblic Service Hearings.—The Pub
lic Servieo commission this afternoon
heard the applications for approval
of the Speecevilie and Ann street
grade changes and numberous other
applications. Argument was heard
on the Panhandle mergrer.
Davis Wins Out— Deputy Attorney
General Davis received word to-day
that Patch and Fisher, two of the
men charged with operating bucket
, shops ln Lawrence county had been
I convicted at New Castle.
RLJBfciEiR ..Rubbers make ideal Xmas Gifts >■ ,Juy your Rubbers here
FOOTWEAR ''because every one needs them " C
Children's Storm King Rubber Men's House Slippers One-Buckle "J*". AQ.
Boots; up to size djl QO Black or tan; Arctics womiai, i/OC
10% Romro Btylcs '
Youths' Dull Rubber Storm 080 Mcnß storm Men's Four-
King Boots; sizes (to OC Mens low Cut'
11 to 2 siipi>ers Overstoocs Arctics,
Boys' sizes to 6 d0 *7ZL Women's Children's 08c sl*93
W Good Quality Good Quality
Rubbers; all Kubbers; up to _ ~
sizes si ze io >/ 2 Children s Xmas Rubber
.... £"rv*. 490 390 Boots; knee length; made of
■ lllf m QuaHt7 ,d S'StSr
mically solved by visiting the up-townstores. Low expenses Low prices
—Courteous service.
[Continued From First Page]
legislation agianst reactionary influ
When the Governor was asked what
there was to the report that he con
templated asking more men for their
resignations, he replied: "I am not
responsible for all the rumors that go
about this Hill." He declined to dis
cuss the cases of Banking Commis
sioner William 11. Smith, who is to be
about to be asked to resign because
of his continued ill health or Chief
of Mines James E. Roderick, whose
name is again ilguring in the list of
those who may be called upon to quit.
However, there are strong intimations
about the Capitol that both will be
requested to retire.
I largest Report Untrue
There is no truth in the report that
William M. Hargest, deputy Attorney
General, will resign or be asked to
resign. He is in charge of imporant
work. Rumors about Superintendent
Samuel B. Rambo, of the Board of
Grounds and Buildings, could not be
verified. Mr. Rambo has not been
given any intimations.
"Have you selected any one for Mr.
Pomeroy's successor?" was asked.
The Governor said he had not and
that when he did name any one it
would be for "loyalty and efficiency,"
adding "I have a right to expect that."
The Penrose intimation that some
thing might be given to the Governor
to investigate drew no comment. ,
The Governor said that he expected
to remain here during the week as his
father is in a serious condition and he
may be called to his bedside at anv
Governor's Callers
Among the callers at the Governor's
office were Compensation Referees
Paul W. Houck, of Schuylkill, and
G. W. Means, of Brookville, both of
whom come from counties whose
members are not all for Cox. Repre
sentatives James G. Dell, of Hunting
don, and Joseph F. Ogden, of Tunk
hannock. Both were claimed for Cox.
The Governor has received a letter
from the officials of the Beaver County
Building Trades Council, which repre
sents 6.000 organized workmen, de
claring against Baldwin. The resolu
tions said that the Beaver men would
ask the Beaver county representatives
t vote against the Delaware man.
Baldwin Headquarters to Open
The headquarters iof the Baldwin
people will be opened here this even
ing, according to information received.
Mr. Baldwin was reported as on his
way. The Baldwin headquarters will
be in charge of this committee:
Auditor General-elect Charles A
Snyder, of Schuylkill: State Treasurer
elect Harmon M. Kephart, of Fayette:
Itepresenttative James F. Woodward
of Allegheny; Charles Johnson, of
Montgomery; Congressman-at-Larate
M. M. Garland, of Allegheny; State
Senator William C. Sproul, of Dela
ware; Congressman-elect Thomas W.
Templeton, of Luzerne, and State Sen
ator-elect T. Larry Eyre, of Chester
. [Continued From First Page]
of enticement is SI,OOO fine, costs
and not more than Jive years in the
eastern penitentiary.
Plea For Family
"The crime of which you have been
convicted," declared the Court, "is a
very serious one against Public morals
and decency. You aro a man of ma
ture years, a man of family, a man
with a position of trust, and it Is un
fortunate that your family and your
friends must suffer with you.
"There can bo no possible doubt
as to the purpose for which you took
this little girl to the hotel. If you
could have the honest purpose which
you say you did have, that could
have been fulfilled if you had asked
your wife to talk with this little girl
these matters which deal with the'
question of girlhood and young wo
manhood. The purity of young girls
must be protected!"
The Long Walt
Senator E. E. Bcidleman, of counsel
for the defense, pleaded earnestly for
clemency on behalf of the convicted
man's family. Gougler, himself, de
clared that he had no criminal in
Gougler who has had his freedom
under bond since his conviction has
attended court practically every day
since the return of the jury's verdict
awaiting the court's sentence. Wher
Judge McCarrel sat early Saturday
evening to receive the Nicolo Kotur
murder jury, Gougler was one of the
few people who sat back in the court
Oil City, Dec. 18.—The Oil City Der
rick will increase its subscription price
from ten to twelve cents a week on
January 1, according to an.announce
ment. The advance in the cost of
news print paper is given as the rea
DECEMBER 18, 1916.
Bank Official Celebrates
79th Birthday Anniversary
JohiAv. May, vice-president of the
Kast End Bank, Thirteenth and
Howard streets, a prominent brick
contractor, this morning celebrated
his seventy-ninth birthday annivers
ary with a dinner at the Hershey
House. The dinner which was held
between 10 and 11 o'clock was attend
ed by a dozen friends. Mr. May has
been vice-president of the hill bank
since its organization, 10 years ago.
A special meeting of the Central
Labor Union of Harrisburg will be
held this evening at 8.30 o'clock in
the rooms of the Pennsylvania State
Federation of Labor. Important busi
ness willi be discussed.
! Commencing to-day cars taken in
trade will be handled by a separate ( j
department in our new
1 127-9 Cranberry St.
The price of each car will bo deter-
C mined by its latest appraisal value in !
J the New York, Philadelphia and Chi
m cago markets.
K The correct history of each car will (
t be given to tle prospective buyer. *
\ All cars will be sold subject to dem- "
C onstration. (
• Time payments can bo
■ Open Evenings
j The Overland-Harrisburg Co. ' 1
9 Office: Servioe Station:
I Make This An \
Electrical Christmas j
Visit our store, and see the immense assortment of f
electrical appliances and household fixtures that les-
sens the work of the lady of the house and makes
. it a joy for her. jj
Electric Wash Machines, Vibrators, ,3
• f Toasters, Irons, Chafing Dishes, Percola-
L : tors, Hair Dryers.
, t Lighting Fixtures of Every Description and Price. *,
! fc 4 Heating Pads, Air Heaters, Fans. .1
I Xmas tree lighting outfits for battery and live jj
i r current. i.
: | Other articles too numerous to mention at popu- jli
• f lar prices. A
:| ! By payment of small amount we will put back any J
f* article for Christmas delivery. 4,
Agency for the Celebrated Westinghouse Mazda % J
Lamps. From an Auto Lamp to a Giant Street " m
I R Lamp. j|
: | . Certainly we do electric wiring and repairing. M
\ Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. I
! I Jno. S. Musser, Pres. 434 Market St
Christmas cheer will be distributed
by members of Capital City Nest,
Order of Owls. Plans will be com
pleted at a meeting to be held Wed
nesday night in the lodge rooms in
the Cameron building. Distribution
of . clothing and food will be made
Christmas morning. Robert W. Wa
ster is chairman of the committee'in
16 N. Third St. Pcnna. Station I