Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 10, 1916, Page 3, Image 3

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    * * JSjQam&fzZ
store Closes I pl . an Y° ur Weekend Shopping With the New store Clote*
Fridav Closing Hours in Mind—Friday Bargains of Worthy
nt op m Character Hold Out Savings to Those Who Will Shop
at 9 R M - Until 9 P. M. To-morrow. at > p - M.
An Extraordinary Offering Another Herd of ~1 1 I ~
of Talking Teddy Bears 10-rooirow \* ill Be a Continuation of the Great Women's Chinawares
-p., 1 j Came stamping into our
Sale—with all items still on sale, unless ex- ! I Footwear | j
XjleaOnPu store in time * or another haunted TCvPrv vellnw mvrl mMnc o ca ,n«« Imported Milk Pitchers,
busy Friday at the ' V Card means a SHVIIIg. Women's Low Shoes and blue and black line decora
-* r -I • very low price of ————white canvas button shoes, tion. Friday price 10?.
*7Qp 1. j C i— —, clean-up at 690 pair. Blown Glass Table Tum-
Save More on Quantity Lots us mwear Draperies Laces and Women's fine turn-sole biers, silver rose and floral
An exceptional value and Women's fine Gowns, of Embroideries Louis heel Pumps; smart cutting. Friday price, 6 for
at This Low Price, a treat for the kiddies. nainsook and batiste; in MATTING BOXES Si lei . rare bar Sa m. at oO?.
BOWMAN'S— Main Floor flesh and white; with low Slightly soiled; large 4n n ri„„„ T sl-49 pair. Crystal Glass Water or
l\/r* ' necks; short sleeves; also sizes; worth double or more. cottonanf wh"e A Rummage Table of wo- Lemonade Sets, consisting
/ YIQ sleeveless; yokes of inser- Friday prices #1 G9 and cotton ana linen, m white men s and mens Slippers, . ~
' 1 * Voile Blouses: tion, lace and fine wide em- $2.49. ' only, 2to 4 inches wide. Fn- Children's Low Shoes and of s*pt jug and six tumblers;
. ' broidery insertion. Mussed y P " Ce ' yard ' Women's Bathing Shoes, at carnation and floral cutting.
1650 yards hig: - Doubly Desirable from handling. Friday price, CRETONNES White Filet Lace Edges, 1 19? pair. Friday price, set, 830.
Bleached Muskns a. , 1q 51.25. — an d silkolines; short and 2 inches wide. Friday BOWMAN'S— Main Floor A . „ . .
brics such well at $2.19 * lengthg of good pattems; 2 price> yard> A,mencan Porcelain Din-
Lo a o n m S Langdon Lonsd- You'd never suspect that cambric and nainsook; tucks ® S/* 800 yards Cluny Laces, 3 On the decorations; each set con
and Wamsutta in 2 J 4 to~9 these styles could be pur- at bottom and embroidery yard, 9/S? and 13/,?. and 4 inches wide; white CarDet Floor sisting of 100 pieces. Friday
yard lengths Fridav price chased so low. ruffle. Friday price. 19c. STRIPED LACE and ecruexcellent quality. Carpet Floor price, set, $lO.
yara Jengtns. Friday price, It>s a fine q Ua ] lty and the BOWMAN'S—' Third Floor With hrr>wn _ nH _____ Friday price, yard, 10?.
ya p ' /?' pattern is a novelty check . stripes; 36 inches wide Fri- 40-inch Colored Dress FIBRE CARPET BOWMAN-s-Basement
inrhTw HP n° W f U^ ng h 5 formed by delicately colored White Goods day price, yard, 19?. Flouncing, light blue and In hall patterns with bor-
stnpes - and Linens remnants S? jfif- Friday P rice ' *> .**»'- J r . e . en ' Wi
1 i • • r»i ————— — , yard, t>if?. brown and blue. Friday ' ■ ■
rriday price, yard, lo?. Lingerie Blouses of voile, sunfast, marquis- BOWMAN'S— Main Floor price yard 190. . .*
Bleached Sheeting, 81 pii • ,~q Handkerchief Lawn ette ar >d scrim, Ito 4 yards, ' awmtmob Fishing Tackle of all des
inches; Dwight and Utica Clearing at D»7C use( j f or t h ose stylish one- a * less than half price. S'llc AWNINGS criptions at half price,
makes; sto 20-yard lengths, Broken lots, including sev- piece suits. 40 inches. Fri- BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor 1 8 Ready to hang, with flat Folding Camp Cots, heavy
29?. eral styles in finer grades. day price, yard, 12 _____ steel frames; 2J/£, 3, and khaki, $2.98.
Unbleached Muslin, 39 BOWMAN'S— Third Floor Pajama Check, good qual- , Lining Satin, brocaded * ft - widths. Friday price, Velocipedes, with heavy
inches; round, even thread; \\T > < + ity; 36 inches wide. Friday Price drops still lower for satins, fancy taffetas, check- '9?. steel tires and a dj us t a ble
useful lengths. Friday price, Women S Sweaters price, yard, 7y 2 s. this lot of ed taffetas and messalines, WINDOW SHADES seats, 89?.
yard, 3^<s. ' on the Out-Go at Longcloth - chamois fin- 36 inches wide. Friday at In oil and water colors; Express Wagons, with
Awning Stripes, in useful i p • rida y P nce , 10 yards, on |"|? regular prices. mounted on guaranteed 18-inch wheels, $2.25.
lengths; good patterns, in Lowerea Prices 63? VVdVynair Silk and Cotton Striped spring rollers; widths from BOWM vvs-Jeoond Floor
blue and brown stripes. Fri- Fibre silk and finest pure K1 Toweling . Waistings, 33 inches. Fri- 25 to 38 inches; green and
day price, yard, 15?. silk in Copen, maize, rose, I Reached; 18 inches wide. SwitCheS da y P nce ' o Y,f d ' l9 .^ c . u colors. Friday price, 23?.
i? *u T- i ■ ~0 ' i Friday price, yard, 10?. uvv ltciiV/O Fancy Silks, satin finish
Feather Ticking, 31 go d and various comb,- ; SatJn Spr / ads mustard stripes and figures; 20 STAIR TREADS Dress Uoods
inc es, ancv s npes, fast nlain
colors. Friday price, yard, and some plain sty es with | Frid ay price, 81.69" money-saving opportunity y v i/ 8 -inch thick. 7xlß inches, Seco Silks, in plain and
~y ' , . RpHnrpH tn S(! Crochet Spreads full ■°, °/ lr Rajah Silks, in street and 12?; 9xlß inches, 15?. figures; good shades; 24
Simpson s Calico, in fancy «in in sio W double bed sizes; hemmed V 1 CS ave een ™ ? evening shades. 27 inches. BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor inches wide. Friday price,
patterns; suitable for cur- - Friday price, yard, 85?. yard, 15?.
Friday # st jo oi nd co 8 mp 6 ,-o«-U M of 8! "-- !S b :r^; m S a 0 a 0 e d ,Uahty Wall Paper . Figured. Lawns and Ba
"Shetland" sweaters. 22 ! inc h, Linand 26- ~ ? 1 ' ' Fnday pnce. yard.
Bu'v MAN s Third Floor wavy switches, your Navy blue and gray Bedroom special. All new i . , ~
_ _ Underwear and choice while they last, at striped Georgette, 40 designs to choose from. 10 . Stnped . Sec o Silks, 36
All Parasols Strap Purses Hosiery 91 .45. inches wide. Friday price, rolls sidewall, and 20 yards Fnda y P nce '
Clearing at 79c Our expert will take ex- yard, SI.OO. cut out border. Friday, 98?. y » "•
to-morrow ® Children's Sox, with plain tra P a i ns to see th at y° u se- L—^_____J BOWMAN'S— Fourth Floor BOWMAN's —Main Floor
will be Made of novelty leather and fancy tops. Fridav cure a P erfect match.
and lined with silk poplin; price, pair, 12 T/ .?. Krowno Curls, $3.45. ————————————
Half Price fitted. ! Children's Fibre Silk 1 Very chic. Easily adjusted. . c J T>
e ?""Sn2.'sl toSJuKdsand'toesfbkek n... Only Furniture of Dependability Can r>e
fibre silk boots; black, white * Hayden's Dust Mops, no Have you realized how much that means to the home
//Y and gray. Friday price, pair, , t0 s ru 6 s : sanitary, maker or home-keeper?
//) \\ 23?. ' antiseptic; dusts, cleans and None but dependable furniture, and that policy is
/f\ v \\ Women's Bleached Vests, polishes. Friday price, 49?. never deserted or modified under any circumstances.
!i r a \- \ sleeveless; regular and ex- Three-panel Plain Screen When you purchase furniturp here as "solid" mahog-
II —. ]\ \ tra sizes. Friday price, Doors, walnut stained; cov- any (for example) it does not mean birch or other imi-
OCT ~J| I ered with black wire cloth; tations.
v I^.- Women's Union Suits, standard sizes; complete You are always safe in assuming that Bowman prices
bleached cotton; sleeveless; with hinges, door pull, hook are lowest on that grade.
knee length; some slightly an d screws. Friday price,
x *ssr*:; aftS. ■,<*<. to*,-. Gems From the August Sale
—w J&Jt E-I Suits, bleached cotton; short hinged with canvas tape; 9 Tip Top Table
* length. Friday rods, each 20 inches long Sale Price S"> 9>
BOWMAN'S— Main Floor space. § Friday price! C 29? 1 . g Solid mahogany. Beautiful inlaid lines. Like illus- O
I I A . j • I Emerson Folding Ironing tration.
T « n Linens j Board Stands; takes up little ,
it s a Repeated Fact That £a "p ia use ' Fri "
Bowman's Show More scarfs and I SS! V
1 • o • q rtl! r ber, well finished. Friday |] Mr
Y\c\t hincr cretonne scarfs, 39?. price
O BOWMAN'S— second Floor BOWMANS— Basement M ] ('J* 111 1 dull rubbed; antique finish. An excep
which also is true of the varieties. Iji I J njl 'J tional value in the August Sale at
The woman who desires to possess that distinction of /^ii • 1 WI i\ 'A $6.15. Arm Chair to matcV at #6.75.
being smartlv dressed in the water, will find none smart- l^leannP - ( )llt HrOKPfl id L /r // Quartered Oak Colonial Buffet,
erthano- fhese Jersey suits with a novelty girdle UUL AJI l/Vj plaak . top fitted Wlth m irror back,
and trirr t« TTTril IF /of Golden oak finish. August Sale price,
And au t . = you wan, jus, an inexpensive suit, but LIIICS OI W Cll KtlOWIl ?€)_ "I?- 75 ' „ . n . . m
good-looking and serviceable, then we'll show you some „ Sheraton Mahogany Dimngroom
at $2.98 and #3.50. 7 Rrocc PfPC >Y\ Suite - 4 P ie « 54-inch buffet; 48-inch
111 tloolCl Co (' /jJ extension table, china closet and serv-
Mohair, Silk Poplin, Jersey and Taffeta- nrires » ing table. Dull rubbed finish. August
range upward, to 510.50. brought to light a large number of both front and back Colonial Library Ostermoor Mattresses, $15.95.
Caps tr> (open) styles in brassieres of sturdy fabrics and neatness. Q , p • «1 Q Imperial Felt Mattresses, $12.75.
Shoes 25? to SI reduced, for sale to-morrow, at oaie r ice, fpio.ou p o Up pet j t Mattresses, $9.90.
Cotton Tights anii so'/> Genuine quartered oak; dull rubbed finish, top Cotton Combination Mattresses,
BOWMAN'S— Third Floor ' ' IQr 4 2 inches; scroll leg, and under shelf. $5.75.
BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor.
» BOWMAN'S—Third Floor.
Dr. Webster, Member of
Lucknow Relief Party Dies
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Aug. 10.—Dr. J. B.
Webster, widely known in medical and
geographical circles throughout the
country, died here last night from
heat exhaustion.
Dr. Webster took a prominent part
In the relief of Lucknow during the
India revolution in 1857. He came to
America in 1875 from England. He
was born in 1836 on board one of the
ahlpa of An East India line of which
his father was a director. He was an
intimate friend of Dr. David Living
ston. i
Dr. Webster was a member of the
American Medical Association and the
National Geographical Society. He is
survived by a widow and two sons,
one of whom was recently decorated
by the French government for his
courage while serving with the Ameri
can ambulance corps in France.
Ice cream, cake and candy will be
sold at a festival under the auspices
of the Men's Bible class of the Fourth
Church of Christ, at Third and Dela
ware etreeU, to-night and to-morrow.
Normal Conditions Are
Resumed in Chicago Wheat
Chicago, Aug. 10.—Caution seemed
to be the watchword .to-day among
wheat speculators, and there was a re
turn to something like normal condi
tions greatly in contrast with yester
day's feverish excitement and sky
rocket course of prices. Opening quo
tations to-day ranged from 1-2 decline
to an advance of 2c, the latter con
fined to the May option, with Septem
ber ?.t 143 to 144 and December at
148 to 14S .
Many traders inclined to the view
that the advance in prices had suf
ficiently discounted for the present all
the crop damage in sight.
By .Associated I'rtss
Copenhagen, Aug. 10.. Agitation
against the sale of the Danish West
Indie* is increasing, especially in the
conservative and Left Parties. Evi
dences of dissatisfaction are beginning
to appear in the radical journals and
among partisans of the government.
The National Tidende and other papers
print communications from prominent
persons inviting the king to refuse to
alga ratification ol the sale if It it
passed by the Rigsdag, but that the
king would do so is extremely unlikely
as. according to the Danish parliamen
tary system, the king never is sup
posed to refuse his signature to a
measure the Rigsdag adopts.
By Associated Press
Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 10.' A
spectacular fire destroyed the building
of the Clawson Company, spice im
porters here and spread to the Dr.
Jayne building adjoining. Other
properties were also damaged. The
loss ia estimated at $200,000.
AUGUST 10, 1916.
Special to the Telegraph
Amsterdam, Aug. 10. At a meet
ing of the American Export Chamber
of Commerce to-day the increased
difficulties of trade between America
and Holland were discussed and it was
decided to formulate a statement to
the British government pointing out
that since October 1916 American
goods sent to Holland under Nether
lands Overseas Trust conditions were
frequently not permitted to reach the
consignees here. The cnamber sug
gested that a British official or board
be appointed at American ports of
shipment to examine and certify the
neutral destinations of consignments
with a view to insuring delivery upon
arrival here.
Special to the Telegraph
Blaln, Pa., Aug. 10. Officers of
the Perry county Women's Christian
Temperance Union were elected as fol
lows: President, Mrs. Charles R.
Hench, of Blaln; vice-president, Mrs.
Carrie Jeffries, of Newport; corres
ponding secretary, Mrs. Annie Woods,
of Blain; recording secretary, Mrs.
Charles Kell, of Landisburg; treasurer,
Mrs. Jorues Stewart, of New Bloom*
* -*-»,