Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 06, 1916, Page 11, Image 11
| Anything Can Be Bonght ir Sold Throiigh These Columns. BefiTl 00 C.Y .2031 Deaths UClTlCL—Columbus Weitiel died Sep tember 5. 1916. In his Nth > ear. »t his late residence. I*l North Fif teenth street. Funeral services Friday morning, at 9 o'clock, front St. Francis' Church r riend.- call Thursday. 7 to 9 o'clock. MeXASR Sarah 1. McNaer died on September 4. 1916, suddenly. In her t>Bth year, widow of the late Joseph X. McNaer, at her late home. llOi apitol street. _ v'uneral services will be held on Fri day morning, at 10 o'clock, from the Hawkins Estate Funeral Parlors. 1207 North Third street. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Burial private, in East Harrisburg Cemetery. • EDW ARDS Died. September 4. 1915,, suddenly John Edwards, in his b9th year, at his. late home. 302 Cumber land street. ... „ ! Funeral services will be held at the above address on Thursday after noon. at 3 o'clock, to which relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice Burial pri vate, in East Harrisburg Cemetery. MOVER On September 4. 1916. Philip D. Moyer. aged 66 years. 10 months and 29 days. Funeral on Thursday afternoon, at . o'elock. from his late residence. -»-.s Boas street, Penbrook. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. Funeral ser vice at Penbrook Reformed t-hurcn. Burial at Shoop's Church Cemeter?. GALLAGHER On September 3. 1916. D. Lee Gallagher, aged 23 years. Funeral on Thursday morning, at 10 o'clock, from the residence of nls father, W. R Gallagher, sjo curtti. street. The relatives and friends are invited to attend without further no tice. Burial Paxtang Cemetery. Bod> can be viewed Wednesday evening PENROSE Entered into rest, in Car lisle. Monday morning. September 4. ■ Valeria Biddle. daughter of the lat» William and Valeria Penrose. Lost and Found LOST Between Summerdale and , Overview, on Monday afternoon, one straw web separator of threshing ma chine. Liberal rewar* if returned to M. T. Bretz. R. F. D.. No. 1 Marysville. Pa. LOST Black leather cover vest pocket Memorandum buok, along River Steps. Monday afternoon or evening. Name Susquehanna. 1916. on outside cover. Owner's name on inside. Valu able to owner only. Liberal reward. Re turn to Telegraph Office. LOST Female black and tan Fox Hound, with collar bearing name of Dubel and Beck. Perry and Evergreen streets. Please return, or phone. LOST Ladv's openface gold watch. Initials S. F. M. Lost between Third and Fourth on Walnut. Monday even ing. Valued at a gift. Reward if re turned to the Telegraph. Help Wanted —Male BOY WANTED A hustler. Must be , 16 vears old. If you intend to go to school, don't apply. • Knisely's Cigar Store. 200 Market street. WANTED Six men of good appear ance to work on a proposition that will S2 to $4 per day. Steady work, tall 8 to 9 A M, 4 to 6 P. M . 409 Patriot Building. , WANTED Sober driver, one not afraid to work. Apply Harrisburg Banana and Fruit Co.. 10a South Second . street- WANTED Able-bodied laborers, ' white or colored, for Brick Plant at Milton. Pa. Steady work all year. No labor trouble. *2.25 per day. Transpor tation advanced. Apply, ready for ship- ' Vent. Thursday morning. 11 o'clock, Mr. , Williams, Plaia Hotel. ! WANTED Night man for livery stable. Apply Harry M. Cohen, 11. South Third street. WANTED Boy. over 1« years, to •work in shipping department. $4.00 to start. Must be willing. Give past em ployers in own handwriting Address B . 5218. care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man as cashier and bookkeeper. State age and salary expected. Address 0., 4372. care of Telegraph. BUTCHER WANTED All-arouna butcher; married man preferred; good wages. Call at J. A. Reichert Meat Market. 714 Race street. WANTED Boy, no younger than 16 years old. Apply 207 Locust street. Tailor. WANTED Young man, over 16. with some knowledge of printing busi ness. Apply, after 9 A. M. Shaffner Printing Co.. 21 North Fifth street. WANTED Strong, young man for •work in shipping room. Harrisburs Baking Co., 442 South Cameron street, WANTED Man with experience in baking, for mixing room. Harrisburg Baking Co., 442 South Cameron street. WANTED Clerk for pool room; salary, $9.00 per week to start. Address Box J, 5213, care of Telegraph. CHAUFFEUR Reliable driver and skilled mechanician wanted for seven passenger car. References required. State whether married or single. Ad dress M.. 5216, care of Telegrapn. MEN To travel; experience not nec- I essary. Apply between &-9 A. M.. 8 | North Market Square, Rooms 306-07. j: WANTED Married man to work on Dairy i arm. Must be sober and honesu. and a good milker, and good with a team. House rent, garden, wood for fuel and milk for table free. Give re!- i erence. Wages, $35 per month. Apply to W. H. Richter, Duncannon, Pa. LABORERS WANTED—Good wages, steady work with chance for advance ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Office. Cettral Iron & Steel Company. FIRST-CLASS PLUMBER WANTED, AT OXCE Apply Herre Bros., 3235 North Fourth street. Riverside. Attend the YOUNG MEN S BUSINESS INSTITUTE. Hershey Building. Front and Market Streets, Harrisburg, Pa. A SCHOOL OF CULTURE as well as A SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Instructors are college men—Prince ton and Harvard. Day and night sessions. Address, for booklet, P. O. BOX 284. FOR SALE , • 2309 Derry St. S3OOO A Good Value 2%-story frame house (as good as new) six rooms, bath, steam heat, gas and electricity—porches —coal and gas ranges—slate roof with copper flashings. Lot 23x100 ft. Garage for two machines on? 1 rear of lot. Single house on corner lot. Best of reasons for selling. j MILLER BROTHERS & CO. REAL ESTATE Insurance Surety Bond* I.oruat and Conrt Streets »■ 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, , Help Wanted—Male WANTED -JO able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Di vision street, Harrisburg, Pa. LABORERS WANTED For either contract or da) iaDor. Attractive wagta. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman Sros. ic Wilson. Twenty-third street anil P. A R. Railroad. MEN Young, wanted to work In automobile repair shop: our school is overflowing with repair wv«rk. there , fore it gives our students a cnance tv obtain practical repair work on ail ma ! chines. We pay 30 cents an liour as ' soon as competent. Take advantage of summer rates Auto Transportation ; School Z9 North Cameron street. Help Wanted —Female WANTED A woman to do cooking, a comfortable, permanent home to the right person. Apply 2101 North Second street, or phone 1216 R. WANTED Girl for general house work: reference required. Inquire 2138 North Third street. Bell phone 2569. WANTED A bright girl for the marking and assorting department. Ap ply Troy Laundry, 1520-26 Fultot. street. WANTED Girl to clerk in confec tionery store. Must be experienced at soda fountain. Steady position all year round Apply 1025 North Seventh street. Bell phone 1617 R. WANTED White woman for cook ing and general housework. Must have srood recommendations, and prefer wo man with boy over 14 years of age. Apply P. o. Box 66. Shippensburg. Pa. WANTED Experienced Glove and Hosiery saleslady; also girls over 16 for Saturdays. Apply to Mr. Greene, Glose Counter, Astnch's. Fourth and Market streets. WANTED White woman to do gen eral housework. Apply 226 Reily street. WANTED Two experienced milli ners and two apprentices. Apply to Mrs. E. Walzer. 27 South Second street. WANTED White woman wanted as ' cook in private family returning to town September 15. Reply, giving ref erence and experience, to Box F. 431«, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced waitress. Apply Mate Capital Hotel, 215 Walnut street. WANTED A girl to feed ruling machine. Apply No. 320 Market streei, ' third floor front. WANTED A white or colored girl for general housework and no cooking. Apply 1934 North Third street. WANTED White woman for gen eral housework. Apply 122 Woodoiue street. WANTED A girl in a book ana stationery stole. Apply W., 5212, care of Telegraph. CIGARMAKERS WANTED Rollers and bunch makers; steady work. Ap ply Central Cigar Co., 323 South Cam eron street. A STUDENT Irom 9th grade with our tramins in shorthand and type writing. making $35 a week. Expert shorthand and typewriting, individual instruction, «very student placed. Day and Night School in session. Harris burg Shorthand School, 31 North Sec ond street. WANTED Girls 16 years and over, experienced and learn ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner North and Second streets. WANTED Experienced sewing machine operators to make ladies' ana children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel Co.. Ovet City Star Laundry. State street. Rear Entrance. WANTED Girls not under 16 years of age to learn the trade of Cigarmaking. Also experienced Bunchmakers and Rollers. Pay beginners while learning. Experienced hands earning good wages. Apply at Harrisburg Cigar Co.. sOo Race street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma chine operators, experienced and learn ers. Pay good wages while learning. Steady work. Steelton Glove Co.. cor ner Second and Dupont, Steelton. OPERATORS Thoroughly experi enced 011 power sewing machine*, to work on ladies' aprons and children's play suits; steady work at good wages. Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com pany, 414-416 State street. WANTED. AT ONCE Sewing ma- ! ; chine operators. Experience not nec essary. Pressers and folders also want j ed. Blou?h Manufacturing Co, I Situations Wanted —Male WANTED A white man wants ■work of any kind; have good recom mendations: prefer housework or gai dening Address B. M. W., care of Tele graph. WANTED Middle-aged, Christian, refined woman desires position as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, employer expected to furnish reference, as reference can be given by employe. Write Housekeeper. Lewisberry, Pa. I WANTED Young man desires po sition as stenographer and general office work: good references. Address Box X. 5217, care of Telegraph. WANTED Young man, 22 years o: age, desires work of any kind. Ad dress K., 5215. care .of Telegraph. Situations Wanted—Female 1 __ WANTED Girl 25. waitress five j years, wants work in city; highly rec ommended. and ready for work. Ad dress Box J, 4377. care of Telegraph. WANTED Woman wants work or any kind by the day or week. Address i 1442. Derry street. WANTED By young, settled wo- , man, place as waitress or chambermaid; . experienced in both. Address M. p., ! care of Telegraph, or call Bell phone 1382 J. WANTED A young, white gin wants a place to work as waitress be fore and after school hours. J„ 5219, care of Telegraph. WANTED Colored woman would like laundry work for Tuesdav and Wednesday. Address M. E. J., 609 Cum berland street . Real Estate For Sale j PENBROOK PROPERTY FOR SALF. I —Frame house on plot 75x150—property in good condition offered at $2,700. We have other suburban properties for sale. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Build s2,Boo WILL BUY a new suburban . propfrty 8 rooms bath electric light steam heat hardwood floor* —cemented cellars coal bin undet j large front porch lot, 25x125 close to sc car fare. Bell Realty Co., Bergner i Building. Real Estate For Sale ! NO. 214 CRESCENT STREET FOR SALE 8 rooms bath gas fur- • nace cemented cellar lot. 18x160 Inspect the property —owner anxious to sell. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner Build ing WHAT is the property No. 1612 Fors ster street worth to you? Inspect it. : All improvements most desirable lo cation. Owner has left city and ti> anxious to sell. Bell Realty Co.. Berg ner Building. FOR SALE—Swatara street. No. 2153. eight-room, three-story frame house, porch and side entrance. Price rt-ducea S2OO. Quick sale desired. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga low sites, at foot of mountain, summer dale. Price $350. Apply, Laura Reed. lit Chestnut street FOR SALE South Eighteenth street. No. 319 New 2 H-story brick house, with steam heat and electric light: porch and side entrance. ljMt. 20 by 100 ft. Owner leaving city. Price right. J. E. Gipple. 1251 Market street. , REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Two story dwelling house brick six rooms and bath corner Miller and Dare streets, between Seventeenth and Eighteenth streets and State and North —known as 1720 Miller street. Apply to Mrs. Geo. D. Thorn. 2216 North Third street. FOR SALE New Cumberland. Pa , 100 ft. fronting on Bridge and 150 ft. ion Fifth street, thereon erected one -S - story and one two-story frame houses Inquire on premises. FOR SALE 3-story brick dwelling, 9 large rooms, bath and furnace, lo cated at No. 1119 North Seventh. Cheap to quick buyer. FOR SALE Two single, modem homes on lot 30x100. Cloverly Heights. Conveniently located for Harrisburg or Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur chaser. If you are in the market for a home, call J. M. Stark & Son. Cloverly Heights. FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder. Inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street, corner River alley, two and one-haif- I story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. Corner Bridge and Eighth street*. Elkwood. two and one-half-story frame; eight rooms and a bath; all conveniences. The above properties wil< be sold at a bargain. Apply Xeeney & Simmons. New Cumberland, Real Estate For Rent FOR RENT No. 1624 Market street, from October 1, a nine-room brick house, with steam heat and electric light. Very desirable. Rent. S2B. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street. FOR RENT Penbrook. 2727 Butlei ' street. 2S-story frame S rooms, i Price. $15.00. H. C. Brandt. 36 North Third. ! FOR RENT A very desirable six- I room house, centrally located, furnish ed; cltv steam, etc. Address Box A, 4375, care of Telegraph. FOR RENT House No. 535 South Penn street; six rooms; water in kitchen. Rent. $9.00. Apply 617 Rac« ! street. 426 NORTH STREET Eight rooms, bath, electric lights, city steam, gas stove and gas water heater, facing Capitol Park. Inquire 400 North street. Farms FOR SALE Fruit and chicken farm. Good location. Good roads to market. Near school and church. Will consider exchange. Penbrook house foi , rent. 1900 North. PUBLIC SALE Saturday, Septem ber 9. 1916, at 2 o'clock P. M., on the premises in Fairview Township, York County, Pa., two miles west of New Cumberland, five miles from Harris burg. on State Road leading from New Cumberland to Lisburn. 25-Acre Farm, improved with two Frame Dwellings, five and six rooms each: frame Bank Barn and other outbuildings, tine spring, running water through farm, three acres of timber land. Possession April 1. 1917, or sooner if desired. Terms made known on day of sale. Willard R. Black. Owner. Brinton-Packer Co- Agents, Second and Walnut streets, Harrisburg, Pa. FARMS—FARMS—FARMS All Sizes. Grades and Prices VAUGHN Beautiful and very productive; close to trolley Acre and half-acre plots only $169. C. B. CARE & SON. . Care's Grocery, Linglestown, or 409 Market St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Apartments For Rent A GENTLEMAN will share his fur nished apartment with a man; central, 1 all conveniences. Address Mr. Thomas, P. O. Box 429, City. FOR RENT Second floor apart ment. 131 South Third street: five rooms and bath, electric lights, gas and heat. Rent, $25; possession September 4. APARTMENT FOR RENT First class, 5 rooms and bath, with all con- 1 , veniences. Apply L. Silbert. 1742 North Sixth street. SECOND ST.. 170 C Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT One front room, with i bay window and side room; all conveni- j ences; use of phone and bath. Phon* ; 4355 J. Call Everett, 107 South Second street. FOR RENT A desirable furnished room, second floor, not front, suitable for one; stationary washstand; city steam, electsic lighting: bath adjoining, references required. 218 Pine street. | FOR RENT Two rooms, completely ! furnished, for light housekeeping; coi ner house; hot water; gas range: re- ' frigerator; kitchen cabinet; separate ' bell: no children. 1238 Kittatinny j , street. ~ FOR RENT A few splendid, large rooms, second and third floors, for re- j fined people only. Those wishing a quiet, warm and clean home. Use ot i phone. Apply 117 Pine street. City. FOR RENT Small and extra large rooms. Inquire at Paul's Shoe Store, or i entrance 11 North Fourth street Bell 1 568 W. I WIDOW would like to rent part of I her furnished house to respectable mar ried couple. References exchanged. • Call, after 7 P. M„ at 406% Reily street. FOR RENT Second-story front room; electric light, steam heat and j phone. Inquire 120 Pine street. FOR RENT Third floor, corner ' room, comfortably furnished: gentle- ! men preferred. 1120 Green street. i NICELY FURNISHED front room for rent; all conveniences. 710 North Sixth I street FOR RENT ' — Three unfurnished i rooms for light housekeeping, on third floor. For particulars call at 1602 Derry street. , HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large. ! airy; single or communicating, with kitchenettes; stoves furnished free, bath, phone and laundry privileges; all I outside, exclusive and private. 429 <Broad street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Rooms For Rent ROOM FOR REST Room. suitftbl* ' office. A!*o boardtnff —10 meals »-v. 21 meal*. $4. Home Din in* room. Address. 123 South Second FITRXISHED lIOOMS ~ tMnffU or en- Room# are large and airf. of Bell phona. Address 71$ North Sixth. NORTH ST.. 410 - Second and third floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running water electric lights. Urge bathroom. Hell phone. Board Wanted REFINED MAN desire* furnished sleeping room, centrally located, one with private bath or running water pre :erreu. Answer, giving description, lo cation and rental, to S.. 4375. care of Telegraph. WANTED. PERMANENTLY A fur- ! nlshed room by a middle-aged man j i ?T ri^ at ® '"roily, steam heat and electric ' light preferred. Address E. 4373, care 1 of Telegraph. Wanted—Board—Rooms WANTED Room and board for ' man and wife and her mother. 303 Patriot Building. Bell phone 3595 R. Real Estate Wanted TO RENT By family of two. seven or nine-room house, with all convent- i ences. In reply, give description, loca- I i '' on and rent asked. Address Box M. r.*l4. care of Telegraph. > For Sale—Miscellaneous ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD GOOD? for ' private sale. Call at IS2O Regina street , on Thursday. Fridav and Saturday this week. -LAWS DIE—BOOKS NEVER"—I.OOO new. old rare and curious books: all ! subjects. Catalog free. Aurand's Book Store. 91S North Third. FOR RENT Typewriters bougnt, i sold or rented. Harrisburg Typewriter and Supply Co.. 40 North Court street. FOR SALE National Roadster, in good condition. Phone 2909. or call 620 ! North Second street. PEACHES: PEACHES: URGE GOLDEN YELLOW FREE- j STONE, for eating or canning, now coming into prime. The season will sooi. be over. Come to the Orchard, three . fourth mile north of Linglcstown. F. ' W. Snyder. TYPEWRITER BARGAINS Traded machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex- I changed and bought. Some exception- ' ally tine rebuilts in stock. All makes. S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency. 211 Locust street. Opposite Orpheum. FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv- < ing. counters, small partition, stools, floor and wall cases. Call. 613 Walnut I street, S. Meltzer. FOR SALE, at Gable s. 111-117 South Second street. Lawn Fence. Field Fence Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard ware, Piaster Board. Upson Wall Board. I Compo-Board. Doors. Sash. Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. i NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale j iat raduced prices. Apply to Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Montgomery street. , FOR SALE Diamond and Good- I rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks. Bags and Suitcases. Harness and Leather Goods made to 1 order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. ILVRRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. I ROOKS FOR RENT CARDS can be , -£ < i ure<l at lhe Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE S. 113. 11S and 117 South , j second street. 5,000 gallons New Era ready-ralied paint. Acme quality. All tne full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S 111-Jl7 South Second l street. 5.000 sets new sash. Bxlo, 12 L primed and giaaed. at 11.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also doors and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous FOR RENT Private garage for or * ma ll car; light and water; . 53 00 a month. Apply Geo. W. Upde- 1 grove, 1200 Penn street. FOR RENT Offices suitable lor a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at-, tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, /II North Third street. Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED TO BUY A second-hand i i steam heat boiler of sufficient size for I approximately 1,000 feet of radiation. ' Address L. B. Wanbaugh. Wormleys- j burg. Pa., giving price and particulars. ; WANTED Desk room, or share < suite; small, private room preferable,; with stenographic service. If with an i attorney would turn considerable busl- ' ness his way. Strictly legitimate bust- I ness. Hopkins, phone 2642 J. BAGS WANTED ~ SECOND-HAND Bags, Burlap. Scrap Bagging and Twine. Write for prices. RICHMOND BAG COMPAN Y, Dept. 48. Kich monil, Virginia. WANTED An apartment or small house, centrally located. Apply John ston Paper Co. DEVELOPING and Printing Klpona Films finished in six hours. Mail them to me. Guaranteed satisfaction. Films mail under two-cent postage. P. O. Box 339, Harrisburg, Pa. Business Opportunities ! FOR SALE Drug Store, Central ! Pennsylvania- Population. 2,000. Pay- [ ' ing proposition. Expenses low. Long ! lease. Excellent farm trade. Good j chance for young man with small capi tal. Address X.. 4378. care of Telegraph. BAKERY FOR RENT at Millerstown, with dwelling and full equipment and business established. Possession at once. Rent reasonable. Dr. C. o. , Spangler, Millerstown, Pa. FOR SALE lce cream and confec | tionery store. It is also good fish oys ter and fruit stand. MUST be sold. Call and make price. 1306 Swatara. i PARTNER WANTED Age. 20 to 30, to help manufacture patent chemical novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy outdoor business. Short hours. profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street. FOR SALE An Old-established moving picture show. Guaranteed to do good business. Reason for selling will be explained. Apply to Box R, 5136, care of Telegraph.! ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for par ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 793 Lock i port. N. Y. Business Personals REPRESENTATIVE WANTED AN unusual opportunity is offered to a live man of moderate financial re -1 sponslbility to secure the exclusive sell | ing and distributing rights In this coun ty for a popular and profitable specialty. ; Will have full power to appoint sub : agents, dealers and canvassers. Tni right man will make big money ana > establish a permanent business. For I particulars address 933 Real Estato | Trust Building. Philadelphia. WHITE DETECTIVE AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detectiva . work bandied—one eye alwaya open. -BELL PHONE 4399, Business Personals LEATHER Traveling Hags and Suit- ! case* (drummers' samples! positively at : the lowest prices In tl)e city Call and j be continr.-d. Also suit* of clothing, watches, diamonds and sporting goods «t low prk-e*. COHEN A- SON, Reliable Pawnbrokers. 431 Matket street, at I J subway. Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Eatafe security In any amounts and upon any terms to suit borrower. Address P. O. j Box 174, Harrisburg. Pa. MONEY advanced to housekeepers at legal rates; business conttdentiio Ptt.ut | Sharing Loan Society. Room 7. Spooner Building. 9 North Market Square. LOANS—SIS TO 1300 I At legal rates for individuals pressed j by lack of funds to meet Im mediate necessities. Time and payments arranged to suit your convenience. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY, 204 Chestnut Street. Home capital—home management. Storage STORAGE in 3-stor.v orick building, I rear 408 Market street. Household goods In clean, private ! rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to \ P. G. Diener. Jeweler. 40S Market St. FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private ' rooma for household goods. )2 per ! month and up. We Invite Inspection ■ Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. | STORAGE 419 Broad street, house- ! ho!d goods and merchandise. Private { ; rooms. $1 to 13. Wagons, 75c cents per j month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad 1 , street. Both phones. Hauling ana Moving HAULING R. A. Hartmau, National Transfer j Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers and general hauling. W. H. Lathe. > Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2503R, ■ ! bummer Resorts and Cottages FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage, I furnished, between Acconiac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resell. Mari etta, Pa. Automobiles I FOR SALE 5-passenger touring ' car. in fine condition. Can be had at a bargain. Apply H. G. Pedlow. 110 \ South Thirteenth street. j FOR SALE Overland five-passen- ! ger touring car, in excellent condition. Call, or write, 201 South Seventeenth j street. ! FOR SALE 1913 Cadillac five-pas- ! senger; electric lights and starter: Kei iogg tire pump; two extra tires and :iu.s; newiy painted. Bargain. Call | 118W, Bell phone. j OVERLAND Touring, electric lights, I and starter, spare tire, tire I pump $425 , Mitchell Touring 295 E. M. F. Touring 295 l Applv Rex Garage, 1917 N. Third St. SECOND-HAND CARS One 5-pns- I senger De Cambel. one 5-passenger 1914 ' Ford, newly painted, in excellent ci«n- I dition; oce 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good 1 as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with j good body; one 190S Overland. Cars for 1 ! sale at Ford Garage, Mlddletown. Pa. ; E. M. Snavely, Manager. 1912 five-passenger Regal; good shape; new vires all around; big bar- | . gain for quick buyer. 1912 flve-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good ' ; upholstering; good top and tires; big j bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J. i WE WANT AUTOMOBILES of any ; kind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it or exchange It with us for a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage charges if-car is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 25-29 North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710 Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE Out j 1916 Harley-Davidson. 3-speed, full i equipped; very cheap. Harrisburg Mo-| torcycle Exchange. 1302 NoHh Sixth. i LOOK Repair work done Vary rea sonable on any make of bicycle. Also ! I rebuilt bioycles, $5 to sls. See Jamee B. Murray, 1014 James street. | - . Musical FOR SALE Strictly high grade GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will j sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311. care of Telegraph. HAVE four VICTROLA. GRAFANOLA I or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. Legal Notices ' NOTICE is hereby given that Letters I Testamentary in the Estate of Harris Cohen, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin I County, Pennsylvania, deceased, have i i been granted to the undersigned. All persons owing said Estate will please | make settlement at once, and those hav ing claims will present them without I delay, to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 So. Market Square, Or CHARLES SIMON GOODMAN, 408 North Street. Harrisburg, Pa.. Executors. njIBBER STAMnp Mil SEALS & STENCILS ft#V O MFG. BY HBG. STENCIL WORKS ■ 11 11 130 LOCUSTST. HBG.PA. W CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY THINGS YOU WANT AND W HliKl£, TO GET TUK.U Artificial Llnilw ana I'riuici Braces for all deformities, abdominal supporters. Capital City Art. Limb Co., 412 Market St. Bell Phone. French Cleaning and Ufclug ooodman's, tailoring and repairing, all guaranteed. Call and deliver. Bell phone 3296. 1306 ft t». Sixth St. Fire Insurance and Heal Eatate j. E. Glpple—Fire Insurance—Real Es tate—Rent Collecting. 12sl Market St. Bell phone. Photographer Daughten Studios—Portrait and Com mercial Photography. 21j N. Third St. Bell 358». Tailors George F. Shope, Hill Tailor, 1241 Mar ket. Spring goods are now ready. Tailoring, Cleaning, Pressing. Ladles' work a specialty. Steve Wugrenec. 207 Locust. SISBS and Enamel Letters Poulton, 307 Market street. Bell phone, Prompt and efficient service. SEPTEMBER 6, 1916. MARKETS XKW YORK STOCKS _ Chandler Pros. & Co.. members New 1 York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes. 3 North Market Square. Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila delphia: 34 Pine street, New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Sept. 6. Open. Clos. Altis-Chalmers 24 24 % I American Beet Sugar ... 89% 90 | American Can 64 63 % j American C & F A3 63% j I American Cotton Oil ... 53 52 % j American Ice Securities . 28 28 American locomotive .. 77 78 H Ahtorican Smelting .... 102 101\4 American Sugar 109 109 American T & T 132' A 132 Anaconda 87 87 5^ Atchison IrtS'i 104 Bad!win Locomotive ... Baltimore & Ohio Bfi S5?» Bethlehem Steel 490 490 B F Goodrich 74 7SH Butte Copper 67 68^ Callfornai Petroleum .. 20 V* 21 £ Canadian Pacific 17 7',* 178 Central Leather 57 57 \ Chesapeake and Ohio .. 60T» 607* Chicago, Mil and St Paul 93*4 93H Chicago, R I and Paclilc IS\ 17*4 Chino Con Copper 54V 54*4 I Colorado Fuel and Iron. 49'4 49 Consolidated Gas 137«4 136V4 I Corn Products 14 *4 14 H | Crucible Steel 79 1 i 82^4 Crucible Steel pfd 118 118 Distilling Securities .... 4fi'4 46 Erie 37 36 *4 Erie Ist pfd 52 52 H General Electric Co .... 171 171 1 Great N'orthern pfd .... 117 117 I Great Northern Ore subs 39 tfc 39^4 ! Inspiration Copper .... 58% 58 | Interboro-Metropolitan. . 16 16>4 i Kennecott Copper 51 51*4 Tnterboro-Met pfd .... ! Lackawanna Steel 78% 79 *4 ; Lehigh Valley | Maxwell Motors 85*4 85 »4 ; Merc Mar ctfs 48*4 49 | Merc Mar ctfs pfd 122 120 Mex Petroleum ....... 110 74 111% I Miami Copper 35 V 4 35 'Missouri Pacific 374 4 ] (National Lead 65 65 I New York Central 103% 103% ' !N Y N H and H 5S 55% I NY O and W 26% 26% j | Norfolk and Western ... 127% 127 74 i Northern Pacific 110% 109%s ; Pacific Mail 26% 26 i Penna Railroad 65% 55% 'Press Steel Car 54% 54% j Railway Steel Spg 46 74 46 I Ray Con Copper 25% 25 i Reading 105 105 | Republic Iron and Steel. 55 55% J Southern Pacific 97% 97% ' Southern Ry 23% 23% j Southern Ry pfd 68 6S j Studebaker 124% 124%: Tennessee Copper 25% 25%j Third Ave 62% 62% , j Union Pacific 138% 138% ! | U S 1 Alcohol 113 113% l I IT S Rubber 59 58 ju S Steel 99% 100% I IT S Steel pfd 118% 118% j Utah Copper 84% 84% VirKinia-Carolina Chem. 41% 4 2 West Union Telegraph.. 95 95% 1 I Westinghouse Mfg 60 61% \ I CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By .Issociatrd Press I Chicago, 111., Sept. 6.—Board of Trade I • closing: Wheat—December, 1.54; May, 1.55 H. Corn—December, 76'4; May, 79%. Oats—December. 49%; Mav, 52%. I Pork—October, 27.00; January, 24.80. I Lard—October, 14.55; January, 14.10. Ribs—October, 14.35; January, 13.19. I PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE By Associated Press Philadelphia, Sept. 6. Wheat I Higher: No. 2, red. spot and September, No. 2, Southern, red, $1.49@ j Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local, 1 97 ©9? c; steamer. No. 2. yellow, local, 96<^97c. Oats Market firm; No. 2, white, 1 54V.(S 55c; No. 3, white, 52®53c. Bran The market is steadv, city mills, winter, per ton, $26.00; west- I ern, winter, per Ton. 526 f>o: *ott. winter, per ton, $28.00@25.50; Spring, per ton $26 n0®26.50. I Refined Sugars Market lower; : powdered. 6.30@6.35c; fine granulated, j C.2057 6.25 c; confectioners' A, 6.10®6.15c. Butter The market is steady; (western, creamery, extras, 34®35c; nearby prints, fancy, 37c. Eggs The market is firm; j Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, i free cases. $9.90 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $9.60 per case, western, extras, firsts, free cases. $9.90 per case; do., firsts, free cases, 19.30® 9.60 ner case. Live Poultry The market is steady; fowls, 20®21c; roosters, 14igl5c; Spring chickens, 18@24c: do., broilers. Alas, Poor Hector! • When Hector was a wee small pup, some well-intending person presented him with a neat little doghouse. However, being a pup, Hector grew-* Hector expanded. Now, he's tied down to a bit of a two-by-twice affai* and he's worse off than a dog with no house at all. Lots of us are in Hector's position. How 'bout YOU? Have you outgrown YOUR house, or flat, or rooming quarters, or neighborhood? Then sit right down, call Bell phone 4100 and tell your requirements to the courteous and capable young lady, who'll place your Want Ad in the Classified columns of the Telegraph. . Your "want" is flashed before 22,000 readers within a few short hours—readers who have the sort of house, or apartment, or room that you're looking for. I SOifi 38c: (link*. 15917 c; geese, 14015 c. Dressed Poultry—Klrm; fowl#, fancy, 230234 c: do., good lo choice, 22032HC1 i do., •mall str.rs, 111021 c; old roo»t --1®°: broiling chickens, nearby, 2«©S2c; do., western, 22026 c; routing .chickens, western, choice to fancy, i»a 'Uc: do., fair to rood, 16018 c; Spring • lucks, nearby. 21c. | Potatoes The market la lower; ; Kaslern Shore. No. 1. per barrel, I 42.6002.75; lid.. No. 2, per barrel, fI.SS«» 1.60; Norfolk, So. 1. per barrel, 42.50® 2.76; do.. No. 2, per barrel, $1.2601.50; Jersey, per basket, 65 0 80c. Flour The market la quiet; winter, clear, J6.00Wti.50: do.. straights. 46.4006.80; do. patents, 47.0007.50; Sprint?, tlrsts. clear, $6.50®7.40; do.. | patents. $7.6008.25; do., favorite brand. ! 48.6005.75. Hay Klrm: old timothy. No. 1, large bales, $19.000 20.00; No. 1, medium bales. $19.00020.00; No. 2. do.. f17.00«y 18.00; No. 3. do.. 115.000 16.00: no grade. 410.00 011.00; new timothy. No. 1. $17.60 ® 18.00; No. 2, $18.000116.50; No. 2, SI 4.00015.00: new clover mixed, light mixed, $16.50; No. 1. do.. $15.00® 15.50; No. 2, do.. $13.50014.50. CHICAGO CATTLE By Associated i'rtss Chicago. 111., Sept. 6. Cattle Re ceipts. 12,000; strong. Native beef cat tle, $7.00011.50: stockers and feeders, 44 850 7.85; cows and heifers, $3.85® 9.80; calves. 48,75012.75. Sheep Receipts, 19,000: steady. Wethers, 46.5007.85; lambs, $6.50® 10.80. Hogs Receipts. 11.000; unsettled. Bulk of sales, 410.50lBll.25; light, 410.50 @11.50; mixed, 410.10011.50; heavy, *10.00011.35; rough, 410.00010.25; pigs, 46.5009.50. SHORTHAND WRITKR DIES By Associated Press London, Sept. 6. W. T. Hewett, for 30 years one of the best shorthand writers in Parliament is dead. In 1893 t\e went to Canada as private secretary to Lord Aberdeen and there received from the Canadian University of the honorary degree of D. C. L., in recognition of his writings for boys and young men. WILL FIX PRICES By Associated Prist Berlin, Sept. 6. There is to ha es ] tablished in Berlin this month a Wastepaper Collection and Distribu | tion Bureau. This Bureau will have ; the power to fix maximum prices. For Rent ]! Remodeled, small, com- \ j !! | fortable houses on South !! |; street, within a stone's ! > ;! throw of Front street, river j| I!; view, hardwood floors, !! |[ steam heat, electric lighting:. !> ; i Apply ! I Commonwealth Trust Co. j i Harrisburg, Pa. For Rent j Alley to No. 18 North Third street, suitable for small busi | ness or show case. Apply Commonwealth Trust Co. *■ | gWWWVWVWWJWWWVWi Wanted by man and wife, !' £ two clean, cheerful and nice- !| ■J ly furnished bedrooms, with !| £ private bath, in Harrisburg, ![ i convenient to Capitol, for !| J use February, March, April ![ 5 and May, 1917. Send full Jj 5 particulars as to location, j! S price, etc., to W. M. J., No. '[ ? 47 Vandergrift Building, !| i Pittsburgh, Pa. |! - VAVWWVWWi . 11