Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, October 06, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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    I 1
"Uptown DarVrt\t Slor~
at the
Smart Suits
at $15.00
Itrgolar Price. V 20.00
Four very charming long
coat models, made on the
new. straighth-line effect
with full ripple bottom of
coat. Made of gabardine,
serges and poplin, in navy,
blue, green, brown and
Tailored Suits
at $22.50
Regular Price, *20.50
Suits of fine broadcloth.
In new belted models, col
lar is inset with velvet and
edged with nutria or
seal. In all the most fav
ored shades. Lined with
peau de cygne and inter-
Smart Street Coat
at $12.50
Iteirolar Price, 917.54)
A value made possible
by the closest co-operation
on the part of a leading
manufacturer, and the nar
rowing of our regular mar
gin of profit. Full ripple
and belted models to select
from, of fine vicuna cloth
In neat invisible plaids.
Crepe Meteor Dress
at $15.00
Rrpiltr Price, 920.00
A vejy charming frock
made of high luster crepe
meteor, worth $2.00 a yard
retail. Large collar and
vestee are of Georgette
crepe. Colors navy.
Persian blue, plum and
"Uptown Department Store"
Srd ■ nfi Broail St.
Harrisburg Will Entertain
Churchmen Next Year; Local
Men Delegates
Delegates at the
IV\ V \\ ■ Eastern Pennsyl
■ \\\ 1 Jv v vl vnnia Synod of
I NXhUI vl Lutheran Churches
I § at their closing ses-
V\| sion in Messiah
Lutheran Church,
NK9 Philadelphia, yes-
Dwfl JHH JKa tordny, accepted
pHteJ "HWtHHI the invitation from
the Zion Lutheran
r>L_A>Vvl Church, this city.
VMmmhJP to hold the 1917
sessions in Harrisburg.
The Rev. L. C. Manges, of Merrl
orial Lutheran Church, has been ap
pointed on the program committee
for the sessions which will be held
the first week In October, 1917.
Harrisburg ministers and laymen
were given an excellent reception In
Philadelphia, and before the synod
adjourned, a number of them wet-e
elected as delegates from Eastern
Pennsylvania to the General Synod
to be held in Chicago in June 1917.
Ministerial delegates elected were:
The Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, Mes
siah Church, Harrsiburg. chairman;
the Rev. D. E. Welgle, Philadelphia;
the Rev. J. A. Singmaster, president
Gettysburg Theological Seminary; the
Rev. G. C. Stup, Lafayette Hill; the
Rev. Dr. Luther DeYoe, Philadelphia;
the Rev. D. B. Smith, Easton; the
Rev. L. C. Manges. Memorial Church,
Harrisburg; the Rev. Stanley Blll
heimer, Norwood; the Rev. M. H.
Valentine, Gettysburg; the Rev. Fuller
Bergstresser, St. Peter's Church. Mld
dletown; M. G. Richards, Chester
Springs; S. D. Daugherty, Philadel
phia; N. S. Wolf, Reading, and
Charles R. Trowbridge, Easton.
Lay Delegates: I. O. Nlssley, Mld
dletown; J. Grant Martz, Luther
Minter, E. G. Hoover and Dr. Croll
Keller, of Harrisburg; George Baum,
H. E. Gerhart, J. t;. Miller, W. C.
Stover, D. W. Landis, T. A. Urlch,
George M. Tustin, James A. Brandt,
J. W. Wolf, Jr..
Minter Honored
Luther Minter, this city, was elect
ed a member of the board of trustees
of Loysville Orphans' School. Yester
day before the sessions closed the
Rev. Dr. Singmaster, of Gettysburg
Seminary, made an address in which
he declared that ministers did not
receive as much salary as munition
workers or blacksmiths. Speaking on
the same subject the Hev. Dr. J. B.
Markward, of Bethlehem Church, this
city, declared that church congrega
tions were committing a sin by in
sisting on having young men only as
pastors. After the addresses a reso
lution was passed to be presented at
General Synod, to establish a general
pension fund, and make the minimum
salary of pastors SI2OO a year.
Rally Day services will be held in
Saint John's Reformed Church,
Fourth and Maclay streets, Sunday
morning at 10 o'clock. The principal
address will be delivered by the Rev.
G. S. Rentz, assistant pastor of Mar
ket Square Presbyterian Church.
Prof. Clarence E. Zorger. of the Har
risburg High School faculty, will sing
a baritone solo. A large orchestra
under the direction of H. W. Keltel
will accompany the singing of the
Sunday school. Geo. W. Glede will
play "The Holy City," on the trom
oone. A specially trained choir will
' also take part in the service.
The "Feast of Ingathering'' will be
I observed In connection with the even
ing service. The Harvest Home ser
! mon will be' preached by Rev. F. W.
| McGuire, the retiring president of the
Church of God eldership, which is
] now holding its annual session in
] Harrisburg. A special feature of
these services in Saint John's Church
; is their annual golden offering.
Evangelistic Meetings Revival
services are now in progress in St.
Paul's Methodist Episcopal Church!
in Nine street, each evening, begin
ning at 7.30.
l*reparatory Services Services
preparatory to the Holy Communion
will be held in the Reformed Salem
Church, Chestnut and Third streets,
to-night at 7.45 o'clock. The pastor,
the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer, will con
duct the services and preach.
Hurry, Mother! Remove poisons
from little stomach,
Jiver, bowels.
Give "California Syrup of Figs"
at once if bilious or
Look at the tongue, mother! If
coated, it is a sure sign that your little
one's stomach, liver and bowels need
a gcntie, thorough cleansing at once.
When peevish, cross, listless, pale,
doesn't sleep, doesn't eat or act nat
urally, or is feverish, stomach sour,
breath bad; has stomach-ache, sore
throat, diarrhoea, full of cold, give a
teaapoonful of "California Syrup of
Figs," and in a few hours all the foul,
constipated waste, undigested food and
sour bile gently, moves out of the little
bowels without griping, and you have a
well, playful child again.
You needn't coax sick children to
take this harmless "fruit laxative;"
thry love its delicious taste, and it al
ways makes them feel splendid.
Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot
tle of "California Syrup of Figs,"
which has directions for babies, chil
dren of all ages and for grown-ups
plainly on the bottle. Beware of coun
terfeits sold here. To be sure you get
the genuine, ask to see that it is made
by "California Fig Syrup Company."
Uofusa ajiv oLhar kind with conUmnt.
Specials on SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY ONLY Special 3 oz. I
Cigars /n ¥ a w% ¥/ % n Bottle Sale I
8 Cincos 30c H H Hff 25c Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, S H
10 Havana Tucks 2Be H H 15c
7 Even Steven Cigars 25c S ■ 26c Sweet Spirits Nitre, S 0z5.,.150 ■
7 King- Oscar Cigars 25c 25c Ess. Peppermint, 20c ■
7 Sweet Girl Cigars 25c 26 c Lime Water, Ipt 15c ■
7 General Hart ran ft Cigars... 25c —#2s c Camphorated Oil, 3 ozs. ...15c I
4 MoJa^Cl^r^'f*." 1 . ! '.! 25c Cut~RcltC Pfttdlt McdlClllC Stores 25c Rose Water and Glycerine. 3 I
7 Blue Seal Cigars 25c U ***%**. travuiviiiv WIVIW ozg , 8c ■
4 Heifrletta'cigars . Clßar ".'2sc 300 Market Str66t 306 BrOfld Street He Soap Liniment, 3 ois 15c I
(Market St. Store Only) UIICCI 36c Spirits Camphor, 3 ozs 15c H
—— XXT . . l-o*. Bottle Oil Cltronella .... 150 H
One Gem Razor, with We reserve the right to limit quantities. No C. 0. D. No mail orders
Blades SI.OO $3.50 Whirlpool A Q
7 Extra Blades 35c • 1 Jk. • d 1 Spray Syringe %/OC
l3pGCl£tl Anniversary Ijdic $1.25 Fountain Syringe, 2-qt.,
$1.35 ** two hard rubber A Q
Our Special Price Sat- ° ne ycar of g ivin 6 extra values has resulted in a hearty response from the buying public pipes T"OC
crt-i for which we are thankful and we wish to show our appreciation bv marking down nrir^s
urQa y still lower.
• As a result of our aggressiveness, low prices, high quality and the selling of genuine goods , „ Olives, Ol p
Lovers OUr us ' ness * s now largest in Central Pennsylvania. "• ozs fc* A
Enjoy Clark's What This Store's Policy Is 12a"™. . ol ! v . e . s :. 19c
Drud Club •"irst—Courteous treatment to all customers, whether rich or poor. J 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine.. 15c H
! re Second—Fair dealing, one price to all. lOcSoda MintandCharcoaiTab.se
1-01100 Third—Our clerks are instructed to assume that our customers are alwavs right. lOc Sn,oko • for <' n, ' rl > 5c
, p, Fourth—Quick service. In an instant your order is filled. " ulls Co "* h Syrup }|°
Drut^ClubCoffee - 25c Barker's Liniment'!!!!!!! 15c
coffee drinkers appre- m ? a " y ° Ut com P etltor s ads and ,f morc convenient, you can buy at our stores at the same 50c Barker s Liniment 2c
. Tu oe u" a price. 50c Mutsiflcd Cocoanut 0H.... 29c
ciate. lhe 35c kind Sixth—This store was organized with the slogan SERVICE and if there is any part 25c Gets-It isc
f° r that does not please, would be pleased to be informed of such. 50c Damschinsky Hair Dye ...ac
________^^___ _____ SI.OO Nuxated Iron 59c
50c Ottar Tropical Face Powl., 3ic We have succeeded in obtaining a large shipment of Lady Helen Cordial Cherries 5!! nin'rw rnnT"" 111 Tab
60c King's New Discovery 29c which we will nlare nn cale p " c
25c Bacon Celery King Tea.... 15c Q~ h T j P „ sa le Saturday U Pierces Golden Med. Disc. 57c
50c st. Jacob on 29c oUc Lady Helen Cordial Cherries 39c 50c * auric Tab
60c AnUphiogistino 35c We have arranged with an experienced candymaker to demonstrate the manufacture of *l, o( L l ! l . erce T 8 * av " ,f r f"° c
SI.OO Llsterlne 53c i? u c_i.. \ir_* T ■ • j •<•. u 1 50c Father John s Med 33c
25c Llsterlne ........ .... .. . ioc £resh S"]* Water Taffy hi our window. Get a box now. %l 00 gg g Bsc
Co^car^t™ 1041 MaenW " a 2 7c Water Taffy, per box • ••• •••... 25c '3.75 Horllck's Malted Milk.. $2.75
Greens August Fiow'er *4sc 80c Cretonne Mixed Chocolates , 390 * l - 20 Scott/s Emulsion 75c
75c Pina"ui°Uac Water 48c 80c Ma y bclle Assorted Chocolates .WW " 35? "Pint' boV.. :.150
Danderlne 59c 80c Milk Chocolate Fruits and Nuts 3."k 1 Pint Denatured Alcohol for burn-
CaTdwent r ly?up'pepsin !!!!!! 2?c As . S ° rted Chocolates 270 1 ftst By Rum.* imported 138 c
15c Pears' Soan . 9c 60c Wlaybelle Chocolate Cherries 29<> 1 lb - Moth Balls 15 c
75c Eskay's Food *s2c I Quaker Herb Extract 67c
Mnr er prlr-'0., 10c McNeU Cold Tablets Boc Canthrox 29c 25c Pierce Pellets 12c Ko[ynos Tooth piite V.'. 11c
wuinine isc iq c Colgate's Shaving Soap 5c 75c Amontzed Cocoa 45c 10c Epsom Salts, lb . , 5c Swansdown Face Powder 9c
25c Pape's Cold Comp 15c santal Midjr 79c 25c Groves Ano<l.vne 15c 35c Gein Glades l*2sc \2 C yet . h ? age and Su, P hur -
To ll B ' aCk / nk - 2 for 50 60c St,llman Freckle Creßm 25c Atwo °d 15c ioc Doa"n 8 Kidney Pi 115"'."." .3%
„ ® 25c Capsicum Plasters 12c 25c Sal Hepatica 15c 1.00 D. D. D. for Eczema 63c 75c Jad Salts 42c
10c WHMam^'shavlng 8 Soap .5c 25c 50c California Syrup Figs .... 28c SI.OO Wampole Cod Liver Oil, 55c Sb^Talcum'!!
25c Palmer's Skin Success Soap, 12c 10c Haarlem Oil 5c ® c sloan 8 Liniment 29c 35c J letcher Castoria 19c 10c National Corn Remover 5c
75c Beef, Iron and Wine 38c 25c Odorono 15c *l-00 Sloan s Liniment 59c 75c Hall's Catarrh Cure 45c 25c Colorite '.'.lsc
lentll ? la J un \ ••••••••••• J 2c 25c Dier Kiss Talcum 19c $1.50 Fellow's Hypophos 91c SI.OO Kargol Tablets 59c 26c Sloan's Liniment 150
10c James Headache Powder, ,5c 50e Pinex 20c o-- mi.. „ . , . ® i o nelfttonn 3e
25c Mum 15c 50c l>jer Kiss Face Powder.... 37c Olive Tablets 15c 35c Pluto ater 21c jj'qo othine !"".'.!!!!!!* 63c
S 1.00 >lar>ro Tablets 59c 75c Pinaud Face Powder 39c 15c Acorn Salve 8c 1 lb. Merck's Sodium Phosphate 50' c Palmollve Face Powder". 25c
? < nn^ > r> rox ' de Paste 19c 25c Woodbury Face Powder., ,17c 15c Mennen's Talcum 11c 15c 20c Allcock's Porous Plasters.. 10c
SI.OO Bromo Seltzer 53c 25c Sassafola ... 15c 2 5c Euthvinol Tooth Paste 12c 15c Chloride Lime 9c 50c Palmollve Cream 25c
1-oz. Zinc Stearate 15c 25c Sanitol Face Cream .... 13c _ ' r-asie.... * 9S _ rnvnoa- <?nnntlvA piiu in
50c La Blache Face Powder...32c 50c Stuart's Dvspepsla Tab -9c UC WebeF Tea 8c ,erldor 30c "c Malena Salve 5o
50c Mary Garden Talcum .... 36c 50c Swamp Root Soo 25c Sanitol Tooth Powder 12c 50c Forn.amlnt Tablets 29c SI.OO Cadomene T^b.'......... Sic
■ Bc Colgate Tooth Paste 20c r„ti„,ir<> =r. 50c Sal Hepatica 29c 75c Mercolized Wax 48c 25c Carter Liver Pills 12c
50c Odorono 320 S ° ap ,8c $1 00 Sal Hecatica S7c 25c Malena Pills 12c 25c Neuralglne Tablets 12c
25c Azurea Talcum lc ;$ 1.00 Oil Korein Capsules .... 59c tiepatica s<c . Zj J\ 15c Mixed Bird Seed 8c
15° Babcock Corylopsls Talc. .. 10c 5 0c Pebeco Tooth Paste . . "9c 25c AUen Foot Ease 15c " C " mestone Phosphate .... 20c ol r s r oap eed .;;;' 11;;; ' lßc
50c MenthoUtum 24c l 5c I<-ad Pen-ll „ 35c Drake's Crou(k Remedy ... 19c 50c Daggett and Ramsdell Cold 25c Creme de Merldor 15c
S? |!:SJ SSST v - & E #KSSSS-f.SS
10c Bronchial Lozenges sc|2sc Kalpheno Tooth Paste ... 15c 50c Williams' Pink Pi'lis 30c 50c Baume Analgesique Bengue.34c 0c Delavan Remedy 30c
Other Personals on I'age 10.
Mrs. Harry Ward gave a miscel
laneous shower last evening at 13 43;
Liberty street in honor of her sister, |
Miss Alyce Cooper, whose engagement I
to Wilson S. Ebersole has been re-1
cently announced.
The bride-to-be was the recipient of J
many beautiful gifts.
Supper was served to the following
guests: Mrs. A. W. Ebersole, Mrs.
Mary Ward. Mrs. Katie Stahl. Mrs.
Maude Cooper, Mrs. B. B. Beistel. Mrs.
L. W. Flowers. Mrs. A. B. BuHlngton.
Miss Elizabeth Hartman, Miss Ruth
Morris, Miss Ruth Matz, Miss Esther
Martz, Miss Josephine Ebersole, Miss
Alyce Cooper, Miss Nelle Ebersole,
Miss Marie Bowersox. Miss Isabelle
Sanderson. Miss Margaret Fry, Miss
Lenora Shearer, Miss Mary Blade,
Harry Ward and Wilson S. Ebersole.
Mr. and Mrs. Price McCleary, of
Baltimore, who are visiting Mr. and
Mm. H. U. Myers, of North Sixth
street, are being much entertained dur
ing their stay. Among the week's
eventti in their honor was an informal
gathering at the residence of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Leonard. 1729 North Sixth
street. Wednesday evening, when
music, recitations and songs Were fol
lowed by a buffet supper.
This evening Mr. and Mrs. McCleary
will be dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
F. H. Miller, 1902 North Second street.
Mrs. S. J. M. McCarrell, of Locust
street, is home from Philadelphia
where she attended the eighty-fourth
birthday celebration of her brother,
Samuel H. Wallace, a former Harris
burger. Mr. Wallace was ticket agent
for the Pennsylvania Railroad Com
pany at the Broad Btreet station, Phila
delphia, for over fifty years and has a
host of friends throughout the coun
try from Maine to Arizona who Bent
him gifts, flowers and congratulatory
Dr. H. W. McKenzie, his brother
lri-law, and Dr. Douglas, went to
Baltimore Monday morning to lie
present at an operation performed on
A. Russell Calder of Bellevue Park,
for the removal of a large stone In
the Madder. The operation, a serious
one vas performed by the specialist,
Dr. Hugh Young, of Johns Hopkins
Hospital. From latest reports, Mr.
Calder is doing well. Mrs. Calder Is
with her husband.
Dr. and Mrs. John Oenslager and
family of 115 South Front street are
home after a summer spent at their
Aqueduct cottage.
Howird Wesley and Miss Sara Wes
ley, his daughter, left for their home
in St. Louis this morning after vlslt
-1 ing relatives in Harrisburg and York
! for a month past.
Mrs. Marlln E. Olmßted was In
Washington yesterday.
Mrs. Wllmer Crow of 1612 Green
street was hostess yesterday after
noon for the Mystic Embroidery Club
of which she is a member.
Farley Gannett of Second and
Woodbine street is home after a trip
to Pittsburgh.
Mrs. John M. Malion, Jr., of 230
Woodbine street was a recent guest
oX Carlisle friends.
President Wilson on His
Way Home in Middle West
Clinton, la., Oct. 6. President
Wilson Is on his way home "through
the Middle West to-day after receiv
ing one of the greatest demonstra
tions of his career, in Omaha yes
terday and last night. After a brief
stop at Chicago he will proceed to
Long Branch. He will arrive there
to-morrow morning In time for an ad
dress to independent voters at Shadow
The President's campaign managers
were jubilant to-day over the recep
tion accorded him in the Middle West,
particularly in Omaha.
The train stopped for a change of
engines here, but the President did
not show himself. The crowd gazed
for fifteen minutes on the vacant rear
platform. There was a roar of dis
appointment as the train slowly pulled
out and gathering speed passed out of
lowa over the drawbridge, spanning
the Mississippi river.
What Is Palm Beach Suit ?
Question Raised in Court
Washington. D. C\, Oct. 6.—"What is
a Palm Beach suit?" was the main
question yesterday at a trial instituted
by the government for violation of the
false advertising law. A special agent
had bought for $4.85 a Palm Beach
suit represented as worth 112.
Experts testified it was not
more than $5. Witnesses explained
that some of the Palm Heach suits put
on sale were technically known as
"truck," while others were described
as "first class."
I.emons that have become hard
and dry can be made soft and juicy
again by putting them into a pan of
hot water and letting them remain at
almost the same temperature without
boiling for two hours.
It is a hopeless task to try to restore
your health while your blood is defi
cient in quantity or quality.
The blood ci rculatea th roughout'every
j portion of the body except the hair
and nails. It takes the nourishment
I irom the food, and distributes it to the
various muscles and organs; it takes
also any medication that is administer
ed through the mouth. The blood is
the onlv means by which medicine can
reach tne nerves. If the blood is thin
its carrying capacity is lessened because
it is the red corpuscles in the blood that
carry oxygen and other needed constitu
ents to the various parts of the body.
Dr. Williams' Pink Tills for Pale
People increase the red corpuscles in
the blood. They enable it to absorb
more oxygen, to carry more life and
strength to the weakened organs. In
any disease in which the patient be
comes thin and pale Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills can be used successfully to com
bat the anemia and build up the health
and strength.
"Building Up the Blood" is a book
let, full of good information. Every
mother and every growing girl should
have one. It is sent free on request by
the Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Schen
ectady, N. Y. Your own druggist sells j
Dr. Williams' Piak Pills. Price 50 cenu J
Harrisburg-, P a ., October 6, 1916 : A
I Harrisburg and Steelton Public j^k
I Dear Public: If
Bigger, Better, Busier Harrisburg talk is
m the atmosphere-Wc like it because we know that the
AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE win not be at the tail end
of that procession. I
A twenty million dollar extension to the steel plant
a m,11,0n dollar hotel and AUTOMATIC TELEPHONES
I will take the 'burg' out of Harrisburg.
The AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE will be in its
proper environment-,hat of the superlative-Best, Rusi
est, Happiest Harrisburg.
Yours, I
P. S.-Birds of a feather enjoy each other's company. j
OCTOBER 6, 1916.