Itching, dialing Baby's Sldn Nothing heals like J 1 /(omfqrt\ VJ>OWDERy Here is proof and baby's picture The nurse says: "I am sending you the photograph of a happy, healthy / —• baby who suffered from f' a chafed, eore, inflamed JU' £ skin and was relieved fa*-- Jn immediately by Sykes* Comfort Powder. In my ii (T\ w °rk as a nurse I have be 'a healingwonder'for itching,chafing, scalding and skin soreness."—Martha B. Pursel, Reg. Nurse, Berwick, Pa. Not a plain talcum powder, but a highly medicated preparation which combines healing, soothing and antiseptic qualities unequalled to heal skin soreness of in fants, children and sick people. Used and endorsed for 20 years by leading physi cians, nurses and mothers. Ask for Sykes' Comfort Powder. At Drug and Dep't Stores, 25 cent,. THE COMFOET POWDER CO., Boston, Kau 5 Physicians Advise J Bisurated Magnesia ;! For Acid Indigestion^ Thousands of people whose stomachs troubled them after eating have found that by taking a teaspoonful of pure bisurated magnesia in a half glass of hot water after meals they can do away with pepsin pills and other digestive aids and can still be able to eat heartily of whatever foods they please and have no stomach trouble afterwards. Physi cians say that hot water forces a much needed blood supply to the stomach while bisurated magnesia Is undoubted ly the best, safest and most powerful neutralizer of stomach acids that can be found. A single teaspoonful will sweeten the food contents of a sour acid, burning stomach in ten minutes by the watch and natural digestion will follow without pain or uncomfortable feeling of any kind. Continued use of bisurated magnesia does not weaken natural digestion and it is perfectly safe to use at any time. It can be had at almost any drug store but be sure it Is bisurated magnesia you are getting. Do not use other forms of magnesia for this purpose. • I J I HOW TO BE SUM ji 5 If you are too fat and want ji | to reduce your weight 15 or 20 ij % pounds, don't starve and weaken 'i ? yonr system, or think you must c always be laughed at on account <[ S of your fat, but go to any good ]i f druggist, and get a box of Oil ? i of Koreln capsules, take one after ■[ 5 each meal and one before retiring ]■ ? at night. ij 4 Weigh yourself once a week V and note what a pleasant and re- % J liable method this is for removing 'i ]( superfluous fat from any part of S JC the body. 'i J It costs little. Is absolutely '■ 5 harmless and a week's trial 'i Ji should convince anyone that it Is 'i S unnecessary to be burdened with 'i b even a single pound of unsightly 'i d fat. [i EDUCATIONAL School of Commerce Troup Building 15 So. Market Sq. Day & Night School Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Typewriting and Penmanship Bell 485 Cumberland 219-Y Harrisburg Business College A Reliable School, 31st Year 829 Market St, Harrisburg, Pa. tiA Ambulance Service Jj' Prompt and efficient service JM tut the transportation of JYI il putients to nnd froui homes. (Jill hospitals, or the R. K. stations. VAII With special care, nprrtrnccd attendants sad nominal charges. Emergency Ambulance Service 1745 N. SIXTH ST. Bell Phone 2423 United 272-W " —"N HEADQUARTERS POR SHIRTS SIDES & SIDES * Resons ATLANTIC CITY. I*. J. HOTEI. TENNESSEE Tenucsse Avenue and Beach. Ocean view. Bathing from hotel. Show* ers. $8 to $12.50 weekly; $1.60 up dally A- HEALY. HOTEL WILLARD FIHE ' New York Ave. overlooking the ocean Private baths: running water In every room. etc. $2 per day and up; special weekly. Booklet on request. R. H. KILPATRICK. I THE WILTSHIRE view. Capacity 350; private baths, ele vator, porches, etc. Special rates sls up weekly. 12.50 up