2 CENTRAL PENNSYLVAN TO VIEW ADAMS' APPLES A-PLENTY Twelfth Annual Convention of Fruitgrowers Opens at Bcn dersville Tomorrow Legislation of Incalculable value to the fruit growing Industry of the State, particularly with reference to Improve ment In the packing laws, will be dis cussed by scores of apple, pear, peach and plum men of Pennsylvania at the twelfth annual convention of the Fruit Growers' Association of Adams county which will be held to-morrow, Thurs day and Friday at Bendersville. In connection with the convention there will be an elaborate fruit show and thousands of the choicest apples and other fruit of the Keystone State will be on luscious exhibition. All the Applcn You Wnnt Ample accommodations In the shape of box, crates and trays have been ar ranged for this exhibit and from pres ent Indications this feature of the fruit growers' gathering will be the biggest of Its kind ever held. Exhibits must reach the hall before to-morrow noon. Primarily the association was or ganized for the purpose of Improving the fruit Interests of the members and among the projects that will bo ad vanced will Include: Promotion generally of the fruit In dustry, pushing advantageous and pre venting detrimental legislation; ob taining proper transportation facilities, securing uniform system of packing, devising proper advertising methods, co-operating with other associations in exchange of crop reports, etc. The Evening Entertainment While the daily programs will be given over to discussions of various sorts, an elaborate program has been arranged for entertainment In the even ings. Wednesday evening Dr. W. Quay Hosello will lecture on "The Univer sity of Adversity"; Thursday the Alpino Singers and Yodlers will present an at tractive program and on Friday the Metropolitan Glee Club will be the fea ture attraction. The convention will open at 1.30 o'clock to-morrow afternoon and the program will be as follows: The Convention lletflnN Wednesday, 1.30 p. m.—President's address, C. A. Griest, Guernsey, Pa.; "Spraying For Control of Apple Aphis and Apple Red Bug," illustrated, G. F. Leonard, entomologist, Louisville, Ky.; "Some Problems of the Apple Grow er," L)r. S. W. Fletcher, professor of horticulture, Pennsylvania State Col lege. Thursday. 9.30 a. m.—lmportance of Spraying For Insect Control at the Proper Time," Professor C. H. Iladley, entomologist extension service, Penn sylvania State College; "Harvesting, Packing and Marking Fruit," illustrat- Doctor Says Crying Need Of The Woman Of Today Is More Iron In Tier Blood TO PUT STRENGTH IN HER NERVES AND COLOR IN ; HER CHEEKS. Any -Woman tvho Tires Easily, is Nervous or Irritable, or Looks Pale, Haggard And Worn Should Have Her Blood Examined for Iron Deficiency. ~~ # Administration of Pure Nuxated Iron in Clinical Tests Gives Most As tonishing Youthful Strength and Makes Women Look Years Younger. F "There can he no healthy, beautiful, rosy- Cheeked women without Iron," says l)r. Ferdinand King, a New York physician and author. "In my recent talks to pliysi- Blans on the grave and perious consequences Of iron deficiency In the blood of American women, I have strong ly emphasized the fact that doctors should prescribe more or ganic iron—pure nux- Rted iron—for their nervous, run - down, weak, haggard-looking women patients. X'al- lor means anemia. The skin of the anemic woman is pale, the Besh flabby. The muscles lack tone, the brain fags and the memory fails, and often they be come weak, netVous, irritable, flespondent and melancholy. Wlien the Iron goes from the blood of women, the rosea GO from their cheeks. "In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, . biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, ta- j pioca, sago, farina, degerml tiated cornmeal no longer Is' iron to be found. Refining processes ' have removed the iron of Mother Earth from these Impoverished foods, and Billy methods of home cook ery, by throwing down the ■waste pipe the water In which cur vegetables are cooked, are responsible for another grave iron loss. "Therefore, if you 'wish to preservo your youthful vim and vigor to a ripo old age, you must supply the Iron de ficiency in your food by using some form of organic iron, just as you would use ealt when your food has not enough salt. "As I have said a hundred times over, organic Iron is the greatest of all •strength builders. If people would only throw away patent medicines and nau- seous concoctions and take Simple nuxated iron, I am convinced that the lives of thousands of persons might "be saved who now die every year from pneumonia, grippe, consumption, kidney, liver, heart trouble, etc. Tho real and true cause which Btarted their disease was nothing more nor less than weakened condition brought on by a lack of iron In the blood. "On account of the peculiar nature of %oman, and tho great drain placed upon her system at certain periods, she re quires iron much more than man to help piake up for the loss. "Iron Is also absolutely necessary to enable your blood to change food into Hiving tissue. Without it, no matter how much or Vhat you eat, your food merely passes through you without do ing you any good. You don't get the Btrength out of it, and as a consequence you become weak, pple and sickly look ins', Just like a plant trying to grow In fe soil deficient in iron. If you are not Strong or well, you owe it to yourself 10 make the following test: See how t>ng you can work or how far you can TUESDAY EVENING, DEER TWO MEN CLAIM TO HA if l I This is the deer that caused all the dispute as to ownership in the office of John Martin, a Carlisle justice of the peace. Charles Pechart and William Dlehl were accused by R. M. Morrow, of Duncannon, of having taken possession of the carcass after his shot had proven fatal. Only one shot hit the deer and Morrow who saw and wounded It claimed that it was his shot that killed the deer. Justice Martin dismissed the case, but advised a division of the venison. I ed, C. E. Bassett, specialist In co-op erative organization, division of mar kets, United States Department of Agriculture. Some Noted SpeaKer* Thursday, 1.30 p. m.—"How tlie Apple Grading and racking Law Is Working Out in New York," Charles S. Wilson, commissioner New York Department of Agriculture, Albany, N. Y.; "The New Maryland Apple Grading and Packing Law," Professor S. C. Shaw, promolo gist, Maryland Agricultural College, College Park, Md. Friday, 9.30 a. m.—"Some Essential Facts About Apple Scab," illustrated. Or. Donald Reddick, New York State Agricultural College, Ithaca, N. Y.; "Growing, Harvesting and Marketing Peaches," A. T. Henry, Wallingford, Conn. Friday, 1.30 p. m.—"Dusting, a Rapid Method of Protecting the Apple Or chard," Dr. Reddick; "Arrangement and Equipment of the Kitchen," illustrat ed, Miss M. J. Newcomb, home econo mics extension. Pennsylvania State Col lege; following ten-minute recess Miss Newcomb will give an interesting talk on girls' clubs and what they signify and how they are organized. Dr. Ferdinand King, New York physician and au thor, telling physicians that they should prescribe more organic iron—Nuxated Iron—for their pa tients Says anaemia iron deficiency is the greatest curse to the health, strength, vitality and beauty of the modern American Woman. —Sounds warning against use of metalic iron which may injure the teeth, cor rode the stomach and do far more harm than good; ad vises use of only pure nux ated iron. walk without becoming tired. Next take two five-grain tablets of ordinary nux ated Iron three times per day after meals for two weeks. Then test your strength again and see how much you have gained. I have seen dozens of nervous, run-down people who were ail ing all the while double their strength and endurance and entirely rid tliem- Mennonite Church Member Dies at Sunday Service Waynesboro, Pa., Dec. 12.—Taken ill while attending services in the Mennonite Church at Marion, near Waynesboro, on Sunday, Mrs. Jere miah Raifsnider died before a phy sician could reacli her. She died in the church of wlilcli she had been a member for over fifty years. She is survived by her husband and five chil dren. SNAKE STORY NO. t Waynesboro. Pa.. Dec. 12.—Samuel A. Hunsecker, ot Chambersburg, while on a stroll with hia gun along the Warm Sprifig road noticed a black snake protruding from a log. He shot the snake, which measured about 5% feet in length. Upon examining the reptile closely he noticed a large lump near its head. Pressing his foot near this, he was surprised to force from Iho snake's body a china egg, which it evidently had appropriated from a hen's nest. selves of all symptoms of dyspepsia, liver and other troubles in from ten to fourteen days' time simply by taking iron in the proper l'orm. And this, after they liad in some cases been doctoring for months without obtaining any benefit. But don't take the old forms of reduced Iron, Iron acetate, or tincture of iron simply to save a few cents. The iron demanded by Mother Nature for the red coloring: matter in the blood of her children is, alas! not that lund of iron. You must take Iron in a form that can be easily absorbed and assimilated to do you any good, other wise it may prove worse than useless. "I have used Nuxatea Iron widely In my own prac tice in most severe aggra vated conditions with un failing results. I have in duced many other physicians to give it a trial, all of whom have given me most surprising reports in regard to its great power as a health and (strength builder. "Many an athlete and prize-tighter has won tho day simply because he knew tile ecret of great strength nnd jndurance nnd filled his blood with iron before he went into the affray; while many another has gone down in inglorious defeat simply for the lack of iron." Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon of St. 11' c.v ui-K so uauio to contract serious nnd even ratal diseases, that I deem it my duty to advise all such to tako pure Nuxated Iron. I have taken It myself and given It to my patients with most surprising nnd satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." " OT f : . Nuxated Iron, which Is prescribed and rw onunended above by physicians in such a great variety J.*. 1 0t . a p V. ei ii medici e nor secret remedy, but one which is t\ell known to druggists and whose Iron constituents aro widely prescribed by eminent Miystcans both in Europe and America. Unlike the older inorganic iron products, it is easily assimilated, does not injure the teeth. make Uiem black, nor up set the stomach: on the contrary. It Is a most ootciit lemedy In nearly all forms of indigestion as well a* for nervous, run-down conditions. The manufacturer* havo such great confidence In nuxated iron, that they offer to forfeit sloo.no to anv charitable Institution Ir they cannot talte any man or woman under 60 who lacks Iron, and increabO tlieir strength 200 per cent, or orer In four week*' time, provided they hare no •erloua organic trouble. They also offer to refund your money if it does not at leaat double your •tmnirth and endurance In. ten days' M