Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 12, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Rothert Victor Booths= '
Hawaiian Music
During the past few years the quaint and plaintive
music of the Hawaiian has found a place among the
music lovers of this country. Steadily increasing
m popularity the Victor has prepared a comprehen
sive list of selections by the Hawaiian Quintette;
i'alc K. Lua; David Kaili; the Irene West Royal
Hawaiians and many other artists.
In Our Victor Booths
hear these or any Hawaiian music you fancy.
The following list is but indicative of the com
prehensive selection.
(Wollona Waltz
[Aloha Oe
I Knu Home
[Hawaiian Waltz Medley
I Kilima Waltz
tHonolula March
Kohala March
„ 4 [Hula Medley
I Cunha Medley
312 Market Street
Galahad Recreation Club
in Last Open-Air Social
Members of the Galahad Recreation
Club held their last open-air social for
the season in Spruce Hollow, as guests
of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Bltner, Eigh
teenth and Calder streets.
Beautiful decorations in the club
colors of crimson and white prevailed
and Japanese lanterns hung over the
lawn. Vocal and instrumental music
preceded a supper of roasted corn,
potatoes and marshmallows.
In the party were the Misses Mabel
March, Grace Snow, Hazel Snow,
Katharine McNeal, Ruth Fickes, Mar
garet Lonker, Jennie Cassell, Alva
Shope, Clara Bittner, Elva Bittner,
Jane Bittner, Elsie Fritz, Reba Foland,
Sarah Wonders, Esther Waason, Doro
thy Chubbuck, Bessie C. Malone, Elva
Stauffer, Edna Hoke, Ethel Hoke,
Alice Echtemach, Philadelphia; Mel
lie McClain, Dorothy Watts, Elnora
Watts, Mrs. Steve Bowers, Mrs. Wm.
H. Maurer, Mrs. Robert Peters, Mrs.
Ed. McCoy, Mrs. Ed. Malone, Sirs.
Clem Bolan, Mrs. D. C. Hawley, Mrs.
Ralph Grove, Mrs. Clyde Peters, Mrs.
Edward Relnecker, Mrs. E. D. Bittner,
Miss Mary Bubb, Dalmatia; Mrs.
Grace Campbell, of Pittsburgh; Ed.
H. McCoy, Prof. John F. Kob, Paul
D. March, George M. Allen, Steven D.
Bowers, Nevin L. Bowers, Allen H.
Fritz, Samuel V. Keeler, Tamaqua;
H. F. Cobaugh, Robert Storey, Ben
Dinkis, Charles Hiller, M. D. Comp,
"Chief" Bender, "Pinkie" Stonesifer,
Clem Bolan, Ed. Reinecker, Paul St.
Clair, Lee Ohrum, Robert Peters, Lee
Sheesley, Clyde Brandt, Earl Stauffer,
Howard Seidel, Roy Seidel, D. C.
Hawley, E. D. Bittner, Henry Bittner,
E. D. Bittner, Jr., Ed. McCoy, Jr.,
George Spangler, Luther Mayer, Phila
delphia; Robert Wolf, Marysville; Paul
Wonders, Bruce Wonders, Harold Earp
and Ed. Malone.
Honor Miss Mary Straub
With a Birthday Party
The nineteenth birthday of Miss
Mary Straub, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
J. X. Straub, 3 4 Balm street, was
happily celebrated with a gathering of
young people at their home.
Tho pruests enjoyed musical numbers
by Miss Florence Fisher, Miss Irene
Lyttle and Mr. Hoover, and supper
was served to the following guests:
The Misses Carolyn Schubauer, Miriam
Gordon, Bessie Montgomery, Stella
Rogers. Gertrude Biehl, Leola Biehl,
Sara Leeds, Mae Rogers, Cordelia For
ney, Edna Bates, Minnie Saft, Eliza
beth But z, Irene Lyttel, Florence
Fisher, Ida Fisher, Minnie Rornberger,
Thelma Matter, Myrtle Beck, Mary
Stouffer, Mary and Ethel Straub, j.
D. Sherman, M. D. Huber, of Lebanon;
Herbert Booze, of Norristown, Samuel
Engler, Ralpn Hoover, Aaron Beck,
Raymond Butler. Louis McKav, John
Flicker, Walter Young, David Minsky,
Charles Rogers, Frank Rogers, Wil
liam Rogers, F. M. Straub, William
Fsslck, Arthur Moyer, Mr. and Mrs
•T. N. Straub, Mrs. Katzman. Rose!
Florence. Aaron and Rebecca Katz
The Best
Your Films
Naturally, after you have
taken care with the films
you have exposed, you
want them to be as care
fully developed and print
That's Kellberg's way.
Good, fresh printing and
developing materials al
ways used Velox paper
used for all amateur print
ing everything done
with a "professional"
That's Kellberg service.
Your films are worth it.
Kellberg Studio
Concert Violinist
Has resumed the teaching of violin playing, at her studio
Awarded the honor scholarship, four consecutive years at the
Hyperion School of Music. In Philadelphia, of which she is a graduate
She is the pupil of the famous Henry Schradieck. of New York, and of
Lucius Cole, of the Philadelphia Orchestra.
The Bell Telephone
Collar and Cuff Co/s
Employes Camp For Week
A pleasant week of camping was
enjoyed on McCormlck's Island by the
employes of tho Harrisburg Collar and
Cuff Company, including tho Misses
Maud Mote, Mary Smith, Katherlne
Blxler, Susan Gruber, Master Dick
Bowman and Gilbert Sherwood, Mr.
and Mrs. S. P. Bernhardt and Harriet
I All outdoor sports were enjoyed—
| boating, swimming, baseball, archery
| and Quoits. During the week there
I was a chicken corn soup dinner, a
watermelon feast, a corn roast and
marshmallow toast.
Among the guests were William T.
Starry, S. Slmonson, Roxbury, Ma®j.;
F. D. Hess, Newark, N. J.; Mr. and
Mrs. W. G. Starry, Ruth Starry, Mary
Starry, Theodore Starry, John Bern
hardt, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowman,
Mrs. Mote, William Mote, Mr. and Mrs.
Ira Harman and Loraine Harman, Roy
Sheck, Jay Garret, Miss Minnie Walt,
Mrs. Rodgers, Mrs. Annie Eandis, Mas
ter Charles Walt, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Stees and Wallace Stees, Marysville;
John Martz, Misa G. Kolley, G. Gott
sliall. Riverside.
Noted Chinese Visitor
Guest of Wm. Kishpaugh
Chtong-Chun-Chen, of Shanghai,
China, a formor student at the Nan
king University and at present a stu
dent at the Maryland State College,
has returned to College Park after a
visit with William Kishpaugh, of 409
I South Sixteenth street, a student at
the same college.
Mr. Chen is a brother of the consul
general at San Francisco and a mem
ber of one of the noted families of
the Dragon Kingdom. He is one of
the Chinese Government students in
this country, and is taking a four
years' coursre in Rural Conditions and
Agriculture, at the Maryland State
College. Upon finishing his educa
tion here he will go back to his own
country to engage in promoting agri
cluture, a much neglected occupation
in China, as well as try to alleviate
rural conditions in general in the
places so in need and unprosperlous
because of the deficiency in their
knowledge to cope with these condi
tions and develop their resources.
Friends of Mrs. J. H. Gable attend
ed a birthday surprise party last
evening at her residence, 1732 North
Third street.
A pleasant social evening was en
joyed by Mr. and Mrs. George Hum
mel Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dunbar,
Master William Dunbar, Miss Mary
Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Robinson,
Mrs. Paul Schmeidel, Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Robinson, Mrs. John Fishel,
George McCurdy, Miss Kathleen
Kobinson, Master Richard Robinson,
Mr. and Mrs., C. Laurence Shepley,
w , se Schampan, Mrs. Mary
Fishel, Jr. and Mrs. J. H. Gable, the
Misses Alary and Jean Gable, and
Master Louis Gable.
I-rank M. Entry, of The Globe
Clothing house, with Mrs. Entry and
daughter. Miss Dorothy Entry, are
home after a two weeks' stay In
1 hiladelphia and Atlantic City
Miss Helen Cherrick Westbr'ook, of
Melrose, was a guest Monday, of Miss
Heckton Ht h ° r summor home,
Miss Ivy L. Jones, of 1629 Swatara
street, is home after a visit in Brook
lyn and New York city.
Miss Alarlan Davis, of 262 Forster
street, has returned from Lancaster
mi° vis ' ted Jlr s- Earl Geary. '
Miss Mao Bair, of Newport was a
recent guest of Miss Katharine
Er " est - 2119 North Hixth street
Mr. and Mrs. A. Russell Calder, of
. . r? v , ue .; ai ' k are spending a week
at Galen Hall, Wernersville.
i'4i r \in n ? Porc y Stewart, of
1-41 Market street, are homo after
spending a fortnight tn Atlantic City.
Master Charles Dyer, of 601-A
Peffor street, is spending a week with
his grandmother, Mrs. B. F. Moses, at
her cottage, the Chelsea, Marysville.
Miss Mae B. Mcllhenny, of 18 46
Market street, has returned home
after an extended vacation spent with
Mr. and Mrs. Worthington, of 110
Riverside Drive. New York City, and
Miss Mary Barclay, of Montclair, N. J.
The party spent four weeks at Bethle
hem, White Mountains, N. H and
after motoring to Portland. Maine, re
turned by boat on the Northland to
New York.
marrlag© of Mlns Alma Kmilie Fuhrmann, dnu&ht<*r of Mr and Mrs
E. E Fuhrmann to Charles W. Nusbeldel. of Akron, Ohio?\vtll take pUce this
e\enlng at 8 o clock at tho home of the bride, 1318 North Second street The
ceremony will be performed by the Rev. Helnrich F. F. Llase? pStor of the
German Zlon Lutheran Church, in the presence of the immediate families
The house is decorated in Autumn flowers and foliage and after the brldii
service a supper will be served. The bride will wearlacharming costume of
white embroidered marquisette with touches of lace and carry a shower of
bride roses. There will be no attendants. y saowel or
r<~o^r 1 i C L WIn^ n we 2 d '" Journey, including Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the
Great Air. and IVlrs. Nusbßld6l will OCCUDV their RMWIV V.
at Akron where Mr. Nusbeldel. a son of Mr. ££d Mri oft ha t cl'ty 9
is connected with the Goodyear Tire Company l e I. of that city,
, . J?,? b £ de I s a graduate of the Central High School class of lini a en i
rapher with°the B ° ma tlm ° bC6n a sten °S-
Entertains Her Neighbors at
Paxtang Today in Honor of
Philadelphia Girl
Miss Miriam Galbralth, of Paxtang,
! save a little porch party this after-
I noon at her home In compliment to
her guest, Miss Gertrude Reess, of
Philadelphia, Inviting some of her
Paxtang neighbors in to meet her.
Cosmos, In the beautiful Fall colors,
was used In decorating, and a buffet
supper was served out of doors.
In attendance were Mrs. Harry B.
King, Mrs. Ralph Irving Delhi, Mrs.
Donald I. Rutherford, Miss June
Rutherford, Mrs. John Gates, Mrs.
Howard Mosey, Mrs. Ross Bealor, Mrs.
Howard A. Rutherford, Miss Keziah
Rutherford, Miss Laura Conrad, Mrs.
Wagner, Mrs. Howard F. Eyster, Mrs.
William H. Cordry, Mrs. John J. Mul
lowney, Mrs. Arthur Rutherford, Miss
Mary Holmes, Mrs. Flavel Wright,
Mrs. Albert M. Bell, 'Miss Reess and
Miss Galbralth.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spangler, of
Penns Grove were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Augustus Wildman, Jr., 2635
North Sixth street, during the week.
Louis Begelfer, the ladies' tailor,
of Second and North streets, is home
from New York city where he at
tended the style shows for a week.
Mrs. Begelfer who accompanied her
husband is ill In New York.
Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Daron, of Show
ers street, spent yesterday at Mount
Gretna, visiting their son, who is In
camp with the National Guard.
Mrs. Eber Paxton, of Chambersburg
was the week-end guest of Mr. and
Mrs. J. M. Paxton, 231 Myers street,
Professor Henry Blumberg, of Ne
braska University spent several days
with Dr. B. M. Garflnkle, 1219 North
Second street.
Miss Mary B. Robinson and her
nieces. Miss Margaretta and Miss
Suzanna Fleming are spending the
week in New York city.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Derrickson,
Miss Caroline Derrickson, 156 Sylvan
Terrace, and their guest, Mrs. George
Cunningham, of Philadelphia, are
home after a visit in Newport, Pa.
Miss Laura Brown, of Elizabeth
town, is the guest of Mrs. Charles
Sheaffer, 152 Sylvan Terrace.
Miss Constance Beidleman, 1200
Chestnut street, is home from Asbury
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Deen and fam
ily, 430 Boas street, are home after
a motor trip to Blue Ridge Summit
John Parthemore, of 1923 Derry
street, is spending some time in Beth
esda, Maryland, and Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. Robert Hall Craig, of Pitts
burgh, has returned home, after a
visit with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.
W. S. Miller, 1207 North Front street.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cooper, of
2545 I/Ogan street, announce the birth
of a daughter, Alice Anna Cooper, Fri
day, September 1, 1916. Mrs. Cooper
was formerly Miss Alice Anna Rohra
baugh, of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray Hutchin
son, of 1631 Green street, announce
the birth of a son, Robert William
Hutchinson, Sunday, September 10
1916. Mrs. Hutchinson was Miss Es
ther Ruth Orcutt prior to her mar
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson, of
1R62 Swatara street, announce the
birth of a son. Wlllard D. Johnson,
Wednesday, September 6, 1916.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Harr, of
Perth Amboy, announce the birth of a
daughter, Ruth Elizabeth Harr, Sat
urday, September 2, 1916. Mrs. Harr
prior to her marriage was Miss Eliza
Grler, of this city.
Mrs. Hocker Celebrates
Eighty-Ninth Birthday
L . ,r ■ ni • I
Mrs. Anna Hocker, widow of Levi
Hocker, of Highspire, is celebrating
her 89th birthday to-morrow, at the
™ me of her son, H. Hershey Hocker,
102 Tuscarora street, with whom she
Mrs. Hocker will receive her friends
informally from 2 to 4 o'clock and
many gifts and beautiful flowers will
be sent her with hosts of good wishes
Mrs. Hocker was born on the old
Michael Frantz farm, near Highspire,
and has been a resident of this city
for but ten years. Seven of her nine
children are ltvng and she has been a
widow for many years. She is a life
long member of the First United
Brethren Church of Boas street and
still interested in its work.
Ten little girls were delightfully
entertained last evening by Miss Mary
Stroup and Miss Sigrid Andersen in
celebration of Miss Lucille Parthe
more's birthday. All sorts of games
were played and a dainty supper ser
ved. The color scheme was carried
out in yellow, with goldenrod the
prevailing flower.
™', Frye ' forl nerly connected with
Te , 1 eK r a. ph > is now editing the
School News" at the Soldiers' Orphan
School at Scotland, Pa.
Miss Sara Houser, of 19 South Six
teenth street, has returned after a
four weeks' visit to suburban Phila
delphia, including motor trips to the
Pocono Mountains, Delaware Water
Gap, and Neshaminy Falls.
Lloyd Carpenter, of Lancaster, is
spending some time with Mrs. Schaf
fcr, of Penbrook.
Mrs. Jennie Brunner, of 1721 Ful
ton street, Is visiting her son, H. E
Brunner, of Enola.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Erb and Mrs.
Dare have returned home after a two
weeks camping trip at Perdix.
Miss Bessie Harnishs, of Lancaster
who has been visiting the Rev. and
Mrs. Homer Skyles May, of 231 South
Thirteenth street, left to-day for
Hartford, Conn., to spend the winter.
Miss Harnish is an instructor in a
school of music for girls there.
Miss Annabelle Swartz, of 1156
Mulberry street, has been confined to
her home for several weeks by a ser
ious illness.
• Cordelia Minerva Emmlnger, of
Boyd street, and Charles Elmer
Shade, of 2318 Jefferson street, were
united in marriage yesterday after
noon at 2.30 o'clock at the bride's
home by the Rev. Dr. S. Edwin Rupp,
of the Otterbein United Brethren
Church. Mr. and Mrs. Shade will re
side at the bride's home for the
|1 : A New Idea in Home Furnishing— |
f|| We Are Pleased To Announce That ( H
B, We Have Installed a Complete Line of H
j Home Decorating I'
I Patterns S '/p<, "i
|§, For Making Window and Door Drapes r*" .*" H
H \ JK' *■"~ "'' V Jl
By using these patterns every woman can M° 4 , ;s /•"* 8'
p now have pretty draperies in her home and "j \ £ '* /! ® 8
||i obtain the same effect as the expert draper. • Q ''■ £ ' *'l 8
, L - The patterns are packed like the ordinary dress pat- • V J/;/"' <||
fe terns, in an envelope on which is printed full dircc- .♦'> W ~ .' H
&• tions for cutting, making and hanging, the number of ; • j, r ||
gj yards of material, trimming, edging, etc., required is \ C\ ■ _| YmK !s
j| also given. / .fj) / |j
Price, 250 each, sold exclusively by Goldsmith's. .*• \ B
p Fabrics for these drapes can be bought in our day- y % 4 'J. M
|3 light Drapery Department, second floor. Our new ||
|| Fall stocks of Cretonnes, Reps, Sunfast materials, |§
|| Voiles, Scrims and Marquisettes are here and selling
North Market Square H
minimal! :ml
Meeting and Rehearsal
of the C. E. Choral Union
[ A rehearsal and business meeting of
the Harrlsburg Christian Endeavor
Choral Union will ce held Thursday
evening, September 14, in the Second
Reformed Church. Creen and Verbeke
streets. The secretary. Miss Anna
McKelvey, has received thirty appli
cation cards and others intending to
join may do so at thia meeting.
Members will have the privilege of
the autumn social and corn roast and
saving funds for the New York club
will bfe started at one*. A fall concert
will be given at Thanksgiving with
F. Nevin Wlest assisting; there will be
a Spring musical festival. May 1, 1917,
and a walk tothe county home and a
service at the Home for the Friendless.
Shower in Compliment
to Two Brides-Elect
A double miscellaneous shower was
given last evening by Miss Dora Cohn,
of 1006 North Sixth street. In honor of
Miss Rae Marshall, of Winnipeg,
Canada, and Miss Mae Wiutield, of
the city, brides to be.
The house was artistically decorated
in a color scheme of pink and white
with beautiful flowers in the table ap
The guests Included the Misses Mary
Cohn, of Lancaster; Rebecca Shulman,
Anna Shulman. Celia Shulman, Lena
Finkelstine, Anna Garonzik. Goldie
Mall, Edna Garonzik, Anna Michaels,
Tllye Freedman, Mollie Freedman and
Dora Cohn, Mrs. A. Marshall, of Win
nipeg. Manitoba; Mrs. M. E. Wintleld
and Mrs. L. Cohn.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis James
I chaperoned a party of young folks at
Rocky Retreat, near Brownstone, for
the past week.
The party included the Misses Hulda
Rice, Mabel Dobbs, Marion Lingle,
Beatrice Koons, Pearl Black and Pearl
King, Lloyd Myers. Hiram Starr, Ar
thur Long. Charles Yowlar, Charles
Swope, Guerney Ruby and Charles
Dasher, of Harrlsburg, and Frances
Kraiss, the Misses Edith Grubb and
Daisle Kuhn, Harry Kough and George
Fry, of Newport, Pa.
Misa Katharine Gorgas, of 216 Ma
clay street, entertained at a porch
party this afternoon in honor of Miss
Alia Richards, of Lebanon, and Miss
Katharine Schwartz, of Poughkeepsie,
who are visiting her.
Dr. William C. Peters, of 123 State
street, who has been seriously ill at his
home for several weeks, is improving
Mrs. M. K. Sourbeer, of 204 North
Second street, announces the engage
ment of her daughter, Miss Miriam
Katharine Sourbeer, to Albert B.
Craver, a young businessman of the
city, the marriage to be in October.
The bride elect is a granddaughter of
George W. Armpriester, a graduate of
the Central high school and Hood
College, Frederick, Md.
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page entertained
at their home in Duncannon on Sat
urday evening. The evening was spent
in a moonlight hike to Juniata Bridge,
singing and social amusements.
Refreshments were served to Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Troup, Mr. and Mrs.
Zelgler, Mrs. J. M. Weller. Carrie
Weller. Marguret Young. Walter Me
haftle, Lewis L. I<enhart, George Troup
and Ross Derrick, of Harrlsburg; Wil
lis Dressier and Minnie Dressier, of
Hershey, and the following from Dun
cannon: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Page, Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Fritz, Mr. and Mrs.
Lightner, the Rev. and Mrs. W. W.
Sholl, Sara Page, Rebecca Owens, Wil
liam Page, Anna Page and Paul
Homoeopathic Physician
and Surgeon
Bell Phoue Harris burr, pa.
Dr. Frasier
has opened downtown offices at !'
;! 715 N. 3rd St. ;j
SEPTEMBER 12, 1916.
J Paxton has returned home
to spend some time with his parents
at 231 Myers street, Steelton, after
graduating with high honors at East
man Business College, Poughkeepsie,
New York.
, M r - and Mrs. Frank F. Stevlck, of
. } Third street, entertained
yesterday at an outing in Hershey
I ark, in compliment to their Ruest,
Mrs. Samuel Stiteler, of Strinestown.
Mrs. Stevick's sister. The party visited
places of interest in the beautiful sub
urban town as well as taking in the
delights of the park.
I | RlissJeannePratt
—— j 11 Pupil of
* J j!| Wm. H. Sherwood
Shielded from every dia- ! ] [ WILL RESUME
turbinginfluence or i<!
I P l anof °rte
luxurious light cars offer jf @CLCITX>TI<Q
a new motorcar standard
for your investigation !> AT
Cuiversal Motor Car Co. !>
219 West State St.
Geo. W. I pdef|rove
Teacher of Violin
Instructor of both High School Orchestras. Pupil of Frederick Hahn,
of Philadelphia, Pa.; Alexander Lebald, of Vienna, and Amo Hilf, of
Leipzig. Diploma from the Royal Conservatory of Music of Leinsig
Germany. *
Studio: 1200 Penn St. Bell Plionc 3800.
Fall Freshness and Newness
Everywhere in
New suits arrive daily because of our intimate rela
tions with New York's foremost makers.
We also have a full line of Silk. Crepe de Chines, and
Voile Waists at very popular prices and the newest styles
in dresses such as the Basque dress, in serge and silk, which
will be very popular this season.
In Skirts we are showing many and the most fashion
able numbers as well as the newest coats in Cheviots, Wool
Velours and Mixtures of the better kind.
An inspection of our new store will be worth your
19 North Third Street
Organist and Choirmaster of Pine Street Presbyterian Church
Piano, Organ and Harmony
Twenty-seven of Mr. McCarrell's organ pupils have secured positions In
Harrliburg and vicinity.
Studio: 230 Woodbine Street
Announces a change in the looation of her
' , HAIR dressing parlors
' J%. >sr / ' C. ' rom ®. Second Street, to quarters on the sear
° nd floor ot
9 NO - THIRD street
where new furnishings and additional new electrical equipment ha
been installed. The phone number i 8 2063.
Nursery Home Benefit
at the Colonial Club
. br ' d /° Ave hundred partv
scheduled for earlier in the season by
the board of managers of the Har
risburg Nursery Home will be held
Thursday evening. September 14, at
. e Colonial Country Club, play begin
ning at S o'clock. Tallys may be ob
tained from members of the board and
at the club and table reservations may
be made the same way.
The president of the Nursery Homo
is Mrs. J. Hervey Patton; secretary,
Mrs. Harry B. Montgomery; treasurer,
Mr.". Jamea D. Hawkins.