Advertise For Anything on'TMs Page and In Are Sire to Get Results" ( 2>eatbs lIOTTGEN'BACIv On September 11, 1916, William Bottgenback, aged 78 years. Funeral services Wednesday mom 'ng. at 9:30 o'clock, at his late resi dence 1720 Susquehanna street. Tnu body 'will be moved to the home of Mrs. llankins, 534 West Louther street, Carlisle. Services at 2 o'clock Thursday, St. John's Episcopal Church, Carlisle. 81AKK On September 10, 1916, Davia ffi. Mark, aged IS years. Brief funeral services Wednesday af ternoon, at 2 o'clock, at his late resi dence, 6S North Seventeenth street. Funeral services at 2:30 in the Staiw Street U. B. Church. Burial East Harrlsburg Cemetery. Relatives and friends and all organizations of which lie was a member are invited to at tend thefuneralservjces. Lost and Found SUITCASE LOST Between Market Street Bridge and Chavnbersburg, suit case, containing ladies' apparel, suit able reward. Kindly call Russ Bros. Ice Cream Plant, Bell phone 3207. LOST A brooch, with initials N. H., In or near drug store at Front and Lo cust streets. Steelton. Finder, please return to Fairlamb's Stationery Store. LOST—Diamond stickpin in the form of a question mark. Reward if return ed to E. Blumenstein, 14 South Court street. FOUND On Market street, key ring containing 14 keys. Owner can secure same by calling at Telegraph Business office and paying for this advertise ment Help Wanted —Male WANTED—Carpenters; steady work; good pay. Apply to H. T. Bayles, 258 North street, or on job. Twenty-ninth and Derry streets. WANTED Boy, 16 years of age, to make himself generally useful around store. Apply Factory Shoe Store, 16 North Fourth street. MOTORCYCLE AND BICYCLE RE PAIRMAN WANTED. AT ONCE Ap ply Excelsior Cycle Co., 10 South Mar ket Square. WANTED Experienced butcher. Also a man to work at stable. Apply 226 Chestnut. WANTED Strong, white man for work in wholesale house and drive team. Regular work. Address P. O. Box 318, Harrisburg. Pa. WANTED —A man for our Stove Department to set up stoves. Burns & Company, 28- 30-32 South Second street. BRUSH MAKERS Bore, pitch and peg hands. Also mix ers ; steady work, good wages. The Osborn Mfg. Co., 5401 Ham ilton avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. CARPENTER WANTED On con crete forms. Apply Robert Grace Con tracting Co.. Island Park. GROCER WANTED One with ex perience in cutting meat. Apply to Robert Abort Fifth and Kelker streets. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character ana temperate habits, who can speak, react and write the English language. For information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. 4 PAPERHANGERS WANTED Only . *st-class mechanics need apply. H. A. Budmer, 813 North Third street. WANTED First-class steamfitter at once. Apply, J. W. Morris, 17 North Fifth street. GOOD, strong, healthy boys, over 16, to learn printing, stereotyping or press man trade. Apply, Superintendent, tnu Telegraph. WANTED Good, honest boy want ed; roust be over 15 year 3 old. Applj, 140S North Third street. WANTED A boy to assist In ice cream factory. Apply at McNeal's 1010 North Third street. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or day labor. Attractive wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third streei and P. & R. Railroad. WANTED Strong boy, white, over 16 years old. Apply, S. S. Kresge Co., 326 Market street. WANTED A plumber's apprentice. No cigaret smokers or users of profane language need apply. Address "Plumber," in own handwriting, care of Telegraph. WANTED—SIack barrel cooper. Ad dress W. R. E. King. Cumberland, Md. I WANTED 4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Di vision street, Harrisburg, Pa. Attend the YOUNG MEN'S BUSINESS INSTITUTE. Hershey Building, Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. A SCHOOL OF CULTURE as well as A SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Instructors are college men—Prince ton and Harvard. Day and night sessions. Address, for booklet, P. O. LABORERS WANTED—Good wages, steady work with chance for advance ment, Apply Master Mechanic's Office. Central Iron & Steel Company. MEN Young, wanted to worlc In automobile repair shop; our school is overflowing with repair work, there fore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work on all ma chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as ; soon as competent. Take advantage of | summer rates Auto Transportation school. 29 North Cameron street. WANTED Helpers on heating fur nace, No. 2 Mill, Central Iron and Steei Company. Help Wanted—Female WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Presserj and folders also want ei). Blougb Manufacturing Co. REAL ESTATE FOR 2309 Derry St. 2 &-story frame dwelling—in A- No. 1 condition—six rooms—bath and steam heat —front porch—en closed-ln-glass back porch gas and electricity—slate roof with cop per flashings—coal and gas ranges. 10 feet wide side and rear alleys. Lot 23x100 ft. Garage for two ma chines on rear of lot. Price, $3,000 MILLER BROTHERS&CO. HEAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bonds TUESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted—Female WANTED Fifteen typists for tem porary work. Apply immediately, in person, to Employment Department. The Office Training School, 4 Soutn Market Square. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators, experienced and learn ers. Pay good wages while learning. Steady work. Steelton Glove Co.. cor ner Second and Dupont, Steelton. OPERATORS Thoroughly experl enced on power sewing machine*. to work on ladles' aprons and children's play suits; steady work at eood wage*. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com pany, 414-416 State street. WANTED A girl for general house work; sleep at home. Inquire, 216 Ma clay street. WANTED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learn ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to make ladies' anil children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co., Over City Star Laundry, State street. Rear Entrance. WANTED—At once, sewing machine operators; experienced ones preferred. Those not ex perienced will be paid good wages while learning. Positions per manent with regular work, and owing to the high efficiency of our marines and good, sanitary con ditions of our factory, operators who are willing to work can earn good wages. Here is your oppor tunity. Inquire, Office of the Blough Manufacturing Co., Reily and Fulton streets. WANTED A second maid; must come well recommended. Apply at 2025 North Front street. Bell phone 1021 K. TWO white girls for general housework in boardinghouse. Also white, middle-aged woman to cook and manage in board inghouse. Good wages for both. Apply 141 South Front street, Steelton. WANTED Girls to work in I laundry. Apply Sanitary Family Wash j ing Co., Sixteenth and Walnut streets. I WANTED A neat, reliable girl for general housework for family of three; must sleep at home. Apply, after 6 P. M„ 219 Emerald street. } WANTED Girl for general house work; good wages; no washing; must have good references. Apply 205 South Front street. WANTED, AT ONCE Experienced saleslady for Gloves and Hosiery. Also bright girls, over 16. for Saturdays. Ap ply to Mr. Green (Glove Counter), Main Floor. Astrich's, Fourth and Market streets. A STUDENT trom 9th grade with our trainlnsr in shorthand and type writing, making $35 a week. Expert shorthand and typewriting, individual Instruction, every student placed. Day and Night School in session. Harris burg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec i ond street. —— WANTED White girl for cooking and general housework. Small family; good home and good wages. P. O. Box. 452 Hummelstown, Dauphin Co., Pa. WANTED Experienced dining room girl. Apply, Menter, 113 Market street. WANTED A white woman to wasn Monday and clean Friday; must be strong and willing. Apply, 85234, care Telegraph. I WANTED Girls not under 16 years of age to learn the trade of Clgarmaking. Also experienced Bunchmakers and Rollers. Pay beginners while learning. Experienced hands earning good wages. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co.. 600 Race street. WANTED A bright girl for the marking and assorting department. Ap ply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fultoa street. WANTED Young girl for general housework; family of two. Address, S-5237, care Telegraph. WANTED A good milliner, maker and two apprentice girls. Address, A -5235, care Telegraph. WANTED Two experienced mllli two apprentices. Apply to Mrs. L. A\ alzer, 27 South Second street. AMBITIOUS WOMEN in Dauphin County to demonstrate and take meas ures for made-to-measure corsets. Coi setiers make from SIB.OO to $50.00 pet week. Corsets guaranteed one year. Address D. It. U. Corset Co.. Pittsburgh. Pa. Help Wanted— Male and Female W ANTED Girls experienced on power machines to make baby shoes, also boys to learn to cut. The Dauphin Shoe Co.. 320 Market street, 4th tloor, over The Hub. Situations Wanted—Male YOUNG MAN Would like a position as chauffeur in private family; can drive any kind of car. Address 228 Chestnut. WANTED Boy 16 years old, will not have to go to school, would like kind of work. Apply Bell phone Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Young woman wants work in an office; quick and accurate in figures and good penman; willing to accept small salary to learn. Address 11. K„ Bishop Building, 429 Broad street. City. Room 30. WANTED Colored woman wants washing and ironing to do at home. Call, or write, 343 Muench street, seconu floor. WANTED By capable high school girl, work for mornings or afternoons and Saturdays. Apply E., 5241, care ot Telegraph. WANTED Young woman desires place as housekeeper, hotel or private. Address L., 5240, care of Telegraph. WANTED Day's work or dish washing. Apply 654 Calder street. WANTED White, refined woman ; with child, would like position as I housekeeper. Call 2209 Logan street. I ! WANTED Place to assist with j general housework; can give references. Apply, 1314 Marion street. RESPECTABLE COLORED WOMAN would like to have steady work of an kind or washing and Ironing at honik. Write or call, 327 Muench street. Situations Wanted—Female WANTED Middle aged lady desires position as dining room girl or cham bermaid; experienced and can give best of reference. Address, B. H. 5-30, cart. Telegraph. WANTED Position in hotel as housekeeper, has had years of experi ence and can furnish best of reference. Address, H. H. 5229. care Telegraph. WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower, by middle-aged woman. Call Bell phone 530 M. COLORLiJ WOMAN wants day's work of any kind. Address, 147 Linden street. F. Cotter. WANTED Position as dlshwashei at restaurant or hotel, bv middle-aged white woman. Address 328 North streei. WANTED Day's work or rough, dry washing. Apply 170E Elm streei. WANTED A reliable, colored wo man would like to have any kind of day's work. Call, or write, 1424 Marlon street. Situations Wanted — Male and Female WANTED Couple (30) desire posi tions at anything. Address P. O. Box 422, Harrisburg. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE Desirable house on easy terms within walking distance of central business section brick —■ seven rooms furnace conveniences —corner property porches 52,500. For full particulars address M„ 425S care of Telegraph. DUNCANNON Frame dwelling 7- rooms and bath; all modern imnrove ments; three squares from depot on Market street. L. J. Murray, Duncan non, Pa. HOUSE ON ACRE Modern conveni ences; productive garden; fruit; good water; ten minutes' walk to car, Long street, next to Cumberland street, Camp Hill. W. H. Yingst. $3,000 WILL BUY a three-story brick house on North Eighteenth street, not far from Market street. All improve ments. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build ing. FOR SALE 1609 Sixth street, three story house, 9 rooms, bath, gas, lot 20x 95; paved sreet front and rear. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. NO. 1537 SPENCER STREET FOR] SALE. Brick house with S rooms, bath, I gas, furnace, lot 18Uxl05, porch front, cemented cellar. Bell Realty Co., Berg- I ner Building. MARKET STREET PROPERTIES near Thirteenth street for sale. Two properties that should have your con sideration. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 77 Disbrow street, biick house, 6 rooms, bath, gas. fur nace, cemented cellar, porch front ana rear; yielding sl7 per month. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. BUSINESS PROPERTY, No, 424 Reily street for sale. Large house with store room, lot 20x100, large brick garage on rear. Must be seen to be appreciated. Inspect it soon. Bell Realty Co., Berg ner Building. $1,650 WILL BUY a corner property at Penbrook; frame house with seven rooms and attic; electric lights; two porches; lot, 25x150. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. PUBLIC SALE THE undersigned will sell at Public Sale on homestead farm of John Bolton, deceased, along the Linglestown Roau. about 2V. miles east of Linglestown and 3 miles west of Manada Hill, ffesi Hanover Township, Dauphin Count}, Pa., Thursday, Setember 28, 1916, at 1:30 o'clock P. M., the following tracts of Real Estate. Tract No. (1) Farm occupied by Katharine Bolton, containing 90 acres. Tract No. (2) —farm adjoining Tract No. (1), containing 80 acres. Both farms have good dwelling houses, bank barns, and necessary outbuildings erected thereon. Land-in high state of cultiva tion; running water, stock farms. Persons looking for a farm this Fall should see these two farms. Tracts Nos. 4, 5 and 6 being three tracts ot timber land containing 10 acres, lb acres, and one acre, respectively. Good timber on tracts. For information ap- Ely to Katharine Bolton, Executrix, inglestown, Pa., or to E. M. Hershey. her Attorney. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR person desiring to build home, ?lot of ground corner Jefferson and Ux ord streets. Price reasinable. Can be bought on easy terms. C. C. Holland, 2029 Penn street. Bell phone 1678W FOR SALE House 854 Cameron, corner Manada street; 10 rooms ana bath; cemented cellar; electric lights and water heating; suitable for busi ness; lot, 22x126 ft. to Salmon avenue. Inquire 843 Cameron street, or H M Bird. SOUTH ENOLA One pair Mansard roof, eight-room houses, bath, furnace, electricity, front and back porches (concrete); built six years; facing trol ley; rent $29 per month; price, 13,700. For further information inquire J. Mc- Cormick, R. F. D., No. 4. Mechanics burg, Pa. FOR SALE Brick dwelling, ten rooms and bath, situated on Reno and Third streets, New Cumberland. Lot, 79x140, with barn for garage or horses. Also double frame house in New Cum berland, nine rooms and bath, wit:i ail improvements; lot, 45x140. Apply M. A. Hoff, New Cumberland. Bell phone 3105R, Cumberland 84D. 1819 MARKET STREET—Nine rooms and bath, all conveniences, gas anu electricity, fcont and rear porches; can be purchased with little cash and at a bargain; house now vacant. E. A. Mil ler, 1837 Market street. FOR SALE Large lot in Bellevue Park on paved street, will sell cheap to quick buyer. Terms if desired. Good reason for selling. Address, H 5228, care of Telegraph. NEW MARKET A frame dwelling, good outbuildings, 1%-story building at end of lot; can be used for shop or garage; concrete walks. For further information inquire E. H. Fishei, Bridge street. New Cumberland, Pa. FOR SALE lB2l Market Street; 3- story brick dwelling-; 9 rooms and bath; finished in cypress; gas and electric light; front and rear porches; furnace; cemented cellar; lot, 15x96. This prop erty can be bought for $3,800.00, and is In first-class condition. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE ll4B and 1150 South Cameron Street; 2Vj-story frame dwell ings; containing 6 rooms each; lot, 51x 160; rental income, $20.00 per month. Price, $2,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut. FOR SALE l7 S. Eighteenth Street; 3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms ana bath; cemented cellar; gas and electric, light; front and rear porches; steam heat. Price, $3,100.00. Brinton-Packei Co.. Second and Walnut streets. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountain. Summer dale, Price $350. Apply Laura Reea, 318 Chestnut street. FOR SALE Two single, modern homes on lot 30x100, Cloverly Heights. Conveniently located for Harrisburji or Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur chaser. If you are In the market for a home, call J. M. Stark & Son, Clovsrly Heights. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street, corner River alley, two and one-half st'ory frame; eight rooms and a batb; pll conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth streets, Elkwood, two and one-half-story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. The above properties wi" be sold at a bargain. Apply Keeney & Simmons. New Cumberland. I 1 OR SALE Desirable house on easy terms within walking distance of central business section brick seven rooms furnace conveniences —corner property porches 52,500. I'or full particulars address M„ 4258, care of Telegraph. I'OR SALE 3-story brick dwelling, 9 large rooms, bath and furnace, lo cated at No. 1119 North Seventh. Cheap to quick buyer. Real Estate For Rent 1 OR RENT House 646 Reily street; 8 rooms and bath; cement cellar; front and back porches and yards; all con veniences. Inquire within. FOR RENT 3-story house, 136 Lin den street, near State; 8 rooms, water and gas; possession at once. Apply C. F. Golii. 1003 North Second street. Bell phone S99M. FOR RENT Well-furnished cornel house, eight rooms, two baths, large reception hall; every room large, light and airy; electric lights, steam beat; broad veranda front and side; large lawns, garage and laundry in rear. Cen trally located, 7 minutes' from Square. Street cars pass house every seven and a half minutes. Rent reasonable, as owner is leaving city. Possession Oc tober 1. A. S. Miller & Son, Eighteenth and State streets. FOR RENT No. 614 Briggs street; first and third floors only; modern im provements. Rent, S2O. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT 717% North Second street; S rooms and bath; all improve ments; steam heat; possession at once. Rent, $25 per month. For further in formation see John C. Orr, 222 Market street. 426 NORTH STREET—Eight rooms, bath, electric lights, city steam, gas stove and gas water heater, facing Capitol Park. Inquire 400 North street. HOUSE FOR RENT White Hill; three-story brick; 10 rooms; all modern improvements. Inquire Amos Smith, Camp Hill, Pa. FOR RENT Penbrook, 2727 Butler street, 2 %-story frame 8 rooms. Price, $15.00. 11. C. Brandt. 36 North Third. Real Estate Wanted WANTED—WiII take a farm on third as share or will take a position as man ager. Have 25 years' experience. Can handle all machinery. Small ramn.v. Address 156 Lincoln street, Steelton, Pa. For Sale—Miscellaneous FOR SALE Furnace, good as new. Will heat eleven rooms, guaranteed. Cheap to quick buyer. Address 70u North Sixth. FOR SALE ssO Victrola and a lot of records, good as new, for $35. Ad dress 434 Hummel street, City. DUMAS' WORKS, 25 vols., like new, at one-fourth cost. Other great bar gains. Open evenings. Aurand's BOOK Store, 913 North Third. HORSE FOR SALE Good souna young horse for sale, bargain to quick buyer. Call, 366 Myers street, Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE Mare and colt; buggy and harness; will sell singly or to gether. Apply, C. E. Stephenson, corner Bowman and Market streets. Camp Hill. FOR SALE One black haircloth parlor suit two bedroom suits half dozen diningroom chairs one ten-plate stove (relic), one double heater one side board one couch. Call at 1516 Fifth street. FOR SALE The Wolfe Liniment Business —Recipe instructions trade (collections—due in October). Estab lished for 20 years. Terms to suit buyer. Mrs. H. M. Wolfe 133 Sassafras. POTATOES Potato grower and shipper of Lancaster County Potatoes solicits orders for Fall delivery. Sena order before prices raise, because of en tire failure in some States and very short in largest potato States of coun try. John Lehman, Middletown, Pa. _ HARRISBURG ROOFING AGENCY, Office 100 Franklin Building Com plete line of Roofing, Asphalt Shingles, Waterproof Paper. Special, 375 two piece rolls at 50c on the dollar. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Traded machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex changed and bought. Some exception ally fine rebuilts in stock. All makes. S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust street. Opposite Orpheum. FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence. Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard ware, Plaster Eoard. Upson Wall Board, Compo-Board. Doors. Sash, Shutters, Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tbe Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS can be secured at the Telegraph Business Office. „ AT GABLE S. 113. 115 and 117 South Second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-mized paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, lU-Jl7 South Second street, 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L primed and glae- nltz Station of the Philadelphia and Reading: R. R. Station, and six miles southwest of Carlisle, the following property: 90 acres and 32 perches ot productive land, and buildings erected thereon, to wit: Dwelling house, frame bank barn, implement shed, wagoii shed, hogpen and carriage house. Three good wells on the premises; appiu orchard and fruit trees. Sale to com mence at 1 P. M. of said day. Farms FARMS—FARMS—FARMS All Sizes, Grades and Prices VAUGHN Beautiful and very productive; close to trolley Acre and half-acre plots only $169. C. B. CARE & SON. Care's Grocery, Llnglestown, or 409 Market St.. Harrisburg, Pa. FOR SALE 137-acre 'arm, seven and one-half miles from New Cumber land, near Goldsboro; good state of cul tivation; brick barn, stone house and all necessary outbuildings. Apply M. A. Hoft, New Cumberland. Bell phone 31051!, Cumberland 84D. For Sale or Exchange FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Estab lished grocery stand. West Fairview, store with living: rooms in connection, seperate entrances; excellent business location on lively auto thoroughrare. Apply to owner, 26 North Third street, A. c . Young. Harrisburg. Apartments For Rent APARTMENT and professional offices —four rooms and bath—two rooms ana bath electric light, gas, city steam heat, facing Tapitol and Post Office. R. M. i .. care Telegraph. ONE housekeeping apartment, Ave rooms, bath and separate locker; situate 512 A South Thirteenth street; rent sl7. Apply, Pennsylvania Realty and Im provement Company. A GENTLEMAN will share his fur nished apartment with a man; central, all conveniences. Address Mr. Thomas, P. O. Box 429, City. APARTMENTS FOR RENT Second and third floor, with five rooms and bath, front and back porches; all win dows facing street. 2019 Green streei, SECOND ST.. 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. Apartments WanteJ WANTED By October 1, three oi four-room unfurnished apartment with in six blocks of Philadelphia and Read ing freight station. Address, stating lo cation and rental, W. S. K., care of Tele graph. Rooms l Broad street. FOR RENT—A well-furnished room, all modern conveniences, with private bath. Central location, near river front. Gentlemen only. Apply 324 North Sec ond street. FURNISHED ROOMS elngle or en suite. Rooms are large and airy. Uso of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth. NORTH ST.. 410 Second and third floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water, electric lights, large bathroom. Bell phone. Rooms Wanted ROOMS WANTED Five or six rooms, with bath, six or eight blocks from central city. Address M„ 5243. care of Telegraph. Business Opportunities WANTED A partner, with a little capital, for a manufacturing business which is now running, but would like to enlarge. Can show good profits ana orders. Address P. O. Box No. 722. PARTNER WANTED Age. 20 to 30, to help manufacture patent chemical novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy outdoor business. Short hours. Large profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street. FOR SALE An oid-establtshed moving picture show. Guaranteed tu do good business. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 6136. care of Telegraph.! ANY intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydicate, 793 Lock port, N. Y. Business Personals CASH paid for ladles' and gentle men's clothing and shoes; also furniture and carpets; please give description of goods you want to sell. Send postal to 636 Herr street. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective work bandied —one eye always open. BELL PHONE 439. LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices In tlie city. Call and be convinced. Also suits of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Market at subway. Money to Loan MONET advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business confidential. Profit Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner Building, North Market Square. SEPTEMBER 12, 1916 NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New changes. 3 Norm Market Square, Har l ork and Philadelphia Stock Kx risburg; 1 338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, fi rnish the following: quotations: New York, Sept. 12. . Open. Clos. Allls-Chnlmers 25 25 American Beet Sugar ... 91% 93% American Can 64 % 64% American C & P 64 63% American Ice Securities . 30% 29% American i-iocomotlve .. 79 78% American Smelting 106 107% i American Sugar 109% 109% American T & T 133% 132% ; Anaconda 89% 88% Atchison 103% 103% Baldwin Locomotive ... 84% 83 , Baltimore & Ohio 86% 85% Bethlehem Steel .607 524 % Butte Copper 70% 69% California Petroleum ... 21 21% i Canadian Pacific r. 176% 176% Central Leather 62% 62% Chesapeake and Ohio .. 61% 61% Chicago. Mil and St Paul 93 92% Chicago, H I and Pacific 16% 17 Chino Con Copper 56% 55% Colorado Fuel and Iron. 53 52% Consolidated Gos 137% 136% 1 Corn Products 14% 15% Crucible Steel 85% 84% Crucible Steel pfd 118% 119 Distilling Securities .... 47% 46% ' Erie 37% 37% Erie ist pfd 52% 52% ' j General Electric Co .... 172 171% General Motors 599% 642 Goodrich B F 72% 72% | Great Northern pfd .... 117 116% Great Northern Ore subs 42% 42% Inspiration Copper 62% 61% llnterboro-Metropolitart. . 16% 16% | Kennecott 54% 53% Lackawanna Steel 84% 84 • Lehigh Valley 79% 79 j Maxwell Motors 82% 82% Merc Mar ctfs 49% 48% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 124% 121% Mex Petroleum 111% 112% Miami Copper 37% 37% Missouri Pacific 4% 4% National Lead .. 65% 67 New York Central 104% 104% NY N H and H 58% 58 I New Lork Ont and West 26 26 | Norfolk and Western .. 129% 129 I Northern Pacific 110 109% j Pacific Mall 27% 28% I Penna Railroad 55% 55% Pressed Steel Car 59 58% I Railway Steel Spg 50% 50% ! Kay Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 110% 110% Republic Iron and Steel. 65 66% (Southern Pacific 98% 97% Southern Ry 23% 23% Southern Ry pfd * 65% 66% Studebaker 124% 123% Money to Loan LOANS—SIS TO S3OO ~ At legal rates for individuals pressed by lack of funds to meet Im mediate necessities. Time and payments arianged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY. 204 Chestnut Street. Home capital—home management. Storage FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods, $2 per month and up. We invite inspection Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrlsburg Storage Company. STORAGE 419 Broad street, house hold goods and merchandise. Private rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75c cents per month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad street. Both phones. | Hauling and Moving HAULING ' R. A. Hartinau. National Transfer j Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers I and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, , Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Hell plione No. 2603 R. Summer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, furnished, between Accomac and WUd ! Cat. Fine location. A. L Resell, Marl j etta. Pa. Musical FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will | sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311. care of Telegraph. I HAVE your VICTROLA, GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. I Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Livestock and Poultry FOR SALE. CHEAP Barron Strain Single Comb White leghorns, hens and March and April hatched pullets. John A. Blery, Progress, Pa., below school I bouse. Automobiles i FOR SALE One 1914 Jackson tour ing, electric lights and starter; one 1912 Jackson roadster, in A 1 condition, brand new tires; one Thomas limousine; one Cadillac roadster, in good condition; one Detweiler roadster, electric lights. These are cheap to quick buyer. P. H. Keboch, 15 South Third street. FOR SALhT"- 1913 Cadillac flve-pas senger; electric lights and starter; Kei logg tire pump; two extra tires and rims; newly painted. Bargain. Call 118W, Bell phone. SECOND-HAND CARS One 6-pns senger De Cambel. one 6-passenger 1914 Ford, newly painted. In excellent con dition; one 5-passenger 1916 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with good body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Ford Garage, Mlddletown, Pa. E. M. Snavely, Manager. FOR SALE Studebaker three-pa>- senger, 1916 model; 5 good tires; run about 3,000 miles. Address 0., 5242, care of Telegraph. OVERLAND Touring, electric lights, and starter, spare tire, tire pump $425 Overland Roadster 295 E. M. F. Touring 29S Apply Rex Garage. 1917 N. Third St. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape: new tires all around; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 flve-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO„ €8 South Cameron St. Bell phone 411IJ. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any kind. If you cannot sell your car. why not consign It or exchange It with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges If car Is not sold. Auto Trans- Sortation Exchange Department. 16-19 'orth Cameron street. Bell phone 1710 Motorcycles and Bicycles SEE JAS. MURRAY about fixing that broken bicycle. Guarantee all work done. Prices very reasonable. Also Rebuilt Bicycles. $5 to $25. 1014 James street. Legal Notices NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Geo. W. Wolford, late or Harrlsburg, Dauphin County, Pa., de ceased, having been granted to the un dersigned residing in Harrlsburg, all persons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. AJ4 27 Third Ave 61% 61%' cl " c , 140% 140% U S I Alcohol 119 117 u IT S Rubber 58 61 U S Steel 10514 104 14 TTt S h St r® el Pfd 118 % 118 % : U. * F°?, per . 88 87 * Virginia-Carolina Chem. 44 43 % West Union Telegraph.. 96% 97 Westlnghouse Mfg 62 62% PHII.ADET.PHIA rnODDCH By Associated Press stToh!^ d v ph .! a ' scpt's cpt ' 12 - Wheat fi k*s h re 2' B . pot and September. @1 63 ' Souther n> red, $1.60 o£?o r 7 n Lower; No. 2 yellow, local. 95 f 96c : Bteamer - No - 2 - yellow, local. si£. ats xr~ , Lo^r: No - 2 - white, 63® £>3^5 c. No. 3. white, The * market is steady; city mills, winter, per ton, 526.00: west er ton * *26.50; sott. winter, $2 no® 26 60 Spring, per ton, Market dull; pow- e -n' ®- 30 @ 6 - 3 Bc; tine granulated. 6.20 W6.Jfic; confectioners' A, 6.10#6.18e. r The market is unchanged; western. creamery, extras, 33@34c; nearby prints, fancy. 36c. Eggs The market Is steady: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, freecases $9.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.60 per case, western, extras, firsts, free cases, $9.9u per case; do., firsts, free cases. $9.30® 9.60 ner case. . ..Live Poultry—The market la steady: fowls, 19yfc®21c; roosters, 14@15c; chickens. 18® 23c; do., broilers. 30®38c, ducks, 15@17c; geese, 14®15e. .JsrSXT* r° u,trv T- Firm : 'owls, fancy. -314 <3 2 lc; do., good to choice. 22H ®23c; , uo., small sizes, 19®21c; old rooat broiling chickens. nearby. 6©32°; do., western, 22@26c; roasting cnickens, western, choice to fancy, 22 dp 34c: do., fair to (food, 16©18 c; Sprln ducks, nearby. 21c. B>iI?i atoea oTT The market j s firmer; P er barrel, $1.25 11.20; cows and heifers, $3.40(8) 9.20; stockers and feeders, calves, $8.50(^12.75. Sheep Receipts. 15,000; steady. \\ ethers, $6.90@8.50; lambs, s7.2srrii Hogs Receipts, 10,000; slow. Bulk of sales. slo.oo® 10.80; light, $9 90© II.20; mixed, $9.75®. 11.25; heavy. $9.6*0 W 11.06; rough, $9.60®9.80; pigs. $6.75 ® 9.50. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Sept. 12.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat—December, 1.51; May. 1,51%. Corn—December. 71%; May. 74%. Oats—December. 47' i; May, 50%- Pork—October, 26.45; January, 23 50 Lard—December, 14.05; January, 13!47 - . Ribs—October, 13.96; January, 12.50. — x PENSION FOR WIDOWS A widow that married a soldier or sailor of the Civil War prior to Jane 27, 11)05, may now have title to pen sion. Write me or call at my office for full particulars. THOMAS M. SYKES, Pension Atty. 14 South Market Square (Ilnrrlnbui-K Hank Building* Harrlsliurg, Pa. REPORT OP THE CONDITION OF THE Pennsylvania Surety Company Of Harrlsburg, No. 14 South Market Square, of Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania, at the close of business. August 31, 1916; RESOURCES Due from Banks and Trust Cos. not reserve 28,663.97 Loans upon call with col lateral 20.000.00 Bonds, stocks, etc 402,271.00 Mortgages and Judgments of record 43,500.00 Premiums being collected, 8,017.26 Total $502,362.23 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In .$250,000.00 Surplus fund 100.00 V.OO Undivided profits, less ex penses and taxes paid.. 126,693.01 Premiums reserve 14,754.22 Loss reserve 11,000.00 Reserve for claims pend ing—Fidelity 1,000.00 Total $502,362.23 State of Pennsylvania, County of Dauphin, ss: I, J. R. Henry, Assistant Treasur er of the above named Company do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. (Signed) J. R. HENRT, Assistant Treasurer. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th day of September. ISI6. (Signed) CLINTON M. HERSHET, tNotarial Seal] Notary Public. My commission expires January 25, 1919. Correct —Attest: (Signed) EDWARD BAILET. (Signed) A. FORTENBAUGH, (Signed) E. J. STACKPOLE, Directors. United Verde Ext. UNITED MOTORS Our Weekly Market Digest September 8. has the best and most complete analytical re port on these two active stocks that has yet been issued. It also plves latest details on the lead- COPPER AND INDUSTRIALS Notably ALASKA WESTOVER BIG LEDGE MAGMA GREEN MONSTER JEROME VERDE EXT. INSPIRATION NEEDLES SUB. BOAT U. S. STEAMSHIP MIDVALE STETOL PEERLESS MOTORS CHEVROLET ' HUPP COPIES ON REQUEST HouHumAßEgTTfi Land Title Building Philadelphia SON r-rlNcom Itldg. 20 Broad Street, Heading;, Pa. JVen York City Telephones: Spruce 4410, Race 130 QIIBBER STAMQP Mil SEALS & STENCILS IIV H** MFG. BY HBG, STENCIL WORKS ■ gl 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. II 11