BELL—IO9I—I'NITED HAKRISBURG, FRIDAY, NOVEMnEK 10. 1010. SATURDAY HOURSi 0 A. M. TO 0 P. M. FOUNDED 1871 Bowman's Ready to Serve * You With the Best Whatever your needs may be—wearing apparel or things for home use—you can pin your faith to this store s merchandise —that it is right in quality and price. Yes —we're ready for a big Saturday business. J Styles Were Studied Carefully In Selecting the Tailored Su and Dre And the result of this extraordinary care is evident to irou the moment you enter our garment section —there's something in the atmosphere that gives you confidence that both style and quality are all that could be desired. n The Su —are charmingly original in design, introducing every new style idea ijiany of them being exact reproductions Of imported garments. See the lines sls $19.50 $25 The C —are undoubtedly the smartest you have ever had the opportunity of choosing from. And among them you'll find a coat for every occasion dress, motoring or street. See the lines at $12.50 sls $19.50 —Also the range from $25 to $49.50 The Dresses H —Attractive models for the street —handsome gowns for afternoon an amazing variety to choose from. Gownsfor Winter's Social F unctions For the coming social events we are showing the prettiest and daintiest *of gowns, designed especially for evening wear—all exclusive models, which adds to their desirability. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Separate Skirts Women's There is quite a demand for separ ate skirts and we have provided a U WtaLvl j generous assortment of styles and Time now to think about things fabrics in all the late models. for cold weather wear and here's c*i • . r i• . some fine sweaters for the prices: Skirts of poplins, serges, velour, Sweaters in Copenhagen, blue, checks, fancy stripes and plaid silks. navy, cardinal, green, black, maroon Price range s'2.9B up to "hi teat $2.95—53.95 BOWMAN'S— I Third Floor Novelty Sweaters at $6.95. Strip- — ed collars and cuffs. Rose, corn and Copenhagen. XT T~) 1 t Angora Sweaters in plain and INI C\V rSCQUCd combinations, at $8.95 to $11.95. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor New Basket Arrivals A beautiful showing of new crea- Jfj Art SeCtlOn tions in beaded bags steel and v u 1 * • r-t • ... . , . Fancy baskets in Chinese, Mexi black, all black; square and melon can an j Sweet Grass. shapes. The designs are new and unique Prices, $1.09 to SIO.OO. a " ( 1 the >' make excellent llol "lav gifts. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Quality Gloves in Abundance i Specially selected gloves including the pick of Inarkets l ' lc wor '^ - ° ful b' appreciate our showing you must sec /r our display not a pair of questionable style ||/j or doubtful quality. Gloves For Every Occasion Kid Gloves in the reliable brands; washable gloves; street and auto gauntlets; gloves for children. Everything is here. Courteous attention will be given ♦ to fitting your gloves properly BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. New Gold and Featuring New- Silver Lace Ribbons at 25c A full complement of widths and —Beautiful rich taffetas, designs at 300 a yard and from —Exquisite satins, theie up to $4.50. —Simple and elaborate fancies Narrow edges and in widths up in a wealth of fashionable color to 30 inches. ings. 5 and 6-inch widths. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor FRIDAY EVENING, HARRISBURO TELEGRAPH JSjowmanZ A Broad Range of Choice in 77~j Z~Z " j ) y-v a ' i • 11 Burton Holmes Is Coming! rlirs 1 hat Are rasnionable Orpheum Theater—Five Evenings Coats in new models; scarfs and muffs in newest shapes. Canada, Coast to Coast, November 20 Reserve Every fur that is favored in the season's fashions is here and Canadian Rockies November 2 7 Yoar Seats in style timed- to the minute. Imperial Britain December 4 ♦. **i • * u The German Fatherland, December II . 1 lie most important thing to bear £ t Belle France Deremher Ift Bowman S in mind is that Bowman furs are de- La Delle r rance December I B pendable—that they are sold to you iljpHf Magnificent illustrations colored views and motion pictures. We exactly as they are—if they are real / \ kcartily cndorse this educational opportunity. you are told so plainly—if they are f \ Rear—street Floor. imitations you are told so with equal / 1 . ca " dor - 1 Npw PpH-ir>r>are ( 1 Scarfs, capes and muffs—seal, mole, i 1 LlllLUdlo \r Thin Jap cross fox, American red fox, \ An interesting display of the new CW 1 llingS raccoon, marmot, opossum, marten, petticoats. Fabrics are taffeta silk, To W/piT* moline and conev—a comprehensive r triped ni f sa,i " e - heatherbloom, AW VV Cdl exhibit ' Jersey and combination. So rapid are the changes in r * Ruffled and scalloped styles. our stocks that our store Shades of Burgundy, plum, green, scarcely seems the same from TT. . J cerise, tan, brown, gold, navy and ,V to a y* *° u see a pretty i i UCISOn &eal \^oatS black also lovely changeable ef- thing here to-day, to-morrow I fects. Prices begin at #I.OO and 11 1S fj9 ne ' a in lts P^ ace ' s Exclusive models with trimmings of contrasting fur; linings of I run in easy stages up to SIO.OO. something new and equally attractive plain and fancy silk; beautiful garments at the mdst favorable prices. BOWMAN'S— Third Floor It t j\ g constant j n fl ow of BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. the new that makes Bowman's I T T 1 the ideal shopping place for the Ilanasome woman of good taste in dress; # for it is through these new ar- rivals that she keeps in closest More New Models in Blouses A truly remarkable assortment of l fancies of fashion. | XT , . . . .. „ , . these charming house garments. v / 4%. /Ss?!i New models with new ideas in collars and frills; Ar j : n \u * j . , .„ . ' Made of silks. Albatross, cordurov v i||Spl i'. ' ! 111 a ° SI " CS > Georgette crepe, crepe de chine, etc. an( l cre pe. Plain and floral designs. AM BL A*/ Blouses as dainty as any woman can want and Man y of them artistically embroid- -DdLIirOUCS at prices that are indeed moderate for the style and sentecT a " 1,054 C °'° r ' ngS rc l )re " \\l " Flesh and white Georgette crepe blouses with SI.OO to $11.50 Blanket and silk quilted bathrobes filet medallions and embroidered fronts, at BOWMAN-S— Third Floor a w '^ e diversity of designs; hand some figured effects as well as the 1 r A new plaids. I \\ >. xK K| I -n 1 n Silk kimonos in blue, rose, laven- TVp Vy Bath JxUgS der. gold and black. Blouses of crepe de chine in flesh, Extra Size Waists in voile and . New bath rugs, size 27x54 inches, $2.2S tO S? 16 SO white, navy, and black; frill effects, lace, at $1.59. in blue, gray, rose and brown— also lace trimmed,at JSo.tjO& ,r. „ a 1 BOWMAN's —Third Floor New models in Georgette crepe Colored Striped Waists— 'Seco VL l blouses in flesh and white; very silks, at 5f2.00. * r ( artistic at Jj55.00 to $6.50. BOWMAN'S Third Floor BOWMANS— second Floor Mail orders receive prompt _____ attention goods shipped same day as order is received. New! The Waterless Take advantage of this Big Demand Hot Bottle opportunity to have an ex- NOW For THE NEW "Thermor " K.-=S* S "—'' Fur Trimming Emerson 7-inch #lt s a won j T Wide fur bandings are in excel- iX-CCOTOS der! Try it! lent style. We are showing them ar „ . , . r ( ,„ e f / o • i i 31 e ready now on sale in our Stays hot from 4to 8 inches wide. basement. 12 hours r lOni V_>OloCL 4-inch Conev Fur 8?1 ."50 r i t J- < , -tinui tone) i ur, # Double disc—music on both sides. after being -6-inch Coney Fur, s*^.9s sub m erg- MISS Maty G. Jones Coney Fur, 5 3.3 , t in *- r et r di r 'r t ol>ossu, "• ing water factory is here this week. She will and attachment and on the Edison with 10 minutes. assist you in the choice of model ' d ,nc ' ies wde, an attachment. pains'' where "flie "old'fashiined hot thC y ° U " water botUc fa Is Price 84 00 A correct model for every flgurc - to #' lso > d - hits latest dance and band hits, water Dottle laiis. i rice, sp-±.uu. . . standard instrumental and vocal BOWMAN'S Basement BOWMAN'S Third Floor BOWMAN S Main Moor selections, and miscellaneous selec- . tions. New Shoe Arrivals W/ I BOWMAN'S—Basement Adding Freshness and More( M...\ % VarietytoOurLargeShoeStock Handkerchiefs New Shoe Fashions | a t 15c each I are often originated after the season is well under way and j through the alertness of our shoe chief we are constantly Sl/l / CI Buy these in liberal quantities for offering something novel and new in footwear. Shoe Offering Sc nrc mmt dcs,rablcpo "" 01 These new shoes are remarkably attractive and in- T'n ninyrnrroiK Colored with white border; white , , J 1 U-lUUf ! UUJ with colored border; embroidered C I nuantitv of corners and all white; one-half ,v, , ... . . , „ , Limited quantity or inch hem and hand rolled hems. Women s high cut laced boots in the finest buckskin, women s brown calt . BO WMAN's Main Floor vici kid, suede and ooze calf, in white, black, gray, tan ace k° ots with darker and brown; also the two-tone effects. brown suede tops; high T cut; every size I ]\eW Prices, $5, $6, $6.50, $7.50, $9, $lO [ S4.QQ Nainsook BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. 1 CI ltll M r * v w BOWMAN'S—Main Floor _ T . .. We direct your special Very Chic and Dainty Neckwear New Veiling attention to the new **- rt ' s ,iarfl to remember a season when smartly *l.l 1 .. r> , Muriko Lingerie y' fig&k. SJ. , \ , . J Ask to be shown the new Blar- *. . t £ WS flrcsscd women wcrc morc insistent on having ney - vei , now extensively ex- Nainsook NkLs' beautiful neckwear. Here you can choose from ploited in the leading magazines; 11 nC generous assortments including: yd., dainty fabric in checks; finely \ p"-W mercerized; 40 inches W —Broadcloth collars, 50c to $3.50 . variety of new mesh veil- yards to the piece. Per piece, SI PAW Jll 1 img at yd., to SI.OO. BtW —Organdy collars and sets, f4 . , , , rjp- W oc * Eft Qualities guaranteed the best for M./S |