VALUE * What is value? j> Tou have been told that ft represents Style Quality, and Service But it Includes more than that. . It includes Advertising Salesmanship, and Rent! Whose rent (or store service) do you \yish to , pay?— Robinson's Or the higher. To-morrow we feature Suits .$18.50 We invite you to com pare these garments with the downtown $25 kind. Robinsorc"s "Un.oin Department Store" Third and liroad Streets. TWO HUSBANDS AT BIKIt "Woman of Mystery" Had Two More —Funeral at Butler, Pa. Butler, Pa., Oct. 27.—The first and fourth husbands of Maude Abagail Bloom, the Bovard "woman of mys tery," who was shot to death, met at. her funeral. Husband No. 1 is John Freeman, a prominent resident of Omaha, Neb. Husband No. 4 is Peter Bloom, of Bovard. There are two other former husbands of the woman yet to be found, the police say, and one of these is being hunted as the woman's murderer. At one side of the casket stood Bloom; at the other, Freeman and his daughter. CROSS, FEVERISH CHILD IS BILIOUS OR CONSTIPATED sgrok, Mother! See if tongue is coated, breath hot or stomach sour. "California Syrup of Figs" can't harm tender stomach, liver, bowels. Every mother realizes, after giving j her children "California Syrup of Figs," that this is ■ their ideal laxa- j tive, because they love its pleasant taste and it thoroughly cleanses the j tender little stomach, liver and bow- | els without griping. When cross, irritable, feverish, or breath is bad, stomach sour, look at j the tongue, mother! If coated, give a teaspoonful of this harmless "fruit j laxative," and in a few hours all the foul, constipated waste, sour bile and i undigested food passes out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. When the little system ! is full of cold, throat sore, has atom- j acli-aehe, diarrhoea, indigestion, colic remember, a good "inside i cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Millions of mothers keep "California ! Syrup ot Figs" handy; they know a teaspoonful to-day saves a sick child i to-morrow. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of i Figs," which has directions for ba- I bies, children of all ages and grown ups printed on the bottle. Beware of j counterfeits sold here, so don't be fooled Oet the genuine, r-nde by "California Fig Syrup Company." AMUSEMENTS t f Royal and National Theaters TO-DAY the rplnoilc of "TheShieldingShadow" The icreaOUBLE ,g| |jgsS $22 $13.50 H S3Q R fgt it. 111 "~LL.-i'"^? l ft W 0 rlnnN- +liiv>l.' T, n „ Choice of several patterns and Including necessarv smoke and heat ir W • • lUIIIJv .you Cd.II colorings, an example of the many pipe, excellent heater, self feeder, , its equal. White cnam- values found in our Car- handsomely nickeled. m " ll*--e ;i| bin, sliding' nickel top, RAG RUG, sizo 9xi2, r/\ nickel name plate, $1 O |fe |j j metal bread box, roomy heavy chain SO*DU 7-inch covers, fl I>aSe " BURNS. REGENT ajKESSS^ Payments "SOe Wppklv VELVET RITG, size 9xi2, RANGE, the best range A dynienis ouc weeKiy handsome patterns, .. .. . $27 you can buy, up- $97 Jr \ - AXMINSTER RUG, size 9x12, Ward fl'Om tP* " BURNS & CO. -■ RIIRN g on WILTON RUG, 9x12, <* DUIIIIS Cx 1 CASH OR CREDIT "" $47 28-30-32 S. SECOND ST. Clothes For Discriminating Men Sharp mornings, cold evenings—you need a Fall Overcoat. Here are the f N newest things from f |L Hart, Schaffner & Marx jlHf Varsity Six Hundred . Chesterfields; loose coats; the fabrics are Scotch tweeds, cheviots, in browns, u tans, grays and blues. , f \[ v n Many of the coats have belt backs. „ / \ I ft Varsity Fifty-Five Suits For the Young Men / / / Come in and see them; get the hang of a Varsity Fifty-Five—see I how they take the curve of the shoulder; emphasize the waist line. Good I \f I I tailoring from the ground up—a one style idea, with many variations. 7 /fc=- il| l\ Put Your Hat Problem FURS-- Up to Us A department of extreme in- I _ , „ , terest to women. Neckpieces, U* JJgrnfe* Our line of head gear for „ , , _ aJtcr *Mm SX Fall we believe to be unex- muffs and com P le *e sets m celled. Here you will see Mink > Moleskin, Red and 1 fSsM lA \ everything new that's good. Black Fox, Skunk, Hudson \ | 3, jjjlSbfS tlsK' u itt TRULY WARNER HATS, Seal, Ermine and the new SOFT AND DERBY Klondike Fox. Also Cloth and % 4 Jj*, SHAPES "... s2.< X) Fur Trimmed Coats. J' H. Marks & Son Harrisburg Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx, Cloth Craft and Society Brand Clothes. „ , OopjrlKht Hurt Schaffner A Mara __ . . . __ , m n i a New "arrivals" in Neckwear Square ami novelty H mirth Jinn IVI£II"KPT JSTVAPTQ ilks; Mripes, figures; unusual value—the wide-end X UUim Allu. lUdIACI WUCCIO dollar kind. You'll want a half ee dozen. Kach ' OOC direction of a committee selected by i | Mr. Bailey. The next big civic event ' jin which the retiring commercial i j manager will take an active part will Ibe the big street cabaret and mu- i nicipal dance which is scheduled for Tuesday evening, October 31 the city-wide Hallowe'en celebration. Mr. Bailey heads the Chamber of Com merce committee on arrangements. GEORGE ZEARS George Zears, aged 61 years died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Free in Wormleysburg Thurs day. Funeral services will be helil from Ills home to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. Use Telegraph Want Ads 10