10 This Columbia Grafonola 18 D ot! e Records No Money Down; Only 50c a Week The instrument is the sls Columbia model, complete with all the details of the modern disc talking machine equipment. The records you can judge for yourself when you hear them. You can make your own selections, if you desire, up to sls worth, and you have thou sands of records in the great Columbia catalog from which to choose. * Will you call and hear this remarkable in strument, or will we send the outfit to your home? Either way suits us. xSjigX Miller & Kades /nr BFI \ Furniture Department Store IM' j : J 7 NORTH MARKET SQUARE Tile Only Store in TTarrisburg That Guarantees to X^^iVoSell on Credit at Cash Prices AMUSEMENTS AMUSEMENTS COLONIAL Tg^grrow WILLIAMS. HART Acknoiuledged as the World's Greatest Portrayer of Western Characters in "THE RETUKN OF ' DRAW EGAN" *Gripping Story of a W / estern Bad Man Whose Reformation is made possible through a Girl's Innocencq and Purity Also Fay Tincher in "THE LADY DRUMMER rIZZ Valeska Suratt in "The Straightway" TO-DAY ONLY* I w Mable Taliaferro TAmm ONE OK AMERICA'S FOREMOST STABS tm IN A REMARKABLE 5-ACT METRO PLAY L fj"The Dawn of Love" I IS ADMISSION 10cI CHILDREN 5e ' S TO-MORROW—A MCE BRADY IN r ••THE GILDED CAGE" L MON. AND TUBS. CLARA KIMBALL YOING IN | "WITHOUT A SOUL" *! TODAY AND TOMORROW What would YOU do If your hcart'a desire seemed about to be won by your Muter f—Set "THE HOUSE OF LIES" for EDNA GOODRICH'S novel notation of thla altuatlon. Added Attraction To-day PATHE NEWS OeutHchlnnd Returns TO-MOIIROW— BRAY CARTOONS IVIOINDAV AIND TUESDAY "THE FALL OF A NATION" Thoniax Dlxon'n Thrilllne Film Spectacle of America'* Future ln Seven Dynamic Part*. ADMISSION! 10 a. in. to Op. ra. Lower floor, adulta 13c; children lOct balcony 10c. Evening Adulta Ssc| children IBe; balcony 15c. Use Telegraph Want Ads FRIDAY EVENING, GROUCH AND YOU GROUCH ALONE? It's Like the Story of il Laugh ing World When You Laugh Through ftfe THE STORY OF GRUMBLE TONE By Ella Wheeler Wilcox There was a boy nunied Grumble Tone who ran away to sea, "I'mcick of'things on land," he said, "as sick as I cau be, A life upon the bounding wave is just the life for me!" But thApcetliing ocean billows failed to stQßlate his mirth, For he aid not like the vessel or the dizzy, rolling berth And he thought the sea was almost as unpleasant as the earth. lie wandered into foreign lands; he saw each wondrous sight, But nothing that he heard or saw seemed just exactly right, And so he journeyed on and on, still seeking for delight. He talked with kings and ladies grand, he dined in courts, they say. But always found the people dull and longed to get away To search for that mysterious land where he should want to stay. He wandered over all the world, his hair grew white as snow; He reached that final bourne at last where all of us must go, But never found the land he sought; the reason would you know? The reason was that north or south, where'er his steps were bent. On land or sea, in court or hall, ho found but discontent, For he took his disposition with him, everywhere he went. (Copyright, 1916, Star Co.) • As you go along through life, if you find a great, majority of people you encounter difficult to live with in so cial relations, it might be well for you to analyze your own disposition. You will not like such an intima tion, yet I am sure it will be worth while to entertain it. 1.,00k back five years, to begin with. How were things with you five years ago? Were you having discordant ex periences in business or at home? Did you feel out of sorts with sev eral of your friends and wish you could be in a more congenial at mosphere? Then come down another year how was it four years ago? No Uoube you will be able to bring at once to mind the most trying and annoying people who marred your com fori at that period. Disagreeable personalities have a way of leaving a mental photo graph on sensitive mind plates. Three and two years ago, being still at closer range, you will easily place the individuals in focus who interefcred with your enjoyment of life. Look at Home Now if you are still finding diffi culty. in adjusting yourself to your environment, make up your mind that some one besides all this varied company you have known in five years is in fault. I ' r ' A FREE LECTURE ON j j Christian Science ,; WILL BK GIVEN IN THE Orpheum Theater, Harrisburg, Pa. BY \ FRANK BELL, C. S. HARRISBURG, PA. Member of the Christian Science Board of LectureshiKof the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mass. v Sunday Afternoon, November 12, 1916 AT 3:30 O'CLOCK Lcclure Under Auspices of First Church of Christ, Scientist OF HARRISBURG, PA. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED NO TICKETS REQUIRED ever trouble the skunks, and lice can be controlled by the use of a good powder. The mother skunks raise one litter of from 4 to 10 once a year. They eat much the same food as cats —milk, cornmeal mash, meat, tablo scraps and green stuff forming their chief diet. AMUSUEMKNTS Tenth Annual Course of Lectures Harrisbur; Teachers' Association TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 11)10 Bishop William A. Quayle "Hall Cnlnc aiul His Island" Thursday, Jan. 11, 1917 Burnell R. Ford i THE ELECTRICAL WIZARD Thursday, March 8, 1917 The Cadman Concert Co. Reserved Seats at StlcfT's Piano Rooms, 24 Xortli Second Street, on and after Saturday, Nov. 11, 1910. COURSE TICKETS, SI.OO Single Tickets Sold Monday at 50c