26 THE DAY IN CONGIUSSS Washington. D. C., Dec. S. Senate— Met at noon. Interstate commerce committee con sidered railroad legislation bills. Begun consideration of a bill to es tablish prohibition in the District of Co lumbia. Adjourned at 3 p. m. until noon Mon day out of respect for the memory of the late Representative Tribble. of Georgia- House—No session; meets at noon Saturday. Military and naval committees con tinue consideration of bills. Interstate and foreign commerce committee decided not to take up high cost of living proposals before holiday recess. • \ DIAMONDS For Everybody Diamonds for yourself, your sweetheart, your father, moth er. sister or brother. •J°oo No. 14 540.00 No. 9 * m „ c J* £ lte Diamond Fine White Diamond 14k. Solid Gold 14k. Solid Gold |] r f 75.00 No. 2 StOO 00. No. lO I Fine White Diamond Fine Whit* Diamond *k. Solid Gold lik. Solid Gold Beautiful white sparkling full cut Diamonds, mountej in stvlish Rings. Scarf Pins, Ear Rings, Studs, Cuff Buttons. Brooch Pins, and Lavallieres. at prices to suit your purse. SPECIAL Pee our Special Diamond Kings with extra large beautiful Dia monds in stylish Tiffany mountings at $12.50, $15.00, $20.00, $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, and SIOO.OO. They are wonderful values. Come in and let us show them to you. FOE SPECIAL DIAMOND VALUES COME TO CLASTER'S 302 Market Street No. 1 N. Third St. Community Silver To-morrow, Saturday, Dec. 9 Mr. McFarland, who comes direct from the factory, will give a demonstration and tell you all about Community Silver. DINING ROOM of the LADY RANDOLPH CHURCHILL Lady Randolph Churchill, who wa3 Miss Jerome of New York, Is the V IV widow of Lord Randolph Churchill (brother of the late Duke of Marlbor- mv&T A ough), and 1s the mother of Winston Churchill, one of the most prominent SJI !i I of the younger statesmen of Great Britain, and formerly Home Secretary and ©■ I First Lord of the Admiralty. Her dining room is furnished with the fli J % \ I Patrician design In Community Plate. IS / V J A FEW DISTINGUISHED PATRONS OF COMMUNITY PLATE V\ J Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont, New York; Lady Randolph Churchill, London; Baroness de Meyer, New York; Mrs. James B. Haggin, New York; Mrs. Oliver Harrtman, New York; Duchess of Rutland, London; Mrs. F. 0. Have meyer, New York; Mrs. Robert Jordan, Boston; Mrs. Honore Palmer, Chi cago; Princess Troubetzkoy, New York; Countess Cadogan, London; Mrs. Reginald 0. Vanderbllt, New York. Quality, Beauty and Reputation Recommend It as an Ideal Gift for Christmas Clatter's is conceded to be headquarters for Community Silver. We are showing an extraordinary attractive lir.e for the holidays. Including all the latest patterns in single pieces and sets in beautiful gift case rod r: r;?h(.g.-ny cabinets and boxes. This is an extraordinary opportunity to make selections as Mr. lucFar!md •.!! give you the benefit of his experience at the factory. Patrician—Sheraton—Georgian Community Silver Wc CjHl -liStch Any PsttCrQ We put up all pur ls made up In so chases in Beautiful H. C. CLASTER acorpe in selection p<-kne la the and prlce - Gems —Jewels—Silverware * tam * ol a -" ,y 302 MARKET STREET * "11 Use Telegraph Want Ads. FRIDAY EVENING, EE&RRISBITRO TELEGRAPH DECEMBER 8, 1916. SECOND WEEK OF CAMPAIGN ENDS Booster Meeting Tonight in the ; Stevens Memorial Church; 200 Children to Sing The second week \\ \ \\ ofoneof the biggest \Vi | NNs, evangelistic cam \ paigns held In Har \v\rv risburg by a single yVn church will close this evening when IMfl UMk flf rtL Mance will preach "BIIBW in Stevens Menior- BMJCSnifIiWW i a i Methodist -V Church at a big booster meeting. £>er\ices auring the campaign have been held every evening except Satur day, with a special series on Sunday. So far almost 15,000 people have heard Dr. LaManee attack sin and vice and also preach a number of "good old-fashioned sermons." During the week Mrs. I.aMance. who directs the singing, has been training almost 200 boys and girls in the booster chorus, and the children will sing for the first time to-night. Other music will be furnished by the campaign chorus including a number of members of the male chorus of the church. No services will be held to morrow night. Services on Sunday follow: Class meeting, 9.30 o'clock; morning service. 10.30, sermon by Dr. LaManee: Sun day school, 2 o'clock: men's mass meeting In Stevens Memorial Church at 3.30, when Dr. LaManee will speak on "Damaged Goods"; women's mass meeting at 3.30 o'clock in Derry j Street United Brethren Church when Mrs. LaManee will speak; Christian • Endeavor, 6.15 o'clock; evening ser-1 vice. 7.30 o'clock, sermon by Dr. La- j Mance, on "Hell." The services as arranged for Sun day by the Rev. Dr. Clayton Albert Smucker, pastor of Stevens church, will open the third week of the cam- t paign. At the men's meeting in the j afternoon a special musical program will be given by the Sunday school or chestra and the male chorus. A spe cial program is also being arranged j for the evening service. Evangelist LaManee spoke last night before a large audience in the church auditorium, on "The Second Coming of Christ." He chose for his text the parable of the ten virgins, and urged i the people to get right with God. In I part of his sermon the evangelist de clared that too many theories have been advanced about eternity and the j millenium while people are missing the big point in the lesson that they I should repent of their sins. _ N Military Brushes Hair, Cloth, Tooth, Nail Brushes GORGAS 10 N. Third St. Prima. Station NEWS HAPPENINGS OF A BUSY WORLD TO READ IN A HURRY Washington Representative Sam uel J. Tribble, Democrat of Athens, OH., died here early to-day as the re sult of a stroke of apoplexy suffered i three days ago. He was serving his third term in Congress. St. Louis The ltev. Charles Stelzle. Held secretary of the Federal Council of Churches in America at a mass meeting held here to-day in connection with the quadrennial 'convention, declared it is the business of the church to develop social unrest j : because "without social unrest there i ; can be no real progress." Washington The Philippine bill I enacted at the last session of Con- 1 gi ess "is probably the best organic : act ever passed by congress," declared Brigadier General Frank Mclntyre, chief of the Rureau of Insular Affairs, | in his annual report made public to- I i day. General Mclntyre finds there is a "general feeling of satisfaction in the islands on the passage of the bill, 1 ! far greater than was anticipated." | j Recommendation that American citizenship be extended to the people ,of Porto Kieo is renewed. Washington _ Hawaii now has a population of 237,633, an increase of 145,714 over 1910, according to estt | mates given to-day in the annual re- j ' port of Governor Pinkham. The great- ' 1 est Increase was among the Japanese | j who added 17,326 to their number, j Washington The National Asso | ciation Opposed to Woman Suffrage j ; held business sessions to-day to dis- j I cuss plans for lighting the federal | | suffrage amendment and to elect of- i ! fleers. Reports were presented from l suffrage States tending to show that only a small proportion of women i went to the polls at the recent gen eral election and that in few casts did | they have a noticeable effect on political conditions. Wheeling, W. Ya. The demands of the stogie rollers for an advance i in wages of $1 per thousand have I been granted by all but two manufac j turers in Wheeling. Union leaders ' ' believe that the remaining firms will Igrant the increase and the strike, i which has been in progress several [weeks will be called, off shortly. > Baltimore More than 90,000 | persons were killed and 600.000 injur- 1 | ed during the last twenty years, while ! ; trespassing on railroads, the Safety First Federation Convention was told to-day by Marcus A. Dow, of the New | York Central lines. Investigations show that most of the victims were of j the wage earning class. i MISSIONARY RALLY TO-XIGIIT AT CAMP CURTIX M. K. At Camp Curtin Memorial Methodist j Episcopal Church. Sixth and Whar ; ton streets. to-nisrUt, a missionary raj- j ! ly will be held as part ot the week's ; dedicatory services. Dr. John D. Fox. pastor of Grace' ' Methodist Episcopal Church, will pre- j ! side. Earl Taylor, missionary secre ! tary of the Methodist Churih. New York city, will give a stercopticon lec ture "Around the World With the Mis ! sionary Camera." Sunday morning the dedicatory ser | vices will be featured with a sermon ! by Bishop William Burt, of Buffalo. ENOI,A OVARTET TO SING New Bloomtield. Pa., Dee. 8. Or Sunday morning the P. R. R. Y. M. C A. quartet of Enola. and s'x persona' workers from the association will as ! sist at the services in the Methodis' ; Episcopal church here. In the evening : the party will be at Trinity Reform | ed church. Hcrliii The report of the German' Steel Syndicate regarding shipments of steel for the fiscal year 1915-16 i states that of the total shipments S7 I per cent, were for hom consumption. I as against Si pe rcent the preceding, year. The total steel production of Germany for the same period is given s 14.700.000 tons as compared with 11.700,000 tons- the preceding year. Berlin The bringing down of an ; Italian aeroplane by Lieut. Cantield. | the noted Austria aviator, in an cn i gagertont over the Carso plateau on I December 3 is announced in an Aus- I tro-Hungarian Admiralty statement. ! Washington, Co-operation of all i national organizations working for ! 'he dry cause was sought by the National Temperance Council which met here to-day attended by repre sentatives of the Anti-Saloon League, Prohibition party Woman's Christian Temperance Union, Committee of and a number of church bodies. Most of these organizations will hold separate conferences to-morrow and Sunday to plan future work. Special attention will be directed, it was said, to legislative projects to establish national prohibition forbid use of the mails to liquor advertisements and I make the District of Columbia dry. ( Washington., The National Wo man s Peace Party of which Miss Jane jAd dams, of Chicago, is president, i opened a three-day convention here to-day. Subjects for discussion in , elude military training neutral action [ to shorten the war, unions to enforce 1 ; peace, war investments and the con-j dition of dependent nations in the' j war. Washington. President Wilson | will be a speaker to-night before the | conference on social insurance, in ' cssion here. Secretary lledtield will ; preside and others scheduled speakers | , are Samuel Gompers, president of the j American Federation of Labor and I Ueorge Pope, president of the Nation al Association of Manufacturers. The conference to-day discussed old age and mother.-- pension. —Gold to the amount of j510.800,000 imported from Canada ' wus deposited in the Assay office here; to-day for account of J." P. Morgan Company, making a total of $575,- 1000,000 imported from all sources since January 1. This week's arrivals total $50,900,000. Santiago, Chile Jermain Resco, who was president of the republic for i the term which ended in 1906, died ; to-day. Berlin The Socialist newspaper \ orwaerts in an editorial on the cap- 1 iture of Bucharest, expresses the view that the chief significance of the vic | tory lies in the disproof it furnishes : of the entente assertions that Chan-1 lienor Von Bethmann-Hollweg's cx-: ■pressed willingness to make peace is! ! dictated by Germany's weakness. I IMPORTANT I' 1 "ILLR NOTICIL! I I Automatic Telephone System In Service Sunday!! I I -TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS- | lien you wake up Sunday morning, pick up your telephone receiver, and do not hear the sweet voiced operator say "Number, Please?'' you will know the Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Pa. has "Cut Over from the out-of-date manual to the ultra-modern AUTOMATIC system. Then, instead of waiting patiently, as you have been accustomed to do— I "USE THE DIAL!" I and in a few seconds you will hear your party's bell ringing. Then all that stands between you and safe, secret telephone service is the moment until your party lifts his receiver and answers '"Hello!" pj t I HOW to USE the DIAL I First and always, Take the receiver from the hook. Second, Put your finger in the hole over the first unit of the number to be called, and pull Dial around as far as it will go. Tlieii take your finger away and repeat with each unit of the number. Third. You will distinctly hear your party's bell ringing. Or if the line is in use, you will hear the "busy buzz." Fourth. lf you make a mistake, or wish immediately to make another call, hang up the receiver for about two seconds and dial again. A Few Precautions To Call the Suburbs I)o not call numbers in the old manual directory as Steelton Harrisburg and Steelton are merged n all numbers have been changed. >4j If you have not received your NEW AUTOMATIC Under one list ~ the Greater Harrisbur & directory. DIRECTORY through some oversight, then dial "In Hummelstown Dial 2311. H formation, 293" and you will be given the number you Marvsville Dial ">314 desire and a special messenger will bring you a directory. ' . Don't force the dial back; take your finger away Mechanicsburg Dial 2316. and let it "run" back. ™ . ... , M i>„ .... , I ell the operator at the town you are calling whom ne careful you arc dialing the number you want, J b because you will always get the number you dial. There you want and she will get your party. is no "wrong number nuisance" in the AUTOMATIC ' , . ... „ ' , telephone system because of somebody else's mistake. make a Long Distance call Dial O and tell The AUTOMATIC never misunderstands the number! the operator whom you want. Just a Final Word '1 he installation of the Twentieth century telephone system THE AUTOMATIC has been the greatest elec trical engineering achievement in the history of the city. Our employes have been working night and day for six months to give you this up-to-the-minute service, the finest known to telephony. Naturally, in the throes of such a tremendous task, something may have been overlooked. If it happens to hit you, Dial "Complaint Department, 292," or otherwise advise us at once. brum now on do not be tolerant of anything but perfect telephone service. And urge your friends to I "USE THE DIAL" I I Cumberland Valley Telephone Company of Pa. 1 "At the Sign of the Dial" I FEDERAL SQUARE ! I.oiulon Lloyds Shipping Agency ij announces that the Belgian steamer j Ivelzer and the Norwegian steamer | | Meteor have been reported sunk and ! I their crews landed. ;l Uuflalo, N. Y.—Witnesses who will tell of the presence of a strange negro I i near the scene of the Teiper murders 1 I on the Orchard Park road on the night 'of the tragedy were in court'to-day . i ready to testify in defense of John Ed- ] . ward Teiper, who is charged with the . crime. A large number'of character, i witnesses also received notice that j . they would be called during the day. ; St. Johns. The New Foundland j I 1 government, under the provisions of; . the war'measures act, has prohibited , i the admUsion into New Foundland of. , i the American publications that have . been excluded from English and Ca- I j nadian territories. II I'tU a.—Captain Samuel H. Beck f, with, veteran telegrapher, known dur . i ing the war as "Grant's shadow," as he 1 handled all the cipher dispatches of I that general, and accompanied him I. from Fort Donaldson to the surrender ,| of Lee, died In a soldiers' home in i Hampton Roads, Va.. yesterday, ac >l cording to word received here. 1 London.—Purchase by the govern ment of all essential imported food- ! stuffs. Hio commandeering or control ! , of all home products and of ships, and the placing of supplies on the re- j ; tail market at prices which would give i to the consumer the full benefit of i , j these measures, was advocated at the ] ,' national conference of trades unionists. | ; WANT CONGRESSIONAL I'HOIIE j Chicago, 111., Dec. B.—Resolutions j railing upon Congress to investigate! | the entire problem of agriculture in j ' the United States and calling for an! | Investigation of the marketing of live- I | stock were adopted to-day at the clos ing session of the fourth national con- I ference /in marketing and farm credits. I ! The resolutions suggest that Congress j I look into the workings of co-operative [ marketing and buying in foreign , countries. MUNICIPAL MAlllil T COM HATS LIVING COST Evansville, Ir.d., Dec. B.—The mu nicipal market established here by . Mayor Benjamin ltosse to tight the ! high cost of food did a rushing busi ness to-day with prices from 25 per Wm from all sections of citv are rapidly getting wise to the" j ! money that can be saved by shopping in uptown stores. No better time JI. j ' than right now to try this out. -s. \ EIMCA'S B : i IS EorcmicAx WEK ISf J|sffllDec .Dec£> j SPECIAL 1 1 1 Electric Portab j c a * 15% Discount | | SATURDAY ONLY ( # For Sale by ? K Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. 1 j Harrisburg Electric Supply Co. J € Harrisburg Light & Power Co. Jr I DO IT ELECTRICALLY \m - - cent. to a third less than asked by re | tailers. Mayor Uos'se has been buying vegetables and supplies in carload lots i in Chicago, Kentucky and other places j wherever he can obtain them. He also J has bought and sold coal cheaper than | the coal dealers here. U-BOAT SHELL KILLS TWO London. Dec. 8. The Norwegian steamship Caloric on her voyage from the United States to Scandinavian ports was flred upon by a German submarine and two mmebers of her crew were Killed, says a dispatch from Copenhagen" to the Exchange Tele graph Company. The Caloric escaped undamaged. The Woman's Home and Foreign Missionary Society of Messiah Lu theran Church will hold a bazar and festival to-morrow at Minter Hall, 110 North Second street. To accom modate market goei;s, school children and promenadcrs, the bazar will bo open all day.