Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 09, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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    s)e atbs
CASTER. On August 7, 1916, Harry
Caster, at Harrisburg Hospital, aged
38 years. ,
Funeral on Thursday morning at
10.30 a. m.. from Mauk's funeral pal
lor. The relatives and friends are
invited to attend without further no
tice. Burial at Harrisburg Cemetery.
TufoUGH Suddenly, on August 8.
1916, Wilson K., in his 54th year at
his late home at Dauphin, Fa.
Funeral services will be held at tne
above address on Thursday aiternoon
at 1 o clock, to which relatives and
friends are invited to attend without
further notice. Automooiles will be
at the Dauphin Station to meet rela
tives and mends for the train arriv
ing at 12 o'clock. Burial in the
East Harrisburg Cemetery.
Lost and Found
LOST A bank book, last Monday,
Juiv 3lst, be. li.e Laupuin Ueposit
Bank and c i street; reward if
returned to +>> »i Cameron street.
LOST -- On Jitney car, between Sixth
anu Broad ana 21ob Aorth seventh, a
gold-handled umbrella wiita initials s>.
.-v. Valued as gut. lvindiy return to
2156 North seventh street.
FOUND—Bicycle in Steoiton; owner
can have same by properly identifying
and paying expense. Appiy between i
and it p. in., H. Dormer, -t73 Soutn Sec
ond street, Steelton.
Help vVanteu —Male
WANTED Experienced . heavy
green and dry sand rnolders in iron
loundry; steauy worn, goou wages
labor trouble. Apply to Treadwqll £.n
mneeriug Co., Easton, Pa. '
WANTED A boy. 17 or 18 years
old, havins experience at soda foun
tain. Appiy, L. Siibert, 1742 North
sixth street.
WANTED Edge trimmer for wo
men's. misses' anu children s shoes. Ap
ply, Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing
Co., Vernon street, Harrisouig, t"a.
WANTED 3 moulders and « ma
chinists, steady work, and no trouble.
Apply, Lewiatown Foundry and Ma
chine Co., Lewiatown, Fa.
WANTED First-class, machinists
and tool makers. Apply, Pullman Mo
torcar Company, Yorit, Fa.
TAILOR WANTED Must be a re
liable, all around man. Call, J. lvanotf,
l&u N. Front street, or Bell pnone 171,
AN opportunity is open for a young
man as correspondent in sales depart
ment of one of Harrisburg's largest
manufacturers. Applicant must have
experience either as correspondent or
stenographer. The salary to start will
be moderate. The opportunity to de
velop into a responsible position that
will mean a sucessful future is great.
In your reply give tull account ot ex
perience and tell why you can make
good at writing sales letters. P, 5144,
care of Telegraph.
WANTED 4 good-appearing men
to work on a proposition that will yield
$2 to $4 per day; steady work for live
wires. Call, 409 Patriot Building, 8-s>
a. m., 4-6 p. m.
WANTED Slack barrel coopers.
W. R. E. King, Cumberland, Md.
American La France Fire
~ Engine Co., Elmira, N. Y.
WANTED Two good men to bale
waste paper and rags. Good paying
proposition. Call Capital City Junk,
Tenth and Walnut.
WANTED A large corporation has
exceptional opportunity to offer three
live salesmen. Salary to those who
qualify. 32 North Court stieet.
contract or day labor. Attractive
wages. Apply at Quarries of Hoffman
Bros. & Wilson. Twenty-third street
and P. & R. Railroad.
WANTED Three dishwashers;
men preferred. Apply, Senate Hotel.
Men wanted for all depart
ments; Molders, Core-Makers,
Furnace Men, Chippers, Grinders,
Machine Hands, Pattern Makers,
Electricians, Machinists and Gen
eral Labor. Good Wages. Ap
ply or write Employment Agent.
Depue, of the Interstate Civil Service
Bureau, of Washington. D. C-, can be
seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex
aminations for Railway Mail Clerk.
Post Office Clerk, etc., soon to be held
in thi3 district. Full particulars as to
requirements, cost of preparation, etc.
Address Box A. 5070, care of Telegraph.
WANTED —4O able-bodied
men for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
needed everywhere; really a new pro
fession; uncrowded field; salaries large
exceptional opportunities for advance
ment; the Young Men's Business Insti
tute. to open in Harrisburg about Sep
tember 1 will be principally a secre
tarial school, preparing acceptable
young men to become private secre
taries- the principal, a Princeton Uni
versity man and an educator with years
of experience, knows how to train you
typewriter furnished each student. For
!re[egraph S 688 Box G - 5127, care of
Houses For Rent
924 Ash Ave., 2 s. f.. 6 r Slo
259 Sayford Ave., 2% s. f,5 r.' *lll
1230 N. 7th St.. 3s. b.. Sr.b. ' «t«
1531 Wallace St.. 3 s. b„ 8 r. b' Sir
302 S. 2nd St., 3 s. b., 8 r„ b. . '
1824 State St. (furnished) . "" a«n
2005 Green St.. 3 s. b.. 9 r. b " uu
1859 Market St., 3 s. b„ 10 r"b' Sjo
2005 N. 3rd St.. 3 s. b.. 13 r. b
911 N. 2d St.. 3 s. b.. 14 r„ 2 b..'. *IOO
Halulyn (Aldinger Cottage) .. ««<»
Lawnton 2%-story frame lO
'■ rooms—bath—stable. Lot 100x220
Mlddletown Ferry, "Dixie Cottar "
by the week 8 .,'
Perdlx "Philadelphia," from"'sept
1, frame, 4 rooms vij:
Fox Cliane "Spion Kop" —'2-sfnv„
frame (furnished)
825 Jf. 6th St., 2 rooms and bath «"i
204 Locust St—Jet floor 5 rooms
and bath. *33; 2d floor, 6 roomt
and two baths roo .£*
30« N. Second —(First floor). 5 rooms
and bath; city steam heat . «%?,
7 S. Front St., (3d floor) 3 r. and b
unfurnished, $35; furnished., gso
437-439 Strawberry Ave. large 3
story frame building, suitable for
light manufacturing.
Insurance Surety Bonds
Locust and Court Streets
Help Wanted—Male
SALESMAN WANTED to cover estab
lished territory with A 1 line, salary and
expenses; write fully if you want to be
considered. Box 26, Maclay street sta
WANTED Man to take charge of
stock room. Address, E-4337, care Tele
a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon Paper In Eastern Pennsyl
vania. Big returns assured a live
wire. No investment. Address "Manu
facturer." care of Telegraph.
WANTED Two cement finishers.
Appiy, Sylvan Heights orphanage.
dent enrolling for a course In the Young
Men's Business Institute, Inc.. to open
in Harrisburg, Pa., about September 1.
1916; will be given the choice of an
Underwood, Remington or any standard
machine; shipped direct from factory.
The Young Men's Business Institute,
principally a secretarial school, will
prepare acceptable young men lor spec
ial positions of trust in private and
business life. The principal, a Prince
ton College man. has the endorsements
of the largest corporation in the U. S.
Entrance retirements; enrollment lim
ited. For particulars address Box R,
5071, care of Telegraph.
WANTED First-class outside cut
ters on Ladies" shoes, uood wages and
steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co.,
37 Canal street, Rochester, N. Y.
MEN Young, wanted to work In
automobile repair shop; our school is
overflowing with repair work, there
fore it gives our students a cnance to
obtain practical repair work on all ma
chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as
soon as competent. Take advantage of
summer rates. Auto Transportation
School, 29 North Cameron street
Help Wanted—Female
-WANTED Girls with experience on
power machine Apply, Devlae &
I'ungel Shoe Mfg. Co., 16th and Stale
WANTED—Ladies for easy embroid
ery, home work. Call from 8 to 4, 102
Calder street.
WANTED—One reliable, experienced
white woman to wash, iron and clean
two days of each week. Call Bell
phone. 559-W, morning s» to 12.
WANTED Washwoman; regular
weekly place. Call 1717 State street.
WANTED Girl; must be able to
work; city reference required. Apply,
between 7 and 8 o'clock evenings, at
229 Forster street.
WANTED Experienced waitresses
for restaurant and lunch counter. Ap
ply, Menger's, 113 Market street.
WANTED Girl to learn bookbind
ing in new plant of Hershey Printing
Company. Opportunity for bright giri
who wants to learn a good trade. Ad
dress Hershey Employment Bureau,
Hershey, Pa.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
Filler and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street
chine operators. Experience not nec
essary. Pressors also wanted. Blough
Manufacturing Co.
WANTED Girls experienced on
powar sewing machines. Apply Har
risburg Shoe Mfg. Co, Vernon street.
Harrisburg, Pa-
• Salesmen Wanted
SALESMEN of Forcefulness Wanted
—Men capable of earning large in
comes preferred. Joseph F. Buckley
Co., 601 Ferguson Block, Pittsburgh,
Help Wanted—
Male and Female
WANTED—IO neat appearing men
and ladies at once. Apply, 8 North
Market Square, Rooms 306-307 between
7 and 8 p. m.
Situations Wanted—Male
YOUNG MAN desires position as
stenographer and general office work;
good reference. Address, J-5147, care
CHAUFFEUR wishes a position driv
ing Cadillac 8 or Ford car. Call 2691-J1
Bell phone.
WANTED Colored pianist desires
position in moving picture theater or
in dancing school or club. Address
Wesley Hill. 644 Broad street. Phone
37 5.V1.
WANTED Position as foreman in
toolroom or machine shop; general all
round mechanic; reference furnished
-10 years' experience. Address, No. 1731
Apricot avenue.
FIRST-CLASS colored chauffeur in
need of work. Call or write. Alexan
der Lues. 1112 Grape street, city.
Situations Wanted—Female
WANTED White woman wishes
position as cook in private family; city
preferred; good wages; can furnish ref
erence. Address 0.. 5143, care of Tele
WANTED A young woman desires
position as chambermaid, or dining
room work. Address, or apply. 235
Cranberry street, City.
WANTED Day's work by a young
white woman. Address. M. K., 21l
South River street.
WANTED Widow would like prac
tical nursing. Address 0.. 5129, care of
WANTED By a woman, day's work
of any kind; call or write to 5 Sherman
GIRL would like position as general
housework. Apply. 706 North Seventh
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE For $3,250, a three
story brick steam heated house, elec
tric and gas light porch front, side en
trance, paved street; lot 110 feet deep
to drive alley; located in 1900 block on
Park street. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market
FOR SALE Single frame house
with modern improvements, containing
11 rooms; lot 22 by 110 feet; location
on Park street, near Sixteenth street
Offer wanted. J. E. Gipple, 1251 Mar
ket street.
FOR SALE For $2,550 you can buy
a new 6-room brick house, with mod
ern improvements, including steam
heat, electric light, porch and side en
trance. Rent S2O. very rare bargain
J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market street
$15.50 WILL BUY 1854 Swatara
street. 7 rooms, bath, all improve
ments. Will readily rent for sl4. H
G. Pedlow, 110 South Thirteenth street
THE RIGHT FARM of 62 acres with
good buildings, close to trolley at Bea
ver station, can be bought for $4,000.
Inspect it. H. G. Pedlow, 110 S. Thir
teenth street
FOR SALE —114 Washington street,
corner River alley, two and one-half
story frame: eight rooms and a bath;
all conveniences.
Corner Brigg and Eighth avenu®,
Oak-wood, two and one-half-story
frame; eight rooms and a bath; all
conveniences. The above properties
will be sold at a bargain. Apply
Keeney & Simmons, New Cumberland
Real Estate —For Sale
FOR SALE l6 South Fifteentn
street; 3-story brick house in goou
condition; all improvements; will be
vacated soon. Inspect it. Bell Realty
Co., Bergner Building.
—1847; 3-story brick house; modern
improvements; a good property in a
desirable location. 801 l Kealty Co.,
tseiguer Building.
FOR SALE lBl4 Park street, mod
ern three-story brick house; porcn, side
entrance; lot llu feet deep, both front
and roar streets paved. Price $3,200.
J. E. Gipple, 1351 Market street.
FOR SALE New frame house; 3
rooms and bath; hardwood lloors; steam
heat; large pantry in kitchen; open
stairway; cement cellar; porches; large
garden; granolithic walks. Address, O.
F. Hench. Shell street, Progress, Pa.
Bell phone 1692-Jl.
FOR SAllfc—Two-story dwelling, full
lot of ground extending to alley, corner
Erie and Market streets. Dauphin, Pa.
■F. L Schneider, Executor, Estate of
Margaret S. Poffenberger, Deed. Ad
dress P. O. Box 35 J, York. Pa.
SNAP for some one—l62o North Sixth
street, elegant large brick house, cor
ner Clinton. Large porches, large
rooms, high ceilings, W ell built, good
condition; suitable for doctor or den
tist; could be altered for apartments,
must be 6een to be appreciated. Price.
11.000. This house contains everything
that goes to make a high-class home.
Inspect. Apply at above address.
FOR SALE You can buy desirable
7-roorn house, with Improvements,
within walking distance ot Square, at
S2OO reduction, if you are quick. Cor
ner house, Hill district; paved streets,
porches. Large' part of purchase price
may remain as mortgage. Big bar
gain. Address Box S, 4110, care of Tele
FOH SALE Two-story house, front
and back porches, ell improvements,
side entrance, hot v.ater heM; built
two years. Price $2,050. Terms to suit
purchaser. Apply, 6i4 Schuylkill street.
Bell phone 17i7-W.
ANOTHER CHANCE to purchase",
182# North Sixth street: 9 rooms, bath,
eas, furnace, house now vacant; key
at our office. Bell Realty Co., Btrgner
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, fifth,
Schuyikill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder. Inquire
or address, F. R. Uyster, trustee,
care oi Harrisburg Aelegiapii,
FOR SALE Attractive, new. three
story brick house, e'.gnt room* anil
bath, rimmed in oak, nardwood floors,
vapor heat, porcliea, largo yaru, grano
litnic walks, ir«n leuces, laundry and
alt other modern improvements, gooa
location. Will cell on payments or
Thirty is3o.uu) Dollars per month.
2160 N. FIFTH ST, Harrisburg. Fa.
One acre plots; win sell half acre:
also lota 92X230 feet along M. T.
trolley; / He tare to all parts ot Har
risburg and Steelton; beautiful and
healthful; ground euougn for poul
try and vegetables; uru*e only sl6*
per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's
Orocery Store, Linglectown, Fa. in
scription at 409 Market Street. City.
Real Estate For Rent
FOR ENT House 2215 Atlas street;
three-story brick; all modern improve
ments; handsomely papered; sl4 per
month. Apply, George W. McWUliams,
2150 North Fifth street, or Frank B.
Wickersham. Bergncr Building, Thlra
and Market streets.
FOR RENT l4 North Eighteenth
street, corner property; all conven
iences; immediate possession, s2s. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
FOR RENT Nos. 503 and 509 Cum
berland street, newly renovated, con
taining eight rooms, kitchen and bath.
Immediate possession. Apply Common
wealth Trust Company, Harrisburg, Fa.
FOR RENT No. 1507 State street,
modern three-story brick house in the
best of condition. Immediate pusses-
Bleu. Rent, $36.
Apartments For Rent
FOR RENT l4OB State, a line sec
ond floor apartment with all conve
niences. Apply, 1408 State street.
Seven large room apartment; every
modern improvement; hardwood lloors
sound-proof; open fireplaces; vacuum
cleaning system. Inquire E. Flowers.
1822 state street
all conveniences; hardwood floors, cut
glass fixtures; witlr two porches on
second floor. Apply, L. Silbert, 1742
North Sixth street.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping
apartment, four rooms and bath, kitch
en appurtenances complete. Address,
L-5146, care Telegraph.
ONE FURNISHED housekeeping
apartment, four rooms and bath, kitcn
en and locker, immediate possession
Pennsylvania Realty and Improve
ment Co.. 132 Locust streett
SECOND ST., 1700 *ive and six
rooms with porch; most pleasant and
open surroundings in city.
Apartments Wanted
WANTED Completely furnished
apartment for light housekeeping by
young married couple with no childron.
Address, 1238 Kittatinny street or call
2936-M Bell phone.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Large, cool and well
furnished room on second floor. Also
furnished suite with all modern conve
niences. Gentlemen only. Reference
required. Apply, 324 North Second
FOR RENT Furnished room, sec
ond floor front; large bay window; also
small back room, furnished. Appi»,
225 North Second street.
FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms
for rent; rent reasonable. 1338 North
Third street.
FOR RENT One large room, witn
balcony, on second floor. Steam heat,
electric lights and phone service. Ap
ply at 125 Pine street.
FOR RENT One furnished room
second floor, not front; with stationary
washstand, electric lighting; bath to
every two rooms; reference required
Apply. 218 Pine street.
ROOMS Neatly furnished, light and
cheerful, Becond and third floor front
with modern conveniences. Apply, 118
South street, near Front.
FOR RENT Two front rooms, wa
ter with sink; furnished for light
housekeeping. All conveniences. Use
of phone. Gas for cooking. Apply
925 North Sixth s:reet. Bell 610-W
FURNISHED ROOMS oingle or en
suite. Rooms are large and airy. Use
of Bell phone. Address 719 North Sixth.
NORTH ST., 410 Secona and third
floor front rooms, nicely furnished, fac
ing Capitol Park; hot and cold running
water, electric lights, large bathroom
Bell phone.
FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac
tive, single, double or three-room
housekeeping apartments. Running
water tn kitchen, rango and cabinet,
gas. strictly private, direct entrance.
Phone and bathroom privileges. For
location and prices, inquire 429 Broad
10 to 11 A. M.
Rooms For Rent
FOR iv_NT Two nicely furished
up-to-date rooms for light housekeep
ing: also one separate room; use of
bath; hot and cold water. Apply, 24
North Fifth street.
FOR RENT—Newly-furnished rooms
for ladies and gentlemen. Running hot
and cold water. A phtne in every room.
*2.50 per Week, bpecial rates, two in
a room. Metropolitan Annex, 518 Mar
ket street.
FOR BENT Two large, well-fur
nished front, second floor rooms; all
conveniences: use of phone. Apply 813
North Second street.
Rooms Wanted
WANTED Married lady whose
husband is away most of time desires
room (.with board preferred) in refined
private family; must be strictly first
class. References exchanged. Address.
L-5150, care Telegraph.
WANTED Partner to buy, part in
terest in good paying business small
capital required and services: man oi
lady. Box J 5148. care of Telegraph.
WANTED . A 50 or 75-acre farm
or tract within a few miles of city,
state distance. Located on or near
trolley or station—sc fare. Must be
high and dry. State full particulars.
Price not to exceed S2OO per acre. J.
\\. Holloway Co., 246 Fifth avenue,
New \ork City.
SECOND-HAND Bags, Burlap,
Scrap Bagging and Twine.
Write for prices. RICHMOND
BAG COMPANY. Dept. 48, Rich
mond. Virginia.
WANTED To store a good upright
piano with some reliable family for its
use. Address P. 0. Box 29.
OUR rental department is receiving
daily calls for houses which we're un
able to supply. The general satisfac
tion given ownei-9 is our guarantee that
it will be to your advantage to place
your houses and other rental properties
in our charge. Miller Brothers & Co..
Locust and Court Streets.
Wanted—Board —Rooms
WANTED Two or three unfur
nished rooms convenient to Third street
car line with conveniences. Address,
H-5145 care Telegraph.
ROOM WANTED Permanently by
gentleman with strictly private family;
references exchanged. Address, P. O.
Box 424. giving terms, etc.
Board and Rooms
commodate a few more boardars; rea
sonable rates, with the best the market
affords. 123 South Second street
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR RENT Typewriters bought,
sold or rented. HarrLburg Typewriter
and Supply Co., 40 North Court street.
FOR SALE New and practically
new household furniture. Entire lot,
including new Franz-Premier electric
vacuum cleaner, at a bargain. Just
the thing for parties starting to house
keeping. Reason, leaving town. In
quire 414 Woodbine street, City.
FOR SALE Store fixtures, shelv
ing, counters, small partition, stools,
floor and wall cases. Call. 513 Walnuv
street, S. Meltzer.
FOR SALE One fine riding horse,
fine runabout buggy, Jenny Lind, Ger
man undercut carriage, 2 sets silver
mounted harness. Single set harness
and set buggy harness. One window
frame sash and shutters complete, best
condition. Apply Brownstone Stable,
Pepper and Logan streets.
FOR SALE To make room for our
new cases, the following is for sale:
One 11-foot wall case; 18-foot wall case
with large mirror In center; 16-root
wall case 10-foot full French plate
glass floor case; three 6-foot floor
cases; one 4-foot floor case; 2 cash reg
isters; 2 umbrella stands; one watch
sign; one optometrlcal examining chair:
one Underwood No. 5 typwriter and
desk; one roll top desk: one ceiling
fan. Apply Claster Jewelry Store, 302
Market street.
STEAM Ferryboat Susquenanna for
sale. Price S4OO, newly repaired and
painted. Address, West Fairview and
Harrlsburg Steam Ferry Company,
Box 214, West Fairview, Pa.
NEW and Second-hand rugs for sale
at reduced prices. Apply to Keystone
Hug Co., 1115 Montgomery street.
FCR SALE, at Gable s. 111-117 South
| Second street. Lawn Fence, Field Fence,
i Gates. Poultry Netting, Building Hard
i waie. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board.
Compo-Board, Doors, Sash. Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc.
FOR SALE Diamond and Good
rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle
Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcase*.
Harness and Leather Goods made to
order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings.
FOR SALE. Call on Bell phone 3069 J.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the
Telegraph Business Office.
secured tt the Telegraph Business
AT GABLE'S, 113, 115 and 117 South
Second striet. 6,000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All
the full line of the Acme mako.
AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second
street. £.OOO sets new rash, Bxlo. It L
primed and glased, at fI.SO per ael
..lso other sizes. Also doors and shut
For Rent—Miscellaneous
FOR RENT Established Grocery
stand and six room dwelling at Pyne's
Corner, West Falrview. 1 offer a spe
cial inducement to an experienced, am
bitious man. will give reasonable finan
cial assistance to right party and win
continue to stand back of him until his
business is thoroughly established.
Large basement under entire building
suitable as business room Itself. Ap
ply to A. C. Young, Real Estate, 28
North Third street, Harrisburg, or Mr.
Hippensteel, next door to property who
has keys for Inspection.
STORAGE in Private Rooms; also
furnished or unfurnished storeroom,
16x17, with large show windows, high
ceiling, suitable for light repair work;
cemented basement in connection Will
rent basement or room separate if de
sired. Inquire 429 Broad street. 10-11
A. M., or Room S, same building.
FOR RENT—Offices suitable
(or a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at*
tendance. Dr. John Oenslager.
711 North Third street
Business Opportunities
WILL SELL PLANT complete or will
consolidate or lease. Harrisburg Em
bossing Plant, manufacturers of steel
die embossed stationer/. Established
three years. 4 North Fifth Street.
FOR SALE An old-established
moving picture show. Guaranteed to
do good business. Reason for selling
will be explained. Apply to Box R,
6136, care of Telegraph.!
FOR SALE Small retail Cigar
Store, doing good cash business, locat
ed near Thirteenth and Market streets.
Price right J. E. Gipple, 1251 Market
IANY intelligent perion can earn good
Income corresponding for newspaper*,
experience unnecessary. Send for pai
tlculare. Press Syndicate. 7M Lock
»oxt. N, T.
New York, Aug. 9.—Marines led all
other speculative favorites during the
forenoon, trading in the preferred
stock, which was subject to much
profit taking, far exceeding the com
bined dealings in half a dozen other
active issues.
Marine preferred made an extreme
sain of 1 %, with only a small fraction
for the common, but Atlantic Gulf and
West Indies rose to a new high record.
United States Steel, which was un
usually dull an.l a trifle heavy at the
outset, made some headway later, but
tails were inclined to yield, the Harri
mans, Atchison and Baltimore and
Ohio falling under yesterday's final
close. Extreme dullness prevailed at
midday. Bonds were irregular.
Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia: 34 Pine street, New York,
furnish the following quotations:
New York, Aug. 9.
Open. Clos.
AUis-Chalmers 21% 22%
American Beet Sugar ... 57% 89%
American Can 55% 58%
American C& F 58% 59
American Ice Securities . 27% 27%
American Locomotive .. 69 % 71 %
American Smelting .... 93% 95
American Suga.* 109% 109%
American T & T 129% 130
Anaconda so% 81%
AtchUon ' 102 " 103
Baldwin Locomotive ... 71% 72%
Baltimore & Ohio 84% 86%
Butte Copper 64% 66%
Canadian Pacific 176% 177'
Central Leather 55 55%
Chesapeake & Ohio .... 60% 62
Chi., Mil. & St. Paul . 95' 96%
Chicago, R. I. & Pacific . 18% 19%
Business Opportunities
elsewhere, Inspect our stock and prices.
Special bargains and prices for summer
months. J. B. Murray, 1014 James
Business Personals
LEATIIKK Traveling Bags and Suit
cases (drummers' samples; positively it
the lowest prices in the city. Call and
be convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting goua*
at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable
Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at
Trustee Bidg.—All kinds of detectlT*
work handled—one eye always open.
Hauling ana Moving
one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire.
Prompt attention to moving. Truck
parties solicited. H. G. Garman, Meh
rlng's Garage. Both phones.
Hauling and Moving
R- A. HARTMAN, National Transfer
Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers
and general hauling. W. H. Lathe.
Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets.
Bell phone No. 2503 R.
EMERSON upright piano, In good
condition, for $65. Call at 1319 Derry
FOR SALE Strictly nigh grade
GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will
sell at a bargain. Address Box D, 4311,
care of Telegraph.
or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR
ED by an expert. Bell uhone 3242 J.
Write, or call, at 315 Broad street.
Money to Loan
MONEY TO LOAN on Real Kstats
security in any amounts and upon any
iwrtne to suit borrower. Address P. tX
Box 174. Harrlsburg. Pa.
MONEY advanced to uouscKeencm at
legal rates; business confidential. Profit
Sharing L«oan Society. Room 7. Spoonor
Building, y North Market Square.
rooms for household goods. $2 per
month and up. We invite Inspection.
Low Insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrlsburg Storage Company.
STORAGE In 8-»»orv brick Building,
rear 408 Mkmet street.
Household goods In clean* private
rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to
P. G. doner. Jeweler. 408 Market St.
STORAGE 419 Broaa street, house
hold goods and merchandise. Private
rooms, SI to $3. Wagons, 75 cents per
month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad
street. Both phones.
bummer Resorts and
RENT at Marsh Run Station, along
Susquehanna river, 7 miles from Har
risburg, by week or week-end. Apply
F. D. F., care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage,
furnished, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resell. Marl
etta, Pa.
FOR SALE A second-hand auto
mobile truck, Chalmers make, new set of
tires, good running condition; could also
be fixed for passenger buss. Price right
to quick buyer. Inquire, Rex Auto
Garage, 1917 North Third street, Har
risburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Autocar delivery truck
in good condition. Will sell cheap.
Address. G. P. Sheaffer, Box 124, Pen
brook. Pa.
FOR SALE A lot of second-hand
roadster and touring cars; all in very
good condition; some good as new- all
we ask is a reasonable offer. George
B. Zech, Buick and Chevrolet Agents
City Auto Garage.
cenger De Cambel. one 6-passenger 191«
Ford, tiewly painted, in excellent con
dition; one 6-passenger 1916 Ford, good
as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with
new tyady; one 1908 overland. Cars for
sale at Fold Garage. Middleto.vn. Pa.
E. M. Snuvely, Manager.
kind. If you cannot sell your car, why
not consign it or exchange it with us
tor a better one. Our charge* for sell
ing are 6 per cent. only. No storage
charged If car Is not sold. Auto Trans
portation Exchange Department. 25-21
North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710.
Jill flve-passeueer Kegal; good
shape; new tires all around, big bar
gain for quick buyer.
1(11 five-passenger Pullman, com
pletely overhauled; A 1 condition; goon
upholstering; good top and tires; big
41 South Cameron St. Bell phono 411JJ
Motorcycles and Bicycles
1914 Indian, good tires, new tubes, new
clutch, speedometer, 1915 kick starter,
1916 Rogers side car, electric lights and
horn. If you want to save one hun
dred dollars, see this bargain. Dayton
Cycle Co.. 912 North Third street. Bell
Phone 385-J, 1
AUGUST 9, 1916.
Chino Con. Copper ... 48 48%
Col. Fuel & iron 43% 44%
Consol. Gas 138% 138%
Corn Products 13% 13%
Crucible Steel 68% 71
Crucible Steel. Pfd. ... 115% 116
Distilltng Securities .. 44% 45%
E r j e 35% 36%
Erie. Ist Pfd 53 54
General Electric Co. .. 169 169*
Goodrich, B. F 71% 72%
Great Northern. Pfd. ... 117 " 117%
Great Northern Ore, s. . 35% 35%
Inspiration Copper 49 49%
lnterboro-Met 16% 16%
lnterboro-Met 74 74 '
Kennecott. 47 47%
Kansas City South .... 24% 25%
Lackawanna Steel 71 72%
Lehigh Valley 77% 79%
Maxwell Motors 79% 82 %
Merc Mar ctfs 27% 27%
Merc Mar ctfs pfd 94 94 %
Mex Potroleum 97% 98%
Miami Copper 33% 34
Misouris Pacific 4 % 41$
New York Cen 103% 105%
NY N H and H 58% 60
New York O and W ... 26% 27
Nor and West 129% 130%
North Pacific 111% 111%
Pacific Mail 20% 21
Penna Railroad 66 56%
Pressed Steel Car 49 49 %
Railway Steel Spg 4 1 44%
Ray Con Copper 23% 23%
Reading; 95 % 101%
Republic Iron and Steel. 46% 47%
Southern Pacific 97% 98%
Southern Ry 23% 24
Southern Ry pfd 67% 68
Studebaker 125% 129%
Tennessee Copper 25% 25%
Third Ave 64% 64%
Union Pacific 138% 141
U S I Alcohol 107% 111%
U S Rubber 53% 54 >4
US Steel 87 4
H S Steel pfd 118% 118%
Utah Copper 78% 78%
Virginia-Carolina Chem. 40 !0%
uest Union Telegraph.. 93% 94
TVestinghouse Mfg 5 7*4 58*4
Philadelphia, Aug-. 9. Wheat
Strong and higher: No. 2, red. spot and
«i u ?o 1^ t i j*' l l <&" 111 : No. 3 Southern, red,
nr9°.JP Higher; No. 2, yellow, local,
95ff®96c;steamer, No. 2, yellow, local.
Oats Higher; No. 2 white, 51V4®
52c; No. 3 white, 49@'0.
Bran The market is firm;
cliv mills, winter |..«i i .i, J2« ~o; x>. - ■
ern, winter, per ton. $26.50; soft, winter.
P££ ton, $25.00; Spring, per ton. $23.50
(f# J4.00.
Refined Sugar Market unchanged;
P°^ , <' e , , ed, 7.35©7.75;' fine granulated,
1.250) i.Go; confectioners' A, 7.15@7.55.
Au S- 9 - Cattle—Receipts,
1 7.000; steady. Native beet cattle, $6.90
(a $10.45; stockers and. feeders, ss.oo©>
si.Bs; cows and heifers, $3.50®9.20,
calves. $9.00@512.50.
Sheep—Receipts. 17,000; weak. Weth
ers, $6.75@8.25; lambs, $7.50© 11.40.
Hogs Receipts, 26,000; strong.
Bulk, :$9.65® 10.30; light. $9.80®>10.35;
mixed, $9.45®10.40; heavy, $9.30ift10.4u;
rough. $9.30®9.50; pigs, $8.00@9,60.
Chicago, Aug. 9. Close:
Wheat—September, $1.44>4; Decem
ber. $1.48.
Corn—September, 85c; December,
72 Tic.
Oats—September, 44% c; Decembev,
47 y t c.
Pork—September, $26.00; December,
Lard—September, $13.20; October,
Ribs—September, $14.00; October,
Name Committees
Tonight For Great
Labor Day Regatta
All the committees which will have
charge of the entries for the swim
ming, canoeing, "specialty" and other
events on the Labor Day regatta and
carnival to be held under the direc
tion of the "Greater Harrisburg Navy"
will he appointed to-night at a meet
ing of the executive committee at the
"Municipal Port," foot of South street.
The meeting will be called at 8
Prior to this meeting there will be
a session of the special committee on
the "war" canoe race. Chairman W.
C. Fisher will have some reports from
out-of-town agencies and manufactur
ers, it is expected. George W. Bogar,
who has been in touch with several
leading boat clubs In the east, may
also have some data on the subject.
Five State Highway
- Changes Announced
The following changes in the State
Road Superintendents were announced
at the State Highway Department to
C. E. Myers, Greensburg, to be su
perintendent in Washington county,
vice A. B. Cray resigned.
C. E. Coles. York, to be superin
tendent in Westmoreland county, vice
A. B. Oyler, Newville. to be super
intendent in Fayette county, vice E. L.
Clemmer, resigned.
H. M. Dorwart, Lancaster, to be su
perintendent in Jefferson county, vice
J. M. Owens, resigned.
Neal Rook. Clearfield, to be super
intendent in Indiana county, vice C.
H. Harrison, resigned.
All of the men promoted are in the
Department force.
Amsterdam, Aug. 9. The Nord
deutsche Allgemeine Zeitung, of Ber
lin. publishes a memorandum issued
by the German government which
states that owing to British treatment
of Red Cross supplies, Germany will
no longer allow free passage for such
supplies. German naval forces will
receive orders lo take such articles for
their own use when they come within
their reach.
For Sale or For Rent
Inquire >'<
No. 205 Calder Building
Bell Phone 1193-J C. V. Phone 645-X
° ii
****** •»•••••• • • •••■•» * • • ***'.*_*_*
Country Place For Sale
1 % -story bungalow; containing 8 rooms and bath; first floor, living
room, 24x14; dinlngroom, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath; second floor.
2 bedrooms, £en and sleeping porch, toilet and lavatory; artesian well
and Kewanee water system; gas for lighting and cooking; Kelsey warm
air heating plant; building available for garage; shrubbery and shade
trees: high elevation; delightful view; located near Camp Hill. This
property can be purchased with one acre or as many as desired up to 16
acres. For further information, apply to
Second and Walnut Streets
Poor Board Installs New River
Fuel Grates at County
I Dauphin county's
j J J\J )f )}) | poor board expects
to save from SBOO
I to S9OO annually on
the almshouse coal
bill when the new
boiler grate system,
recently purchased
II Tla SI I nffaD l at a cost of s 2BB '
■tllfj is installed. The
{i ff "ifi'fij Standard Grate
1 1 Company, Wilkes-
Barre, which got
the contract will begin the insftalla
tion work at once.
The new system requires the use
of river coal and the scheme has
worked out admirably at the city's
pumping station, the State Capitol and
the Harrisburg Railways' Company
power house.
Heretofore either the large sizes of
hard or soft coal costing approxi
mately $3 per ton, were used at the
poorhouae. By allowing a waste of
fifteen per cent, however, the river
coal can be obtained for as low as
$1.50 per ton. Just how much this
fifty per cent, saving will approximate
in a year can be figured when it is
understood that the almshouse coal
bill last year amounted to something
like $1854.
Realty Transfers.—To-day's realy
transfers included the following: Re
becca Garman's executor to W. H.
Keller, West Hanover, $580; Annie
Wiener to Jacob Wiener, North Sixth
street and Wyeth street, $1 each.
Too Much Starch? Divorce pro
ceedings were begun to-day by Jsaac
M. against Laura J. Miller by the
former's attorney. ex-Recorder O. G.
Wickersham. The Millers separated
in 1916. H. C. Starch is mentioned as
correspondent in the divorce papers.
Fix Dute For Dissolution -Septem
ber 18 at 10 o'clock has been fixed by
the Dauphin county court for hearing
the application of Harrisburg Circle,
No. 85, Women's Loyal Moose Circle
for dissolution.
Flic Auditors' Report. Wilson
Felty. Ezra B. Care and William H.
Shaffer, auditors for the school dis
trict of Lower Paxton township, have
filed their report for the past school
year with the Dauphin county court.
The report shows that there is a bal
ance in the treasurer's hands of
$519.34,»-that the school district has
borrowed J7.107.50 and that the
property is worth $31,000.
Award Flour Contracts.—Contracts
for supplying the almshouse with 100
barrels of flour have been awarded
to Hoffer and Garman. The firm bid
$6.40 per barrel for sixty barrels of
best Western brands and $4.80 per
barrel for forty barrels of best East
ern quality.
For Rent
|! Remodeled, small, com- I'
lj fortable houses on South
; | street, within a stone's !j
|! throw of Front street, river j|
|; view, hardwood floors, !!
|! steam heat, electric lighting, i;
i i A pp*y
<> Commonwealth Trust Co. ||
Harrisburg, Pa.
fit IIDD If you own or con *
U&JnD template buying any
VWIIW of the following
CTflnlf C 0 1 a 8 8 e 8 Curb
u \ iu|jßiO ßtocks ' you Should
have a copy of our
Market Digest of August 4, 1916.
Low Priced Coppers
We have given liberal space in our
Market Digest to these issues. Irre
spective of how the big stocks go,
there is a wonderful opportunity to
make money in the purchase of the
low-priced Coppers at present
Expert opinion is very b'ullish on
the Low Priced Coppers, represented
by the Tonopahs and Cobalts. The
real situation in Goldfield is clearly
shown in this issue. Don't be fooied
by "present low prices. Goldfield will
rise, phoenix-like, to greater glories
than ever before.
We believe that * the investor or
speculator who will be guided by
this Market Digest will profit hand
Sent free upon request.
Land Title Building
Bpruoe 4411 80 BroaAMt
Race 180 New York