■——l Come to Our Store To-day or To-morrow We want you to get particu lars of the big EDISON WEEK PRIZE CONTEST for the best descriptions of the New Edison's value as an en tertainer and musical educator in the home. We want you to know what Music's Re-Cre ation is Concerts Daily at Our Store THE NEW EDISON is what a New York Music Critic calls "The phonograph with a soul." Everyone should hear it. It accomplishes what all other in ventors but Edison believed impossible. It is the great Wizard's favorite invention. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 S. Market Square Takes to Tall Timber as Bride Spends Wages Chicago, Oct. 19.—Thomas York, mar ried three days, certainly went up in the air when he found that his bride had spent $5 for a bottle of perfume and $6 for a pair of stocking's out of his first salary envelope he turned over to her. The envelope contained only 130, but what peeved York most was that his wife, after making these few purchases, left him and also a note say ing, "I can't live with you, your salary is too Bmall." Consequently. York took to the tall timbers. A policeman found him perched on the top of a telegraph pole at La Salle and Erie streets, and after much per suasion got York to descend. At the police station York said he went up the pole to think matters over. "I gotta keep my mind on my Job," he said. "I went up the pole to worry in peace, but it was no use." WEST END CLUB BALL The West End Republican Club will hold a ball on the night of November 1. Wtnterdale hall has been engaged for the affair and the Sara Lemer orchestra will render music. The ball committee will meet to-morrow eve ning at the club house, 1410 North Third street, to make arrangements. Suffer From Piles ' no matter how long or how bad—go to your druggist today and get a 50 cent box of Pyramid Pile Treatment. It will give quick relief, and a single box often cures. A trial package mailed free In plain wrapper if you send us coupon below. FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUG COMPANY, fiSO Pyramid Bldg.. Marshall, Mich B^ Cln .jlZ. B £ n and Miss Katherine Cox, of the Don s' aldson apartments, spent to-day with 1 Mrs. Robert Falconer, of Lebanon, t who was formerly Miss Sara Hiester, of this city. Mrs. Robert Swartz, of Summerdale, 11 hoettess at a luncheon yesterday r afternoon. ft Mr. and Mrs. Philip Amsden, of r Cincinnati v were recent visitors at the 11 home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wes i- ley, of North Third street. h s. JUNIOR DAY AT Y. \V. C. A. ; Saturday is "junior day" at the W. C. A. In the morning there is a cooking class, under the direction of Miss Warner, and a gym class, with Miss Bolles. From 2to 4 in the after noon Miss Edna Sprenkle teaches sew ing to the juniors. Begiriners in Ger man -will meet to-morrcw evening at 7 o'clock, with the Rev. H. F. F. Lisse; the advanced conversational classes in German will start next Tuesday even ing promptly at 7 o'clock. Ic mMitiMmttimttite- i 1 I A famous maker's bast 15c Soft Col- I ItlllrfWil I Iml 11 I l1 IIWAtT for, a pail ' 1 I lars in a big assortment of good desir- B w B B U t size ani in black only. A J i | able shapes. All sizes. FOR BEST STYLES MIBB BHM DON'T FORGET good $1.50 quality. C l v First —BUTTERIOK'S— W W WJkWHi —BUTTERICK'S— v First I f "FRIDAY SPECIAI % ■ I A Big SUk Dre3S Bargain K A Special Showing and Sale of the Newest Suits I For Extra Large, Stylish Stout, Short and Stout Women 7or rth t0 $7 50 '. $3.95 ___ I'Cf Tour choice of the season's new- J Sizes 37 to 53, 38& to 50 39/4 to 47A ss l^ \ ~ Poplin In black, brown, navy and | green. All sizes for women and )> ;5 Ai Giving a Stout Woman Style, f e Xreof J; jf'jytyl/\ Service which The Kaufman Store of Women's Popular Priced Ready- / K/f \ \ Wom en s Full Length , / A to-Wear Apparel Offers the Stout Women of this community. Stout j\\ \ w^rthsl'^ if T j 3 L Women's Suits that are not merely big sizes of regular models but \\ i I\\ f or ' ' SJ/C i | IM I /Li j to 53, and and r /± sizes created from beginning to end by 4vO\ \: B autiful new sty es; fast colofs I ? tailors who have 'made a study of their peculiar requirements. \ " d a " J . ( ! ( Ly /si Size Suits that possess the same smartness of line, the same degree of \/ / IIA ' /" FRIDAY SPECIAL \ f / I u gracefulness and becomingness that is found in tbe regular sizes. y / \\\ 100 Women's Handsome f fI V 1 \\ Furtheinnore there's a variety here—you are not limited to a style or Jl i\ \A Bath Robes, 51.95 V 1/ 1 |\ two. It's no exaggeration to sav that never before has a Harrisburg f i\ \ \ I worth $2.50, for • f jJ U , ]>* , ■■ , , (J/ I l ft -r I Made of Beacon Cloth In a big W store given the Stout Woman's problem the attention it deserved. I \ 3 bfg ie a t nd°fuif ur Aii tl sfz e s atterns: cut \ lJ[j |\ \ Be it Suit, Coat, Skirt, Dress or any other kind of garment you want I T U v Second Floor ' C the Kaufman Store is eminently prepared to provide it in ample va- ' FniDAY si'eciai. | 1 ' rieties at a price that will save you money. See these values To- Jj U Girls' Newest $0 QPC f , mori'ow, Friday. M 1 Corduroy Dresses | V \ oto 14-Year Sizes; Worth to $4.50 ) Women's Extra Size Suits, 37 to 53 Stylish Stoats J4 to l A Size Suits J Women's Extra Size Suits, worth to SIB.OO, ••••••$ |g QQ Women's Stylish Stout Suits, worth to $30.00,... 75 ...1T."'.,".' "! | ' Women's Extra Size Suits, worth to $22.50, $ | Women's Stylish Stout Suits, worth to $35.00,... .$29.50 ' Women's "Vllece" Lined]) I Women's Extra Size Suits, worth to $27.50, omen ■ S Styli.h Stout Suit,, worth to $37.50 $32 .50 I Union Suits, 11 Women's Stylish Stout Suits, worth to $40.00,.... "2 C AA worth s°c,f or •••••• •• 1 Women's Extra Size Suits, worth to $30.00 7C 1 WS.UU „ length" long* sleeve" | i.JD Women's Stylish Stout Suits, worth to $47.50 AU sUes 8 I Women's Extra Size Suits, worth to $35.00, OO „ I TTT 1 ; ~ * | " Stylish Stouts and Stubby Stouts in a wealth of handsome / FRIDAY SPECIAL C 9 Made of fine Poplins, Broadcloths, Sergesl Big variety of smartly tailored models and materials. Sizes 38V> to oOVt, and „,, - „ f 1 I styles. Sizes 37 to 53. 391/4 to 47y 4 . Women's Hdkfs, 0//2 C I J . worth sc, for tU V/ # J More Wonderful Friday Bargains Values For Women and Misses —; % sls 00 r omen ' s sses Suits worth to $20.00 50 or Women's and Misses' Coats worth to $16.50 iU SPECIAL "v 1 | 1 $lB 00 r omens sses ' Suits worth to $22.50 SJS 00 r W ool6ll ' B Misses' Coats worth to $18.50 Women's Fibre Silk Boot | jf sl9 75 0r W° men ' s and Misses' Suits worth to $25.00 SJQ QQ for Women's and Misses' $14.50 Silk Dresses. Stockings, worth 39c, 1 ( ' $24 US f ° r Women ' s and Misses' worth to $3'5.00 QQ for Women's and Misses' $20.00 Dresses. 0I " 29C ' ' <£C fIC for Women's and Misses' Satin Skirts worth $7.50 CI AC for Women's and Misses'ss.9s Poplin Skirts. white, black, greys and tan; good \ ———— garter tops and a splendid quality. M ' 1 All sizes. % V First Floor______/ f ' f \ WONDEIIFI'L FRIDAY SPECIAL, \ 1 J ' . 100 Handsome Up-to- R ousing Friday Bargain Sale In | I the Minute Our Men's and Boys Clothing Section f i ®® en ' s Suit and Overcoat Special for | 5 Rim Friday QO QfT lii'Tho Lot Worth'Up To $12.00 1 % k . Vl 1 Men's Snappy Good Overcoats, Black and Oxford Grey. K 8 lift' X OpcLld/l, Men's Smart Fall Suits in Fancy Grey Mixtures; cleverly tailored; y ft 3. r .- ' ( The remainders ffom our assorted sizes. Kxtraordiuary values- —$U. 75 Friday only. 1 1 To-morrow, Friday, Another Chance to Buy | | 'tl"y la6Jsftr-sS "nes of Georgette Crepes. * ff \ Handsome 25-piece Dinner Sets for... lIC W ot e \otl\l stzll FRIDAY ONLY FRIDAY ONLY % i To all customers purchasing $ll.OO worth of mer- of each styles, but all sizes in MEN'S TROUSERS if* 1f i\ft 8 Lined Corduroy JOO $ ' m chandise or more in our store to-morrow WfJjnIIMSs. the lot. An excellent o-ppor- ~f?* SI IIU Trousers, wortll SB, for. fj> 1 K , Set consists of six 6-inch dinner plates, six 4-inch tunity to buy a $5.00 silk wortn to .>l.oO, lor .. . . Made of fine rib cord. lined J? M fruit dishes, six cups and six saucers and one 8-inch " irhil / Ifli'i I blouse at nearly half price. " Made extra strong; worsteds; throughout and sewed with linen ft m platter. Gold Decoration. sizes 32 to 42. thread. All sizes. W 6 / v Fimt f f ff ft , BOYS' ODD BOYS' COBDUKOY Boys' BIOUSeS { Ext" Friday Specials In Tha Bargain Basemant *£%*, I J C 7sc Bed Spreads \ Ten-yard Pieces - I I Crochet Spreads, full size CQ~ I I IMday special, JPC/. I I Fric ' a y special, p I OUC tp 1 UU *■ g J I slightly imperfect t/JrC I | piece OtJ CI | yard OC | Made of casslmere Made of fine rib Made of Good Per- K V ————— / W ■■ ■■ ■ , 11/ v -* and fancy mixtures; corduroy; extra calea and Madras; ■ J fst OO Bed Spreads Muslin Pillow Tubing" \ good strong styles; strong; sizes 6io 17 link collar and open C 81 , I Colored crochet; full size. n/J I I Friday special, ff I assorted sizes. years. cuffs. All sizes. g< J 1 colors; size 36x40; each, 37c I J > J f 15c White Flaxou' V Bed Ticking BOYS' OOBDUBOY BOVS' Newest M I #BBc Muslin Bed Sheets v Friday special, Q j Friday special. . /O//, Norfolk SUITS : \ I, 1 fsize 72xt>0; 3-in. hem; JQ „ \ PCJ | yard I£'/2C\ to s4.to MaCkinaW K [good quality mut in, ... *t Zf C \ 30c Cretonnes Table Cloths \ Friday Only CnatS PI if r g j Friday special, f f\ _ | | Pattern table cloths; hem- A(\ I <>o f\t\ \ J { loc Outing Flannel \ I yard, mIU C\ | stitched; 58x59. Friday, 4J/C I