Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 09, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    Many Good Mppirtanities Offered in the "lelp Wanted" Crtnmns of This Page ['
Card of Thanks
wish to extend their thanks to relatives
and friends for the kindnesses shown
during their recent bereavement.
Lost and Found
LOST—One bunch *of keys. Finder
return to Telegraph and receive re
LOST Lady's umbrella. Left In
Fost Office money order department.
Xarty who found same will kindly re
turn to 12 North Third street.
LOST Abbott-Detroit hub cap and
one crank handle. Finder please call
Bell plione 3-W-2. Steelton.
LOST Last evening. In Regent
•Theater or Market street, small, black
pocketbook, containing three keys and
change. Please return to Telegraph
Business Office.
LOST Saturday afternoon, on Ling
lestown road bv way of North Cameron
street and State Hospital, part of fifth
wheel for wrecking truck. Notify J. D.
Ferry, 125 South Eleventh street.
Help Wanted —Male
SILK WEAVERS"— Broad silk weav
ers wanted; steady work, good wages.
3Plne Tree Silk Mills. Allegheny av
nue and Boudinot street, Philadelpma,
WANTED Carpenters' helpers and
rigger helpers; wages. 25c per hour. Ap
ply Robert Grace Cont. Co., Island Park.
WANTED Two brigh, ambitious
young men to advertise well-known
food product. Permanent position.
Straight salary. State age. Give tele
phone number. Exceptional oppor- |
tunity. 0., 5227, care of Telegraph.
MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar
ried men under age of 35; Citizens of
United States, of good character ana
temperate habits, who can speak, reaa
and write the English language. For
Information apply to Recruiting Of
ficer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts.,
WANTED A plumber's apprentice. !
No cigaret smokers or users of profane
language need apply. Address
"Plumber," in own handwriting, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED—SIack barrel cooper. Ad- j
dress W. R. E. King, Cumberland, Md.
experienced plumber's laborer, white.
Steady job for a sober man. Apply at !
1306 North Sixth street.
WANTED Several young men to 1
work In restaurant. Apply at Phila- '
delphia Quick Lunch. 307 Market street. !
WANTED Boy. 16 years or over. I
to work in drug store. One having liaa
experience preferred. Apply Mehrings I
Drug Store, Fourth and Peffer.
WANTED A man who has some i
knowledge of storage batteries; chance j
for a permanent position, with advance- I
Itnent. Front-Market Motor Supply Co., I
Harrisburg, Pa.
MEN—To travel; experience not nec- '
essary. Apply between 8-9 A. M., 8 1
llv'orth Market Square, Rooms 306-07. . |
WANTED Four salesmen to call
in banks and business houses. E. E.
Hall, Hotel Columbus.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men for piece work. White or
Apply in person to agent,
Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Di
vision street, Harrisburg, Pa.
Attend the
Hershey Building,
Front and Market Streets,
Harrisburg, Pa.
as well as
Instructors are college men—Prince
ton and Harvard. Day
and night sessions.
Address, for booklet,
P. O. BOX 284.
BOOKKEEPER Man thoroughly |
experienced in accounting, finance and '
office management. Must learn the -
business, furnish bond and assume re- j
sponsibility. Salary reasonable. Address. !
in own handwriting, stating age. prepa- I
ration and experience, to C. H. Sliller, I
Assistant Treasurer Elliott-Fisher Co., !
Harrisburg, Pa. •
steady work with chance for advance
ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Office,
CaDtral Iron & Steel Company.
WANTED Young man to do gen- !
eral work around grocery store; one
with experience preferred. Apply M.
Brenner & Son, 623 Herr street.
AT ONCE Apply Herre Bros., 3235
North Fourth street. Riverside.
INSURANCE MAN Philadelphia Life
wants District Agent for Harrisburg.
rite for personal interview, giving
full particulars, to Home Office Build
ing, 111 North Broad street, Philadel
phia, Pa.
WANTED First-class, general
blacksmith, at once. Apply at B. C
Murray's Tool Works, Eleventh and
Market streets, Jonestown Road.
GOOD MONEY made at home knit
ting hosiery. Machines furnished on
time. We buy or sell your goods. Easy
f.", 4 <i 0 1? tant work. Wheeler Co. (Inc.).
337 Madison. Chicago.
A MAN WANTED to call on old and
new customers taking orders for trees
and shrubs. New season starts now.
Liberal terms, Write quick. First Na
tional Nurseries Rochester N. Y.
SALESMEN Spare time or full
time. Take orders for "Kantleak" Rain
coats. Quick sellers. Retail prices,
13.9S up. Liberal commissions. Free
sample coat. Comer Mfg. Co., 325 Topaz
street, Dayton, Ohio.
WANTED Men to sell roses, shrubs,
fruit and ornamental trees. Five-year
replacement. Exclusive territory. Pet
manent. Outfit free. Knight & Bost
wick Newark, N. Y.
The Fall Edition of Our Real Estate Catalog
—is now under way. The present condition of the real estate market
leads us to advise you —if you want to sell —to list your property and
have It included in our offerings. Facts and Figures is the real estate
handbook for Harrisburg and vicinity.
' At your request one of our representatives will call.
Help Wanted—Male
MEN Young, wanted to work la
automobile repair shop; our school Is
overflowing with repair work, there
fore it gives our students a chance to
obtain practical repair work on all ma
chines. We pay SO cents an hour aa
soon as competent. Take advantage of
summer rates. Auto Transportation
School. 29 North Cameron street.
ACTIVE MEN WANTED to sell acci
dent and sickness policies paying $3,000
and $5,000 death and sls and $25 Weekly
sick and accident benefits. Cost $6 and
$lO yearly. Men and women-ages 16 to
IO accepted at same rate. No bette
line to sell. Pays well and provides
Sood Income for future. Ambitious men
esiring to build good business given
an opportunity. $260,000 State Deposit.
Casualty Insurance Co., 929 Chestnut
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
WANTED Helpers on heating fur
nace. No. 2 Mill, Central Iron and Steei
Help Wanted—Female
WANTED—A white woman
for general housework in a family
of two. Inquire of Dr. J. H.
Fage.r, 1234 North Sixth street.
WANTED Position as dishwasher
at restaurant or hotel, by middle-aged
white woman. Address 328 North street.
WANTED Quick, active, accurate
and reliable stenographer; must furnish
written reference. Address, m own
handwriting, to Bo* O. 5191, care of
WANTED Two experienced milli
ners and two apprentices. Apply to Mrs.
E. W>lM>47 South Second street.
LADY representatives wanted. $25 to
$65 weekly; whole or spare time, tak
ing orders for well-advertised line or
moderate-priced women's wearing ap
parel—direct from factory to wearer.
Experience unnecessary. Pleasant
work. Write for particulars. Spelman
& Co. (Est. 1898), 237 South Market,
WOMEN WANTED—FuII time salary.
$15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery to
wearer; 25c an hour spare time; perma
nent; experience unnecessary. Wear
proof Hosiery. Norristown, Pa.
WANTED—Persons to color art pic
tures at home; easy work; no experi
ence; good pay; sample free. Wheeler
Co.. 331 Madison, Chicago.
County to demonstrate and take meas
ures for made-to-measure corsets. Coi
setiers make from SIB.OO to $50.00 pet
weak. Corsets guaranteed one year.
Address D. R. U. Corset Co., Pittsburgh,
A STUDENT trom 9th grade with
our training in shorthand and type
writing, making $35 a week. Expert
shorthand and typewriting, Individual
instruction, very student placed. Day
and Night School in session. Harris
burg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec
ond street.
HOUSEWORK—GirI or woman want
ed for general housework or cook In
small family- references required. In
quire 2133 North Second street, or Bell
phone 1137 M.
WANTED A waitress. Call 203
Pine street, after 8 o'clock in the even
GIRLS WANTED Apply Keystone
Laundry, 620 Harris street.
WANTED A white girl, or woman,
for light housework. 2148 Green street.
WANTED Cook for family of two;
white preferred. Apply Mrs. Paul
Smith, 2432 North Second, or phone 418*.
WANTED Girls, over IS years, to
wash, fill and label bottles and Jars.
Clean, pleasant work. $4.00 to start.
Give references. Address E., 4380, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED—GirI or woman for gen
eneral housework. Small family, $5.00
per week. In good home. Apply at once.
Mrs. A. J. Le-.irman, 41 South Front
street, Steelton, Pa.
WANTED—A girl to assist with gen
eral housework. Apply 206 Relly street.
WANTED—GirI or middle-aged wom
an for general housework for family of
two. Good wages. Address H 5224,
care Telegraph.
WANTED White woman for gen
eral housework. Apply 122 Woodbine
WANTED—GirIs over 16 years; gooa
wages while learning. Apply Shearei
Mfg. Co., 308 Hamilton street.
WANTED A bright girl for the
marking and assorting department. Ap
ply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fultou
WANTED Girls 16 years
and over, experienced and learn
ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner
North and Second streets.
WANTED Experienced sewing
machine operators to make ladles' ana
children's wear. Harnsburg Apparel
Co., Over City Star Laundry, State
strret. Rear Entrance.
WANTED Girls not under
16 year* of age to learn the
trade of Clgarmaking Also
experienced Bunchmakers and
Rollers. Pay beginners while
learning. Experienced hands
earning good wages. Apply at
Harrisburg Cigar Co.. 500 Race
street. ,
chine operators, experienced aud learn
ers. Pay good wages while learning,
steady work. Steelton Glove Co.. cor
ner Second and Dupont, Steelton.
OPERATORS Thoroughly experi
enced on power sewing machine* to
work on ladies' aprons and children's
play suits; steady work at good wage*.
Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com
pany, 414-416 State street.
WANTED. AT ONCE Sewlng~raa
chlne operators. Experience >ot neo
essary. Pressers and folders also want
ed. Blough Manufacturing Co.
Help Wanted—
Male and Female
WANTED Experienced operator
for felling machine, at Elizabethtown
fehlrt Factory, and experienced opera
tors for plain stitching machines. Eliza
bethtown Shirt Factory.
WANTED Bellman, pastry cook,
potato peelers, dishwasher. Apply Sen
ate Hotel.
CREW MANAGER, two demonstra
tors, lady and gentlemen solicitors ana
canvassers. Straight salary. Perma
nent position. Apply, in own hand
writing, Box T, 4381, care of Telegrapn.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS Do not delay. Send to
day tor free sample and large catalog
of quick-selling articles. A. Fowler
Co., i Beacon street, Wlnthrop, Mass.
AGENTS lf you want to earn
more money send for our Catalog ot
repeat order articles. Particulars iree.
lfloya W. Teets, 136 Springs streets,
Newton, New Jersey.
AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples,
new goods, quick sales, big prolits,
™ake $5 to $25 daily, no experience,
V orld's greatest specialties. Cruver
Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago, 111.
AGENTS—SeII "Kantleak" Rain
coats. New plan. We deliver and col
lect. Cooper making $65 a week. Sample
free. Comer Mfg. Co., 348 Dlamona
street. Dayton. Ohio.
$5 TO $lO DAILY PROFITS selling
guaranteed Household article. $2.50
Premium with each $1.98 sale. Free
Samples for workers. Kent Specialty
Co.. 1721 Bathgate, New York.
.. AGENTS To sell high-grade ar
ticle to factories, ofllces, homes, etc. Big
profits. Send for particulars. Frank
i Rankin Merchandising Co., 36 North
Gallatin frvenue, Lnlontown. Pa.
Salesmen Wanted
unneccessary, earn while you learn.
Write for large list of openings and' tes
timonials from hundreds of our stu
dents who earn from SIOO to SSOO a
month. Address nearest office, Depi.
244, National Salesmen's Training ASSO
elation, Chicago, New York, San Fran
WANTED Salesmen to call on Gro
cers, General Stores and Confectioners
in small country towns. Can easily
earn $250 per month. Commission con
tract, with $35 weekly drawing account.
Crown Cider Co., 509 Chestnut street,
St. Loyis, Mo.
thing new. Business necessity. Retails
$5 to SIOO. Enormous profits, No com
petition. Exclusive territory. Fre
samples. Sayers Co., 457 Walnwright,
St. Louis.
SALESMEN We desire a forceful
and aggressive salesman to sell our
1918 line of high-class calendars,
leather goods and novelties in Harris
burg and adjacent territory. Will con
sider applications only from men of re
liable character and real selling abil
ity. Thos. J. Becktnan Co.. 310 North
Eleventh street. Philadelphia, Pa.
SALESMEN Side line, advertising
pencils, penholders. Pocket sample
case. Made in Harrisburg. Every busi
ness a prospect. Good commission.
York Pencil Co., 1717 North street. Har
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED A young man desires
place as porter in hotel or restaurant?
no bad habits. Address H., 5226, care of
WANTED A good, steady position
by a soberland reliable married man, as
first hand baker. Willing to go out ot
city to work. State wages paid. 8..
4382, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Position as clerk In pool
room; has had experience; can furnlsn
references. Address K„ 5223, care of
WANTED—Young colored man would
like a position in or around hotel or
Call, or address, Chas. Curtiss,
334 Cherry avenue.
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED Day's work or rough,
dry washing. Apply 1705 Elm street.
WANTED A reliable, colored wo
man would like to have any kind of
day's work. Call, or write, 1424 Marion
WANTED Woman, with child six
years old, desires place as housekeeper
or general housework, in or out of city.
Address D., 5225, care of Telegraph.
man would like a position as house
keeper; can give reference. S. F., care
of General Delivery.
WANTED Colored woman wants
day s work of any kind. Call, or write,
1010 Drummond avenue.
FIRST-CLASS CHEF looking for po
sition—hotel, club or restaurant. Ad
dress Chef, care of Telegraph.
WANTED By a young colored girl,
nurse place or help around house. Can
1110 South Ninth street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Experienced double
entry bookkeeper, with knowledge of
stenography, desires position. Quick
at figures. Thoroughly competent and
capable of taking entire charge oi
books. Best references. Address S.,
4379, care of Telegraph.
Woman with a child wants to do gen
eral housework. Apply 1528 Thompson
Situations Wante'd—
Male and Female
WANTED Couple (30) desire posi
tions at anything. Address P. O. Box
422, Harrisburg. |
Real Estate For Sale
219 R.EILY ST.; 3-story brick dwell
ing; 9 rooms and bath; lot, 15x96; gas;
furnace. This property can be bought,
at a bargain price for this excellent lo
cation. Brlnton-Packer Co., Second and
Walnut Streets.
ATTRACTIVE new two-story brick
and stucco dwellings, located In the 2500
block on Derry Street, containing 6
rooms and bath; steam heat; gas and
eledtric light; large porches: cemented
cellar; lots each 15*4x100. Price, $2,850.
$2,900 and $2,950. Brlnton-Packer Co.,
Second and Walnut Streets.
MAIN ST.. CAMP HILL; 2 H-story
frame dwelling; 8 rooms and bath- lot
80x142; gas and electric light; porches;
furnace heat; chickenhouse; property
located one-half square from car line
Only $500.00 cash needed. Brinton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Streets.
HOUSE ON ACRE Modern conveni
ences; productive garden; fruit; good
water; ten minutes walk to car. Long
street, next to Cumberland street. CamD
Hill. W. H. Yingst. P
FOR SALE On Linglestown car
line, an exceptionally well built bunga
low, five rooms and bath; plot, 150x300
Price reduced to $2,000. If Interested!
address Box 75, Progress, Pa.
FOR SALE Brick dwelling, ten
rooms and bath, situated on Reno and
Third streets, New Cumberland. Lot
79x140, with barn for garage or horses'
Also double frame house in New Cum
berland, nine rooms and bath, with all
improvements; lot. 45x140. Apply M a
Hoff, New Cumberland. Bell t>honu
3105R, Cumberland MP.
FOR SALE—Sw&tara street. No. 2153.
eight-room, three-story frame house;
porch and side entrance. Price reduced
*2OO. Quick sale desired. J. E. Glpple,
1251 Market street
Real Estate For Sale
. BARGAIN 2 eight-roomed frame
awellings; bath; range; gas; low assess
ttient; reduced from $3,100 to $2,800 un
til October 15. ssoo.oo cash needed.
Backcnstoss Bros., Russ Building.
NEW MARKET A frame dwelling,
good outbuildings, IH-story building
at end of lot; can be used for shop or
garage; concrete walks. For further
information Inquire E. H. Flshei.
Brldare street. New Cumberland, Pa.
FOR SALE lB2l Market Street; 3-
story brick dwelling; 9 rooms and bath;
in cypress; gas and electric
light; front and rear porches; furnace;
cemented cellar: lot, 15x96. This prop
erty can be bought for $3,800.00. and is
first-class condition. Brinton-Packer
Co.. Second and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE ll4B and 1150 South
Cameron Street; 2H-story frame dwell
ings; containing 6 rooms each; lot, 51x
k v rental infeome, $20.00 per month.
Price. $2,200.00. Brinton-Packer Co.,
Second and Walnut.
FOR SALE l7 S. Eighteenth Street;
3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms ana
bath; cemented cellar; gas and electric
light; front and rear porches; steam
heat. Price. $3,100.00. Brlnton-Packei
Co., Second and Walnut streets.
dwelling and business room 9 rooms
—bath gas furnace lot, 20x135.
Price und particulars from Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
$1,600 WILL PURCASE a frame house
with 7 rooms lot, 25x150 porch
front and rear property Ideated at
£ e nbr°°k- Bell Realty Co., Bergner
$460 WILL BUY a Paxtang lot 30x135.
u e are also offering other suburban
lots. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build
FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga
low sites, at foot of mountain, Suminer
dale. Price $360. Apply Laura Reea.
316 Chestnut street-
—Brick house 6 rooms bath
gas electric light steam heat
porch front, rear and balcorty lot,
16x100 drive alley on rear. Beli
Realty Co.. Bergner Building.
SECOND Plot of ground 60x129; also
other lots fronting on Derry street, be
tween wenty-second and Twenty-third
The location Is fine and price reason
able. Backenstoss Bros., Russ Build
story frame dwelling; 9 rooms; all im
provements; shrubbery; shade and fruit
trees; 80 feet of porches: lot, 140x140,
open on four sides; 2H-story fram
building on rear, which will accommu.
date four automobiles. This is a mag
nificent home and the price is right.
Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building.
street. 115 ft. deep to Goodyear street.
Lots to suit purchaser, $22.00 a foot
front. Seven-minute car service. N. H.
Downing, 518 A South Thirteenth street,
City, or N. G. Zeiders, Lemovne. Beli
phone 3036 J.
FOR SALE Two single, modern
homes on lot 30x100, Cloverly Heights.
Conveniently located for Harrlsburg or
Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur
chaser. If you are in the market for
a home, call J. M. Stark & Son. Cloverly
FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street,
corner River alley, two and one-half
story frame; eight rooms and a bath;
*ll conveniences.
Corner Bridge and Eighth streets,
Elkwood, two and one-half-story
frame; eight rooms and a bath; all
conveniences. The above properties
win be sold at a bargain. Apply
j Keeney & Simmons. New Cumberland.
FOR SALE Desirable house on
easy terms within walking distance
of central business section brick
seven rooms furnace conveniences
—corner property porches s2,sow.
For full particulars address M., 4258,
care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE House F54 Cameron,
corner Manada streei; 1U rooms ana
bath; cemented cellar: electric lights
and water heating; suitable for busi
ness; lot. 22x126 ft. to Salmon avenue.
Inquire 843 Cameron stroet, or H. M.
I Bird.
j SOUTH ENOLA One pair Mansard
] roof, eight-room houses, bath, furnace,
j electricity, front and back porches
(concrete); built six years; facing trol
ley; rent $29 per month; price. $3,700.
i For further information Inquire J. Mc-
Cormick, R. F. D., No. 4. Mechanlcs
| burg, Pa.
| FOR SALE Chicken farm, dellght
: ful location on trolley line. Hard road
to market. Accommodates 1,500 chlck-
I ens. Doing good business. Modern
I house; all improvements. Everything
first-class. Will consider exchange. A.
C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union Trust Co.
Building, Harrlsburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Several desirable build
ing plots, both in city and suburbs.
Bungalow sites. A. C. Mead, Eighth
Floor Union Trust Company Building,
Harrlsburg, Pa.
STREETS, 60 feet by 160 feet,
fronting 75 feet on Susquehanna
street. Must be sold at once.
Very reasonable figure. Inquire
23 South Second street.
CAMP HILL A very desirable lot
on Belvoir avenue, 60 by 125 ft. Price
reasonable. For further information
address Randolph Browman, Penbrook.
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
FOR SALE Why worry about rent
ing when $1,550 will buy a seven-room
house with all improvements? Little
cash needed. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE New Cumberland. Pa..
100 ft. fronting on Bridge and 150 ft.
on Fifth street, thereon erected one 2H
story and one two-story frame houses.
Inquire on premises.
FOR SALE 3-story brick dwelling,
9 large rooms, bath and furnace, lo
cated at No. 1119 North Seventh. Cheap
to quick buyer.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT No. 614 Briggs street;
first and third floors only; modern Im
provements. Rent, S2O. J. E. Glpple.
1251 Market street.
FOR "RENT Nos. 2512-2520 Derry
street; electric lights, steam heat ana
all conveniences. Rent, S2O. Apply to
D. L Kaufman, 321 Market street.
FOR RENT 717 n North Second
street; 8 rooms and bath; all Improve
ments; steam heat; possession at once.
Rent, $25 per month For further in
formation see John C. Orr, 222 Market
FOR RENT Well-furnished corner
house, eight rooms, two baths, large
reception hall; every room large, light
and airy; electric lights, steam heat;
broad veranda front and side; large
lawns, garage and laundry In rear. Cen
trally located, 7 minutes' from Square.
Street cars pass house every seven and
a half minutes. Rent reasonable, as
owner Is leaving city. Possession Oc
tober 1. A. S. Miller & Son, Eighteenth
•and State streets.
Real Estate For Sale
_,]J v HY worry about renting when sl,-
650 will buy a 7-room house with all im
provements. Little cash needed. H. Q.
Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street.
426 NORTH STREET—Eight rooms!
bath, electric lights, city steam, gas
stove and gas water heater, facing
Capitol Park. Inquire 400 North street.
three-story brick; 10 rooms; all modern
Improvements. Inquire Amos Smith,
Camp Hill, Pa.
FOR RENT Penbrook. 2727 Butler
street, 2H-story frame 8 rooms.
Third * ls u °" H - c - Bran< ". 36 North
Real Estate Wanted
FARM WANTED I desire to buy a
good farm notiover 15 miles from Har
rlsburg. City 'property given In ex
change. A. C. Mead, Eighth Floor Union
Trust Company Building, Harrlsburg,
————— t .
For Sale—Miscellaneous
CHEAP READING Standard maga
zines and novels, 2 for 6c, 12 for 25c. 50
for 11.00. Open evenings. Aurand's
Book Store, 913 North Third.
FOR SALE One black haircloth
parlor suit two bedroom suits hair
dozen dlntngroom chairs one ten-plate
stove (relic) one double heater one side
board one couch. Call at 1516 Fifth
FOR SALE The Wolfe Liniment
Business—Keclpe Instructions trade
(collections—due in October). Estab
lished for 20 years. Terms to suit
buyer. Mrs. H. M. Wolfe 133 Sassafras.
FOK SALE One delivery wagon,
in good condition. Apply Grand Unio:
Tea Co., 208 North Second street.
POTATOES Potato grower ana
shipper of Lancaster County Potatoes
solicits orders for Fall delivery. Sena
order before prices raise, because oP en
tire failure in some States and very
short in largest potato States of coun
try. John Lehman. Middletown, Pa.
FOR SALE New International
manure spreader, account death ot
owner. Cost sllO. Make offer, address
ing Box F, 5189, care of Telegraph.
Office 100 Franklin Building Com
plete line of Roofing, Asphalt Shingles,
Waterproof Paper. Special, 375 two
piece rolls at soc on the dollar.
machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex
changed and bought. . Some exception
ally fine rebullts in stock. All makes.
S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust
street. Opposite Orpheum.
FOR SALE, at Gable's. 111-117 South
Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence
Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hard
ware. Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board.
Compo-Board. Doors. Sash. Shutters.
Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc.
NEW and Second-hand rugs for sain
at raduced prices. Apply to Keystone
Hug Co.. 1115 Montgomery street.
FOR bALE Diamond and Good
rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle
Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases.
Harness and Leather Goods made to
order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South
Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mized paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
.AT. GABLE'S, 111-117 .South Second
street. 6,000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L
primed and glased, at $1.30 per set.
Also other sizes. Also doors and shut
For Rent—Miscellaneous
FOR RENT Large and roomy
coach shops. Old, reliable stand. In
quire of Mrs. H. M. Rupp, Shiremans
town. Pa.
FOR RENT Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
/II North Third street.
FOR SALE 137-acre farm, seven
and one-half miles from New Cumber
land, near Goldsboro; good state of cui
-1 tivatlon; brick barn, stone house and all
necessary outbuildings. Apply M. A.
Hoff, New Cumberland. Bell phone
3105R, Cumberland 84D.
All Sizes, Grades and Prices
Beautiful and very productive;
close to trolley
Acre and half-acre plots only
Care's Grocery, Linglestown,
or 409 Market St.. Harrlsburg. Pa.
Apartments For Rent
North Sixth street; 5 rooms and bath,
all modern conveniences. Apply first
floor apartment.
A GENTLEMAN will share his fur
nished apartment with a man; central,
all conveniences. Address Mr. Thomas.
P. O. Box 429, City.
and third floor, with five rooms and
bath, front and back porches; all win
dows facing street. 2019 Green streei.
SECOND ST., 1700 Five and six
rooms with porch; most pleasant and
open surroundings In city.
Apartments WanteJ
WANTED Five rooms or apart
ment In exclusive or first-class residen
tial section of the city for four or
five weeks. Address Chamber of Com
nierce, City.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Neatly furnished bed
room. three windows front, at 118 South
street, near Front.
FOR RENT Two large, unfurnish
ed, communicating rooms for light
housekeeping, on first floor; will b
heated and improvements; corner housu.
Call 114 Washington street.
FOR RENT—Two large rooms, sec
ond and third floor front, well furnish
ed. hot water system, use of phone, a
real home for refined quiet people. Ap
ply 117 Pine.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, with
board, If desired: references exchanged.
Bell phone 1136R, or 929 North Third.
Jt)R RENT Two well-furnished
rooms, porch and bath attached; suit
able for one or two gentlemen; private
family. For further information call
800 North Second street.
FOR RENT Second-story front
room; electric light, steam heat and
phone. Inquire 125 Pine street.
airy; single or communicating, with
kitchenettes; stoves furnished free;
hath, phone and laundry privileges; all
oct<de, exclusive and private. 429
Broad street.
Two rooms completely furnished for
housekeeping. Corner house. Heat,
hot and cold water, front and rear en
trance, gas range, refrigerator. No
children. 1238 Klttatlnny street.
SEPTEMBER 9, 1916.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT—A well-furnished room,
all modern conveniences, with private
bath. Cehtral location, near river front.
Gentlemen only. Apply 324 North Sec
ond street.-
FURNISHED ROOMS ciingle or en
sulte. Rooms are large and airy. Use
of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth.
NORTH ST., 41l* Second and third
floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac
ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running
watar, electric lights, large bathroom.
Bell phone.
Furnished Rooms For Rent
RENT Two furnished rooma,
suitable for two or three gentlemen,
jy'fb or without board, with use or
bath, in private family. Inquire 61*.
Broad street.
Furnished Rooms
TWO furnished rooms, with all con
veniences. 19A North Fourth, second
floor apartment.
Board and Rooms
WANTED Boarders by the meal,
day or week, at 630 Cumberland street.
.WANTED —Roomers and boarders.
All conveniences. Board 14.00. Board
and room $6.00. Very pleasant loca
tion. Apply 1623 Swatara.
WANTED Room and board for
? . n . a . n S. lfe and her mother. 303
Patriot Building. Bell phone 3598 R.
SECOND-HAND Bags, Burlap,
Scrap Bagging and Twine.
Write for prices. RICHMOND
BAG COMPANY, Dept. 48. Rich
mond, Virginia.
DRESSMAKER wishes sewing. Prices
reasonable. Apply 400 Briggs, or 531 W.
WANTED TO BUY Good, second
hand girls bicycle. Address "Bicycle,"
care of Telegraph.
Business Opportunities
■RENT s3O per month, including
dwelling and stable. Also complete gro
cery fixtures for sale at one-half real
value. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bulld-
WOMAN PARTNER—Wanted to taku
interest in ice cream parlor and res
taurant; must invest a little money. Foi
information address 118 North Front
street, Steelton.
WANTED A partner, with a little
capital, for a manufacturing business
which is now running, but would like
to enlarge. Can show good profits ana
orders. Address P. O. Box No, 722.
FOR SALE lce cream and confec
tionery store. It is also good fish, oys
ter and fruit stand. MUST be sold. Call
and make price. 1306 Swatara.
FOR SALE Grocery stock and fix
on the Hiu - Splendid location.
Will Inventory about $1,200.00. Doing
a profitable business. Address Box M
5220, care of Telegraph.
PARTNER WANTED Age. 20 to 30,
to help manufacture patent chemicai
novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy
outdoor business. Short hours. Large
profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street.
FOR SALE An oid-establlshed
moving picture show. Guaranteed to
do good business. Reason for selling
will be expluined. Apply to Box R.
5136. care of Telegraph.!
ANY intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 793 Lock
port, N. Y.
Business Personals
SHOE REPAIRING Men's half solt,
and heel, 60c; women's, 60c, nail. Gooa
stock, neat work. J. D. Zeiders, 234
Herman avenue, Lemoyne, Pa.
Trustee Bldg—All kinds of detective
work handled—one eye always open.
BELL PHQfr'E 4399.
LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit
cases (drummers' samples) positively at
the lowest prices in the city. Call and
be convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goods
at low prices. COHEN & SON, Reliable
Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at
Money to Loan
$1,500 TO LOAN on, first mortgage.
Address C.. P. O. Box f75. City.
MONEY advanced to housekeepers at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing Loan Society, Room 7. Spooner
Building, 9 North Market Square.
At legal rates for individuals pressed
by lack of funds to meet Im
mediate necessities.
Time and payments arianged to suit
your convenience.
204 Chestnut Street.
Home capital—home management.
rooma for household goods. $2 per
month and up. We invite inspection
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, house
hold goods and merchandise. Private
rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons. 75c cents per
month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad
street. Both phones.
Hauling and Moving
R. A. Hartman, National Transfer
Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers
and general hauling. W. H. Lathe,
Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets.
Bell phone No. 2603 R.
Summer Resorts and
FOR RENT Uaplehurst cottage,
furnished, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Fine location. A. L Reach. Mari
etta. Pa.
FOR SALE One 1914 Jackson tour
ing, electric lights and starter; one 191*
Jackson roadster, in Al condition, brand
new tires; one Thomas limousine; one
Cadillac roadster, In good condition;
one Detwcller roadster,- electric lights.
Those are cheap to quick buyer. P. H.
Keboch, 15 South Third street.
FOR SALE Hupmoblle, model 31,
touring car fbr sale cheap. 1614 Reglna
street, or Bell phone 2091M-2.
1916 OVERLAND 5-passenger touring
car; electric lights and starter; extra
rim and tire. Will sell cheap to qulch
buyer. J. H. Troup Music House, 15
South Market Square.
FOR SALE National Roadster, In
good condition. Phone 2909, or call 620
North Second street.
FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac flve-pas
senger; electric lights and starter; Kei
logg tiro pump; two extra tires and
rims; newly painted. Bargain. Call
118W, Bell phone.
Touring car for sale. 1915 Maxwell,
fully equipped, will sell cheap to quick
buyer. W. R. Zlnn, 1418 Derry street.
Bell 2628 R.
OVERLAND Touring, electric lights,
and starter, spare tire, tire
MHche?l Touring' V.". 11*295
E. M. F. Touring ill
Apply Rex Garage, 1917 N. Third St.
senger De Cambel. one 5-paasenger 1914
Ford, newly painted. In excellent con
dition; oce 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good
as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with
good body; una 1908 Overland. Cara tor
sale at Ford Oarage. Mlddletown, Pa.
E. M. Snavely, Manager,
1912 live-passenger Regal: good
shape: new vires all around; big bar
gala for quick buyer.
1912 flve-passenfrer Pullman, com
pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good
I'Pholatsring; good top and tlrea; big
08 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4 lit J,
kind. If you cannot sell your car, why
not consign it or exchange It with us
for a better one. Our charges for sell
ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage
charges If car Is not sold. Auto Trans-
Exchange Departmaa*, 25-29
orth Cameron street. Bell phone 1710.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
LOOK Repair work done very rea
sonable on any make of bicycle. Also
rebuilt bicycles, $5 to sls. See James
B. Murray. 1014 James street.
FOR SALE Upright piano, latest
style; cheap; easy terms. Apply 63u
Cumberland street.
FOR SALE Strictly high grade
GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will
sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4811.
care of Telegraph.
or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR.
ED by an expert. Bell phone 8242 J.
Write, or call, at 315 Broad street
MY WIFE, Mrs. Ruth Rlckard. having
left my bed and board without Just
cause, I hereby notify all persons not
to harbor nor trust her on my account,
as I will not pay any debts contracted
by her.
Enola. Pa
Legal Notices
UNDER, and by virtue of the powers
contained In the Will of Elizabeth Free,
ltUe of Harrisburg, Pa., deceased (see
Will Book "T," page 257), the under
signed, Executor, will expose to
sale on Thursday, the 14th dav of Sep
tember, 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M., in
front of the Court House, at Harris
burg, Pa., two lots of ground described
in Deed Book "S," Vol. 11, page 117,
etc.,.in Dauphin County, Pa
No. 1. Beginning at a point on west
ern line of land or Pennsylvania Canal
| Company at northern line lot of C. E.
Hoover, formerly George Zimmerman,
thence along lir.e of same 270 feet, more
or less, to low-water mark on Susque
• snna River; thence UP said River 53
feet and 8-10 of a foot to line of lot of
Maud L. Blosser, formerly Catherine M.
Umberger; theince along the line of said
lot 272 feet, more or less, to line of land
of Pennsylvania Canal Company; thence
along line of same 53 feet and 8-10 or
a foot to place of beginning.
No. 2. Beginning at a stone at west
ern line of land of Pennsylvania Canal
Company and southern line of Public
Road leading to Robert's Valley; thenct,
down said canal 31 feet and 6-10 of u.
foot to line of land of Klrkwood Liv
ingston, deceased; thence along line of
same 256 feet, more or less, to l<va--
water mark on Susauehanna River;
thence up said River 31 feet and 6-10
of a foot, more or less, to line of land
of C. E. Hoover, formerly George Zim
merman; thence along line of same 257
feel, more or less,, to place of begin
TERMS—Ten per cent, payable when
the property is struck off to purchaser;
balance payable in 30 days on delivery
of deed.
Conditions on day of sale.
Augufet 19, 1916.
NOTICE is hereby given that appli
cation will be made to the Governor of
Pennsylvania, on September 18, I9lt>,
under the provisions of an Act of As
sembly, entitled "An Act to provide for
the incorporation and regulation of cer
tain corporations," approved April 29,
1874, and its supplements, for a charter
of an intended corporation to be calleu
the General Auto Sales Company of
Harrisburg, Pa., the character and ob
ject of which is the doing of a general
garage and automobile sales business;
buying and selling, dealing in, storing
and delivering automobiles and motor
driven vehicles, and repairing same;
buying and selling automobile acces
sories. supplies, equipments and partu
thereof, and for these purposes to bavw,
possess and enjoy all the rights, bene
fits and privileges by said Act of As
sembly and its supplements conferred.
BANKRUPTCY ln the District Court
of the United States for the Middle Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, John W. Shaffer,
of Paxtang, Dauphin County. Pennsyl
vania, a bankrupt under the Act of
Congress of July 1, 1898, having applied
for a full discharge from all debts prov
able against his estate under said Aci,
notice is h&reby given to all known
creditors and other persons in interest,
to appear before the said Court at
Scranton, in said District, on the 9th
day of October, 1916, at 10 o'clock In the
forenoon, to show cause, If any they
have, why the prayer of the said peti
tioner should not be granted.
The Sixth Street Bank.
a meeting of its shareholders held on
Saturday, September 2nd, 1916, the saidl
Bank by a vote of Its shareholders
owning at least two-thirds of Its stocK
resolved to go into liquidation and be
closed. Creditors are notified to pre
sent their claims for payment.
By order of the Board of Directors.
In the District Court of the United
States for the Middle District ot
Pennsylvania ln Bankruptcy—No.
3290 ln the Matter of John Rtapf
and Joseph Benfer, co-partners trad
ing as Stapf & Benfer and as indi
viduals, Bankrupts.
THE creditors of Stapf and Benfer, of
Harrisburg, in the County of Dauphin,
and District aforesaid, bankrupts, ar
hereby notified that the said parties
were duly adjudicated bankrupts, botti
individually and as a partnership, on
September 7, 1916, and that the first <
meeting of the creditors will be held
at the office of the Referee, No. 7 North
Chird Street. Harrisburg, Pa., at 2
o'clock P. M.. on September 19, 1916, at
which time the said creditors may at
tend, provfc their claims, appoint a
Trustee, examine the bankrupts ana
transact such other business as may
properly come before said meeting.
Each claim proven should Indicate
whether It is against the partnership
or either of the individuals.
Referee in Bankruptcy. '
September 9, 1916.
f mmm '^
North Fifth Street Homes
Located > 2311-18-15-17 N. Fifth St.
218 Walnut Street. Htrrlitwg, Pa.
Bell Phone TV7-M.