Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 06, 1916, Page 3, Image 3
rr - Incorporated July 19, igi6 Robert A. Enders, F. L. Albert Froehlich, Lewis Balser, President. * Tre«»urer Vln-PntMra«. Camp Curtin Trust Company Succeeding the Sixth Street Bank Sixth and Maclay Streets Condensed Statement at the Close of the First Day's Business, September sth, 1916 Resources Liabilities Loans $ 115,689.56 Capitol Stock $ 125,000.00 Mortgages 347,925.00 Deposits 754,170.51 Investments 393,420.00 Mortgage Notes Sold .. 129,610.00 Real Estate, etc., 29,100.05 Miscellaneous, 422.55 Due from banks 76,016.31 Cash on hand 44,565.20 Miscellaneous 2,486.94 $1,009,203.06 $1,009,203.06 Directors Lewis Balser Bertram G. Galbraith FulmerJ.Reif Dr. George L. Brown Rufus A. Hartman Hugo Schutzenbauch Charles W. Burtnett John H. Kreamer W. Scott Stroh J. Allen Donaldson John Lappley Samuel W. Shoemaker Robert A. Enders Joseph F. Miller George C. Tripner The Camp Curtin Trust Company Receives Deposits, subject to check Trust Department is empowered to i without rmtiee execute all such Legal Trusts as may be confided to it by any Court of rec ( Makes a specialty of Savings De- 0I "d> person or corporation. posits. Any amount received, 4 per Acts as Administrator of Estates, cent, interest paid. as Executor appointed by decedent, carries out the provisions of the will. Certificates of Deposit issued at May b e Guardian of minor chil any time, interest at the rate of 3 per dren or incompetents. Wills, Written, cen t. receipted for and kept without charge. Mortgage and Bond Department Mortgages taken on improved real estate. First mortgage bonds, invest-. 1 ments and securities sold to investors. Safe deposit boxes rented. AL_ lAMUseMemsi "Lost in New York.' 'the big scenic, sensational drama, is said to be a story brimful of those heart "Lost In throbs which you New York" always enjoy, thrilling situations, which hold you breathless, and hearty laughs which are frequent. The company which will present it here at the Orpheum, Friday and Saturday, with a matinee Saturday, will be headed by Kitty O'Neill. It is said that if you don't want to go to work "the morning after" whistling "Rackety Coo." don't go to "Kntlnka" see "Katinka," at the Or pheum, Wednesday, mati nee and night, September 13. After the show has hit town you will hear the girl back of the ribbon counter hum ming "Rackety Coo.' You will go to your office and will find the bookkeeper softly and unconsciously whistling it to himself as he goes over the items. After awhile you will begin to get ag gravated. then, you will become decid edly exasperted. until, in an unguardea moment, you will find yourself doing it too. The bill at the Majestic this week is headed by a spectacular musical com edy entitled, "Going Last Day For Up." Jim Mac Williams, Majesties Rill an artist on the piano, and three other acts, complete the bill. For the last half ov the week Wolf and Stewart offer a comedy sketch entitled. "In Two Flats." This couple present their act in a cap able manner, and the stage setting, it is AMUSEMENTS ORPHEUM T O-MORRO W ""S THE NEW Tango Queens WITH TOM COYNE SPECIAL FEATURE M1.1.E. LOVER A The greatest dancer of them all. WIL& VjN CENT^ VAUDEVI L LEj HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE GOWNS 8 Girls and each one tveani live different costumes, making u total of FORTY QOIING UP A Mualcal Comedy Offering FOUR OTHER KEITH FEATURES COMING for the last half of week "IN TWO FLATS" a sketch you will want to look sharp at. ' \ ORPHEUM2 DAYS Tr?d\'? g SEPT. 8-9 S" MATINEE 25c »™ces 10-15-25-35-50 m b(L I 8 WINSOME KITTY O'NEIU AND ■ ■ ■ IV LEONARD G. ROVER. JR. lalf ll I II ■ In their churacter ™ * Impersonation "iiii NEW YORK BOATS SPEEDING A Adl W* JL VIP Jlll\ WEDNESDAY EVENING, said, is very novel. Other acts on the i bill are: Fagg and White, blackface en tertainers: the Morton Jewell Trio, who | do some juggling and perform a num ] ber of acrobatic stunts, as well as sing i a few songs: Dave Roth, in a corner ( singing, talking and musical act, and ; one other attraction which will be an > nounced later. Wallace Reid and Cleo Ridgley will be seen in a thrilling drama, "The Selfish Woman." on the "The Selfish Paramount program to- Womnn" at day and to-morrow at the Regent the Regent. It Is the story of a woman's un successful attempt to wreck her hus band's work because of her love tor gain. Friday and Saturday—Charlie Chap lin will be presented in "The Count." In this, his latest release, Chaplin re turns to his big shoes and baggy trous ers .and instills even more than usual of his slapstick variety of comedy. As a bogus count he goes through a num ber of adventures in burlesque high life which would ordinarily end in the death of a less agile performer. The Fox feature booked for the Colo nial Theater, to-day and to-morrow, is adapted for the William Farnum screen from Caroline at the Colonlnl Lockhart's famous story. "The Man From Bitter Roots." William Farnum will be shown in the leading role as a Western miner who battles against enormous odds, to achieve happiness that is his in the end. On the same program will be shown the fifth episode of "The Grip of Evil," called "The Way of a Woman.' Another complete story of this serial that is a powerful moral lesson in itself, which also asks the question. Is Humanity in the Grip or Evil? AMUSEMENTS 188 Harrlsburg's Hlgh-t lass Picture Theater TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW William Fox Presents WILLIAM FARNUM in The Man From Eilter Roots a vlfforouK narrative of the life of a tvefttern miner In the ftreat out of-doora—by Caroline I.ockhart. Added Attraction: Fifth Episode of ("The Way of a Woman") The serial picture that is different. WILLIAM FARNL'M . In "The Man From Bitter Roots," show ing at the Colonial Theater to-day ana to-morrow. ft . || Clears Away J| There is one remedy that seldom faila to clear away all pimples, black heads and skin eruptions and that makes the skin soft, clear and healthy. Any druggist can supply you with zemo, which generally overcomes all skin diseases. Acne, eczema, itch pimples, rashes, black heads in most custs give way to zemo. Frequently, minor blemishes disappear overnight. Itching usually stops instantly. Zemo is safe, clean, easy to use and depend able. It costs only 25c; an extra large bottle, SI.OO. It will not stain, is not greasy or sticky and is positively safe for tender, sensitive skins. Zemo, Cleveland. AMUSEMENTS TO-DAY AIVD TO-MORROW J«tM L. Lanky Present* the favorite co-stars of the photo play world. WALLACE REID AND CLEO RIDGLEY in an Intense melo drama of domestic strife, "THE SELFISH WOMAN" the photoplay every husband and wife should see. Added Att ruction I PARAMOUNT PICTOGRAPHS Compiled of Preparednenn, Better BabieM, Trlcklris. '•THE UDiK LANDS AGAIN" (Comedy) Ml'Tl'AL WEEKLY, Educational FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ' CHARLIE CHAPLIN in "THE t OlINT" Continuous Gale of l.ausha and Fan | A A HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JAPS DEMAND TWO PROVINCES Control of South Manchuria and Inner Mongolia Price of Clash Asked of China Special to the Telegraph Washington. Sept. 6. —Sweeping de mands. far more drastic than any pub lished summaries have indicated, are revealed in the secret terms being pressed on China by Japan as a re sult of the recent armed conflict be tween soldiers of the two nations at Cheng Chiatun in Inner Mongolia. Private dispatches received here re veal that Japan seeks indemnities, an apology. and political concessions throughout the whole section of Inner Mongolia and South Manchuria. Four Chief Demnndx The four formal demands are quoted as follows— Punishment of the commanding Chinese officer involved in the trou ble. Dismissal, with punishment, of the officers involved. Instructions to Chinese troops in Inner Mongolia and South Man churia not to interfere in any way with Japanese troops or civilians, and to publish this fact broadly. Recognition of "special interests" for Japan in Inner Mongolia and South Manchuria, comprising pow ers of police and administration,- preference in loans and in the se lection of all foreign advisers, etc. Four Conectnlon* Anked Besides the four "demands" are four "concessions" which China is asked to grant Japan without formal demand, as follows— The Chinese army in South Man churia and Eastern Mongolia to em ploy Japanese military advisers. Chinese schools and colleges to have Japanese military inspectors. This is not limited to any section in dispatches so far as received. A formal apology In person from the, Chinese Governor of Mukden to the Japanese Governor at Dairen and the Japanese consul at Mukden for the Cheng Chiatun trouble. Monetary compensation tto the families of the Japanese killed, the amounts to be settled by later nego tiations. Secretary Lansing refused to com ment on the dispatches or to outline what might be the attitude of the American government. . I . S. to Investigate It is known, however, that steps will be taken immediately by the State De partment to secure detailed reports and learn the full significance of Japan's act. American interests seem at first glance to be more deeply involved than In any event in the Far East since Japan's famous ultimatum to China of May. 1915. PAGE TO VISIT FRONT By Associated Press Rome, Sept. 6.—The American am bassador, Thomas Nelson Page, has received an Invitation to visit the Italian front, which he has accepted. He will be accompanied by the mili tary and naval attaches of the em bassy. They will be the first repre sentatives of any neutral country al lowed on the Italian front. KANSAS MINERS STRIKE By Associated Press Pittsburgh. Kansas. Sept. 6. Eight thousand miners in the southeastern Kansas coal fields walked out yester day as a result of dissatisfaction over the delay in closing a new agreement with the Southwestern Interstate Coal Operators Association. The negoti ations for the agreement are under way at Kansas City. The miners march ed from mine to mine calling out union members. Six mining comanies were affected, it was said. TO LAY MESSIAH CORNERSTONE The cornerstone of the new Messiah Lutheran Church will be held on Sun day afternoon with appropriate cere monies. To-night the Rev. H. W. A. Hanson, pastor of the church, will have charge of the services for the opening of the cornerstone of the old church, which will be unsealed. The seal will be broken at the close of the prayer service. The cornerstone was laid in 1599 and contains many interesting records. The contents will be examined and placed in the stone for the new building with additional data. 400,000 APPOINTMENTS By Associated Press Washington, Sept. 6. During the administrations of President Roose velt, Taft and Wilson, 761 executive orders were issued giving government positions to individuals and more than 400,000 appointments were made from the classified service lists in competi tive examinations. This is shown in a report of the Civil Service Commis sion on file in the Senate to-day. It was transmitted by President Wilson in response to a resolution by Senator Penrose. A confidential communica tion accompanying the report is being held for examination .in executive ses sion. DISCUSS DANUBE TRAFFIC By Associated Press Rerlin, Sept. 6 (by wireless).— Delegates representing Germany, Aus tria-Hungary. Bulgaria and Turkey have met at Budapest for a conference in regard to extension of traffic on the Danube. Tlie Danube has been used exten sively for the forwarding of war ma terials from Germany to Bulgaria and Turkey and the return of foodstuffs, but the entrance of Rumania into the war has crippled seriously this impor tant means of communication. MUNICIPAL POOL FOR ISLAND PARK [Continuctl From First Page] Conestoga. What he saw there con vinced him that Harrisburg needs and can provide for the very same thing with but little labor and expense. This same active spirit accordingly has taken the matter up with Park Com missioner Gross, whose influence, it is hoped, will be thrown into the scales ir. favor of the proposition. A special dispatch with regard to the pool at Maple Grove, shown in the etching, tells of the "swimming craze" that has struck the community and adds: "There are at least 5,000 more persons in Lancaster to-day who can swim than there were at this time last summer. Someone conceived the idea of damming up the waters of the little Conestoga, which is free from sewage, and this has an old "swimming holo," the fame of which has gone be yond the confines of the city and county. There is one strict rule at the pool, and that is no one-piece bathing | suits for girls, but outside of that the fair bathers can dress as they please. | The pool is not confined to female I bathers, however. The suggestion made by the Harris burg businessman is that the island owned by the city could well be utilized at a point somewhere above the Wal nut street bridge for the purpose of establishing a bathing pool by a little judicious damming and the installation of pipes, which would keep filtered water constantly passing through the pool. The idea will doubtless strike the public fancy, and if carried out Hixrrisburg's dream of a bathing beach I will soon be a reality. JSjoamumZ BEI.L—IIIOI—UNITED HARRISBURG, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6. 1D1«. FOUNDED 18T1 The Summer Day Creeps Onward 0 Toward The Sunset Hour AUTUMN blooms "^^ISIIBHI are already ap sunny Whispering TaSteM Men Will th va°«ion "days'T. WApprove The Autumn Shirts nearing an end. V Harrisburg's first have come to Bow- Thoughts of school w man's in a variety of the newest stripes and of school W colorings> I many rC me mi J The famous Yorke Shirts are especially j The spirit of summer to be regarded for the fineness of fabrics j play is waning and men —the fit and finish—and their patterns are are turning the great matchless. Madras and percales, at j wheels of Labor more Qf) and S LSO orously more " g ~ BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. J The Store is awake. I J> New efforts and (rrtwter A L V&CL of energies mark the begin- B .. ... "If of A-^ ✓ "The Best" Will Be Found Among Kitchen Cabinets —and always when you think of "the best", or are told of "the best", consider only the Napanee Dutch Dutch Kitchenets are recognized the Let us show you their excellent fea world over as the highest grade cabinet tures —new non-warping sliding table made. They embody every new up-to- , . , , . date feature, and every new idea for top covered with aluminum—the new kitchen cabinets is usually found in a smooth roll curtain that is practically Dutch Kitchenet. Their construction is dustproof and explain how easily as near perfect as human skill can make every part is removed for thorough it. They are substantial and strong , nt ,. „ o •. and will give years of splendid satisfac- . 1 • ui • tory service. Dutch Kitchenets are have genuine white porcelain table in built like fine furniture. stead of aluminum. SI.OO Delivers "The Best" Kitchen Cabinet To Your Home BOWMAN'S —Fifth Floor. The Beauty Of New Bathing Suits Is Enhanced By Low Prices Some fresh, new, smartly styled Bathing Suits f° r women are just in. See the new Jersey Suits in colors —first in Harrisburg. d Some of the prettiest styles we've yet shown, and / a "V Wm, at P" ces certain to win your approval. I \ Sturdy variety (several models reduced) at vSffi assortment of Caps, Shoes and Tights. BOWMAN'S —Third Floor Lafayette Day and Marne Anniversary Celebrated New York, Sept. «. The tri-color of France floats from many buildings in New York City to-day while thou sands of citizens are wearing buttons bearing the French national emblem, in commemoration of Lafayette Day, commemorating the 190 th anniversary of the birth of the distinguished Frenchman who came to the aid of the American colonies in their strug gle for independence. The occasion was of additional significance to the French residents of the city and the sympathizers with their cause of the present conflict, as to-day also is the second anniversary of the battle of the Marne. GERM AW IjOAX A FAILURE London, Sept. 6.—Subscriptions to thu German war loan during the first two days indicate that the loan is a failure, according to reports from Ber lin via Amsterdam to the Exchange Telegraph Company. The returns for the first two days were far behind the total raised in that time for previous war loans. A large number of sub scriptions have been received from "Onyx"-llf Hosiery Yoa Gat GOOD Value at ANY Prlc*—slU i Uite or Coaoe 25c to $5J# per p*k Emery-Beers Company, inc. WHOLESALE 163.161 EAST 24th ST. NEW YORK SEPTEMBER 6, 1916. cities, savings banks and munitions lirms, the dispatches state, but the public has not responded, and there is talk of extending the time limit to Oc tober 15. HURT LEANING FROM WINDOW While leaning out of a window on a Third street car yesterday after noon Edward Graham, of West Fair view, was struck by «. wagon belong ing to Davis and Hargest. He was taken to the Harrisburg hospital where it was learned that he had sus tained a fracture of the right elbow and right shoulder. DANISH SHIP SUNK London, Sept. 6.—The Danish steam ship Jeanne, of 1,178 tons gross, has been sunk, according to a dispatch from Weymouth. The captain and crew of the vessel have been landed. The Jtanne was 232 feet long and was built at New Castle in 1904. She was owned at Copenhagen. GROCERY CLERKS STRIKE New York, Sept. 6. Three thousand grocery clerks went on strike in this city, Jersey City, Newark and outlying towns to-day. Leaders of th«lr union, the Retail Clerks' International Protec tive Association, claim that the number of strikers will be augmented to 6,000 within the next twenty-four hours. The strike was voted last night after own ers of chains of stores refused the de mands of the union for shorter hours, a minimum salary of sls per week and 1 per cent, of the store receipts. BE GOOD TO YOUR FEET AND THEY'LL BE GOOD TO YOU It's the easiest thjng In the world to have cool, happy -comfortable feet- Just try this simple little test and see foi yourself: Go to H. C. Kennedy or any good druggist, get a package of EZO, the wonderful new foot balm. Rub it gently on your feet to-night before going to bed and—good-bye foot troubles forever! It's just like magic the way this simple little EZO rubs the pain, the ache, the swelling and the misery out of tired, misused feet; and, what will tickle you most the happy feeling: last! Out of the window with the fussy prepared alum powders and foot peints! Give your feet a real treat with EZO. Do it just this "once and make your feet happy!—Advt. (GEORGE H. SOURBIER | FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1310 North Third strati Bell Phutte. Auto brrvlc*. I 3