Don't Store Hat Furniture Sell It Throngh a 'Telegraph" Wait Ad ] A A * A A A A A A A A d* A A A A A A A * A * Ala 1 + - - - - + a + + + + Deaths MI SSEU James Hall Musser, on No vember 23, 1916. at his residence. Funeral on Monday, at 2 o clock, from residence. No. 215 North becond atreet. Interment private. MILLER Died. Edmund J. Miller, Friday morning, November -4, uit>, at his home. 560 Race atre®*. „„ s , >cr Funeral services Monday morningr. November 27, lUI6, at 10 o clock. '1 he • relatives and friends are invited to attend. HA.MI —On Thursday, November 2", 1916, Annie M. Hand, wite of Charles B. Hand, aged 67 years, 11 months and 13 days. Funeral on Monday altei noon, at 1 o'clock, from her late iesl dence, 660 Emerald street, Ine: rem tives and friends are invited to at tend without further notice. Lost ana Found FOUND Pair of glasses. Owner can have same by calling at -11 Forstei street and paying for this ad. LOST On Wednesday, gold brace let with initials P. M. Z., in lavatory on balcdny of Dives, Poveroy & Stewart s store. Reward if returned to Box Jl, Etters, Pa. Help Wanted —Male WANTED Quick, hustler to travel these towns and surrounding country: Wllliamstown, Lykens, Ellzabetlitown, Mlllersburg, Steelton, Royalton, Hum melstown, Lebanon, Halifax, Jones town. Glen Bros., Rochester, N. x. SALESMEN Spare time or full time. Take orders for "Kantleak Raincoats. Quick sellers. Retail S rices $3.98 up. Liberal commissions, 'ree sample coat. Comer Mfg. Co., 11 World street, Dayton, Ohio. GOOD MONEY made at home knitting hosiery. Machines furnished on time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.), 337 Madison, Chicago. I WILL PAY any honest man up to SSO monthly for part of spare time. No canvassing. No capital. Write to-da>. Voorhies, Desk 155, Omaha, Nebr. MALE HELP WANTED lf you are ■working on a small salary and are con fronted by the higher and rising cost of living; if you have enough ambition to rise, above discouragement and will match your time against our Invest inent, you are the man we are looking for. Honesty, ability and sticktolttlve. ness are more essential than actual ex pericnce in our line. Address, giving references, to-day, 8., 4707, care of Telegraph. FLORIDA TRIP FREE For part time work. Proposition very simple. Full expense allowed. E. T. Anderson. 112 South Dearborn street, Chicago. DRIVER WANTED For Ice cream wagon. Apply, ready for work, to Dean F. Walker, 409 North Second street. WANTED A good, all-around man to do general labor work; young n)® 1 } preferred. Inquire W. S. Snook, 004 Kelker stret. WANTED Boy over 16, to assist in , shipping department. $5.00 to start with. Quick advancement to right boy. Reply in own hand and give reference. Address L.. 4705, care of Telegraph. WANTED Wood-working machine men; state age and experience and ■wages expected; steady work the year around. Federal Equipment Co., Car lisle, Pa. LABORERS WANTED Good wages steady work with chance for advance ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Office, Central Iron and Steel Company. . WANTED Men prepare as Firemen, Erakemen, Electric Motormen. Colored Train Porters. Hundreds put to work $65 to SIOO month. No experience nec essary. 200 wanted in Pennsylvania, Name position wanted. Inter Railway, Dept. 190, Indianapolis, Ind. WANTED Experienced cylinder press feeder. Steady work. Apply to The Beistle Company, Shippensburg. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED —Shoe depart ment Steelton Store Co., Steelton, Pa. WANTED Boys, 16 years of age or over, to learn shoemaking; good posi tions for bright boys. Apply Devlne & Yungel Shoe Manufacturing Company, Sixtenth and State streets WANTED 5O able-bodied men for piece work. Experienced truckers can earn $75 to S9O per month. Must be able to read and write. Apply in person only to agent of Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Division Street Transfer, P. R. R. Co., Harris burg, Pa. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING AT HOME We prepare you for civil service positions by a modern and ef ticent method of instruction at home and furnish a standard typewriter. Ad dress INTERSTATE BUREAU, Harris bur B-. Pa. WANTED A foreman baker; also a man to attend to two horses, morn ings and evenings. Call at 45 North Fourteenth street. WANTED Organizers for the Order of Owls; permanent work and good pay. See Jos. F. Johnston, Bolton Hotel, after 4 P. M. .. MECHANICAL DRAWING Special night classes now forming at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE. L,earn to be a Frog and Switch draftsman. Eocal positions Good salaries. Write, call, or phone for particulars. WANTED A boy, 16 years old, to work In lunch room; nine hours a day; good pay and three meals. 211 Walnut street. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerks, Post Offtce Clerks and other positions scon to be held. See Mr. Depue, of Interstate Civil Service Bureau, at Young Men's Business Institute, Her shey Building, Front and Market streets, or phone Bell 4361. WANTED One good tinner. Call, or address, Wm. H. Snook, 334 Kelker street. WANT Young men to learn auto mobile business, to become practical mechanics and chauffeurs. We give our students a chance to make money at the rate of 20c per hour between class hours. We guarantee to pay you 30c per hour as soon as competent. SSO in cash required. Auto Transporta tion School, 27-29 North Cameron street New Brick Houses For Sale Fulton and Delaware Sts. Six new, two-tory brick houses—built In pairs—cemented cellar— Ideal steam heat boiler—kitchen with gas range (steam heat radiator) — dining room—living room—combination open stairway—three bedrooms— concrete front and steps (stucco porch celling). The price of houses I* 92300 each, no more or less. Arrange to have us show you these delightful little housrs an early as pokslble. Located In n section where most of pvople own tlietr homes. MILLER SATURDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH NOVEMBER 25, 1916. Help Wanted —Male I MACHINISTS Glsholt. Jones & Lifson, Milling, Radlul Drill and Auto | malic Machine Operators, and llrst i class Toolniakers. INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CO., Mack & Saurer Trucks, Allentown, Pa. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character ana temperate habits, who can speak, reaa and write the English language. For information apply to Recrultlrig Of ficer, Bei gner Bidg., 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. WANTED A bright, active young man, single, who writes a good, legible hand, can add a column of figures with out the use of an adding machine, is not afraid of work, and wears out his shoes instead of the seat of his pants. Communicate with P. O. Box 467, Har risburg. WANTED Stenographer. Young man of ability. State qualifications, whether employed or not, experience and age. References. State salary to start. C. C. C., 4525, care of Telegraph. MEN WANTED For coal hauling and yard work; good wages. Apply at once. McCreath Bros., 567 Race street. YOUNG MAN of good address and at least fair education, capable of inter viewing business houses and giving dic tation. Permanent position with re sponsible house. Address D„ 5514, care of Telegraph. A 1 SOLICITORS WANTED Balary of SIO.OO and commission. A good proposition for a llvewire and a g°°p. personal producer. Apply at 219 Wal nut street. Arcade Building, Room 207. Call between S:3O and 10:30 A. M. SHOES Experienced outside cut ters on women's shoes; steady employ ment, and good wages. C. S. Gibbon Co., 54 North Fourth street, Philadel phia, Pa. COMMENCE SPANISH under the di rection of Professor Hamilton, of Tech High School, now being conducted at YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Call, write or phone for particulars. GOOD, strong, healthy over 16. Apply Superintendent The Telegraph Printing Co.. Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-clans cutters on ladies' fine shoes; steady employment and good wages. Utz & Dunn Co.. 37 Canal stieet, Rochester. N. Y. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Two ladles to assist in pleasant, outdoor work of a philan thropic nature. In which the remunera tion is above the average. Addresß J., 4531, care of Telegraph. WANTED Persons to color art pic tures at home; easy work; no experi ence; good pay; sample free. Wheeler Co.. 337 Madison, Chicago. I WOMEN WANTED Full time sls, f spare time 25c an hour, selling guar anteed Wear Proof Hosiery to wearer. Experience unnecessary. Enormous Christmas business. Guaranteed Stock ing Mills, Norristown, Pa. DRESSMAKING TAUGHT THOR OUGHLY Day and Evening Classes. Dressmaking and remodeling done. Send stamp for circular. Mme. Henderson, 52S North street. Capital street cars pass door. COLORED MAID WANTED at Plaza Hotel for relief duty. Apply at once. WANTED Experienced chamber maid (white): must come well -recom mended. Apply at fl.'he Morrell, 212 Lo cust street. WANTED For cooking only. Ap ply in person to Mrs. James F. Bullitt, 2220 Chestnut street. WANTED Girls experienced on power machines to make baby shoes. Apply Dauphin Shoe Co., 320 Market street, fourth floor, over Hub. WANTED A middle-aged white woman; must cook and do the house work in family of two; references re quired. Address S., 6512, care of Tele graph. WANTED An experienced lady bookkeeper. Address 221, care of Tele graph. WANTED A white woman to cook j and to do the work for a small family; good wages. Call Bell phone 672 M. HOUSEKEEPER—A widower, with out children, wants middle-aged woman for housekeeper; good wages; refer ence required. R., 4516, care of Tele graph. I WANTED 3O girls to make straight shape on hand work. Rolling 42c; bunching 21c. We teach suction rollers to make hand work. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co., 500 Race street, WE have room for operators, learn ers, folders and trimmer, good pay and easy > work making ladies' and chil dren's wear; several special machine operators wanted. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. over City Star Laundry, rear en trance. Help Wanted— Male and Female MEN—WOMEN, $25 weekly collecting names and addresses. No canvassing. Send stamp. Superba Co., S-36. Balti more, Md. ROTHERS & CO. Agents Wanted AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples, new goods, quick sales, big prollts, make $u to $25 dally, no experience. \\ oiid s greatest specialties. Cruver Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111. AGENTS Get particulars of one of the best paying propositions ever put on the market; something no one else sells; make $4,000 yearly. Address P. D. Conway, Sales Manager, 34 American Building, Cincinnati, unio. CRAZY Everybody crazy about the DOL.CE BABY URAND PHONO GKAPH. Full cabinet machine at low est price ever known. Big chance for Holiday profits. A. Schumann, Sales Dept., Hodman Building, Cincinnati, Ohio. DOWN WITH HIGH GASOLINE! GASO-TONIC equals automobile gaso line at 3a gallon. Sell it to car owners and make high protits. Sales guaran teed. White Mfg. Co., Dept. 50, Cincin nati. Ohio. COAL, is soaring. Every consumer wants Koaline. Gives brighter, hotter, more lasting tire, no clinkers. Guaran teed trial $1 proves it. Secure County Agency. Big profits. "Koaline," Brad ley Beach. N. J. EVERY HOME ON FARM, IN SMALL Town or suburb needs and will buy the wonderful Aladdin kerosene (coal oil) Mantle Lamp. Five times us bright as electric. Tested and recommended by Government and 34 leading Universi ties. Awarded Gold Medal. One farmer cleared over SSOO in 6 weeks. Hundreds with rigs or autos earning SIOO to S3OO per month. NO CAPITAL REQUIRED. WE FURNidH GOODS ON TIME to re liable men. Write quick for distribu tor's proposition and lamp for free trial. MANTLE LAMP CO.. 910 ALAD DIN BLDG., 243 W. Seventeenth street, New York City. MOTOR-VIM ($1 per pint) treats 80— 160 gallons of gasoline. Once tried al ways used. More power, more mileage, less gasoline, no carbon. Exceptional opportunity to live agents. Motor-Vim Co., Inc., 1270 Broadway, New York. AGENTS Sell "Kantleak" Rain coats. New plan. We deliver and col lect. Cooper making $65 a week. Sample free. Comer Mfg. Co., 11 Ward street, Dayton, Ohio. WOULD $l5O monthly as general agent for a $150,000 corporation and a Ford auto of your own. introducing stock and poultry remedies, dips, disin fectants and sanitary products interest you? Then address Royoloum Co operative Mfg. Co., Dept. B-52, Monti cello, Ind. WANTED Special Inducements to reliable man. Permanent position. Commissions earned payable weekly. Apply now. First National Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y. Salesmen Wanted SALESMEN WANTED Experience unnecessary, earn while you learn. Write for large list of openings and tes timonials from hundreds of our stu dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month. Address nearest office, Dept. 244, Na tional Salesmen's Training Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. SALESMEN A necessity for merchants. Large demand, liberal commission. Pocket Samples. Wirth Salesbook Co., Dept. A-50, Chicago. WANTED Experienced salesmen to sell our Fancy Fruit Temperance Drinks in small country towns. Liberal Commission Contract with S4O weekly drawipg account. J. S. Handel. Sales Mgr., 209 Houser Building, St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN A Million Dollars Spent For You Tho next six months belong to Florida. We have spent a million dollars getting ready for you and are ready now for (he biggest advertising campaign ever opened on Florida. We will pay lib eral commissions, advertise heavily for you locally and pay expenses for agents and purchasers to Florida. We have an entirely new plan of sale which is proving a big winner for the agent. Previous experience is not nec essary. We can train you quickly. On our last proposition several salesmen made as high as $15,000 in one season. We protect our agents and give real co operation. We want live wires only. Men who are not afraid to work on "a straight commission basis. We sell only our own properties. We are the strongest organization in tho South, with seven years' experience in Florida. We have learned that we must make money for our agents before we can make money for ourselves. Write for details to-day. E. T. An derson, 108 South Dearborn street, Chi cago. MEN Two live, energetic men who are not merely satisfied to earn a liv ing, but who have enough "pep" and stability to get into the forty or flfty dollar-a-week class, with established firm. Call mornings, 8 to 9, C. E. lieeser, 32 North Court street. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Middle-aged American, with large factory experience, desires position as shipper or stock clerk, where honesty, sobriety and ability will be appreciated. Address K., 4617, care of Tetegraph. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Colored girl wants posi tion as maid for lady, or doing upstairs work. Call Bell, phone 1710. WANTED A young colored girl would like to have a small wash to do at home. Call, or address, 1336 May flower street. CHAMBERMAID Young white wo man wants position. Address R., 4709, care of Telegraph. WANTED White woman wants position as chambermaid; experienced. Address M., 4708, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Woman, with experience, desires position as cook in private fam ily; can furnish references. Address Box K„ 4518, care of Telegraph. — Midd.le-aged white wo man wants day's work or oftice clean ing. Address M„ 470G, care of Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged woman would like situation doing general housework. Apply at 1325 Wallace street. WANTED Colored girl wants of fice work, day's work or position in small family; no washing. Call Bell phone 1710, or 25 Eleventh street. WANTED A young, refined woman wants position as housekeeper for widower. Call Bell phone 9U9J. WANTED Young woman desires position as general housework or housekeeping. Address M., 5504, care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Plot of ground '9oxloo, on a prominent corner in one of the city's finest residential districts. If you are interested in<|lure of HAROLD A. HIPPLE, Harrlsburg National Bank Building. FOR SALE Nos. 1820 and 1822 Brig.g.s street, Just completed and open for inspection; 2-story bricks, with 6 rooms, bath and finished basement; steam heat, electric lights, gas ranges, hot water heaters, front and back porches, side entrance. Lots, 110 feet deep, 20-foot wide street In rear. These are ideal homes and can be bought on easy payments at $3,000 each if sold be fore January 1. Apply A. .S. Miller &. Son, Eighteenth and State streets. Real Estate For Sale LOOK AT 1725 MARKET ST. Lot. 40xli0 feet, through to Zarker St.; rail road siding. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South ihirteepth street. BUSINESS PROPERTY on Broad St. for sale plot, 30x125 two dwellings —two storerooms and a large ware house and stable on the property. Price and particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NEW BRICK HOUST, finished in chestnut, for sale at a great discount, with a lot 40x150, or with 3 acres. Price and particulars from Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. EVERGREEN ST. PROPERTY that should interest you 3-story brick all improvements price very reason able. Possession December 1. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 227 COLUMBIA ROAD, ENOLA, PA. The one-half of a 2%-story frame dwelling. Just completed. All improvements. Easy terms. Jno. E. Shaull. United phone 67Y. THREE-STORY HOUSE Suitable for apartments or dwelling. Electricity and all improvements. Largo store room on first floor. Brick garage foi eight cars on rear. Call, or address, 424 Reily street. FOR SALE Two-story FRAME FLOUR AND GRIST MILL, one-half mile north of Dillsburg, York County, Pa. Wolf Flour System. 25 bbl. ca- P* c 'ty. Two new Water Wheels. One 28-H.-P. Dissinarer "Capital" Gasoline Engine. Gearing of entire mill rebuilt, l wo-story metal roof warehouse. Two story frame dwelling and frame stable, twenty acres of good farm land. Price on application. Ira L. Helkes Agency, Dillsburg. Pa. !'OR SALE Two-story Blacksmith and Coach Shop, 14x44 ft. 2V4-st. metal rf. dwelling. Sh. rf. fr. stable. Buildings in good repair. One acre of land. Good water. Situate in lvrall town, York County, Pa. Easy terms. P'jf-e, $1,500.00. Ira L. Heikes Agency, Dillsburg, Pa. REEL STREET. 2455 3-story brick; all improvements; steam heat; must be inspected to be appreciated; possession In two weeks. Price, ♦ 3,475.00. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. Member of Harrisburg Real Estate Board. SOUTH TWENTY-SECOND STREET, 1003 lf you want a nice corner prop erty, with lot 40x115, front and rear porches, close to trolley line, Inspect this one. Price is very low at $1,800.00. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. Member of Harrisburg Real Estate Board. TWENTY-SEVENTH STREET, north of DERRY— This 2^.-story brick and stucco house, with all improvements, is a beautiful home, and located in that new East End residential section. Price, $3,400.00. BACKENSTOSS BROS., Russ Building. Member of Harrisburg Real Estate Board. 1841 Fulton St. Rent, $14.00. Price, $1,500.00. 1853 Fulton, Cor. Muench. Price, $2,500.00. 1620 Susquehanna St. Price. $2,100.00. H. C. BRANDT, 36 North Third Street. A DESIRABLE Ncrth Second street home for sale. 1823 NORTH SECOND ST., 9 rooms and bath; house can be seen by applying for keys to JOHN F. DAPP, 271 Broad street. FOR SALE Fine three-story brick properties on Wallace street, near Har ris. Rent, $70.00. Price, $8,200.00. H. C. BRANDT, 36 North Third Street. FINE BUILDING LOTS Brick and frame houses, centrally located. Camp Hill and Shiremanstown; improvements; front and side yards; well built; easy terms. William J. Meily, Jr.. 114 Locust street. Harrisburg. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountains. Sum | merdale. Price, 1350. Apply Laura j Heed. 316 Chestnut street. I 332 BROAD STREET BUSINESS j PROPERTY, opposite Broad Street Mar ket Storeroom, 9 rooms, bath, steam | neat snj electricity. Lot. 20x131 to ; Sayford avenue. Room for garage. CHAS. ADLiJR, 1002 North Third street. FOR SALE ll4 Washington street, corner River alley, two-and-one-half story l;ame; eight rooms and a bath: all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets. Elkwood. two-and-one-halr-story frame; eight rooms and bath; all conveniences. The above properties will be sold at \ bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland. Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 1734 Market St S3O 00 No. 807 N. Eighteenth St 25 00 No. 1951 State St., and Stable in rear 21 00 J. E. GIPPLK 1251 Market St. STOREROOMS FOR RENT No. 50 South Cameron Street. No. 60 South Cameron Street. Apply 88 South Cameron Street. FOR RENT 1803 State St S3O 00 1812 Briggs St 22 00 1816 Brings St 21 00 1818 Briggs St 21 00 1814 State St., 6-room furnished apartment 40 00 APPLY A. S. MILLER & SON, Eighteenth and State Streets. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT The first and second floors of house No. 236 North Second street, finely furnish ed. All conveniences. Inspection In vited. Possession at once. Bell phone 1814. HOUSE with eight rooms for rent; beautifully finished interior, with finest plumbing equipment; semi-detached porches; yard; rent, S4O. Apply at Mac Williams Construction Co., 2150 North Fifth street. Real Estate For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR i,ENT Limestone Bungalow. Hamilton Place, Camp Hill, 200 feet from troley—llvlngroom. dtn ingroom, kitchen, bath, two bedrooms, sleeping porch, first floor; two bed rooms, bath, storage room, second floor. Vapor heat. Hardwood finish, first floor. Immediate possession. Apply C. K. Deen, Witman-Schwarz Co., 813 Yvai nut street. City. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Physician's operating chair, flrst-clas3 condition, cheap. Dr. Albra W. Baker, 1433 Market street, Harrisburg, Pa. CASINGS Two outer ones, 38x4'/4; clincher tires; brand new; Goodrich make; $25 apiece. Apply 1301 South Cameron street. FOR SALE Three pool tables In good condition, 24t£x9, one 4xß, cues and racks. W. H. Heffley, Duncannon, Pa. BARGAINS IN ERS all makes, bought, ex changed, sold, rented. Big ship ment of like new factory rebuilt L. C. Smith's just arriving. Geo. P. Tillotson, 211 Locust street, opposite Orpheum. FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board. Compo-Boarc?, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, tc. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Big lot of overcoats at low prices on account of moving. Must be sold '.ll January 1, 1916. N. Brenner, 42<, Walnut street. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be "soured at the Telegraph Business O'flce. For Rent—Miscellaneous STOREROOMS FOR RENT Nos. 110 N. Second street and 814 N. Third street. Both centrally located and along street car line. Rents moderate. Ready for occupancy. Inquire L Minter, 19 South Second street, or Bell phone 4 282, United, 563 W. FOR RENT—Offices suitable for a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and attend ance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street. DESK ROOM FOR RENT Good lo cation, near Post Office, ground floor, inquire Typewriter Office, 211 Locust street. Farms I'OR SALE 137-acre farm, located I>4 miles southeast of Lewisberry; 100 acres tillable; 37 acres woodland; im proved with 11-room stone and frame dwelling; frame bank barn; new hos pen; 2 chickenhouses; ironstone soil; considerable fruit. Price, $3,400.00. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE Bl-acre farm located 6 miles northwest of Marysville, Perry County; improved with 7-room frame dwelling practically new; outkitchen; 2 barns, one in first-class condition; hog pen and chlckenhouse; elegant soil; 2 Springs and running water in every field; encing in good condition; considerable fruit. Price, $56.00 per acre. Brlntou- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. 68-ACRE FARM FOR SALE Three miles from Goldsboro; all required buildings in fine condition. Stock and implements for sale also. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 93-A. FRUIT FARM, 3 miles north of East Berlin, Adams Co.. Pa. 1,000 Stayman and York Imperial Trees, 7 yrs., 3.000 Peach Trees, 5 yrs. Orchard in first-class condition. 50 A. Farm land, suitable for fruit and 3 A. Pasture land. Good framo dwelling, barn and poultry house 19x42 ft. Ce ment Walks. Good fences. Easy Terms. Price, SII,OOO. Ira L., Heikes Agency, Dillsburg. Pa. FOR SALE llO-A. FARM ON STATE HIGHWAY, one mile south of DillsbuV-g, Pa. 2H -st. sh. rf. STONE DWELLING, sh. rf. fr. Batik Barn. Iron stone soil. All kinds of fruit, also some Timber and Pasture land. Ira L Heikes Agency, Dlllsburg, Pa. Price, $9,000.00. 40-ACRE FARM The Mrs. Peters Farm; this is a very old widow; all new buildings; even fields; fruit; on a beau tiful river; four miles east of Lingle*- town; this farm beats all of them; for $2,350. C. B. Care. 409 Market street. Poultrj and Livestock TURRETS TURKEYS Fifteen hundred turkeys for sale at the Stockyards, Seventh and Maelay Streets, on Monday, November 27. FARVER & WITMER. Bell Phone 4125. United 566 Y. Apartments For Rent 306 N. SECOND ST.. (three blocks from Market Square) first floor front, five rooms and bath, city steam heat (gras and electricity); suitable for home and office, for physician, dentist or pro fessional man—s6o. MILLER BROTH ERS & CO., Locust and Court Sts. SECOND ST.. N.. 231 "Snavely Building-." 7 rooms and bath; extra stor age room, electric and gas, city steam. Inquire at 217 North Second street. SECOND ST., 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings In city. APARTMENT FOR RENT for light housekeeping; all conveniences; four rooms and bath, pantry and balcony; city steain; hot running water. Apply Louis Apartments, Sixth and Herr. Bell 3677 M. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT Two furnished rooms, with all conveniences, for gentlemen only; in private family; centrally lo cated. Address Box A, 5516, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Neatly furnished, sec ond floor front room, 3 large windows and modern conveniences. Apply 118 South street, near Front street. ONE desirable furnished room, with stationary washstand; city steam heat; electric lighting; hardwood floor; next to bath; suitable for gentleman; refer ence required. 218 Pine street. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT AH conveniences; rent reason able; gentlemen preferred; refersnces exchanged. 418 Forster street. FOR RENT Two unfurnished third floor front rooms, on Hill; sttam heat; electric lights; use of bath and phone; refined people, without children; In good residential section. Address A., 5513, care of Telegraph. NORTH ST., 406 Newly futnlshed front, room, overlooking Capitol Park; all conveniences, including city steam heat and phone; rent reasonable. BoaM and Rooms ROOMS FOR RENT, with first-class board, by meal, day or week. 21-Meal Ticket, $4.00. Call, or address, lOOi NORTH SECOND STREET. W anted—Miscellaneous OLD MONEY AND STAMPS WANTED —Will pay $75 for 1884 Trade Dollar. 10 Cents for 1912 nickels, S mint. Wo buy for cash premiums all rare coins, bills and stamps to 1912—a1l rare old cents to dollars. Send now 4c. Get our large Coin Circular. Numismatic Bank, Dept. 25, Fort Worth, Texas. WANTED Encyclopedia Britannica, Ridpath's History, Mark Twain. Dumas, Dickens, Maupassant and other sets and single books; highest cash values paid. Aurand's Book Store, 913 North Third. WANTED Furnished apartment of three or four rooms; use of bath; cen trally located. Address W. E. Co., P. O. Box 461. WANTED. OLD FALSE TEETH Don't matter If broken, I pay SI.OO to *5.00 per set. Mall to L. Mazer, 2007 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. I will send cash by return mall. ALL KINDS OF JUNK Clean up your house. Collect waste paper (news papers. magazines. books, etc.,), old metals, tin roll, rubber, ragt. We will pay highest prices. Call Bell 4024J: Tell us what you have, and a wagon from the HARRISBURG JUNK CO. will call. Business Opportunities PORT COSTING MILLIONS OPENED First Inner Harbor lots offered; terms; anybody can buyi fortunes await early buyers; free Illustrated literature. Inner Harbor Company, 420 Carter Building, Houston, Texas, Business Opportunities BUY OIL STOCK in 60 Million dollar company. 100 per cent, dividends in 90 days possible. Production now confing in, ground floor stock, 1 cent a share, doubles price shortly, $1 par value, $lO buys 1,000 shares. Write full details. Amalgamated Oil Co., 1124 Colcord Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. STERLING OIL AND REFINING CO.upjV.Ny, production, pipe lino and re finery, offers remarkable investment. Production now paying dividends on total capitalization of $2,000,000. Pipe line and refinery when completed should pay 10 per cent, a month. Write full details. Sterling Oil & Refining Co., Wichita, Kans. WELL-RATED, established manufac turing corporation wants capable busi ness man manage branch office, handle salesmen; enormous profits; S3OO to SI,OOO capital necessary,. Will pay ex penses New York if you are man we want. Gloria Co., Longacre Building, New York. ARE you looking for a good, safe, 6 per cent, investment? A well-estab lished local industry offers a splendid opportunity to local investors by offer ing for sale some of its preferred stock. For particulars write R., 5515, care of Telegraph. WILL SELL my small business at any reasonable offer; requires little to operate, wiUi large profits; must go quick. What will you offer at inter view? Address H., 4524, care of Tele graph. GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTURES on the Hill; splendid location; doing a good business; good reusons for selling. Address A., 5511, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Restaurant will be sold at a Bargain on Hummel avenue, near square of Lemoyne. C. E. Ortmyer, Le moyne. Pa. WILL SELL my Sporting Goods busi ness and a paying side line; all or half interest, at invoice on stock. Address W., 4509, care of Telegraph. FOR SALE Stock of Dry Goods and Shoes in West End of city. Stock and fixtures Invoice $6,500. Liberal dis count given. Room rents for $27.50. Address 20-B, care of Telegraph. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding foi newspapers, experience unnecessary. Send £or par ticulars. Press Syndicate. 793 Lock port N. Y. Business Personals FIRE INSURANCE WHEN planning your fire insurance, don't forget to consider the reputation of the companv. I can write your risk in the Glens Falls Insurance Company of North.America, North British, and the Nowark—all Al. John C. Orr, 222 Market Street. Phone 934. AUTOMOBILE ROBES Our larf?e line of Fall and Winter Robes are now ready for your In spection. Our wholesale purchas ing capacity In this line secures us the price, assortment and quality. Wo challenge competition. We carry at all times a large stock of Diamond Auto, Motor cycle and Bicycle Tires; Trunks, Bags and Suitcases; Harness and Leather Goods made to order. HARkISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY COMPANY SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. WE PAY the best cash prices for single and double heaters. Good prices paid for other furniture, carpets and stoves. Try us first. Call Bell phone 3387 R. ADDRESSING ENVELOPES and mail lng work of all kinds; compiling mail ing lists; typewriting, and fac-simlle typewriting carefully done. The Letter Shop, Harrisburg, Pa. Bell phone 4038 J. CASH PAID for ladies' and gentle men's clothing and shoes; also furniture and carpets: please describe goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. , ALL kinds of SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RESHARPENED, 26c do*, ex- Star heavy, 15c; old style, 25c each. HENRY GILBERT & SONS. 219 Market street. UPHOLSTERING And furniture re pairlng; mattreses renovated and cush ions of all kinds made. S. N. Cluck, 320-326 Woodbine street. Phone 1317 J. LADIES' TAILORING Also remod eling and repairing; moderate charges. H. L. Powell. 925 North Third street FOR falling hair try Gross' Quinine Hair Tonic, prepared by Gross, Drug gist and Apothecary, 119 Market street, Flarrisburg. Telephone orders given prompt attention. Bell i960. CLOTHING. SHOES, FURNITURE— Bought at highest cash prices and sold reasonable. S. Refkin. 407 Broad street Bell phone 2860. S. GOLD—New and second-hand fur- I niture bought and sold. 1014 Mai kAt j street. Bell 4085 J. j ARMY SHOES Slightly used; leg- I pings, hats, khaki coats, oil suits. Look | them over. Money back If not satis fled. Open evenings. S. MELTZER. 513 WALNUT STREET. SPANGLER PLANING MILL CO. Mill work of all kinds. Estimates cheerfully given. 824 North Seventh street LEATHI'.R Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In the city. Call and be convinced. Also overcoats and cloth ing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. Cohen Son, Re liable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street at subway. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work handled—one oye always open. BELL PHONE 4399. Money to Loan MONEY ADVANCED to housekeepT ers at legal rates; business confiden tial. Profit .snaring Loan Society, Room 7> Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. Storage STORAGE—Private rooms for house hold goods in fireproof warehouse, $2 per month and up. Lower storage rates in non-fireproof warehouse. HARRIS BURG STORAGE CO.. 437-445 South Second street STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons, 75 cents pei month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. . Musical FOR SALE A Victor Vlctrola and Cabinet, IS pieces of the latest music, $34.50. Also an Organ In first-class condition, $12.00. Address L.. 4522, care of Telegraph. A NEW CLUB STARTING Christmas Vlctrola Club. Every home can have a Vlotrola for Christmas. Your own selection of music. A postal card will bring the Club Manager to your home. Address B„ 4523, care of Tele* graph. UPRIGHT PIANO We hav another Mahogany Upright which will be sold for the quickest and best offer. Don't wait too long. Come .nd see It. Rex Garage, 1917 North Third street. PIANO Bargain. A SBSO piano, like new, must be sold at once. Best offer takes It Come In quick. sll North Third street. Hauling and Moving HAULING R. A HARTMAN, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets, belt plione No. 2503 R. Automobiles FOR SALE Pullman (1916) touring car; run 5,000 miles; splendid condition; new tires; make good Jitney; cash or terms. Address L., 4519, care of Tele graph. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE Jeffery Roadster, 1916 model, nearly new; forced to sell; also a fine upright piano, good as new; no reasonable offer refus ed. Address P. O. Box 281, Harrisburg. ..TWO FORD touring cars. 1914 and 1915; one STODDARD-DAYTON; one MARATHON roadster. Al! cars and tires In good condition. Prices reasonable. E. T. MEHRING, 1713-1717 North Fourth street. TOURING CAR, in excellent running shape; good appearance; extra new tire, inner tubes, chains, for $275. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street. FOR SALE USED TIRES, sizes 30x3 to 37x5%. CRESCENT GARAGE, 232 South street. FOR SALE 1915 Ford touring car; only used six months: as good as new. Price, $250. Phone 9SBJ. FORD 1915 touring car; first-class running condition; extras, p. w. Eng land, 208 North Third street, or City Auto Garage, 116\Strawberrv street. FOR SALE FORD WINTER Bodies, Radiator and Hood covers, $1 50 and $2.50. Put on while you wait REX AUTO GARAGE, 1917 North Third street. OUR BIG SALE OF AUTOS will corns off December 16. Over 150 cars will be sold at a sacrllico, including many dif ferent makes. Runabouts, touring cars and many others We sell cars on con signment. NO CHARGES FOR STOR AGE. AUTO TRANSPORTATION CO.. 25-19 North Cameron street. JITNEY FOR SALE Five-passen ger car for sale in good shape, at a reasonable price. Taken in exchange on piano. Stauffer Piano Co., 315 Broad street. Car can be seen at REX GAR AGE TIRE BARGAINS Save money on your AUTOMOBILE. MOTORCYCLE AND BICYCLE TIRES during .he next week These special prices are good (or 10 days only Compare our prices with those of other dealers. You will bo pleased with the saving made by deallntr with us. DAYTON GARAGE, 912 Nortu Third street. FOR SALE 1914, seven-passenger Winton touring car, in good condition. New cord tires til around. Miller Auto Co., 63 South Cameron. Bell phone 4119. FOR SALE 1916 Veiie. six-cyltndr five-passenger, two extra tires and rimn good as new. price $900; 1a 15 Chalmem" two new tires, price $700; 1912 Pullman. $250; 1912 Ree-al $250. Miller Auto Col FR South Cameron street Rell 4119 Legal Notices NOTICE OF TRANSFER OF LICENSE NOTICE Is hereby given that George Gilbert will make an application to the Court of Quarter Sessions of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on Friday, De cember 1, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the fore noon, or at the first sitting of the Court thereafter, for the authority to trans fer the retail liquor license now held bv Thomas J. Sullivan for the "Hotel Lynch," situate at Nos. 325 and 327 Verbeke (or Broad) Street, Fifth Ward, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania. to George Gilbert, of the City of Harrisburg aforesaid—said application now being on file In the Protlionotary.'s Office in the Court House, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. WILLIAM M, HAIN and WILLIAM M. HARGEST. Attorneys for George Oilbert, Appli cant. NOTICE Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of Great Southern Lumber Companv will be held at the goenral office of the company. Room 409, Kunkel Building, No 301 Market Street. Harrisburg, Pennsylva nia, on the Bth day of January, 1917, at Twelve o'clock noon, to take action on the approval or disapproval of a pro posed increase In the permanent indebt edness of the company by the issue of $1,000,000 of Debenture Bonds FRED A. LEHR, Secretary of Great Southern Lumber Company. November 4, 1318. Estate of James Brady, Late of the City of Harrisburg, County of Dauphin, Deceased. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the above estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons Indebted to the said estate are requested to make pay ment, and those having claims to pre sent the same without delay, to / MARY JOSEPHINE BRADY, Executrix, No. 510 North Second Street. Harrisburg. Pa. Or to her attorney, JOHN T. BRADY, 18 N Third St.. Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE THE Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings will offer at public sale in front of State Capitol Building, at entrance Fourth and State , ntreets, Harrisburg, Pa., at 10 o'clock A. M.. December 9, 191 C, the following [buildings and structures upon the [premises within the boundaries of the proposed extension of Capitol Parle in Eighth Ward, City of Harrisburg: S. E. corner Poplar and State Streets (formerly occupied by Dauphin Cigar Company). North Street, 501. North Street, 501 (rear). Curtis Street, 108-110. South Alley, 608. 529 Filbert Street. 424-426 State Street. 423-425 North Avenue. Rear 424-426 State Street. The purchaser shall pay to the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania through the office of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings, Harrisburg, Pa„ by certified check or United States cur rency, the amount at which the said building or buildings and structures are awarded to them, as follows: A .cash payment of 25 per cent, shall be made on day of sale and the balance before entering upon the property to remove the material purchased. In nil cases where the premises arj unoccupied possession will be given the purchaser immediately. Where the premises are tenanted possession will be given Immediately after the prem ises are vacated. The Commonwealth will not be responsible for any damage to property after possession is given. Purchaser shall state at time of their offer the time required to remove the buildings and material after being given possession by the Commonwealth, | which in no case shall be longer than 60 days. All building refuse shall be carted away from thfe premises b\< the purchaser. All foundation walls must be taken down and removed at least three fet below level of street. The Board of Commissioners of Pub lic Grounds and Buildings reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids. The work of removal shall be perform ed under the direction of and to the satisfaction of the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Buildings. NOTE—The sidewalks and street pavements are not to be removed bv purchaser of buildings or structures under this schedule. SAMUEL B. RAMBO, Superintendent By order of the Board. LLOYD W. MITCHELL, Secretary. CAMP CUHTIN TRUST COMPANY. Succeeding The Sixth Street Bank. THE SIXTH STREET BANK. * NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, at a meeting of Its shareholders held on Saturday, September 2nd, 1916, the said Bank by a vote of Its shareholders owning at least two-thirds of Its stocx resolved to go Into liquidation and bs closed. Creditors are notified to pre sent their claims for payment. By order of the Board of Directors F. L. ALBERT FROEHLICH, 15