Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Philadelphia Girl Entertained
at Keffer's, One of Highest
Points in Pennsylvania
Proprietor of Mountain Spring
Hotel Catches Two-Foot
Halifax, Pa., Sept. 2.—Misses Mary
and Hannah Manning, of Duncannon,
spent several days at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Luther Lehr.—Mr. and Mrs.
George Bressler, of Norristown, spent
several days with the former's brother.
Ryan A. Bressler.—John Fetterhoff, of
"Whiting, Ind., is paying a visit to his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Fetter
hoff, in Halifax township.—Professor
and Mrs. Raymond Bressler and chil
dren, Raymond and Angelin, left on
Friday for their home at Austin,
Texas, after visiting their parents here.
—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boyer and
daughter Grace, of Middletown, were
guests at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John Lentz.—Charles Reisch.
of Palmyra, visited his parents, Mr. j
and Mrs. George Reisch, over Sunday.
—An auto party to Keffer's, one of the
highest points in Pennsylvania, was
given on Sunday in honor of Miss
Sarah M. Hoy, of Philadelphia, who is
visiting at Rife. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Koppenhaver,
Misses Bertha and Edith Koppenhaver,
Edward Koppenhaver, Mr. and Mrs.
Curtin Schwalin, Miss Dortha Riger
and Walter Schwalin and Wilson
Lenker, of Rife; Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Bolton and Master Glen Bolton, Mr.
and Mrs. Raymond Schwalin and Miss
Ruth Miller, of Elizabethville, and Mr.
ana Mrs. Vincent Fetterhoff and Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. McClellan, of Halifax.
—Charles Matter, superintendent of
the Marsh moccasin factory, spent sev
eral days at York and Baltimore. —
Mr. and Mrs. Short and daughter Flor
ence, of Easton. and Miss Ella K. Dal- !
ryinple, of Phillipsburg, spent several
days with Misses Jane and Belle Ham
ilton.—Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Pike, of
Hummelstown. spent the week-end at
their parental homes here.—Miss Ruth
Bowman, of Philadelphia, is spending
several weeks with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George Bowman. Charles
Bressler spent several days on a sight
seeing trip to Washington. D. C.—
Professor J. Wesley Potter and his
bride, of Wilkes-Barre, are week-end
guests of the former's brother, H.
Stewart. Potter.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Mader, of York, were week-end
guests of the latter's sister. Mrs. N. E.
Koones.—The Rev. J. C. Pease, of this
place, assisted in the reopening of the i
Ebenezer United Brethren Church, j
near Middletown, on Sundav.—Halifax
Grange, No. 1343, will hold a festival
in Loomis grove, a mile above town,
Saturday evening next.—The Halifax
borough council has had a lockup
fitted up in the cellar of the old school
building in Second street—After an
exciting fight Samuel F. Seal, pro
prietor of the Mountain Spring Hotel,
at Mount Patrick, on Wednesday
lande4 an 8%-pound salmon, measur
ing 2 feet 4 Inches, from the Sus
quehanna river at Mount Patrick.
Knights of Pythias Jubilee
at Lykens on Labor Day
L,7krnß, Pa.. Sept. 2. Miss Ethel
cooper spent several days at the home
of the Rev. L. M. Fetterolf, at Potts
ville. Miss Esther Searer, of Tower
City, spent several days with Miss Vera
Cooper. Mrs. George Morgan, of Nes
quehoning, is spending some time at
the home of her sister, Mrs Charles
Phomper. lrvin Kahler and family,
of Locustdale, autoed to this place oi.
Sunday to spend the day with William
A. Treon and family. Mr. and Mrs.
Allan Barrett left town Sunday morn
ing to spend a week at Atlantic Cltv,
Penns Grove and Wilmington, Del.
Charles Werner has torn down the coal '
Sard at the Reading Station at which
rookside coal has been sold for
twenty-fire years or more, and has built
a more modern coal storage vard at a 1
point about 300 yards further east. !
Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Douden and Mr. and '
Mrs. Allan Saltzer autoed around the ■
"Horn" on Sunday. W. H. Cooper <
spent some time In Carsonville this <
week. Preparations for the Knights '
of Pythias Jubilee, on Labor Dav, arw
completed. Many out-of-town peopit
are expected especially knights who ]
have moved from the town in late 1
years. Amusements and refreshments
of all kinds can be had at the park.
Morgan Edwards and family are spend
ing some time at Edwardsville and
Kingston. Lykens baseball fans went
to Tremont, on Wednesday evening to
gee the Tremont-Lykens game.
- i
f I
Mr. Robert E. Williams s
26 So. 3rd St., Harrisburg j
Wood For |
Different \
Uses j
' It is too often sup
posed that all kinds of t
wood will give equal J
service under all con- <
ditions. ]
This is not true. *
The poorest of oak 5
makes better furniture
than the best of ash.
The best of oak makes
a poorer axe handle than a
the poorest of hickory. \
Don't make the mistake *
of using one kind of lum- «
ber for all purposes *
there is a kind that will
suit best.
We shall be glad to ad- c
vise you the proper kind {!
of lumber to buy. ['
United Ice & Coal Co. *
Main office: '
Forster & Cowdtn Sts. K
S early 1,500 Bushels Per Day Hauled. Into Gettysburg For
Shipment; William Watson Bitten by Copperhead.
Gettysburg, Pa., Sept. '2. The
Booster Club will take charge of the
farmers' Day affair, this year, and has
already started plans for the annual
event in October. Wheat prices
have been tempting- to Adams county
farmers and a number of them have
been hauling: their grain to town as
fast as possible. It is estimated that
the warehouses have each received
from 1,000 to 1.500 bushels per day for
the past two weeks. The Elks held
their annual cornbake on the Spangler
farm, east of town, on Wednesday evert
ins:- While weeding- the garden at
his home, near Fairfield, several weks
ago, William Watson was bitten in the
little finger by a copperhead snake. The
wound received attention as soon as a
doctor could be reached, but Mr. Wat
son continues to suffer great pain in his
hand and arm. The bone of the finger
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
DillftburK- Calvin Strayer and fam
ily, of York, visited David Bent/, this
week. —Frank Weitzel and family, of
Olean, N. Y., is spending several weeks
with Mr. and Mrs. John Irgang and
with their son, William Irgang in Con
necticut. Mrs. Oliver Reiver and
daughters, of York, are visiting Amos
Reivers. Miss Flo Wofe and Miss
Edna Arndt spent Wednesday at Me
chanicsburg. Daniel Grove and fam
ily. of York Springs, visited Oliver
BenU. Charles Reiver, of York, visit
ed B. H. Shriner. Mr. nd Mrs. J. S.
Kapp and Mr. and Mrs. William Seibert
spent Sunday at Chambersburg. Mrs.
William Krall, of Malvern, Pa., was
called home to her mother, Mrs. A. L.
Heiges, who is quite ill here. Charles
Shifter, cashier of the First National
Bank of Bethlehem, is visiting his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph shiiXer.
Frank Stouffer, of Middletown, is visit
ing his father, William Stouffer. Mr.
and Mrs. Victor Jones, of York, are
visiting the latter's parents here.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Shelter and Charles
Sheffer and little Miss Catharine and
Lloyd Bentz and amily were entertain
ed by W. E. Grove at York Springs on
Wednesday evening. Mrs. C. C. Kim
mel, of Carlisle, is visiting her aunts,
Mrs. C. W. Shelley and Mrs. Sarah
Lehmer. Professor Charles Smith
spent Tuesday at Harrisburg. Lewis
Bentz and family, of Barrens, and Kus
sel 1' lohr and family, of York Springs,
spent Sunday with Henry Grove.
Miss Margaret Vance and Miss Coover
and Miss Anna Sweigart. of Carlisle,
visited Miss Esther Bentz. Miss
Myrtle Mayberry has been visiting
J'ff 8 at Wellsville. Mr. and Mrs.
\V illiam Lerew and Mrs. Chester Stouf
ter attended a picnic at Boiling Srings.
i.u » Nettie Dick spent several days
with friends at Harrisburg.
Malta.—Misses Lena and Anna Wit
mer, of Dalmatla, visited at the home
?.'u^ llas Keboch, °n Sunday.—Howard
White and family and Mrs. Rhodes, of
Dauphin, called on relatives in town on
bunday Walter H. Wertz and family,
[Of tjunbury, paid a visit to his father,
John G. Wertz, on Sunday. Calvin
rressler and Mrs. Edda Witmer. of
Herndon, spent Sunday.at the home of
her daughter. Mrs. WT A. Martz.
I haries Heckert and family and Miss
Jay Grimm, of Millersburg. and C G
\\ eaver and family, of Curtin. were
guests of J. L. Grimm s on Sunday
James Uentzel took a trip to Williams
nf i&m n baturda y ; Miss Edith Zerbe,
' Uor f b ure- visited under the par
ental roof here, on Sunday. Mr and
Mrs. William Witmer and Mr. and Mrs
sf.n o d»f. , ei ?. ker K of Countyline, spent
s t the home of George Dippere.
—Mrs. Rebecca Ferster, of Mahonoy
here' spent 6everal d a J's with friends
!l7°oT e Mo < ll t . y -C- E ' B ' Jenk y n and fam
in s -> b ,V TS '^, nJoyed a few days
K ?, "• . Miss Florence Ludwig. of
SIH? Ig'1 g ' ls Covins a week s vacation
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. p
Ludwig. Miss Florence Lewis, of
B P ent several days with
tainlne htr Mrs ' , Horde ner is enter
taining her nieces from Ephrata
Mrs. Hartranft. of Schuylkill Haven
fP e « l adaywith friends here. - The
—Miss FRthiv °<£ a tri Pt° Philadelphia.
Miss Esther hearer ls entertaining
Miss Vera Cooper, of Lvkens \f,?
a " d Mrs - Weist. of Hickory' Corner"
spent, several days with their daughter
of Pon?vllll e ?n r - T Mlßs May "aslem;
oi t ottsville, spent several davs with
her mother. Mrs. W. Schrope Mia*
A era Bressler is visiting her'sisteh at
?® , J n . s S'" ove : Mrs. Joseph Klinger
and son and her niece. Miss Grace Hofi'
i n n a "kron Ur OMo fr ° m o a V ' S t toTelatlves
AK roil, Ohio. —— On Thursclav nicht
a party will auto to Clark's VaUey fnd
of the a R C e°v n vn d pot 2 to . roast ln hono?
Noon and family, who ar#»
visiting the Gt-rais family "here
Dc "»°» l « Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Ltter spent Sunday at Palmnra
time at: Xeffsvil'le! - Tr^Lcet™
Sna\e|y, of Jonestown, is snen rii n e
M n ßaker wit £ r , her „ da,l Shter. Mrs. John
son? ®? ry Miller and tw °
o , • *»arr> and Paul, spent Sundav »t
Spingle a r Vi & h £ r b L ot S er ' Edward
lu P^f]. er atl:eb i i r n S o n Fr -i n^ r Sp0 a t » 8 d
J°® ep h Etter. on Sunday _M r and
daughterf £!£* wUh'he,-
~ Mf- Mrs Jacob
Phlfad r elPhiL 0h - H MisT e Ruth nt ße^n y of
Williamsport, Md has u r
at""' M|ll B prs Ren \f haW spPnt sevp raT days
mont M Md. rB l- M a r n fl Ch p St R„H B a " d
te 8 r we?e n at fa Keedy a S vnie r , r M d Vernon K ' S "
fx?'SSZJKS 1 *
snire. ,p?nt : Sundav naVe"/**"
— M
thl"f " 'ar^vtsYt-
Mr.. a MaVt' „
Lykens. spent several days with 1.e.-
v ±nisr %»».«
s?en. A o"sunbur^ e v B isrted n at 'fhe' ho"'
of Mr. and Mrs. William Walters.
Thompson town. Glenn and Grace
Colyer, of Sunbury, are visiting friends
ufi 6 ] l r li ®yP^ er d Dunn and two
children, of Henrietta, and Mr. and Mrs
Frank Dunn, of Milton, are visiting
their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Dlmm anS
Miss Marion Dimm and Mr. and Mrs
Albert Ward motored to Williams
Grove on Thursday.—Mrs. D. H. Spotts
was a guest of Miss Maud Hooper In
hast Sajem. Md. Mrs. Willlan! Ger
man and two children returned to their
that received the wound has become In
fected and it is feared that it may have
to l.e umputated. The Prince of Peace
Episcopal Church, here, is one of the
three objects named in the will of Gen
eral Gregg, who died at Reading, re
cently, . to share equally In his estate
of $20,000, provided his two sons die
without leaving any heirs. The
bronze figures for the monument in
honor of General Lee, to be dedicated
October 17, will arrive to be put in
position about tlie middle of Septem
ber. There are six figures of men and
one horse in the group. Mrs. Salome
Stewart attended the reunion of the
Association of Army Nurses held in
Kansas City, Mo., in connection wttn
the annual encampment of the Grand
Army of the Republic. Mrs. Stewart
has been national treasurer of the ao
sociation for thirteen years.
home at Alexandria after spending a
week with Miss Erie Henkler. Mr.
and Mrs. Jerome Heck, of Mexico, spent
tlie week-end with their mother, Mrs.
Margaret Bittinger. Mr . and Mrs.
Herger Colyer, of Philadelphia, are vis
iting Mr. and Mrs. William Colyer.
Mrs. William Myers and son, Clarence,
have returned from Harrisburg and
Lnola. Mr. and Mrs. Foster Kinzer
and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kinzer, of
r reoport. 111., spent Tuesday with their
sister. Mrs. C. R. Nelson. Miss Flo
Trelbley is visiting friends at Clear
!icld-, 7~; Burd Crowther. of Oak Lane,
is visiting his sister, Mrs. kdward S.
| Pikctown. Miss Clara Landis of
I Hummelstown, Miss Etta Irvin, of
I Hershey, Miss Tillie Leopold, Miss
I Mary Kruso, Miss Mary Peipher, of
; Harrisburg, and Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel
I I eascr of Dauphin, were recent guests
!of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Stroh. Mr.
land Mrs. G. W. Fox spent Sunday aft
ernoon with Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Fisher
in Fishing Creek Valley Mrs. Mary
I Gilbert and daughter, Elsie, of Phila
j delphia, and Scott and Hudson Hughes
| of Steelton, were week-end guests of
i Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Hughes. Miss
Gertrude Stark. Lester Stark and Ver
i non Stark of Harrisburg, were recent
; guests of Miss Ada McClain. Mr.
| and Mrs. H. B. Megonnel and son,
I Harold, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Strohm
j and son. Floyd, spent Sunday in Sus
! quehanna township with Mr. and
j Mrs. D. J._ Reichert. Mr. and Mrs.
: Edward Nye of Harrisburg visited
Mrs. Rebecca Nye. Miss Luella
j Runkle, is the guest of her sister, Mrs.
George Wade at Penbrook. Miss
i Winnie Wilbert of Harrisburg, spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Ashenfelter. Mr. and Mrs. Irvin
Moyer and children. Helen, Joseph and
Irvin, of near Linglestown, spent
Sunday with Joseph Mumma.
! Kife. —S. B. Martin a well-known
farmer is ill, his leg being completely
paralyzed. Miss Sallie Hey has re
turned home, accompanied by her
father, Val Hoy. Mr. and Mrs.
i layton etzel and Bernice Klinger
of Millersburg, called at the home of
Mr. Klinger on Sunday. The Rev.
Paul P. Huyett of St. John's Church
preached in the Lutheran church, the
regular pastor being absent. RaV
Lenker has gone to Millersburg where
he is employed in the Brubaker Tap
and Dye Factory. Miss Ulsh of Har- !
risburg spent a week with her brother i
Henry. Shuman Ulsh. of Perry
county, spent Sunday at the same!
Annapolis Students Visit
Homes at MifHintown
By Special Correspondence
j MHTlintown, Pa., Sept. 2.—Mr. and
i Mrs. John Landis, of Wichita. Kan., !
! Lehman Koons and Mrs. Susan Stew- '
! art, of Port Royal, and Mrs. Annie !
j McFadden, of Rockvilie, spent a day
with Miss Fannie Espenschade. |
' r s. R. Louis Bousum is visiting her '
I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bell, at Winber. j
| Mrs. William Miles and daughter,
j Edith Miles, and son, Sidney Miles,
! and little grandson, James Harwood,
are visiting Mrs. Miles' sister, Mrs
,F. M. M. Pennell. Miss Margaret
;criswell is visiting her father, Andrew
Criswell, at Philadelphia. James 1
Horning, of Detroit, is spending a
month s vacatjon with his mother, ;
Mrs Jennie Horning. Ralph Espen- !
schade. of Newville, spent several
days with his father, Frederick Es
npnschade— C. C. North and daugh-j
ter, Miss Margaret North, of Wash-'
ington, D. C., are visiting at the W. S. I
North home at Mifflin. The Rev.
J. B Rendall, Sr., and the Rev. Holly j
Kendall, Philadelphia, spent a day
at Mifflin, Robert McMeen lost a:
valuable horse last week bv lockjaw.
Mrs. William Moyer, of Walnut, is
V!?L,, ng her mothpr ' Mrs. Sieher, of
Mifflin. Miss Galbreth, of Steelton, ;
is the guest of Mildred Ellis.—Mrs.
Hall, of York City, is visiting her
fiS ■' A - J - Beyer, at the Na-
l el ' , J ames Robinson and
William Banks were guests at a.
house party at State College over the
week-end. Midshipmen J. Greybill
Crawford and John J. Patterson, 3d
have returned from their midsummer
cruise and to-day arrived at the homes
°f their parents for a vacation. They
hi!. o r c eturn i° Ann apolis on Septem'-
T H ° we Crawford, who has
been employed in Philadelphia during
his summer vacation, is visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Crawford. !
By Special Correspondence
Jonestown, Pa., Sept. 2—Mrs. Paul
Schott and daughter, Emily Schott I
w£h n a r V % be^ n % p ,f? ilng som ° "me!
P r ' S. T. Gilbert, returned to
their home at Lebanon. Mr and 1
Mrs. Jacob K. Light have returned
rlsi ni m tr ,'P to Culv er, Indiana.—Mrs.
Priscilla Slabach, of Harrisburg, spent 1
Sunday with Mrs. W. H. Bross-!jen
i L il ° R . is spending some
time here with Clark G. Long and
mw nfT K lr ' and " Mrs - A "en c/wal
mer, of Auburn, are visiting Mr Wal
.ft i
s. n r.rg;xi 0, " , .* y '* ~
By Special Correspondence
ShlpjJCJisburg, Pa., Sept. 2. Mrs
Catherine Fleming and daughter'
Gladys spent several days in Waynes
boro. The Rev. C. B. Wingerd and '
family of Pittsburgh arc visiting relu- !
lives here and at Chambersburg
The rumor of a high lino for Shippens- !
burg is in the air again. Mrs Riiev i
has returned home from a visit to'
Pittsburgh. Wilbur Horton has re- i
turned home from a visit to Harris- I
~TT Mr> anc ' , Mra - Pa «' Mowery.
ot Steelton, arc visiting here. J. Ed
ward Whorley has moved to Harris
burg. Mr. and Mrs. John Morrow
announced the birth of a son.
Special to the Telegraph
Mechanicsburg, Pa., Septt 2.—Las
evening the Grangers' picnic at Wil
liams Grove .closed with a dance in
the pavilion and music by the orches
tra. Considerable business was done
ny the exhibitors and u. fair-sized crowd
Wf * B P'" ea<!nt - ar| y of the campers and
exhibitors packed and left last even
Mr. and Mrs. James Kooney
Celebrate Fiftieth Annivcr
ary at Montandon Home
Relatives and Friends Pres
ent to Extend Congratulations
to Well-Known Couple
By Special Correspondence
Montandon, Pa., Sept. 2.—The most
pleasant event of the season was the
golden wedding anniversary of Mr.
and Mhs. James Kooney at their home
on Wednesday, August 23. About 100
! guests were present from different
parts of the State and enjoyed a pleas
ant day with the aged Civil War vet
jeran and his wife. Dinner and sup
per were served on the lawn under
the maple trees. The well-known
j couple received many beautiful and
| useful gifts. Those who attended wpre
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Lewisburg; Wm.
JF. Gramm, Harrisburg; Mr. and Mrs.
R. D. Killian, Mrs. Florence Ruhl.
vv illiamsport; Mr. and Mrs. Albert,
; \v S ' ii JUe !i a Parker . Mr. and Mrs.
l A, H '„ Kerstetter, Lillie, Dorothy,
WiYhL' i ' Mary, Anna, James and
Wilber Kerstetter. Leone, William and
.° r f, Parker . Lola Holsheman,
luff £; olle & e : Mrs. H. J. Dawson. Mrs.
Lisle Hoover, Sunbury; Mrs. L. T. Fet-
I t? W .?° rk , City: Harriet McPher
!? V orthumberland; Mr. and Mrs.
' \r'i-= v fi ge r* Kathr vn Oberholtzer,
Catherine Dark, Mrs. Anna
Hockenberry. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Ul
man r vv ™ arrim * n ' Thomas Harri
man, T. \\. Harriman, M. T. W. Har
in 1 "?!' Edna Parker, Coburn; Helen
Berkhamer, Milton; Mr. and Mrs. M
1-aubean, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Frank
Hownrrf '^ rS ' D ; S ' Cope ' Mr " Mrs!
1 Swengle, Mr. and Mrs. W. G.
Mr nnn « r * a " d Mrs - N F - I'urman.
\« R t CK' J ' Roberts . Mr. and
i Ritf'en v 1? ee i s ' - Nlr - and Mrs. Walter
ißitter, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kooney
Koone 0 " 3, Floyd, Stewart and Homer
\I~TJ , Fra,lk Hockenberry,
Mrs V ' Mrs ' Krank Fries.
I vr»i Fra " k Johnson, Mrs. Adam Stahl.
Mrs. Lena Reitz. Mrs. Daniel
■ \ eager, Mrs. F. A Hamer
Mrs. Harvey Wenzel. Mrs. Clara Reed!
Mr. and Mrs. j. F . Hill. Mrs. Alice
! Beaver V®.® Belher ' Mrs. Elmer
' ™ lrs ' Llzzic Wenzel. Mrs. A.
Derk VTn £° y Sheets ' Mrs. Sophia
„i k, H la ? e Cummings, Martha Rie-
Emm? v Wenzel, Altha Hamer.
Trowel ?• Rei * e *. Aaron
™ w '' c e J? Smith, P. H. Beaver.
S Stewart Krick. Charles
H ' Frey r «urned to ;
McKeesport by automobile after 1
Mrs PHL va * atlon w 'th his mother, ;
w=„H h ? rleS u I ' re >' —Mrs. Chas. Zeigl !
vislfint d t a " ghter - ? f Elizabethville, are j
I s week a t Merrill John-!
nort f Pfleugor, of Williams
£«* s P, ent several days with his par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Pfleugor. j
Nine Auto Loads Go to
Grangers' Picnic From Blain
S.v Special Correspondence
Blain. Pa., Sept. 2. Mrs Isaac
Trostle and daughter. Edith, have re
turned to Rossville. Kan. Harrv W
»„ r t ay, M f Pittsburgh, visited his
Will. Mr. and Mrs. John W. Gray.
» illiam Shreffler of
visited his father. G. W.
Mne automobile loads from here
,0 Wllllaras Grove to
attend the Grangers' picnic. Miss
f. '' e f»utshall of Harrisburg visited
l'ied Dalb.v. The exterior wood
work of the Reformed church is being
painted. The organized class taught
by Miss Elsie Baker in the Methodist
Episcopal Sunday school was enter
tained at a social at the home of Loy
Shumaker Thursday evening. Mrs
Lewis Sowers of Gettysburg, is visit
lng her sister, Mrs. J. C. Reighard.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Booser, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey Frysinger and three chil
dren, of Harrisburg and Flovd Hoff
man of Butler, visited J. A. Shumaker
on Wednesday.
Or No Strike
You will not suffer for food if you have
and cream or milk in the house.
Grape-Nuts is pure, economical, convenient the most delicious and sus
taining food that money will buy.
"There's a Reason"
at Grocers everywhere.
Jacob Johnston Acted as River Pilot and Ran Boat From
Nanticoke to Chesapeake Bay
By Special Correspondence
Duncannon, Pa., Sept. 2. Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Johnston, Philip Poff and
Mr. and Mrs. George Boyer attended
the reunion of old boatmen at Rolling
Green Park near Sunbury. They made
the trip by auto. Mr. Johnston, when
the old Pennsylvania canal was in
operation, for 25 years acted as pilot
at Clark's Ferry and for a number of
years previous to acting as pilot he
had charge of a boat running, from
Nanticoke to the Chesapeake Bay. He
was accompanied by Mrs. Johnston on
many trips. Mr. Johnston is the only
one of the three pilots at Clark's Ferry
who is living. James B. Carpenter
and Thomas Carpenter were the other
two. Mr. Poff also had charge of a
boat and Mr. Boyer was a section su
perintendent of the canal. Mr. and
Mrs. William Grubill of Philadelphia,
are visiting the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Edgar Grubill. The local
Lewisberry "Crosby Guild"
Making Religious Census
By Special Correspondence
| Lc win berry. Pa., Sept. 2. Mr. and
| Mrs. Harry Myers and son. Carl, of
I Baltimore, who spent some time with
with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Erney, left
1 Tuesday for New Cumberland. Miss
I Ethel Frankeberger. of Harrisburg. is
i spending the week with her aunt. Miss
I Mary Frankeberger. Miss Rebecca
hhanley returned to her home, in Wash
ington, after spendii-g several weeks
with relatives here. Miss Shanlev is a
] teacher in the high school at Wash-
I ington. Mrs. Smith and her son, Dr.
''. il 111 ' 1, S, 1 ?? 1 her two daughters, the
Misses Ella and Mame. who were
| guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Brenne-
I man, have returned to their home, in
i i ork. Alfred Bentz. of Lemoyne, is
i a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
j F. Sutton. Edward Erney. of Chicago,
111., returned to New Cumberland, after
spending several days with his brothei,
■Harvey Erney. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
| B. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Garretson
and daughter, of Gettysburg, spent
bundav with Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Sutton.
—Miss Hutton, of New Cumberland, is
the guest of her cousin. Miss Mariorie
Ensminger. Dr. Reed Nebinger, of
Danville, was a recent guest of his
mother, Mrs. Margaret Nebinger.
Mrs. Landis Parks returned to her
home, in Shiremanstown, after spend
ing a week with her mother-in-law,
Mrs. Matilda Parks. Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Smith returned Wednesday
to their home, in Baltimore, after a
visit with Mrs. Mary S. Myers.—Misses
Edith Deveney and Helen Rouse and
Howard Hershner. Chauncev Slenl:er
and Clarence Laurer were Sunday
Quests of Mrs. Amanda Rehm. P. C.
Bell's class, "Crosby Guild." in the
Methodist Episcopal Sundav school, un
der the direction of the pastor, the
Rev. L E Wilson, is making a religious
census of the borough. Mrs. Alicti
Anderson, of Baltimore, who spent the !
nast two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. D. G. i
Brinton and Miss Carrie Cline, left to- ;
day for Carlisle, where she will make j
a short visit with relatives before her 1
return home. i
New Germantown, Pa., Sept. 2.
j A horse for which Milton Willhide
| had paid S2OO a short time before,
I died of spasmodic colic. The ad
ministrator of the estate of the late
I Samuel A. Wilson, sold the real estate,
I mostly ridge land, to J. M. Wilson, for
I S4OO. A class of willing workers has
(been organized in the Fairview M. E.
! Sunday schoolf Mrs. W. H. Trostle
and sister Miss Emma Holtz called on
S. B. Trostle as did also Samuel Gut
| shall of Jackson township, and Albert
j Rowe, of Dallas, Texas. Samuel A.
Johnston of Spring Run, is visiting his
aged sister, Miss Margaret J. John
ston. Miss Mabel R. Noel visited
Miss Anna Snyder at Rosegarden.
Dewey R. Swartz is visiting friends at
: Harrisburg. Mr. and Mrs. B. H.
: Rhinesmith of Ridgeway, Pa., and
Mrs. I. L. Smith, and daughter, Eve
lyn and Mrs. McNally. of Harrisburg,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.
Stokes. Mr. and Mrs. Banak, of
Newvllle, were guests of Mrs. Mary
Kessler. Mrs. Oliver S. Bistline, of
this place and daughter. Mrs. J. H. !
Temple, of Altoona, wh is visiting her
parents, were the guests of Mrs. Mary
B. Kern of Blain.
Special to the Telegraph
Blain, Pa., Sept. 2.—Joseph E. Bal- !
tozer and Miss l.eah B. Anderson, both I
o Jackson township, were married last
evening at the Lutheran parsonage by I
the Rev. John Calvin Reighard.
SEPTEMBER 2, 1916.
order of Red Men will have a big
time at their ox-roast at Benvenue
this evening. The Citizens band will
be present and a large attendance is
looked for. - The Bogar Lumber
Company shipped several oar loads of
ties from their lumberyard here dur
ing the week. James Mumper of
Landisburg was the guest of his son,
Willis Mumper this week. Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Forsht and two sons,
Charles and Ralph, of Dunuansviile,
were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sieg. They made the trip by
automobile. The Standard Novelty
works shipped a number of sleds dur
ing the week. Mrs. Robert Kellv
and daughters, the Misses Ethel and
Naoma, of Philadelphia, are visiting
relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. F.
William Froelich, of Harrisburg, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Willis.
Prof. W. A. McCune has moved
his family to Harrisburg.
'Social and Personal Items
About Hummelstown People
By Special Correspondence
Hummelstown, Pa., Sept. 2.—Miss
Margaret Weaver is spending a week
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Ebersole.—Miss Marjorie Nissley
is spending several days at Reading.—
Mrs. P. M. Kasson and children, Ray
mond and Melba, have returned home
after spending several months in Ari
zona and Colorado. Mr. and Mrs.
Riley Sanders, of Binghamton, N. Y.,
are spending several days with Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Oakum. —Professor
and Mrs. W. A. Geesey spent several
days at Altoona.—Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Shoop, who have been the guests of
Mrs. Shoop's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Miller for several months, left for
their home at Felton, Cuba.—Miss
Jane Bates, after spending two weeks
with Miss Elizabeth Fox, returned to
her home at Villanova. —Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Fegely left yesterday for Har
risburg. where they will make their
future home.—Miss Alice Suggett, of
Erie, will make her home with the
Misses Elizabeth and Mary Fox.—Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Bowers, of Topeka,
Kan., are visiting the latter's uncle,
Jacob Reinhart.—Mrs. H. R. Laucks
pr.d son Oscar are spending several
days at Reading.—Miss lola Fasnacht
is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Gehr,
at Philadelphia.—Miss Barbara Hum
mel has returned from a week's triip
to Norfolk and Old Point Comfort.—
Miss Nellie Brasefield, of Hazleton.
teacher of the third grade, is boarding
with Miss Minnie Basom.—Miss May
Bums and Charles Breckenmaker were
married Monday. August 28. Ward
Landts has resigned his position at
Lebanon and expects to attend the
School of Commerce at Harrisburg.— i
John Bingaman, of Steelton, was the I
guest of John Spidle.
Eberly Family Reunion in
Ephrata Park on Monday
By Special Correspondence
Ephrata, Pa.. Sept. 2.—A wedding
took place on Monday evening at the
residence of Dr. and Mrs. C. Reed
Cox, on Kinzer Heights, Ephrata,
when Miss Bessie Kresge, of Meyers
dale, Somerset county, Pa., was mar
j ried to George Camerium, also of
; Meyersdale, the wedding ceremony be
jing performed by the Rev. A. S.
: Kresge, pastor of a Reformed church
j in Meyersdale. The Eberly family
reunion will be held on Monday next
l in Ephrata Park. This family has
many representatives in Lancaster and
adjoining counties. The historical ad- j
dress will be made by the Rev. E. E. '
Sensenig. formerly of Marietta. |
The descendants of Francis and Cath- j
arine Krick held their tenth annual;
reunion on Saturday last in the Eph- i
rata Park, the attendance numbering j
more than 200.—Harvest Home serv- I
ices were held in Trinity Lutheran |
and Bethany Reformed Churches on |
Sunday.—The Rev. C. W. Stinespring, |
representing the United Brethren Old !
Peoples' Home and Orphanage In i
Qutncy, Franklin county, preached I
two sermons in the United Brethren
Church here, on Sunday.
High School Students Who
Graduated in 1911 Hold
Pleasant Reception
Fisherman "Shocked and Sur
prised" When Watersnake
Rites Him
By Special Correspondence
Millersburg, Pa., Sept 2. A pieas*
ant reunion of the class of 1911 of the
Millersburg high school was held at
* the Hotel Charles Tuesday evening.
The following members were present:
iMarie and Lois Hoffman, Ruth J. Mil
ler, Marie J. Deveny, Florence C. Dou
den, Blanche M. Kline, Bessie E.
Spong, Esther F. Wagner, Mrs. Mas
H. Matter, Julius A. Blasser. R. Lam
bert Franke, Harry R. Lenker, Henry
E. Starr and George S. Wingard. The
: class has a total membership of 17 and
all but three —Paul J. Reber, J. Mark
Hemminger and Mrs. Grace K. Good
ling—were present. Guests of the
class were Prof. J. F. Adams, Misa
Katharine P. Smith, Miss Elizabeth J.
Reber and Miss Mable Cooper. Henry
E. Starr acted as toastmaster and con
ducted the affairs of the evening which
consisted of addresses by the members
and social chat. The Millersburg or
chestra furnished excellent music and
a fine dinner was served. The class
will meet in reunion every five years.
—Thomas W. Richards was both,
shocked and surprise several davs ago
while catching bass bait in the Wicon
isco creek. He reached under a stone
when he felt a stinging sensation in
one of his fingers which he withdrew
very quickly to find a watersnake sev
eral feet long dangling on the linger
end. Mr. Richards shook the reptile
off without further ceremony. The
bite of the watersnake is not poison
ous, yet the finger became very sore,
requiring medical attention. Wilbur
Frantz, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Frantz, enlisted in the United States
marine corps at Harrisburg last week
and is now at the training quarters at
1" ort Slocum, N. Y. A brother is a
members of the United States army of
the Mexican border. C. W. Day and
son Steever left Monday on a trio to
Oklahoma,Kan., and other parts of the
West. Eugene Leffier, a member of
the Brooklyn police force, is spending
his vacation in his old Millersburg
home. George W. Rowe and fam
ily of Philadelphia, are here on their
annual vacation the guests of Mr.
Rowe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
i . By Special *Correspondence
j Elizabethville. Pa., Sept. 2. Miss
J Ruth McLanaghan spent several days
I with Mrs. H. W. Stine at Hershey.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark I. Uhler announce
the birth of a son. Alfred Taber is
spending a vacation with relatives $t
Long Branch and New York City.
Miss Frances Miller is home from a
visit to Plainfleld, N. J. Russell
Stroup of Allentown Is visiting Mr
and Mrs. Isaac N. Bonawitz. Allen
and Charles Lehman and families of
Philadelphia are visiting relatives in
, town. Grant Watson, a local res
taurant man was taken to the Harris
burg hospital on Sunday. Mrs. John
T. Bohner who spent several weeks
with her daughter at Pillow, has re
turned home. Reuben Wenrich has
moved his family from Linglestown to
the Gaugler property at the West End.
Christ Gaupp and family spent
Sunday at Wiconisco. Fred O.
Enders of Newark, N. J., spent a week
with Charles W. Enders. —A. L.
Williams and family of Easton, are
the guests of Landlord Snyder.
Miss Freda Diernuff, of Allentown.
was the recent guest of Mrs. Joseph
Lentz. A birthday surprise party
was tendered Miss Anna Gaupp' in
East Main street on Monday evening
by her young friends. Mrs. Harvey
M. Miller is ill at her home in Main
street. Lewis C. Buffington spent
several days at the Elks' convention
at Reading. Warren I''. Swab. J. H.
Lyter, Edgar Van Newkirk, J. H.
Fauber and families camped at Mont
gomery's Ferry for several days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cacherman of
Lewisburg are the guests of Edgar
Newkirk and family.