Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 24, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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    You can easily have a good sized Diamond by Christmas, by taking
advantage of our Diamond Saving Plan. Start right away. Come at
once and select the Diamond. You will not miss the small weekly de
posit. We challenge you to get as fine or larger a diamond elsewhere
for the same price. It's the easy way to get a diamond for yourself,
your wife or your sweetheart. You will be surprised to see the size,
pure white color and brilliancy of these full cut diamonds.
Regular Value $35.00 Diamond. ) £* AA
Saving Plan Price, ... j
Here is all you have to do: Simply deposit
25 cents with us. This starts your account.
You then select your diamond, which will be
delivered to you when your last deposit is
made, according to easy chart below. We
look after all details.
This Is Not An Installment Proposition
You deposit your money with us or with any
bank weekly where it remains until the Diamond
is delivered to you. It is a cash transaction and you
buy your diamond at the lowest cash price.
Ist week 2nd week 4th^week
sth week 6th week 7th week Bth week
75c 75c 75c 75c
R jar If for any rea- —————
9th week 10th week 11th week 12th week
1 son you cannot #I.OO si.oo SI.OO si.oo
3 up 13th week 14th week 15th week 16th week
■ payments you mil #1.25 ei.25 si.so «ij>o
I be privileged to 17th week ISth week 19th week 20th week
I purchase . other a 1.75 $1.75 $1.75 »i.75
I merchandise for 2 lst week 22nd week
| the full amount S3- 00 «2.00 FINAL WEEK.
I paid In. '
| r l \
B SAVE A WATCH—You can save a Watch, Wrist Watch, or any
thing else in our line on the same easy plan. The deposits will be in
I proportion to the value of your purchase.
I -*
You can exchange diamonds bought on this plan any time at full
B price on a larger one.
I 302 Market Street. IN. Third Street
& - - Ji
Hershey Highlands is the name of
a new real estate development locat
"Harrisburg Will
Reap Rich Benefit
Carey Decides to Establish Exclusive
•lojsujV S !H J"
Medicine Here
Tanlac, the famous Master Medicine
that is accomplishing such remarkable
results in Chicago, St. Louis, Cincin
nati, Pittsburgh and other large
American cities, will be distributed in
Harrisburg exclusively by Drug
This announcement was made last
evening by E. W. Carey, the Tanlao
Man. The visitor, a most cultured and
affable gentleman, was seen to excel
lent advantage at the Commonwealth.
"Probably the most prevalent and
distressing condition." said Mr. Carey,
In discussing his extensive studies, "is
cfhronic catarrh of the mucous mem
branes. Catarrh of the stomach and
kidneys is the most frequent cause of
dyspepsia and Bright's disease, and ca
tarrhal conditions in the nose and
throat lead to inevitable deafness.
Show me a man whose hearing is
affected and I will endeavor to show
you a man who is suffering from
"Frequently the lungs become dis
eased by the extension of a catarrhal
inflammation by way of the bronchial
tubes to the lung substance. The
mental and physical state of chronic
catarrh sufferers is, indeed, unfortu
nate, and it is surprising to know what
an immense number, among those re
siding in such cities as Harrisburg, are
really suffering from this almost uni
versal malady when they think some
thing else is wrong.
"An offensive breath, constant
sniffing, discharge from the nose,
droppings in throat, frequent sneez
ing. watery eyes, headaches, full head,
pains in pit of stomach, side and kid
ney region, depressed spirits, nervous
ness, unsound digestion, lost appetite
sleeplesness and susceptibility to
coughs and colds are characteristic
He concluded by stating that he
would, beginning Saturday, meet the
public at Gorgas' Drug Store, where
it. would be proven to local residents
that Tanlac will combat this distress
ing condition the same as among the
thousands in other great American
—Everybody Is Going|—
Sibley's Superb Shows
for the Benefit Fund of
United Spanish-American War Veterans
Camp No. 8
Entire Week of August 28th
Extra Feature Miss Margaret Offer, World's Heavy,
weight Swimmer and Diver. Weight, 317 pounds. Sibley's
16-piece Military Band will play daily.
Ed in Hershey, Pa. Lots in this new
development will be offered to the
public to-morrow and Saturday in a
big auction sale of lots which will be
conducted by the promoters of the
tract, the sale starting at 2 o'clock
in the afternoon each day.
Leathers Brothers, of Howard, Pa.,
who have conducted a number of simi
lar real estate operations in various
parts of Pennsylvania, are promoting
this nearby development. In addi
tion to band concerts which will be
held for the entertainment of visitors
each day, a big feature will be the giv
ing away free of an automobile. Each
person attending the sale, whether
buyer, bidder or spectator, over twen
ty years of age, will recolve & free vote
on the automobile. The onfr- require
ment being that such persons be on
the grounds the days of the sale and
vote their own tickets.
By Associated Press
Berlin, Aug. 24 —A Russian torpedo
boat of the largest and most modern
type was badly damaged by an ex
plosion off the Courland coast. Au
gust 22, according to information re
ceived by the Overseas News Agency
and given out to-day. The damaged
craft, according to these advices was
towed toward Oesel Island.
Charged with stealing a bicycle be
longing to Raymond Bell, Andy Bovi
vitch will be given a hearing at the
Mayor's office to-morrow evening.
Early this morning Bell noticed the
foreigner riding his wheel and he
took Bovivitch to the Mayor's office.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there Is nt least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all lta
stages, and that Is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is the only positive cure nor* l;nown to the med
ical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional
disease, requires a constitutional treatment.
Hall's Catarrh Cure 1s taken internally, acting
directly upon the blood and mucons surfaces of
the system, thereby destroying tbe foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient strength
by building up the constitution and assisting na
ture in doing its work. The proprietors have
so much faith in Its curatlvo powers that they
offpr One Hundred Dollars for any case that it
falls to cure. Send for list of tcbtlmonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Tike Hall's Family PlUs for constipation
NOW OVER 1,400
Striking Carmen Will Parade
Over Uptown Streets
Twenty cases of typhoid fever have
been reported In the city so far this
'month, with one case to-day. Dr.
J. M. J. Raunick, city health officer,
has started a thorough Investigation
as nine new cases were reported in the
eastern part of the city, on Allison
Hill, within the last week.
A tabulation of the milk, water, ice
and ice cream supply of all of the vic
tims is being completed, and one milk
dealer who has supplied several fam
ilies now under quarantine with the
disease, was brought before Dr. Rau
nick for examination this afternoon.
In case impure milk has started the
spread of typhoid, prosecutions may
follow, according to the health of
Vacationists returning from summer
resorts and camping trips sometimes
spread the disease, and every effort is
being made by the health authorities
to locate the source.
City Chemist George R. Moffitt last
night said that the city water supply
is pure and up to its standard, and
that the people need have no fear of
using it. Dr. Raunick warns people
going out of the city to be careful of
the water supply. There is no need
for boiling the water from the city
filter plant, according to health offi
During the morning a steady stream
of registered voters called at City
Clerk Miller's office to sign the jitney
petition and at noon 166 more sig
natures had been added, making the
total 1,406.
To-night the striking carmen, with
labor organization members and sym
pathizers, will parade over the uptown
1 streets, forming at Front and Market
streets. To-morrow night the City
Clerk's office will be open from 7 to 11
o'clock for signers.
Plan National Banks to
Further Foreign Commerce
By Associated Press
Washington, Aug. 24.—Amendments
[to the Federal reserve law designed
to ef\uip national banks to further
| foreign commerce by establishing for
! eign branches and accepting foreign
drafts or bills of exchange, were pre
sented to the Senate to-day as agreed
| upon by House and Senate conferees.
1 The Federal reserve board would
pass on applications to establish
branches from banks of more than
51,000,000 capital, which might act as
I fiscal agents of the United States,
and invest 10 per cent of their capi
tal and surplus in corporations
principally engaged in international
Members of the Federal system
could laccept three months foreign
drafts or bills of exchange under
board regulations.
Other regulations widening the field
| from which the Federal member
j banks may accept paper for discount
would be provided and national banks
in places of not more than 5,000
inhabitants would be permitted to act
as agents of insurance companies.
Berlin Is Waiting For
Rumania to Make Move
Berlin, Aug. 24, via London.—Gov
ernment circles here, though none
too optimistic, view the Rumanian
stuation calmly, taking the attitude
that it is Rumania's next move. The
feeling is that the Central Powers
have done everything possible to meet
Rumania's views and that Rumania,
in persisting in the course desired by
the Entente and her own expansionist
party, will find the Central Powers
ready, in which event it is to.be ex
pected every effort will be made to
insure that the new war theater is on
Rumanian soil.
Information from Vienna indicates
that the Austro-Hungarian Govern
ment, bearing in mind the results of
the negotiations concerning Italy's
claims before that nation entered the
war, has been at no time disposed to
offer Rumania similar concessions for
fear that this again would be mis
taken for a sign of weakness.
At this time there is not discernible
the slightest effort to persuade Ru
mania taking any other course than
one due to her own initiative. The
latest dispatches from Bucharest in
dicate a further cooling off of the
war fever.
Roosevelt Will Stump
Middle West For Hughes
Chicago, Aug. 24.—Alvin T. Hert,
manager of the Western Republican
National Campaign Headquarters, yes
terday returned from New York,
■where he was In conference with
Eastern leaders, with the information
that Theodore Roosevelt will make a
speaking tour of Illinois, Indiana and
other Central and Western States in
behalf of the Republican national
ticket. A schedule of dates for the
different States to be visited will, it
Is said, be arranged within a few
weeks. Colonel Roosevelt, it is said,
will come West late in September or
earlv in October.
"In the Kast every sign points to
an old-fashioned Republican victory
this Fall," said Mr. Hert. "The party
leaders are greatlv encouraged by the
reports received from all sections of
the country."
Funeral services for William H.
CorVle, assistant statlonmaster of the
Pennsvlvanla Railroad. who died at
bis home. 31 North Seventeenth street
vesterdav. will be beM Snturdav after
noon at 2 o'clock. He is survived bv
his wife and three sons. Clyde. Cerald
nnd Jobn. Bliriat will be made in the
Kast Harrisburg cemetery.
Be Careful in Using
Soap on Your Hair
Most soaps and prepared sham
poos contain too much alkali, which
is very injurious, as it dries the scalp
and makes the hair brittle.
The best thing to use is Just plain
mulsified cocoanut oil, tor it is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats the most expensive
soaps or anything else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store!
and a few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy, and easy to
handle. Besides, It loosens and takes
out every particle of duat, dirt and
, dandruf*
The New Store of Wm. Strouse
Tomorrow the Last Open Friday
IMlljJ] JmEfev Saturday next is the last
day we close at 1 P. M.
m a tremendous success from the standpoint of both the customer
V ourse l ves * We've saved him money and have given excep
\ N. clothes in addition. We've won hundreds of new friends who'll come again
law' y y/A/\ because they've learned that here values are always truthfully quoted and what
Igf / \ Yss/ they're told they may depend upon. Have you selected your new suit? Surely
W A wJmf t^iese P r i ces are an inducement:
i i Suits, now $10.50 $22.00 Suits, now $16.50
/ VW? "aU ' / Suits, now $13.50 $25.00 Suits, now $18.50
iPUn Suits, now $14.50 $30.00 Suits, now $23.50
Last Call For Palm Beach Economy in Boys'
\ and Kool Kloth at $5.95 School Clothes
1 With school days only a short way Kool
Kool Kloth and Palm Beach Suits, for- ahead and with the big reductions in our
the label of The New Store of Wm. can be "er than ever afford- to give the
Strouse, which means the BEST for fit, youngster a well-dressed start. Boys'
mm AU r is
' f WBBMso guaranteed. And, isn t $5.95 now better Stockings—all meaning real economy if
than the higher prices of next season? you buy now!
Men's Furnishings Last Day of Our Naval Uniforms
Sale Ends Saturday SHIRT SALE For KIPONA
Everything in our Men s Fur- Shirts, one of the few really "Uniform Headquarters," as The
nishings Department (collars staple a?ticles of merchandise New Store was called the other day,
excepted) has been reduced— stapie a»ucies 01 mercnancuse lin^„n ; aK i»
but Fall stock is expected daily for men > one ° n which it is al- furnishing the new Naval uniforms
and Saturday is the last day of ways safe to "stock up" on, are for the coming Kipona. White Duck
this money-saving sales event still going fast. Our First Sale Trousers, White Naval Reserve
for men. In our Hat Dep't, of Shirts ends Saturday. Act ? at and Mi( ?dy Blouse with the
Straw Hats even the $2 and $3 quick and save yourself some comprises ,""'uniform aYd IfcSS
Hats are selling for Spl each. good hard spendable cash. only $2.50, complete.
The Most Talked Of Store In Harrisburg--
Saturday. Five por cent.
-| _ - ________ of tlic proceeds to go to
Today Is the Birthday
Anniversary of—
Lumber dealer of 660 Brlggs street,
where he has been in business for
twenty-four years, to-day is celebrat
ing his seventieth birthday. He left
for a ten-day trip to the New Jersey
coast. Mr. Hant|:man has been a
resident of this city practically all of
his life.
Big Decrease in Number
of Infantile Deaths in N. Y.
By Associated Press
New York. Aug. 24.—Health depart
ment officials were encouraged by to
day'r: reports on the infantile paralysis
epidemic, which showed a substantial
nr J A 83 - — * hß above picture represents a reunion held for Mr. and Mrs. Joslah Boyer living: two miles east of Ellzabethvllle
on Wednesday, A "® u st 16, when they celebrated their sixtieth wedding anniversary. Mr. Boyer and Mrs. Boyer are seated at the right of the pic
ture. Mr. Boyer Is 86 years old and Mrs,.Boyer Is 78. In the group are represented three children. Dr. J. C. Boyer and Dr. D. A. Boyer, both of Phlla
nvaitnnanrra» 8 i a plii ' o° n rt c k' 0f EllzabethvUle: also elght * r * n< lchndren and eight great-grandchildren. There were Boyers from
ntnrt knrt ivl P aoll - Ber |^ Bbu r«r and Elizabethvllle, who with many friends totaled the gathering to 250 persons. The Elizabeth
\hle Cornet Band and the Likens Male Quartet furnished the music, A sumptuous dinner was furnished by the aged couple.
decrease In the number of deaths and
new cases. During the twenty-four
hours ending at 10 o'clock 30 children
died and 109 were stricken. This com
pares favorably with yesterday's fig
ures, 42 deaths and 141 new cases.
Despite a belief that infantile pa
ralysis seldom attacks more than one
member of the same family, figures
prepared by tho United States Public
Health Service show that in 227 fami
lies here more than one child has had
the disease. In more than 200 of
these families only two children were j
afflicted, while in 20 families three j
children have suffered attacks. In
one family there were five cases.
Nevertheless, the health commis
sioner asserts that the averages indi
cate that the great majority of chil
dren is not susceptible to infantile
paralysis. Of the first 7,000 cases only
3.36 per cent, were those of children
whose sisters or brothers previously
had the disease.
Texas Farmer Plows
Up $280,000 in Silver
Nacona, Texas, Aug. 24.—A farmer
named Palmer plowed up silver bars
valued at $280,000 on his farm a few
days ago. He will send the bars to
the Denver mint for analysis.
It is believed the silver was left here
by Spaniards in the Sixteenth Century
when routed by Indians.
Wilmer Crow of this city at Brad
ford was elected a member of the ex
ecutive committee of the Retail Mer
chants' Association of Pennsylvania.
One of the big merchandising events
of the Kaufman Underselling Stores
this season will be the sale that will
be conducted, beginning to-morrow,
involving a large special purchase of
women's and misses' summer gar
ments from the Carlisle Garment Com
pany, of Carlisle. Kimonos, house and
porch dresses, summer dresses, wash
skirts for women and misses, and
girls' washdresses comprise tho var
ious articles that will be entered in
the event. Full particulars regarding
AUGUST 24, 1916.
articles and prices are announced in
the store's advertisement in this pa
A Society Debutante
Who Is Also a Beauty
I /
!■ ■ r - -'-H
It \ V 'vm!
Iy y 1/ yd
I;..''- 5 ) m hr " &Hj«.
mk \m) m
torn mwH im
If. 1 -f; :£x:s<o£sijfjso
M- ~V: < ■■'*»?
■ - ■ ... ' "'
£r*CL n. B. <r/v
Miss Ethel Harriman. daughter of
Mrs. J. Borden Harriman. who was a
member of the Industrial Commission
appointed by the President, will be in
troduced to society in Newport at a
dinner to be given by her aunt, Mrs.
Herbert Harriman.
Funeral services 'for J. Raymond
Hoerner, aged 24, 1010 Hemlock street,
who died at the Harrlsburg Hospital,
Tuesday, will be held to-morrow morn
ing at the home of his father-in-law
1036 South Cameron street. He Ts sur
vived by his wife, two children, his
parents, live brothers and five sisters.
; Here's a Good Way to Stop Loss or
Hair and Start New Hair Growth
Hair can never be made to grow
again after the hair roots themselves
arc dead. But few of us, fortunately,
| grow bald in a day, and we have ample
I warning that our hair is steadily
j growing thinner.
Parisian Sage is probably as effec
tive a hair grower as could possibly
be found, but to prevent further los 3
of'hair, and to actually start a new
hair growth on the bald and thin spots
it must be rubbed right into the scalp
with linger tips, or a medium stiff
brush, so that the hair roots can really
absorb it. Tiy to get as much on the
scalp, and aa little on the hair, as pos
sible. Your hair doesn't need it but
your scalp does, and a few weeks scalp
massage wit!l Parisian Sage (Just a
few minutes daily) will usually check
any further loss of hair and make the
hair grow as thickly and luxuriantly
as ever.
Unlike many hair tonics, Parisian
Sage contains no sulphur or poisonous
wood alcohol, and will not make the
hair greasy or stain the hair or scalp.
It can be obtained from H. C. Kennedy
and druggists everywhere, and is not
at all expensive.
Too Late For Classification
Help Wanted—-Male
WANTED Second hand baker. Aj>-
plv at Novinjfer's Bakery, North street,
Millersburgf, Pa.
Business Opportunities
FOR SALE Up-to-date Grocery in
residential section of Mt. Holly Springs.
Clean stock, good business. Reason for
selling, ill health. D. A. McAllister.
Motorcycles and Bicycles
FOR SALE A 1915 Thor motor
cycle. In excellent condition. See Jack
.Froehlich, No. 1111 Market street.