Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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    ||A Tccfrapli Want Ad Is loir lest Selling Medium. Bell 4100 C. Y. 203
CHAN 1)1.1:11 Entered into rest this
morning, Katharine Seese Chandler,
wife of the late C. S. Chandler, at her
home, at The Bolton House.
Funeral Tuesday afternoon, at 2
••'clock, from The Bolton House. Rela
tives and frlenas are invited to at
tend without further notice.
KAL'FFMA.V August 30, 1916, John
A. Kautfman, in his 74th year, at his
late home, 1947 North Seventh street.
mHe is survived by one son. J. A.
j'Kauitman; two daughters, Mrs. O. H.
Kepler, of Philadelphia, and Mrs. W.
D. Bowers, of this city. Mr. Kauitman
was a retired P. R. K. conductor;
also a veti ran ot the Civil War.
Funeral services will be neld at the
above address on Saturday evening, at
S o'clock, to which relatives ana
friends are invited to attend. Burial
will be made at Mifflin, Sunday
" Lost and Found
LOST Friday evening, between
Market and State, going to carnival, a
ten-dollar bill. Keward if returned to C.
A. Hayes, Paxtang, Pa.
LOST Wednesday morning, small,
black purse, on Second street, between
Ensminger's Drug Store and Market
square, iteward if returned to Tele
graph Office.
STOLEN—A door mat, black rubber,
with old English M. Kinder please
notify J. Harry Mcssersmith, 604 Briggs
LOST Gasoline gauge from Haines
car. Finder please communicate with
Miller Auto Co.. 68 South Cameron
Heip Wanted —Male
WANTED A few first-class paper
hangers; also wallpaper scraper. Apply
1432 Berryhill. Bell phone lul2K.
WANTED A good carpenter. Ap
ply H. W. Hummer, 1423 Lioerty streeu
WANTED A young man to work
in gent's furnishing store. Apply Qual
ity Shop, Front anu Locust street, Sieel
MAN Reliable, for short order
cooking; one partly experienced can ap
ply immediately at siouffer's Restau
rant, 4 North Court street.
MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar
ried men under age of 3d; Citizens of
United States, of good character ana
temperate habits, who can speak, react
and write the English language. For
information apply to Recruiting Of
ficer, Bergner Bidg., 3rd at Market Sts.,
WANTED Quick, hustler to travel
these towns and surrounding country.
Williamstown, Lykens, Elizabethtown.
Millersburg. steelton, Royalton, Hum
melstown, Lebanon, Halitax, Jones
town. Glen Bros., Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED A thoroughly experienc
ed shoe man to take charge and man
age a shoe department. Must be a good
retail salesman. Stale age, salary ex
pected and experience had. All com
munications will be held strictly confi
dential. Address Box H, olfjs, care of
WANTED Contract laborers, $3.00
to $3.50 per day. Steady work. Only
Kood men need apply. Paxtang Quarry.
WANTED Two outside
shoe cutters. Apply Devine
& Yunpel Shoe Mfg. Co.,
Harrisburg, Pa.
steady work with chance for advance
ment. Apply Master Mechanic's Office,
Central Iron & Steel Company.
AT ONCE Apply Herre Bros., 3235
North Fourth street. Riverside.
Attend the
Hershey Building,
Front and Market Streets,
Harrisburg, Pa.
as well as
Instructors are college men —Prince-
ton and Harvard. Day
and night sessions.
Address, for booklet,
P. O. BOX 284.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
men for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Di
vision street, Harrisbu.-g, Pa.
contract or day labor. Attractive
wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman
Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third street
and P. & R. Railroad.
ROYS WANTED To learn shoe
making. Apply Devine & Yungel Shoe
Manufacturing Co., Fifteenth and State
WANTED A man familiar with
electric light wiring; wages, 25c per
hour. Apply Robert Grace Contracting
Co.. Island Park.
WANTED Persons to color art
pictures at home; easy work; no experi
ence: good pay; sample free. Wheeler
Co.. 337 Madison, Chicago.
YOU can start with us next week ana
earn three to ten dollars day. Write,
now. statin? age and experience. Don't
delay. Pay sure. First National Nurs
eries, Rochester, N. Y.
WANTED Boys, over 18. for cut
ting room. Harrisburg Leather Pro
ducts Co., 1420 Wyeth avenue.
j F« Ten Days Anto i deßosi i
$17,500 Property J
! Will Purchase 0p,K,r,u " ,, - y !
* ♦ J
>| 204 Locust Street j
* (Adjoining til e Orpheum Theater)
: Size 26.3x140 ft
« The location is particularly good for a druggist, confectioner or
* grocer; with the large vacant yarait would make a fine ice cream parlor
* and garden. In fact, it is suitable for any business which requires a
7 central location. The price named is good until September 10th after 1
i which time if not sold the property will be improved and rented.'
t With the continued enlargement of the business center and the
I absolutely certain increase in values, this property should in five «MP« {
I be worth $25,000. " years J
* , i , ~,,,,,,,,,, t * '
Help Wanted —Male
SALESMEN Spare time or full
time. Take orders for "Kantleak"
Raincoats. Quick sellers. Retail prices.
*3.98 up. liberal commissions. Free
sample coat. Comer Mfg. Co., 225 Topan.
street. Dayton, Ohio.
wants a live, young man. with some
knowledge of shorthand and typewrit
ing. Must be ambitious and looking
for advancement. Salary, $lO per week.
Address H., 5159, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Experienced second
helpers, ladlemen and pitmen for Opei.
Hearth Plant in Delaware. Apply Em
ployment Bureau, Worth Brothers Co.,
Third avenue, Coatesville, Pa.
WANTED A first-class plumber
and steamfltter. Apply at once. 1001
MEN Young, wanted to work In
automobile repair shop; our school la
overflowing with repair work, there
fore it gives our students a chance to
obtain practical repair work on all ma
chines. We pay 30 cents an Uour as
soon as competent. Take advantage of
summer rates. Auto Transportation
School. 29 North Cameron street.
Help Wanted —Female
and bunch makers: steady work. Ap
ply Central Cigar Co.. 323 South Cam
eron street.
GOOD MONEYmade at home, knitting
hosiery. Machines furnished on time.
We buy or sell your goods. Easy and
constant work. Wheeier Co. tine.), 331
Madison, Chicago.
WOMEN WANTED—FuII time salary,
$15.00, selling Guaranteed Hosiery to
wearer; 25c an hour spare time; perma
nent; experience unnecessary. Wear
proof Hosiery, Norristown, Pa.
A STUDENT from 9th grade with
our training in shorthand and type
writing, making $35 a week. Expert
shorthand and typewriting, individual
instruction, every student placed. Day
and Night School in session. Harris
burg Shorthand School, 31 North 'Sec
ond street.
WANTED A girl, or middle-aged
woman, for general housework; small
family; no washing; must be able to do
plain cooking. Address A., 4371, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Woman for general
housework. Apply 720 North Sixteenth
WANTED Woman to wash and
iron on Monday. Apply 326 North
Front street. Steelton.
WANTED Girls 16 years
and over, experienced and learn
ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner
North and Second streets.
WANTED Experienced sewing
machine operators to make ladies' ana
children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel
Co., Over City Star Laundry, State
street, Kear Entrance.
WANTED Girls not under
16 years of age to learn the
trade of Cigarmaking. Also
experienced Bunchmakers and
Rollers. Pay beginners while
learning. Experienced hands
earning good wages. Apply at
Harrisburg Cigar Co., 600 Race
WANTED A girl, about 15 years
of age, to help in confectionery store.
Apply Messimer, 71S North Third and
Briggs streets.
chine operators, experienced and learn
ers. Pay good wages while learning.
Steady work. Steelton Glove Co., cor
ner Second and Dupont, Steelton.
OPERATORS Thoroughly experi
enced on power sewing machlner, to
work on ladies" aprons and children's
play suits; steady work at Rood wages.
Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com
pany, 414-416 State street.
chine operators. Experience not nec
essary. Pressers and l'olders also want
ed. Blough Manufacturing Co.
WANTED, AT ONCE Young, white
woman as second girl. Wages, $4.00.
Address S.. 5200, care of Telegraph.
WANTED—White woman for house
work and cook in family or four adults;
no washing or heavy cleaning; jjood
wages. Address M„ 5199, care of Tele
openings for several experienced
saleswomen for their Cloak and Suit
Department. Steady position and good
salary for applicants who can qualify.
WANTED Reiinea woman to do
residence corset fitting. Corsetlers
make sl2 to SSO per week. We in
struct you. Easy to sell. Guaranteed
one year. Apply 404 North Second
WANTED Woman to hand Iron,
girl for marking and assorting depart
ment, and several mangle girls. Apply
Troy Laundry. 1520-26 Fulton street.
Help Wanted —
Male and Female
WANTED A good cook and house
man for work in private family in
country near trolley line. Call 793J-1.
Agents Wanted
BIG MONEY! Show automobilists
how to burn free air instead of ex
pensive gasoline. Sell the LITL FIEND,
a fiend for power, mileage and gasoline
saving. "New Wildfire Seller." Freo
details. Edward Homan, Sales Dept. D
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Agents Wanted
AGENTS lf you want to earn more
money send for our Catalog of repeat
order articles. Particulars tree. George
D. Slttler, Jr., Topton, Pa.
AGENTS Ladies - send twenty-five
cents with the names of two good pros
pective lady agents, and we will send
you a handsome piece of Jewelry. Co-
Operative Sales Co., Elwood, Indiana.
AGENTS—Free Catalog and Samples,
new goods, quick sales, big profits,
make $5 to $25 daily, no experience.
World's greatest specialties. Cruver
Co., Jackson and Campbell, Chicago. 111.
AGENTS To sell high-grade ar
ticle to factories, offices, homes, etc. Big
profits. Send for particulars. Frank
Rankin Merchandising Co., 36 North
Gallatin avenue, Uniontown, Pa.
AGENTS We have a high-class
household specialty; one which every
housewife wants. For particulars write
The P. K. Johnson Co.. 5831 Hazel ave
nue, Philadelphia, Pa.
AGENTS Let us show you how to
double your income. Send for our 1916
winner. Universal Supply Co., OH City,
AGENTS Sell "Kantleak" Rain
coats. New plan. We deliver and col
lect. Cooper making 165 a week. Sample
free. Comer Mfg. Co., 248 Diamond
street, Dayton, Ohio.
Strange invention startles world.
Agents amazed. Ten inexperienced men
divide $40,000. Korstad, a farmer, did
$2,200 in 14 days. Schleicher, a minis
ter, $195 first 12 hours. $1,200 cold cash
made, paid, banked by Stoneman in 30
days. $15,000 to date. A Hot or Cold
running water bath equipment for any
home at only $6.50. Self-heating, no
plumbing or waterworks required. In
vestigate. Exclusive sale. Credit
given. Send no money. Write letter or
postal to-day. Allan Mfg. Co., 282 Allen
Building. Toledo, Ohio.
AGENTS Either sex. Introduce our
high grade specialty in every home. Big
profits. New necessity. Write to-day.
Tho Redrow Merchandise Companj,
I Sewell. N. J.
I AGENTS Can make big money
j daily selling household necessity. Saves
i time and labor. Big profits. The Beau
mont Specialty Co., Box 247, Yonkers,
N. Y.
handle household specialties; needed in
every home. Big sellers. Booklet
free. The Patents Mfg. Co., 225 Main
avenue, Passaic, N. J.
Salesmen Wanted
WANTED Representative for high
grade article selling well in small'
town and\country homes as well as in
cities to contractors, etc. One who Is
looking foV own permanent business
can carry stock of goods up to S2OO (or
give letter of credit), can find an ex
ceptionally high-grade, profitable con
nection with large Chicago manufac
turer. Pitner Company, 10 East Ktnziu
street, Chicago.
WANTED Reliable Stock Salesmen
to sell ten thousand shares of small
capitalized Mining Co. Individual own
ers have furnished most of the money.
No Get Rich Concern, but prospects of
a big dividend payer. Call Tuesday
only on G. M. Sipley, Hotel Dauphin.
unnecessary, earn while you learn.
Write for large list of openings and tes
timonials from hundreds of our stu
dents who earn SIOO to SSOO a month.
Address nearest office. Dept. 244, Na
tional Salesmen's Training Association,
Chicago, New York, San Francisco.
thing new. Business necessity. Retails
$5 to SIOO. Enormous profits. No com
petition. Exclusive territory. Freo
samples. Sayers Co., 457 Wainwright,
St. Louis.
WANTED—Salesmen to call on Gro
cers, General Stores and Confectioners
In small country towns. Can easily earn
$250 per month. Commission contract,
with $35 weekly drawing account.
Crown Cider Co., 509 Chestnut street,
St. Louis, Mo.
SALESMEN We desire a forceful
and aggressive salesman to sell ou>
1918 line of high-class calendars,
leather goods and novelties in Harris
burg and adjacent territory. Will con
sider applications only from men of re
liable character and real selling abil
ity. Thos. J. Beckman Co., 310 North
Eleventh street, Philadelphia, Pa.
business and want to make good money.
A first-class line and liberal contracts.
The Buckeye Oil & Paint Co., Cleveland,
Situations Wanted —Male
WANTED By young colored man,
Position as butler in private family;
est of reference. Address M., 4208,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED Position as chauffeur for
any make of car. by young colored man,
can furnish references. Address 132
Liberty street, City.
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED White woman wants
washing to do at her home. Call 2007
North Seventh street.
WANTED Young, colored woman
I desires light housework; no washing;
plain cooking or nursing and kitchei.
work. Address Viola Hicks, Steelton,
WANTED By a middle-aged wo
man, washing and ironing at home, or
day's work. Apply 1734 V 4 Fifth street.
WANTED Washing and ironing
done at home by respectable widow,
can furnish references. Apply 201S
WANTED—Young white woman de
sires position as waitress, or work for
a few hours of each day. Address A.
8.. 5158, care of Telegraph.
Real Estate For Sale
attractive prices. Let us know the size
and location you desire. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE No. 1715 Market Street
—frame house bath gas steam
heat concrete sidewalks lot, 20.\
170 — garage. 14x20. Bell Realty Co..
Bergner Building.
street, near Derry street, 115 ft. deep to
Goodyear street, $22 a foot front. N.
H. Dowrin, 518 A South Thirteenth
street. City, or N. G. Zeiders, Lemoyn.,
Bell phone 3036 J.
$2,100 WILL PURCHASE a brick
house with 6 rooms bath gas
furnace cemented cellar porch
front located on N&udain street. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
$2,000 WILL BUY a frame house on
Muench Street —8 rooms—bath gas
—furnace cemented cellar rented
at $16.50. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
FOR SALE South Eighteenth
street. No. 319 New brick
house, with steam heat and electric
light; porch and side entrance. Lot,
<2O by 100 ft. Owner leaving city. Price
right. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street.
story dwelling house brick six
rooms and bath corner Miller and
Dare streets, between Seventeenth and
Eighteenth streets and State and North
—known as 1720 Miller street. Apply
to Mrs. Geo. D. Thorn. 2216 North Tnird
SOUTH ENOLA One pair Mansard
roof, eight-room houses, bath, furnace,
electricity, front and back porches
(concrete): built six years; facing trol
ley; rent S2O per month; price. $3,700.
For further information inquire J. Mc-
Cormick, R. F. D., No. 4, Mechanics
burg, Pa. .
Real Estate For Sale
STREETS, 60 feet by 160 feet,
fronting 75 feet on Susquehanna
street. Must be sold at once.
Very reasonable figure. Inquire
23 South Second street.
FOR SALE, CHEAP 2% acres lo
cated at west end of Bowmansdale,
Cumberland County, Pa., G. & H. R. R.;
9-room frame house, washhouse, 3
porches, barn and chickenhouse; fine
well water and a cistern at kitchen
door; stream of running water through
property; abundance fruit. This is an
excellent place for chicken and duck
seeing it. Price, 1,400 dollars. See
seeing it. Price, 1,450 dollars. See
Benj. Goodyear, on place, Saturday anu
FOR SALE Residence and stable,
2832 Bank street, Penbrook, for sale
cheap if sold at once. Call at premises.
FOR SALE What will you give for
1611 Kegina street, occupied bv owner r
Inspect it. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE Very desirous of sell
ing 26 North Eighteenth street, corner
of Park street; all improvements; steam
heat. Inspect it. Make offer. H. G.
Pedlow. 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE Three-story brick
dwelling. 23 South Sixteenth street; all
i improvements; good condition; price,
i $2,600. P. V. Minter. at Harrisburg
I Trust Co.
FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga
low sites, at foot of mountain. Summer
dale. Price $350. Apply Laura Reea,
316 Chestnut street.
FOR SALE Two single, modern
homes on lot 30x100, Cloverly Heights.
Conveniently located for Harrisburg or
Steelton residents. Terms to suit pur
chaser. If you are in the market for
a home, call J. M. Stark & Son, Cloverly
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street,
corner River alley, two and one-half
story frame; eight rooms and a bath;
oil con\eniences.
Corner Bridge and Eighth streets,
Elkwood, two and one-half-story
frame; eight rooms and a bath; all
convenience). The above properties
will be sold at a bargain. Apply
Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland.
FOR SALE 2444 Main street, Pen
brook, brick house, 8 large rooms and
bath; electric and gas all through- ce
mented cellar; best location in Pen
brook. Must sell, as party now occupy
ing sume must leave city. For full in
formation see Joseph Cooper, 2444 Main
street. Penbrook. Also organ and parlor
suit for sale same place.
dwelling, all improvements, situate on
north side of Main street. Price, so,-
000.00. Inquire of Harry M. Bretz, 222
Market street.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT Eight-room brick
house; bath, gas, electricity, steam heat,
porches, side and rear entrance. Apply
1910 Holly street.
FOR RENT Apartment 1212 Mar
ket street, second floor, with all modern
Improvements 120.00 per m<?nth. In
quire L. Mlnter, 1167 Market street. Bell
phone 4282.
FOR RENT Storeroom, 1212 Mar
ket street, corner Market and Summit
streets, ready for occupancy, fixed to
suit tenant. Inquire L. Minter, 1167
Market street. Bell phone 4282.
FURNISHED HOUSE —Conveniences,
Tuec sweeper in basement; exchange
for room and board for three adults.
Call 303 Patriot Building, or Bell phone
3598 R.
426 NORTH STREET Eight rooms,
bath, electric lights, city steam, gas
stove and gas water heater; facing
Capitol Park. Inquire 410 North street.
FOR RENT—House 2215 Atlas street;
three-story brick; all modern improve
ments; handsomely papered; sl4 per
month. Apply George w. MacWilllams,
2150 North Fifth street, or Frank B.
Wickersham, Bergner Building, Third
and Market streets.
GAN STREETS 2^4-story frame
dwelling; 8 rooms; Improvements; lot,
108x147; fruit trees; chickenhousea.
Possession October 1. $25.00. Back
enstoss Bros., Russ Building.
Three-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms
and bath; all improvements; 130.00.
Backenstoss Bros., Russ Building.
FOR RENT 143 Royal Terrace; b
rooms; bath; porches; furnace and gas,
possession at once. Rent. S2O. Apply
Allison Hill Trust Co.
MY Poultry Truck and Tobacco Farm!
Large double house, large barn, double
decker chickenhouse, 600 capacity,
other buildings, 9% acres good grouna,
1-acre peach orchard, $400.00 worth ot
tobacco in shed. Moneymaker for hust
ler. Terms reasonable. Write for par
ticulars. Geo. W. Brinser, Elizabeth
town, Pa., Lancaster County. R. D.,
No. 1.
All Sizes. Grades and Prices
Beautiful and very productive;
close to trolley
Acre and half-acre plots only
Care's Grocery, Linglestown,
or 409 Market St.. Harrisburg. Pa.
Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT Third floor apartment;
six rooms and bath; hot water and heat.
Apply to F. I* Meek, either 115 Markov
street, or 2146 North Fifth street.
FOR RENT Two rooms, furnish
ed, particularly for light housekeeping,
second floor front; electric light and
gas; steam heat. Apply 7 North Thir
teenth street.
FOR RENT Second floor apart
ment, 131 South Third street; five rooms
and bath, electric lights, gas and heat.
Rent, $25; possession September 4.
class, 5 rooms and bath, with all con
venienses. Apply I* Sllbert. 1742 North
Sixth street.
SECOND ST.. 170 C Five anl six
rooms with porch; most pleasant aqd
open surroundings in city. V
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Small and extra large
rooms. Inquire at Paul's Shoe Store, or
entrance 11 North Fourth street. Bell
568 W.
FOR RENT Two nicely furnished
bedrooms, with private family, second
floor front room and third floor from
room; steam heat, electric lights, bath,
prices very reasonable. 1932 Park
airy; single or communicating, with
kitchenette; stoves furnished free;
bath, phone and laundry privileges; all
outside, exclusive aad private, 429
Broad street.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Second floor front
room, nicely furnished, with bay win
dow, use of bath, telephone and other
conveniences. Apply to 2126 Green
street. ""
FOR RENT Nicely furnished
rooms, both single and double; all con
veniences; reasonable. Apply 801 North
Sixth street.
HOUSE FOR RENT 234 Hamilton
street; 9 rooms and bath; all improve
ments. Call Bell phone No. 302011.
FOR RENT 560 Camp street, cor
ner property. 10 rooms and bath; also
115 Broad street. Inquire J. K. Kipp,
2203 North Fourth Btreet
FOR RENT Three unfurnished
rooms on second floor, w'.th use of bath;
a desirable location. Call 1526 Naudain
FOll RENT Neatly furnished front
room, with three large windows; mod
ern conveniences. Apply 118 South
street, near Front.
FOR RENT Two furnished rooms,
modern conveniences. Including city
steam heat. Apply at Young Apart
ments, 34 North Second street. Second
FOR RENT Newly furnished, front
room to single person or married
couple; central location; terms reason
able; all conveniences. No. 223 Briggs
ROOM Nicely furnished, in private
family; all conveniences. Apply 231
Forster street.
•Sentlemen only. Running hot and cold
water. Phone in every room. $2.50 per
week. Special rates, two in a room.
Metropolitan Annex, 518 Market street.
ROOM FOR RENT Room, suitable
for office. Also boarding—lo meaia,
$2; 21 meals, $4. Home Dlnlngroom.
Address. 123 South Second.
FURNISHED ROOMS oingle or en
suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use
of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth.
NORTH ST.. 410 Second and third
floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac
ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running
water electric lights, large bathroom.
Bell phone.
For Sale or Exchange
PROPERTY A good farm, buildings,
In good shape, 9 najles from Harris
buifr, along the State Road. Address
■I.. n2lO, care of Telegraph.
SECOND-HAND Bags, Burlap,
Scrap Bagging and Twine.
Write for prices. RICHMOND
BAG COMPANY, Dept. 48, Rich
mond, Virginia.
WANTED One-horse junk wagon
that carries a ton or a little more. Ap
ply R. W. Witmer, Lemoyne, Pa.
Rooms Wanted
WANTED Three or four rooms,
with bath, furnished for housekeeping
(for three adults); give location, de
scription, price. Address M., 5209, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED By man and wife, two
or three furnished or unfurnished
rooms, second floor, one front room, lo
cated on Allison Hill. Address Q., 5198,
care of Telegraph.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
SPECIAL A fine set of 30 books for
one-tenth cost; many other new bar
gains daily. Aurand's Book Store, 913
North Third street.
FOR SALE At Dauphin, one coal
shed, also a flve-ton wagon scales. For
information see, or address mail to,
J. L. Schafter, Dauphin, Pa.
machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex
changed and bought. Some exception
ally fine rebullts in stock. All makes.
S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust
street. Opposite Orpheum.
FOR SALE One American slicing
machine and one National cash regis
ter. A->nly H, Sherman, 1228 Bailey
FOR SALE Two iron beams, 12-
Inch, 16 ft. long; one cast Iron column,
7-lnch, 11 ft. long. Claster's Jewelry
Store, 302 Market street.
FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv
ing. counters, small partition, stools,
floor and wall cases. Call. 513 Walnut
street, S. Meltzer.
FOR SALE Household Goods and
Unclaimed Freight on Tuesday, Septem
ber 5. at 9 A. M. Harrisburg Storage
Co., 437-445 South Second street.
BROAD STREET Also all flxtures,
including fine rolltop desk, 2,000-ID.
safe, counter and platform scales, coun
ters, tables, wall cases, about three
hundred shelf boxes, signs. Smith type
writer, $10.00; new loose lea* ledger.
FOR SALE, at Gable s. 111-117 South
Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence.
Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard
ware, Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board,
Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc.
NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale
at reduced prices. Apply .to Keystone
Hug Co.. 1116 Montgomery street.
FOR SALE Highest grade hot-air
furnace, with auxiliary hot water
heater. Heats 8 rooms with hot air and
one large or two small rooms with hot
water. Expansion tank and cold air
duct included, or sold separately.
Wayne S. Graeff, 808 North Sixteenth
street. City.
FOR SALE Diamond and Good
rich Automobile. Motorcycle and Bicycle
Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases,
Harness and Leather Goods made to
order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
_ AT GABLE S, 113, 115 and 117 South
Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mized paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L.
primed and glased, at $1.30 per set.
Also other sines. Also doors and shut
For Rent—Miscellaneous
FOR RENT Offices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
WANTED A partner, with a little
capital, for a manufacturing business
which is now running, but would likn
to enlarge. Can show good profits and
orders. Address P. O. Box No. 722.
CAL PLANT FOR SALE to settle an es
state. Doing SIO,OOO yearly. Box j,
5211; care or Telegraph.
BUSINESS of household necessity; sold
direct to consumer. Ten cent article.
Eight hundred customers in Harris
burg. Two hundred per cent. (200 per
cent.) profit. Snlendld opportunity. J.
U. .W„ Penbrook. Pa.
SEPTEMBER 2, 1916. -
Business Opportunities ,
IF you have $3,000 to $5,000 to Invest
in your locality, with your services, we
nave an attractive business to offer. We
solicit investigation. iryede Specialty
VV orks, Rochester, New York.
AN unusual opportunity is offered to
a live man of moderate financial re
sponsibility to secure the exclusive sell
ing and distributing jights in this coun
ty for a popular and profitable specialty.
Will have full power to appoint sub
agents, dealers and canvassers. Tin,
right man will make big money ana
establish a permanent business. For
particulars address 933 Real Estate
Trust Building, Philadelphia.
RESPONSIBLE MAN can secure ex
clusive sales rights for the best and
cheapest Automatic Fuel Economizer
for this County. Guaranteed to save
25 per cent. Big profits. Call Tuesday
only, on G. M. Sipley, Hotel .Dauphin.
WANTED Practical grocery man
to locate at Pyne'u Corner, West Fair-*
view. Splendid business corner for a
hustling man. Will offer special in
ducement to the right party who can
command a small amount of cash and
come well recommended. Rent for th»
entire property is but eighteen dollars
monthly. Apply to the owner, A. C.
Young, Real Estate. 26 North Third
street. Harrisburg.
PARTNER WANTED Age, 20 to 30.
to help manufacture patent chemical
novelty. Only $250.00 required. Easy
outdoor business. Short hours. Large
profits. No fake. 1429 Shoop street.
FOR SALE An oid-establtshed
moving picture show. Guaranteed to
do good business. Reason for selling
! will be explained. Apply to Box R,
5136, care of Telegraph.!
! ANY' Intelligent person can earn good
Income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Suydicate, 75»3 Lock
port. N. Y.
Business Personals
LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit
cases (drummers' samples) positively at
the lowest prices in the city. Call and
be convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goods
at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable
Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at
Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective
work handled—one eye always open.
Money to Loan
MONEY advanced to housekeepers at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing Loan Society. Room 7. Spooner
Building. 9 North Market Square.
At legal rates for individuals pressed
by lack of funds to meet Im
mediate necessities.
Time and payments arranged to suit
your convenience.
204 Chestnut Street.
Home capital—home management.
rooms for household goods, $2 per
month and up. We Invite inspection
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, house
hold goods and merchandise. Private
rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 76c cents per
month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad
street. Both phones.
FOR SALE Strictly high grade
GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will
sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311,
care of Telegraph.
or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR
ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J.
j Write, or call, at 315 Broad street.
Hauling and Moving
R. A. Hartman, National Transfer
Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers
j and general hauling. W. H. Lathe,
l Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets,
j Bell phone No. 2663 R.
! -
Summer Resorts and
RIVERVIEW, ten miles from Harris
burg along Susquehanna river. Gooa
boating, bathing and fishing. J. K. D.,
care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Maplehursl cottage,
furnished, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Fine location. ▲. L Resch. Mari
etta. P#.
FOR SALE 1916 four-cylinder
Oldsmobile Roadster and one Touring
Car, and an eight-cylinder Oldsmobile
Roadster. These have been slightly
used as demonstrators and must be sold
before the 1917 models arrive. Phone
us for demonstration.
Bell 4256. 120 Market St.
FOR'SALE 1914 Ford Touring Car,
good running order; will sell cheap to
quick buyer. Apply 147 South Cameron
LARGE, handsome. Motor Bus, re
sembling "Pay-as-you-enter/" trolley. A
moneymaker—people will ride In pref
erence to trolleys. Built for all-year
service; steam heat for winter use; elec
tric lights and starter; dome lights in
celling; fare register and press buttons;
five new tires and "extras." Run less
than seven thousand miles. In excel
lent condition. Cost twenty-live hun
dred dollars. Will sell for seventeen
hundred. This is a dandy car and
should be seen to be appreciated. In
terested parties, with cash, call or ad
dress, John D. Pawling, No. 269 Chest
nut street, Coatesville, Pa. One square
from P. R. R. Station.
FOR SALE As a special induce
ment, one new Atlas Truck, fully
equipped, price SBOS, special price, s72i>,
two 1916 Vims, 1450 each; 1 Columbus
Electric at a sacrifice. East End Auto
Co., 120 Market street.
OVERLAND Touting, electric lights!
and starter, spare tire, tire
pump $425
Mitchell Touring 295
E. M. F. Touring 295
Applv Re* Garage, 1917 N. Third St.
senger De Cambel, one 5-passenger 1914
Ford, newly painted. In excellent con
dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good
as new; one 1912 Ford dellvenr, with
good body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for
sale at Ford Oarage. Middletown. Pa.
E. M. Snaveiy. Manager.
1912 five-passenger Regal: good
shape; new vires all around; big bar
gain for quick buyer.
1912 flve-passenger Pullman, com
pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good
upholstering; good top and tires; big
68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J.
kind. If you cannot sell your car, why
not consign It or exchange it with us
for a better one. Our charges for sell
ing are 5 per cent. oniv. No storage
chars< - s If car is not sold. Auto Trans
portation Exchange Department. 25-29
North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710
Motorcycles and Hicvcle?
FOR SALE Twrn-cyllnder Indian
motorcycle, 1913 model, good running
order. Address R. F. Olds, 231 North
Second street. Phone 1656.
New York. Sept. 2. Covering: of
short contracts, a natural precaution
In vlow of the approaching holidays,
comprised the bulk of to-day's light
dealings, the movement being height
ened by the encouraging outlook of the
railroad controversy-.
Marines were the chief feature, with
the preferred at a new high record.
U. S. Steel regained much of yester
day's reversal and rails were higher
under lead of Reading and Canadian
Pacillc. Specialties were represented
by Kelly-Springfield Tire, Lee Tire and
Studebaker, and coppers, petroleums
and American Zinc preferred also reg
istered material gains. The closing
was strong. Bonds were steady.
Chandler Bros. « Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stoctf Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
rlsburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street. New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York, Sept. 2.
Open. Clos.
Allis-Chalmers 22% 22%
Ameiican Beet Sugar ... 87% 87%
Americap Can 60% 61%
American C& F 60% 62
American Ice Securities . 27% 27%'
American Locomotive .. 75% 76%
American Smelting .... 97 97%'
American Sugar 108% 108%
American T<& T 131 131%
Anaconda 84% 85%
Atchison 102% 102%
Baldwin Locomotive ... 77 78%
Baltimore & Ohio 85 85%
B I-' Goodrich 71% 71%
Butte Copper 65 67%
California Petroleum ... 19% 19%
Canadian "Pacific 175% 177
Central Leather 56% 56%
Chesapeake & Ohio .... 59% 60%
C, M&St P 93% 94
C. RI & P 17% 17%
Col F& 1 46% 48%
Con Gas 136 ,136
Crucible Steel 73 75%
Crucible Steel pfd 117% 116%
Ois-tilling Securities .... 44% 44%
Erie 36% 36%
Eric Ist pfd 52% 52%
General Electric 167% 167%
Great Northern pfd .... 116% 117
Great Northern Ore subs 37% 37%
Inspiration Copper 57% 57%
Interboro-Met 16% 16%
Interboro-Met pfd 73 73
Lackawanna Steel 75% 76%
Lehigh Valley 78% 78%
Maxwell Motors 82% 83%
Merc War Ctfs 41% 42%
Merc War Ctfs pfd 105% 108%
Mexican Petroleum 102 103
Miami Copper 35 35
Missouri Pacific 3% 3%'
New York Central 103 104
New York, Ont and West 26% 26%
Norfok and West 127 128%
Northern Pacific 109% 109?s
Pacific Mail 27% 27%
Pennsylvania Railroad . 55% 56%
Pressed Steel Car 53% 52%
Railway Steel Spring.. 45 45%
Ray Con Copper 24% 24%
Reading. .. 104 104%
Republic Iron and Steel 53 53%
Southern Pacific 95% 95%
Southern Railway 23 23%
Southern Railway pfd .. 67% 67%
Studebaker 120 123
Tennessee Copper 24% 25
Union Pacific 137% 137%
U S I Alicohol 108% 110%
U S Rubber 56% 57
U S Steel 96 96%
U S Steel pfd 117% 117%
Utah Copper 83% 83%
Virginia- Carolina Cham 40% 40%
Western Union Telegraph 94% 95
Westinghouse Mfg ... 58%' 59%
Philadelphia, Sept. 2. Wheat
Higher: No. 2. red, spot and September,
$1.44(0)1.47; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.42
Corn Firm; No. 2, yellow, local,
97©9Sc; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local,
96©97 c.
Oats Market firm: No. 2, white,
54 V ® 55c; No. 3, white, 52 @> 53c.
Bran Market firm, fair demand;
city mills, winter, per ton, $26.00; west
ern, winter. pi»r ton. $2« fiO: sott. winter,
per ton, $25.00@28.60; Spring, per ton,
s2b.now 26.50.
Refined Sugars—No market.
Butter The market Is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 34@36c;
nearby prints, fancy. 37c.
New York, Sept. 2. The statement
of the actual condition of Clearing
House Banys and Trust Companies for
the week shows that they hold $95.-
829,140 reserve in excess of legal re
quirements. This is a decrease of $29,-
561.220 from last week.
The statement follows:
Actual Condition
Loans, discounts, etc., $3,292,337;000;
increase, $48,435,000.
Reserve in own vaults (B),-$441,584,-
000; decrease, $14,746,000.
Reserve in Federal Reserve Bank,
$161,580,000; decrease, $6,285,000.
Reserve in other depositories, $53,-
197,000; decrease, $1,090,000.
Net demand deposits, $3,254,361,000;
increase,' $42,217,000.
Net time deposits, $170,408,000; de
crease, $9,162,000.
Circulation, $31,387,000; Increase,
(B) Of which $374,408,000 is specie.
, Aggregate reserve, $656,376,000.
Excess reserve, $95,829,140; decrease,
Summary of State Banks and Trust
Companies in Greater New York not in
cluded in Clearing House statement:
Loans, discounts, etc., $741,687,300;
increase, $798,700.
Specie, $59,428,700: decrease, $79,700.
Legal-tenders, $8,941,300; Increase,
Total deposits, $881,009,000; increase,
Banks' cash reserve in vault, sll,-
Trust Companies' cash reserve in
vault, $56,525,700.
Philadelphia, Sept. 2.—Stocks closed
General Asphalt 29
General Asphalt, Pfd 69
Lake Superior 10%
Lehigh Navigation 7B
Valley 78' A
Pennsylvania Railroad 55%
Philadelphia Company 3a
Philadelphia Company, Pfd 37
Philadelphia Electric 28%
Philadelphia Rapid Transit 20
Reading 105
Storage Battery 6«
Union Traction ..... 44 \
United Gas 87
United States Steel 96%
Chicago, 111., Sept. 2. Cattle Re
ceipts. 12.000; weak. Native beef cat
tle, $6.65®11.20; stockers and feeders,
$4.75<f7>7.00; cows and heifers, $3.40®
9.25: calves, $8.50012.25.
Sheep Receipts, 13.000; weak.
Wethers, $6.15@7.50; lambs, $8.25®
Hogs Receipts, 28,000; dull; 20
cents under yesterday's average. Bulk
of sales. $10.25® 10.80; light, $10,350
11.00; mixed. $9.90®10.95; heavy $9.88
® 10.85; rough, $9.85@10.05; pigs, $9.00«*
Motorcycles and Bicycles
that broken blflycle and I will make it
like new. Prices very reasonable. Jas.
B. Murray. 1014 James street.