Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 11, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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4 All Ready For the Big Game Business Is Good Economy Isn't a Matter of Price
—— And It Is Going to Be Better —the number of days' wear and the satisfaction you get is the measure of
Sometimes we speak of business as a "game," and when we judge by the 4 permit trouble to hang heavy on your shoulders. You get good service from, and will be satisfied with Bowman's Carpets
pleasure received from business, we may call it a game. ' There are enough other people in the world who carry burdens as heavy an d Rugs.
The pleasure we derive is from the many pleased patrons who cannot say as yours. Be an optimist—or better still—Be a Hoptomist, and go to it like .
too much in favor of our Splendid and Popular Line of High Grade Furniture. a roan a-ploughing. AxmillSter Rugs
Bowman's can help you solve some of your problems. __ are more universally used than any other weave. We have them in fine
ifeyajfi — [ ■=========================== ================= =n qualities.
' Ij. JL—£ .1 " —— 6x9 ft., $13.50. 8.3x10.6 ft., $17.50 and $21.50.
\i ~'• ' ' I h\> * pj' P TJ? T C 6X12 ft, $13.50. ?*l2 ft., $22.50 and s2l. _
i*j. ' ij N . <*> '~!jj |-| TT" !?
pfp^T j] j| i j |f%| J Who are members of the Embroidery Class 7.6 x9 2 ff sl9 lio laf *5 V***?^ 8 * 50 a " d * 3s '
n |L> — will be glad to know that the class opens on Saturday, October 14, with ™ D
•j! -\ | IT" fssssj 3 com P etent teacher in charge. lapestry Kllgs
; I rr^-|"l, ,TT^° f 1 You are kindl y asked to bring as many new members as possible With a wool face; seamless; all over, Oriental and floral patterns.
i'J—! liP with you. INSTRUCTIONS ARE FREE. 9.30 to 11. 8.3x10.6 ft., sls and $lB
:V-===3 i I 9x12 ft. $10.25, $19.50 and $25.95
St3S| '!' jll 'I *3 11.3x12 ft s2l and $28.50
ij t V t ITT t A * Linoleums
{-y 1 lmciy Unusual We show about sixty patterns in printed and inlaid linoleums.
C 1* J \ f L TV ' C '4. W e are placing on sale to-morrow the evening dresses, evening cloaks, TnbiVrM in 1
SollQ Mahogany Dining Suite tailored suits, afternoon dresses and top coats used by Miss Crawford and 0 ' a
A 7 O • J her models in the ' i BOWMANS-Fourth Floor.
Adam reriod •
Ten Pieces—slß9.oo Bowman-Majestic Fashion Show n • n p \ U
Finished in antique brown. Chairs upholstered in blue hair cloth. Dust- a • ,
proof partition in buffet and serving table. At One- 1 hird (Jll Regular PriCeS &
Special Prices On Mattresses These garments represent the cream of Fashion's latest productions and Bozart Rugs
r- ti • ivr 1 1 were selected as the best of our stock and coming at this time, this sale offers r T , . , a , irt c n -
For This Week Only t0 a limited number of buyers an unU5Ua , opportunity. 7" ? H"": brown or blue - 83x10 ' 6 ' at d#7.#s.
Cotton combination mattre s s $.-,.!> !xlt at W.SO and SW.
. . . , - BOWMAN S —Fourth Floor.
Bowman Special felt mattress, s*•*•> ======
Imperial roll edge felt mattress $11.95 ■■
Ostermoor Hotel-style mattress jj Hair Goods Department Special 11 Few Specials Among
Guaranteed Boxsprings To-morrow we will make your Hair Combings into a beautiful j< * , I
Champion Boxspring for wood or iron bed $12.75 thf* Yv hltf* C TOOCIS
Defender Boxspring for wood or iron bed WaVV Switch for $1.50 I .
Blenheim Boxspring for wood or iron bed $1 t.. J j ust the articles needed in every home.
Austrian Brown Dressers Period design. New shipment of these This offer is good for Thursday only. Crochet Bed Spreads Marseilles patterns; double bed size; hemmed,
lressers received to-day. Finished in a new and pleasing shade of grayish Transformations made up for $1.75. ready for use, $1.59.
brown. BOWMAN-S— Third Floor Absorbent Toweling bleached; 19 inches wide; especially good for
Specially priced at $15.95 tea towels as it absorbs the water readily and does not leave lint. Yard, ll£
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor.
The Harr
The Harrington Piano presents an opportunity for people of musical $1.50.
Baskets,©Bf,#l.2sand Records were halt-dumb Records
taste to purchase a piano of superior excellence at an extremely moderate Footed Fern Dishes, 75£ and _
nr;.rr:~: *"* —tUl the AEOUAN-VOCALION came
makers of the famous Hardman Pianos. . . ,
_ . .... A >. The tone of this wond-erful new phonograph is fuller, deeper and much richer than you ever heard
Demonstrations will be gladly given any time during the day at rveminder — . .
Hardman Han-Fifth Floor. y before from any sound-producing instrument. .. _ i
Cool Nights Mean The Graduola permits an absolutely perfect and artistic modulation of tone.
"y/"acuum Cleaners of the Best Warm Bed Blankets Statistics show that many persons like the Vocalion far better than any other phonograph they
. Bowman's can supply you from have ever heard.
s o ea"n P d S'' CarP " S ' "'fHue.'pS
Bissell Vacuums, at $7.50 and $9.00. wool finish; good weight and nap. Bowman's. •
Regina Electric Vacuum, at $27.50. Pair, $2.00. f\r\ ft"> C\f\ f\f\
Sweeper., at #1.98, #2.83, #3.50, #2.75, #3.00 and $3.50. ° U ?, g ff~? 6 ,*?**.",3>35.0() tO 9)300.00
BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor. remnant lengths; light patterns.
1 * RD ' BOWMAN'S—SECOND Columbia Rocords-7.-,<. to $3.00. CONVENIENT TERMS
Pulls Down Largest Purse of
Week; Thrills Numerous
at Lexington
Iexlngton, Ky., Oct. 11.—Split-heat ;
•aces, all of which were hard fought,
txcept the Ashland stake, which was
•on by Early Don, were the rule at the
rieeting of the Kentucky Trotting
lorse Breeders' Association here yes
Tti* 2.07 paea, carried ovar tron j
I Monday, went two heats before it was |
i finally won by the original favorite,
Beth Clark. This race went six heats,
I which is the longest of the meeting.
The 2.08 trot went five heats and had
; four heat winners. Peter Billlken, hav
ing won two heats, was declared the
winner of the race under the rules.
I lie was obliged to take a new record
of 2.06 1 ! in the third heat, while Pitts
burgh lowered his record! to 2.06% In
j the fourth heat.
The 2.15 pace was unfinished at sun
down, the Canadian mare. Queen Hal,
having won the first two heats and
IJaron Wodd, from Michigan, the third.
The principal race of the day was the
Ashland stakes, worth 1200. Early Don,
| from the atable of Valentin*, had little
difficulty la winning la straight heats. I
Philadelphia, Oct. 11.—In the thirty- J
five-minute scrimmage between the l
Penn varsity and third varsity held j
yesterday afternoon onFranklln Field j
a new drop kicking star was uncov
ered in Harold Doering. During the i
contest between the two elevens, which
end.ed In favor of the first eleven by a :
score of 13 to 6, Doering enabled the I
third varsity to tally against their
teammates when he booted the pigskin
over the cross-bar twice from the j
twenty-flve-yard line. Doering played !
oil the freshman eleven two years ago ;
and was a member of the scrub last I
season. Besides scoring twice from the
field Doering helped the members of
the third varsity to hold off the varsity
by his punting. He averaged close to
fifty yard* and placed the ball well,
j glvtna an 4 taotau* a obanoa
get down tho A aid.
J I>ewlsburg, Pa., Oct. 11.—The Buck
! Nell football squad went through the j
i first practice yesterday since Satur
j day's game with Penn State. Siangan !
i and Hendren were the only two men j
, who were unable to report on account
jot Injuries, the former having three
' broken ribs and the latter a fractured
elbow. The afternoon's practice was
j devoted to signal plays and correcting
faults found In Saturday's playing. Fif
] teen minutes before closing practice
I Coach Johnston called for scrimmage,
In which the greater part of the varsity
team took part. Saturday Bucknell will
mitt Susquehanna, and a lively con ■
tMt U looked fe< b* iht loaai lan*
■ i n ' • ■>
News Items of Interest
in Central Pennsylvania
1 llazlcton.—-Receiving al2 per cent.
I increase.in wages, the 100 girls who
i struck at the Weatherly silk mill sev
eral weeks ago have agreed to return
to wcrk.
Shanioklii. After an absence of
forty-four years Mrs. John O'Conner
arrived from Chicago, 111., to attend
the funeral of a relative.
'Hazlcton.—Official figures of the city
registration, secured to-day. show that
there has been a falling off of over 600
during the year.
Ijonsford.—Georgo Boyle, chief of
the lire department, and State Game
Warden Boyle caused the arrests of
John Bray and Harry Betherty, of
MatUtan, *•*•* WIU HIUM *'•
ronrkatoa fir* MoodJtf nlht.
Berwick. The congregation of
Zwingli Reformed Church, of Berwick,
now free of debt, has decided to erect
a new church.
Ijancaster.—The Rev. George Hop
kins Shea, pastor of the Octarora Pres
byterian Church, was married last
evening to Miss Florence Lantz, of
Bart, a member of his congregation.
Heading.—A voluntary raise of *1 a
thousand has been granted the ninety
cigarmakers in D. F. Fleck's cigar fac
tory. The raise is double the amount
the employes were about to ask.
Heading.—Wheat lias advanced to
$1.40 a bushel in Berks county. E. S.
CASTORIA I er Infants and Children. 1
Thl Itlnd You Hivi Al*||i Bou(tit *
*>■ ..... - ..JITY*
Wertz, a Reading miller, predicts that
it will go to $2 In a month,
Eastou. The congregation of St
Mark's Reformed Church has extended
a call to the Rev. Allen S. Meek, pas
tor of Bethany Church, Ephrata, Lan
caster county, to succeed the Rev.
Ouetav R. Poetterd.
Waynesboro, Pa., Oct. 11.—Charles
R. Pleffer and Miss Inez K Cauffman,
; both of this city, were married at Ha
gcrstown by the Rev, A. B. Statton,
pastor of St. Paul's United Brethren