10 EAT HOLSUM BREAD SCHMIDT'S BAKERY Bell Phone -023 United Phone 23 Eby Chemical Co. M'ff Chemists Physicians' Suppllea 23 SOUTH FOURTH STREET Acenti for O. F. Schmld Chemical Co. Gately & Fitzger ald Supply Co. FAMILY f'.OTHIEIH AND HOME FURNISHERS 29 to 33 South Second Street Store* In Seventy-four Cttle In the United States F. R. DOWNEY, Mgr. CASE OR CREDIT HARRY S. LUTZ PLUMBING and HEATING 211 BROAD STREET BRIGHTEN UP THJE Ryder Hardware Stores BNIVELY RYDER, Proprietor GLASS, PAINT, OH. AND VARNISH 1218 NORTH THIRD STREET 5 NORTH 13TH STREET Hnrrlshurg. Pa. C. H. Lyter CONTRACTOR 1940 STATE STREET "BUILDER OF HOMES" Phone 1255-M Bell Phone 1704 United Phone 583-Y John H. Gates Coal Co. WHOI.ES ALE AND RETAIL COAL AND WOOD OFFICEI 10TH BELOW MARKET Mac Williams Construction Co. Screen Doom and Windovr Screens. The Brat In the World. 2150 NORTH FIFTH STREET United Phone 18SX Frank J. Harro CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER No. 7 STATE ROAD North Lemoyno 8e11—3102-R. Tool Making AJI work hand-forced and guaran teed. B. C. MURRAY and Toolmaktng lU Jonentown Koad Near 11th and Market. Bell Phone. 398W EAT YOUR BREAKFAST AT Manhattan Restaurant 317 MARKET STREET and feel right the rest of the day. Here you get THE BEST FOR LESS Bell Phone Ul2 R W. Y. BRESTEL GENERAL UPHOLSTERER Annlnca, Window Shades. Dealer and Reflnlsher of Antique Furniture 1248 MARKET STREET Dr. H. C. Spragg DENTIST 1 N. SECOND STREET HARRISBURG, PA. Bell Phone CLOTHES that leave a good Impression wherever you go, are made by A. J. SIMMS TAILOR 22 NORTH FOURTH STREET The •• • • 1 UVi • • • Bethlehem Steel Company STEELTON, PA. jiy High Tensile, Heat Treated Mayari Steel Bolts For Rail Joints and Special Requirements ——-—__ THURSDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG t£Sfj& TELEGRAPH OCTOBER 19, 1916. Bogar Lumber Co. We carry the largest stock In the cHy of all kinds of lumber, mill work, stucco board, wall board and roofing. Estimates furnished on request. North Sixth Street BOTH PHONES ESTABLISHED 1891 Fisher Bros. Plnmblng. Heating; and Ttnnin* 1001-03 Capital Street Phone 228 W. L. Dowhouer ELECTRICAL REPAIRING MOTORS A SPECIALTY 21 N. FIFTH STREET Bell Phone: Office, 282-W. Resi dence, 1342-J. Auto Trans. Garage 27-31 N. CAMERON ST. Bell Phone 1710 Fire-proof pmie, open day and night. Auto storage, rates reason able. QUICK REPAIR SERVICE. Bell Phone 2641 ESTIMATES FURNISHED R. J. FLOWERS Registered Plumbing and Steam Heating Jobbing Promptly Attended To 113 SOUTH THIRTEENTH ST. THE " Royal Laundry Formerly tbe Imperial V.anndry KLEMM & JONES Proprietors 1344-1354 HOWARD STREET Both Phones Atticks & Atticks OUR PINEAPPLE PIES Are Ponlar at This Season of the Year. 217 BROAD I. R. Lyme Plumbing and Heating Harrisburg, Pa. Hny H. Fisher Jsnien B. Maul Acme Sign Co. Show Cards a Specialty 26 NORTH THIRD ST. HARRISBURG. PA. Room 20 Hnrrlahwrg, p§. J. F. Barnhardt Si Co. Contractors and Builders n.XRKISIUIKfi. PA. J. A. Kepple PHOTO-FINISHING OF QUALITY For the Camera User. ROOM 10 29 North Second Street GOLD, SILVER, NICKEL Plating Polishing, Reflnlshlng Etc., of All Metnl Goods THE NUSS MFG. CO. 11TI1 AND MUI.BKRRV STS. William S. Cunkle Geo.T. Cunkle W. S. Cunkle & Son Contractors For FLOOR AND WALL TILE, INTERIOR MARBLE AND SLATB Corner State and Cameron Sts. Residence, 179 N. Fifteenth St. Bell Phone KNI-I. SERBS CAPTURE BROD IN | RENEWALJJF ATTACKS [Continued l*rom First Page] captured it. A delayed report from SoflA announced that Serbian attacks In the Cerna sector had failed of suc cess. Vardar Drive Probable Interest attaches to further possible developments in the Vardar region in I the center of the Macedonian front! whero little but artillery activity T\as been reported during the vigorous operations on either flank. Last night's announcement from Paris that hostile ' trenches west of the Vnraar had been penetrated to a depth of a quarter of a mile In an attack by French troops indicates the possibility that the entente offensive in rorce is to be extended to this important section of the front. The line of advance here lies along the railway line toward Uskup. In pursuing their closing In opera tion on Peronne the French on the Somme front are continuing their re cently renewed pressure southwest of HERE'S THE TOBACCO YOU WANT "American Navy" the Tastiest, Longest-Lasting Chew Ever Made JUICY, SWEET, MELLOW The men who know most about tobacco chew it—and the best judges of chewing tobacco say that for a solid, "chewy," long lasting chew there's nothing like American Navy. American Navy is made of choice, selected whole leaf, in a clean, sanitary factory. The leaf is the same kind as used in good cigars, pressed into plug form, forcing the pure, fruity juice through the entire plug, and not permitting a single drop of it to escape. One chew of American Navy plug is enough to get your O. K. Such savory flavor you never tasted before-—such sweet, juicy enjoyment you never found in any other chew. Your dealer has American Navy in 5c and ioc cuts. Try it. HEALS RUNNING SORES AND GON|UOHS PIES Also Stops Itching of Eczema In Few Days "I feel It my duty to write you a let ter of thanks for your wonderful Peter son's Ointment. I had a running sore on my left leg for one year. I began to use Peterson's Ointment three weeks ago and now it is healed."—A. C. Gilbrath. "03 Reed St., Erie, Pa. I'd rather get a letter like that, says Peterson, than to have John D. Rocke feller give me a thousand dollars. It I does me a lot of good to be able to be of use to my fellow man. For years I have been selling through I druggists a large box of PETERSON'S I OINTMENT for 25 cents. The healing ! power in this ointment is marvelous. : Eczema goes in a few days. Old sores heal up like magic; piles that other remedies do not seem to even relieve are speedily conquered.—Advertisement. ] MORE RHEUMATISM THAN EVER BEFORE Clcrtrymcn, lawyers. Brokers, Me chanics and Merchants Stricken Our old friend Rheumatlz Is having ! his inning this year, and few words of caution from one who knows all about It may not be amiss. Wear rubbers In damp weather; ! keep your feet dry; drink plenty of lemonade, and avoid strong alcoholic drinks. If rheumatism gets you, or sciatica, and you have sharp twinges, gnawing pain or swollen joints or muscles, you can get rid of all agony in just a few , days by taking one-half teaspoonful of Hlieuma once a day. All druggists know about Rheuma; ' it's harmless, yet powerful; cheap, yet sure, and a 50-cent bottle will last a ' long time. Ask H. C. Kennedy or any 1 druggist. I ORRINE SAVED j HIM FROM DRINK That Orrine really does bring quick relief to those being tortured by the ! liquor habit, is the testimony of many | mothers, wives and daughters. ] j This scientific preparation promptly i ; kills all desire for whiskey, beer and ] ! other intoxicants. It can be given in , the home secretly without loss of time 1 | from work. No sanitarium expense. \ We are so sure that Orrine will i benefit that we say to you, if, after a i trial you fail to get any benefit from 1 Its use. your money will be refunded. ( Costs only $1.01) a box. Ask us for free booklet telling all about Orrine. I Geo. A. Gorgas, 16 N. 3rd St., Harris- ] burg; John A. McCurdy, Stejslton; H. ' F. Brunhouse, Mechanlcsburg, Pa. i _ < Purify the \ 'll Complexion \ vjjl&jwQSy'SK Do not be troubled with < Jy complexion ills. Keep "T xjjJr all blemishes concealed tfri, (-JJO while you are treating ] them. You can do thl Instantly without detection by usins i Jjj. Gouraud's , 3 [Oriental Cream ■ will also assist you to orercomc "those 1 Ills at the same time If they do not orig- i inate internally. Renders to the skin a Soft, pearly-white appearance. Non-greasy. ___ _ Stud 100. lortrlal alia FERD. T. HOPKINS A SOW. New York City | the town between Blaches and La ! Maisonette, on the opposite bank of : the river. They carried the entire German first line in this sector yester day and not only successfully with stood several counterattacks but ex tended their gains, the Paris War Office reports. British Attack Fails An attack made l>y the British along a six and a half mile front be tween Lesars and Morval on the Somme front yesterday Is declared by i Berlin to have been generally unsuc cessful. Gains made by General I Halg's forces north of Eaucourt i L'Abaye and Guedecourt, in the zone I of this attack are characterized as un important as are advances by the French at Sailly-Saillesal and south of the Somme between Biaches and La Maisonette. East of the Vardar in the Doiran sector of the Macedonian front the Bulgarians took the offensive on the 17th and attacked the British right flank but met with a repulse accord ing to London's official announcement to-day. Petrograd reports the continuance of spirited fighting in Volhynia, with no headway made by the Austro-Ger man forces in their attacks on the Russian lines, Berlin claims the cap ture of Russian trenches on the west bank of the Stokhod. Rumanians Hold Firm Teutonic attempts to break through near the Junction of the Russian and Rumanian lines in the Dorna Watra region of the southern Carpathians are still in progress. The Russians however, beat back all the stubborn efforts of the Austro-German forces to advance, Petrograd asserts. A heavy snow storm is raging in the Carpathians. Apparently there is no let up in the intensity of the struggle in the passes through the Aransylvanla Alps lead \u g £ * um anla. Berlin reports that the Teutonic troops operating in this campaign are enaged in successful / L f} es t' reports froip the Rumanian side Indicated a determined defense by the Rumanians, reinforced by Russians, with little, if any prog armies General Von Falkenhayn's Belgian Civilians Are Being Deported by Germans Amsterdam. Holland, Oct. 19, via London. The Telegraaf says It has received information from the fron tier that the Germans in addition to deporting 2,000 civilians from Ghent, are taking similar action in other parts of Belgium. Quartermaster Genera! Von Sauder welg has announced, the newspaper says, that persons able to work may be forced to do so, even outside the villages in which they reside, in the event of being compelled to accept relief from others owing to gambling, drunkenness, laziness or lack of em ployment. Furthermore any inhabit ant may be compelled to give assist ance in case of accident, danger, emergency or public disaster even outside the community in which fie resides. Any one who refuses to work the newspaper says, is liable to im of l o?o'oo"marks. 1 bl " ee ° r a With Help of Russians, Rumanians Vigorously Renew Their Frontier Offensive London, Oct. 19. To-day's news from Rumania is regarded by the commentators as reassuring. P ° f J Russla . Which is credited with sending formidable re inforcements to the frontiers the of fensive has been vigorously renewed by the Rumanians. Austro-German attacks in the passes have been generally repulsed and Bucharest reports speak of the pursuit of the Teutonic allies, parti cularly in the Predeal region, where the crucial struggle of the present moment is proceeding. • Tuesday's Bucharest communication admitted that the Rumanian troops had been repulsed, on Mateias Hill which is 12 miles within Rumanian territory in the Torsburg pass region but the British military experts be lieve that if fortune favors the Ru manians in the Predeal district, the invading force at Mateias may find its position precarious. MOKE MARINES LANDED Athens, Oct. 18, via London, Oct. 19 —A further detachment of French ma rines was landed this morning. The commander demanded the use of the parliament and university buildings as barracks. SEWAGE TREATING TO COST $4,000 [Continued From First I'agv] Health Department, at a conference thin morning. The cost, It is estimated, will run to between $4,000 and $6,000 and Mr. Lynch's purpose In calling his fellow councllmen together on the problem Is to submit to tbem the proposal of the State health officials and to devise a way of financing the project. Lime On Sewage In brief, the plan as outlined to Mr. Lynch and Mr. Cowden provides for the stationing at the selected points on the interceptor sewers barrels prop erly equipped to permit the constant dripping of the lime preparation upon the sewage. Constant attention to the spigots through which the liquid drips will require the services of intelligent laborers and at least two men will be necessary to do duty at the three points selected. The lime will cost in the neighbor hood of 6 or 7 cents a pound, it is fig ured. and as the treatment must go on continuously for sixty days or longer it is figured by the State health officials that from $4,000 to $6,000 will be re quired. The fact that cold weather is com ing on may mean that little sheds or lean-tos for the protection of the watchers on duty at the barrels will be necessary. This will help boost the expense. City Commissioner Lynch suggested that the State go ahead with the plans for disinfection with the understand ing that the city pfey the bill, but this Dr. Dixon, State Health Commissioner, declined to do. M'ant More Money Additional funds will in all proba bility be asked for when the city health bureau presents its annual bud get to council for approval. The bu reau members will meet to-night In special session to discuss the typhoid epidemic which is abating. Plans will also be made to draft new ordinances to be passed, and to revise some of the present food laws in effect in the city. According to health officials the city has good health regulations but at times when emergencies arise there are not enough men in tho department to enforce ' the laws. > New Measure in Effect The emergency ordinance passed last Saturday by council became af fective to-day, and If violated prosecu -1 tions will start at once, according to Dr. J. M. Raunick, city health officer, i Five new cases of typhoid were rc-! ported to-day, making a total of 26 | new cases in the last six days, the i smallest number since the epidemic started. Milk samples tested during the last two weeks by city authorities with , but two exceptions show that there i were no disease germs present. , HARDWARE MERCHANTS UNIQUE I WINDOW DISPLAY [ One of tho most pleasing and at tractive window displays of the season i was placed this afternoon in the store s [of the Ryder Hardware Co., 1218 N. . 3rd St., by the Bell Telephone C 0.,! ; of Pennsylvania, at the request of! . Mr. Ryder. The thought carried I t through the display is one that ap-| peals to all woodsmen as the various] articles of the hunter's equipment are ! impressively shown, and makes one [ instantly desire to shoulder his gun and hike to the woods. Mr. Ryder is ] one of the progressive hardware mer-i t chants of the city, and thoroughly be- I lleves In encouraging customers to' shop by telephone, the advantages j and conveniences of which are force j fully shown in the display.—adv. I FRENCH ARREST GREEKS 3 London, Oct. 19. Fifteen arrests j were made by French marines in the 3 streets of Athens to-day. The arrests L were made in the course of a bayonet 3 charge which dispersed the demon strators, says the correspondent who 3 adds that the Greek troops witnessed , the occurrence without interfering. . The Greek cabinet has protected t against the arrests, according to these 3 advices. j "See How Thai Corn ; Comes Clear Off!" "GETS-IT" Loosens Your Corns Riglit Off. It's the Modern Corn ! Wonder—Never Fails "It's hard to believe anything could act like that in getting a corn off. Why, I just lifted that corn right off s with my finger nail. 'GETS-IT' Is . certainly wonderful!" Yes. "GETS-IT" 3 is tho most wonderful corn-cure ever . "It' Jut Wonderful, the Way 'GETS -IT • Makes All Com* Co Quick." • known because you don't have to fool ! and putter around with your corns, harness them up with bandages or try to dig them out. "GETS-IT" is a liquid. You put on a few drops in a few second. It dries. I It's painless. Put your stocking on right over it Put on your regular i shoes. You won't limp or have a corn "twist" in your face. The corn, callus or wart will loosen from your toe — off it comes. Glory hallelujah! "GETS IT" is the biggest selling corn remedy in the world. When you try it, you know why. "GETS-IT" is sold and recommend ed by druggists everywhere, 25c a bot- I tie, or sent on receipt of price by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. 111. rspoiior SALTS RELIEVES ACHING pes We eat too much meat, which clogs Kidneys, says noted authority. If back hurts or Bladder bothers, stop all meat for a while. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney region it generally means you have been eating too much meat, says a well known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks tho kidneys In j their effort to filter it from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and lotsgy. When your kidneys got sluggish and clog you must relievo them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have backache, sick head ache, dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weath er 1s bad you hav rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds and you ape obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night. Either consult a good, reliable j physician at once or get from your! pharmacist about four ounces of Jad ; Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass j of water before breakfast for a few j days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined jvith Jithia, and has been used for generations to clean and \ stimulate sluggish kidneys, also to neutralize acids in tho urine so it no : longer irritates, thus ending bladder i weakness. Jad Salts is a life saver for regular meat eaters. It Is inexpensive, cannot Injure and makes a delightful, effer vescent lithia-water drink. SICK WIFE'S STORY SURPRISES HARRISBURG The following has surprised Har rlsburg: A business man's wife suf fered from dyspepsia and constipa tion for years. Although she dieted she was so bloated her clothes would not fit. ONE SPOONFUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved her INSTANTLY. Because Adler-i-ka empties BOTH large and small intestines It relieves, ANY CASE constipation, sour stom-1 ach or gas and prevents appendicitis.' It has QUICKEST action of anything j w© ever sold. H. C. Kennedy, druggist, j 321 Market stqpet • ' MMredina Hair Remedy Grows Hair we can prove It by hundreds of test imonials. it never falls to produce tha desired results. It enlivens and .Invig orates the hair Ar*iial Roaitlfa friands and tlssuet , Actual Kesuits of tUe scg]p result . ! In? in a continuous and increasing growth of the hair, and removes dandrufT. 50c and 1.00 a bottle. Sample 10c, Mildred Louiat Co., Boston, Mass. First USE OUR j Pasteurized MILK—It Is Safe We wish to assure all our cus totners that they need have no un , easiness as to the safety of our Milk, I Cream or Buttermilk. Watch for i the Health Department reports, and i see our low Bacteria count. Fenna. Milk Products Co. 2112 ATLAS AVE. Roth Phones. J lent Smith" to gatlon to hay. Geo. P. Tillotson C. Smith A Bros. Typewriter Co. 211 Locust Street Machine, rented, repaired. Some Traded Machines For Sale. Photography In All Ita Branches J. H. KELLBERG PHOTOGRAPHER 302 MARKET STREET Bell Phone 113S-K E. C SNYDER LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL 18TH AND HOLLY STS. Both Phones I JOHN C. ORR SURETY BOND* AND FIRE INSURANCE,. 228 MARKET STREET Phone 034 THE WORDEN PAINT AND ROOFING COMPANY H. M. F. & L. B. WOBDEN, Proprs. SLAG, SI,ATE AND TILE ROOFS, DAMP AND WATER PROOFING, PAINTS AND ROOFERS' SUPPLIES HARRISBURG. PA. HAGERSTOWN. MP. Roshon's Studio 8 N. MARKET SQUARE Our specialty—The Regal Portraits. Have You Seen Tbcinf S. Harper Myers Undertaking and Furniture 43-45 East Main Street MECHANICSBURG. FA. ELITE SHOE REPAIR SHOP The most modern repair shop In the city. Shoes called for and delivered. 14 S. DEWBERRY ST. Opp. Hnumnn'R. Bell Phone 3520. 1 FREDS. LACK MERCHANT TAILOR 26-28-30 Dewberry Street I AUTO PARTS WELDED Cast Iron Welding our Specialty. Every Job guaranteed. Nothing too large or too small. Charges reason able. HARRISBURG WELDING AND BRAZING CO. A. A. Haynard, Prop. Tel- 4IW>I Bell 88 t.. Cameron St. Bell Phone City Shoe Repairing Co. C. B. SHOPB 18 NORTH COURT ST. Rear of Patriot Building Dell Phone 1540. l£t. 1880. Black's Art Store The Leading and Oldest PICTURE FRAMING ESTABLISHMENT In Harrisburg. 117 MARKET STREET Studio Second Floor. Gross Drug Store 110 MARKET ST. Special care given Prescription ■work. Well selected Toilet Ar ticles and general drug line. iL Being Away From Big Rents Furniture Prices Are Lower M. A. HOFP Fourth and Bridge Streets New Cumberland, Pa. C. A. FAIR Carrlajre nnd Aato Work* East End Mulberry Street llrldge HARRISBURG, PA. Aato, Topi, Bodies and Painting ••First Class Work Our Motto." F. A. Wiesemann MANUFACTIiHEH OF CIGARS OF QUALITY SlO Race S. Hell I'honr 1311-W. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Company Typewriter., Itepulra and Supplle. CORONA AGENCY 40 NORTH COURT STREET SCHOOL OF COMMERCE Troup llulldln* 15 s. Market Sq. Day and Night School Commercial & Steniiitraphlc Courae. Bell 455 Cumberland 24U-Y t ( H. A. GABLE BUILDERS SUPPLIES 113-115-117 SOUTH SECOND ST Telephone.—Bell 1223-M| United 432 Bell Phone 3071-J. HARRISBURG PATTERN AND MODEL WORKS Pattern., Model., Hand Rail., Stair, and all kind, of Wood Jobbing 28-34 N. CAMERON STREET W. H. SNOOK Roofing 332-334 KELKER ST. John Black & Sons 201 S. Seventeenth Street Motor Truck Hauling of All Kinds Bell Phone 2368H GEORCC F. SHOPE THE HILL TAILOR Out of the high-rent district. 5- cent street car ride saves you from $3 to S5 on every ult. Salt, from (13 to S4O 1241 MARKET STREET Bruaw's Rotary Cleanser MANUFACTURED BY Gohl, Bruaw & Co. 310 STRAWBERRY ST., HARRISBURG, PA. E.tabllahed 1888 Bell Phone - COHEN'S Sporting Goods Department ALEXANDER KASSNAR. Mir. 431 MARKET STREET Sporting Good., Bicycle., Flaking Tackle, Fire Arm,, Ammunition. Conservatory of Music Special methods for beginners and children—special Teachtrs" Course. We teach all branches of music. Send for catalogue. E. J. DECEVEE 607 NORTH 2ND ST. Bell Phone H77-M G. E. SHEFFER Contractor and Builder 220 SENECA STREET C. B. Care Real Estate and Insurance 409 MARKET ST. HARRISBURG. PA Care'a Grocery, LINGLESTOWI, PA. J. E. Gipple Allison Hill Real Estate 1251 MARKET ST. Dell Phone. > —. Miller Auto Co. DISTRIBUTORS OF Haynes Cars SOUTH CAMERON ST.