2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA SIOO,OOO ESTATE DIVIDED BY WILL Miss Marcia Parker Moore, Be queaths Money to Sisters and to Church and Hospital • 'arllsle. Pa., Dec. 13. Under (he will of the late Miss Marcia Parker Moore, daughter of Johnston Moore, one of the wealthiest landowners in this section. St. John's Episcopal Church, of which the family have been members for many years and •various charitable projects here bene fit. The will was tiled here late yes terday afternoon. She Rives outright to two sisters, the Misses Eminalln and Euphenila. $20,- 000 each. An additional $-0,000 is left in trust, the interest to be paid to Miss Euphemla during her life and at her death it is to go to St. John's, half to be usod for immediate im provements to the main edifice and the remainder as a trust fund for the upkeep of the altar donated by the family and for needed repairs and for a part of the rector's salary. Ten thousand dollars is left in trust for the; other sister, at her death it Is to be divided, one-half going to the Indies' Benevolent Society to form a fund to! be known as the Mary Parker Moore; fund, in honor of her mother and thej remainder to the Carlisle Hospital to 1 provide free treatment as a memorial! to her father. Two family servants receive each SI,OOO and the remainder of the estate, valued at SIOO,OOO, goes! to her two sisters equally. Only One "BROMO QVIXIXE" To get the genuine, call for full name, LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 26c. Carlisle Attorney Protests Against Bank Directors Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 13.—1n addition to the mandamus action instituted some days ago, E. M. Biddle, Jr., has filed quo warranto proceedings against i four directors of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, claiming that they are holding office illegally. The four are A. F. ! Bedford, president of the Bedford Shoe Company, his superintendent, W. ! H. Goodyear; Abram Bosler, president of the Carlisle Shoe Company and: Cumberland County Agricultural So ciety, and Conrad Hambleton, a lead ing attorney. MISS BUFFINGTON HOSTESS Dauphin, Pa., Dec. 13. Class No. j 2 of the Zion Lutheran Sunday school' was delightfully entertained Friday evening by Miss Lucy Butfington at her home at lied Hill. The young people hiked to Red Hill in the moon- ' light, and spent the evening with music and games. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Mary Ellen Himmel- 1 reick, Mrs. Charles Bufflngton, Miss Virginia Gaytnan, Miss Eleanor Em mert, Miss Susan Long, Miss Mary Gailor, Miss Annie Hinkle, Miss Ruth j Long, Miss Susan Jackson, Miss Ellen Feaser, Miss Olive Douden, Miss Chris- 1 tina Long, Miss Lucy Bufflngton, Miles C. Hummer, John C. Porter, Walter Seller, Parker Bufflngton and Lewis Eisenhower. MITE SOCIETY ENTERTAINED Dauphin, Pa.. Dec. 13. Last eve-| ning, the Mite Society of the Presby terian church was entertained by Mr. | and Mrs. Charles Shaffer at their home on the first slope of the moun- j tain. After the regular business meet- | ing, a social time was enjoyed by all. I Music was a feature of the evening, j Refreshments were served to the Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Stirling, Mrs. Freeman C. Gerberich, Mrs. J. D. M. Reed, Mrs. J. W. Hawthorne, Miss j Annie M. Webner, Miss Ruth M. ; Shaffer, Miss Esther Shaffer. Miss Sarah Margaret Hawthorne, Bion C. Welker. Charles S. Gerberich, Russell Reed. William Shaffer, Donald Shaffer and Mr. and Mrs. Shaffer. REVIVAL AT IJ LAIN Blain, Pa., Dec. 13. Revival ser vices are in progress in the Methodist Episcopal church which opened on Sunday evening in charge of the Rev. | George H. Knox, pastor. Next week the Rev. Dr. A. S. Fasick, of Carlisle, district superintendent, will preach. This evening the pastor will deliever a temperance sermon. BELL-ANS Absolutely Removes Indigestion. One package proves it. 25c at all druggists. J Bet. sth Ave. & Broadway. Fireproof—Modern—Central. | 300 ROOMS WITH BATHS, j b.tais: labia d'Hote aad ala Carle j WRITE FOB BOOKI.KT. 1 n. P. niTCHF.Y. PIIOP. I Lumber Lasts For Generations with the proper care. At this time of year all "rotten" or decayed pieces should be re placed. Don't wait until next Spring to do the car penter work that should he attended to now. You will save con siderable expense by doing the work when the job is small. United Ice & Coal Co. Main Office: Foruter &. Cowden. WEDNESDAY EVENING, | WEST SHORE NEWS Social and Personal News of Towns Along West Shore William G. Miller, of Shlremans town, is home from Philadelphia, where he attended a Masons' conven tion. Mrs. Myrtle Bentzel. of Progress. ; visited relatives at Shiremanstown yes i terday. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sheely and sons, 1 Robert and Herbert Sheely, of Cham | bersburg, are spending some time with I Mrs. Sheely's parents, Mr. and Mrs. : Benjamin Baker, at Shiremanstown. Miss Thelma Mussleman has re i turned to Lemoyne after visiting Miss Mary Rupp and Miss Martha Rupp at Shiremanstown. Miss Alice Wertz and Miss Pearle Wertz, of Shiremanstown, spent Mon day at Harrisburg. TO ENTERTAIN BIBLE CLASS New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 13. Mrs. Robert Kohler will entertain the Everfaithful Bible class of the Church of God of which she is a member at her home in Reno street. New Cum berland to-morrow evening. SCHOOL BOARD REORGANIZES New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 13. On Monday evening the school board reorganized with the following officers: President, S. N. Straub; vice-presi dent, H. W. Buttorft; secretary. M. A. i Holt; treasurer, Dr. J. F. Good. CHRISTMAS VACATION New Cumberland. Pa., Dec. 13. Prof. C. S. Rice, principal of the New i Cumberland schools announced yes terday that the schools will have a week's holiday between Christmas and New Year. TO-DAY'S REALTY TRANSFERS To-day's realty transfers Included the following in city and county: Peter Schilling to Victor Gilsdorf, 1227 Cumberland, $1200; Josiah Burk holder to Cyrus Garrett, Derry town ship, $100; Susan B. Stingle to Morris Brenner, Wallace, $700; Emma J. Fackler to Elsie M. Smith, Susque hanna township. $2,000; Penbrook Realty Co., to C. F. Copenhaver, North Sixth, C. F. Copenhaver to Wade P. Bender, 2620 Lexington, $lO each; E. Ed. Eslinger to S. S. Rupp, Middle town, Robert Rosenberg to I.eland Booda. 1810-12 Swatara, Mvra A. Weitzel to Susan C. Shade, Miles A. Fought to Sarah Meyerwitz, 415 Herr, W. S. Harris to Fred B. Aldinger, Sec ond near Blackberry, and M. Stella Arnold to Minnie M. Burtner, 1217 Derry and 212 Fifth street, $1 each. COON'S PROPERTY SOLD McConnellsburg, Pa.. Dec. 13. —Yes. terday the working equipment, con sisting of horses and mules, wagons carts, harness, tools .etc., levied on 1 by the Leinasters National Bank as the property of Clyde E. Coon, whose ! financial operations with Cashier Enos I Myers caused the closing of the In- ' stltutlon. were sold by the sheriff of Fulton county for about $4,000, The labor claims filed against Coon amount to $2,000 and will be paid out first. HURT IN AUTO CRASH Lancaster, Pa.. Dec. 13. —An auto mobile driven by Abner Lapp, of this city, stdded on a hill near Meehan lcsburg, this county, yosterdav and crashed Into a car owned by Elam Shreiner, of Wltmer. Mr. Shrelner and his wife and mother were thrown into the road and the two women were badly hurt. CONTRACT FOR LAW SCHOOL Carlisle, Pa., Dec. 13. The con tract for the new Dickinson School of Law was to-day let to H. A. Lackey of Carlisle, at a bid of about $40,000. There were in all six bidders, several irom Carlisle, one from Harrisburg and another from Philadelphia. This covers the work on the main struc ture. arrangements begin so that ad ditions may be made as they are needed. The furnishing and equip ment is expected to bring the total cost nearly to $60,000. Work will be begun on the construction as soon as possible in order to have the build ing ready for dedication next August when a celebration and reunion be ginning is planned. Early Morning Attempt to Rob Elizabethtown Post Office Elizabethtown. Pa., Dec. 13. An attempt was made to rob the Eliza bethtown Post Office at an early hour yesterday morning, but the burglar alarm frightened the burglars away. 318.000 IN FUND New Cumberland, Pa., Dec. 13. On Monday the New Cumberland Na tional Bank paid out $19,000 from its Christmas savings fund. The Safe Side "Those of us who are wise," says a well-known doctor, "will keep on the safe side by using only those foods that contain everything Nature puts into them." <5 A bit of good advice, that. Many foods, as usually prepared, especially cereals, are lacking in the vital mineral elements—phosphate of potash, etc., which the body must have for perfect balance and health. There is one food, Grape-Nuts which is rich in these elements, wontaining, as it does, all the nutriment of whole wheat and barley. It is a delicious food, affording the sweetness of dextrinized wheat and the distinctive flavor of malted barley.