Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 09, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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No Description of Two Murder
ers or Negro Who Wounded
Pair Last Night
Hampered by the lack of any de
scription and even the names of the
criminals, local police have been able
to make no headway towards appre
hending; the men who committed two
murders In the borough within the
past month, or the man who shot
and wounded two negroes last even
The men shot yesterday were James
Gorman, struck in the thighs by two
shots, and John Smith, shot in the
leg. Gorman went to his home and
has not been located by the police.
Smith was taken to the Emergency
Hospital and may loose his leg. The
negro who did the shooting is known
only as "Shine'' and the best descrip
tion given is that he "wore overalls."
The shooting took place during a crap
game at 43 Frederick street.
After yesterday's investigation the
police gained a what they believe to
be the facts In the murder of George
Banks, killed near the Cumbler quar
ries. Wednesday night. His compan
ion declared that the couple were
walking along the top of a forty-foot
embankment when another negro held
them up at the point of a gun.
When Banks reached for his pocket
book in his hip pocket, the highway
man shot him dead, the companion
declares. At the report of the gun.
the companion asserts, he was fright
ened, jumped from the track and
plunged to the bottom of the quarry,
forty feet below. When he regained
the top of the bank the murderer was
Evangelist Stahl Holds
Revival in Enhaut Church
The Rev. Lawrence A. Stahl, of La
trobe ,an evangelist, is conducting an
evangelistic campaign in the Bressler
Methodist Church, Miss M. Elsie Shan
er, of Franklin, is assisting and has
charge of the women's work. Ser
vices were held in the church every
evening last week and will continue
next week. Three services will be held
to-morrow, at 10.30 o'clock. The
Rev. Stahl will preach at 2.30 o'clock
Miss Shaner will speak to all women
over 16 years of age and at 7.30 the
Rev. Mr. Stahl will preach. Tuesday
night will be observed as church night,
Wednesday will be lodge night, and
Friday will be for the Federated Bible
classes in the vicinity.
The Senior Christian Endeavor So
ciety of St. John's Lutheran Church
was delightfully entertained by Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Roth last evening, at
their suburban home, 538 Spruce
street, at an old-fashioned cornroast
with the Rev. George N. Lauffer and
Al. N. Lupfer as cooks. The following
were present: The Rev. and Mrs.
George N. Lauffer, Mr. and Mrs. Al.
N. Lupfer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hoffer,
Mr. and Mrs. Withers, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Roth. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kell,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Dehner, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Russell Rupp, Minnie Dress,
Lillian Kell, Miss Shoop, Mrs. Watson,
Mrs. John Conrad, Mary Critchley,
Mildred Critchley, Mary Beck, Mary
Eppinger, Elizabeth Pretz. Mary Dun
kle, Daniel Becker, George Rupp and
Mr. Whittington.
Trenton's Park Head
Hands Harrisburg's
Parks Some Flowers
Harrisburg's long chain of parks,
parkway and playgrounds was In
spected to-day by William F. Burk,
commissioner of parks of Trenton, N.
J.. and after the tired but mighty
happy visitor from New Jersey had
returned from his long auto trip, he
handed the city department a final
bouquet of appreciative flowers.
"Up until now," he smilingly de
clared to V. Grant Forrer. assistant
park superintendent, "I'l admit I was
more of less skeptical as to this city's
splendid park system. But I'm skepti
cal no longer. I'm convinced that all
I've ever heard of your parks and
playgrounds has been true. The only
amazing feature about It, to my mind,
is the results you have obtained with
the small amount of money at your
disposal." •
New York', Sept 9. A slight in
crease in the infantiloi'paralysis epide
mic and a drop in the number of
deaths was announced here to-day by
the health authorities. The new cases
number 55, seven more than yester
day, and there were ten deaths, a de
crease of five.
bi vgalow sold
e . R v- y W. Baldwin property, lo
wm i" J S i I L th Bowman avenue. Camp
Hill, and known as one of the most
artistic bungalows in that borougii was
purchased yesterday by Backenstoss
Bros., real estate brokers, the consid
eration being 13,700. This same firm
i? s „ a J' ar^ e( i tbe Are insurance on the
I® Building- by the Harrisburg
School Board, at a recent meeting.
Bessemer Mot
Model "G" Ss^sJrsr. 1 Model "D" ™°.= Won "
Model "E M Model "H" """°"> Worm
The Bessemer Truck is the last word in motor" truck efficiency and economy.
Ihe Bessemer is a Pennsylvania 1 ruck manufactured at Grove City, Pa. It has just
been introduced in this territory.
The first Harrisburg user of Bessemer Trucks is the Elliott-Fisher Co. They
are unqualified in their praise of the service. Model G sells for $995, F. O. 8., Grove
When you buy a Bessemer Truck you buy the best. The Bessemer Truck will
reduce your transportation costs. Investigate the Bessemer Truck.
William C. Mcßride
Local Bessemer Distributor
Phone 1827-J 1259 S.Thirteenth Street
United Brethren Church. Hl&hsplre
—The Rev. H. F. Rhoad. 10.45, "The
Belation of the Disciple to the World";
7.30, the Teacher Training class will
have commencement exercises.
Centenary United Brethren The
Rev. A. K. Wler, pastor, will preach
at 10.45 a. m. on "The Christian
and his Tongue" and at 7.30 p. m. on
"Your Life's Purpose." 6.30 Christian
Endeavor; 9, Sunday school, only per
sons over 16 years" of age are expected
to attend any service In Centenary
church until the paralysis quarantine
is lifted.
Grce United Evangelical the
Rev. J. M. Shoop, pastor, will preach
at 10.30 a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.; Sun
day school, 9.15; K. L. C. E., 6.45.
St. John's Lutheran The Rev. G.
N. Lauffer. pastor, will preach at 10.45
a. m. on "The Development of Charac
ter" and at 7.30 p. m. on "Launching
First Reformed The -Rev. C. A.
Huyette, pastor, will preach at 10.45
a. m. on "The All-sufficient Grace,"
and at 7.30 p. m. on "The Parable of
the Two Sons"; Sunday school, 9.45.
Main Street Church of God The
Rev. G. W. Getz, pastor, will preach
at 10.30 a. m. on "Abraham's False
Step" and at 7.30 p. m. on "Is There a
Hell?" Sunday school, 9.15.
First Presbyterian The Rev. C. B.
Segelken. pastor, will preach at 11
a. m. on "The Mind of Christ and the
Spirit of Retaliation" and at 7.30 p. m.
on "Paul as an Example"; Sunday
school, 9.45.
. Central Baptist the Rev. H. D.
Germer, pastor, will preach at 10.30
a. m. on "The Fruitful Life" and at
7.30 p. m. on "Harvest Time."
First Methodist The Rev. W. C.
Sanderson, pastor, will preach at 10.30
a. m. and at 7.30 p. m. song service
preceding evening service. Sr. and
adult -9.30; Epworth league 6.30.
Limit School Term. The school
board decided last evening to limit the
coming term to June 15, regardless of
When the State quarantine is lifted.
Install Officers. Baldwin Com
mandery, 108 Knights of Malta will
install officers Monday evening. The
ceremony will be in charge of Deputy
Grand Commander A. K. Wallace, who
will be assisted by his staff.
I>Iel in Warren. Oscar N. Walker,
a former resident, of Harrisburg died
at his home in Warren yesterday. He
was a brother of Charles A. Walker.
South Second street, who with Mrs.
Walker left last evening for Warren.
Married at Parsonage. Charles A.
Essick. of Gettysburg, and Miss Annie
M. Fahs. of York, were married at
Centenary United Brethren parsonage,
September 2, by the Rev. A. K. Wier.
Oscar Wayne Evans, 307 Bessemer
street, and Miss Beatrice Marguerite
Avery, 323 Bessemer street, were mar
ried by the Rev. A. K. Wier, August 5.
Some Potatoes. Andy Gross, 447
Catherine street, has raised a stock
of potatoes bearing 15 tubers. John
Morris, Highspire, has raised a peach
weighing 14 ounces, measuring 11
inches in circumference.
Jeffery Sales Room
Opens This Evening
J. A. Bentz, manager of the Bentz-
Landis Auto Co., has leased the new
storeroom at 103 Market street, where
he will display the Jeffery models.
This store is one of the most modern
available and exceptionally well
situated on the principal street. T?re
service station will be maintained at
180S Logan street as heretofore. Mr.
Bentz has built up a successful auto
mobile business within a few years
and the new storeroom will be a de
cided advantage. The new Jeftery
Six was received to-day and will be
shown this evening at the new store
room. As this is the first of the new
models to be received in the city,
many Interested will no doubt avail
themselves of the opportunity to see
the new car and the new quarters.
American Tire Agency
Opened by J. H. Alberts
For years J. H. Alberts has been
known to the automobile riding public
of Harrisburg, as he has for ten years
been associated with the automobile
business in various departments. Mr.
Alberts has assumed the agency for
:the American tires and will also carry
a . complete line of the United States
tires, with salesroom at Sixth and
Herr streets. In conjunction with the
Is Here
Arrange For Demonstration
Crispen Motor Car Co.
413 S. Cameron St.
[Continued From First Page]
N'. Y., to deliver two speeches Monday
at the State Fair.
T. R. and Other Progressives
Filmed With Republicans
Special to the Telegraph
Oyster Bay, N. Y., Sept. 9. Ex-
President Roosevelt and a representa
tive gathering of Republicans and
Progressives now working for the elec
tion of Charles E. Hughes were filmed
at Sagamore Hill yesterday.
One of the men who was in the
group said the pictures would serve
to show that men of all shades of Re
publicanism were a unit In working
with Colonel Roosevelt for the election
of the party candidate.
The Colonel was in high spirits and
laughed and Joked with those about
him. T. R. Schruyham congratulated
hm on his Lewiston speech and the
C?olonel replied as light heartedly as a
"That Was mild compared with what
X am going to say at Battle Creek.
When I get there I'll skin them alive."
Included in the film were the form
er President. William B. Wlllcox.
Everett Colby, George W. Perkins,
Charles E. Warren, C. N. Bliss, Jr.,
Frank H. Hitchcock, W. Cameron
Forbes, Philip McCook, L. O. Murray,
Walter F. Arndt, of the Hughes pub
licity bureau; Miss Alice Carpenter,
chairman of the Hughes city com
mittee; John Williams, D. B. Ather
ton, David S. Barry, William Brewster,
George B. Compton, Herbert Parsons
and James B. Reynolds.
" Jersey For flughes" Is
Message From Murphy
By Associated Press
Chicago, Sept. 9. Ex-Governor
Franklin Murphy, of New Jersey, Re
publican National Committeeman,
visited the western Republican head
quarters here yesterday.
"New Jersey will give Hughes and
Fairbanks a large plurality in Novem
ber because of the harmony between
the Republican Organization and Pro
gressives," said Mr. Murphy. Miss
Harriet E. Vittum, In charge of the
woman's vote bureau, announced that
a reception would be arranged in Chi
cago for the eastern women who are
to tour the West in behalf of Hughes
and Fairbanks.
Tours Coast to Coast
in Enclosed Cadillac
According to thf general and ac
cepted idea, an enclosed automobile is
fine for city use, but not often thought
of for a long tour. Read Holliday, of
os .Angeles, who owns a Cadillac eight
brougham, is certainly no sharer of
that idea. For Mr. Holliday and his
family arc touring across the continent
in their enclosed Cadillac. SeldoYn be
fore lias such a trip been attempted.
Mr. Holliday's driving schedule calls
for the completion of the trip in
twenty days, with a short stop at the
Grand Canyon of the Colorado. His
route is byway of Grand Canyon, Al
buquerque, Santa Fe, Kansas City and
the National Old Trails road. With
him are his wife and two children —
one a babe in arms.
"There is no vacation or outing like
the one spent in a motor trip, and a
transcontinental trip is the best of
all," said Mr. Holliday, before leaving
Los Angeles. "With a dependable car
like the Cadillac, and especially a
closed car, there will be no discomfort
whatever. We will run on a schedule
which will bring us to a first-class
hotel every evening. Some of the
travel on the desert will be done at
night to avoid the heat of the day."
Man Hangs Himself, Fights
When Sons Cut Him Down
By Associated Presm
Altoona. Pa., Sept. 9. Leaving his
, home on Brush mountain in an angry
j mood last night, Harry Forrester, 50,
j went into the woods, and when his
! sons followed him a few minutes later
I they found him hanging by a rope to
| the limb of a tree.
When they cut him down he put up
; a stiff fight and it was necessary to
| summon an officer and have him jail
ed to prevent him from taking his life.
* Five Touring l
$ 1125 I
40 horsepower '54 X 4 inch tire*. Auto-lite starting 1 Oft fit©F $1095
sleeve-valve motor non-skid rear and lighting system f, c. b. Toledo j
Electrical control buttons on steering column j
114 inch wheelbase
| The Only Motor I
| Hiat Improves With Use |
9 I
The Willys-Knight motor appeals to every true
economist. ;
It is the only motor in the world that improves
with use.
The longer it runs, the smoother, sweeter and
more powerful it becomes.
All motors are more or less good for the first
three or' four thousand miles. Then the
wear, tear and friction start their deadly <
work and gradually eat their lives away.
But the sliding sleeves of the Willys-Knight 1
Motor get smoother and smoother and j
smoother. Each 1000 miles you run add to
its economy and efficiency.
No Willys-Knight Motor has ever worn out. j
No carbon troubles, no pounding and banging, 1
practically no gear shifting. Just a gentle
operation that's as smooth as silk and as soft.
No valve grinding. Carbon makes it run the
smoother —the only motor in the world that i
makes an advantage of carbon.
The Knight Motor is the power plant pre
ferred by| Kings, Queens and royalty of
Europe. They all use it.
And now you can have the same thing—at a
popular price.
No other car in the entire history of the auto
mobile business ever attracted such inter
national attention. No other new car in the
same price class ever sold so rapidly. jj
Stop in and have a look at the Willys-Knight jj
motor. Drive it yourself and feel its won- jj
derful power, pep and flexibility.
Once you own a Willys-Knight motored car,
you'll never be content to drive any thing else.
Come in and see it at once.
| The Overland-Harrisburg Co. 1
Open Evenings 212 North Second St Both Phones
The Willys-Overland! Company, Toledo, Ohio
'* Made in U. S. A. 9
M it
h if
| Our New Salesroom Opens This Evening I
tt " 2
§ At 103 Market Street j
8 1
|. This Will Be the First Showing of the New 1
H ff
§ S
H Your Inspection Is Cordially Invited |
Use Telegraph Want Ads Use Telegraph Want Ads Use Telegraph Want Ads Use Telegraph Want Ads
SEPTEMBER 9, 1916.