Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, September 02, 1916, Page 10, Image 10

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One of the most attractive of the Fall models of motorcars is the new S-cylinder Scrlpps-Booth -with its
winter top. This top was designed as an integral part of the car, although it is easily .detachable for summer
driving, and is in entire keeping with the luxurious appearance of the Scripps-Booth line. The top fits closely
to the body of the car with flush sides and will not rattle under the heaviest road strains. The windows are
removable and the interior is finished in beautiful gray whipcord and a dome light adds to the attractiveness of
the top. .
Demonstrators With Alumi
num Motors Now Receiving
Final Road Tests
P. D. Stubbs, general sales director
of the Premier Motor Corporation, af
ter a three months' sales grind, dur
ing which time he has succeeded in
building up one of the finest country
' wide sales organizations in the entire
motor car industry, is piaying golf at
French Lick. During his absence the
Premier sales department is in charge
of Assistant Sales Director Roy D.
Heartz. who resigned l'rom a similar
position with the Hupp Motor Oar
Company to help in the big Premier
Mr. Heartz personally negotiated
with many of the well known men
who now hold Premier contracts, and
has stood close to Sales Director
Stubbs in what is now claimed to
have been the hottest and fastest sales
organization campaign ever waged in
Arc you Sure
Your Battery
Doesnt need
You can't tell by looking
at the outside.
And when a battery be
gins to give trouble is gen
erally too late to avoid re
Don't wait for trouble
avoid it by having your
battery tested now.
Tour battery should be
spected regularly, tested with a
hydrometer, and supplied with
distilled water.
We'll give it these attentions
for you, and if anything is
causing trouble, we'll point out
the remedy.
Makes no difference what
make of car or battery you have,
this service is free. It is yours
any time and as often as you
Our repair department is ex
pert and reasonable.
Prest-O-Lite Service has no
Motor Supply Co.
For punctures, blow-outs, cuts, tears, hot-water bags, and
all rubber goods.
Heat of friction will not affect It.
Will outwear any tube.
It Is a pure Para rubber compound, not a tire dough, tire putty
or tread grum.
Burns Brothers Star Garage
Sixth and Helly Streets 13th St., Near Derry
General Distributors
The V ulcalene Company
the motor car business. While these
two men were closing Premier terri
torial contracts. Homer McKee,
Premier Advertising Director, has
been spending the hot weather up to
his neck in work, and it is thought
that his approaching campaign, in
behalf of the Aluminum Six. will be
the most noteworthy ever planned and
written by the author of "The Stand
ardized Car." McKee says its lucky
that he caught the summer months
for the preparation of this campaign
—because the days are longer.
E. W. HurcL who will handle the
Premier Service department, has laid
all of his plans and is ready to see
that the Premier cars which the new
organization sells will stay sold. "We
are going to operate the Premier ser
vice department as a part of the sales
department," says Service Director
Hurd, "und I think the plan is logi
cal. The sales department alone is in
position to know what a customer is
entitled to. and it will mean satisfied
Premier owners to have the sales de
partment see to their wants person
Earl G. Gunn, the Premier Chief
Engineer, and the builder and design
er of America's first aluminum mo
tor, is improving the few days re
maining to him before the actual de
livery of demonstrators, to final
touches on the car. "We know to a
certainty that the car is all right,"
says Chief Engineer Gunn: "We have
tested it without mercy on the hard
est hills, on long grinds and under all
reasonable conditions to which a mo
tor car can be subjected, and I can
say truthfully that the new Premier
Aluminum is the most successful* car,
mechanically, with whioh I have ever
been connected. I have never seen a
car with such pulling power at low
speeds, and the magnetic gear shift is
100 per cent. From a standpoint of
looks, it has no superior and few
equals. This feature of the car is due
entirely to Charles S. Crawford, our
assistant chief engineer. I believe that
Crawford knows more about putting
art into a motor car than any man in
the business. His most notable feat in
the new Premier is the obtaining of
as much room on a wheel base of
125i£ inches as has ever been pos
sible heretofore on a wheel base of
13114 inches."
The Premier demonstrators are
now undergoing final road test and
will be ready for shipment in Septem
In the meantime, materials are roll
ing in and the big Indiana factory is
speeding up to a point where shortly
it will be employing two thousand
men. Beginning with October a
straight day and night schedule
throughout the entire factory is plan
ned. Already certain departments are
running a double shift.
' \
"liie Cur ot So liegrets"
The King is the second oldest auto
mobile in the United States; 19is
model sllsO
7-Passenger Touring ..
Good Territory For Live Dealers
King CarSalesCo.
First class, fireproof garajra.
open day and night. R a ?ea
Auto Trans. Gsrsgg
Auto Dealer Must Attend
to Wants to the Car Owner
"The best definition of service, as
applied to my automobile business, is
the making of satisfied users," said
Carl Hanson, of the Overland-Harris
burg Co.
"The average car owner demands
nothing more than courteous treat
ment from the man of whom he pur
chases his machine and if his needs
are taken care of auickly and econo
mically, he will in almost every case
continue to l'avor the dealer with his
"In many respects automobile ser
vice is no different from that of ho
tel service. A hotel may boast of the
best chi. in the world, but if the ser
vice is poor, the guests will soon be
come dissatisfied and the chances are
that the next time those people visit
the town they will select a different
place. The relations between car
owner and dealer arc very much the
f<ame. The owner will continue to do
business with a dealer as long as he
receives proper treatment at his hands,
but if the dealer's interest in his cus
tomer ends with the sale of a car he
has little chance of selling him again
when the time rolls around for the
owner to invest in a new machine.
"That Is why it is good business
policy for the dealer to pay strict at
tention to the wants of the car owner.
And if a stranger drops in the sales
room to inquire about some mechan
ical feature of the car you are hand
ling, make him feel before he leaves
that it is a pleasure for you to render
such service. A little attention and
courtesy on your part may mean the
sale of a car later on.
"The same treatment should be ac
corded .the car owner when he drives
in for any needed repairs or replace
ments. See that his wants are taken
care of promptly and efficiently and
that he is charged only a fair price
for the service rendered. By doing so
you will make of him a friend for life.
Motorcycle Ambulance
Accommodates Two Persons
The recently perfected Indian Mo
torcycle Ambulance which has just
been announced by the Hendee Man
ufacturing Company, of Springfield,
Mass., is far in advance of any other
vehicle of its kind yet produced.
The stretcher carrier is of the dou
ble decker type, accommodating two
persons each trip. Regulation
stretchers are used, but they are fitted
with special pedestals which set into
sections of the carrier frame where
they are clamped to prevent slipping.
The chassis on which is mounted the
stretcher frame is of special reinforced
construction with such features as
vanadium steel springs, and adjustable
The power plant of the outfit is the
latest Indian motorcycle with the fa
mous Powerplus motor. The Power
plus motor is one of the most won
derful stock motors ever made, and
its popularity among motorcyclists
has increased by leaps and bounds
since its first appearance. It is cap
able of climbing the steepest of hills,
and It has speed up to sixty miles per
hour. Other features which make the
Indian motorcycle most adaptable to
ambulance work, are tfce Cradle
Spring Frame, three speeds, starter,
double controls, and heavy duty
Another feature of the Indian* A
mbulance is the First Aid Cabinet which
is beneath the lowerstretcher on the
chassis. This affords opportunity for
the ambulance attendants to give
dressings right on the battlefield with
out the delay which would be occas
5-Passenger Touring $665
Roadster Type $5-10
Ensminger Motor Co.
Bell l'liono 3515
/ "
"aroftht American |
. Distributors.
Ensminger Motor Co.
Third & Cumberland Sti.
■ H
■ ■
Five Passenger Touring 5
40 horsepower S4 x 4 inih tires, Auto-Lite starting RoadstCF $1095
flecvc-valvc motor non-skid rear land lighting system f. o. b. Toledo
Electrical control buttons on steering column •
114 inch wheelbase " *
S m
| The Only Motor j
| That Improves With Use 1
The Willys-Knight motor appeals to every true
It is the only motor in the world that improves
with use.
The longer it runs, the smoother, sweeter and
more powerful it becomes.
All motors are more or less good for the first
three or four thousand miles. Then the
wear, tear and friction start their deadly
work and gradually eat their lives away.
But the sliding sleeves of the Willys-Knight
Motor get smoother and smoother and
smoother. Each 1000 miles you run add to
its economy and efficiency.
No Willys-Knight Motor has ever worn out.
No carbon troubles, no pounding and banging, U
practically no gear shifting. Just a gentle
operation that's as smooth as silk and as soft.
No valve grinding. Carbon makes it run the
smoother —the only motor in the world that
makes an advantage of carbon.
The Knight Motor is the power plant pre
ferred by} Kings, Queens and royalty of
Europe. They all use it.
And now you can have the same thing—at a
popular price. •
No other car in the entire history of the auto
mobile business ever attracted such inter
• national attention. No other new car in the
same price class ever sold so rapidly.
Stop in and have a look at the Willys-Knight U
motor. Drive it yourself and feel its won
derful power, pep and flexibility.
Once you own a Willys-Knight motored car,
you'll never be content to drive anything else.
Come in and see it at once.
| The Overland-Harrisburg Co. |
Open Evenings 212 North Second St Both Phones
The Willys-Overland Company, Toledo, Ohio
"Made In U.S. A."
ioned if the patient had to be moved
to the hospital in the rear.
Mctorcycle ambulances are proving
of great value in the European war
theaters, ther mobility, their speed,
and their small size being distinctive
features which have won for it the
commendation of war hospitals and
Red Cross organizations. This Indian
ambulance is produced by the largest
manufacturers in the world, and its
advanced design and its very satisfac
tory peiformanco in tests ill wintiig for
it the approval of suiyeons and hos
pital authorities throughout the
Corporations Have Souls
Says Goodrich Representative
"A long time ago an eminent man
coined the expression, 'Corporations
have no souls,' but he did not know
The B. F. Goodrich Company," states
W. F. Mower, local branch man
"Could he sit to-day and look at the
Goodrich organization—could he see
the loyalty and enthusiasm that spur
Goodrich employes to greater endeavor
—could he see that this loyalty and
enthusiasm are actuated by knowl
Pennsylvania Auto Sales Co.
58 S. Cameron St.
or Herman Nathan ,
SEPTEMBER 2, 1910.
edge that the Goodrich Company is
putting the utmost possible into every
: product—then he might revise his re
• marks.
"The employes are the soul of the
i Goodrich—their handicraft bears the
i stamp of personal interest. For every
i employe of the Goodrich organization
i knows It as "Our Company."
"There's a little pride in that—not
i vain glory, but the honest pride that I
rests on self-respect which is justi
■ tied.
"We might say that it is pride that
s comes from being the greatest man
ufacturer of rubber goods In the
world. Or we might say it is based on
the knowledge that Goodrich products
are anticipating the needs of the
, greatest industries as no other prod
• ucts can.
"But all that—great as it is—is real
i ly not what makes the organization.
"There is a fine old saying, "In unity
i there is strength." And unity cannot
. exist without a spirit—the spiftt of
friendly co-operation, of enthusiastic
, service built upon proven confidence
. in the goods and in the men who are
• the vital human element in that really
■ living entity which the world knows as
I "Goodrich."
"The splendid part of it all is that
each one who has his share in build
| ing and upholding the name of Good
rich knows that every other man in
the organization is working with him
and for him. and knows that he is giv
ing that strength which is called forth
only by unity of purpose and unity
of effort.
"That is a spirit which cannot be
created but must be born of belief —
it's the life blood that surges through
the veins of this living organization.
'Goodrich'—and it is pride of being
part of such an organization that
prompts us to say "Our Company,
The Greatest of its Kind in the
World.' "
Firestone Foremen to
Hold Annual Picnic
To-day the foremen, superintend
ents and officials of the Firestone
Tire and Rubber Company, Akron,
Ohio, to the number of 225 are hold
ing their annual outing at the home
of Amos C. Miller, Castalia, Ohio.
Mr. Miller is vice president of tne
company and his large farm will offer
an ideal gathering- place for the fes
tivities of the day.
These men will gather at the home
office for breakfast at 5 a. m. At 6
there will be fifty automobiles in
readiness to take them on their jour
ney. Upon arriving at Mr. Miller's
farm the guests will be entertained
!at dinner, a sumptuous feast being
I planned.
In the early part of the afternoon
these men will renew their boyhood
days and romp through ball games
and pitch quoits with all the joyous
spirits of youth. Later in the after
noon the party will journey to Cedar
Point near Sandusky, where they will
be the guests of President Firestone.
After taking a dip in the waters of
Lake Erie, supper will be served at
the Hotel Breakers. After breakfast
ing at the hotel on Sunday morning
the party will leave for Akron, arriv
ing sometime in the afternoon.
This outing is an annual affair and
has always proved a big success, mak
ing these men better and truer co
workers which is bound to Tesult
from mingling in this fashion. In
previous years the outing has been
held at the Old Firestone Homestead
at Columbiana, Ohio. However, con
trary to precedent they decided to pay
Mr. Miller a visit and consequently
his farm was chosen as the main
gathering place.
H Most combine all that la deal ruble la a uaed ear. The name y
I GORSON protecta you la uaed car buying. When you buy here you are I
H aure of aervlce, aatlafactlon, lilgh quality and low price*.
fe* 1810 VELIE Touring c*i\ 1016 HUPMOBILE Touring 1916 CHEVROLET Touring H
« brand new- big bargain. car; shown no wear what- car: "cracker-jack" con- fj
fit 1816 HUDSON. s:lgbtly ever; 1660. dltion; complete equip- M
I used: two extra tires; 1916 BRISCOE touring; ment. I
sl| bargain. car, very economical to 1914 PAIOE touring car: 9
O 1916 BUICK Tourln? run; $875. electric equipment; 1375. H
y "D-45," elegant condl- 191S METZ roadater; up- 1016 PULLMAN touring t)
■ Hon; at a blir saving. keep very little; 5225. car: light, five passenger. U
■ 1916 MAXWELL Touring HUP roadster; good mile- $425.
H car: run COCO miles; goon age on gasoline and MERCER Touring car: lat- •
n value. tires; 1176. est model: elegant condl- J%
B 1916 CHANDLER Touring BUICK Roadster, electric tlon: can he bought right. jJ
H car: perfect mechanical lighta snd starter; good 1916 OVERLAND touring;
■ condition; agent's price. tires; $473. perfect from radiator to ■
(R 1916 STI'TZ Touring car, 1916 COLE. 8-c.vl. touring rear axle.
H nractlcallv brand new; ex- car: used very little: can OVERLAND Roadster; all ft
tj tra equipment. be bought at a sacrifice. electric equipment; *3oo.
Exceptional Line of Delivery Wafcoaa and Rebuilt Trucka. • U
V Free Bargain Bulletin. Open Labor Day. Agent* Wanted, u
Couldn't Change Four
Say Jeffery Engineers
In announcing its plans for the
coming year, the Nash Motors com
pany of Kenosha, Wis., states
that there will be no essential chang
es in the Jeffery Four, which for
three years has been rendering effi
cient service in the hands of thou
sands of satisfied owners.
Sixty days ago the Jeffery company
announced thai It had added to the
four-cylinder model the same grace
ful roll-edge feature that met with
such widespread popularity on the
Jeffery Six. In the course of redesign
ing the Four's body there was soma
slight change made in the radiator.
Otherwise it is the same Four as be
The Jeffery Four occupies a dis
tinctive position ir. the trade, it being
the car in which the Jeffery engineers
introduced to America the high-speed
long-stroke, high efficiency type of
motor. This species of motor met
with instantaneous favor; and to-day
Its praises are sung by all the lead
int.' manufacturers in America.
The roll-edge feature was added to
satisfy the demands made by hun
dreds of motor car buyers who saw
and liked it on the Jeffery Six. All
who saw the Six wanted its beautiful
lines incorporated in the Four.