Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 17, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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# Saturday Doings in the Store of
| Proclaims the man, \
Quality Merchandise *•*•
So in an establishment such .
iII --k • -a • . -m - as ours worth depends upon
! All Jr rices, vjuality Lyonsiderecl, as Low as character merchandising.
Plan Your Christmas „ , Business expansion is the
Shopping Now Possible to Make Them
ri-ii i p i „ l ? ii. i . -n i ' c ' a * health ' s a ' r dealing.
It is not too early to Ine keynote oi to-morrow s—as ol every day s selling here is true Bowman quality. A careful | The prin cipies upon which
thmk and plan and inspection of our offerings will convince the discriminating shopper that reliable qualities do not neces- Nourished b and
S Already mean hi g h P rices ' StS, rtiSgJSSr
has many Christmas Shopping at Bowman's simply means an opportunity to choose merchandise of distinction at the beTt d g d oods? g and f T eS civii >ri and
shoppers every day prices VOU wish to pay. , obliging store service, backed
who realize that the f J L J • by alert enterprise.
earlier choosing means -— / v J
factorjf selection. satis " Handbags Old Winter Has No Terrors When
Hundreds of appropri- TsSlote I, ; —! You Have Such Furs As We
ate gifts now ready sold at a special price, $1.35. Flrij' , | II ' ] A "V T n 1 •
s ) COWMAN'S—Second Floor I * A jf | I iIXC JN OW O.ilOWlllJJ
——v I 9 , IH ~ | Wonderful coats that turn a cold shoulder
Some Important Offerings in the || "-i f [iK '*•**! " fejfr gag
sjl jj —==============Jl S enerous selection in the following furs:
Z 1 J| I ~Z~ 5 • j American and Jap Cross Fox, Red Fox, Gray
Men s ^ Fo - 'r B,^ olf ' Li——
( y o y French Coney, Moleskin, Nippon .
! Mink, Hudson Seal
II JlCf J8 B . . and all the other fashionable furs of the sea- J/uWfjftijt r" v't
The man whose clothes money is limited to DOWIIIEII FlflC KUOlitUrC Sets range from #>••,•>< to 30.00
tSmSTuS* d^bte Our showing of quality Inrntare includes the handsome Scarfs ranfe from
sortments of honestly tailored clothing obtain- period styles, in every desirable wood and finish Prices are moderate right through our fur
able. j Of extra importance to-morrow is an offering of an stock, but it isn't moderate price alone, but
? . . _ . t _ the smart style and unusual quality you get W^7T\\.
Men s Suits in a Conservative American Walnut Bedroom Suite | at each price that is bringing us our great
Model at $9.90 A wonderfully artistic suite. The beauty of design, finish and work- BOWMAN'S— Third Floor
Materials of cassimere, worsteds and blue manship is unsurpassed. .
se |"? e - Dresser, $24.50 Chiffonier, $22.50 , , 1 XT 7
. Dressing Table, #18.75 GOO(l \\ affll COatS
• day the offering is an exceptional one. Complete suite, four pieces, $84.00 - -
Men's Overcmts in Mattresses—the Best ?/ Never before have we shown so many beautiful
If " , • , , x T , , td;nCA Our stock of mattresses is representative of only the best grades - the 1 IJ W-\ co * ts ~ a , nd nev , e f r bef ° re s " ch . a coa , t busi"ess
/ Fashionable Models at $12.50 well made kinds. Mattresses made in the most sanitary manner, and really /|, iJT/ u For style ' uallt y of u m u ate " als and workmanship-
J \ limited auantitv of those suoerb overcoats built for comfort. ' /, \ I r( Mr these coats represent the highest grade of garments,
l-,u , umitea quantity ot tnose supeiu oveicoats /is \ , possible to offer at popular prices. *
m the pinch jack and loose back styles. hour Fxffllptlt ISftimhprs M&\ f 7 i v Every coat of a fabric and made in a way to give'
£p Made from service-giving materials bright, x UUf IVUmUVrS // W \1 \ the desired warmth.
snapp), waim oveicoats at a price no man can Impelial roll edge felt mattress, $12.75 sSj|yt \ Coats in the belted or flare models and many of*
afford to pass by. bowman roll edge felt mattress, $9.95 \ them are trimmed with fur, velvet and plush. •
BOWMAN's —second Floor. Special combination mattress $7.50 i The materials are fancy mixtures, velours, broad
i J Cotton combination mattress $5.95 j Jj3 j I cloths, plush, duvetyne, Bolivia cloth and other fab-
We have the exclusive sale of the famous Ostermoor mattress. (j \ k r i cs
Donatella Ware Women's Hosiery For a,SI2 iSTXr" 1 "
Ihe new American pottery rich Every Occasion _ WAj r
an | l ardinSesT 'iV'TsTortecr sizes, If - v ° are in need of inexpensive FjTtt" JB J $12.50, sls. $25 Up tO s3s'
98<S $125, $1.50, $1.98 and hosiery for general wear, or the finer
baskets, at f tc - J' ou will liave J' o " l ' wants met 4 p——-—Novelty Ribbons ' Holiday Boxes
i -n 111 our all-comprehensive display. 3 fAZHEJ H lEz^L^==—-—J-es. V—,, , , ... , ,
Flower bowls, at $1.25 and Some popular lines f jH:| j* M # /J1 • | for - wa?p ClgaretS and Others ■
X l - 75 ' oe io- , double soles'wide ea?te?7ops •mc ' \ j Jj, <AJ prints, brocades in wonderful color- .An artistic display of the new
Flower vases, at 98<S $1.25 and .dh m wcUln at
bum weight, at ~<>f, and 118 Satin ribbons in every width - brass in satin finish and hammered
Footed fern dishes, $1.98. w -1IIHI1HM1III11III| narrow babv uo to 8 inches everv highly desirable for gift-giving
These Are the Days When
■ Women's Correct Footwear -Siw I
Jardinieres black; at SI.OO. Light and dark warp print rib-
Assorted shapes and sizes in i hread Silk Hosiery, double r rnhp thp Cf titer nf thr bons, ~50 to o9<f. New Broadcloth Collars
beautiful blended colors. soles; wide garter tops; black, white 1 &RC Tn€ LiCUICr OJ inC 9V QIR BOWMAN s Mam Floor Qur Ncckwear Department is.
7'A- inch size, 490 and colors; at $1,25 and $1.50. You're now given a welcome to the first touch of wintry weather. ,Has j ti n „i „ \T„„a, eoo ,; M showing a very comprehensive line
S'/j-inch size, 090 BOW MAN s—Main Floor your welcome taken the outward form of proper shoes? • 1 hanksglVing INecessarieS of broadcloth collars. These are*
10 Ct finished'jardinieres,' Boys' Mackinaw Coats Bowman Shoes Are Ready! famous
8-inch size, 090 Line mackinaw weather l iglit The dainty heels the pointed toes the higher tops have an air hard 1847 "Rogers' Bros." Alvin and edge, in a large variety of distinctive^
9-inch size 81{<i no\v and this ever popular coat for anyone to mistake. Community tableware which de- shapes.
10-inch size, 980 is just the thing for the healthy Also the two-tone effects, not to mention the dozen and one other little serves a showing upon your Thanks- to s^.so
Umbrella Stands, a large variety out-door boy. things as noticeable. ' giving table. & An exclusive exhibit of new'
a l $198, They are easily worn give the Perfect fitting boots 8 and 9-inch high cut. Strictly up-to-the-minute n a lf dozen knives and forks, Georgette crepe collars and sets.'
SV.oO, and $4..0. active boy plenty of free action in style. Exquisitely fashioned and finished. guaranteed 12 dwt. set $3.19 Very artistic effects, 500 to $3.50.J
looks well and wears splendidly. Among new arrivals are the lustrous black and brown kid and the new h p i i BOWMAN'S— Main Floor
We show a beautiful line of these copper brown calf. rrencnlVOry • u • J
New Strap Purses Mackinaw Coats in sizes Bto 17 Prices $4.00 to $9.00. A charming collection of French LJrilldren S Hosiery ,
First showing to-morrow of y cars wid e assortment of pat- ivory —an assortment varied and "We direct your attention to the'
what's new for the holiday season. terns Ihe iSIeW SpatS Are Heady* 100 I beautiful. following lines of children's hosiery*
An abundant variety comprising- $4.95 Colo hj fa smok c and biscuit m™* ~ the y are manufactured to give ther
black and colors in every size; hand- T, , v . , . , 6 J : ' and cuticle knives, 10 and up. utmost in service and the colors aro*
some leathers including vachettc, , r °^ s Knickerbocker School r\ jC f) f f\f\ French ivory hair brushes, $1.25 absolutely the best procurable. •
pin seal, crepe seal, morrocco and rousers, taped seams; a very good filmUU TO to $4.00. Children's Cotton Stockings, fin<v
Indian goat. "BOWMAN'S-Second Floor —and a special offering in an eight-button fawn colored spat that fits , Fre^' 1 ribbed, double heels and toes; white'
Prices begin at 250 like i Hove 1 25 fancy lined boxes, $3.75 to SIO.OO or black; pr., 150 and 250.
And from theie up to $8.50 Pur TVi'mmi'nrre ' BOWMAN-S— Main Floor. BOWMAN'S— Main Floor Boys' Black Cotton Stockings*
BOWMAN-S-Main Floor rur l nmmings ~ . . . heavy weight; double heels and toes *
Perfection Smokeless on good quality fur trimming. Not a _ - TnVQ! linlKi Miss M. Ruth Pomyntz, the spe- BOWMAN'S Main Floor t
Oil Heaters Z n [ y are th ,7 sc fT r tie " iark et AU P* cial corsetiere of Yorki w p ho r u . •
T . Wit neaiers but we could not duplicate the val- All aboard for Haoovland' \ citv has been with us the past few days, Las Heaters
The Perfection Heater is an ap- ues we arc able to present at this N] ' u. ! will remain another week for the The Guswold Gas Heaters
pliance designed to produce quick, time. of delight situated right down in our express purpose of introducing our polished steel case, copper reflector
warm, radiant heat in the home, 6 and 8-inch black, brown and N. basement. T Arr nomiT t roTrr t p back, illuminating flame, burner
store or office. Easy to operate, easy white coney, used for the large coat \l ' LALIi-i<KUNI 1 liL-L-ha fitted with lava tips; }4-inch pipoi
to care for, and are giving good collars, $2.90 and $3.95 yd. J / Tots to grown-ups ■yvill find real and combination and hose nipple.
service to-day. Ito 4-inch black skunk opossum, HH , j°y ' n coming to see all that the LA VIDA CORSETS Prices, $2.50 and $3.50, without
In over 2,000,000 homes through- $1.50 to $4.25 yd. I. / iit Vf \ \ good old Santa Clans has prepared We urge you to embrace the op- dress guard. *
out the world. 1 and 3-inch raccoon, $4.25 and ) for this Christmastide. portunity of consulting Miss Pom- With dress guard, $2.75, 93.75k
A variety of styles to choose from, $5.95 yd. JVjlllJ )-ntz for she is an authority on cor- and $4.90.
P"ccd at $3.50, 93.75, $4.00, 1, 2 and 3-inch coney, near seal . Rach day grows busier now-it s and wj]l impart tQ y^u much The Firesidc l ron -frame Heater,;
$4.7>, $-)..), $0.50 and and beaver, at prices ranging from [ }■ 1 V lle °. )c ,"J °. f c e . c " valuable information from a health nickel plated; height, 13 inches-'
$4.25. 500 to $2.95 yd. (FdW ° tions if you would do so with the and style viewnoint. uriced at 85.00.
BOWMAN'S—Bftacment BOWMAN'S—Main Floor least jostling of Crowds. BOWMAN'S Third Floor BOWMAN'S— Bajtmtnt "•
... . -~