Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 21, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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U. B. Congregation Gives Royal
Reception to the Rev. G. A.
Mutch and Family
Rev. J. W. Smith Will Cele
brate 2flh Anniversary as Pas
tor of Lutheran Church
•_ Kphrata, Pa., Oct. 21.—Nearly one
hundred members anu friends of the
United Brethren Church called at the
parsonage in a body on Tuesday even
ing and gave their new pastor, the
Rev. C. A. Mutch, and his family a
hearty welcome. The gathering was
of an informal character. I. G. Ment
zer, superintendent of the Sunday
school, presided. The program in
cluded the singing of several hymns,
prayer by S. 1.. Sweeney, brief ad
dresses bv I. G. Mentzer, H. H. Singer,
Charles S. Tcager. Mrs. C. E. King,
John V. Snader. "W. 11. Richwine and
Mrs. Hannah Hibshman. The Rev.
C. A. Mutch responded.—To-morrow
evening the Rex* J. XV. Smith will cele
brate his twenty-fourth anniversary as
pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church,
preaching from the text he used on the
occasion of his assuming the pastorate
of the congregation.—Mrs. Webster, of
Harrisburg, was the guest of Mrs.
E. Suttic. —Mrs. A. H. Yingst
entertained the following guests at her
home here: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pen
nell and daughter Emma and Mrs.
Pennell, all of Mount Joy; Mrs. Gus.
Nitely, of Eliza betht own. and Mrs.
George Friend, of Lancaster.—Mr. and
Mrs. John Skane, of Harrisburg, are
spending several weeks in Eplirata,
visiting their daughter, Mrs. A. H.
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Use Telegraph Want Ads
Schoolmates and Friends of the Rev. L. M. Gardner Help Him
Celebrate Eighty-Fifth Birthday at York Springs
Gettysburg. Pa., Oct. 21.—A number
of neighbors of Philip llartzell gath
ered at his home, near Arendtsville,
And husked a large quantity of corn
and cut much of his winter wood. Mr.
Hartzell was hurt in an automobile
accident some time ago and since then
has been unable to work. —On his
eighty-fifth birthday recently the Rev.
I„. M. Gardner, of York Springs, enter
tained a number of friends at dinner.
Five persons who were schoolmates
of Mr. Gardner were present.'—The
parent-teachers - association has started
work in securing a new high school for
the town, the proposition for which
Mrs. Calder Pike Hostess
For Ladies' Bible Class
Halifax, Pa., Qct. 21. Mrs. Calder
Pike entertained the Ladies' Bible
class of the United Brethren Sunday
school at her home in Second street
Tuesday evening. The members of
Washington Camp, No. 576, P. O. S.
of A. held a very successful smoker at
their hall on Tuesday evening.
Prof. D. C. Millard on last Sunday
celebrated his eighty-sixth birthday
anniversary at his home in Front
street by having his family and a few
friends take dinner with him. Mr.
Millard for many years taught in the
public schools here and he freely
used the rod on many now prominent
citizens who attended his school.
Mrs. Elias Etzweiler of Matamoras,
this week brought a stalk of celery to
town which measured three feet in
height. Chestnuts and walnuts are
reported to be very scarce in this vi
cinity. The Halifax broom works
have changed the location of their
factory from the Crumbier building
to the Loomis property, corner of
I Market and Front streets, which they
j recently purchased. The Rey. J. O.
1 Bare, pastor of the Church of God of
' Matamoras for the past three years
has been assigned to the Plalnfield-
Doubllng Gap charge in Cumberland
county. The Rev. C. O. Houston
comes to Matamoras. Mrs. Lincoln
Harris of Wilkes-Barre is here at the
bedside of her brother, William Meck
ley who is seriously ill. Postmaster
John C. Miller was a visitor to Har
risburg on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.
Millard Poffenberger of 'Portsmouth,
Ohio, are spending a short time at
the home of her brother,
Knauff. Miss Charlotte Heisler has
returned home from a two weeks'
visit to her grandmother, Mrs. Sue
Heisler at Reading. Curtig Cratzer,
of Atlantic City, was a guest at the
home of his father, John Cratzer over
Sunday. Samuel Koppenhaver and
H. S. Noblet acompaniefl by J. Peter
Koppenhaver, D. S. Ludlow and J. R.
Sterringer of Harrisburg autoed to
Gettysburg on Sunday.—United States
Gauger G. W. West fall who has been
stationed at Highsplre for some time,
is spending a month's vacation at the
home with his family. Elmer Biever
of Watsontown, spent Saturday with
his mother, Mrs. Mary Biever.
Miscellaneous Shower For
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Ulsh
MlHerstOTru. Pa., Oct. 11.-*-A number
of town people attended a miscellaneous
shower given for Mr. and Mrs. Brooks
fish at C. I. Rurabaugh's home on Sat
urday evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Oscar
Snyder, of Muncy, are visiting' Mr. and
Sirs. Edward Beacham.—Harry Walker |
and his mother, Mrs. William Walker, '
went to Reed's Gap, Juniata county, on \
Sunday where Mr. Walker enjoyed sev- ;
eral day's hunting.—Mr. and Mrs. Clar- j
ence Kipp. of Philadelphia, were guests i
of Mr. and Mrs. William Kipp on Tues- !
day.—-Mrs. Mary Allen left Monday for]
Middleburg, where she will visit her
son, Charles Allen.—Milton Attic, of ]
Tyrone, visited his father, Peter Attic,
on Tuesday.—The Rev. and Mrs. C. F. j
Himes and son Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs.
J. O. Charles and Miss Ethel Rouns- j
ley attended) an entertainment at'
Thompsontown on Saturday evening.—
Miss Mina Kremer went to Philadelphia
Tuesday where she was operated on
for appendicitis.—Mrs. Ida Wlard is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ray Wag
ner, at Lemoyne.—James Kipp and son
Kenneth, of Harrisburg, spent several
days with his parents, Sir. and Mrs. J. C.
Kipp.—Mrs. H. Mace, of West Chester,
and Miss Marion Rogers of Mifflin,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George
1 Fry over Sunday.—Miss Anna Alexan
| der, of Steubensville, Ohio, is visiting
1 her mother, Mrs. S. C. Alexander.—Mr.
and Mrs. Josiah Rowe spent the week
end 1 with their daughter, Mrs. George
Klopp at York.—Mrs. S. C. Alexander
; left. Tuesday for Path "Valley where
'she attended the one hundredth anni
versary of the Path Valley Presbyter
ian Cliurcli.-—Miss Lillian Vanklvwll, of
.Steelton, spent tho week-end with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nankl
i veil.— Mrs. Lloyd Gates and son, Rob
ert, of Tyrone, spent several days with
Mrs. Sellers Nipple.—Miss Ruth Shenk
who had been visiting In Palmyra has
i returned home.—Mrs. Kirk Haines re
turned to her home at Frankford, Phil
jadelphia Sunday. She was accom
panied by Joseph Bucher, who will
1 make his home with Mr. and Mrs.
| Haines.—Mr. and Mrs. R. Cameron, of
I Thompsontown. were guests of Mr.
innd Mrs. Frank Wagner over Sunday.—
Miss Anna Bollinger, of Newton Ham
ilton, visited friends in town Sunday.—
Max Taylor, of Jersey Shore, was call
jed home Monday by the serious illness
iof his sister. Miss Marion Taylor.—
'Miss Edith Rounsley was a Newport
j visitor on Monday.
o OR Q Q
Every Niqhf-
For Constipation
| Headache,lndigestion, etc.
Safe and Sure 0
Bet. sth An. & Broadway.
bl Fireproof—Modern—Central.
kflllt lable d'Hote and ■la Carte I
is up to the voters at the election on
November 7.—-Adams county has the
distinction of having, the youngest
deputy prothonotary in the state and
Arthur Roth, son of Prothonotary G.
Harry Roth, holds the honor. The
young man reached his twenty-first
birthday October 1 and has since been
sworn into otlice.—Having a particular
desire to be in Europe when the pres
ent great conflict ends. Colonel J. K. P.
Scott, who has been a resident here
for several years, expects to leave
shortly for Tampa, Fla., to spend the
winter months, and then sail early in
the Spring for his old home in Barce
lona, Spain.
Mechanicsburg Church to
Be Rededicated November 5
Meoluuiicsburg, Pa., Oct. 21. •—Oni
Sunday, November 5, the St. Paul's!
Reformed church which has been j
undergoing extensive repairs, will be i
rededicated with special service
Fillmore Maust of Carlisle, was in'
town on Sunday and gave an address!
at the Fall rally of the St. Poul's lie- 1
formed Sunday school. Interesting
R ®d well attended sessions marked j
annual convention of
the Woman's Home and Foreign Mis
sionary Society of the West Pennsyl
vania Synod in Trinity Lutheran
church this week. On Thursday
afternoon a meeting of the "Woman's
Christian Temperance Union Was held I
at the home of Miss Ida G. Kast, West
Main street. The report of the State
convention was given. Mr. and Mrs.!
W. M. Segar of Kenton, Ohio, are!
spending some time at the homo of
I their son N. \V. Segar. l.#ee Strock
left on Tuesday morning for Rlch-
I mond, \ a., where he has accepted a
position. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Slonaker returned to their home in
Douglas, Wyo., after spending some
time in Mechanicsburg and New I
Kingston with the former's parents, i
Mr. and Mrs. John Slonaker, who re
cently celebrated their golden wedding
anniversary. Simon Boyer of Har-1
rlsburg was the speaker at the meet- I
ing- of the Christian Endeavor Union
on Sunday evening in the Church of
(rod. Miss Bessie Basehore spent
the week-end with friends in Lan
caster. Samuel Ulricli, a milk'
dealer, is improving from a broken
leg and other injuries, when his horse
kicked him several weeks ago. -
Miss Catharine Keefcr and Miss Ruth
Lloyd returned home from a camping
trip to Pen-Mar park. Postmaster
M. M. Dougherty attended the recep
tion given by President Wilson at
Shadow Lawn last Saturday. A
parcel post sale will bo held by the
Ladies' Aid Society of the Presby
terian church on November 3 and 4.
Homemade food will be on sale.
Fraternity Chapter Enjoys
Pig Roast at Mifflintown
Mifllintown. Pa.. Oct. 21. lota
I'hapter of the Phi Epsilom Kappa
fraternity enjoyed a pigroast at the
Riverside Restaura'nt on Friday.
Those present were Ralph Gaul,
James, Clark and Edward McNeal,
Roswell Doty, Robert Bousum, James
Kyle, John Bousum, Frank Potter
Charles McGill, Richard Nestler, Jay
Auker and the Rev. J. C. Ely. Mrs.
Ralph Lucas and little daughters, ac
companied by her sister, Mrs. James
Sterrett left on Friday for her home
at Trenton, N. J. Mrs. Sterrett will
spend some time with relatives in
New Jersey before returning to her
home here. Mrs. S. A. Ellis and
daughter, Mildred spent several days
with Mrs. Wilmer Cumbler at Steel
ton. Mrs. Anna Stokes of Mlfliin
town, and Miss Grace Roblson of Oil
City, left on Saturday for a several
weeks' visit with relatives in Virginia.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Portzer left
Tuesday for a several days' visit with
relatives at Greensburg. Mrs. Irvin
Stoner and Mrs. Charles McGill spent
a day at Harrisburg. Mrs. Robert
Lloyd and daughters, left for then
home in New York City on Monday
after spending the summer months
here. Mrs. George Clark of Long
Island, is the guest of her mother,
: Mrs. Wilson Lloyd. Mrs. Ralph W.
Hills and son, Bobby, left Tuesday for
their home at Madison. Wis., after a
; several months' visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Crawford.—
Paul M. Helmach of Philadelphia
spent Monday evening at the home of
; his father-in-law, W. I. Kulp. Mrs.
I Baldwin and daughter. Miss Henrietta
; are visiting relatives in New Jersey.
Republican Mass Meeting
at Duncannon This Evening
Duncannon, Pa., Oct. 21.—Republicans
I will hold a mass meeting In front of
th High street public school building
| this evening.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles
| Boyer and son Max have returned to
their home at Carlisle after a visit to
j the former's brother, George E. Boyer,
|and his sister, Mrs. John Humperlv.—
, The local tribe of Improved Order of
Red Men will give a banquet to the
members of the order In their wig
j warn this evening in commemoration
of the thirteenth anniversary of the
establishment of the order here.—Mrs.
Myrtle Summy, of West Falrview, has
| purchased the small farm of John Sny
i der, of Enola, the property Is situate
in Wheatfleld township. Mrs. Summy
I will take immediate possession.—Mrs,
jAda Kent and daughter, Miss Irene,
were guests of friends at Bellvllle
|over Sunday.—Miss Mary F. Clugston
of this place, and Miss Edna Margaret
Miller, of Harrisburg, spent Sunday
j with friends at Pittsburgh.—Police Offi
cer Tlieo Miller shot his full quoto of
j squirrels on Monday.—The entire plant
of the Duncannon Iron and Steel works
was idle Monday and Tuesday, owing
to a scarcity of coal. All departments
resumed work on Wednesday morning.
—Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Young have
returned to their home, Homewood, af
ter a visit here as guests of Mr. and
Mrs. George Young. Mrs. John Y.
Wills, one of the oldest residents of
this place, celebrated her eighty-first
birthday anniversary at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Harry B. Wilson, on
Monday.—A reception was tendered to
the Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Hartman by
members of Christ Reformed Church.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh
That Contain Mercury
' aa mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell
| and completely derange the whole system when
j entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such
! articles should never be usod except on prescrip
' tions from reputable physicians, as the damage
• they will do Is ten fold to the good you can pos
sibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cur#,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, 0..
contains no mercury* and Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur-
I faces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh
Cure be sure you get the genuine. It Is taken
j Internally nnd made In Toledo. Ohio, by F. J*
Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
Sold by Druggists. Priee, 75c. per bottle.
| Take Hall's Family nils for constipation.
Oldest Active Hunter
in Central Pennsylvania
Ijfwistown, Oct. 21.—John Gantz
old hunter of Mifflin county, is on
the trail again this season. On Satur
day last, he appeared at the treas
urer's office in the courthouse and re
ceived license No. 2002. This week
John was on the trail making at least
four-score years that he has tramped
the woods of this section with his
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
Annvtlle. J. G. Kelchner has re
turned home from a trip to Pittsburgh,
where he attended a luncheon given by
the Equitable L.ife insurance Company.
On his way home he stopped at State
College to visit his daughter, who is a
co-ed at that school. Miss
Engk, formerly a student at Lebanon
Valley College, has returned to her
home, at Harrisburg, after visiting her
sister, Margaret, here. Professor S.
H. Derrickson, who had been improv
ing from a long siege of illness, suf
fered a relapse. He is suffering from
congestion of the lungs. . Dr. J. Ed
ward Marshall, son of Dr. E. B. Mar
shall, has returned from the military
training camp at Plattsburg and has
resumed his duties in the Lebanon
Sanatorium. Mr. and Mrs. Harry C.
Kettering and family, of Clarltesburg,
Ya., spent some time here, the guests of
Mr. Kettering's mother. Air. and
Mrs. Paul Keife and son, of New Cum
berland, visited Mrs. Iteife's sister. Miss
Ruth Heffelman, on Saturday.
Willis McNelly, a graduate of the 1916
class at college, has returned to his
school in New Jersey after spending
several days visiting his mother. Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Matz, of Helena, Mont.,
are spending a month here visiting with
Mr. Matz's father, Harvey D. Matz.
Berrysburg. Mrs. Jane Eerg
stresser, of Harrisburg, paid a visit to
her sister, Mrs. Charles Schoffstall.
Mrs. Kate Hartman went to Philadel
phia to visit her daughter, Dora, who
is studying for a nurse in the Metho
dist Episcopal Hospital. Mrs. Norman
Engle and two children, of Penbrook,
are spending a week with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Keboch.—
M. S. Daniel is attending United States
Court at Scranton as a grand juror, this
week Sallie Hummel, of Powls Val
ley, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Bishop. Mrs. Elizabeth Snyder, of
Harrisburg, is spending some time at
the home of M. S. Daniel. Maude
Bowman, whose serious illness with
typhoid fever was reported last week,
is somewhat improved and hopes en
tertained for her recovery. Daniel
tjtrawliei'ker has typhoid fever. His
three sons, Guy, Francis and Ralph,
were hero to see their father. Wil
liam Bonher, from lowa, is visiting
friends here. Roscoe Daniel has re
turned to Philadelphia after a week's
visit to his parents. Grant Hartman
and family sfcnt Sunday at Big Run.
Dnluiatia. George E. Michael, ot
Middletown, visited his mother. Mrs.
Rebecca Michael, on Sunday. - Henry
A. Deibrit, who is teaching at the Mon
tandon school, visited his family here
over Sunday. Miss Mary Bugg, a stu
dent at Bucknell University, spent sev
eral days at her home, here, recently.—
Morris Bahner and family spent Tues
day at Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. L. N.
Bubb and daughter. Estelle, of Millers
burg, visited relatives here on Sunday.
—Mr. and Mrs. George Seagrlst and Mr.
afld Mrs. William Seagrlst, of Harris
burg. visited here recently. Daniel G.
Snyder spent Sunda.v%it l.ewlsburg.
B. F. Myers, of Harrisburg. transacted
business here on Wednesday.
Kllr.abetlivlllo. Fred Gaupp spent
several days with his son, George F.
Gaupp, at lrvona, Pa. Miss Frances
Swab returned to Harrisburg on Wed
nesday after spending some time here.
—Harry D. Tschopp and S. C. Shutt, of
Allentown. spent Sunday at their homes
here. Mr. and Mrs. Earl K. Rom
berger spent a week at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Sarali Snyder has returned after
spending a month with her sons,
Charles and Allen, at Philadelphia.
Mrs. Lucy Ostenhout returned to her
home, at Salamanaca, N. Y„ after spend
ing several months here. Martin
Gaupp, of Harrisburg, spent several
days with his father. Christian Gaupp,
here. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Smith, of
Ocean Grove, N. J., are spending some
time here. W. T. Moor,e left on Tues
day for Mt. Union, after spending sev
eral months here. Ellsworth Grove
and brother spent several days at Ni
agara Falls and HufTalo, this week.
The Rev. James Shoop spent a week
with his son, at Lancaster. Mrs.
Melvln C. Romborger, of Sunbury, spent
the week with her mother, Mrs. Carrie
Collier. lsaiah Swab spent several
days with his son, Charles Swab, at
Lock Haven.
Mnltn. Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Snyder, of Pillow, called on his brother,
James, on Saturday. Mrs. Ix>uisa
Schroyer is visiting her sister, Mrs.
Eliza Wagner, at Milton. Mrs. Mary
Grimm is staying at the home of her
son, Calvin, at Pillow, for several
weeks. Miss Edith Zerbe, of Millers
burg, spent the week under the paren
tal roof. Jacob A. and Alice Marts
paid a visit to the latter's daugter, Mrs.
H. E. White, at Dauphin, who is seri
ously ill with typhoid fever. Georg®
F. Snyder and family were at Millers
burg on Saturday. Frederick Kopen
liaver. who has heen 111 with pneumo
nia. is convalescing. Mr. and Mrs.
Levi Boyer, of Pillow, were the guests
of William Kopenheffer, on Sunday,
Isaac Kerstetter was at Shamokln on
Mlriillftmrg. Mr. and Mrs. P. M.
Sehoch left for their home, at New York
City. Thursday mornirtfr. Dr. J. C.
Amlg, of visited his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Amig. on Sunday.—■
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Snook, of Reeds
vllle. were guests of their son Dr. A. E.
Snook this week. Mrs. Harrison
Moyer Is visiting her dnughter Mrs.
John Duck near Troxelville. Mr. and
Mrs. Gougler were I.ewlstown callers
on Monday. Superintendent of
Schools T. A. Stetler visited schools in
the eastern'part of the oountv during
the week. Mr. and Mrs. Nevin Willis
and children ore visiting relatives at
TMchlleJd. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stetler,
J. R. Davison, Grcencastle, Heads Twenty-First Pennsylvania
Cavalry; l\ S. Army Surgeon Ordered Home From China
Grecncostlc. Pa., Oct. 21. At the
annual reunion of the Twenty-First
Pennsylvania Cavalry Association at
Harrisburg last week, J. R. Davison,-
of Greencastle, was elected president,
the honor being conferred upon him
without solicitation and even without
his knowledge, as he was not present
at the reunion. Mr. Davison served
two enlistments during the Civil War,
and it was while a member of the 21st
Cavalry that he had the distinction
of accompanying General Sheridan
from the Union to the Confederate
lines to receive from General Gordon
the surrender of Lee, and later that
day he was on duty outside the Mc-
Lean House, while Grant and Lee were
within arranging the terms of sur
render. Major J. Ralph Shook, of
the United State Army, son of D. Z.
Shook, of East Baltimore street, who
has been at the China station for
some years, has been ordered back to
this country, and will arrive in San
I-ranclsco, Cal., In November. Major
Shook has been on duty as surgeon
with the Legation Guard at tlen Tsin.
of Sunbury, spent several days with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cal
vin Stetler. Mr. and Mrs. William
Housh spent Sunday at Center Hall.
Mrs. Harry Callahan, of Lewlstown, is
the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Moyer.
Newton Hamilton. J. M. Sinelker
® visitor at Lewlstown, Tuesday.—
Miss Vera Smelker and Helen Murphy
spent Thursday evening at Mt. Union.—
Miss Anna Bollinger spent several days
at Lewlstown and MUlerstown. Mr.
and Mrs. H. E. Ewlng and son, Cullen,
, J®nkin Jones, W. Va., are visiting
relatives here. Miss Marquitta
bmolker, a teacher in the schools of
L.ewistown. spent the week-end at the
home of her parents, here. Mrs.
Hocker, who has bean seriously ill
with typhoid fever, is slowly improv
in B'. Miss Mary Sechrlst spent a week
at Philadelphia. Mrs. L D. Van Bus
kirk, of Pottstown, is a guest at the
home of H. C. Kinsloe. Mrs. Alice
Drake is visiting relatives at Wilkins
burg. Dr. BrisDln, of Lewlstown, was
a visitor to town, Thursday. Mrs.
Martha Campbell was a recent visitor
to Hyde. Mr. and Mrs. George
bcypher and daughter, of Wilkinsburg,
were visitors at the home of H. C. Kins
Newvllle. Mr. and Mrs. George M.
Ott, of Altoona, spent several days with
the former's mother, Mrs. Ott. Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Randall have gone to
Dorrancetown, Pa., to visit their daugh
ter, Mrs. Godwin Beard. • Mrs. W. C.
Woodburn and daughter, Sara, are vis
iting relatives at Chester. Miss Hol
lar, of Williamsport, spent several
days with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Espen
scliade. Mr. and Mrs. David McCoy
have returned from the West, where
they spent the past year. Miss Mary
Graham has gone to Leinoyne to make
her home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kel
ler, of Cumberland, Md., spent several
days with the latter's brother, Samuel
Elliott. Mrs. Charlotte Bayles and
granddaughter, Miss Nora Bayles, spent
Sunday at Philadelphia. Frank
H&l'tzel, of Mercersburg Academy, spent
the Week-end with his mother, Mrs.
Maine Hartzell. George B. Landis, of
Harrisburg, spent Wednesday with his
mother, Mrs. M. E. Landis. - Mrs. An
nie Ghenser and daughter, Rene, visited
friends at Harrisburg. Mrs. T. %.
Minehart, of Chambersburg, spent sev
eral days with her brother, C. D. Hart
zell. Mr. Troetle, of Harrisburg,
spent Sunday with David Shopwell.
Mrs. Edgar Manning has gone to Can
ton, Ohio, to visit her sister, Mrs. Eu
gene Beattie. Melanchton Usaw, of
Harrisburg, spent Saturday aflernoon
with George P. James.
Piketown. Miss Minnie Ramsey, of
near Grantville, spent the week-end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.
Ramsey. Mr. and Mrs. I. W. Strohm
and daughters. Luella and Odessa, of
Stone Glen, visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Hughes, on Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Fox and daughter. Violet,
of Lawn, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Wade. Daniel Kreiser
and family, of county: Mr.
and Mrs. E. O. Shepler and children,
Mildred, Dorothy and Claire, spent Sun
day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. B.
Megonnel.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Earley
and daughters, Vera and Loma, of Fish
ing Creek Valley, were the guests of
Mrs. H. M. Wilt, on Sunday. The Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Martin and children.
Mary and Willis, spent Tuesday at
Landisville. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wade
spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. H.
E. Hallman. at Harrisburg. Houston
Meachem, of Enola. spent several days
with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Earley. Miss
Luella Oastrock, of Fishing Creek Val
ley. on Tuesday visited Miss Susie Ram
Wiconisco. —Mrs. Clayton Sausser, of
Millersburg, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Dodd.—Mrs. Charles Pinkerton of Ash
land, spent the week-end with her
mother. Mrs. S. J. Powell.—Miss Pearl
Warfleld Is visiting William 11. Ester
line.—Anna L Sheafer and Emma Bai
ley are spending several days with
relatives at Wilmington, Del.—John W.
Rowe and daughter, Mrs. William
Kolva, aro visiting relatives at Pitts
burgh.—Miss Carrie Moyer, of Tower
City, was the guest of Mrs. A. M. Bat
dorf on Sunday.-—Mrs. John H. Seip
made a business trip to Williamstown
on Mqnday.—Joseph Thomas, of South
Bethlehem, is visiting his father, ,T. H.
Thomas.—llarvey Batdorf spent Tues
day at Loyal ton.—'Thomas Coles, Jr., is
visiting relatives at Hopewell.—Laura
Williams spent Sunday at Carsonville.
—Miss Elizabeth Y'ost, of Millersburg,
was the guest of Elizabeth McWilllams
over Sunday.- Edward' Mills, of Delt
rich, visited at the home of Thomas
Bateman on Tuesday.—John Foster and
son, Mitchell, spent Sunday in Tower
City.—Miss Edyth Wells, of Hershey, Is
the guest of Mrs. Cora Long.—Miss EU
llan Wise, of Williamstown, was the
guest of Maude I* Steever. Robert
Shuttlesworth and Warren Foster, of
Lewistown, spent the week-end at the
home of John Foster.—Mildred Kop
penhaver Is home from a visit to Ellza
bethville.—Misses Mary Messner and
FaYinie West spent Sunday evening at
Tower City.
Thompxontonn. Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Hootetter and son are spending this
week at Hollidaysburg. Otis \V.
Spicher, of Philadelphia, spenut the
week-end with his sister. Miss Jennie
Splcher. Miss Gladys Hubbert and
Boyd Benson were taken to the Jeffer
son Hospital, at Philadelphia, on Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hlmes and
children were guests of D. Samuel
Leonard this week.—Mi* and Mrs. John
Davies, of Scranton, spent Monday and
Tupesday with Mr. and Mrs. William
Smith. Park Heller, of Pittsburgh,
and Banks Heller, of Altoona, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Heller.—
Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel H. Zelders, of
Philadelphia, are visiting the latter's
mother, Mrs. Joseph Metzler. Dr. and
Sore Throat PrudenceT
No family medicine chest is well stocked
without a bottle of TONSILINEt for yon
don't know what moment it may be needed
to relieve a sudden case of Sore Throat.
Relieving Sore Throat is TONSILINE'S
special mission. It is made for that—ad
vertised for that—sold for that one purpose.
TONSILINB is the one and only Son
Throat Remedy which is sold over a large
part of the United States. Tou'll rjj,
need TONSILINE one of these
days, or some night when the drug lil
store is closed better have a bottle rj
ready at home when you need it lil
most. 25c. and 50c. H<iqpital Size fe *
#I.OO. All Druggists.
OCTOBER 21, 1916.
Mrs. William Collingswood has re
turned to Hammonton. N. J., after a
visit with her sister, Mrs. E. C. Ever
ett. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ogle an
nounce the birth of a daughter.
Mrs. Samuel Johnson, of Franklin. W.
Va„ is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
C. P. Omwake. Mrs. Mary Slike
spent the past week at Hickory, N. C.,
attending the annual Woman's Mis
sionary meeting of the Reformed
Synod. Mrs. Slikc Is a delegate from
Mercersburg classis. Miss Anne
Fletcher has returned from a two
weeks' sojourn with her sister at
Amenla, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Leter announce the birth of a son
Monday, October 16, 1916. The Rev.
Dr. A. C. Whitmore, of Waynesboro!
will occupy the pulpit of the Presby
terian Church, to-morrow. Miss
Elsie Klepfer, Franklin County's pro
bation officer, is confined to her home
[by illness. Dr. R. K. Robinson and
daughter, Mrs. Grace McAllister left
this week for their home in Sharon,
I Md„ after a two weeks' visit with G
I F. Ziegler.
Mrs. David Funk and son, D. Clarence
luink, and Mrs. Elizabeth Funk, of
Harrisburg, spent a day with Mrs. Nan
Union Dcponlt. Mr. and Mrs. Har
vey Hartman, of Steelton. visited the
Tormers mother, Mrs. Maffie Hartman.
on Sunday. Mrs. Emma Forry, of
Annyille. Is spending: some time with
ner brother, Isaac Ebersole. Mr. and
Mrs John M. Haker and son, John Jr.,
spent Sunday at Piketown visiting: Mr.
Baker s sister. Mrs. C. Miller. Mr.
and Mrs. lJdward Spangler and daugh
ter, Lrma, and Mrs. Jacob Spangrler, of
Palmyra, were the quests of Mrs.
.Spangler s sister. Mrs. Henry Miller, on
2*' , H £ m *naker spent Mon
?A y . . Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs.
w* 'vise and children, accompanied
b> Mr. and Mrs. Henry'P. Pelffer, spent
Sunday at Schoeneck visiting Mr.
Wise s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
\\ ise. Mrs, Agnes Gerberich. om Cle
pna, spent Monday with Mrs. Lillie Mil
*r;.— P r * a ehlng services will be held
In the I nited Brethren Church to-mor
row evening, at 7:30. by the pastor, the
Rev. George W. Hallman. Ralph Eb
eTs?'e spent Sunday at Hummelstown
visiting his mother, Mrs. John Eber
sole. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Peiffer en
tertained as guests on Saturday and
r> l 2V > j2. a . > Mr j, and Mrs. Isaac Gingrich, of
Palmyra: Mr. and Mrs. George Unger
and Miss Maggie Henderson, of New
Castle, Del.
Millersburg Hunters Shoot
Wild Turkeys and Squirrels
Millcreburff, Pa., Oct. 21. Hunters
in this section have been very success
ful this week, nearly all of them hav
ing bagged some game. Partridges
and pheasants are said to be scarce on
account of the wet weather during the
hatching season. The following
young men each bagged a wild turkey:
Thomas Hartman, Charles Travitz,
William Stence, Ed. Hains, John Reed,
Wilmer Frantz, Earl Brown, and Wal
ter and Frank Aldrich. The latter's
wild turkeys was the largest one shot,
weighing 22 pounds. "Red" Bohner
and John Messner, beside having a
number of gray squirrels, each shot a
large raccoon. Hazel, a 2-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ker
stetter, living at Wiconisco Terrace,
died after a illness of a few days with
croup. B. C. Holmes and family
have moved to Chester and Grant
Dosh and family to Harrisburg.—Bea
trice, 14-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. James Chubb, of Pine street, is
ill with a mild form of diphtheria.
The Purity of Lea & Pen-ins' Sauce
can always be positively relied upon.
Every ingredient is a 0 *1)1*41
wholesome, carefully ee
lected food J
/ w J^S^Sauce
M Tke euly original Worceitenbirt Since B
@ B Send postal for free kitchen hanger containing 0
10® new recipes
LEA & rERRIKS, Hubert Street, New York City gj
W.'ter" Examine
—titer you clean them.
You will find, in all probability, an accumulation of tartar on the
enamel and bits of food deposit hiding between the crevices.
teeth is caused usually by one of two conditions —Pyorrhea or
decay, both of which develop, as a rule, only in the mouth
where germ-laden tartar is present.
SENRECO, the recently discovered formula of a dental specialist, is two-fold
in ha action. First, it REALLY CLEANS, embodying specially prepared,
soluble granules unusually effective in cleaning away food de|H>sits. Second, it ii
particularly destructive to the germ of Pyorrhea. Yet it is per
fectly safe, containing neither injurious chemicals nor hard grit.
Avoid Pyorrhea and decay. Get Senreco from your dealer
today. In large tubes, 23c. Send 4c to Senreco, 304 Walnut
Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, for liberal-sized trial package.
See^jrou^cle nti at twice yearly
Jf 77 tooth pa— thai REALLY CLEANS \f \
c Early Coal 3uying Advisable 5
■ It's the part of wisdom to buy your winter supply of coal now.
■ Once the frost and ice and snow of winter get busy, it's pretty
& difficult to keep the coal free of dust and dirt. Summer-mined
r caol by the very nature of things is cleaner, the screening we |
I give it insures practically a complete absence of dust and dirt
% Phone your order now. i
C 600—Either Phone. Third and Chestnut Streets 1 k
Five-Pronged Buck Looks at
Mr. Rhinesmith and Then
Takes to Mountains
One Man Brings Fourteen
From Bloomfield For His
New (iermantown, Pa., 0c1.v21.
A flve-pronged buck came tlie
residence of M. L,. Rhinesmith, one
mile south of this place, looked over
i the fence at Mr. Rhinesmith and then
trotted off again toward the ridge.—
Wandolpli Gutshall spent several davs
with his brother. Albert S. Gutshall, of
Duncannon.—Ed. P. Middleton and C.
B. Trostle were at New Bloomfield sev
eral days. Mr. Middleton brought
twelve hunters' licenses with him for
his neighbors.—Floyd Morrow, Blaine
Stephens and Harry Sanderson, of
oteelton: James Westover, of Clear
neld county, and Van Adams, of New
Jersey, are visiting friends here. —Rov
Koonts! was at New Bloomtield.—Jo
vP 'ind family visited Mrs.
Neidigh s parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
VV. McQuay, of Center township.—C.
F " Keil ? antl two daughters, his
mother and a friend, of Newport, mo
tored hero and spent Sunday with
Mrs. Martin Hopple.—Mr. and Mrs.
J. If. Rice and family, of I.oysvillo,
t-pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Wil
liam J. Finley.—Oliver W. Trostle, of
Penbrook, is visiting his parents, Mr
and Mrs. S. B. Trostle.—The Rev-
George H. Knox, of Blain, will com
mence revival services in the Pair
view Methodist Episcopal Church on
Sunday evening, October 29.
"Second-Mile Religion"
Subject For Senior League
Lcwishorry, Pa., Oct. 21. The Rev
Lewis Elbert Wilson will deliver ser
mons in the Methodist Church to
morrow at 10.30 a. m. and 7 p. m. .1.
F. Sutton will lead the senior league at
6.15 p. m., subject, "Second-Mile Re
ligion." Mrs. Ward Nesbit, of Mt.
Airy, has returned from a hospital at
Baltimore, where she underwent two
operations, and is visiting her sisters,
Mr. E. L. Dugan and Miss Blanche
Miller. Miss Ethel Laird spent the
past week with relatives at Jlarris
burg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Downs
spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Miss
Bessie Kunkel returned home from
spending a week with her sister at
York. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kister
and son of Steelton, were Sunday
guests of Mrs. D. B. Byers. Frank
D. Bratten of Harrisburg was a guest
of. his sister. Miss Clarissa Bratten on
Sunday. Mark H. Slichter, teacher
of the high school spent Sundav at
Shippensburg as the guest of his "par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. George Wagner
of near Carlisle, were visiting at the'
home of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Sutton
and Mrs. Ella M. Sutton. The Misses
Elsie and Effie Hoover of Harrisburg
were guests at the home of their
uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. F.
Crone. Miss Annie Schadt, of Mid
dleetown, spent several days with hei*
sister, Mrs. Harvey Erney. Mrs.
Fuehrer has returned to her home at
Hazleton, after spending two weeks
at the methodist parsonage as , the
guest of her daughter and son-in-law,
the Rev. and Mrs. L. Elbert Wilson.