Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 17, 1916, Page 18, Image 18

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B) | store ,t c 'ro"^ ur< " y I Dives,Pomeroy | sto " t c \ o 'o"ci S o a ck rdair | Ijj
U Store Open Till 9 O'clock To-morrow Evening I
_ ■. \ r > \ f \ \ Men's $4.75 "Cool *
Men's $3 95 and $5.00 Waists at Half Price Women's Juliets Long Silk Gloves Women's Vests and Women's Cloth" C? 0 Q£C ' J
Outin? (I*o AT Plain and novelt >' Voile $1.25 black kid skm Juliets A\ omen s 16-button length Union Suits Handkerchiefs Suits tDZj.yO
uuung VJV 1\- •-»- with stitched soles and rub- silk gloves with double .. ... . , • T
Trousers .. ais s. 1 ber heels, sizes 4to 8. Spe- finger ends; light blue, tan, ~ -' c w bite cotton ri -> ->cd (ne corner embroidered Men who wear them '
Qerpe waists self-trimmed, turn- c ial Friday Si>C pink and black; sizes S}/, ve * ts = sleeveless; regular linen handkerchiefs; 121, c ne ver bother looking at
Flannel berge over collar or flat collar and 6 00 to values and extra sizes. Special value. Special Friday, 3 for , , ULlliei a
Men's and Young trimmed with hemstitched Di sT?.«Tioo°rT R«5r ewart Special Friday, 45? Fr^ a - V .•• ■•••• _. tl L . the thermometer.
t-ri'c cream flannel hem. long sleeves. SI.OO val- V / 39c cotton ribbed union Silk crepe de chine hand- Tan "Cool Cloth" suits
white seree and fancv ue " Special Friday, ... 50? D BVr B e et PO F?oo r r° y Front? wart - <; sle « v f l " s .' k o n " kerchiefs with colored rolled in tan sha dow stripe
wnue ser a c anu iau\.y Pnmnc ,v * length. Special Friday, 2o? edges; in blue, pink, rose, .. j , • ,
shadow stripe ser S e E, <"-&?"""■ Misses Pumps « > launder and nile. 19c value! pattern and plain palm
trousers, sizes 30 to 42 v ' $2.00 black suede pumps ■ • Street p loo ; Special Friday 12Beach suits in stout sizes
waist' resrular 53.95 to , instep strap. Special Bleached Tubing One corner embroidered —4O, 42, 44 and 46. Reg 1 -
$5.00 values. Special Women's Pumps Fnday " >C 25c 45-inch tubing; bleach- I S.iif* %****' w sc "lar $4.75 value. SpeciaJ
r-» * j AS Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _J c npr : 0 1 ..J 4QA IVIOH s Union ullltft \alue. Special Fridsiv, 3 for Fridav Oo
Friday. S3 00 tan Russia call street Fioorf Rear. « d - Special Friday, yd.. 19* . * io<» rnQa ' «P—w
-.u -ii wi v„...- L j SI.OO white cotton athletic
e 8 ;r art pumps W, !, h K U , . 22c 42-inch tubing; bleach- uni on suits. Special Friday. Dive,. Pomeroy * Stewart D kV£ns°ES& %^ Tt
second Floor. Rear. Or Covered buckles, leather - - - ed Special Fridav, vd.. 18c ' . street Floor
Cuban heels. Special Friday. Boys Shoes and _ „ r . v . . . . ..Vrf '
I _ _ Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, grey mixed balbrig- _ _ _ 1
[ j.r r ,j c . 1 i•. L,„t,,'j ' Oxfords Basement. £ 3n s hi r ts; long or short _ , 1 Extra Size Drawers
No Friday Special# va ; with silk ribbon $1.25 shoes and oxfords. !!!f^. b .r° ken Hne : Stamped Needle- Extra size cambric draw-
Sent C. O. D. or Mail bows, leather Cuban heels. broken lots, sizes SVa to 11. x ua nda - v Work ers. trimmed with tucked
Special Fridav $1.75 Special Friday SoC Bleached Sheets Dives, pomeroy & Stewart, fiv «tamncH -ii .ruffle or embroidery trim
or 'Phone Orders
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart I I Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. 85c 81x99-inch bleached • g "' ' Spe- I med Special Friday, . .850
Street Floor. Rear. t Street floor, Rear. sheets; hemstitched. Special a cial Fridav. . . .* Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart
-=■ Frida — h Boys' Athletic | 50c ohildre „, drtsses
Bovs' Palm Beach ] | Furniture Braid ] [ 'TOA.— # Underwear S P «ial Friday m Ns<; ln „, 1
~ Short lengths of furni- 12jjc white cotton ribbed night gowns, made
Wash Goods Suits I ture braid. Special Frida>. I athletic shirts. Special Fri-I I and stamped. Special Fri-I I Nainsook drawers, lace or
... . , . vd., I<* r n n 1 dav t»<* dav embroidery trimmed. Spe
-12 HC percales; dark grounds. $2 0 ? black and white - PIUOW Cases -rA- ' ll'jl'''' cial Fridav ''IC
chtck and plain Palm Beach »«»»« I2y,c 45x3Wnch bleached SfsS
£ vears. S,Z ?pec"ial Friday pUlow case, Special Fridg,. Friday V,C ' . """ I
a Sc prints; white ground; neat 81.00 Rpdronm Furniture I Dives. Pomeroy 4 Stewart. .. , « " \
styles: best goods. Special Fri- JjeurOOlTl UmilUre Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. v Third Floor. Madras CurtamS T :„1„
dav, yard 6c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Golden Oak mahoeanv . Basement. V ' _ _ 1 OWCI OpCCialS
10c chains for comfortable Second Floor. Rear u-j , a SI.OO and $1.50 cross Strip- , - V, . .
, , Women', Hosiery ' !£<*>'»er.'^^"^.'^
wide; mosUy g wue ai s'peViai n Frt- Door Mats and Stair ' ers . a "d princess dressers_. Beds and Mattresses SI.OO and $1.25 thread silk Special Friday Tpalr, Friday,.., toc
a sc gingham; neat pecia ri a\ ... .» Two-inch post brass beds -°^ stripes. Spe- Dives. Pomerov ft Stewart 25c Turkish towels, all
stripes. Special Friday, yard 1 readS Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart. with inch filling rods. Spe- 013 *" ricla y Third Floor. perfect, extra heavy; 22x45
20c voiles in floral and fancy Rubber door mats. 31xlS in. cial Friday, sl.>.'<s cotton hose; inches. Special Friday, 200
stripes; 36 Inches wide. Special 7j c value. Special Friday ..47c seamless. Special rriaay, . _ t _
Friday, yard 10c Rubber door mats, 26x14 in. f r> \ Pure silk floss mattresses. 60 I a pf' Stree^°Fioo°r y Rear"
™«y....* Pr,emo Camera Special Fridav 19c black „ s , t „„ s5 . stam . Lace Curiam. *"« 1
Rubber stair Treads, four pat- Stvle Xo. 00—takes good _ , . less. Special Friday, 10c §I.OO Aottingham lace e v
Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart — tern* nnrl is nnt a tr>v Combination mattresses. " curtains; 2'/> and 3 vards r>l • j rv ii
Baa.mem, ' J ISx , „ c v.,„e. Sp,- L e inches. Special Friday #4.39 D,v |„„ R , Special Friday.'pair. Mercerized Dama«k
cial Friday value. Special Fridav «>9c Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, v ' meicerized damask;
/ ISxT inches, loc value, Third Floor. / N new patterns. Special Fri
(Black Dress Goods] u;'v.hi.."s" C . Dl ' Men's Hosiery 1 STiy 1 " day,yd. 25c'
i ii" ""' d * y 9C , , ( 12J4c cotton hose; seam- R-i'r"™" 4
yard 39c Cocoa Door -i ats Firfinn fV| less; black and white. Spe- r> . s* \
59c black mohair; 36 inches Friday 57c <m -a J- C ' a ' Friday, 90 Corset Covers N
TTide. Special Friday, yd., 49c ic Ue oid r T>Tne ra/'rups. I I _ Regular SI.OO to 51.50 edi- I I JmjjW I I J9 C black fibre silk hose;| I Nainsook corset covers;! [ Goods
SI.OO black mohair: 42 Inches Special Priday .... ••••;•• tions, about / o titles. Spe- . ffliMrjkm, seamless. Special Fridav, embroidery edge trims neck <ji i nn „i nf L
wide. Special Friday, yard, 88c 60c and 65c cork printed lin- FriHuv I m/lf or j < < tu i • lonpclotrlj *so lncncs
>1.25 black serge; 4S inches oleum. Special Friday, sq. yd Cial Friday d»0 / 13/.0 armhole Regular price. wjde . cha^ois finjsh 1Q
S h T v 1 Hw day ',, yard .n 9sC $i oo hassocks. Special Fr'u Soc and SI.OB Girls* books. OT® Dive,, Pomeroy ft stew.rt Special Friday, . .350 yards to a piece. Special Fri
wide."°Speciai *FHday? yd'., si oo 790 Special Friday 250 ' r stewart day. piece 950 1
Div "- P^rF iSo?r an " J 6 vol. set Lassing's His- p * V . $1.75 nainsook; mercer
tory of the L. S. bpecial i USSy Willow ized; 40 inches wide. 10
streat° Floor. —. Friday 80.98 DoWII Weave Silk Photo Albums 1 tP the P iece - Sp ® c ' al
Guaranteed Fire-
Street Floor! Hear. Go the Prices of I I $2.50 fancy pussy willow I I 50c photo album, loose I I I
r 7T\ - leaf, 7xlo. Special Friday, 2oc striped voile; crepe
Colored Dress Goods stone 1 ires ai LOW n Boys Wash Suits terns; 10 different patterns. 1 and plain crepe. Special
59c siiverbioom stripes; 32 ered Prices Basement Specials Boys'gray striped and Special Friday, yd., . .$1.39 Dlv e.. Pomerov & Stewart Friday, yd 13yij
ia"e^de" ld Spe 1 c n iaf°Friday.% a a n rd VictOf lawn edge CUtterS_. blueand white Striped Dives. Stewart Street Floor O dd lot white lawns
-sr *henherd rheck.- its tires from & grey tread to a Special Friday, Sl.<«> percale and lancv mad- v and skirtings. Special Fri
inches wide. Special Friday, yd! red rtjto Guaranteed electric irons ras wash suits, sizes Jewelry Specials 7 0
rwide°SDec\a! FHdiv vard's C I h 4» regular With all necessarv comiec- tO 6 \ ears, SI .00 -> J ru mC 50c draw String mesh t D St e reef°Floo?. > Rear. 6 '*I*l, 1 * 1,
Special Friday. . ard. 5i.49 ant e e and adjustments wlll f be tions. Special Friday Special trida.V .. . - 7 .00 Lrepe de Chine with baes Soeda] Frjdav 39( , V
Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart — made I^n this ctt> in the e%en ribbon stripes; two shades y
I J —blue madras 1
\ sue rrlre. Price. <tl rnnnpr rhafin£r Hishes wash StlitS, SOlTie have D . OpeCialS
I • • C *1 $13.75 ill.lo O-T.-VJ copper cnanng - . .
Lining Special 32X|H IS.IS 3-pint size. Special Friday short sleeves sizes 2]A t-g Front. cefvers. puff boxes, etc. Spe- Sn ? Brassier es.
25c navy cotton moire; 30 in. 3ix4 20.25 J?"!* $-*.98 to 4 years, sl.oo value. c j a ] Friday 19C pecial riday, Bt>#
whit* 4 brocade' IV"
yud".. wlde ;.. , Specia !. . ISi* 31 :?S j&rs Friday . .T.. . 81.25 D SMond o Fio r or' Rea t r ewart $1.25 tub silk with wide and beauty pins. Special cial Fnda) 2
20c black satine: 36 inches p.:5 Dive. Pomeroy ft Stewart self-colored stripes, wash- Friday, 150 25c gate purse tops. Spe
wide. Special Friday, yd., i6c f!*f fi.iS Basement. ■ able; rose, light blue, pink brilljant cial Friday 1o?
Street Floor. | 3TXSH NON-SK.D 'I f II ( Toilet Goods ) Spl^FridV'yd.? 5 . .!59H Irrigs.n $ gs. Special Friday, .75>C I 50c and 59c suede and
M « "priil" "p'rlce 1 Furniture Specials 10c hard water soap. Spe- Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart $1.25 German silver mesh " pC ° a ox#
\ 11E.M ™,,rhM. Snerial Fri- cial Friday 6e L street Floor. Front. bags; draw string. Special
Stationery siios »r.«« day 513.95 Friday, 9S<? 20c, 25c and 35c hanks
33x4 24 1° IS'X JB - 50 whlte enamel beds. Spe- 10c Palm Olive soap. Spe- f V varn Snecial Fridav Br*
Fine stationery in fancy 3 »x} j®-®® cia Arown a L;e chair's and r'o'ck 5 cial Friday, ~<t; 4 cakes for Women 8 Pumps and $7.98 26-piece chest Rog- } y ' '*' *
.boxes. Special Friday, box, 3.5x4 4 3 < » 5 ISloo I I ers Br °Specfai r Friday S . I I 250 II Of#! II es silverware. Special Fri- | I 18c and 20c hanks of yarn. I
25c 37*5h 66.60 46.70 F M n J e^._ J . oak tables. SI.OO hair receivers, vJXroras , j a y $5.98 Special Friday 40
Special Friday 59.50 , , . , , ' 9AH W U A U*f
Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives. Pom«.roy ft Stewart, Mahogany china closets. Spe- COmbS, hair brushes, etc. pair lllgn grade unite Dives Pomeroy ft Stewart, Dives. Pomeroy ft Stewart.
Street Floor. Rear. Basement. cial Friday $22.50 Special Fridav 25C pumps and oxfords; regular Street Floor. Front. Street Floor.
V ■ / V ' J18.95 and $19.95 golden oak ■' v nrir P anrl <MOO V———————- J '
extension tables: 48-inch top «~ 1 , Q u. f „ rat „ P . n ?^ an<3
/ ' and 6-ft. extension. Special Fri- „ , J} 0 . 4 , water , cla ' Friday, $2.60 F--, n/ri X.T^
r—i . . , da M9.oo goiden oak buffet. B Special Fnday SI.OO ioo pair glazed kid pumps Values Like These Make It Profitable
| | ■ -i 'lll cial 539.00 25c cold cream Special covered Louis heels; in
I'll MSjjMtfrlli. Ift l-ft Wara'S FrTday ; V I# * SSTwm SSi. JSEK For Men to Shop Friday Evening
1 rfK/Wf p\ lnd rockers. Special Friday 8-oz. bottle peroxide. Spe- $2.95 R .
I (S'J J Y Dlv M . Pomeroy ft Stewart— 9s cial Fri day, 200 pair pumps and ox- Men will make an effort to „
■XT If TTTI ' take advantage of these good
Now—You Men Who Special Fr,day * t4s <w„ gs in OU r , 0 -
Dives, Pomeroy ft Stewart I're&PtfiaßK
■v T T -V T Q •I | 5 lbs. sugar, 38c; with 50c worth Women 8 Neckwear morrow. Remember the store
GG CI SI G U. 1• 3 cans com 25c 1-ot of mussed neckwear, will be open 'till 9 o'clock. BEES
i »™ BSS-'::::::::::::: l*\T up to 3 ° c - special Men's Pumps negugee s.rm TS
Fancy Summer Suits Reduced - " ay : 50 pair russet and gun t w 0 eß .hirutoa l cusiomer 1 " 15c
3 cans Ritters beans 27c Vemselace collars and metal pumps; regular price BiZea N - e ViKee shirh vai U es to *i 00; strfpedTnd few P P Vain C4 r
These are the season's final price cuts on our stock 2 btgl s«it a . °° a .l, 9c collar and cuff sets. Special $4.50 and $5.50. Special Fn- colors, special. Friday
... r... , . , ««• One bottle vinegar 9c- Friday 250 day $1.50 NIGHTSHIRTS
Ot tancies. ..lzes are broken and we are clearing One jar syrup lie _ BOc full cut night shirts, surplice neck; sizes to 19.
tor Fall 5 0x shred(led "heat 11c Swiss embroidered collar D 'e, e J , «.r°i??^l? y Tiv^ t . ewart Special Friday, 3 for SI.00; each
aeCKS lor rail. One can Hunts peaches ... 24c .. . Street Floor. Front. ' SPORT CHIRTC
UJ. Prnnor fr* Arl rl ® cans Wagner's spaghetti.. 25c with Side plaits, assorted
IS proper 10 Aaa 4 bott]es jrrape ju(ce 25c styles; 25c values. Special N Sport shirts In stripes and fancy colors; former price to 65c
, , . . , , ,2 cans table peaches 17c 10/* P 1_ • l C *ll $1.19. Special Friday ..../
that at the soaring prices of fabrics these lowered One lb. mixed tea 41c rriaa> timDrOldery Specials Sport shirts In blue chambray and white with fancy stripe r
, One jug Kola mint 22c nk ,„„ c „, „ collar and pocket. Special Friday
prices are unusually attractive. You can wear these 3 lbs. pea beans 27c rmes - Floor 27 iLortSa pat' OUTING HATS
suits well into the Fall. '''OTS n.scrrr' "* )' .". !BC ' Bpe i' & SP«I"° SSiT"™ *° a .'. 29c
$ 1 5.00 fancy suits $9.75 0 „, pac c ™ B £„*) Moire Ribbon ™U" M . " d .TO?. P '*'".T. 36c
$16.50 fancy suits $10.75 ° ne P ackaße p - M Tea V.256 Moire taffeta ribbon, 5y 2 clal Frlda >': > ard «3c BOYS- SPORT SHIRTS
rf.™nnr One pkg. lemon snaps- j v Embroidered voile flouncing: SI.OO fine sport shirts with long and short sleeves; silk gQ
$20.00 fancv suits $13.75 ° ne P ack *Ke Takhoma.J ' c • r <5 inches wide; scalloped edge; collar and allover stripes. Special triday W
rn r • One lb. assorted biscuits.... 250 colors. value. Special good patterns; 75c values. Spe- MEN'S WORK COATS
$22.50 fancy suits $14.75 One lb. Digestive biscuit ...33c Friday, yd 21# cial Friday 55c SI.OO and $1.15 railroad stripe blue denim coats; trimmed gQc
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart—Second Floor. Rear. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart— Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart D» v ". Pomeroy & Stewart— collar an(l cuffs; sizes to nO. Speclal Frlday .^.
Basement. Street Floor Street Floor. Dives. Pomero) & Stewart—Men s Store.
AUGUST 17, 1916.