" THE BIG STORE ON THE HILL " Your Gift Shop As the gift-giving season approaches thoughtful, sensible folks, naturally turn to the gifts that combine utility and beauty. Good Furniture easily heads the list of useful gifts. Good Furniture takes its place in the home, and the pleasure, the comfort, the satisfaction it affords endures for a lifetime. Come to this big Christmas Furniture Store and enjoy the satisfaction of selecting from our immense stock of depend able furniture at plainly marked prices that will net your gen uine and generous savings. A few suggestions— For Him— Easy Leather Chairs or Rockers, $22.00 to $45.00 Easy Tapestry Chairs or Rockers, $25.00 to $45.00 Smoking Stands $2.50 to $15.50 Leather Foot Stools $1.25 to $4.50 Bookholders $1.25 to SB.OO Rolltop Desks $25.00 to $38.00 Desk Chairs $4.50 to SB.OO Mahogany Chair or Rockers fiJ Mahogany Sewing Tables _ Mahogany Candlesticks; pair \ Jp—' Tea Wagons $12.00 Peal (-J Period Chairs and Rockers Mahogany or Fumed Oak LI- T7 brary Tables. .$14.00 to $25.00 "f//j I [/ Music Cabinets.slo.oo to $25.00 Vl/\ I I Electric I.amps. .$5.75 to SIB.OO V\l | / A Waste Baskets, in reed or ma- wii i^Ti hogany $1.50 to $5.00 \TJ For the Family Dining Suites or Odd Pieces in all woods; Library Suites Odd 1" leces in all woods j Davenports, leather or tapestrv j Bedroom Suites in all woods. 1 his is your shop for any gift you may desire. Buy early and have it delivered when wanted. Fackler's 1312 Derr y st - Store Will Be Open Every Evening Until 0 p. m.; After December 18th, up to Christmas. FARE'S DIAPEPSIN FOR DYSPEPSIA, GAS, OR UPSET STOMACH Indigestion Goes Instantly ! Ends Sourness, Acidity and all Stomach Misery—No Waiting—Get Some! Do some foods you eat hit back | taste good, but work badly; ferment i into stubborn lumps and cause a sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, Mr. or Mrs. Dyspeptic, jot this down; Pape's Dlapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you. There never was anything so safely quick, i so certainly effective. No difference how badly your stomach is disordered you will get happy relief in five min- | utes. but what pleases you most is that' it strengthens and regulates your stomach so you can eat your favorite loods without fear. Most remedies give you relief some- j times they are slow, but not sure. "Pape's Diapepsin" is quick, positive SMALL HOPE OF SAVING RUMANIA [Continued From First Page] also the development of a violent ar tillery engagement north of Monastir. Another Route Opened Another route for an attack on Ploechti and Bucharest from the northwest has been opened through Sinai, reported to-day. This town is on the Ploechti-Kronstadt railroad, lead ing to Tomoser pass, 2 2 miles south of the latter city and about 37 miles northwest of Ploechti. The Ruman ians who were defending Sinai and the territory tothe north were com pelled to evacuate the district bv the advance of Field Marshal Von Mack ensen's forces from the west. Yesterday'B captures by the Teu tonic armies invading Rumania to talled 6,000 prisoners. Italian Premier Says War Not Wanted With Greece Rome, Dec. 5. The allies do not desire to force Greece into war, nor do they support any anti-dynastic move ment In Greece asserted Premier Bo selli in his report on the war delivered before the Chamber of Deputies to Tb. Original Food-Driuk For All | SHb.tltuUo Co/ymu „ M (utuj You are invited to attend the Formal Opening of our New Jewelry Store REBUILT—REMODELED—ENLARGED— BEAUTIFIED Restocked With Magnificent New Lines of Merchandise RECEPTION TO THE PUBLIC FRIDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 8 7:30 TO 9:30 NO GOODS WILL BE SOLI) MUSIC SOUVENIRS A Cordial Invitation Extended to Everybody THE IDEAL JEWELRY & OPTICAL'CO 2-3 N. Front St. STEELTON WEDNESDAY EVENING, I and puts your stomach in a healthy | condition so the misery won't come back. )t ou t feel different as soon as "Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact ; with the stomach distress just van ishes your stomach gets sweet, no gases, no belching, no eructations of undigested food, your head clears and [ you feel fine. Go now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large hfty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store. You realize in nve minutes how needless it is to suf fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. Don't be talked into something else "just as good" genuine, no imitation. day. Premier Boselli reiterated the determination of Italy to maintain the war with the allies until the restitu tion of Belgium, Serbia and Monte negro was accomplished. As proof that Italy was prepared to push her operations vigorously the premier announced that there were now 2,100 factories working on war material, the workers being one-fifth women whose participation both in in dustries and agriculture was increas ing daily. George B. Nebinger Will Be President of Hbg. Republican Club George B. Nebinger, for years a prominent member of the organ ization, will be the next president of the Harrisburg Republican Club. He will be elected without opposition at the annual meeting, December 26. The other nominations follow: vice-presi dent, Edward A. Palter; secretarv Asliton D. Peace: treasurer, F. M Title; trustees. W. H. Hoffman, L. r] Metzgrer, Herman Geiger; membership committee. W. D. Block, H. Eisen berger, Joseph H. Henning, Walter Collins and Clyde Richardson. STF£I7XWMm COUFFER AUTO IN TWO ACCIDENTS Stearing Gear Cause of Colli sions With Buggy and An other Machine Failure of the stearing gear of the auto owned by Samuel Couffer, 322 Pine street, last evening was the cause of a double accident, in which much damage was done two automobiles and a buggy. While returning from Harrisburg late | last night, Mr. Coulter's stearing gear failed to work when he tried to turn t out of the path of a buggy going down j Front street near Franklin. He hit the buggy and both occupants were thrown |to the sidewalk. Mrs. Charles Look, of I Knhaut, who was driving the buggy sustained a sprained arm and lacera ! tions of the face and bruises of the | body. The other occupant whose name has not been learned was also badlv bruised about the body. The pair were taken into the home of G. W. Weaver and later removed to the offices of a physician where their in juries were dressed. Mr. Couffer's car was not damaged, in the accident and he was able to proceed home. At Second and Pine streets some time I later Mr. Couffer was turning into Pine street off Second and the stearing gear ■ again failed to work. Harry Long of Harrisburg, operating his father s car I was coming down Pine street. Unable jto turn the corner, Couffer ran Into Longs car damaging It. The front | fenders, springs and axle, of Long's , auto was badly bent. Couffer's car was I damaged slightly. Temperance Union Meeting to Be Held Here Tomorrow The annual institute of the Dauphin County Women's Christian Temper ance Union will be held in the Meth odist Church to-morrow afternoon and evening. The afternoon session will convene lat 2 o'clock The Rev. William i banderson will have charge of the de ! votional exercises. Other numbers on the program will consist of a solo by Mrs. Karl Heffner; "Open Parliament," | subject, "A Handful of Hints for I temperance Workers," led by the I county superintendents: demonstra- I tions. march of the dry States, led by C w M ' s P ahr : campaign plans for I by county president, Mrs. M. M. | Stees. A social hour and box social will be held at 5 o'clock, ; The Rev. D. E. Rupley will have charge of the devotional exercises ! which will mark the opening of the levening session at 7:45 o'clock. Other I numbers will include a duet by Mrs. | Roth and Mrs. Danner; reading Wai cott; address. "Spoiling the Spoilers," I the Rev. F. E. Holsopple, district su j penntendent of the State Anti-Saloon League. Red Cross Seals Put on Sale at Borough Stores Red Cross Christmas seals were on sale in nearly every business place of the borough to-day. The seals were distributed by a committee yesterday. Mrs. John M. Heagy, is chairman. C. S. Davis, principal of Steelton high school, will have charge of the distri bution in the schools. Steelton Snapshots Declare Dividend. The Transpor , tation Relief Association announced | last evening a dividend of $8.40, to be paid December 19 from 2 to 8 at 144 North Front street. Booster Meeting. Arrangements for the next meeting of the Booster Association of the Order of Inde pendent Americans in this district to ,l eIU next Wednesday evening in Steelton Council No. 162. will be made by the local council this evening. FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION Forty hours' devotion will be ob served in St. Peter's Catholic church next week. The services will be opened Sunday morning at 8-30 o olock and will close Tuesday eve ning with the benediction and proces sion. The Rev. Father Murn of the Franciscan order will have charge of the services which will be held Mon day and Tuesday mornings at 5 and 9 o clock and 7:30 In the evening. FIFTEENTH ANNIVERSARY Washington Camp No. 522, P. O. S. Enhaut, will celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of the organ ization to-morrow evening. A public to be held in the High School Building will mark the celebration. National and State officers of the order will be among the speakers on the program. Country Store at the Orpheum Theater, Steelton. to-night. The new management announces this addition to the weekly program.—adv. FINED FOll CONDUCT James Wright and Ralph Taylor, of Adams street, were fined and discharged after they had paid the costs at a hear ing before Burgess Wlgfleld. last night, on a charge of disorderly conduct. Ed gar Butler, of Adams street, was lined 10 and costs for the same offense. MOOSE MAY BUILD A meeting of the Moose will be held in the rooms in Front street, this even m! The important topic for discussion will be the erection of a lodge building. SCHWAB MEMBER COMMERCE BODY [Continued From First Page] ing list of important figures in the I steel world. Schwab is a firm believer in Chamber of Commerce activity as evidenced recently in his dinner to the organizations in Bethlehem and South Bethlehem in which he pro posed a union of the two cities. The taking of fifty memberships in the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce followed the annual dinner of the local body at which Mr. Schwab and Eugene G. Grace, president of the Bethlehem Steel Company spoke. Mr. Grace, who has been called by Mr. Schwab the greatest steel man in the country to-day. is also a member of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce. Bent Also a Member Quincy Bent, who was made gen eral manager of the Steelton plant when the Bethlehem interest took over the Pennsylvania Steel Company and its subsidiaries, is one of the Bethle hem Company's representatives in the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Bent has accepted an appointment on the Indus trial Committee of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. Other Bethle hem Steel Company officials who are numbers of the local organization are: W. F. Roberts, vice-president; A. Johnson, vice-president; C. A. Buck vice-president: H. S. Snyder, vice president; E. S. Knlsely, general sales HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT Preparations Are Now Being Made For Harrisburg's Biggest and Best Sale of -■ OVER 1450 WOMEN'S AND MISSES' WINTER COATS Sale Starts Friday Morning (Next) At 8 O'clock > LETTERGRAM REPRODUCED BELOW EXPLAINS ITSELF < t . 1 if" ' SSTFCJJIF HTLETT ETG R" A M"1 W| AND ocuvcna THW NMHT URRTNOIIAII auajccr TO THC H TIWI AM COWOITIOW —IWTIB OK TNC AC TMI. aiAMIC. CLAHCNCC H. MCKV. PHrIOIT. H lny bo 40 788 am nl nl Pr. Hew York NY Doc 4-16 Kauffmans Underselling Store Harriaburg Penna Have purchased from four of Hew Yorks largest manufacturers oyer fourteen hundred and fifty womens and misses handsome winter coats at big prioe concessions. They will all be shipped today. Make preparations for the biggest ooat sale ever held in Harrisburg. x Ja 11a JLLOyda Ar ei pi^ e t AbTe Night lettergram Tuesday Morning From Mr. Lloyd, Our Coat and Suit Buyer and assorted into lots f ™tto Kg Coaf Sak. Purcha3e of over 1460 Coats has arrived and is now bein S unpacked W Which Starts Friday Morning (Next) At 8 O'clock The price concessions we secured from the manufacturers were Tremendously Large and the same big price concessions will be passed on to you—giving you without doubt The Best Money-Saving Coat Opportunity You Have Ever Had, Right At The Time The Buying Power Of Your Dollars Must Be Stretched To The Furthermost Sales Like This One Are Not Usually n To-morrow's Announcement We Will Give You Complete Details and Prices—Watch Tor It! agent; B. H. Jones, treasurer; H. E. Lewis, assistant treasurer; G. H. Blakeley, manager structural steel de partment; Paul Makall, assistant gen eral sales agent; It. \V. Gillispie, as sistant general sales agent; H. B. Bent, engineer of tests; F. A. Rob bins. Jr., superintendent of the blast furnaces; W. W. Leek, superintend ent rolling mills; C. P. Turner, chief engineer; J. C. Reed, electrical en gineer; E. F. Entwisle, mechanical en gineer; J. H. McDonald, superintend ent of transportation; Carl B. Ely, engineer bridge and construction de partment; G. S. Vickery, superintend ent frog and switch department; B. Weaver, superintendent of the steel foundry; H. B. Hain, superintendent ol the forge department; W. B. Hod dinott, secretary to Quincy Bent; A. G. L eberroth, works accountant. With the exception of the first eleven named, who are located in South Bethlehem, the others are in charge of the work at Steelton. The remainder of the memberships will be assigned soon. Industrial Committee Meets The Industrial Committee of the Harrisburg: Ch&mber of Commerce met yesterday afternoon and consider ed a number of propositions which demand further consideration before they can be treated seriously. The committee considered a refer endum from the Chamber of Com merce of the United States of America relating to proposed national legisla tion which will permit combinations or co-operation agreements between de velopers of manufacturers of natural resources such as lumber, iron and steel, oil. copper, coal, etc., also to permit American manufacturers and businessmen to co-operate in foreign trade. This is in line with the pro posed Webb bill In Congress, which is receiving support from men of every shade of opinion. Edward N. Hurley, chairman of the Federal Trade Commission who will address the Chamber on Wednesday December 13, will discuss the major points raised in the above referendum before the whole membership of the chamber. The membership of the industrial committee is as follows: John F. Dapp, chairman; Joseph Wallazz, Quincy a nd yourTOOTHBRUSH KXLI* THE GERMS—SAVE THE TEETH SENRPCO. thatooth,p..ta that KEALLT CLEANS. ha, keen put to , teet, *s A £ r t zfix r N lzfc£S> - c n .l s? -%• -*• /wVr„ JIT '"*? ~" *M r * rn,dial agent In t/te treatment tha folder, "The Mo,t General O/'.a.c' wJ^tf^ToiethZT^luh'l'li'L. C °rr.-°' Bent, Robert H. Irons, C. W. Lynch, W. T. Hildrup, Jr., Edward Bailey and George Watt. This committee will entertain Mr. Hurley while he is In Harrisburg. Ivy L. Ic to Speak Hero L. Lee, personal assistant to John D. Rockefeller, Jr., will be one of the speakers at the series of mem bership luncheons of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce. He will speak early in 1917. WATCH OUT FOR WINTER ILLS IS TIP [Continued From First Pago] said that after a case has been diag nosed at some homes, parents think by sending children to relatives or friends, that the health department will let the youngsters go to school. This will not be permitted. Dr. Raunlck declared, as the children may be carriers of the disease and cause an epidemic. In warning parents about the prevalence of chickenpox, he advised that chil dren should be watched continually, and that a physician should be called at once If a child complains of feeling 111. In conclusion he again referred to the importance of treating colds promptly. Close Emergency Hospital Plans have been made to close the ty phoid emergency hospital on Saturday. Only eleven convalescent patients are being treated there now under / the city's supervision and the city health officer said to-day that these can prob ably be sent home within the next few days. The place will be thoroughly fumigated before the supplies are re moved and the wards closed. City food fnspectors announced to day that only twenty licenses for the present year remain unpaid, and that prosecutions will follow unless these are paid at once. Announcement was made also that plumbers lyust regis ter a grain before January 1, 1917. DECEMBER 6, *1916. 'STATE C. OF C. ORGANIZATION ON [Continued From First Page] I Photo by Overton. HOWARD B. FRENCH Temporary Chairman. opening session. 'Following the or ganization of the State chamber ar rangements will probably be made at once for the establishment of permanent headquarters In this city. President French, of the Philadell phia Chamber, said that favorable re ports have been received from all parts of Pennsylvania commending the plan to organize a State body. Following the session many of the representatives who attended will re port to the various organizations in the State, to bring them In closer touch with the State body. WILSON STUDYING HIGH COST OF LIVING REPORT [Continued From First Paso] primarily for the purpose of devising an effective method of conducting th< investigation which may take in fuel and clothing as well as food. Department of Justice officials ar understood to have under considera* tion as a pt.rt of the investigation, an inquiry into the methods adopted bj various boards of trade, produce and other associations where the market value of foodstuffs is largely deter* mined. Although several of the bills Intro* duced in Congress since Monday to meet the high cost of living situation have been laid before the President he has given his approval to none of them and will continue to withhold comment until he is prepared to pro- Bent his views in the form of a recom mendation for legislation. He has noi yet decided when he will go befor Congress. A Single Application Banishes Every Hair (The Modern Beauty) Here is how any woman can easilj and quickly remove objectionable, hairy growths without possible Injury to the skin: Make a paste with somi powdered delatone and water, apply to hairy surface and after 2 or 3 min utes rub off, wash the skin and th hairs are gone. This is a painless, inexpensive method and, excepting where the growth is unusually thick, a single application Is enough. You should, however, be careful to gel genuine delatone. 5