Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 17, 1916, Page 17, Image 17

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JACKSOX—Departed this life on Au
gust 15, inst., David Jackson, at ins
late residence, 652 Calder street, in
the oi'd year of his age. He leases *
loving wife, Mary Jackson, and three
children and a host of friends.
Funeral services will be held * r< >m
his late residence, Friday. August Is.
at 2 P. M. The Kev. Mr. Toliver will
officiate. Burial at Lincoln Cemeteo .
— On August 16, 1916.
Elizabeth J., widow «f the late Ed
ward Parthemore, aged 63 years.
Funeral on Saturday afternoon, at -
o'clock, from her late residence, ls-4
Oieen street. The relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
further notice. Burial Paxtang ccme
Lost and Found
LOST A silver watch, with leather ;
fob attached, at Hershey, on August 10. j
Reward if returned to J. F. Mctadden,
510 Maclay street, I
LOST Pocketbook. containing I
valuable papers and money, between
HarrisburK and Columbia. 1* inder,
please return to 919 Capital street and
receive reward. 1
Heip Wanted —Male
by Government; "the supply of eligi-,
bles willing to accept the usual en
trance salary is not equal to the ae
mand," says "the Civil Service Commis
sion in its latest manual. The loung,
Men's Bifslness Institute will prepare, i
you. Former civil service examiner,)
Harvard graduate, directs the work. ;
Address post Office Box 284, Harris- |
burg, for particulars. |
WANTED A butter salesman. A
reliable man to call on Grocery trade ;
and Restaurants with delivery wagon.
An established route. Must have i
references and be able to furnish bond.
A.. 4363. care of Telegraph. !
WANTED Two plumbers, at once, j
at 1515 Derry street. j
SALESMEN Exceptional opening J
for men who have solu stocks, oonus.
books or insurance. Mr. Guy, Tne Mor- |
rell, 212 Locust street. j
WANTED A meat cutter In a ,
bologna factory, at once. Address H.
S. Schat'er. 160 Line street, Easton, Pa. [
YOUNG MEN Wanted to prepare
for steel corporation oftlce work; the
Young Men's Business Institute of Har- i
risburg prepares office specialists. This 1
course has the highest endorsement, i
Dav and night courses. Write for par
ticulars to P. O. Box 284, Harrisburg,
—Four or more years' experience neces
sary; must be neat and competent. Ad
dress F., 4356, care of Telegraph*
—The demand for male teachers ot
business and shorthand by high schools
and colleges is greater than the sup- :
plv. Good salaries, pleasant work. The
Young Men's Business Institute, Hei
shey Building. Harrisburg. has a spec
ial course for commercial teachers. For
particulars address Post Ofttce Box 254,
Harrisburg. Pa.
Company, Harrisburg, has openings for
several young men over 21 years ola,
with high school education to becomo
mechanical adjusters of Elliott-Fisher j
A six months' course of instruction
will be given with pay at the factory j
In Harrisburg. ;
Those completing the course will be
assigned positions at branch offices
with good pay. In time this leads to
promotion to the sales force, where big
salaries are earnable.
-fo secure consideration for this ex
ceptional opportunity give age. educa- j
tion and complete information about
past business experience.
Address, by letter only,
Elliott-Fisher Company, |
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Young man as store- 1
keeper; not under IS years of age; $9.00
per week; fair penman. Apply Robert
Grace Contracting Co., Island Park.
forms. Long job. Apply Robert Grace
Contracting Company, poster's Island,
Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED Bright, energetic young
man for office work; must have knowl
edge of stenography and typewriting;
without reference do not apply. The
Atlantic Refining Co., 2207 North Sev- I
enth street.
arch bridge work. Wages, 25c per hour.
Long Job. Apply Robert Grace Con
tracting Co., Harrisburg, Pa.
Berryhill Nursery Co., Locust street at
DISTRICT MANAGER for old indus
trial life company paying also for all
sick and accidents weekly. Columbian
Protective, 150 Nassau street. New
W ANTED Experienced
Heavy Green and Dry Sand!
Molders in Iron Foundry. Steady
Work; Good Wages; no labor
trouble. Apply to Treadwell!
Engineering Co., Easton, Pa.
needed everywhere; really a new pro
fession; uncrowded field; salaries large;
exceptional opportunities for advance- I
ment; the Young Men's Business Insti
tute, to open in Harrisburg about Sep- 1
tembor 1 will be principally a secre
tarial school, preparing acceptable >
young men to become private secre- '
taries- the principal, a Princeton Uni
versity man and an educator with years
of experience, knows how to train you;
typewriter furnished each student. Foi
particulars address, P. O. Box 284.
MEN Young, wanted to work In
automobile repair shop; our school 1«
overflowing with repair work, there
fore it gives our students a chance to
obtain practical repair wo>k on all ma
chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as
soon as competent. Take advantage of
summer rates. Auto Transportation
School. 29 North Cameron street.
- i
Houses For Rent
924 Ash Ave.. 2 s. f„ 6 r. (10
635 Brlggs, 2 s. f., 5 r. ...' *l2
1230 N. 7th St.. 3 s. b„ S r. b. . am
1531 S. 13th St.. 2% s. f.. 7 r.. b.. its
1531 Wallace St., 3 S. b.. 8 r. b. *IT
302 S. 2nd St., 3 8. b., 8 r., b. ..r-s j
2110 Green St.. 3 s. b„ 9 r. b.
612 N. 16th. 3 s. b. & f.. 8 r. b.. «27 no
200.1 Green St., 3 s. b.. 9 r. b. ..
2108 N. 3rd. 3 s. b„ 9 r. b ,
1859 Market St., 3 s. b., 10 r. b' SJII
2005 N. 3rd St., 3 s. b.. 13 r. b.,"»10©
Halulyn (Aldinger Cottage) ....
U«nlon l%-story/ frame lO
rooms—bath —stable. Lot 100x220
R25 X. Oth St., 2 rooms and bath r»i
204 Locust St.—lst floor 5 ro»-«. ,
and bath, s3ss 2d floor, 5 roo-^»
and two baths ~0
306 X. Second—(First floor)* 5 rooms
and bath; city steam heat ...
T S. Front St., (3d floor) 3 r. and b
unfurnished, $33! furnished.. .SSO
437-439 Strawberry Ave. ] arKe 3.
story frame building, suitable for
light manufacturing. ,
Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Street*
Vi 1
Help Wanted —Male
j WANTED Stenographer; young
I man; chance for advancement. Win
: croft Stove Works. Mlddletown, Pa.
| Apply Friday morning. 8:15.
' SALESMEN Two men well ac-
I qualnted in Dauphin county. New sell-
I ing plan assures good income from the
start. Mr. Guy. The Morrell. 212 Lo
cust street.
MEN—Laborers for quarry; also boy
over 16. to drive cart wanted, at once.
Apply Rutherford Bros.. Paxtang, Pa.
WANTED Young man to work in
ice cream and confectionery store; onv
with experience preferred. Apply
George E. Burd. 1542 North Sixth
MEN WANTED Ablebodied. unmar
ried men under age of 35; Citizens of
United States, of good character and
temperate habits, who can speak, read
and write the English language. For
i information appty to Recruiting Of
| fleer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts..
1 Harrisburg.
WANTED 4O able-bodied
I men for piece work. White or
j colored. Apply in person to agent,
! Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl-
I vania Railroad Company, Di-
I vision street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED A number of experienc
ed Bridge Shop Fitter Helpers, with
some knowledge of blue prints. A good
' chance for advancement. New shop.
.Apply, for information, Wednesday
Thursday and Friday nights between
i S and 10 P. M.. Dauphin Hotel.
a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyl
vania. Big returns assured a live
wire. No investment. Address "Manu
facturer," care of Telegraph.
WANTED Four experienced team
sters for coal hauling. Apply, Mc
-1 Creath Bros., 567 Race street.
contract or day labor. Attractive
wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman
1 Bros. & Wilson, Twenty-third street
and P. & R. Railroad.
Depue, of the Interstate Civil Service
Bureau, of Washington. D. C., can be
seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex
aminations for Railway Mall Clerk,
Post Office Clerk, etc., soon to be held
in this (".istrict- Full particulars as to
requirements, cost of preparation, etc.
Address. P. Q. Box 284.
Help Wanted—Female
WANTED Half-grown girl to as
sist with housework. Call Bell phone
4247J, or address 1710 State street.
WANTED Diningroom girl. Call
203 Pine street, aftar 8 P. M.
WANTED Young woman to assist
in office. Must be good penman and
accurate in figures. Give reference. Ad
dress M.i 4365. care of Telegraph.
student secured a position in a Jersey
Public School at S9OO. Will start work
September I. Harrisburg Shorthand
School. 31 North Second street.
DEMONSTRATORS for new stock
ing darner, fits any sewing machine;
sells itself on demonstration; large
commission and nice pleasant outside
work. 1356 Vernon street.
WANTED. AT ONCE A woman to
do all kinds of domestic work. Must
be neat, clean and honest. Good home
for the right party. Call after 7 P. M.,
1610 Market street.
WANTED Girls 16 years
and over, experienced and learn
ers. Apply Silk Mill, Corner
North and Second streets.
WANTED White woman for gen
eral housework; no washing; good
wages; must have references. Apply
146 North Thirteenth street.
WANTED Girl, or woman, for
general housework in small family. Ap
ply 2216 North Fourth street.
WANTED Young woman for candy
and soda clerk. Good wages. Must
have experience. Apply Kulp's, 1820
North Sixth street.
WANTED Experienced sewing
machine operators to make ladles' and
children's wear. Harrisburg Apparel
Co.. Over City Star Laundry, State
street. Rear Entrance.
OPERATORS Thoroughly experi
enced on power sewing machines, to
work on ladies' aprons and children's
plav suits; steady work at good wanes.
Apply Jennings Manufacturing Com
pany, 414-416 State street.
experience and ability, to fill an ex
acting but good position. Address 0.,
4355. care of Telegraph Office.
WANTED Experienced saleslady
for new store that is to open with a.
complete line of women's and misses'
wearing apparel. References required.
Applications respected as confidential.
Address 8., 4354. care of Telegraph.
WANTED Saleslady experienced in
selling shoes. Apply Robinson Com
pany, Third and Broad streets.
WANTED Female companion for
elderly lady that is able to do sewing.
Address X.. 4352, care of Telegraph.
chine operators. Experience not nec
essary. Pressers and folders also want-
ed. Blough Manufacturing Co.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
! Filler and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street.
Help Wanted—
Male and Female
j WANTED Helper, in amateur fln
| ishing plant. Woman, with thorough
I knowledge of developing and printing
preferred, but will consider gentleman.
Must be quick and accurate. Address
. Photographer. 5155 are of Telegraph.
; WANTED Man and wife for gen
eral work and to assist with cooking—
colored or white. Apply to Mr. Menger,
I 113 Market street.
Salesmen Wanted
selling specialty of merits, in Pennsyl
vania territory. Joseph F. Buckley
Companv. 601 Ferguson Building, Pitts
burgh, Pa.
j Situations Wanted—Male
j WANTED Two boys, 17 years of
1 age, want work of any kind. Address
E-. 5154. care of Telegraph.
WANTED By boy 15 years ola,
work of any kind. Address 433 South
Seventeenth street.
Situations Wanted—Female
I WANTED Position as second maid:
experience. Aadress K.. 4364, care or
j Telegraph.
WANTED Young woman wants a
position as companion for elderly lady:
lean dj any kind of sewing. Address
1834 Park street.
[Situations Wanted —Female
| WANTED Colored woman wants
| day work or week work. Call 1949 M.
Real Estate For Sale
| WHAT is No. 1829 North Sixth Street
, I worth to you? This is vacant and Is
for sale at an attractive price. Inspect
it key at our office. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Buildtng.
FOR SALE Three-story, corner
brick dwelling all modern improve
ments now vacant. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE House on acre; mod
ern conveniences; fruit; good water;
productive vegetable garden; ten-min
ute walk from car. W. H. Yingst, Long
street. Camp Hill.
TWO large plots of Camp Hill ground
offered In exchange for developed prop
erty In Harrisburg. Also small farm
offered in exchange. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
1703 Derry STREET FOR SALE 3-
story brick with 9 rooms and bath
fras furnace lot, 16x97 good
ocation and at reasonable price. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
FOR SALE 2332 North Sixth
street; 9 large rooms and bath; large
yard; front porch. Price reasonabi*.
Inquire 249 Wyoming avenue. Enola, or
call Bell phone 30S6J-5.
NER Plot of ground 25x90, running
to Apricot street. Good location. Price.
$2,500. Backenstoss Brous., Russ
AND PARK AVE. This attractive
dwelling with eleven rooms and batn,
I lot 60x172, garage on rear, garden,
■ fruit trees, shrubery and chtckenhouse,
is offered at a price much below the
cost of erection. A call will bring our
automobile for you to inspect this
1 property. Backenstoss Bros., Russ
! Building.
i FOtt SALE A well established res
taurant and ice cream factory; doing
good cash business; tine location; good
j reason for selling. Happle & Swartz,
i Mechanlcsburg, Pa.
$1,600 WILL BUY a vacant house.
: 2664 Jefferson street; 7 rooms and bath;
j piped for gas; furnace; porch front;
j Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building.
j INSPECT that vacant house No. 1829
| Sixth street; 9 rooms; bath, gas, fur-
I nace; four rooms on first floor. Pric*.
, reduced and terms attractive. Bell
; Realty Co., Bergner Building. .
| FOR SALE l4 South Sixteenth
; Street 3-story brick with all raoderti
improvements, is offered at an attrac
tive figure. H. G. Pedlow, 110 South
j Thirteenth street.
! FOR SALE Market Street, No.
I 1850, modern brick, steam-heated houss
|in first-class condition. Lot. 25 by 100
I feet. A real home in a select location.
I Offer wanted. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar
j ket street.
i FOR SALE Walnut Street, No. 1521 !
j —9-room frame house. Water and gas •
I range on both floors. Lot. 175 feet deep
|to 20-ft. street. A real bargain to a
quick buyer. J. E. Gipple, 12al Market I
I FOR SALE Desirable build-!
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
1 or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
! city.
i 2 -story brick. 9 rooms and batn,
steam heat, electric light and gas.
I Double garage In rear. This property
Is finished partly in hardwood. H. C. J
j Brandt. 36 North Third.
FOR SALE Two adjoining bunga- 1
I low sites, at foot of mountain, Summer
-1 dale. Price $350. Apply Laura Reea,
I 31| Chestnut street.
j Three-story brick, 8 rooms and bath.
I furnace, gas, porch front and rear. Lot,
20x100 to drive alley. Side entrance.
I Price. $5,000.00. H. C. Brandt, 36 Norm
! Third.
FOR SALE—II 4 Washington street.
I corner River alley, two and one-half
; story frame; eight rooms and a bath;
< all conveniences.
j Corner Bridge and Eighth streets,
j Elkwood, two and one-half-story
! frame; eight rooms and a bath; all
| conveniences. The above properties
i will be sold at a bargain. Apply
! Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland
j One acre plots; will sell half acre;
also lots 92x230 feet along M. T.
trolley; 7 %c fare to all parts of Har
risburg and Steelton; beautiful and
healthful; ground enough for poul
| try and vegetables; price only $169
! per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's
j Grocery Store, Linglestown. Pa. De
! gcription at 409 Market Street, City.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR RENT 651 Cumberland; 8-
] room frame house; bath; hot and cold
; water. Rent, $17.00. Apply 601 Boas.
I FOR RENT No. 3016 Second street;
; large lot; side yard; big porches; all
j conveniences. Immediate possession.
$22. Lewis M. Neiffer, 222 Market
t street.
| FOR RENT Large 8-room house on
corner. Porches and bay windows, gas,
electric and steam. Call 346 Muench
■ t street.
No. 118 Sylvan Terrace $24.00
j No. 116 Nagle street ID. OO
1251 Market Street.
FOR RENT Furnished house at
I Williams Mills, close to station; bath
and electric lights; good train service;
1 reasonable rent. Address. Box 36, Wll
llams Mills, Pa.
Real Estate Wanted
II WANTED Furnished Apartment,
six or seven rooms, or furnished house,
1 from October to May. No children. Ad
i dress H., 4404, care of Telegraph.
Apartments For Rent
Mac Daniel's Private Family Apart
, ment Furnished complete '• large
front rooms for light housekeeping
: gas range private meter, bells, letter
| box, bath. 1417 Market.
class; 5 rooms and bath, with all con
veniences. ..pplv to Sllbert, 1742
North Sixth street.
RENT Fine location. Address A
• 4340, care of Telegraph.
I non street, electric light, gas, full
equipment. Apply, Baptisti, Third ana
' Chestnut streets, or 1208 Chestnut
1 street. Bell phone 624.
SECOND ST., 1700 * ive und six
1 rooms with porch; most pleasaat and
. open surroundings In city.
FOR SALE B2-acre farm; 62 acres
; tillable, balance woodland; located in
: Warrington Township, York County; 9-
room frame dwelling; new frame bank
barn; wairon shed; chickenhouse and
L all other necessary outbuildings; Iron
; stone soil; well and running water; 200
1 fruit trees; price. $2,800 00. Brinton
-Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets.
FOR SALE 23-acr© farm; 1 mile
n0 i» -°* Mechanicpourgr; • sand loam
soil: i-room brick dwelling; good frame
bank barn; all necessary outbuildings;
price, $0,500.00. Brinton-Packer Co.,
fcecond and Walnut Streets.
FOR SALE lO9-acre farm; 100
acres tillable; 9 acres woodland; locat
ed 1 mile west of Lewisberry, Fairview
Town.hln York County; good frame
buildings; sand loam soil; running
water. This is a tirst-class farm, and
can be bought for $0,5u0.00. Brinton-
Packer Co.. Second and Walnut Streets.
100 ACRES, more or less, dark, rich,
sandy loam in high state of cultiva
tion. Large house built for two fami
nes. Practically new, large bank barn.
Pig stye, wagon and carriage sheds and
other outbuildings. All in good condi
tion. All kinds of fruit. Never-failing
running spring for stock at barn. Two
dug wells at house. Fences all good.
Level farm. One and one-half miles
s °uth of Campbelltown, Lebanon Coun
ty, Pa. By Horace N. Shaffer, Camp
belltown. Lebanon County, Pa.
Rooms For Rent
—L se of phone and bath. Apply 205
Chestnut street.
ROOMS FOR RENT Suitable for
dentist; good location. Apply at IS2O
North Third street.
WANTED Married lady, whose
husband travels, wishes to share her
home with refined lady, or married
couple, or will rent rooms, furnißhed or
unfurnished. All Improvements. Also
use of piano. References required. Aa
dress 8., 4353, care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Suitable room for
oftlce. Can also accommodate few
more boarders. Also furnished rooms.
123 South Second street.
sulte. Rooms are large and airy. Use
of 801 l phone. Address 719 North Sixth.
NORTH ST., 410 Secona and third
floor front rooms, nicely furnished fac
ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running
water, electric lights, large bathrooni
Bell phone.
FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac
tive, single, double or three-room
housekeeping apartments. Running
water in kitchen, rangu and cabinet,
gas. strictly private, direct entrauc*.
Pho&e and bathroom privileges. For
location and prices, inquire 429 Broad
10 to 11 A. M. OAA '
FOR i.aNT Two nicely furished
up-to-date rooms for light housekeep
ing; also one separate room; use of
bath; hot and cold water. ADDIy 24
North Fifth ftreet
WANTED Plain and fancy dress
making. Apply 1210 Susquehanna
street, or call on Bell phone 648 K.
wood; ties a specialty. Address J. W.
Eichelberger. Camp Hill, Pa.
Rooms Wanted
THREE or four furnished rooms for
light housekeeping, September 1, cen
trally located. Address S., 5203, care of
WANTED By month, furnished or
unfurnished room by respectable couple
within five blocks of Sixth and Broad
streets. Rent must be reasonable. Ad
dress N„ 5153, care of Telegraph.
W anted—Board—Rooms
YOUNG MAN desires board and heat
ed room In private family In Steelton.
Address M„ 4351, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Boarders, In a private
family; gentlemen preferred. Apply 61V
Boas street.
Board and Rooms
ROOM AND BOARD Desirable lo
cation; good home cooking, served fam
ily style; newly furnished rooms; all
conveniences; use of phone. 608 Brlggs
FOR RENT Two rooms, with
board. Running water in rooms and
all conveniences. Beautiful surround
ings. Country place near city. Call
Menger's Suburban Inn, Camp Hill. Pa.
Bell phone 3459 J.
ROOMS FOR RENT, with first-class
board by meal, day or week. Meal
tickets, 21 meals for $4.00. 1001 North
Second street.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE]—Eight 30x3% inner tubes
at SI.OO apiece. Call 2032 Green street.
FOR SALE Reed babv carriage.
Cheap. Inquire 609 Geary street.
FOR SALE Pool Room and Cigar
store, with full equipment, doing good
business. Reason for selling, leaving
city. Address 265 North Front street,
FOR SALE Bedroom suit, sewing
machine, library table, Brussels carpet,
and other articles. Apply 2005 Penn
street, in afternoon.
Parties a specialty.
Call Bell phone 3955.
TO Market Men, Truckers, Merchants
and Individuals: All that come to the
orchard, three-fourths of a mile north
of Linglestown, can purchase Peaches
at orchard rates. Cheap. J. W. Snyder.
SPECIAL A fine set of 30 books
for one-tenth cost; many other new
bargains daily. Aurand's Book Store.
913 North Third.
FURNITURE (modern). Will sell
complete 12-roomed house of same as
it stands, at a reasonable offer. Apply
K.. 5152, care of Telegraph.
FOR SALE Cutting table. Al, 3xlo
feet, with drawers and shelf. Very
reasonable. Call Bell phone 971 J.
machine, $lO up. Machines rented, ex
changed and bought. Some exception
ally fine rebullts In stock. All makes.
S. C. Smith & Bros. Agency, 211 Locust
street. Opposite Orpheum.
FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv
ing. counters, small partition, stools,
floor and wall cases. Call. 513 Wa'.nuv
street, S. Meltzer.
NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale
at reduced prices. Apply to Keystone
Hug Co., 1115 Montgomery street.
FOR SALE, at Gable s, 111-117 South
Second street, Lawn Fence. Field Fence,
Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hard
ware, Plaster Board. Upson Wall Board.
Compo-Board, Doors. Sash, Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts, Pumps, etc.
FOR SALE Diningroom furniture,
consisting of oak extension table, six
chairs, sideboard and corner china
closet, ilat 228 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE Soda fountain, with
full equipment, two tanks and full
equipment for making carbonated
water, two Ice cream tables, glasses,
etc. 67 Conestoga street, Steelton.
FOR SALE Diamond and Good
j rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle
Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases,
Harness and Leather Goods made to
order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured at the Telegraph Business
AT GABLE S, 113. 115 and 117 South
Second street. 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mized paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme make.
For Sale—Miscellaneous
AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second
street, 5,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set.
Also other sizes. Also doors and shut
For Rent—Miscellaneous
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
(or a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager,
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
grocery store doing a good business.
Poor health, reason for selling. H. G.
Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street.
FOR SALE First-class Tire ana
Auto Repair Shop; also Tire Agency.
Will give reason for selling to inter
ested party. Inquire Box W., 4359. care
of Telegraph.
FOR SALE lce Cream and Confec
tionery Store, located corner of Thir
teenth and Swatara streets. This store
positively must be sold. Call and make
a price.
CONFECTIONERY, Ice cream ana
soda water store; god business, in fine
location; reasons for selling not able
to give proper attention. C. B. Nebln
ger, wmoyne, Pa.
FOR SALE An oid-establlshed
moving picture show. Guaranteed to
do good business. Reason for selling
will be explained. Apply to Box R,
5136. care of Telegraph.]
ANY intelligent person can earn good
income corresponding for newspapers;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Snydlcate, 793 Lock
port. N. Y. ,
Business Personals
MR. J. A. GAITOR, Fourteenth and
Kittatinny. who has been sick for sev
eral weeks, will now open for business.
Shave, 6c; haircutting, 10c. 301 South
Fourteenth street.
LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit
cases (drummers' samples) positively at
the lowest prices In the city. Call and
be convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goous
at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable
Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at
subway. .
Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective
work handled—one eye always open.
Money to L,oan
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate
security in any amounts and upon any
terms to suit borrower. Address P. O
Box 174, Harrisburg, Pa.
At legal rates for individuals pressed
by lack of funds to meet Im
mediate necessities.
Time.and payments arranged to suit
your convenience.
204 Chestnut Street.
Home capital—home management.
MONEY advanced to housekeepers at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing Loan Society, Room 7, Spooner
Building, 9 North Market Square.
Hauling and Moving
R. A. Hartman, National Transfer
Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers
and general hauling. TV. H. Lathe,
Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets.
Bell phone No. 2503 R.
Livestock and Poultry
FOR SALE Pony; weight, 500 lbs.:
safe for children to drive; two sets of
harness, runabout, pony trap. Will sell
separate. Address P. O. Box No. 506,
Millersburg, Pa.
rooms for household goods, %2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, house
hold goods and merchandise. Private
rooms, $1 to $3. Wagons, 75c cents per
month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad
street. Both phones.
bummer Resorts and
FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage,
furnished, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resch. Mari-
FOR SALE lnternational Harves
ter Motor Truck, complete with body.
In first-class condition. Exceptional
bargain. Address Box 11, 4403, care ot
FOR SALE Packard touring car;
7-passenger; elegant condition; best of
engines; extra tire; windshield: seat
cover; leather upholstery; electric
lights; very cheap for cash. Address
Y., care of Telegraph.
senger De Cambel. one 5-passenger 1914
Ford, newly painted, in excellent con
dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good
as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with
good body; one 1908 Overland. Cars tor
sale at Ford Garage, Middletown, Pa.
E. M. Snavely, Manager.
kind. If you cannot sell your car, why
not consign it or exchange it With us
for a better one. Our charges for sell
ing are 5 per cent. only. No storage
charges if car is not sold. Auto Trans
portation Exchange Department. 25-29
North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710.
1912 five-passenger Regal: good
shape; new tires all around; big bar
gain for quick buyer.
1912 five-passenger Pullman, com
pletely overhauled; A 1 condition, good
upholstering; good top and tires; big
68 South Cameron St. Bell phone 4119 J.
Motorcycles and Bicycle?
hundred miles. Good as new. Not a
scratch. First $90.00 takes it. Inquire
of H. L. Wagoner, Washington Heights.
elsewhere, inspect our stock and prices.
Special bargains and prices for summei
months. J. B. Murray, 1014 James
BICYCLE OWNERS lf you have a
wheel or any parts of wheels for sale,
see us for highest cash prices. Write.
§hone or call, or see uh for bargains in
icycles In exchange. DAYTON CYCLE
PHONE 385 J.
-1914 Indian, good tires, new tubes, new
clutch, speedometer, 1 S*ls kick starter,
1916 Rogers side car, electric lights and
horn. If you want to sav« one hun
dred dolors, see this bargain. Dayton
Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell
Phone 385-J.
FOR SALE Strictly high grade
GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will
sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311,
care of Telegraph.
or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR
ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J.
Write, or call, at 316 Broad street.
AUGUST 17, 1916.
Marines Next; Minor Issues
Also Advance; Bonds
Are Steady
New Tork, Aug. 17. Sales of the
"rat hour exceeded 300.000 shares,
steel, on its further advance to 92 V 4
making the largest Individual contri
bution. Marines were next in point
of activity, the common Increasing its
gain to 38%, with decided strength
in Pacific Mail and United Fruit.
Virtually all the minor steel issues
augmented early advances, as did also
equipments and motors. Rails dis
played some hesitation on latest ad
vices from Washington and Coppers
were comparatively backward. Profit
taking made some impression upon
prices but high levels were well
maintained. Bonds were steady.
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 13 38 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street. New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York, Aug. 17.
.... Open. Clos.
Allis-Chalmers 24 23 M
American Beet Sugar.. 89% 89%
American Can 59 58%
Amer. Car and Fdrv. Co. 61% 61%
American Cotton 0i1... 51% 51%
American Ice Securities. 28% 28Vi
American Locomotive... 73% 72%
American Smelting 98% 98%
American Smelting 109% 109%
Amer. Tel. and Tel 130% 130%
Anaconda 84% 85%
Atchison 103% 103%
Baldwin Locomotive.... 77 76%
Baltimore and 0hi0.... 81% 81%
Bethlehem Steel 469 469%
B. F. Goodrich 72% 72%
Butte Copper 67% 67%
California Petroleum... . 20 19%
Canadian Pacific 179% 178%
Central Leather 56% 55%
Chesapeake and Ohio .. G2% 62%
Chicago, Mil and St Paul 96% 95%
Chicago. R I and Pacifis 18 17%
Chlno Con Copper al 51%
Colorado Fuel and Iron. 46% 46%
Consolidated Gas 140% 139%
Corn Products 15% 15
Crucible Steel 73% 72%
Crucible Steel pfd 117 117%
Distilling Securities .... 4G 45%
Erie 37% 37
Erie Ist pfd 5 4 53%
General Electric Co .... 170% 169%
Great Northern pfd .... 118% 118%
Great Northern Ore subs 37% 38
Inspiration Copper 51% 52%
Interboro-Metropolitan. . 16% 10%
Genneeott Copper 49 49%
Kansas City Southern .. 24% 24%
Lackawanna Steel 74% 75
Lehigh Valley 79 79
Maxwell Motors 84% 85
Merc. Mar ctfs 36 37 %
Merc. Mar ctfs pfd .... 96% 99
Mex Petroleum 100% 101
Miami Copper 35 34%
National Lead 65% 66%
Missouri Pacific 5% 5
New York Central 104% 104%
NY N H and H 60% 60%
i New York O and W. .. . 27% 27%
I Nor and West 131 130%
| Northern Pacific 111% 111%
Pacific Mail 22 23
IPa Railroad 56% 55%
I Pittsburgh Coal pfd .... 101% 102
Press Steel Car 52% 53
Railway Steel Spg 4 7 46%
Ray Con Copper 24% 25
Reading 105% 104%
Republic Iron an dßteel. 49% 50%
Southern Pacific 98% 98%
Southern Ry 2 4 23%
Southern Ry pfd 68% 68%
Studebaker 131% 131%
Tennessee Copper 24% 25%
Third Ave 62% 62%
Union Pacific 140% 139%
U S I Alcohol 114% 113%
U S Rubber 68% 57%
U S Steel 91% 92%
U S Steel pfd 117% 118
Utah Copper 81% 82%
Virginia-Carolina Chem. 41% 40
West Union Telegraph.. 94% 96
Westinghouse Mfg 59% 59%
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Aug. 17. Wheat
Steady; No. 2, red. spot and August.
$1.4101.41; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.39
@ 1.42.
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local,
95®96c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local,
94 (a) ilfic.
Oats Steady; No. 2. white, 51 %@
52e; No. 3. white, 49@50c.
Bran The market in firm:
city mills, winter, per ton, $26.00; west
ern, winter, per ton. 126.h0: soti. winter,
per ton, $26.00; Spring, per ton, $24.00
@24.50. .
Refined Sugars Market steady;
powdered. 7.10 c; fine granulated, 7.00 c;
confecti i• rs* A. 6.90 c.
Butter The market is higher;
western. creamery, extras, 32®3c;
nearby prints, fancy, 35c.
Eggs The market la firm,
Pennsylvania and other nearby i.rsts.
free cases. $8.70®9.00; do., current
receipts, free cases. $7.80(5)8.40; west
ern extras, firsts, free cases, $8.70®
9.30 per rases; do., firsts, free casea,
sß.lo® 8.40.
Live Poultry Market steady;
fowls. 18®19c; roosters, 14®15c;
Spring chickens, 17®22c; do., broiler*.
30@3bc; ducks. 15@17c; geese. 14W 18c.
..Dressed Poultry—Firm; fowls, fancy,
22%® 23c; do., good to choice, 21',4®22c;
do., small sizes, 19®21c; old roost
ers, 16c; broiling chickens, nearby,
26@32c; do., western, 24@26c: roasting
chickens, western, choice to fancy, 22®
34c; do., fair to good, 15® 18c; Spring
ducks, nearby; 19@20c.
Potatoes The market la steady;
Eastern Shore, No. t. n-r
$2.25 @2.75; No. 2, do., $1.00@1.25; do.,
<-ulls, do., SI.OO. Norfolk. .So 1. u«r
barrel, »2.00®2.25; do.. No. 2, do.. SI.OO
®1.25; Jersey, per barrel, 65<®60c.
Flour Market dull, but firm;
we quote 196 pounds in wood; winter
straight. $6.25® 6.75; winter patent*.
s6.7sfir 7.25; Spring, straights. $6.75®
7.00; Sprihg patents. $7.00(38.00; Spring
favorite brands, $8.25 fv 8.60.
Hay Firm; old timothy. No. 1. large
bales, $20.00® 21.00; No. 1. medium
bales, $20.00®21.00; No. 2, do., $ 17.00tr
18.00; No. 3. do., $15.0®16.00; no grade,
$10.00®11.00; old clover mixed, light
mixed, $17.50® 18.50; No. 1. do., $16.00®
17.00; No. 2. do.. $14.00® 15.00.
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111., Aug. 17. Cattle Re
ceipts, 6,500; steady. Beeves, $7.00®
11.10; cows and heifers. $4.00®9.85;
stoevkers and feeders, $5.25 @7.90;
calves. $10.50(5 11.25.
Sheep Receipts, 15.000; strong;
ewes and wethers, $4.75@8.10; year
lings, $6.90@8.40; iambs, $8.50® 11.25. *
Hogs Receipts, 23,000; 5c lower
Bulk of sales. $10.00(3110.60; mixed and
butcliers, $9.75®10.75; good to heavy,
$10.40® 10.76; rough, heavy, $9.80®
10.35; light, slo.oo® 10.70; pigs, $8.40&
9.85. v
By Associated Press
Chicago. 111., Aug. 17.—Board of Trade
Wheat September, 1.39%; De
cember, 1.43.
Corn September, 83%; Decem
ber. 70%.
Oats September, 43%; December,
Pork September, 26.65; Decem
ber. 23.12.
— September, 13.42; October,
Ribs September, 14.20; October.
J. 3.90.
Council Asks Audit
Co. For Little More
Detail on Reports
Before the Pittsburgh Audit Com
pany is given its check of $2,950 for
examining the books and accounts of
the city treasury for the ten years
prior to 1916, the auditors will have to
furnish in detail a report upon the
amounts of interest collected on daily
balances, the rate of Interest charged
and the years affected. Council is
particularly desirous of learning In
what years and for what amounts
1.91 per cent and 95 per cent, interest
was received.
City Council in special session this
morning decided upon that move fol
lowing a scrutiny of the audit as sub
mitted several weeks ago. The sugges
tion of a report by years of interest
on dally balances was made by City
Commissioner H. F. Bowman, who ad
* °£, atcd audit movement.
The commissioners informally dis
cussed the plan of having an audit
i m ~i . ® ach year and of adopting some
legislation whereby the banking in
stitutions of the city could be required
two per cent, or more for the dailv
deposits. Whether or not an ordin
ance will be framed along that lino
will be developed later.
Commissioner Bowman raised the
Question as to how the water depart
ment had been handled prior to his in
d«iction Into office. Of the SIIO,OOO
which had accumulated, there was no
evidence he said that any interest re
turns had been netted for the city. "If
that money was let out at interest," he
asked, "who was getting the return?
if the city was getting it there is cer
tainly nothing in the audit to show it."
The water department net bonded
debt is now $7,949 according to the
department report, but the audit show
ed that there is a balance of $10,916
debt. Mr. Gorgas explained that this
was probably due to an error several
years ago when money which was in
tended to cancel some city bonds was
used to cancel water bonds by mis
Child Dies While on
Visit to Grandparents
Charles Farner, aged 6, son of Mr.
arid Mrs. William F. Farner. 234
South Fourteenth street, died at the
homo of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Farner. Burlington, N. J„
at 11:30 o'clock last night. Accom
panied by his sister, Miss Sara, thev
went two weeks ago to the home o'f
their grandparents, a few day slater
joined by their parents. The father
returned to this city last Saturday.
The children were prohibited from
returning to this State because of the
Quarantine for infantile paralysis. The
young lad took sick a few days ago
and died last night. The'mother is in
a serious condition from a nervous
breakdown as a result of the child's
death. Mr. Farner is foreman for the
Harrisburg Gas Companv. The body
c^" n pt be brought home and burial
will be made at Burlington.
A telegram received here this after,
noon stated that the child was sick
only a few hours. No diagnosis of the
sickness has been made, but It is be
lieved that death was due to spinal
For Rent
;! Remodeled, small, com- !j
!! fortable houses on South j I
;! street, within a stone's !!
!! throw of Front street, river j;
|! view, hardwood floors, !!
!! steam heat, electric lighting:. !!
;; Apply
Commonwealth Trust Co. ; |
Harrisburg, Pa.
Real Estate For Sale
2032 Susquehanna St.—3-story
brick house—B rooms and bath—
hot and cold water—furnace—
porch—bay window—good condi
tion. Price, $2,400.
624-526 Woodbine St.—2%-story
frame houses—B rooms and bath—
each —all improvements; drive al
ley rear of lot; size lot 40x100 ft.
Price for both, $6,200.
272 North Street
Member* Chicago Board of Trade
Wheat, Corn, Oats, Provision*
Carried on Favorable Terms.
Continuous Quotations Posted
in Our Board Room.
Large or Small Orders Will
Always Receive the Same Prompt
** ite for Our Daily and Weekly Graiq
1435 Walnut St.
1923 N. 2nd St., 3-story brick.
514 S. 14th St., 8-story brick; lot
40x96 ft.
2028-30 Brlggs St., 2-story brick.
714 Capital St., 3-story brick.
406 Hummel St., 2-story frame.
854 S. Cameron St., 3-story
10 lots cor. Redwood and Ash
3ts. Will sell at bargain.
12 acres 1% miles east of Lln
gelstown along State Road; good
buildings and water; plenty of
fruit; possession at once.
1 acre, 1 mile east of Colonial
CJlub, along Llnglestown trolley;
?ood buildings; plenty of fruit
Union Trust Bldg.