Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 10, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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I generations
I have tested
I ' Peruna and
| J pronounced It a reliable family
tonic. It's useful because it has
met the demands of the youth for
* strength builder, the adult for
conserving strength, and the aged
for a healthful invigoration. It
allays inflammation of the mucous
membranes, dispels the inflamma
tion we call catarrh, and aids di
gestion. It helps rid the system
of colds and coughs, and builds up
the strength to resist grip, as well
as helping remarkably in conva
Nearly Fifty Years
have passed since PrroM waa introduced to
the public. The original formula has been
bettered somewhat asexperience has shown
t);e way, but it remains the same remedy
that has accomplished so much for the
health of the people.
It mcy be obtained in tablet formorin
liquid—both made after the same formu'arv,
the tablets omitting the solvent, and it is
ready to do for you what it did for your
father and his father.
THE PERUNA CO., Columbus, Q.
Hummelstown, Oct. 10. Last
evening the Busy Bees, the girls' club,
composed of girls between the ages
of 21 and 16, after a vacation during
tho summer, met in the Masonic hall
for re-organization.
Hummelstown, Oct. 10. A dis
trict convention of the Leagues
of Dauphin, Lebanon and Lancaster
counties will be held in Zion Lutheran
Church here on Tuesday, November
Like anOpcnßook
For"foun<f Mothers!
Most women looli
upon becoming a
Ipfilgl mother, for the first
E time, as something
JSgSS ( fiill of unknown
liS'xii \ mysteries; agony
and pain; a time of
distressing days and
months. These are misguided con
clusions. "Mother's Friend," used
dally before confinement, will prove
Its great value as an allay to those
distressing pains and assist nature In
doing its work with ease and comfort.
Get "Mother's Friend" at your drug
The young mother should become
acquainted with the information con
tained in a book on Motherhood that
will be mailed free to all who write.
* The Bradfleld Regulator Co.,
211 Lamar Bldg.,
Atlanta, -Ga.
It's Unnecessary Q-Ban Dark
ens It Evenly—-No Dye.
No matter how gray your hair, pre
maturely gray, faded, bleached, streak
ed with gray, all you need .o do is to
shampoo your hair and scalp once a
day with Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer.
This is a very pleasant experience, and
after a few applications you will be
delighted to see ull your gray hair
gradually turn to an even beautiful
dark shade. Q-Ban acts on roots, mak
ing hair and scalp healthy, rtstoring
the color glands so all your gray hair
Is naturally darkened and entire head
of hair becomes soft, flufTy, long, tnick,
and of such an even beautiful, soft
dark shade no one could tell you had
used Q-Ban. Also stops dandruff and
falling hair, leaving your hair fasci
nating and abundant, without oven a
trace of gray showing. Sold on money
back guarantee. 50c for a big bottle at
Geo. A. Gorgas' Drug Store, Harrlsburg,
Pa. Out-of-town folks supplied by
i "Z* mi ttwh
tM The
For Whom
We WorK
As To Our
We will gladly furnish yea ;
with the list, but here's •
good plan: Notice the clean* |
est windows—
Harrisburg Window 1
y Cleaning Co.
Bell I'houe -526
|L 1745-47 N. SIXTH ST.
Mary Roberts Rinehart's
Thrilling Mystery of
''The Curve of the Catenary"
(Continued From Yostcrday.)
"The plate," he repeated. "I devel
oped It last night, and lt'a very clear.
I'd like to know how you got It. Mr.
Gray, If It's not a secret. Not flying
these days, are you?"
"The camera belongs to a friend.
I'd like to see the—the plate."
He went for It, and I examined the
thing. I don't know anything about
cameras, except snapshot affairs, but
even to me it looked odd. It was
very light, and it had an arrangement
of springs and things I'd never seen
before. Yes, the spring I'd got from
the policeman looked as if it might
belong to It. I couldn't bo certain,
of course.
"Who brought It In?" I asked
when the dealer returned.
"He wouldn't give his name. Said
he'd dropped it, and wanted it re
paired. When I saw that the lens was
missing I asked some questions. They
made him uneasy. I don't think he'll
come back."
He showed me how to hold the
plate to the light, and I made it out
at last.
It was a view, taken from above,
of the city at night.
"I'll make a print of it, and you can
read it bettor," he said. "Tell your
friend for mo that I'd like to see him
at work some time. Photography Is
my pleasure as well as my business.
Where was this taken from?"
Col. Trexlcr Presents Hand
some Shield and Accompany
ing Flags to His City
Colonel Harry C. Trexler, quarter-
J master general of Pennsylvania, pre
sented to the City Council of Allentown
a municipal coat-of-arms and accom
panying emblems, to be used with the
American flag on City Hall, two official
silk city flags, containing the coat-of
arms, two silk American flags, official
city pennants, and civilian or mer
chant flag.
The gift is the outgrowth of months
of thought and consultation with the
foremost experts in America. The
coat-of-arms was painted under the
direction of Harrison Fisher. Before
the design was selected Mayor Reichen
bach and the Council consulted the
Chicago Bureau of Municipal Flags
and corresponded with the authorities
of sixty American cities.
The insignia adopted is a blood-red
heart, expressive of the pulsating life
of the town. It is mounted on a key
stone. representing the State of Penn
sylvania, supported by an eagle, sym
bolizing the nation. There is an oak
for strength, a laurel for victory, an
ivy for friendship and a Grecian lamp
on top for the light of religion and
education. The coat-of-arms is mount
ed on the municipal colors. United
Slates army blue for truth and loyalty,
and gold for progress and prosperity.
In accepting the gift the Council
adopted an ordinance prescribing the
use of the flags. The coat-of-arms was
immediately placed in the custody of
the Lehigh County Historical Society,
which will place it in Trout Hall, the
oldest building in Allentown. which is
being restored for the use of this or
An Easy Way to Reduce
Drink Hot Water nnd Take Tassco
HavenX you often wished for a
medicine to reduce your flesh? .some
thing that does not require dieting or
calisthenics? Well. liKht litre you
liave it in 5-grain tassco tablets, which
you may secure at J. Nelson Clark .
Tliev are pleasant to take, perfect!*
harmless and cause no restrictions of
habit or eating, and t educe the tlesn,
little by little, until you are down ti>
the number of pounds you wish to
weigh. Too much flesh is undesirable,
as most quite stout people will readily
admit, and it detracts from one's good
appearance; makes one clumsy and
short of breath.
There isn't any reason why anyone
should be too stout, when there's this
much-tried, perfectly satisfactory rem
edy at J. Nelson Clark's. Tassco tau
lets (don't forget the name) ate recom
mended by physicians and are guaran
teed to be perfectly harmless. Refuse
substitutes, if you cannot come to our
store, we will mail tassco to you.
Boston, Manx.
Send me by return mail a 60c box
of your wonderful obesity treat
ment. I enclose 10e in silver or
stamps to help pay postage and
•' J
5; <
i s
,• If you have Catarrhal Deafness S
,■ or head noises go to your drug- Ji
t gist and get 1 ounce of Parmint a
(double strength), and add to it a
? U Pint of hot water and * ounces a
? or granulated sugar. Take 1 a
? table-spoonful four times a day. a
,• This will often bring quick re- a
£ lief from the distressing head a
? noises. Clogged nostrils should a
f open, breathing become easy and a
the mucous stop dropping into a
the throat. It is easy to prepare, a
.■ costs little and is pleasant to a
i" take. Any one who has Catar- >
>* .rhal Deafness or head noises a
r should give this prescription a J
ij trial. S
I i
A Perfect Complexion
Your social duties de-
mand that you look I
your best and in good SJ yJ. aX.
taste at all times.
Ladies of Society for 1 ',/J .Lvjiy iV \
nearly three-quarters I w'flwL
of a century have A, WxS
Gouraud's 18
Oriental Cream
to obtain the perfect complexion. It purifies
end be-cti.lei. Tho Ideal liquid face cream.
I Noa-greasy. It use cannot be detected.
Send 100. fer trial ela*
I rERD. T. HOPKINS fc SON. Nw York City
"From an upper window of Bols
seau's," I said, at a hazard.
He smiled.
"Not telling, I see!" he Bald. "I
should say that camera was about
two thousand feet above the ground.
Maybe more."
You begin to get It, don't you?
Would you believe that I did? I
did not. I knew I'd found the camera
that had fallen on old Boisseau's
awning and either bounced oft and
been picked up from the pavement,
or had been found on top of It by one
of the awning crow. It was pretty
certain that old Mr. Hazeltine had
been some place where he had no
business to be, taking that picture.
But what was there about all that to
mak,e a girl faint? There's nothing
mysterious or criminal about a cam
I'd got so mixed up by that time
that if the Mater's pearls had drop
ped out of the thing I'd have been
only mildly surprised.
You see It was like this. If the
old man had only been taking pic
tures and lost the camera, why
should the little girl saw she couldn't
even think of It?
What was it that Martin said was
out of the way? How the mischief
was Martin tied up in the affair any
how? And what was safe at 2 o'clock
that was dangerous at 11?
(To Be Continued.)
[List of the Latest Titles to Be
Entered in the Catalog
For Public
Among the new books added to the
Harrisburg Public Library in the last
week or so have been:
The Anzac book.
Bishop—Our First War With Mex
Bolles—Soldiers' Campaign.
Bolmer—Day Dreams.
Brooks—English Composition.
Brown —IVlodern Swimming.
Butler—Meaning of Education.
Campbell—Puritan in Holland, Eng
land and American.
Carrington—Vitality, Fasting and
U. S. Commission on Industrial Re
Franck—Tramping Through Mex
ico, Guatemala and Honduras.
Friends of France.
Hall—Kitchener's Mob.
Handbook of American Private
Handbook of New England.
Hancock—Physical Culture Life.
Hill—Athletics and Outdoor Sports
For Women.
MacGiH—Great Push.
Macnaughton—Woman's Dairy of
the War.
Marden—Power of Personality.
Miller —Political History of Recent
Murdock Reconstruction of Eu
Namier —Germany and Eastern Eu
Neidhart—River and I.
Powys—One Hundred Best Books.
Randall—New Philosophy of Life.
Reinhardt Lettering For Drafts
men, Engineers and Students.
Richards—Pastry For the Restau
Ripley Social Life in Old New Or
Sandburg—Chicago Poems.
"Sapper"—Michael Cassidy, Ser
Sherrill—Modernising the Monroe
Steiner —Confession of a Hyphen
itcd American.
Steincr —Introducing the American
Tagore—King of the Dark Cham
U. S. War Department—lnfantry
Drill Regulations.
Wilson—History of the P. R. R. De
partment of the T. M. C. A. of Phila
Andreyev—Little Angel.
Barr—Profit and Loss.
< 'handler—Testore.
Cannan—-Three Sons and a Mother.
Castle—Wind's Will.
Chekhov-—Russian Silhouettes.
Conrad —Nigger of the Narcissus.
Dodge—Bonnie May.
Eaton—Birdhouse Man.
George—Little Beloved.
Harre—Behold the Woman!
Hough—Magnificent Adventure.
Johnson—Woman Gives.
Kyne—Cappy Picks.
Lea—Chloe Malone.
Lynde—After the Manner of Men.
McFee—Casuals of the Sea.
Moore—Peacock Feather.
Nesbit—Red House.
Olmstead—Father Bernard's Par
Ri'ck—Tn Another Girl's Shoes.
Scott —Cab of the Sleeping Horse.
Sinclair—Big Timber.
Smith—Enoch Crane.
Snaith —Sailor.
Stackpole—Gold Trail.
Tobenkin—Wittee Arrives.
Walpole—Duchess of Wrex.
Stackpole—Golden Scarecrow.
Stackpole—Wooden Horse.
Wells—Bride of a Moment.
Lincoln Highway President
Is Reviewing Work Done
Detroit, Mich., Oct. in.—Henry B. Joy.
president of the Lincoln Highway As
sociation, is now in Western Utah, hav
ing joined Field Secretary Ostermann
In Salt Like City for an inspection of
this aectlon of the route of the trans
continental road. The Lincoln High
way Association is giving particular
attention to the improvement of this
part of the route, where the long mile
age across the sparsely inhabited coun
try presents a problem of road improve
ment demanding the most careful con
During the present year the field sec
retary has spent much of his time on
this western section of the incoln High
way route and in company with the lo
cal representatives of the association
has made a most careful survey of the
situation and thoroughly acquainted
himself with every foot of the ground
Sample grades have been thrown up
for test purposes and the field has been
covered: by the most experienced road
engineers In the interests of the asso
President Joy will review the work
done and gain first-hand information
concerning the ways and means of best
forwarding this important develop
ment, which Is of decided Importance
to the whole country as a big step In
tha promotion of the good roads
Home Furnishing Week
Summer Days Seem
Have you taken advantage of the recent beautiful days to do your shopping?
. ou are we lcome at Bowman s Popular Department Store, located in the Heart of Harris
One of the Most Beautiful Suites We Have Received From
Grand Rapids Is the Queen Anne Bed Room Suite-
Finished Old Ivory
A high-class dining room suite sold within six hours Price of complete suite, (not including desk) $225
after leaving the shipping crate, and a very pleased customer. Walmlt Bedroom Suite-Colonial poster style. Dresser,
A visit to Bowman s Furniture Department-Fifth Floor chiftonier , bed and tri p licate ralrror toil<;t table . Dustproof
—will convince you of the high grade furniture on display. . .. o • fusipiwi
Interior finish of all cases is mahogany. Dustproof ° oms - Specially priced, SB4.
partitions between drawers. Chiffonier is low, without mirror. 3-piece Genuine Leather Living Room Suite mahogany
Toilet table has triplicate mirror. Ornaments are beautifully finished frames; genuine brown Spanish leather upholstery,
shaded. Suite consists of settee, chair and rocker. Price, $.lB.
Special Low Prices On Dining Room Pieces
Golden oak dining room tables, 6 ft. extension, $10.75. Special oak dining chairs, $2.49.
Genuine quartered oak dining table, $14.75. Quartered oak buffet, Colonial pattern. $29.50.
Oak dining chair, genuine leather slip seats, $2.75. Fumed oak buffet, Mission pattern, $36.00.
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
Bowman's Domestic Dept. Bowmanis Basement Store Sales
(Second Floor) continue with unabated interest. ;[rfh , ... , Rw
offers you rare opportunities in the line of sheet- splendid assortment of chinaware may be found in this
ings, muslins, tickings, etc. department. You are welcome.
Note the change of location of this department 100-piece American Porcelain Dinner Sets pink rose
as above indicated. decoration j trimmed with gold. Set, $8.90.
Unbleached Sheeting—9o inches; cut from full 100-piece American Porcelain Dinner Sets—border dec
pieces; will wash and bleach easily; round, even orations; gold trimmed. Set, $lO.
thread. Yard 280 German China Assortment—a variety of china articles
Bleached Musiin and Cambric—remnant lengths;
ruit-oi-tne-Loom, Langdon, hi ope and Lonsdale malade jars, pickle jars, flower bowls, bonbon dishes and nut
qualities. Yard sets. Choice, 98?.
Bed Ticking—featherproof; wide and narrow Diamon-Kut Table Tumblers blown glass; new and
blue and'white stripes. Yard" 170 attractive cuttings. Prices, $1.50, $1.75 and $2 half dozen.
BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. BOWMAN'S—Basement.
Now Isthe Time to Buy Your Carpets, Rugs & Linoleums
Velvet Rugs $10.98 to $24.98 Axminster Rugs $13.50 to $37.50
Wilton Rugs $4.75 to $42.50 Body Brussels Rugs $3.49 to $55.00
Linoleums purchased at Bowman's this week will be laid free of charge.
BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor.
Philadelphia and State
Welcome First Troops Home
Philadelphia, Oct. 10.—Philadelphia
loyally welcomed home from Texas
her First Regiment of Infantry, Na
tional Guard of the United States, yes
In the words of Governor Brum
baugh, It was an auspicious home
coming, this return of the First, and
though the guardsmen had been in no
actual warfare, the occasion savored
of that patriotism which greeted the
returning militiamen of '9B.
The parade was brief, as parades go.
Tt re-ached and passed City Hall before
11 o'clock and from then to its con
clusion it was a steady tramp over
spongy asphalt to the dinner ready in
Convention Hall.
At the regiment's armory Governor
Brumbaugh, Mfl.yor Smith and mem
ber of the councilmanic committee
dropped out of the line to review the
youths fresh from the sun and sand of
a Texas desert.
It was later, at the Convention Hall,
as a sort of appetizer to the meal, that
the chief executives of state and city
pavo their official welcome, and Colonel
Charles C. Allen, commander of the
First, reported that in the four months'
absence he had not lost a man.
And while this was going on anxious
relatives, most of them mothers, wives,
children and sweethearts of the men
from the front, were massed, two
thousand strong, upon the vast stage
of the hall, listening proudly to the
fine history the First had made, but
apparently more anxious for the re
unions that were to come later.
The Making of Men
As for the men themselves, they left
Philadelphia in June as average clty
hrert youths, young men drawn from
every walk of professional, business
nnd industrial life.
They came hack yesterday tanned
*nd hardened, bigger-chested, broador
vtsioned, a little sterner, but in the
opinion of regular army officers
trained and equipped soldiers, "as good
as any on vi.o.n border, barring
Atlantic City. N. J., Oct. 10.—Agnew
T. Dice, president of the Heading Rail
way, who has been 111 with typhoid fe
ver for several weeks at his cottage in
Chelsea, is steadily Improving. While
not yet out of danger, President Dice's
ffhe oijster cracker. Just the /
/ right size and shape. Serve with /
/ oysters, soups, salads, chowders,
/ etc. Always fresh. At your grocers.
condition was said to be very encouras
lng and he is believed to be close to
the convalescence stage.
Sharon, Pa., Oct. 10. Jeremiah
Friend, 44 years old, was electrocuted
yesterday when he grasped a live elec
tric wire that dropped to the roadway.
To save children playing near, Friend
ran to the road and grasped the wire,
attempting to pull it out of the way.