12 FOR SALE Real Estate With a Future bath! steam uS£ Rcgina street—one square from Reservoir Park. Modern Bt ** rk Southwest corner of Bellevue Road and Tewentieth streets. gas kitchen, pantry; lot 25 by 100 ft. , combination lights, first'floor"in Modern steam-heated house, now being completed. One 20-foot paved street in rear. Price re- and steam heated. All you could desire in location and sur- nut . front and rear stairway. Lot 110 square from Bellevue Park, two squares from Market street Btruction*° W present day cost ot coa " roundines feet to 20 " foot stree t- Price within three squares from Reservoir Park. All you could desire ® ' . reach of one with medium salary. in location. J. E. GIPPLE 1251 Market Street Be ii phone 4259 SESSION BROAD AND VERY ACTIVE Indicative of Something More Constructive Than Customary Week-End Settlements New York, Sept. 9.—To-day's broad and very active two-hour session was indicative of something more construc tive than the customary week-end settlements of professional contracts. Discouraging crop conditions, which caused some Irregularity In yesterday's late trading, were wholly ignored, ex cept for moderate restraint In grang ers. This was more than offset by de cided strength in other important quartet s. United States Steel rose Over three points to a new high record and shipping shares were again conspicu ous with a new maximum for Atlantic. Gulf and West Indies, while Reading made its highest quotation of the vear at 112%. Coppers, industrials of vari ous descriptions and unclassified spe cialties registered 2 to 5-point gains at the buoyant close. Bonds were steady. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co.. members Xew 1 York and Philadelphia Stock Ex- j changes, 3 Xorth Market Square. Har- 1 risburg; 133 8 Chestnut street, Phila- ' dolphia: 34 Pine street. Xew York, : furnish the following quotations: Xew York. Sept. 9. .... , Open. Clos. ! Ains-Chalmers 23 % 24 American Beet Sugar ... 91 >4 91 American Can 63% 64%' American C & F 63% 63% i American Ice Securities . 29% 30% i American Locomotive .. 77% 78% ! American Smelting 104 V. 105 j American T & T 133 " 133 Anaconda 88% 88% Atchison 104 103% Baldwin Locomotive ... 82 83 Baltimore & Ohio 87 86% i Bethlehem Steel 490 490 j Butte Copper 69% 69% j California Petroleum ... 21% 21% Canadian Pacific 176% 177 Central Leather 5960% ! Chesapeake & Ohio 61% 61% ' C. M&St P 93% 92% C. RI&P 17% 16% Cbino Con Copper 55% 56 Col I & 1 49 4 50% Consol Gas 137 137 Corn Products 15 14% Crucible Steel S3 84% Distilling Securities .... 45 45% Erie 37% 37% Erie Ist pfd 53 52% General Motors 574 574 I Goodrich B F 72 72% Great Northern pfd .... 116% 116% j Great Northern Ore subs 39 42 | Inspiration Copper 62% 62% I Interboro-Met 16% 17 Interboro-Met pfd 74 74 ! Kennecott Copper 52 53% Lackawanna Steel 80% 81% | Lehigh Valley 79% 79%! Maxwell Motors 84% 85 Merc War ctfs 49% 48% f Merc War ctfs pfd 122 122% i Mexican Petroleum 11l 111% i Miami Copper 37 37% I Missouri Pacific 3% 3 % i X Y Central 104 % 104% ■ X Y Ont and Western.. 26% 26% | Xorfolk and Western ... Xorthern Pacific 109% 109% : Pacific Mail 27 27% Pennsylvania Railroad . . 56 55% Pressed Steel Car 55% 55% Railway Steel Spring ... 49% 49 Ray Con Copper 25% 25% Reading 111% 111% Repub.ic Iron and Steel. 56% 61% Southern Pacific 97% 98 Southern Railway 24 "23% Studebaker 123% 124% Tennessee Copper 26% 27% Union Pacific 139% 139% U. S. I. Alcohol 113% 114% U. S. Rubber 57% 58% U. S. 3te 100% 103% U. 8. Steel pfd 118% 118% Ltah Copper 86% 87 Virginia-Carolina Chem. 42% 43% Western Union Telegraph 96% 96% Westinghouse Mfg 60% 61% PHIL.AnRI.PRIA PRODUCE By Associated Press P*J! ad e, lph i*' Sept- 9- Wheat 11 *o ; ?-°- I; re f spot and September. ©1 Southern, red. 1.50 Steady; No. 2, yellow, local. 96 97c' * teamer - No - 2 - local. Lower; No. 2. white, 53% © 64c: No. 3, whue, 52®52%c. Bran The market Is steady; city mills, winter, per ton. $26.00; west •rn. winter per ton. S2C RO; *©tt. winter IS?4fsh , M OO0,WO; Sprln *- P#r tOB -jSg"6 ed 3o5 r c"; ®.25c: confectioners' A. 6.10®.15C Butter The market is firm; western, creamery. extras, 34® 35c neerhv prints, fancy. S7e. _ Eggs The market is firm- Pennsylvania and other nearby first*, free cases. $9.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases. )9.60 per case western, extras, firsts, free cases. $9 #0 ?er esse; do., firsts, free cases. $9,300 0 ner case Live Poultry The market Is dull; SATURDAY EVENING, fowls. 19U®21c; roosters. 14(315c; | Spring chickens, 18ST23c; do., broilers. :30#38c; ducks. 15re3sed Poultry—Steady; fowls,fanc> ! 23®23%c; do., good to choice, 224ji22Hc, Jo., small slies. ls®>2lc; old roost ers, 16c; broiling chickens, nearby. ; -6@32c; do., western. 22@20c; roasting . chickens, western, choice to fancy, 22© 34c; do., fair to sood. 15@lSc; spring | ducks, nearby, 21c. I Potatoes Market dull and weak; Eastern Shore. No. 1, per barrel. ! $3.500 2.75; do.. No. 2, per barrel. $1.25{ ; 1.50; Norfolk. No. 1, per barrel. $2.50® 12.75: do.. No. 2, per barrel. 11.2561.50; I Jersey, per basket. 60i'65c. Flour Market dull and nominal; ; winter, clear. S.uu@S.So; do. straights $6.40® 6.80; do. patents. $7.00® 7.50; ; Spring, firsts, clear, $6.50® 7.40; do. patents. $7.50® 8.25; do., favorite brana $8.50® 8.75. Hay The market is Arm with a fair demand; old timothy. No. 1. large bales, $19.00® 20.00; No. 1. medium I bales, $19.00® 20.00; No. 2. do., $17,004} | 18.00; No. 3. do.. $15.00® 16.00: no grade. slo.oo® 11.00; new timothy. No. 1, $17.50 j ® 18.00; No. 2. $16.00® 16.50; No. 2, j $14.00® 15.00; new clover mixed, light mixed. $16.50; No. 1. do.. $15.00® 15.50; No. 2. do., $13.50 @14.50. NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT By Associated Press I New York. Sept. 9. The statement |of the actual condition of Clearing i House Banks and Trust Companies for j the week shows that they hold $69,501,- 070 reserve in excess of legal requlre ! ments. This is a decrease of $26,028,- | 070 from last week. , The statement follows; Actual Condition Loans, discounts, etc., *3,305,602,000; increase. $13,265,000. l Reserve in own vaults (B), $401,136,- i OOoi decrease, $40,448,000. Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank, . $171,o5o,000; increase. $9.464,000. Reserve in other depositories, $54,- 619,000; increase, $1,422,000. I Net demand deposits, $3,2334,473,000; decrease, $19,558,000. Net time deposits, $170,250,000; de ' crease. $158.000. ' Circulation, $30,900,000; decrease, $4- ~000. ! (B) Of which $345,253,000 is specie. Aggregate reserve, $626,805,000. Excess reserve. $69,801,070; decrease, ; $26,028,* 07. Summary of State Banks and Trust [ Companies in Greater New York, no, 1 included in Clearing House statement, i Loans, discounts, etc., $725,669,900,1 increase, $10,982,700. Specie. $60,386,300; increase, $955,200. Legal-tenders, $9,410,300; increase, $469,100. Total deposits. $893,038,600; Increase, ; $12,029,600. Banks' cash reserve in vault. $12,120,- I 200. Trust Companies' cash reserve in I vault, $57,595,100. PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press Philadelphia. Sept. 9. Stocks closed steady. General Asphait 29 i i General Asphalt. Pfd 69 Lake Superior Corporation 10% Navigation 75>% Lehigh Valley 79>4 ; Pennsylvania Railroad 55 " s , Philadelphia Electric 28* . Philadelphia Company 39 Philadelphia Company, Pfd 37 Philadelphia Rapid Transit 20 Reading 111% Storage Battery Sa Union Traction 44% ' I'nited Gas Improvement 88 .United States Steel 103% CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated tress Chicago, 111., Sept. 9. Hogs He ' oeipts. 9.000; weak. Bulk of sales. SIO.OO ' <810.90; light. I10.00611.2S; mixed. I $9.75011.25; heavy. $9.75® 11.05; rough.' i $9.700 9.90; pigs. $6.50® 9.40. Cattle Receipts, 500; steady. Na tive beef cattle, $6.60®11.35; stockers and feedrs $4.75®7.70; cows and heif ers, $3.65*5 9.40; calves. $8.75® 13.00. Sheep Receipts. 500; steady. Wethers, $6.75@8.35; lambs. $7.00® 11.25. !; Wanted by man and wife, !' !; two clean, cheerful and nice- !> i !| ly furnished bedrooms, with !' !; private bath, in Harrisburg, !' !; convenient to Capitol, for !' !; use February, March, April !' !; and May, 1917. Send full j' ;! particulars as to location, '! j! price, etc., to W. M. J., No.' <| !; 47 Vandergrift Building, !■ J> Pittsburgh, Pa. ' jl QIIBBER STAMnp |J|f SEALS & STENCILS U\ II w MFG.EYHBG.STENCILWORKS ■ 11 11 130 LOCUST ST. HBG.PA. U FREE DANCING V Afternoon and Evening Labor Day, Sept. 4 WILD CAT FALLS INN Marietta, Pa. Chicken and Waffles a Specialty AMKRICAIS OX STEAMKRS By Associated Press Washington, Sept. 9. —Joseph Mor in. an American, was among the crew : saved from the British steamer Rle vaulx Abbey, sunk off Hull. England, i on September 3. according to reports to-day to the State Department, from Consul Hathaway, at Hull. He said the vessel probabiy struck a mine. The crew of 27 and 5 passengers were saved and landed at Hull. Two sail- J ors lost their lives. The vessel was en i route from Rotterdam. Consul Hath away alro reported that no Americans were aboard the French steamer Ville D'Oran. sunk off Scarborough Septem ber 5 or on the Danish steamer Far- ! matyr, sunk September 2 near Yar- ; mouth by a mine or torpedo. TRAINING CRUISE ENDS By Associated Press "Washington, D. C., Sept. 9.—With i announcement that the "John Paul Jones cruise." on which 2,500 civilians I have been in training since August 13. j had been highly successful, orders to- ' day were issued by the Navy Depart- ! ment terminating the training. The fix rererve battleships comprising the training fleet will land the men, most of them probably to-day, at Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore, New York, Norfolk and Charleston. ENTICING GIRLS, CHARGE Charged with approaching two | girls, aged 13 and 12 years, at Fourth and Market streets, this morning, and attempting to entice them to go with him, C. T. Bricker, aged 23, was ar rested by Detective Shuler. Accord- 1 PUBLIC SALE The Lebanon County, Penna., Farm Lands and Timber Tracts of the Estate of SAMUEL S. LONG, deceased, will be offered at Public Sale, on Saturday, September 16, 1816, as follows: 1 choice farm, 133 acres, adjoining Xcwmanstown, Pa. Large brick house, brick and frame barn. 1 fine farm, 164 acres, large brick house in good condition, bath, hot and cold water. This property being the home farm of said Samuel S. Long, stone and frame barn, etc., would make a line institutional location. 1 farm, 92 acres, splendid location for dairy purposes. Large springs of purest water. Stone and frame barn, "Queene Anne" frame house. 1 tract pine and chestnut timber, 3ft acres. 1 tract poplar and chestnut timber, 40 acres. 1 tract mountain pasture and timber land, 431 acres. 1 mountain farm and timber tract of 344 acres. 1 tract mo attain farm land and pasture, 126 acres. 10 other tracts timber and pasture lands. These properties eight miles west of the Wernersville health resorts. Sale commences at 1 o'clock P. M. from the home farm near Xew manstown, Lebanon County, Pa. Eor further information, apply to Richard Stout, Newmanstown, Pa., or to the undersigned • HERBERT S. LONG Surviving Executor, 106 Warren St., New York City. HONEST VALUE Is what every man gets when he smokes a KING OSCAR 5c CIGAR The best tobacco money can buy is put in this 25 year old quality brand. JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Makers HARRD3BURG TELEGRAPH } Ing to the police the two girls stepped from a car and were approached by Bricker, who first asked them to go with them to River Front Park. When they refused, he asked them to go to a house in Walnut street, when the officer appeared on the scene. Bricker was held for a hearing. •VUWWWWAWVWWWW • 5 The Senior Department ;! !• of Pine Street Presby- I; •I terian Sunday School ;! S will hold its regular session to- S S morrow. Scholars under sixteen '! i years of age are not permitted '[ 1 to attend. All departments, ex- <[ 2 cept the Senior Department, will ? be closed. I' £ HENRY B. M'CORMICK • "VJW.• 1 Prospect Hill Cemetery MAHKKT *XO 2 Commonwealth Trust Co. I j; Harrisburg, Pa. '