Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, November 10, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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W sls
jFn\ ClotheS
JK vV For Men and Yound Men
/ A V' Point for point materials, linings, cut,
/ I ( vB OA \ findings, tailoring EMPIRE sls j
I j \. y| /\ \ CLOTHES are the equal, if not the su
/ J \ XI / \ \ perior of $25 clothing elsewhere.
/ j \ j / | V Our low up-stairs rental, coupled
j j 1 f\ with the fact that our store is a
/ I A \ jr branch of a chain of over 100
/ X 1. / \ stores, with UNLIMITED mer
f j M chandising facilities and a
/ J Vl \ \ vast outlet, enables us to
.j\ L<\ \ \ offcr these incompar "
IV\ \/ / % \ \ An EMPIRE Sls SUIT
■h y
I V / \Jl\ \i f rom the hour you put it
P %Jf \ II I A 1 on to the day you discard
H yßj 1 • it. It holds its shape and
1; j- j . A # i| PENDABLE Se materials
| ; I\l V and HONEST HAND tai-
I * ' spe CIAL
•pf : : 'gijr| i f I For Saturday Only
I • Men's $2, $2.50 and $3 Hats
S. r\ If J :•. WM I We defy any store to duplicate
V f • I WMMM ' these hats at our price, sl. They
•• I I -vM are worth froth $2 to $3, accord-
I I ing to style; we sacrifice to in
-1 / |i|l| .'a2,W 1 troduce to you the New Sto re.
I I '' —sj Here's a bargain you'll seldom
I I j Walk Up Stairs and Save $lO
y I j B It will take you but a few minutes to walk
JB v f U P sta^rs ' an d when you do, you'll be well re-
H If I paid. If $lO SAVED means anything to you—
jjf y Empire
I Jam Clothes Shop j
I I jSSßh™— rjEfejwßfci 3N. Market Sq. lip Stairs |
217 Democrats End | mally Republican. Their adherence to
01A D Ll* A 'their usual political affiliations, there-
Republicans Are 'fore, would give the Democrats 217
Indications For Hmil; an<l ,he r{c> l>ublicanß 214 members, or
inuicauons ror nouse i u Democrattc plurallty of three Four
New Xork. Nov. 10.—With the re-i "? embers 01 otl,Pr Parties have been
suit in five districts still in doubt early I C,e^ ed 1° "j® HoUße
to-day the returns on the congres- ! llu> dlß tricts from which the final
-ional elections Indicated that 215 result hus not. been received are four
uoprc. eniatnes and 211 Republican I district.
ha * Ve b f en eiected, giving The Senate on the basis of the latest
TwnTf The" T| UF f i > i f / < ? ur- returns will stand 54 Democrats to 42
- i twelve!' Canß ' a Democratic muJorit - v ° f
ICeep Vigorous j |II|HBHE
""up on your toes * I
I | I
4 V
: ■
Harry G. Day Plans to
Erect Modern Apartment
House on Allison Hill
Another modern apartment and
storeroom building was assured for
Allison's Hill to-day when Harry G.
Day got a permit to erect a 3-story
structure at Derry and Kittatinnv
streets. The building will contain a
big store room on the first floor. The
house will front for 20 feet on Derry
street and will extend back for a
depth of 79 feet. J. Frank Saussman
is the contractor. The structure will
cost $7,500.
To-day's realty transfers included:
Laura R. Snavely to Joshua S.
Hoke, Londonderry township, $500;
Jacob Erger to Bias Dumbono, Steel
ton, $1,700; Sava Savric to Mark Mum
ma, Steelton, $1,900; Barnard Bloom
to Ida Darrow, 417 Herr, $8,700; Chas.
J. Snyder to Northern Central Rail
road. Upper Paxton. $1000; Lena E.
Bucher to John H. Kreider, 1410 Der
ry, $4,200; William A. Mclllienny to
Anna W. Schmidt, 1840 Market street
At a meeting of the directors of the
Pennsylvania Realty and Improve
. CASTORIA For Infant* and Dhftdreiv Bears the
The Kind fau Have Always Bought B T re
ment Company, Incorporated, held to
day at the olfice of the company, 132
Locust street, the usual semi-annual
dividend of 3 per cent, on the pre
ferred stock was declared; also the
usual semi-annual dividend of 2 per
cent, on the common stock. The offi
cers of the company are M. G. Baker
president; M. A. Shetter, treasurer;
George W. Meily, secretory.
New Wilmington, Pa., Nov. 10.
Drl William Wallace was inaugurated 1
president of West Minster College here
A coroner's Jury after an inquest
; last night in the courthouse recom
. mended that Mrs. .Mary Washington,
colored, be charged with murdering
| Henry Robinson, also colored, who
[ died last Saturday in the Harrisburg
hospital from burns he sustained sev
eral weeks ago. According to the
testimony of Nellie Napper and John
Bell, Robinson and the Washington
woman had been arguing and drink
ing, and the woman threatened to kill
Robinson. Bater, they declared, she
set fire to Robinson. Before the
flames could be extinguished his en
-1 tire body was badly burned. County
■ authorities within the next few days
will probably bring a formal charge
against Mrs. Washington.
1 New York. Nov. 10. —The tension
of the coal situation has eased In the*
oust few day? and wholesale prices
have dropped several dollars a ton,
! according tc statements by trade au
■ thorlties here to-day.
$6,143 TO VOTE
Commissioners Pay Bills; Offi
| ciul Count in City Completed
This Afternoon
! Dauphin .county
, JLI ). II election cost just
I *<M43.20, according
JB to bills for elation
officers, rentals for
poll rooms, con-
M Vnr ~~i" stables, etc., prac
' flT*r tlcaliy all UE which
RrnRSXKSSBT were O K'di to-day
'Sldil llfllß ,iy tlie County Com-
T*{g| SejfltiwiW Otflcial tabulation
of Harrisburg's vote
cast at Tuesday's
' presidential election was completed
! early this afternoon by Additional Uw
Judge S. J. M. McCarrell, Prothonotary
Holler and Attorneys B. F. Umberger
laml B. Frank Nead, the tally clerks,
and the computing began immediately
, with the computation o.' the county
j districts. By to-morrow noon at the
latest it is expected the count will be
i completed, although It is possible that
i the long- columns of figures will not lie
| totaled until late to-morrow afternoon
! or Monday morning.
The board is taking up the returns
j from each district on the returns for
j the candidates, the school loan and the
; lltney amendment measure together so
i that the figures can be had cleaned up
| simultaneously.
Not Same Old "Coon.—Assistant Dis
trict Attorney Robert T. Fox was host
Wednesday evening at a 'coon and rab
bit dinner at his home in Hunimels
town. The 'coon was a Juicy speci
men from Adams county which Mr.
Fox, Attorney A. Koss Walters and
some other local huntsmen had cap
tured a few days ago. The appoint
ments were especially attractive, the
dinner cards having been worked out
in the autumnal suggestion of water
color oak leaves, while the favors were
tiny papier macho 'coon dogs. Guests
included President Judge George Kun
kel, Additional I>aw Judge S. J. M.
McCarrell. State Senator E. E. Beidle
man, ex-State Senator John. E. Fox,
Assistant District Attorney F. B. Wick
ersbam, C. M. Hershey. A. Ross Wal
ter, Allan K. Walton, Allan G. Walton,
Tames G. Fox. Thomas A. Fox, Jr.,
and Robert T. Fox.
Ask $5,000 Damages.—ln a state
ment filed to-day in an assumpsit ac
tion against C. M. Forney. Annie and
W. H. Hoffman demand $5,000 dara
iges for injuries the former received
luiy 7, 1914. when a car owned by
Forney and driven by his son Harry is
alleged ta have run down Mrs. Hoff
man near Oyster's Point. Tl*e plain
tiffs each demanded $2,500. An agree
ment had been reached, the statement
explains, by which Forney was to have
paid the damages, but he only paid a
portion of it.
Creditors Meet November 20.—The
first meeting of creditors of Edwin J.
Cavender. bankrupt, to select a trustee
will be held November 20 in the offices
of John R. Olmsted, Federal referee In
bankruptcy. , .
Thirty-Four Precincts
Still Missing From Cal.;
Wilson Ahead 3,160
I San Francisco, Nov. 10. One
more precinct in California has been
reported by 9.30 a. m. to-day reduc
ing the missing ones to 34. The total
with the new precinct stood Hughes
462,551-; Wilson, 465,711. Wilson's
plurality, 8160.
This was an increase of *29 votes
for Wilson over last night. Seven
precincts were lacking from Hum
boldt county in the northwest corner
of the State and seven from Kern, in
the oil fields. Humboldt went for
I Hughes and Kern for Wilson. The
iothers were scattered.
| Election officials here said it ■would
! be impossible to check these missing
| precincts against the vote of previous
] elections because of lack of knowl
edge as to exactly which precincts
in each county were missing. Efforts
jto clean up the State vote were put
I forth by news associations and by the
organizations of the two big parties.
| Usual means of communication were
j supplemented by the forest service
| telephones in the Sierras, and auto
i mobiles and horsemen were sent out
lon roads and trails where there was
I no telegraph communication.
Altoona, Pa., Nov. 10. Mrs.
Mayer, aged 45, was burned
to death in her home in this city at
9.30 o'clock this morning. According
to appearances she built a Are on the
attick floor and laid down in the
flames with suicidal intent.
Louisville, Ky„ Nov. 10. Difficul
ties between the Louisville and Nash-
I ville Itailroad Company and its flre-
I men which have been threatening a
j strike, will be arbitrated.
I Stockholm, Nov. 10. The Swedish
I Academy of Science has decided not
|to distribute the 1916 Nobel Prizes
; for physics and chemistry. The sums
I available for these prizes will be
added to a special fund.
Cairo. Egypt, Nov. 10. Two (3er
| man submarines were seen by persons
jon board the Arabia when that
I Peninsular and Oriental liner was
sunk in the Mediterranean last Mon
day and one of ttyem, acording tcr the
(steamer's officers was fired upon by
I gunners on the Arabia after the liner
i had been hit by a torpedo.
Hartford, Conn.. Nov. 10. Charles
Noel l'lagg, widely known as an
artist and portrait painter was found
dead in bed at his home, here to-day. I
Every woman wants pink cheeks.
They mean not only beauty but health.
Then nut the color in your cheeks,
not on them. The glow of health ia
the red of healthy blood allowing
through translucent akin. It ia im- ;
possible without rich, red blood.
When a girl's color fades and aha :
looks debilitated, is short of breath, I
when her heart palpitates after every !
slight exertion and ahe has pains ia j
various parts of the body ahe needs Dr. ,
Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. !
They are the remedy best suited to re
cto re tho blood, bring brightness to the 1
eyas and put color in tho check 3 and
Tho only other treatment needed costa
nothing. It is this. Give the patient
plenty of Bu:ilight, moderate exercise
every day, not enough to cause fatigue,
and use care in the diet because the
food craved is often not tho beet for the
Two books, "Building Up the Elood"
and "What to Eat and liow to Eat" j
give just the information that every
mother of a growing girl needs. They j
are free. Write for them today to tho
I)r. Williams Medicine Co., Bchenec- i
tady, N. Y. Your own druggist'sells i
Dr. Williama* Pink Pills or you can
ccad fifty cents lor a f ull-eizo package. 1
NOVEMBER 10, 1916.
' II
p| Clothes Tailored
f To Measure
To Fit You Only
a Will Give You a Distinct.ve Appearance
Nearly a Thousand Patterns to Choose Front.
lOncli and Every One
Guaranteed Fast Colors
Suits or (jjj Absolute
Overcoats I Satisfaction
To Order Guaranteed
Extra High-grade Woolens at SIB.OO,
$20.00, $22.50 and $25.00. These are |jgM|
Equal to those sold elsewhere at S2B to $lO P/M*
Burglar" Is
Put to Rout by Women
Pittsburgh. Nov. 10.—The "Gentle
man Burglar" for the second time in a
week visited the Colonial Hotel, and,
as on his previous visit, it was a wom
an's room he entered.
The burglar, who has not forgotten
any of his politeness, attempted to
crawl through the window into tho
room on the seventn floor occupied by
Miss Marion Carroii, a dancer. Miss
Carroll was awakened by a footstep,
and seeing a burglar about to enter
her room she screamed. "Don't get
frightened, lady," the intruder de
clared. "I will not molest you."
During his conversation he con
tinued to crawl through the window,
but when Miss Carroll insisted on
screaming the Intruder retraced his
Father's Daughter
."Father says that the Wal
ladoo Bird does nothing but
eat and drink—and
that rm a Walla- f' ' '"""1
dooßird. But I'm
not —I just drink "9® ]
milk. And I never -
eat between break- i
fast and noon, be- 1
cause for breakfast
I eat -y
Cream of Barley
Absolutely No Pain jf
h. ' / My latest Improved appll- /*
JK FLBLHL •MM, Including nn oiryxei- *7O
V -9-\ -I lard air apparatus. 111 ak fa , >
%Jt'S 57 eatraetln* and all dental \v Jm
"®rk positively palnlew .A* /_V
TOV<fllc*7 ""d perfeefly ham- O
<**■• ebjec
' WX>
■Uttitrrrd Mr A Gold crowu and
Graduate A ir fcrtdse work 53, •!, H
Aaalatanta T Offlre open dally Bi3o
y 22K irotd orowa.. .*3.00
to 9 P. in. i Hon., Wed.
and Sat., till I p. m.t Nua
days. 10 a. m. to 1 p. a*.
DEM. PHONE 8325-K.
easy tkrms o
529 Market St,
Harrisburg, Pa. u d ,d. t kvr t Wt
, steps and drew his body through tho
| window and escaped by jumping onto
i an adjoining building.
Autoists Killed Trying
to Avoid Hitting Train
Altoona, Pa., Nov. 10.—George Brad
ley Matthews and Frank S. Brum
baugh, traveling salesmen for the (Irtn
of the Lauderbaugh Barber Company,
of Phillipsburg, were instantly killed
at Blueball, three miles from Phil
lipsburg, yesterday in an automobiio
Matthews, driving the car, swerved
it about at a grade crossing to avoid
hitting a train. It went down an em
bankment, Matthews being killed un
der the car, while Brumbaugh was
thrown under the train and ground
to death.