Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 09, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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Company Has Been Working
Hard on Construction of
System All Summer
Big Concrete Reservoir Built
on Dreibelbis Farm, About
Mile From Town
By Special Correspondence
Dal mat in, Pa., Sept. 9.—Mrs. James
Shaffer, of Sunbury, Is visiting Mr. and
Mrs. D. I. Leister. Sir. and Mrs.
Edward Fenstermacher of Selins
grove, spent Sunday here. Salome
Brown is visiting at Middletown. H.
S. Byerly and family of Norristown;
Mr. and Mrs. William Scott, of Phila
delphia, and Albert Schnee, of Phila
delphia, are visiting at the homo of
Frank Byerly. Mrs. Henry Glass
and daughter, Mrs. James McDermott,
of Akron, Ohio, and Mrs. Henry How
ell, of Hershey, visited at the home of
W. C. Bubb recently. Sir. and Mrs.
H. S. Bubb and son Mark, of Harris
burg, spent Sunday here. - Claude
Dubendorf, of Middletown, is visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Du
bendorf. Mary Bubb visited at Mid
dleburg recently. The Dalmatia
W r ater Company made some rapid
strides in bringing the water to town
during the past week. The company
has been busy all summer. A concrete
reservoir, ten feet deep, has been built
on Frank Dreibelbis' farm, about a
mile back of town. The pipes have
been paid in Mill and George streets
and at present are being laid in Front
Btreet. The company expects to turn
on the water in a short time.
I——mi mil i Tii i'B-.-rgj<3awsrgW)iK
Instruction by jj
correspondence, is the
cheapest and best way |
for the poor man" I
Edison is Right!!!
You admit the International Correspond
ence Schools are a good thing. You'd take
a course right now "if"—"except"—
"If" what? If you weren't so "over
worked," with such "long hours," or hau
more strength and energy ?
Wasn't it Edison who stayed up half the
night educating himself in spite of eveiy
handicap you could ever have?
All big men who have made their mark in
the world had the ambition—the determina
tion—to lpiprove their spare time, to train
themselves for big work. You, too, can pos
sess power, money and happiness if you'll
only make the effort.
Here'sallweask: Merely mail thiscoupon.
Put it up to us without paying or promising.
Let us send you the details of others'suc
cess through the I. C. S. and then decide.
Box 1331, SCRANTON, PA.
' Explain, without obligating me, hov/1 can qualify foj
I tho position, or in the subject, before which 1 mar * x
" Electric Lighting j ADVERTISING MAN
I" Electric Car Running J Window Trimmer
" Electric Wiring * jShow Card Writer
J Practical Telephony J Outdoor Sign Painter
I jTelegraph Expert JRAILROADKR
I ~ Mechanical Draftsman J DESIGNER
1" Machine Shop Practice 7BOOKKEEPER
Gil Engineer M Henoirrarlir and TrpUt
B CIVIL ENGINEER QCert. Pub. Accountant
" Surveying and Mapping J Railway Accountant
" VfUlliirclil or PrtipMtor JGOOD ENGLISH
(Marine Engineer J Common School Bnhjteta
jContractor ant! Builder j Railway Mail Clerk
I" Architecture! Draftaaiaa J AGRICULTURE
m Concrete Builder jTntHo Ov*r*er or ftopt.
Structural Engineer J Navigator QfloanUh
II'LI'HRING AND HEATING ) Ponllrr lUWin* H term.n
Sheet Metal Worker J AIiOMORIIFS Q Frcack
JCHEMICAL ENGINEER □ Aoto Repairing □ Italian
I Marri *
' Occupation
ISe Employer
| City Stat®
| Ask The I
1 J||yL Merchants 1
F° r Whom 1
illS We Work |
life As To Our I
|IP Ability |
We will gladly furnish you
with the list, but here'a a
good plan: Notice the clean*
est windows—
Harrisburg Window
Cleaning Co.
BeU Phone 3520
l i.
Use Telegraph Want Ads
Sermons Delivered During Visit So Satisfactory That He Was
Invited to Become Pastor of Congregation
Special to the Telegraph
Greencastle, Pa., Sept. 9.—At a
congregational meeting in tho Pres
byterian church Sunday morning, the
Rev. L. M. Conrow, of New Bedford,
Mass., was given a unanimous call to
become the pastor. The Rev. Mr. Con
row spent the month of August visit
ing relatives in Greencastle. He was
invited to occupy the pulpit of the
Presbyterian church and his sermons
were so acceptable, that the call was
the result.—Dr. C. M. McLaughlin,
one of Greencastle's most prominent
physicians, has entered the Cham
bersburg hospital for treatment for
valvular heart trouble. —Greencastle
relatives have received announce
ments of the marriage of Miss Rose
Elcnora Barnhart, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. A. Barnhart, to Sidney
Williams, of Auburn, N. Y. The wed
ding took place In Auburn, August 29.
Mrs. William was a former reident of
town. Miss Dorothy Shook has re
turned from a visit with her sister in
Ansonia, Conn. Miss Katharine Mil-
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
By Special Correspondence
Lykcna —W. Ray Bowman and Mrs.
W. A. Treon and daughters, Pearl and
Evelyn, autoed to Harrisburg and Her
shey and returned byway of Lebanon,
Jofiestowh, Pinggrove and Tremont, oti
Sunday. W. A. Treon attended the
annual picnic of the "Ashland Boys,"
at Ashland, on Labor Day. Mrs. Harry
K. Bttlernum is spending some time
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Remer, at Lewisburg. Charles Beid
enmiller. of Wilkes-Barre, spent Labor
Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George Beidenmiller. Mr. and Mrs.
A. J. Kennard, Mrs. Maude Garman and
William Puff, all of noanoke, Va., who
are touring the State with an autonio
bille, arrived in Lykens on
evening from Cleartield, the former
home of Mr. Kennard. While in Ly
kens tliey were guests of T. A. Hensel
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Hoepher spent some time with the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James
Jonestown. Mrs. Carrie Kane, who
has spent several weeks recuperating
from a severe illness with her aunt,
Mrs. John C. Lentz, has left for her
home, at Pottsville. David W. Mc.
Gill and family, of Lebanon, and James
G. M. McGill, of Westline, McKean coun
ty, spent several days with their pa
rents, Professor and Mrs. Andrew J. Mc-
Gill. Michael S. Rank, who is em
ployed at the Bethlehem steel works,
spent several days with his parents.
Mrs. Ralph Westbrook, of Harrisburg,
and son, are visiting Mrs. Westbrook a
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George S. Capp.—
Miss Mary Copenhaver, of Lebanon,
spent Labor Day with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry B. Lesher. Harvey Heilman
and family, of Lebanon, spent several
days with Mrs. Heilman's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clark G. Long. Miss Sara
C. Kaley, who has been ill for sonn.
time, is again able to be about. Mrs.
Harvey Copenhaver and son, Leroy,
spent several days with Mrs. Copen
haver's pa#ents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Yeagley. Misses Clam, Clarabel ana
Irene Nissley. who spent some time
with Mrs. William H. Bross. returnea
to their home, at Harrisburg. Wil
liam W. Hinterleiter, proprietor of th*
White Horse Hotel, who has been seri
ously ill for some time, is slowly im
proving. Charles Kern, employed a\.
the Bethlehem steel works, is visittng
his mother, Mrs. Solomon Kern.
Malta. Mr. and Mrs. James Snyde.r
of Herndon, and their daughter, Mrs.
D. A. Lower, and sons, of Sunbury, call
ed on relatives here over Sunday.
Misses Susan and Edith Zerbe, of Mil
lersburg, spent Sunday with their pa
rents, here. W. D. Witmer, of Dal
matia, paid a visit to Elias Witmer and
family, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. L
Zerbe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Zerbe
called on relatives at Klingerstown, on
Sunday. David Erb and family, of
Shamokin, spent several days among
relatives here the forepart of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Harris and son,
Charles, and daughter, Katie, ana
Charles Romberger and family, of
Gratz, were guests of Nevin E. Harria
on Sunday. - J. M. Schroyer and ward,
Sarah Farnsworth, paid a visit to Frea
Boraner, at Dalmatia, on Sunday.
The Rev. Mr. Gass, of Pillow, called on
some of bis parishioners here on Tues
day. Charles E. Wert and family, of
County Line, made a short call on J. M.
Snyder here, Sunday. James M. Sny
der paid a visit to J. H. Heckert, at Mil
lersburg, on Sunday.
I*lketow. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Eb
ersole and children. Mariin, Naomi ana
Elvira, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
E. B. Whisler, near York Haven.—Miss
Millie Stroll, of Philadelphia, spent a
week with Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stroh.
Miss Lydia Forney, of Harrisburg,
spent seevral days with G. W. Fox ana
family. Miss Minnie Mumnia, of Her
shey; Miss Mabel Shellahamer ana
Harry DietZ, of Manada Furnace, and
Mrs. Caroline Zlegler, Misses Sara ana
Anna Hawthorne, George Ziegler,
Marvin Hoover and Russel Koons spent
Sunday with David Mumma and family.
—Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoover were re
cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hei
rick, near Manada Hill. Mrs. D. Fi.
Fisher spent the week with Mr. ana
Mrs. Jacob Pletz, at Barevllle. Mr.
and Mrs. Simon Weaver visited Mr. and
Mrs. Calvin Nicholas at West Fairview
on Sunday. The Rev. Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Martin and children, Mary and
Willis; Miss Prisciila Ramsey and W. H.
To all knowing sufferers of rheumatism
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neuralgia pains, to write to her for . home
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A Charming
Frlendt are calling or you havo a sadden Invitation.
Just a moment to look your best. It takes but a
few seconds to apply
Gouraud's u
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and obtain a perfect complexion • a soft, clesr.
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Founded By .
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It prepares for college
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It prepares for teaching
It prepares for life
S2OO pays for a full school year
Fall Term opens Monday, Sept. 25
Dont miss this opportunity
Send for catalog
I P. O. Boi 3 Xvr BlooinHeld, Fa.
Jer has returned to Mt. Morris, 111.,
where she Is teaching music, after
spending the summer with her moth
denwh-10.,8 (nr.eofl nAy-bor..t-s
er.—Miss Emma Goetz is visiting
friends at Harrisburg. Dr. Allan
Brown, of Georgetown. S. C., is visit
ing hin mother.—Miss Louise Diehl
entertained the R. A. club at a picnic
at Rankin's Mill Friday. Miss Anna
Gilland was tho hostess of an after
noon tea Monday in honor of Miss
Steiger, of Mercersburg. The Miss
es Fuss and Earnest Fuss entertain
ed at a "corn bake" Monday evening
at their home near Greencastle.—Miss
Margaret Fletcher has returned from
Amenia, N. Y„ where sue spent the
summer. Miss Kladys Fleming is
home from a visit at Yonkers, N. Y.
—Mr. and Mrs. John D. Porter are
spending two weeks at Ocean Grove.
—Mr. and Mrs. David Shirey are
spending ten days in Atlantic City.—
Mrs. U. G. Bryson and children, of
Baltimore, are guests in the home of
H. M. White.
Brown took an automobile trip through
l Pinegrove, Pottsville and Millersburg
' on Wednesday.
ThompAontoirn. Mrs. David H.
. potts spent the the week at a house
party given by Mrs. J. E. Fleisher, of
Newport, at her bungalow. Mr. ana
!. s ,' J - Frank Patterson spent Tuesday
with Mrs. Israel Tennis. Professor
and Mrs. W. Fowler Hucke arid son. of
Cienesee, N. Y.. called 011 friends here
on Monday. Mrs. Robert Mickey, of i
Alexandria, was a guest of her slstei.
Miss trio M. Henkles. Mr. and Mrs.
Meade Heagy and daughter, of Harris
burg: \\ illiam Kramer and Mrs. Henry
hausman. of Swales, visited Mr. ana
Mrs. Cyrus Carvell. Mr. and Mrs.
James Thompson, of Middleburg, and
Miss Cora Thompson, of Mexico, were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jean S. Thomp
son, Monday. The following were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Zeigler over
tounday: Mr. and Mrs. William Zeigler,
V s 2, a T s Pangler and Frank Bauei,
of Titusville; Mr. and Mrs. John Trim
mer and Mr. and Mrs. George Ketter
man, of York. Mrs. H. Z. soweii,
a ajr with James A. Cameron, at
Sliippcimhiirs. Mrs. Fred Hess ro
turned to her home, at Mechanlcsburg.
77-Raymond Hall, of Harrisburg, Is vis
iting his cousin, William Harter. • The
f iev \Walter Lutz spent Sunday even
ln®. "® re - Misses Martha McCullough
and .\ami Shive returned home from
Longport, N. J. Ernest and Luther
t>mith, accompanied by Donald Agle,
left for Detroit on Saturday
A number of persons attended the river
carnival at Harrisburg on Mondav. —-
\\ ilbur Goodhart spent several days at
Hershey. Miss Vesta Brandt wilt I
leave for Philadelphia, where she will
enter one of the hospitals to study toi
trained nurse. Bruce Weaver is ill ai
his home, in West King street. The
Shippensburg Normal School will open I
on Monday, September IS.
Wormle y bMp B. Mr. and Mrs. .T. D.
Hippie, Miss Balthaser ajid Mr. and Mrs. j
Earl Kimmel, of Harrisburg, have re- 1
turned home from an auto trip to New
ork and Atlantic City. Miss Morgan,
of Buehannon, W. Va„ is spending some
time with Mrs. Slgniser. Miss Su>
Rodes and brother, Lewellyn, spenv
Labor Day with their sister, Mrs. Rus
set Hummel. Mrs. Harry Baker ana
Mrs. Elmer Gross spent Wednesday
with Mrs. Schomaker, at Bonn/ Mead
J'arm. Charles Miller and family,
\\ illiam Miller and family and Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Miller spent Sunday at
Kletter's. Mrs. J. Hemmer, Mrs. J. F.
Hummel. Mrs. Potts and Mrs. Neid
helmer attendod the W. C. T. U. conven
tion at Shiremanstown, on Thursday.
The Rev. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Renshaw
were at Mechanicsburg on Wednesday.
Perry Physician Grafts
Crushed Finger End
By Special Correspondence
Blain, Pa., Sept. 9.—Albert Rowe
has returned to Dallas, Texas, after a
visit.—H. D. Stokes had a finger of
his left hand so badlv smashed that
the end was cut off with only a few
shrrds of skin holding it. Dr. E. C.
Kistler grafted It on. Miss Cecelia
Lay, of Chanlberaburg, has returned
home.—C. J. Kell, B. S., has been
elected supervisor of agriculture of
Falls township vocational school In
Wyoming county.—Dr. W. H. Flickin
ger, of 'Southern Maryland, visited his
old home here.—W. R. Lightner and
bride, who was Miss Lottie Collins,
paid a visit to her mother, Mrs. Eliz
abeth Collins.—Mrs. Marietta Camp-
I bell spent two weeks at Ocean Grove.
—Mrs. Clark Rhinesmith, of lowa, is
visiting friends here.—H. B. Kline left
j on a visit to Minneapolis, Minn.—Born
j to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Kistler, a son;
and to Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Rhea.
; a daughter.—B. H. Kell, a senior stud
i ent of McCormick Theological semi
; nary, visited his uncle, R. H. Kell and
i preached Sunday morning in the
j Zion's Reformed church. —Mr. and
, Mrs. Albert Seilliamer of Harrisburg,
! motored here Sunday and were ac
: companled home by Miss Ruth Knox.
By Special Correspondence
I'nlon Deposit, Pa. Sept. 9.—Mr. and
i Mrs. Cyrus Peift'er. of Lebanon, visit
ed Mrs. Rebecca Stahley on Sunday.
-—Mr. and Mrs. John M. Baker and
son, John, Jr., spent Sunday at Pike
town. visiting the former's sister, Mrs.
C. Miler. —Mr. and Mrs. Paul Forry, of
Annvllle, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Isaac Ebersole on Sunday.—Har
vest Home services will be held to
morrow morning in the Reformed
church.—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sulo
mon and children, of Harrisburg: Mrs.
Laura Aungst, son Russell, daughter,
Mary and Mrs. Hocker Mark, of Der
ry Church were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. C. Landis on Sunday.—Miss Mar
tha Kline and Miss Sarah Etter spent
a day at Harrisburg.—Communion ser
vices will be held In the United Breth
ren church to-morrow morning at
10:30 by the pastor, the Rev. George
W. Hallman. and Mrs. Harry
Hartman of Steelton, visited the for
mer's mother, Mrs. Maggie Hartman,
on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Et
ter, of Hanoverdale, visited Mrs. Mary
Miller and daughter, Annie, on Sun
day.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry P. Pelffer
entertained as guests on Sunday and
Monday Frank Zimmerman and fam
ily, of Holmesburg; Joseph Whitmoy
er and family, of Bedlngton, W. Va.;
Grant Landis and daughter, of
Charlestown, W. Va.; Miss Erma
Stelmer, of Martinsburg, W. Va.;
George Loy, of Tacony, and Mrs.
Sarah Stauffer and daughters, Edith,
Elva and, Violet, of Harrisburg.
State of Ohio. City of r /ole(lo. Laeai Connty, ea.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he !> senior
partner of the firm F. J. Cheney & Co., do
ing business In the City of Toledo. County and
! State aforesaid. au3 that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
each and every c of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the us of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to befare me and subscribed in my
presence, ttalj th day of December. A. D., 1886.
Seal. A. W. OLEASON.
Notary l'ubilc.
Hall's Catarrh Cur* Is taken internally and
acta directly upon the blond and mucous sur
faces of Ue eyatem. Bend for testimonials,
f. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, T5.
Ttkt Ball'* Family Fllla tor coaattpatloo.
200,000 VISITORS
Perfect Record For
Big Holiday and Excursion
Days During Season
Family Dinner in Honor of
Eighty-First Birthday of Mrs.
Fanny Hershey
Herabcr. Pa.. Sept. 9.—Hershey Park
has enjoyed the finest season of its
history, with more than 200.000 visitors
and a record of perfect weather for all
the big holidays and excursion days.—
A large party of officials of the William
Penn Highway Association passed
through Hershey this week. Sctretary
M. H. James declared that Hershey will
be a point of g *eat interest to tour
ists and predicted an increase in the
number of motor parties from both
ends of the State over the new high
way.—At its monthly meetings the Her
shey Volunteer Fire Company received
the thanks of Israel Moyer and Isaac
Basehore for its wo ;, k at the recent
lire on their propertj in Derry Church,
and Mr. Moyer sent a check as a con
tribution to the company's new ap
paratus fund, which is now mot a than
SBOO. —There has not been a case of in
fantile paralysis in Hershey or within
ten miles of It. but the regulations of
the State Board of Health are being
strictly complied with, and children
under sixteen are excluded from mov
ing picture shows and public entertain
ments, as well as from churches and
Sunday schools.—Mrs. Fanny Hershey
reached her eighty-first birthday on
Monday and in honor of the day, M. S.
Hershey gave a family dinner at High
Point, those present being a few old
friends of Mrs. Hershey.—Miss Virginia
Hershey left on Wednesday to take
up her dutes as instructor in art at
York University. Nebraska.—Miss Ruth
Beam, of Carlisle, has returned to the
Hershey Industrial School for the Fall
term.—Dr. Lawrence Edwards is at
Atlantic City for several days.—J. R.
Follmer has resigned his position here
to enter the service of the government
at Washington.—Arthur McCafterty, of
Akron, Ohio, is spending a week with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Auto Ride, With Progressive
Luncheon, For Mite Society
Mcclianicsburg, Pa., Sept. 9. —On
Thursday the twenty-eighth annual
convention of the Woman's Christian
Temperance Union of Cumberland
county was held in the United Breth
ren church, Shiremanstown, and was
one of the most successful ever held.
—Among the members of the local
Independent Order Odd Fellows who
attended the celebration of tfce twen
tieth anniversary of the Odd Fellows'
Orphans' Homo of Central Pennsyl
vania at Sunbury on Labor Day were:
George C. Milleisen, George W. Hersh
man, H. Clay Ryan, C. H. Smith. A.
H. Swart, Grant Weaver and the Rev.
L. M. Dice, who is a member of the
board of directors of the home.—Mrs.
J Harry Berkheimer was hostess for
the Sunday school class in the Metho
dist Episcopal church, taught by Miss
Anna Brownawell, on Monday even
ing.—Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Griffith, of
Baltimore, Md., former residents of
this place, have-returned to spend sev
eral months. —Dr. and Mrs. J. Nelson
Clark have returned home after a
visit to Ocean Grove. N. J.—Mrs. M.
Grant Mohler and small daughter, who
spent the past month in Nebraska, the
guest of the former's parents, have re
turned to their home here. —The Rev.
Mr. and Mrs. Sharp and son Martin,
are home from a trip to Gettysburg
and vicinity.—The Rev. C. S. Trow
bridge and family, of Easton, were
guests at the home of the Misses Lilly.
—Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Scholl are home
from a visit to Ocean Grove, N. J.,
where they attended the "Billy" Sun
day evangelistic services.—On Thurs
day evening the Trindle Spring Mite
society held a "candy box" social at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvln Rowe.
—A meeting of the Bible and Tract
society was held at the home of Mrs.
William Bobb, on Thursday evening.
—The Rev. George Fulton, pastor of
the Presbyterian church, who with his
family enjoyed an outing at Mt.
Gretna, has returned home.—An auto
ride, with progressive luncheon, will
be given by members of the Mite so
ciety of Trinity Lutheran church on
Tuesday, September 12, at 7 o'clock in
the evening.
Newville Music Lovers
Organize Choral Society
By Special Correspondence
Newville, Pa., Sept. 9.—John E.
Landis and daughter, Betty, have re
turned to their home at Riddlesburg,
after a visit with the former's Another,
Mrs. M. E. Landis. —Mr. and Mrs.
John Handshen and children, of Har
risburg, are visiting the latter's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Frank Hutton.
—Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McKlnney
Hayes and daughter, Kathryn, who
have been visiting the former's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin R. Hayes,
livea returned to their home at Hunt
ingdon, W. Va.—Mrs. J. Edgar Shil
lington and daughter, of Hazleton, are
visiting the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. D. Hartzell.—Robert Hayes,
of Johnstown, is visiting his mother,
Mrs. Annie Hayes. Mr. and Mrs.
John Brehm, of New York city, spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Sharpe.—Robert M. Hayes spent
Monday at Philadelphia. Dr. D.
Coyle McCullough, of Allegheny, and
J. Howard McCullough, of Carthage,
111., spent several days with their
mother, Mrs. McCullough.—Mr. and
Mrs. Mosshetm Mowery, of Pottsville,
spent tho week-end with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Mowery.
—Mrs. Maurice W. Keefer, of Wllkes-
Barre, and Mrs. Jack Rutherford, of
Fort Scott, Kansas, were guerts of
their aunt, Miss Louise McCune.—
Willlsf Rasmussen, of Detroit, Mich.,
is visiting his brother, the Rev. Carl
Rasmussen.—Mrs. Mary Shreffler is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. William
Bent, at Waynesboro.—Misses Heffel
bower and Brewster have returned
from a trip to Philadelphia.—The Civ
ic club will resume their work by hold
ing a business meeting on Monday ev
ening, with Miss Anna Peebles. The
Year Book will he ready for distri
bution at this time. —A meeting was
held at the home of Mrs. Wm. Kerr,
on Chestnut street, at which time a
choral societ ywas organized. The
following were elected officers: Presi
-1 dent, W. D. Eckels: vice-president, E.
\V. James: secretary. Miss Helen
Suouller; treasurer. Mrs. W. O. Kerr:
j directors, Dr. E. K. Romsburg, Wm.
| Laughlln, Miss Mary McCwhran, Mrs.
IP. W. AlcLnughlin; pianists, Mis*
Anna Greavcr, Mrs. P. W. McLaugh
lin; musical director. Prof. Chas.
Goodyear, of Carlisle. It la planned
to rive a concert in December,
Marietta, Pa., Sept. 9.—Mr. and Mrs. Israel Baer are receiving congratu
lations on the celebration of their golden wedding anniversary. Both are
enjoying good health. Mr. Baer is a veteran of the Civil War, and is 73 vears
ct age, and his wife is a few years younger. They were born at New Holland
Millersburg Street Being
Made Ready For Paving
By Special Correspondence
Millersburg-, Pa., Sept. 9. A. D.
Hoffman, A. F. Gilbert and H. W.
Neagley enjoyed a hike to Woodward,
Center county, this week. They will
return next week. Jacob S. Snyder,
an aged veteran of the Civil war, be
came violently insane recently and
was taken to the State hospital at
Danville for treatment.—The Millers
burg electric street lighting system
was entirely out of commission on
Monday night on account of a brok
en wire near the Wiconisco creek
bridge. The wire was accidentally
broken by a workman grading the
street for paving.—Miss Nora Chortess,
living with her mother. In Church
street, is ill with typhoid fever.—Miss
Viola Eppler has gone to Philadelphia,
where she will receive training in the
Medico Chi hospital as a nurse.—Post
master C. W. Rubendall attended the
funeral of an uncle at Reading Mon
day.—The south end of Market street
has been graded and is rapidly being
filled with broken stone and other ma
terial and will soon be rondv for pav
ing. The brick has arrived and will
be laid as soon as the north section
of the street is curbed and graded.
Many Visitors Entertained
in Linglestown Homes
By Special Correspondence
Ijinjjlestown, Pa.. Aug. 9. Church
services will be held in the United
Brethren Church to-morrow evening
by the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch,
in the Church of God to-morrow
morning by the pastor, the Rev. H.
Whitaker and in Wenrich's Church
in the morning by the Reformed pas
tor, the Rev. Lewis Relter. Miss
Myrna Speas, Miss Vera Speas, Mr.
and Mrs. John Shuey and daughter
and Mrs. Jacob Schlosser, of Pen
brook, spent Sunday as guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Harry Wetteroth. Mr.
and Mrs. Herman Kunkle and chil
dren, of Palmyra: Mr. and Mrs. Cur
tis Zeiders and children, of Progress,
and Isaac Page, of Penbrook were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Buck
Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rich and
children, of Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs.
Saul Seyler and daughter. Vera, of
Lower Paxton; Mr. and Mrs. John
Raber and daughter, Mildred, of
Progress; the Rev. Mr. Metzger, of
Center county and Mr. and Mrs. John
Fox spent Sunday as the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. John Crum. Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Orris, of Wormleysburg
were the guests of-Mr. and Mrs.Hlarry
Orris on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.
John Geyer and daughter, Ruth, of
Middletown and Dr. Harry Shaner
and family, of Harrisburg, spent
Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Rebecca
Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Buck,
Mr. and Mrs. John Buck and Mrs.
Annie Smith spent Sunday as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Look
at Chamber Hill. Dr. E. R. Rhein
and family, Mrs. Ltllie Pittman and
children, Mrs. Mary Rhein, Dr. H. R.
Rhein and Miss Grace Smith, motored
to Reading on Monday. Dr.
Levan and daughter, of Philadelphia,
and Mr. and Mrs.. Herbert Levan,
of Penbrook were the guests of Mrs.
Carrie Feeser on Sunday. W. R.
Zimmerman and family, of Harris
burg, were recent guests at the Gray
bill Acres. Mrs. Rebecca Baker
and Miss Annie Shaner returned home
after spending some time at Ocean
Grove. Miss Salome Feeser, of
Harrisburg, spent Sunday with rela
tives here. C. C. Cumbler and fam
ily, of Highspire, and Eugene Strite,
of New Cumberland, were guests of
Mrs. Annie Smith, Thursday. Mrs.
Austin Sherk and children, of Har
risburg, were the guests of Mrs. Annie
Buck Thursday. Miss Stuckey, of
Harrisburg, spent Thursday as the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Stuckey.
Mrs. Alfred Yapie, of Harrisburg,
vlsiied C. B. Care and family on
Party at Rolling Green
in Honor of Dr. Shope
By Special Correspondence
Selinssrove, Pa., Sept. 9. The
Rev. and Mrs. Sanford N. Carpenter,
of Johnstown, visited friends here re
cently. Dr. John I. Woodruff de
livered an address at the Dry Valley
X roads picnic this week. lsaac
Noll, of Willlamsport, spent a short
vacation at the home of his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Amnion Noll. Miss
Mary R. F. Miller, after spending her
vacation with her ulster, Jennie H.
Miller, has returned to Ottumwa,
lowa, where she will teach In the pub
lic schools. Miss Nellie BUlmeyer,
Lawrence Heddlngs *nd Allen Crosby,
of Washingtonville, were guests at the
home of Misses Alice and Catherine
Hower, over Sunday. Leon S. Fred
erick, of Rahway, New Jersey, Is
spending a vacation at the of
his father, Hurst Frederick. Sam
uel Wittenmeyer and family, of Har
risburg, were recent visitors at the
Schoch homo here. Dr. and Mrs.
Charles T. Alkens entertained a num
ber of friends at Roiling Green Park
this week in honor of Dr. and Mrs.
Samuel Z. Shope, of Harrisburg.
Son or Brother In camp or upon the
Mexican Border? If so. mall him a
packago of Allen's Foot-Ease, the anti
septic powder to be shaken into the
Shoes, and sprinkled into the foot
bath. It takes the friction from the
shoo and will be of the greatest benefit
in that arid, hot climate, where the
alkali dust plays havoc with the feet.
Whuf remembrance could be so ac
ceptable? Ask your dealer to-day for
a ,26c box of Allen'* Foot-Ease, and
fpr a 2 c stamp he will mall It tor you.
SEPTEMBER 9, 1916.
Williamsport People Are
Ending 3,000-Mile Trip
By Special Correspondence
Dauphin, Pa., Sept. 9.—Mr. and Mrs.
Charles T. A. Maelalieu, of Williams
port, returning rrom a 3,000-mile au
tomobile trip, were the guests ol' Mrs.
Blanche Robinson on Sunday.—Mrs.
H. A. Evahs and daughter, Helen
Evans, of Altoona, are spending sev
eral weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Nimrod
Smith. The Rev. and Mrs. Francis
Morrow ana children and Mrs.
Catherine Morrow have returned from
an automobile trip and a three weeks'
visit at Tobyhanan. Mr. and Mrs.
William Dreher and children, of Har
risburg, spent Tuesday in town.
Miss Carrie Hoffman, of Middleton,
and Miss Lottie Dockev, of Union
town, were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Ebersole Williams on Sunday.
Miss Cora Cofrode has returned
home from a trip to Millerstown, Se
linsgrove and Speeeeville. Thomas
S. Pengelly, of llaileton; John Clark,
of Reading; Richard C. Alden. of
Steelton, and Merritt Singer, of Har
risburg. spent Sunday in town.—Mr.
and Mrs. George F. Blackburn, of Har
risburg, were week-end guests of Mrs.
Jennie E. Hickernall. The Misses
Jennie antt Nellie Swab, of Norris
town, were the week-end guests of
their aunt. Miss Clara Bergstresser.—
Mrs. William Rodenhaver, of Harris
bur*, spent the week with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sellers. Mr.
and Mrs. C. Studebaker, of Camp Hill;
Mrs. G. Edgar Barnes and son, John
Cephert. of Chicago, spent Labor Dav
with their sister, Mrs. J. W. Haw
thorne. Judge Henry Duffy, of Bal
timore, is spending some time with his
sister, Mrs. Robert Fulton Stirling.
Mrs. Charles Bowman and children,
George and Ruth Bowman, of Renovo,
have returned home after spending
several days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George M. Kinter. Mrs.
Julia Studebaker, of Atlantic City, is
the guest of T. A. Sweitzer. Miss
Sadie Geraldine Schade and Paul
Schade, of Allentown, and Miss July
ann Wireman, of Harrisburg, were the
guests of Miss Julia Kinter, on Sun
day. Thomas C. Clark, of Williams
port, spent Wednesday in town.—Miss
Ethel R. Forney, Miss Naomi and
Buelah Young and T. A. Sweitzer spent
Wednesday on the Samuel Etzweiler
farm. Miss Lauretta Hochwlne, of
Tobyhanna, has returned home after
spending several days with her sister,
Mrs. F. J. S. Morrow. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Singer, of Harrisburg, were re
cent guests of their son, Wayne Singer.
Btndnaugle, Pa., Sept. 9.—Many
from this vicinity attended the Leb
anon county fair. The contractors
have finished the cement work at the
Bindnaugle bridge. Potatoes are
selling at $1 per bushel. James
Richard, of Lebanon, visited his uncle.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blatt visited
friends at Palmyra. Mrs. John
Reese visited Daniel Reese's family.—
Mrs. Ira Shell and Mrs. Snyder visited
friends at Grantville. Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Sattazahn, of Palmyra, visited
John Sattazahn who was badly hurt
in an auto accident. Victor Yingst
and family visited C. E. Barnhart and
4 The
In summer, Uneeda Biscuit are eaten by the millions of pack*
ages, because they are die ideal hot-weather food. But they
are just as ideal a cold-weather food. In winter, good
health demands warmth-creating food dements. Uneeda
Biscuit possess these elements in a higher degree than any
other flour food. Eat them for their nourishment. Eat them
for their flavor. Eat them for their goodness.
Early Coal Buying Advisable
It's the part of wisdom to buy your winter supply of coal now.
Once the frost and ice and snow of winter get busy, it's pretty
difficult to keep the coal free of dust and dirt. Summer-mined
caol by the very nature of things is cleaner, the screening we
give it insures practically a complete absence of dust and dirt.
Phone your order now.
600—Either Phone. Third and Chestnut Streets
Miss Nelda Hummel Was Mar
ried to Philadelphia Man at
Baltimore Nearly Year Ago
Mrs. Rebecca Stecher Cele
bratesNinety-Firstßirthday a*
Her Hummelstown Home
By Special Correspondenet
Hummelstown, Pa., Sept. 9. —m
Thomas Jacks is spending several
days with his brother, David Jacks,
at Allentown. Announcements have
Just been issued by Mr. and Mrs. D.
S. Hummel, of the marriige of their
daughter. Miss Nelda Hummel, to
Harry W. Snyder of Philadelphia. The
marriage took place at Baltimore,
November 6, 1915. TJntil the an
nouncement of the marriage the wed
ding had been kept a secret by
young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Roberv,
Bordner, of Philadelphia, are spend
ing their vacation with Mr. Bordner's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bordner.
Miss Emily Pelffer, of Easton, is
the guest of Miss Marian Walters.
Mrs. William Grill spent several day 3
with her mother, Mrs. John Heinoehl,
at Myerstown. Miss Carrie Ebersole
is spending the week-end at Potts
town. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Camp
bell and children, of Shamokin are
guests of Mrs. Campbell's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. William Shuey. Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Strickler are spend- "
ing two weeks at Cape May. Ward
Landis, George Baitels and Charles
Miller are attending the School of
Commerce, at Harrisburg. Mrs.
M'nnie Stecher and Miss Sallie Hen
derson spent several days at Harris
burg. Miss Sara Baker, of Belle -
Vernon. Pa., is visiting Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Hummel. The property of
David McHolland, in Prospect street,
was sold to George Holtzman. Mr.
McHolland will move to Harrisburg,
where he is engaged in the stone
business. Miss Ulllan Gresh was a
guest at Campbelliown. Russell
Hummel, of Pittsburgh, spent several
days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Hummel. -- Miss Beatrice
Zeiters and Miss Alberta Grove spent
several days at Lancaster. The :
Rev. Herbert S. Games spent Thurs
day at Ephrata. Carroll Strunk, the
youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Strunk is ill with diphtheria. Miss
Gertrude Schaeffer has gone to Min
ersville after spending the summer
with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. U. R.
Schaeffer. Miss Barbara Hummel
has returned home after a vacation
spent in Fortress Monroe, Norfolk,
and Baltimore. The Rev. and Mrs
Herbert Games have returned from
a month's vacation spent at Freeport,
Pa - Murel Strunk has returned 1
to Cincinnati, Ohio, nrter spending his
vacation with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Strunk. Mr. and Mrs
Albert Stecher, of Carlisle, were re
cent guests of Mr. Secher's mother
Mrs. Rer>ecca Stecher, of this place!
This venerable woman who recently
celebrated hre 91st birthday is well
and active. Miss Anna Whltmore
has returned to her home at
town after spending two weeks with
Miss Edith McCall. Miss Annie Nye
was at Harrisburg on Thursday.
John Ebersole is spending several
days with his daughter, Mrs. Charles
Weaver at Sunny Side.
By Special Correspondenet
Rife, Pa., Sept. 9. Those who
spent Sunday at S. A. Holtzman's
were Mrs. Maggie Nelson, daughters,
May and Norma and son, George of
Millersburg and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Ulsh and Kate Spotts, of Rife. Mr
and Mrs. Claud Bichtel, of Millers
burg, spent Saturday at J. H. Stro
hecker's. D. P. Forney had an acci
dent when his horse frightened at an
auto, .his leg being nadly hurt.
Charles Feidt and Wilson Lenker
went on a fishing trip on Wednesday
to Duncannon. The school board
has made some repairs to the school