18 NEW AUTUMN i r\- p nmom „ P 1 Visiting Cards and HOSIERY & Stewart Wedding Engravings ocl f ««; and hlch spliced Kdlida} 5 are Over and city homes are reopening fur Ihe winter months. Wedding announcements or Invitations 10 lines* 8 ' 00 „n h e'A" "'S c'o"V. on . e nd"re,,""p. i r üb " .'"Vi'm , Ihe h r s ?. " ,o . nth ° f the Autumn season brings with it the actual preparation for the opening of school div„. Pome,., * craiiDREN-s, MISSES' AND Boys- HOSE terms and it brings from the Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart store the announcement of A . zz zz —r: Children's siik and itsie ronea top socks, m white Fresh NeW Stnc h<? nf Df>nf> rt fin hI o Morr A«n//«*. o Announcing Queen Quality Footwear or with fancy colored tops. Pair 25u _ i¥ C? C*/ JiOCRS Of LJ 6yj6TiCl CL OI 6 IVI 6TC#ICLT\ Q. IS Q Ihe styles of the new arrivals cover a wide doubirLe^V^zere^oll^L 1 . ever heretofore have we started the* Autumn season with stocks more comprehensive and attractive, or range, showing a variety of leathers and patterns Pa RnJ."-"f.i-»i; v —• •• • ; 23c with an organization better equipped to give good service. that W >N appeal to women of discriminating Boys black heavy cotton ribbed seamless hose: sizes \r- fi i • r i • 43 • fe v . . r\ r\ t • s. i ■ , , s 7t ° 10 - Pa »" 12\ iew the new arrivals in fabrics, wearing apparel and oersonal accessories, to-morrow—the store will taste \ Queen Quality footwear is moderately Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor. be Open fl'OlU 8 a. m. to 9 p. 111. priced—beginning at $4.00 and going to $8.50. — j ' 1 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Floor, Rear. The Large Hat Is Featured in VeilstoßeWorn Women's & Misses' New Dresses For Fall Mciny Charming; Forms Front or Back Fashioned of Serge or Serge and Georgette Crepe _ There are veils of Copies and reproductions of designs by the very best of French originators. «ira°p r e e "ver C th P e 0 .maii in nav y and other equally fashionable Fall colors. 1110 Cvll hat and suspend in the Some are braided, some embroidered with collars of satin or Georgette, __ TU 1 U * . A , htflrTv/iu others have decorative girdles, or are beautifully finished at throat or in front of The large hat encourages a tendency to flare from 1 over the ace the waist. a : V the face and in this assemblage of charming velvet hats \vQ> Georgette crepe veils Styles that are suitable for all occasions—for morning, (&& ~" " are many models of this description at $6.50 upward. \\/l • of heavy q " allty ' wlth street or afte rnoon. All sizes. 'i&S ''<•' i .* •• * • f.\ 2 Ys-inch silk border on _ : r<t" ' v„, „ ... , r , r .. , , . I \nA four sides, will be And, best of all the prices for these alluring dresses are so little, \jfa |*. * tlere aie nats that clennitely define the trend of u )K shown to-morrow In considering the excellence of their tailoring that every woman should styles for Fall. Already our showing includes a won- J N gu^^'Tavendir' B «a have at least ° ne ° f them ' \ f<Vi i,„a.„ t XT_ \r i ♦ t , n Copenhagen S2.UB Dresses of navy blue serge, with large grey and white collar, p|m/ \ - °^ lats fiom New \ ork s foremost pat- Jjr p & trimmed with grey braid in panel effects; wide skirt trimmed with WL) tern houses and includes the largest variety of smart °v U Stewart—St. fi.' grey fringe. Specially priced at $15.00 SIO.OO models that have ever been shown in Harrisburg \t tin ml Dr^ sscs of a . ser S c combination with cape collar of & |\J rysjj HQ II ( I s, " < an d serge, the skirt is made with a broad serge panel, with Women who read Vogue will find on dis- W -I- CUI VJIUVCO gathers of taffeta on the side $15.00 A 1 r , , , Women's washable kid cloves Dresses of serge, trimmed with fur on collar; waist with silk mtflHii 1 V Lsi;l play here many of the very models pictured and with p and Prix seams, in pearl' cord and satin button trimming; the skirt is flared with pointed ifMiMjLM described in this fashion magazine. grey, ivory, tan and putty, made tunic stitched in white $10.50 / M \tS ; \s* AT r , , - with nnp rlkn «1 2* tr/«l 7* Dresses of serge and Georgette crepe with a waist of Georgette, t ; /V M Many of the popular tam effects are worked out in beautiful qualities of WachaKV win, p'k- a wide g irdle ' s trimmed with gold and brown braid; full sleeves f i'l rn» velvet. . , . . with gathered frill; the skirt is full and plaited $18.50 [ .r-V ' V"> \ _ seams, \\i s rap wrist, in Dresses of fine quality French serge with Georgette crepe collar Our Hats at $4.95, $5.95 and $6.50 Are gloves, in white, nat- j pockets add a touch of irresistible smartness $18.50 i -IT -i ura V S™y and pongee Dresses of French serge in a straight loose line with a sash Leaders bl ves ' co ' ors ' and looping in the back; a large white crepe collar finishes the garment. f/ DiVes ' Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Front Dlves> Pomeroy & stewart-Street Floor. Dlvcß> Pomer °y & Stewart. Second Floor. 9 Men s Fall Socks—Special Values Sturdy Irish Table Linens of Excellent Quality A Season of Rich Sweaters in Weaves The Prices Are Lower Than Prevailing Import Costs That You Will Like Fibre silk fancy clocked socks, in navy and black 390 fhe Irish and Scotch linens which go to make up our admirable showing for Fall and Winter The approaching cold weather season promises to be one of Silk lisle socks with high spliced heels and double soles, in e ®f" iall -Y commendable from the viewpoint of appearance and service. strong sweater demands, and in order to provide for the require white and black. Pair Cotton seamless socks, in colors and black. Pair... / y Mercerized Table Damask, 390 to SI.OO 70 Inch Damask, Yd. $1.39 Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Street Floor. Imported grades, with a little sprinkling among Women's, men's and children's sweaters in novel desigrns the lower-priced lines from American mills Shown Extra quality, In selected patterns; 21-inch napkins j _i_* «. • , • , . in many new patterns. l " S ' b - n match this linen at. dozen ? $3.50 atld P lain Col ° rS 3re nOW bein S shown m comprehensive Style C Pnr i T?PTT7 , Q priced!'at, n y^rd le . 70 lnch « wide, is speciaUy Extra heavy fine quality IHsh gatin tab]e damask; assortments, at very moderate cost. VJ „ _ dozen .f".. . $3?00 22-inch napkins to match, dozen $4.50 Ar Sweaters are in their inter quarters on the Men's Store 3 lbs. of Sugar For 21c, With Tea or Coffee * Irish and scotch Linens • Mezzani»c --10 cakes white Laundry soap ... 3»c % ib. shredded cocoanut joc "nch^'wide" 1 .?? .Tf" ".!"?? ??" n . 8^ lpe . &n % 2 % Women's and misses' coat sweaters, in belted and plain 10 cakes D., P. &S. soap 31c Can marshmallow cream 9c 2 4.-' nch napkins to match, dozen *.! **l* *. *. *.". I"'siuio styles $1.98 to $7.98 3 packs Grandma's powder .... toe J" V.V; w id e. .1* Men's and youths' sweaters in heavy Shaker and medium can ::::::::2 rr r S;:::::::::::::::: „ andsome Lin k en Patte ™ cioths weight yarns - Spccial values at 69^ to Bottle sweet pickles 9c shoulders, lb .• i 7c 2x2-yard cloths . nß ..°s3 50 $4 oo and $5 oo Boys' and girls' plain and combination colored sweaters. Bottle olives S 4c Cream cheese, lb >.. J3c 2x2 %-yard cloths !! $4 00 SSOO aSrt S6OO Special SI <tf> tn Ift Jar Heinz applebutter 3lc Pressed ham. lb 30c 2x3-yard cloths ssioo| $e!oo and s7ioO 5p1.U0t05p0.00 BottiI U map"e h S yrup'!'.!!"e sos BISCUITS 2x3®ily n ard clothl .'::::::::::::;:;:: sc.oo, fe sV.oVVo Travelo light weight knitted coats, designed particularly for Glass honey uc Pound assorted Biscuits 27c 22-inch napkins to match, dozen $4.50 to $7.50 4 oifice and housewcar; in navy and dark oxford. Special, $3.50 Glass jelly Dc Package Cocoanut Dainties Pattern Cloth and Nankin Sets i //ih TJ:„u » i T • i_ i t . • ..... 2 bottles ketchup 10c Package Butter Thins j v 2x2-yard cloths with matching napkins are moderately priced at Sl3 50 to \((l\ g Jerseys 111 school color stripes and solid Colors, Can Log Cabin syrup aoc Package Lunch Biscuits .... f7Sf $25.00 for the set. moueraieij priced at $13.50 to SI.9S Can ripe olives 11c Package Takhoma J ■"'V 2x2%-yard cloths, with napkins are sls 00 to $"2 00 Jf\ " r br.V, ? Dlv «- s iSJJKiSSM.'tai'JsSBrVS*::: : JIZVs&S VWI Boys P 1 "" hi s h n «k worsted jtnty. specu ... $1.30 aSU " C " t ' Di\es, Pomeroy & Stewart—Street Fioor. Boys' Stripe Jerseys $1.75 Men Are Beginning to Think About New , , —\ ■'Vfeggl Clothing For Fall p Know They Will Be Interested in Our Showing of New Suits New Neckwear For Men Is Here A Great Variety of Styles From $15.00 to $30.00 jffiiii m A Men who seek to dress well on a moderate pocketbook will p. 1 . .. ._ , f I I // 1 \ read this announcement of fresh neckwear arrivals with interest. c . ee P as our lines of rail Clothes have been assembling', and now we have icady for / // I \ in handT arp tlon coloHngs in stri P e and fi § ured br^ d e "d four- a splendid showing of new styles, new patterns and new models. Among the new in-nands, are ... to SI.OO ainvals that will be fashionable this Fall are* — ...ft /\ ■ \ ISovelty and ombre stripe four-in-hands are 25$ and 350 x . . ( 1 \ \ Plain silk poplin, wide end four-in-hands 25(t- nm i m Wlt Boys' new French and reversible four-in-hands 250 ouble-breasted three-button models with soft roll lapels and slanting pockets. ; f\ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Men's store I wo-hutton models with semi-peaked lapels. I 1 \/ / fwo and three-button models with patch pockets an<! detachable belt. / Fashionable Footwear For Women„i,;^ r f^ri.™ th i ggin r n / tripes, - grey wit . h s« en tint, black and white siik mixture, veiour ws\t\ The newest Fall styles in $4.00 and *SO shoes, in all the of the'new patternVofferin^lnM y WeaVeS " dotl ' S - tlle ? e show the trend MS^MFW^ wanted leathers in button and lace effects with high French and enecis. \\ \ U . Cuban heels. - —,. _ t l \ \ P »v> Flo J r. Fr on, A Jl lne L lne Q f Stilfs a f SIO,OO \\ Fall Dress Cottons A Showing These are the b «st suits that can be bought for .SIO.OO. We inspected 1 I of N©W Weaves jS xvw many lines before we picked these suits to specialize at this price. Medium to \\| ; „ }J£Y heavy weights in dark stvles—sizes tn 42 ' 1 I Poplin in a dozen hall shades, 36 in., fine quality, yd., 350 fy' k3> I • WCSAI l| Serpentine Crepe for kimonos and dressing sacques, vd. 190 / /// \\ I T-k Wwti wm/ 1 Pair of M i In the Basement 0 S n . . .. ® 1 \ p._. c _ r - , HB n Jf Dark and medium shades in well-tailored suits. Trou- ■" 1 20c Wash SuiUng: yVd W M JPI sers are full lined with taped seams. Sizes 7to 18 years. Robe Prints, 36 inches; yard f.' 20c and iSO KJ Jj )J A { P air at $6.50, $7.50 and $8.50 W i ■ " Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor, Rear z=J) FRIDAY EVENING, ' HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH SEPTEMBER fi, 1916.
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