Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, December 09, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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Sing at Stevens Memorial
Church; Third Week of
Campaign Opens
Booster chorus yells predominated
In the service preceding the sermon
delivered by Evangelist "Billy"
Methodist Episcopal Church. Thir
teenth and Vernon streets, last night.
More than one hundred and fifty boys
and girls were In booster chorus.
So far more than sixteen thousand
people have listened to the evangelist
since his arrival in Harrisburg. To
morrow he will begin the third week
of his campaign. At the early morn
ing service at 9.30 o'clock John Shees
ley will be in charge. Evangelist
LaManco will preach at 10.30 and 7.30
o'clock. At both services the big
chorus will sing. In the afternoon at
3.30 o'clock a mass meeting for men
will be held In the Stevens Memorial
Church. The male chorus and Sun
day school orchestra will give a special
program of music, at this service. At
the same hour, 3.3Q o'clock, a mass
meeting for women will bo held In
the Derry Street United Brethren
Church, Derry and Fifteenth- streets,
addressed by Mrs. LaMance. During
the past week Dr. Clayton Albert
Smucker has had charge of arrange
ments for these special services for
men only and women only.
Cheers for the Rev. Mr. Smucker.
pastor of Stevens Church, Al. K.
Thomas, superintendent of the Sunday
school, Evangelist LaMance and his
wife, featured the program given by
the children last night. Dr. LaMance
spoke on "Faith" following the song
Augsburg The Rev. A. M. Sta
metz, pastor, will preach at 10:30,
"Serious About Salvation;" 7:30, "The
Shepherd Saviour;" Sunday school, 2.
Christ—Rev. Thomas Reisch, D. D.
10:30, "Redeeming the Time;" 7:30,
"Story of a True Heroine;" Sunday
school, 2; Men's Bible class, 2.
Trinity, Camp Hill —The Rev. Dr. E.
D. Weigle; 9, Sunday school; 10:30,
"The Talents;" 7:30, "The Talents."
Messiah—The Rev.. Henry W. A.
Hanson—lo:3o, "Keynotes of the
Spiritual Life;" 2, Sunday school;
7:30, "The Trend Towards the Star,"
ft sermon in a series on "Preparing
for Christmas."
Bethlehem—The Rev. J. Bradley
Markward, D. D., pastor; 10:30, "The
Comfort of the Scriptures;" 7:30, "Is
This Your Portrait?" 1:45, Sunday
Holy—The Rev. John Henry Miller.
10:45, "Christian Stewardship;" 7:30,
"The Signs of the Times;" Sunday
school, 9:30.
Zion—The Rev. ,S. Wlnfield Her
man. 10:30,, "The Coming of Our
Lord;" 7:30, "The Judgment Seat of
Christ;" Sunday school, 1:45.
St. Matthew's—The Rev. E. E. Sny
der. 11, "How Shall I Receive Him?"
7:30, "The Crimson Coat;" Sunday
school, 9:45.
Calvary The Rev. Edward H.
Parr; 11, "The Christians Coming Re
demption;" 7:30, "The Virgin's Son
Jmmanuel;" Sunday school, 10.
Memorial—The Rev. L. C. Manges.
D. D. 10.30, "The Second Advent of
Christ;" 7.30, "Thou God Seeth Me;"
Sunday school. 2.
Grace Morning: Organ, Christ
mas cycle, (a) "Where Is He Born?"
(b) "March to Bethlehem" (Mail
ing) ; quartet, "Christian the Morn"
(Shellev); organ, "Adoration"
(Gaul); anthem, "The King of Love"
(Shelley); organ, "The High Priests
and Scribes" (Mailing). Evening:
organ recital at 7:20; (a) offertoire
in C minor on Christmas carols (Guil
mant, b) Cradle song (Hauser); can
tique de Noel (Adam); quartet, "Just
for Today" (Abbott); organ, "The
First Noel," traditional Christmas ca
rol; anthem, "Even Me" (Warren):
postlude, Fantasia on "Adeste Fideles"
(Whiting); William R. Stonesifer, or
ganist; John W. Phillips, director.
Evening Organ recital, "Fourth
Sonata In D Minor by Guilmant;
choir, "From Every Stormy Wind
That Blows," by Wilder, soprano ob
ligato; solo by Miss Keeny, "The Lord
3s My Shepherd," Liddle.
/\ 0 J
/ jn
Have Hair Thlt Won't Blow Off
There is a feeling' of comfort and self assurance in
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Every woman, with reasonably good health, may have
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The scalp must be kept clean and free from dandruff. For this
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gently, the effect of Herpicide is qulcKly apparent In the increased life,
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Beautiful hair and Newbro's Herpicide are almost invariably asso
ciated. Herpicide eradicates dandruff, checks falling hair, stops itching
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Send ten cents for trial size bottle and booklet. Sold everywhere
Applications at the better barber shops.
Kennedy's Med. Store, Special Agents
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This government collier, TJ. S. S.
Caesar, provided by President Wilson
at the request of Secretary of the
Navy Daniels, is about to leave New
York for Beirut, Syria—'laden ,wlth
Christmas gifts from this country to
starving Syrians and Armenians.
The cargo is being assembled at the
Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y., in care
Short Series of Advent
Sermons at Pine Street
The Rev. Dr. Lewis S. Mudgo, pastor
of Pino Street Presbyterian Church,
will preach to-morrow morning on
"Home Maxims for Homo Makers."
In the evening he will open a series of
three Advent sermons. The subject
for the first one is "The Home of
Jesus." There will bo two other ser
mons in this short series, as follows:
December 17, "The Youth of Jesus;"
December 24, "The Song of Jesus."
Sunday evening. December 24, in
connection with the evening service,
Frank A. McCarrell will present
through a double quartet and chorus
choir part lof Handel's "Messiah." A
splendid rendition of this wonderful
composition is assured.
The musical program at the serv
ices to-morrow will be:
Morning Prelude, Allegro Mod
erato (Sonata II), Guilmant; anthem,
"Sing and Rejoice," Hailing; offertory.
Prayer, Richmond; anthem, "Lead Us
Gently Home," Briggs; postlude. Fan
tasia in C, Tours.
Evening—Organ selections at 7.20:
Choral and Second Movement from
the Gothlque Suite, Boellman; Sere
nade, Braga Shelly. Anthem, "Our
Day of Praise Is Done." Demarest;
offertory, Chorale Prelude, Pfltzner;
solo by Mrs. Cox, "I Will Lay Me Down
in Peace," Dudley Buck; postlude,
March In B Flat. Duncan.
On Tuesday evening at 7.30 o'clock
the Servants of the King will present
a Christmas pageant at their monthly
meeting. This is a missionary organ
ization of " 'teen-age" girls who have
been studying the young people of
various lands and who will present
something of their study in this
Wednesday evening the topic at the
midweek service will be "The Practice
of the Presence of God." The story
telling hour for the boys will be held
In (he memorial building on Tuesday
evening. A motion-picture exhibition
will be held on Thursday evening.
At the communion service last Sun
day morning forty-nine new members
were welcomed. This makes the total
active membership 1,4 70.
One of the early musical events,
hera' ilng the Christmas season, will
be the annual Christmas concert of
the Musical Club of Camp Hill. This
will be given on Tuesday evening, De
cember 12, in Firemen's Hall, at 8:15
o'clock. The program includes cho.r
uses by the club and vocal and instru
mental numbers by individual mem
bers. All classes of embers will be
admitted upon presentation of mem
bership cards and a silver offering
will be received at the door, from
any others who may care to attend.
Miss Flora Kurkenknabe will receive
the annual dues.
of the American Red Cross. Funds for
providing the cargo are being raised
by the American committee for Ar
menian and Syrian relief. The com
plete cargo will cost more than a
quarter of a million dollars. Large
supplies of food are to be shipped, to
gether with much clothing, all of
which must be new because of mili
tary regulations.
Ordination Services at
Market Square Church
Services for the ordination and the
installation of elders will be held in
the Market Square Presbyterian
Church to-morrow morning at 11
o'clock. The Rev. Dr. George Edward
Hawes will preach on "The Elder
ship," after which the consecration
to office will take place. As several
of the elders elect have been previously
ordained to the office of ruling elder,
they will be Installed as members of
the Market Square session. Dr. Hawes
will preach on "Use Common Sense
About 'The Greatest Question' " at the
evening service at 7.30.
At the monthly meeting of the of
ficers and teachers, of the Sunday
school it was decided to ask the super
intendent. Judge S. J. M. McCarrell,
to conduct the review on the last Sun
day of the year in the senior depart
ment. The whole department will be
grouped in one largo class for this
The work of the Christian Endeavor
Society received a new impetus by the
presentation of the efficiency chart by
Miss Emily Edwards. John McCul
lough gave an address on the chart
last Sunday evening. At the same time
he presented the record of the mem
bers of the society for participation in
the meetings during the past month.
The meeting will be led to-morrow
evening by Garfield McAlister. The
tlve-minute prayer group will meet just
before the regular meeting at 6.2 5
The Woman's Home Missionary So
ciety will meet next Friday afternoon
at 3 o'clock under the leadership of
Mrs. E. C. Rauch for the study of the
subject "The Mountaineers." Mrs.
Charles Bergner and Mrs. S. P. Dunkle
will be the hostesses.
The Lochiel Mothers' Meeting and
the Boy Scouts will hold their regular
sessions on Friday evening and the
Sewing School on Saturday morning at
10.30 o'clock.
Market Square—The Rev. Geotge i
Edward Hawes, D. D.; Rev. George I
Snavely Rentz, assistant; Sunday!
school, 9:45; 11, the Ordination and
Installation of elders, sermon on "The
Eldershin;" C. E., 6:30; 7:30. "Use
Common Sense About the Greatest
Pine Street—Rev. Lewis Seymour
Mudge, D. D.; Rev. J. S. Armentrout,
assistant; 10:30, "Home Maxim for
Home-Makers;" 7.:30, first sermon in
the Advent series', "The Home of
Jesus;" 1:30, Church Sunday school,
elementary departments; 1:40, i
church Sunday school, advanced de
Division Street Chapel—The Rev.
J. S. Armentrout; 3, Sunday school,
adult Bible classes; 7:30, evening
Covenant—The Rev. Hanvey Klaer.
10:30, "Confession and Absolution;"
7:30, "The Rich Man and. Lazarus;"
Sunday school, 2.
Westminster—The Rev. E. E. Cur
tis; 10:30, "The Head of the Church
Knows What Goes On;" 7:30,
Bethany—The F.ev. John M. War
den. 7:30, "The Marks of a Lost
Man;" Sunday school, 9.
Immanuel —The Rev. H. Everett
Hallman; services 10 and 7:30; Sun
! day school, 11:15.
I Calvary—The Rev. Frank P. Mac
! kenzie. 10:15, "Ingratitude and Its
Punishment;" 7:30, "The Glad Book;"
Sunday school, 9.
Capital Street —The Rev. B. M.
Ward, at 10:45 and 7:30; Sabbath
school, 12:15; Christian Endeavor at
Olivet—The Rev. Alfred L. Taxis.
10.30, "Outlines in the Chaos;" Sab
bath school, 2; 7.30, "The Greatest
Otterbein The Rev S. Edwin
Rupp. D. D.; 10:30, "Personal Re
sponsibility;" 7:30, "Help in Tempta
tion;" Sunday school, 2.
First—The Rev. N. L. Linebaugh;
10:30, "Comforting Conclusions;"
7:30, "Not Fishers, But Shepherds;"
Sunday school, 1:45.
Calvary, Lenioyne—The Rev. P .R.
Koontz, pastor, will preach at 10:30
and at 7:30; Sunday school, 9:30.
Derry, South—The Rev. J. A. Ly
ter, D. D., pastor, will preach at 10:30
and at 7:30; Sunday school, 2.
Sixth Street The Rev. Joseph
Daugherty; praise service, 9:45; 10:30,
"Divine Filling Essential to Soul-
Winning;" 7:30. "The Friendship of
Christ;" Sunday school, 1:45.
Trinity, New Cumberland—The Rev.
A. R. Ayres, at. 10:30 and at 7; Sun
day school, 9:30.
State Street—The Rev. E. A. G.
Bossier; 10:45, "Daniel —The Man of
Prayer; 7:30, Otterbein Guild Mission
ary service; Sunday school, 9:30.
St Andrew's, Penbrook—The Rev.
W. R. Hartzell; 10:45, Junior Congre
gation service; 7:30, "The Coming;"
Sunday school, 9:45.
Second The Rev. Harry Nelson
Bassler; 10:30, "The Great Currents
in Lift';" 7:30, "Things in Mexico As
I Have Seen Them;" Sunday school,
Fourth—The Rev. Homer Skyles
May, pastor, will preach at 10:45 and
at 7:45; Sunday school, 9:30.
Salem —The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer,
pastor, will preach at 11 and at 7:30;
Sunday school. 9:45.
St. John's—The Rev. G. W. Hart
man; 10:30, "Awakened Christians;"
7:30, "Tho Second Advent;" Sunday
Dedicatory Services to Be Con
cluded With Services To
morrow and Monday
w. fSiIL.
Bishop William Burt, of Buffalo,
N. Y„ will preach at Camp Curtln
Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church,
Sixth and Wharton streets, to-morrow
morning and evening as one of the
closing features of the dedicatory serv
ices started last Sunday and continued
throughout the week.
The dedicatory services will con
clude Monday, evening, when Bishop
Burt will lecture on "The Making of
a Modern Italy." The Rev. A. S. Wil
liams, pastor, will preside and the Rev.
William Moses, of Vine Street Meth
odist Church, will offer prayer. Sing s
ing by the Pennsylvania Railroad
Union State Gl3e Club, under the di
rection of Ira Behney, will be the
musical attracti'on of the evening.
Last evening a missionary rally was
held with Earl Taylor, missionary sec
retary of the Methodist Church, lec
turing on "Around the World With
the Missionary Camera."
The choir of Camp Curtin Memorial
Church, under the direction of Sarah
Estelle Butler as chorister, with Mrs.
Clara B. Lackey as organist, will give
the following programs:
Morning Soprano solo by Miss
Grace Deal, "I Will Extol Thee,"
("Ell"), M. Costa; anthem, "O Sing
Unto the Lord," D. Buck.
Evening Soprano solo by Mrs.
Frank Eby, "How Lovely Are Thy
Dwellings," Liddle; quartet, "Even
Me," bass solo by Mr. Poore, C. War
ren; anthem, "The Heavens Are Tell
ing" ("Creation"), Hadyn.
Ridge Avenue—The Rev. William
W. Hartman; 10:30, "Lifting the Bur
den;" 7:30, "What Is Christianity?"
Sunday school, 2.
Wesley Rev. W. A. Ray, 10:45,
"The Atonement," second discourse;
7:30, "The Heavenly Knowledge;"
Sunday school, 12:30.
Marysville—The Rev. S. B. Bidlack,
10:30, "Our National Welfare.
Asbury The Rev. W. H. Gaines.
11, "The Feast;" 8, "The Lord Our
Helper;" Sunday school, 2.
Fifth Street —The Rev. Edwin A.
Pyles. 10:30, "Sacrament of the
Lord's Supper;" 7:30, "The Cure for
Weariness;" Sunday school, 2.
Coxestown—The Rev. John G.
Dn s; Sunday school, 9:30; 10:40,}
"Heroic Sacrifice;" 7:30, "Last Days."]
West Falrview—The Rev. S. B. Bid-'
lack; 7:30, Thanksgiving message to
the Order of Independent Americans,
who will attend in a body.
Camp Curtin Memorial—The Rev.
A. S. Williams; 9:30, general class;
| 10:30, sermon by Bishop William
Burt, of Buffalo, N. Y.; 7:30, sermon
by Bishop William Burt; Sunday
school, 3, school rally; addresses by
the Rev. E. C. Keboch and Bishop
Grace—The Rev. John D. Fox, D.
D.; 10:30, "The Compulsion of Invi
tation;" 7:30, "The All-Conquering
Name;" Sunday school, 12:10
Epworth—The Rev. J. D. W. Dea
vor; 10, sermon by Rev. E. C. Ke
boch; 7:30. sermon by the 'Rev. E. C.
Keboch; Sunday school. 10.
St. Stephen's, Mechanicsburg—The
Rev. C. J. Henderson. 11 and 8; Sun
flay school, 2.
St. Paul's —The Rev. William Moses.
10.30 and 7.30; Sunday school, 1.45.
Maclay Street—The Rev. Dr. Wil
liam S. Houck. Sunday school, 9:45;
11, "Lives Made Over;" 7:30, "God —
in the Cool of the Day."
First, New Cumberland —The Rev.
C, H. Heiges, pastor, will preach at
10:30 and 7; Sunday school, 9:15.
Fourth Street —The Rev. William
N. Yates, D. D.; 10:30, "Cbmmunica
tion;" 7:30, "Our Need of Gospel
Power: Sunday school, 1:40.
Pleasant View—The Rev. George
W. Harper. Sunday school, 9:45;
10:45, "The Love for the Word and
the Church Advocate;" Junior Chris
tian Endeavor and Senior C. E., 6:45;
7:30, "Nets Used by the Devil to
Catch Men and Women."
Penbrook —The Rev. Jay C. Forn
crook, 10:30, "The Victorious Three
Hundred;" 7:30, "Life's Responsibili
Green Street—The Rev. H. T. Her
shey. 10.30, "Renewed Strength;" 2,
Sunday school; 7.30, "The Light of the
Church of the Brethren, Hummel
street— Preaching at 11 and 7:30;
Sunday school, 10; Christian Work
ers. 6:45.
Associated Bible Students—Berean
study at 1:45, "Restoration of Israel;"
3, J. R. Pike will lecture on "The
Work of Jehovah —Past, Present and
Bethesda Mission —Sunday evening,
open-air service at 7:15, in Market
square; Gospel service at the mission
at 107 1-2 South Second street, at
Christian and Missionary Alliance—
The Rev. W. H. Worrall; Sunday
school, 9:30; 10:30 and7:3o, evange
listic services.
• Fourth Street Church of Christ —
The Rev. J. G. Bmith. 11, "True Man
liness;" 7.30, "The Task and the Man;"
Sunday school, 10. v
Gospel Hall 10.30, "Breaking of
Bread;" 2.30, Sunday school; 7.30.
preaching by Junes Waugh, of Arllng
ton, N. J.
West End Union Mission—Preach
ing at 7.30 by J. T. Wilßon, of Moun*
Joy, subject, "The Prodigal Son, o
the Kar-Off Country;" Sunday school,
St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 9.—The divorce
courts, as busy as they are, reveal but
a small proportion of the marital In
felicity in this country, says the com
mission on family lifei which reported
at to-day's session of the quadrennial
meeting of the Federal Council of the
Churches of Christ in America. The
report Included statistics and discus
sions of many phases of the complex
problems of marital relations.
As to divorce It says: "At this mo
ment it is thought that one marriage
in ten is broken by divorce and that
in some states tho proportion may be
as high' as one in four."
"It Is a striking fact," the commis
sion says, "that in the majority of
divorce cases dissolution of marriage
has occurred, not hastily after a brief
trial, but deliberately after a consid
erable period of marriage, the average
exceeding six and one-half years. Com
mon observation will show frequency
of divorce among people who have
been married twenty years or more."
The commission believes that the
entrance of women into the industrial
field plays an important part in the in
crease of divorces. It deplores the
fact that "unfortunately the larger
part of humanity in America, as else
where, are strangers to the lofty views
which the Church entertains of mar
"When we are seeking, therefore,
remedies for the evils of our lax mar
riage and divorce practices our ulti
mate and most effective method will
Musical Entertainment
in Sixth Street Church
Arrangements are being made for
one of the latest and popular musical
entertainments entitled "Our Busy
Ladles' Aid," to be given In the Sixth
Street United Brethren church. Sixth
and Seneca streets, on Tuesday even
ing, December 12. The cast of charac
ters Includes a number of prominent
people In the West End of the city,
who have excellent talent for enter
taining a large audience.. Attractive
costumes and special mitsicul num
bers will feature. E. S. Troup will be
the musical director and Mrs. Clarence
Albright, pianist.
Tabernacle—The Rev. W. O. Peirce.
Dr. Lincoln Hulley, president of Stet
son University, Florida, will preach at
10:30 and at 7:30; Sunday school,
Market Street—The Rev. W. H.
Dallman; 10:30, "Ways That Win;"
7:30, "Smiting the Rock With the
Rod;" Sunday school, 11:30.
St. Paul—The Rev. E. Luther Cun
ningham; 10:30, "The Transfigura
tion—lts Import;" 7:30, "Saved;"
Sunday school, 12:30.
First—The Rev. W. S. Booth; 10:30,
"A Christian Investment;" 7:30, "Has
the Church a Worth-While Message?"
Sunday school, 11:30.
Second The Rev. Albert Joslah
Greene. 10.30, "Perfection of Strength
Through Weakness;" 7.30, "The Su
preme Choice and Its Recompense;"
Sunday school, 12.
Park Street—The Rev. A. 3. Han
gen. Sunday school and Men's I-tible
class at 9:30; 10:45, "The Church at
Smyrna—Poor, Yet Rich;" 7:30
Christ at the Door."
Harris Street—The Rev. George F.
Schaum; 10:30, "Abounding in Hope;"
2, Sunday school; 7:30, "A Call to
Morning—Prelude. Theme and Vari
ations. Mozart; anthem. "Sing Unto
the Lord of Harvest," Barnby; offer
tory, Barcarolle, Nevin; postlude. Re
cessional March, Barnard.
Evening—Prelude, Warum and Noc
turne in F, Schumann: anthem,
"Praise the Lord," Mozart; offertory.
Adagio, Maker; postlude. Postlude in
E Flat, Batiste.
Morning—Prelude. Offertory in G,
Lefebure-Wely; anthem, "Oh, Clap
Your Hands," Williams; offertory.
Communion, Tebaldini; postlude, Toc
cata, Letondal.
Evening—Prelude, Grand Offertory,
| Batiste; anthem, "Rejoice, Ye Pure in
• Heart," Ashford; offertory. Medita
tion, Lagarde: postlude. Finale from
Sonata in G Minor, Storer.
Morning Soprano solp, "I Will
Extol Thee" (Eli), M. Costa, Miss
Grace Deal; anthem, "O Sing Unto
Thee Lord," D. Buck.
Evening Soprano solo, "How
Lovely Are Thy Dwellings," Liddle, by
Mrs. Frank Eby; quartet, "Even Me,"
Warren; anthem, "The Heavens Are
Telling" (Creation), Hadyn.
St. Stephen's—The Kev. Rollin Al
ger Sawyer: 8, Holy Communion; 10,
Sunday sc'.iool; 11, morning prayer;
7:30, The Litany and an advent ad
St. Paul's —The Rev. Kloyd Apple
tori, rector. 8, Holy Communion; 11.
"The New Testament;" 4, Enola Y. M.
C. A-; 7:30, "The Newness of the
Christian Life."
Rev. Alfred L. Taxis
10:30 A. M.
Subject, "Outlines in the Chaos."
7:30 P. M.
Subject, "Tlie Greratest Orpheus."
(Monthly Song Service Night)
2 P. M.
Sabbath School, all departments
The new members are coming in
faster than our Kreatest expecta
tions—Bß in four weeks. ,
Olivet Presbyterian Church
Perry Street, above Fourteenth
Conllal Welcome to Every One
be found in such instruction as the
churches may give to their adherents,
supplemented by such work as the
educational Institutions of the country
may bo induced to undertake. This
instruction will bear upon the Ideals
of marriage. It. will teach that mar
riage is not contracted as a mere con
venience and for prudential reasons,
that it is not even primarily intended
solely for the personal happiness of
those who contract it. but that it is
indispensable to the proper filling out
of the life of human beings, that it is
one of the most effective methods of
developing character, and that the
preservation of the Integrity of mar
riage and of thf family Institution as
a whole is the only process by which
a truly divine order for society can
be maintained.
"No legislation, however sagaciously
framed, can ever effect a complete
cure of marriage maladjustments, but
such preventive measures as give
promise of diminishing the evils which
are now so abundant will commend
themselves to thoughtful persons. The
fact that In twenty-three states what
are known as 'common law marriages.'
In which a man and a woman take
each other for husband and wife with
out the services of a civil officer or a
clergyman, and frequently without any
witnesses, are recognized as valid, calls
for serious condemnation, and no re
form is more needed than legislation
declaring such unions to be null and
void everywhere in the United States."
Plan Monument to
Founder of Lutheran
Church in America
The founder of the Lutheran Church
in America and the organizer of the
mother synod of Lutheranism Is to be
honored In the quadrennial jubilee
year of the Reformation by the erec
tion of a memorial monument. The
medal for the monument has been
completed and is now in the hands of
the Philadelphia art commission for
their approval and selection of an
appropriate site. The sculptor who
has designed it is J. W. Schwelzer,
who designed the General Peter Muh
lenberg monument on City Hall
Square, Philadelphia, the Mollie Pitcher
monument and other famous monu
Church Briefs
alter E. Albee, pastor of the Way
side Mission, will open an evangelistic
campaign in the Mission Hall, 1212
Market street, this evening. Services
will be held every night except Mon
The girls' Bible class of the P. R. R.
i.—M. C. A. met in the association
rooms yesterday afternoon. Forty
eight members attended. The subject
was "Mountain Peaks of Character."
The boys' class met In the evening
with an attendance of 108 boys. Ira
P. Dean, religious instructor, was in
charge of both classes. The services
to-morrow afternoon at 3.30 o'clock
will be in charge of the men's Bible
class of the Penbrook Church of God.
The Rev. J. C. Forncrook will preach.
The Rev. W. N. Yates, pastor of the
Fourth Street Church of God. is pre
paring to hold an evangelistic cam
paign in the church during the month
of January. George Corer has been
appointed musical director, to have
charge of a chorus of over a hundred
Miss Jessie Brewer, a LiUtheran mis
sionary In India, now on furlough, will
speak at the morning services at the
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer.
The Rev. M. S. Shafer, pastor, will ad
dress the members of the Royal Fire
Company at 7.30 o'clock. The subject
will be 'Tire—llow to Avoid It."
The "Woman's Home and Foreign
Missiomry Society of the Messiah Lu
theran Church held a bazar and fes
tival in the Minter Hall. 110 North
Second street, to-day.
The members of "the Sunday school
of the Fourth Street Church of God
will give a cantata in the church on
Sunday, December 24.
Morning Prelude, "Communion
in E Flat," Batiste; offertory, "Melody
in A," Parker; anthem, (a) "Sanc
tus," (b) "Benedictus," Gounod; post
lude, "Hynus," Mackenzie.
Evening Prelude, "Andante." Ba
tiste; offertory. "Serenade." Gounod;
anthem, "Great Is the Lord," Lohr;
postlude, "Postlude," Stern.
j >
Liggelt's Chocolates
l-lb. f 2-lb. and 5-lb. Boxes,
80c the lb.
i 16 X. Tliird St. Pcnna. Station
Sunday, December 10
Preacher, Rev. L. S. Mudge, D.D., Pastor -■ \
10:30 A. M. |!|
"Home Maxims For Home Makers"
; ; 1 Timothy 5: 8
1.30 P. M. 1.40 P. M. sll,
Graded Sunday School Adult Bible Class
7:30 I!
. "The Home of Jesus"
"Can There Any Good Thing Come Out of
;Nazareth?" Eg
The First of Three Advent Evening Sermons. •'! i
Come and Kindle the Christmas Spirit. .; ,C
Sunday Evening, December 17 .If
"The Youth of Jesus"
Sunday Evening - , December 24 : il
f l "The Song of Jesus"
Handel's "Messiah." Part I. j ■'ij
Quartette —Chorus —Organ.
St, Stephen's Episcopal Church
North Front Street, Near line
Rev. Hollin Aliter Sawyer, Rector
Litany and Short Advent Sermon
The following music will bo suns:
(a) Vcnl Emmanuel (b) Dies I roe
(c) Anthem, "Lovely Appear" (Gounod)
Innovation at Messiah Luth
eran Church Announces
Rev. Hanson
Announcement was made yesterda:
by the Kev. Henry W. A. Hanson
pastor of Messiah Lutheran Chureli
that on Christmas Eve, in place of th<
regular order of evening service, then
will be a "candle light service."
Upon the altar of the church and a
all of the windows candles will bun
and radiate their Christmas message
of honor to the Christ Child. Th(
Christmas story will be the theme o
the Rev. Mr. Hanson's sermon, whtel
will be supplemented by Chrlstmai
congregational singing and by Christ
mas music by the choir.
This light service is an innovatior
for Harrisburg and is indeed the ver;
essence of the Christmastide. Furthe
announcement of the music will bi
made at a later date.
At the Young Men's Hebrew Asso
elation to-morrow morning childrei
will be enrolled in the Sunday schoo
at 10.30 o'clock. The classes will mee
in the afternoon at 2 o'clock. An illus
trated lecture will feature the eveninf
meeting at 8 o'clock. Announcenien
has been made that a Channucah pla;
will be given by the association in thi
Technical high school auditorium Jan
nary 2. The benefit ball for the asso
elation will be held January 22.
Morning—Prelude, Andante Grazl
oso, Dethler; offertory, Arioso, Shelley
duet, "Sabbath Repose," Abt; postlude
Marche Romalne, Gounod.
Evening Prelude, Andante in 1
Flat, Beethoven: female chorus, "An
gel Voices," Calvert; offertory, Salu
d'Amour, Eigar; anthem, "Praise Yi
the Lord," Heyser; postlude, Nuptla
Marche, Moore.
Morning Prelude, "Offertolre,'
Thomas; chorus, "Thou Lamb of God,
Wagner; offertory, "Echo Bells,
Brewer; quartet, "O God, Who Has
Prepared," Gaul; postlude, "Post
lude," Clark.
Evening—"Chant de Bonheur," Le
mair; chorus, "Now the Day Is Over,'
Knight; offertory, "Andante," Mozart
quartet, " In Heavenly Love Abiding,"
Langdale; postlude, "Postlude," Mar
Men! Attention!
Billy LaMance
"Damaged Goods"
Stevens Memorial
M. E. Church
Thirteenth and Vernon Streets
To-morrow Afternoon at 3:30
The Big Male Chorus and Sun
day School Orchestra Will Ren
der Special Music.
At the same hour Mrs. LaMance
will address a mass meeting
for Women and Girls
at the
Derry Street U. B. Church
Berry and FiftcenU* Streets
Will Be the Sermon Subject To
morrow at the Night Service
7:30 p. m.
Inspiring Singing by the Big
The Best Seat in the Hous Is Yours
if You Reach It First