Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 27, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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In the Realms ■
of Amusement, Art, and Instruction.
" Saturday, matinee and night, October
28 —"Bringing Up Father in Politics."
majestic— Vaudeville.
CO! jONIAI< —"The Jungle Girl."'
GRAND—"Sorrows of Love."
RECENT—"A Wall Street Tragedy."
VICTORIA—"The Dark Silence."
Russia, Turkey and Austria, now at
bayonet points, were, a few years nso,
alive with laughter, gaiety
"Kntlnka"' and song, and It was in
this period, "just before
the great war," that the comic and ro-
Mme. Gadski SBppSBB
I'rldn jr Ev enlng,
Benefit Sunshine
r ■ >
■ ED 0
h r •
" ;/ A l.)olInr Show
Mnjeatfe Prices
3 Times Daily—2.3o, 7.30 & 9
IMlrfln* nt the first evenlnjc show '
are urged to lie In their seats at 7.30,
•o as to ivltneas the entire perform- |
ance from the start.
v ' ;
> ' " !
the norld-fnimmif aetor In a !
thrllllna drama,
In the Nineteenth t'linpter of
("Her Vow Fulfilled")
To-Monnow only i
Extra Double Attrnetlon
bii.i.ie burke
In the Nineteenth Chapter of
("Her Vow Fulfilled")
——■—i |
_ |
orrvm% tmc muuihr and mrhun success
B if ■r_ A musical play
AVTHons op • mow jinks -and "nit nnmy
Politics '
' Mat., 23e and 50ej Eve., 2.1 cto fI.OO 1
T t
A srlpplns love story stniced In the
picturesque Rraslllan forests and a
mansion of New York City.
Added Attraction i 1
Funny two-reel Keystone comedy.
Monday nnd Tuesday William
Fox will present TIIEDA BARA In
Shakespeare's Immortal play,
A special T-reel feature.
No advance In prices.
"The Unwritten Law"
Kimliall Edwin Milton Rorle, Author of "The 9nw Man"
fJJ.IJCI.iI In Eight Mmnlve Parts
e.n of the .ereen JJ # SOTHERN
Five Act* * '
| mantic events of "Katlnka," which Is at'
r the Orpheum to-day, matinee and night, ;
" playing a special return engagement. :
At that time it was possible tor the lit- i
tie Katlnka and her lover, Ivan, and
their American friend, Hopper, to Joui -
ney from Yalta, ltussla, to Stamboul,
1 urkey, and thence to Vienna without
exciting the suspicion of playgoers, and
, making the author of the Journey ex- ;
; plain minutely how they could Ret :
t j through the various military lines. Now i
| —-but Otto Hauerbach, author of the
play isn't worried about the now. lie 1
i llxed the time of the adventure of Ills
I pilgrims In brighter days. The one'
- number in Frimi's score that lias come
to bo regarded as the "trade mark'' of
? "Katlnka" Is "Rackety Coo," which
worms its way tnto the brain of the
audience, and which is hummed and
whistled all the way home. As Russian
wedding guests, Turkish hourl, and
I V iennese beauties, the chorus, also, Is
j offered unsurpassed opportunities. To
, day will be your last chance to see "Ka-
I tlnka," the popular musical play of the
1 season.
j x
Gus Hill's latest singing and dancing '
carnival of fun, which comes to the Or
pheum to-morrow, mati
""rlnaiiitc nee-and night, was found-
Up Father ed on George McManus'
in l'olitlcs" famous cartoon series of
the same name. The dally
newspapers hand a laugh to their manv i
readers through the nve or six little
J cartoons depicting the troubles of Ma
and Daughter and their discomforture
L! M l 6 teaching of Father to be human. 1
| Their attempts to take him into good:
i society and Congress lead to many side
; splitting incidents and such hilarity
j over funny situations as has never be
| Tore been offered in any play or any
! character.
"It Is an interesting experience giv-
I Ing concerts," said IVlme. Gadski, in a
recent interview. "You would
j Undskl be surprised at what they
. . "Want to hear in the South
and West. As a matter of fact they In
sist upon the same class of program as
those I give in New York. They say
they want to hear the classic works.
"In one little town, where I had ap-
I peared last season, I sent on a program
which ended with Elizabeth's air from
Tannhauser. The program was re
j turned to me with the suggestion that
1 change the 'Tannhauser' air, which
was heard very often, to the immola
| tlon scene from "Gotterdammerung.' of
course, I was pleased to do this."
j The program the Madame will render
j at the Orpheum next Fridav evening, at
I e oPfn'ng concert of the Orpheum
i few d'Vvs. ' w k® announced in a
I stTeet Tragedy," at the
j Regent to-day, presents Nat C. Good
x-- f r- m . wln ln one of the
i G°°lwln most exceptional
at the llesrent roles ever Aimed. "A i
i , . , Wall Street Tragedy
j dea s primarily with the methods used
to ileeco the unwary by big Wall Street
traders. These nefarious methods, re
sponsible for the enul of countless thou
sands of men, are accurately depicted,
i and the story is engrossing in every
| d ta-i • •" presenting the rise and fall
of Thomas Norton (Mr. Goodwin), a I
| \\ estern mine owner, who endeavors
Ito corner copper in Wall Street
! .Y°T In this, the I
I next to the last episode of "Gloria's Ro- I
jinance. featuring Blllie Burke, shown!
i to-day and to-morrow, Gloria learns the
I truth about the murder of Freneau and
since she alono had discovered the 1
IF. lty , on r nd won a confession from i
him, she feels that she has fuiniled her !
vow to her former lover.
.■fti-morrow only Mary Miles Mlnter
, , e . pr ? sented ln a thrilling drama,
I iJulcle s Adventure," the story of a 1
: pretty little Southern orphan girl's ad- i
I venture into matrimony. A sympathetic I
l appealing, human-interest drama! I
Dulcies Adventure" is decidedly of the I
type of production In which Miss Min- !
ters followers lovii her most. There
wi ■ l ?i ans i-t!? u ®lti n ? . ?, cenes . including!
both the little Dulcie, at home in her I
sunny southland, and the sad little
Dulcie away on her enforced adven
| turo In search of a millionaire. !
L ) C ifI a vSi m^& "J oung wiU b shown!
at the Victoria Theater to-day and to- I
morrow in "Tho Dark SIJ-I I
Clara ence." It is a flve-nart 1 '
! Kimhnll Brady-made feature,
i J o"" K ; Monday and Tuesday of i
| Victoria next week "The Unwritten!
i Today Daw, an eight-part powerful i
| dramatic feature, starring Beatriz i
, Michelena. 1 his production was reaet
[ ed from the famous stage success. This
i Is what Dickenson Watts, in the Morn- I
I ing Telegraph, said about the "Unwrit
ten Daw: "Too much cannot be said ,
In praise of Bentriz Michelena's acting I
It Is at all times natural and in the
strong scenes, of an emotional quality i I
rarely seen No glycerine tears are <
| needed to heighten the effect of her
: art, for some of the close-ups, which 1
show real tears coursing down her
cheeks, are quite harrowing enough" /
i Tl ?, e , P r ' ce ? for "T he Unwritten LSw" <
will be: Lower floor, 20 cents; balcony, i
10 cents; children, 10 cents. The attrac-
Wednesday of next week will '
be E. H. Sothem. supported by the! ,
' f?, tre Si Peggy Hyland.j I
!'o The Chattel. This wonderful j
I pliotodrama was witnessed by 16 000 I I
people at one day in tho Strand Th'ea- i "
ter. New York. Special music will be I !
rendered for these productions bv Pro- (
fessor William P. Mcßride. '
Mr. Coddles was suffering from that (
run-down feeling.
A bright idea came to him —namely, (
that he should visit some friends in J
Bradford, for he knew that there was '
no cure quite equal to Yorkshire hos- |
pitality. But hardly had he come to ]
them when he caught cold and had to I
take to bed.
With kind thouglitfulness his host- '
ess baked a Yorkshire pudding, i
which she carried to his room. t 1
Three hours later she again visited j 1
the invalided Mr. Coddles. I
"Well," she asked, "have yo' etten j
it all oop?" i
"Eaten it?" gasped Mr. Coddles. ,
"Was it meant to be eaten? I'm wear- i
ing it on my chest." London An
1420 Derry Street
A 5-Part Trlangle-Flnc Arts
A. 2-Prt Keystone Comedy.
Music on our new Mocller IMb i
Organ by Prof. C, W. Wallace, the c
blind organist. * * f
M| The LAST SATURDAY of Kaufman's
Eleventh Hirthday Sale Brings Big
S 1 Men's I For Eleven Years The Kaufman Store Has Set a I UNDERWEAR
" cw I Pace For Value-Giving In Clothes For Men and For Men ffi
i HATS | Young Men at Popular Prices Which JSH Specially
SOFT HATS AND DERBIES 1 ~ : n • 1 # f\ '( 4 1
I Many Have Tried In Vain to Follow. Pr,ced Ml ' 11
young fjf!, no J Our Early Purchases Turned Into Profit /fffyk <J° r . Ml i
S* An men knH I N ° f conditions of the clothing market f & J I |f
hat value, know Young: ii at a are ■ -L i which is proving such a serious handicap to most clothing organi- ' WbL- • tin JXL6H S U 211011 >k U Jl\
styiGH and all sizes. A 1,1 1 if zations, Kaufman Clothes Offer M;n and. Young Men 1 v
v * | greater values than ever before in our history. Fabrics have soared inj|ffil|ff %?§ OUIXO y
, \ 1 price—labor has increased in price—trimmings everything in fact Jwdr Worth to f|Q f
3 Exceptional i ent ers into the composition of Men's and Young Men's Clothing hasFpSZ™ $1.25 For "OC "A V I
ns ITfe " I advanced to an almost bewildering extent-yet, here is Kaufman'sJ mi>M „ eece W
||J| 7 O o I Clothing Store offering such bargains as these listed below. m J llnc " ■>*■• dwdmine M-4
men s rants o , ercoats 4 Suits For Men Kf *%
Values For 1 ' II i |§| Men's Fleece Lined Ribbed
SATURDAY 1 Jff and Young Menso.7s fl
Men's Worsted and Cassimere j Saturday iQy | j au sizes, good weaves, winter
f o --'fW° rth 0 <CiJI" The Very rineßt Clothing That Can Bo Bought at l|i||f I I weight '
°AII sizes. °aood' patterns. " 1 jTjfr fl/'M Such an Extremely Low Price. W | I MEN'S WOOL UNION
w SUITS, In a l>ig variety of fabrics, designs and \ 0 SUITS* Worth A _ _
Men's Corduroy PANTS; S weaves; numerous smart, snappy models for men | 1 t *•> en t D 1 MA
Worth t ft 00 An AA I IP* mSimi ai,d youne men—every suit guaranteed fast color, V g t0 a 0 tor V * */W>
' Ik/ flip He's K l&ft A i>erfect fitting and wonderful value, at $9.75. ' VHp 1 H Wonderful values considering the
°£in? a Hb f U W%VWk OVfeKCOATS ' wonderfully wide variety of Hfe | wool. Ail sizes,
sizes. A splendid value. i K " le very newest materials, styles and designs dis- U o-n j ii, , Tr . „
■ x|. P la .v <! d tliis seiison; all new models, in grays and V ■ I 311 Union Suits For j
MEN'S DRESS PANTS; IfWlWl \€l l,!ai,ks a,KI all sizes for slim, slender, medium stou R I Men; Worth to O AO I
Worth to $3.50, £9 CO J andtA ' mCn - ® ' $4.50, for 0)0.45
for *P<UOvJ 1 I f\ . - IVI •, p These are extra fine and a value
Worsteds, cheviots. casslmerea f$ E'v tSll f I f VPfPflfl I r A|* CP ii L which the man who knows won't
and corduroys. All sizes; all deslr- in t i JE, E WIAIO ClilVl U UllO M. UI Js3 S W pass up. All sizes,
I able patterns. ■ ft B , -- _ _ iD H grm m fl oj H . FIRST FLOOR
' jsk-WT I Men and Young Men Y I - B ;
Sweaters ii I Special Saturday * I A s^|^ y ale of
TUC VIMn e ii f tilth Which \o Other Clothing Sold at This Price Anywhere; Can Compare. H (Vj Pi I^J
I llfc. Ml\ J | |§>H 6 0\ EHCOATS in a wide assortment of this season's most wanted fabrics, H
trwpw i Mm I colors and stylos. Five dollars more than our price won't buy you a better H 171 ATr 1 Of
9 KM | value at any other store, neither give you a wider range to select from. See B |* I|V r H1 |% I
anc J | |i| I these big bargains at once and save $5.00 on your Overcoat this season. | AAIU Ulllll &|J
DfIVC B | SUITS that can not bo matched anywhere tor this price. Made and tai- I
bUld a /Si lored to a degree of perfection equal to garments of the $20.00 class- all the ■ \
B A'.l newest models; all the newest materials; all the most popular patterns and 1
WANT. B wanted colors, in all sizes and big sizes for big men. I V"\\"A\ \ \ \
P r ICED | Suits, Overcoats and Ka\\Vi\\W-iB
low 1 Mackinaws 'TK Wf\ \\\\ \\ W
Men's New Coat SWEATERS; B At Prices That Save Monev I IBM \ \\\ \ \ Wai
Worth to $1.25, QQ rt B I A/A I \ \\ \ Wf
for t/OC 1 LOW PRICES—BIG VALUES! The magnet that draws crowds to our store of Boys' 1 CSsl I I l\ \ \ \.-*X
These are good, well knit heavy B Clothing. Every Suit, Overcoat and Mackinaw we sell is guaranteed to give perfect V tJ/Y\ \ vv\ \ V
ai?d be pocketsf' good 1 aMo/tment 0 ""? I satisfaction or money refunded. These Last-Day Anniversary Specials are too good to pass
colors and ail sizes. 9 up. Bring your boy to-morrow and get his Fall Outfit at Kaufman's at a BIG SAVING.
' B Boys' Suits and Placid- Boys' Suits and >lacki-
Men's New Coat SWEATERS; I news; special tfjo nn news; spctJai <so qc P? f\ FOR SHIRTS •
_ 1 UM Saturtlay, for.. wO.UU Saturday, for.. wO.UO SMf '
Worth to $1.75, (t 1 OO I r * i- . o 'JSnT Worth to 75c
•D X I \M \ 6 to 17-year sizes, Snappy, dressy, new 1 lu '
* or otbd%J> E yi\ \ flSrjfa made of good, sturdy, effects, made of good Dressy new Fall patterns, made of
A splendid Saturday special, won- | Ml 1 fe dressy cassimeres and cassimeres and cheviots, fast co ' or percales with laundered
derful big value, excellent new Fall | wtfK J) . . , , llit'V, {V, \ cufrq All
styles with roll collar and packets. 1 '\ cheviots; remarkably at- in a large variety of at- cuns. All sizes.
All sizes. 'U tractive models and pat- tractive patterns; sizes
W/'|\ ' _ 6to 17 years. mTf j, MjS\ SI 7Q FOR MENS FINE I
Men's and Women's WOOL VWA Boys' Suits, Overcoats *7 C MADRAS SHIRTS;
GOAT SWEATERS; I nd Maekinaws; special Boys' Newest Model W n ,tU ti nn
\\j .u *■ co A A \k I ba turday, QC Mackinaw Coats: Special Worth Up to SI.OO.
Worth to $3.50, *9 45 M * 4 ' W> %r'- $5.90 A„ „, 7 p., t „,
t°r v"™ •* v r>Wf\ a/ /// Popular new Pinch- " that will appeal to men's good taste.
The latest and most popular new r M Back Overcoats and Sold eleswhere at Si 10 rWI J well made of fine madras and ner-
Fall mod ®'f W n i2J erent | / Maekinaws, in a wide va- Classy new styles, in the /11 \ cales. All sizes
weaves and colors, in all sizes. Jg riety of different mate- latest Pinch-Ba,ck effect . B
S rials an<J patterns; new "and other new novelty N " .
Men's and Women's NEW B U"A lV\ 1 model Norfolk Suits; all effects; all beautifully Mtßßi *' • M \1 Pf FOR MEN'S
ivien t> dnu vvo c v u I _\J ?vlj exceptional values; 6to tailored and finished; 8 IW; Jj I Mil
FALL COAT SWEATERS; I 18-year sizes. I to 18-year sizes. §||K|[ 'tw. B I * FINE DRESS I
Worth to $5.00, d OOA 1 vR Extra Special For Saturday—Boys" d Q 4pJPft•y; , | SHIRTS; Worth up to $2.50
for $0.0 I CORDUROY SUITS, for JbO.UU . !uj\ Qtfc, I
Another big value with large roll ■ Cost SI.OO more anywhere else. All sizes and a big B >' ou see ln other stores at t° 5n Cut
collar and pockets, heavy weaves, H bargain. la t ~ '
In sizes and H BOBMSfaMBH 1 an aizel! newest stylri, and
A Complete Bill in One Act and
That One Good and
The offering at the Majestic for the
last half of the week U one of the big
gest things over handed to a Harrlsburg
audience over vaudeville footlights. J.
C. Mack presented his musical comedy.
"Mother Goose," to three capacity
houses yesterday, and from the appar
ent way the bill "went" with the audi
ences, the fc?. It. O. sign will be In evi
dence for every performance for the
balance of the week.
J. C. Mack, in his characterization of
"Mother Goose," is not a new one to
Harrlsburg. Fact is, he's an old favor
ite with local audiences. He's as funny
as ever, is the best way to describe
his work as "Mother Goose." Kive
scenes comprise the act, each one bring
ing back memories of childhood s
nursery rhymes. Costumes are new,
gorgeous and well worn by a stage full
of pretty girls, who have been well
trained in the intricate steps of their
dance numbers. There's music galore,
a number of good singing numbers, but
ranking high above them all is the
vocal work of one of the male charac
ters of the cast, with a rich baritone
voice, full of melody and tone.
400 Cities Aiding in
Child Welfare Work
Washington, Oct. 28. Municipal
child welfare work has extended to
two-thirds of the country's 600 cities
of more than 10,000 population, the
Federal Children's Bureau announced
last night. In twenty cities special
divisions devoted to child hygiene
have been added to city .health de
Nurses are employed in one hun
dred cities to visit homes and teach
mothers how to care for their chil
dren. Infant welfare stations with
physicians in attendance are main
tained in sixty. School girls are taught
Infant hygiene in many cities.
U si 5
"rf iib ~H-lirrrrTm mm mt urn liii—mi fll
On Monday and Tuesday, the Colonial
| Theater will endeavor to break all at
; tenance records by presenting Theda
Bara in a new William Eox special
release, in seven parts, of Shakespeare's
Immortal play. "Romeo and Juliet."
This picture was released only this
week, and was shown for the first times
in Philadelphia, where the critics of the
press immediately pronounced it one of
the flnest-nd most elaborate plays ever
seen on any screen, paying many com
pliments to Miss Bara for Tier interpre
tation of the role of the fair maid,
Verona In keeping with the regular
policy of the Colonial, the picture will
be presented on the regular program
without any advance in prices.
A century and more ago a pamphlet
entitled "The Shepherd's of Salisbury
Plain" set forth their notorious lazi
ness and said a gentleman offered a
prize of a guinea to the laziest of a
slumberous group. Homo started up
to claim the prize, which was won by
the shepherd, who merely murmured
an Invitation to shove it Into his
pocket.—London Globe.
55 Sons of British
Peers Die in Action
London. Fifty-five sons of Brit
ish peers have fallen on the battle
fields of the European war. The last
was Lieutenant W. Wyndham Ten
nant, the oldest son of Lord Glen
conner, who was killed In France on
September 22 at the age of 19. Only
a few days before the death In action
of his cousin. Lieutenant Mark Ten
nant, was reported.
Lieutenant Wyndham Tennant had
been with the army Just over a year,
having Joined as soon as he reached
the legal age. In a letter to his
mother dated Just before going into
action he wrote —
"This 1s written In case anything
happens to me. for I should like you
to have Just a little message from my
own hand. Your love for me and my
love for you have made my whole life,
one of the happiest there has ever
been. This is a great day for me.
'High heart, high speech, high deeds
'mid honoring eyes.' God bless you,
and give you peace.
Four cabinet minister, Mr. As
qultli, Lord Lansdowne, Mr. Pike
Pease and Mr. Arthur Henderson,
have lost sons in the war, and Lord
Crewe, a son-in-law. y.?r. Henderson
Irf" the Labor party leader, and his son
was a captain.
"Wilson Marvin drove into town
this morning with a load of whea\>
About five miles out he lost the end
gate from his wagon and before ho
discovered the loss had lost 10 bushels
of good wheat, worth a dollar a bu
shel. He says that It is the duty of
some one to feed the birds, which is
a cheerful way to look at it."—Norton
(Kan.) Telegram.
Don't neglect a pain anywhere, but
find out what causes it and conquer
the cause. A pain In the kidney region
may put you on your back to-morrow.
Don't blame the weather for swollen
feet. It may be an advnnced warning
of Brlght's disease. A pain in the stom
ach may be the first symptom of ap
pendicitis. A creak in a Joint may be
the forerunner of rheumatism. Chronic
headaches more than likely warn you
of serious stomach trouble. The best
way Is to keep In good condition flav
in and day out by regularly taking
sules. Sold by reliable druggists. Money
refunded If they do not help you. He
ware of substitutes. The only pure Im
ported Haarlem Oil Capsules are tin
GOLD MEDAL.—Advertisement.