Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 20, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    I Saturday SALE j Saturday SALE I
I j f Bromo | I
( syr. Id Pepsf n ) Saturday Sale o£ f SOt =\ Saturday Sale of Saturday Sale of I sai H eP aticaj 1
I V " 7? 7 Talcum Powders I s y ru P O Rg S J Toilet Creams ( Tooth Powders
jjjg \ J 50c size Mary Garden Cold Cream 38c V o rt , /
Sji| Mary Garden Talcum Powder . V f - 6c slze ar y Garden Greaseless Cream...62c V / Sanitol Tooth Powder I®° 1 " """>,v
%, nn > High Jinks Talcum Powder c 60c size Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Cream.. 34c f Kalnheno Tooth Powder 15c tf>i n ~
H f SI.OO \ Lilas de Rigaud Talcum Powder 41c 25c size Hudnut's Marvelous Cold Cream Tubes / SI.OO \
B / \ Djer Kiss Talcum Powder 19c 17c Euthymol Tooth Powder Ho f \
U / Pierces \ Azurea Talcum Powder 19c |sc size Hudnut ; s Creme sol* fw....... l#c Graves' Tooth Powder 15c / Wyetjl's \
Sa FaVOrite I Rogers & Gallet Talcum Powder lc 50c sie Hudnut's Cucumber Cream 39c Sozodont Tooth Powder 15c I Sagfe an<"? I
■9 I n __ / Squibb's Talcum Powder 13c
H V Prescription/ Hudnut's Talcum Powder 17c / SI.OO 26c Pond's Vanishing Cream, tubes 140 Listerine Tooth Powder 15c I Sulphur /
if \ / wiiiinm*' Talcum Powder 10c / .. \ 2oc size Pond's Cold Cream, jars 17c / o>i en \ Calder's Tooth Powder 15c \ /
In V 57<5 7 Williams Talcum row tier i / Wamoole S \ 25c Slze French's Cucumber Cream 15c f J>l.sU \ \ !i7tU S
fet N. "' y 4711 Talcum Powder 14c I Wdllipuico i SI.OO size Othine Cream; for freckles 59c / „ . , \ Colgate's Tooth Powder 150 O4 (£ S
BP Colgate's Talcum Powder 15c I Cod Liver I 60c size Stillman's Cream 27c / .reIIOWS \ Lyon's Tooth Powder 140
|| X X Mennens Talcum Powder... ... 11c I E t _ act / 25c till SlklnCold ciUA' \*.'. *.! 1 ! ITc [ Hypho- 1 Calox Tooth Powder 14c
N* / \ Babcock's Corylopsis Talcum Powder 10c Y ii-Xtract # 25c size Satin Skin Greaseless Cream...... 14c \ nhnsnhi'tAc I Pyorrhicido Tooth Powder 63c yT 75 c \
&T / 00 \ Jcss Talcum Powder 13c \ „„ , y 25c size Satin Skin Rose Tint 14c \ # Brown Dentifrice Powder 17c / \
H / ' \ Talcolette Talcum Powder 14c OOS 50c size Kintho Cream 45c \ I Vail Brothers' Tooth Powder 17c / Green'* \
a / Quaker Herb \ R,v„r, uh s T .icum lit *.;r. Ksr.'S "Kt ::::::: ?lo V S "■! 3, c / , )
Rtß I Vv+rart I Vantine Sandalwood Talcum Powder 18c 25c site Woodbury's Kaclal Cream 14c Lavorls Liquid 27c I /\UgUSt I
1 HiXiraLl I Aubrey Sisters' Talcum Powder 17c 25c size Hind's Gold Cream, tubes ." 17c Vernrws Liquid ~,, 29c V Plrvw#r I
\ (VTt* J Hind's Chafing Talcum Powder 18c 50c size Hind's Honey and Almond Cream. .31c SozrfMbnt Liquid 14c \ 1
MR \ O<V I *! slze Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 75c „ 17. Y. . , \ /
V y ——————————2sc size Daggetts & Ramsdell Cold Cream, 15c Rublfoam Uquid 15c V y
M __ _ _ _ y 25c size Colgate's Cold Cream 20c
Wf ■■ d P / \ 25c size Sanitol Cold Cream 14c ______ _— "I
i' \ Saturday jale OI ( SI.OO \ lit :is SS SS / ~ \ / \
HI / X _ I _ \ 50c size Creme Elcaya Witch Hazel 37c / C \ C J. 1 C 1 S. f \
| / SI.OO \ F&CG Powders \ I I 50c size Creme DeMeridor !. !!!!!!!!!! ' igi I f Fletcher's 3aturdaiy jale ot] / 10c \ B
if ti r, \ % / 50c sise Ingram's Milk Weed* Cream .III* 29c 1 Pacfrtria 1 /_ \
Peruna I \ oQ/+ J ♦i- 00 s'ze Ingram's Milk Weed Cream .... 67c \ I 1 g—\ i CaSCaretS I
I I Mary Garden Face Powder 75c \ / 50c size Palm Olive Cream \ | ft , / I |/>TI I<l I ■ |*fk C) fYI I
\ I Djer Kiss Kace Powder 37c \ j 60c size Charles' Klesh food 29c \ t J \A i CCI iAA fcJ \ w a /
\ OOV / Azurea Face Powder . 890 i!9 c size Knowlton s Massage Cream 39c \ / \ * V /
Floravme Face Powder 89c s ,' ze u ? rey Sisters* Cold Cream 170 / Kolynos Dental Cream 14c .'
y tlora>me face rowaer 89c 25c size Aubrey Sisters' Greaseless Cream. . 17c r„i„otv. n. n i r.moo r
Hudnut's Face Powder 39c >——— Colgate s Dental Cream -Oc V
Hudnut's Rice Powder 17c Pebeco Dental Cream 2c I
y Carmen Face Powder 29c Kalpheno Dental Cream 13c
/ $1 Hfi Lablache Face Powder 32c
/ 5)1.U0 \ j a va Rice Powder 26c / (!!l nn \ X \ X / \ Lyon's Dental Cream 13c / \
I Pinkham's \ Rogers & Gallet Rice Powder 20c / \ / \ / \ / ~ \ Sanitol Dental Cream 13c / Horlick's 1
_ j I Rogers & Gallet Face Powder 39c f tj- \ # SI.OO \ f 75c \ f 35c \ Ponds Extra Paste 17c | Tvr_ti._j TV/Till^
I Compound I Jess Face Powder 19c I Pierce S \ # \ / \ I p. \ Pasteurine Paste 17c 1 Malted Muk J H
\ CO/4 / Woodbury's Face Powder He ( Mediral I I Herpicide II T at 4_ S a l4-_ 1 ( -TlUtO 1 Sheffield's Paste 15c V (CO 7SJ / H
\ O—p J Tetlow's Gossamer Face Powder 15c 1 -IVieulCal II II jaOS oaltS I I nr . I Sozodont Paste '. 17c \ /
X. y Tetlow's Swandown Face Powder 9c \ n.Vn 1 1 •■nj. II . _ / \ vv aicr f V S ia
V y Sanitol Face Powder lS \ UISC / \ J\ 426 / \
Charles' Face Powder 9 C \ * \ J \ v / \ J-V / DenUcura Paste 17c §i_
1 " Colgate's Charms Face Powder 5c
( 'S") Remember 'Ae ace C PsJ INJfZT C 321 ( )l
V y an d Number 15.C,1 Ml Y O Market Street |
®.n ht M^n b f By ALFRED W. McCANN
The Medical Milk Coninifunlon, wlione !
Sleeping Mcknenft finally resulted lu ,
an exposure of the dangers of far- j
clcally certified mllk t attempting: to
rcat*ure its startled victim*. Succeed- j
ed only in emphasizing; the worthless- |
Doctor Tells How To Strengthen
Eyesight 50 per cent In One
Week's Time In Many Instances
A Free Prescription You Can Have
Filled and lie at Home
Philadelphia, Pa. Do you wear
glasses? Are you a victim of eye strain
or other eye weaknesses? If so. you
will be glad to know that according to
Dr. Lewis there is real hope for you.
Many whose eyes were failing say they
have had their eyes restored through
the principle of this wonderful free pre
scription. One man says, after trying
it: "X was almost blind; could not see
to read at all. Now I can read every
thing without any glasses and my eyes
do not water any more. At night they
would pain dreadfully; now they feel
fine all the time. It was like a miracle
to me." A lady who used it says; "The
atmosphere seemed hazy with or with
out glasses, but after using this pre
scription for fifteen days everything
seems clear. I can even read fine print
without glasses." It is believed thai
thousands who wear glasses can no*
discard them in a reasonable time ana
multitudes more will be able to
strengthen their eyes so as to be
spared the trouble and expense of ever
Setting glasses. Eye troubles of many
JKpV Absolutely No Pain S
My latest Improved appll /■_
intra, Including an oxeygea- n.v
V I bd air apparatna, makes J
•s<?•< : extracting and all deatal VW v jM
"*£&■' work positively painless .A> /<\
■v' t." "H MJ snd la perfectly harm- O Vv
<A **—y
S S fiST
Graduate krtdgo work *3, 4,95
Asslstaata Office open dally 830
22K gold crown..
A f to p. m.| Man, Wed.
%/ aad Bat., till S p. ns.i Sua.
daya. 10 a. as. ta 1 p. so.
PHONE 3323-R.
Market St.
Harr/aburg, Pa. i dida-t hvrt wt
ncsM of Its relation* to public health
within a period of five days follow
ig the renewal of its certlficatioi
the l/nlted State* Government foun
three additional groups of slxty-fii
tubercular cows In the herd whlc
descriptions may be wonderfully bene
fited by following the simple rules.
Here is the prescription: Go to any ac
tive drug store and get a bottle of Bon-
Opto tablets. Drop one Bon-Opto taD
let in a fourth of a glass of water and
allow to dissolve. With this liquid bathe
the eyes two to four times daily. You
should notice your eyes clear up per
ceptibly right from the start and in
flammation will quickly disappear. If
your eyes are bothering you, even a lit
tle, take steps to save them now before
it is too late. Many hopelessly blind
might have been saved if they had car
ed for their eyes in time.
Xotei Another prominent Physldaa
to vihum the above article was stibmlt
ted, saldi "Bon-Opto la a very remark
able remedy. Ita constituent Ingredi
ents are well known to eminent eye
specialists and widely prescribed by
them. The manufacturers guarantee
It to strengthen eyeslßht 50 per cent,
in one week's time In many Instances
or refund the money. It can be obtain
ed from uny Kood druggist and Is one
of the very few preparations I feel
should be kept on hand for regular use
In almost every family." It Is sold la
llarrlsburg by H. C. Kennedy, Croll
Keller and by druggists generally.
It had again declared to be free and
elear of tobercnloals.
In addition to the twenty-four con-
I demned certified cows taken from the
| herd which is here employed as a
horrible example of the meanlnglens
ness of those aristocratic notions
which are thought by certain medical
commissions sufficiently potent to con
vert 10-cent market milk into 15-cent
certified milk, another group of twenty
four condemned cows was seized by
! the goverment on their way from the
| certified herd to the Brooklyn slaughter
The following facts concerning the
physical condition in which the cows
were found on post-mortem examination
under government auspices, as contain
d in the governments's report, tell their
own story.
This cow had tuberculosis of the cer
vical glands, bronchial glands,, medias
tinal glands, both lungs, pleura, mes
entric glands, and liver. Its carcass
was condemned to the fertilizer tank.
One week prior to its like
all the others, it was producing cer
tified milk for infants and invalids.
This cow had tuberculosis of the cer
vical glands, bronchial glands, mediasti
nal glands, both lungs and pleura It
was sent to the fertilizer tank.
This cow had tuberculosis of the
tongue, head, lungs, mediastinal glands
and bronchial glands. The carcass was
condemned to the sterilizing tank to
be converted into canned roast beef
i under the new government regulations
| that went into effect November I, 1914.
co,v had tuberculosis of the
bronchial glands, abscess in the udder
| tapeworm cyst in muscles of the
i Jaw. The carcass was retained for
twenty-one days and then released for
This cow had tuberculosis of the
bronchial glands, mediastinal glands
and tapeworm cyst in tbe muscles of
the Jaw. The carcass we retained
How to Easily Shed
That Bad Complexion
I We cannot restore degenerated facial
l i 88U fi a 2 y " lore than we can restore a
lost limb. It is useless to attempt to
| convert a worn-out complexion into a
i new one. Ihe rational procedure is to
| remove the complexion instead—remove
i the devitalized cuticle. Not by surgical
i means, however, as the underlying
| cutis is too thin, too tender, to with
i stand immediate exposure. Applying or
| dinary mercollzed wax will gradually
! absorb the offending cuticle. By de
; grees, a new, youthful skin appears;
| soft and delicately tinted as a rose
No lady need hesitate to try this. Pro
cure an ounce of mercollzed wax of the
druggist. Spread on a thin layer be
fore retiring, removing this in the
morning with soap and water. In ten
days to two weeks the complexion is
completely transformed.
An aproved treatment for wrinkles is
provided by dissolving an ounce of pow
dered saxollte In a half pint of witch
hazel. Bathing the face In the solution
brings prompt and remarkable results.
—Popular MadioinA—AavrUimnt.
twenty-one days and then released as
This cow had tuberculosis of the
bronchial glands, and mediastinal
glands and pre-crural glands. One
more lesion would have condemned it
to the tank.
This cow had tuberculosis of the
bronchial glands and mediastinal
glands. Three ounces of tubercular pus
was found in these glands. The carcass
was passed for food.
This cow had tuberculosis of the
bronchial glands, mediastinal glands,
and lungs. Two ounces of tubercular
pus was found in one of the lungs.
This cow had tuberculosis of the
! tongue, mediastinal glands, and lungs,
j The carcass was passed for food.
J Certified cows E1557. 3285, 2085, E
[ 1670, E1425 E1790, E1622, 2379, E
| 1585, 2098, E1284, E1413. 2043, E1764, and
E27 were found to be suffering from
tuberculosis of the lungs, bronchial
glands, mediastinal glands, mesenteric
glands or portal glands. All of them
with the exception of certified cow
E27, in which tuberculosis found In
only one gland, were found l to have
tuberculosis of two, three or four
Following the publication of these
facts Dr. S. S. Goldwater, commissioner
of health of New York city, ordered
an investigation Into the quality of
the milk produced by certified dairies
supplying New York with such milk.
The conditions exposed by Dr. Gold
water's probe suggested that the cer
tified milk farce was not confined to
jany one locality or to any one med
j leal milk commission, but was a wide
spread, and dangerous evil, of which
i the laity had never hear a hint.
' As the excitement connected with the
affecting the New Jersey certified herd
i began to subside the Essex County Med-
I ical Milk Commission, over the signa
ture of Dr. Henry L*. Colt/ issued a
statement. October 24, 1914, from which
the following is quoted:
"The commission hereby states that
the certified herd under ita supervision
J is now as free and clear of disease as
I science and human endeavor can make
Two days later, October 26. the gov
| ernment found thirty-four more tuber
cular cows In the herd, notwithstanding
the new certification of October 24.
Four days later, October 28. the gov
ernment found another group of nine
teen tubercular cows in the certified
j herd.
' Five days later, October 29, the gov
ernment found another group of
twelve tubercular cows In the certl
j fled herd.
j In its blind haste to reassure the
patrons of the certified dairy operating
under. Its auspices, the medical milk
commission had plunged into another
fatal error.
With singular disregard for the facts
the commission added the following
whletwash to Its statement:
"In Its investigation of the insinua
tions and charges made against the
dairy company the commission has been
unable to find any Vvidence which would
Justify accusations of dishonesty. In
competency or willful neglect.
In the face of the above statement
the government discovered that many of
the certified dairy's cows, which the
federal authorities condemned to the
fertilizer tank had been tested a few
days before by the Essex County Med- j
leal Commission and pronounced free
from all symptons of tuberculosis.
Furthermore, tne government found
in every instance of extended lesions
proof that the condemned cows had been
suffering- from the disease a year or
more and should have been detected
under an efficient test at least six
months before the scandal developed.
They fact that they were not detected
clearly proved the worthlessness of the
test applied.
It was shown that seventeen of the
; best batch tested and passed by the
j medical milk commission suffered a rise
In temperature at the end of the eigh
teenth hour, at which time the test
was abandoned by the commission. If
the commission had continued the test
to the twenty-fourth hour the cows
would not have been given a clean
bill of health.
It was known that an elghteen-hour
! test did not provide sufficient time in
which a delayed action could develop,
yet throughout the United States all
tests of certified herds, were limited
to the eighteen-hour period, notwith
standing that the delayed reactor which
cannot be detected in eighteen hours,
is as a rule the most dangerous kind
of a spreader.
After 191 tubercular cows had been
condemned In the certified herd, which
was looked upon as a model
out the medical milk commissions of the
United States, Dr. Martin J. Synnota, a
member of tho commission which had
certified to the condition of the cows
made a statement:
"I am now convinced that the Es
sex County Medical Commission should
stop certifying to this milk and shall
so vote at the next meeting of the
Tlius did the first medical commission
established In the United States pass
into the waste-heap of rejected rub
bish. Eminent academicians had been
forcing certified milk upon the public
for years, with little Justification be
hind it other than the lnilated reputa
ttionsT under which It was produced by
diseased cows.
The lay public had paid the bills;
had borne the burden of the mistakes;
had suffered the pains of experiment;
but futile optimism still hoped that
certified milk might. In spite of the
facts, emerge from the scaedal as a
restless sleeper awakes from an evil
Unfortunately the sad events which
followed each other In dizzy succession
disclosed such a condition of complete
demoralization among many of the most
famous certified herds of the country
that, had the newspapers reported the
facts, it is quite certain somebody would
have gone to Jail.
Because this condition still exists the
following chapters are written.
Annvllle. Pa., Oct. 20. Quittapahilla
Lodge. No. 335, I. O. O. F., has organized
a degree team, In readiness to Initiate
several large classes, in an active
campaign for new members. This is in
harmony with the movement of lodges
all over the State, whose slogan Is to
obtain a membership of 200,000 in this
For Infants and Children
!n Use For Over 30 Years
±1 vy bears Si _
nature of
The Small Sum of
A Week^
Will Dress You Beautifully
If you walked along- Broadway, New York, you
would see the same smart styles as we display in our
store in this city.
These beautiful creations are made by us in our
own factory at 84-88 Fifth Avenue, New York—right
in the very heart of the fashion center of the United
And coming to you from the maker direct, you
save the wholesaler's profit. And furthermore, you
pay only one dollar a week. Come and dress up in the
very latest fashion—and pay the easy way.
Women —V/ Men &
and oun £
Misses: hJ\3u}\\ (/*) Men:
Suits, ylf fV Suits>
c° at s, /jo [ "1 ® vercoats
Dresses, / f f\\ j Trouse rs,
Waists, /ill / I I Yvv/ " | | Raincoats,
Hats, U / I I\\ m ' Everything
Skirts, \\_r-7 That
Petticoats, JjvC J J Man
Raincoats Wears
Full Line of Boys' and Girls' Apparel