Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 03, 1916, Page 9, Image 9
NO NEED TO FEAR BALDNESS tells How to Make Hair Grow Thick tind Lustrous on Bald mid Thin Spots Thousands of people who note with tlarm the steady falling and thinning sf their hair and have tried nearly ivery advertised hair grower and hair :onlc without success, fear the time ivhen they shall be totally bald. Yet :iieir case Is not hopeless if they will idept the following simple hair drill recommended by a prominent ltalr specialist, and daily massage their scalp with a little genuine Parisian Sage in the liquid form, jfc'irst. massage the scalp with a me 3Tun< stiff hair brush, to start a good" r>lood circulation; then part the hair ind pour a little of the Sage on the ?are scalp and rub in vigorously with :he thumb and finger tips. Go over :he entire head in this manner until ho scalp tingles. This will only take a few minutes laily, and can be done Just before go ny; to bed. A few ounces of Parisian Sage used in this manner should pre sent any further loss of hair and cause i new hair growth to appear on the :hin spots. This preparation is highly recom mended by H. C. Kennedy and is ibsolutely harmless, as it contains sono of the poisonous wood alcohol, sr the sulphur, so frequently found in oidinary hair tonics. Parisian Sage nill not make the hair greasy, and can be obtained at drug and toilet :ounters everywhere. I A Beauty Tip For the \ Thin or Wrinkled if you are thin or wrinkled or if your ?ink complexion is fading, don't think ;hat it is necessary to be treated by an expensive beauty specialist or resign .•ourself to looking years older than rou really are. Right in your own jome and without the knowledge of inyone. you can remove your wrinkles ind make yourself plump and attrac :ive. Simply get a little am-o-nized rocoa from your druggist and after washing your face with warm water apply this as you would an ordinary ■old cream; leave on for a few minutes and then wipe oft with a soft, dry cloth. Nothing else is required. You will be delighted to see how quickly this nour ishing and pleasant treatment will re move your wrinkles and plump out hol lows in face or neck. Besides it gives to the complexion that fresh and rharming appearance that always makes a woman look young and at tractive. Am-o-nized cocoa has be come very popular of late with actress es and society ladies who appreciate the advantage of having a clear, smooth skin, free from lines and wrinkles.— Advertisement. TEAMSTER'SLIFE SAVED WRITES I.ETTER THAT WORTH READING VERY CAREt'ILLV Peterson Bros.: 1 was afflicted with a very severe sore on my leg for years. I am a teamster. I tried all medicines and salves, but without success. I tried doctors, but they failed to cure me. I couldn't sleep for many nights from pain. Doctors said I could not live for more than two years. Finally Peter- Ointment was recommended to me and by its use the sore was entirely healed. Thankfully yours. William Haase. West Park. Ohio. Mar. 22, 1915, care P. G. Reitz, Box 199. Peterson says: "I am proud of the above letter and have hundreds of others that tell of wonderful cures of Eczema. Piles and Skin Diseases." Peterson's Ointment is 25 cents at all druggists, and there Isn't a broad minded druggist in America that won't praise it. Peterson's Ointment takes the burn Lut of sunburn in 10 minutes. Mall or -s»rs filled, charges prepaid by Peter son Bros., Buffalo, N. Y.—Advertise ment. MUCH APPENDICITIS IN HARRISBURG There are many cases of appendici tis in Harrisburg hospitals. Much of this can be prevented with simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-1-ka. This simple remedy acts on BOTH lower and up per bowel, removing such surprising foul mater that ONE SPOONFUL re lieves almost ANY CASE constipation, sour stomach or gas. A short treat ment helsp chronic stomach trouble. Adler-i-ka has easiest and most thorough action of anything we ever sold. H. C. Kennedy, Druggist, 321 Market street. The Squirrels In the Park are farsighted enough to lay in their supply of food for Winter before snow covers the ground. The example of these frisky little fellows can well be followed in the matter of fuel, especially when coal is cheaper in Summer than it will be later on account of the advance in prices. Send your coal order for next Winter to Kelley—now —and SAVE MONEY. H, N. KELLEY S CO. 1 North Third Street Tenth and State Street! Quality GORGAS Service KEEP 'EM AWAY SKEETERSKOOT 250 MOSQUITO TALCUM 25^ CITRONELLA Gorgas Drug Stores 16 X. Third Street and Pennsylvania Station * Try Telegraph Want Ads TmTRSDAY EVENTCTG, Ue Social fltstes Story No. 15 BLACK MAGIC Plo* by George Bronaon Howard. Novel iration by Hugh C. Weir. Copyright Kalem Company. (Continued front Yesterday.) "Are you going to leave me here by myself?" asked Grant, with affected alartm. "After you help me lift our prisoner Into a closet," said Carson. The two men raised the servant's ■'body and carried the man Into a recess of the room, where they fancied he could rest for hours without attracting notice. Then Carson and Mona stole back to the hall, and across to the girls' suite. They were Just In time, for a moment later HadJ Rulu's grave figure ap peared In the corridor, followed shortly afterward 'by Mary In the full flush Of her excitement after the dramatlo happenings at the Wallace home. "Have Pity," .Scj( d Carjon, Quaveringly. "How do you suggest we shall wind It all up?" she asked, after the trio had exchanged their stories. "It eeems to me that Che eooner Casper Carson appears on the stage as Wallace, the banker, the better," said Mona, rising from her chair. "I'll In form our Hindoo friend that Wallace Is coming up at once for a private seance." She was back a few moments later with the beaming announcement that HadJ Rulu suspected nothing, and would receive Mr. Wallace at any time. "And what do you think?" tfie gasped. "He thinks Rodney Grant Is really his servant, and has arranged with him Just what to do in order to trap the distinguished visitor without delay!" "Tou are a wonder!" conceded Car eon admiringly. The two m3de their way "back to the Hindoo's flat and Mona pressed the bell. HadJ Rulu him self admitted them, and motioned them gravely to chairs. 'My young ward ha« told me so many surprising stories of your powers," 6aid Carson taking up his role, "that I have let myself be persuaded to come and see for myself. I should tell you in advance, however, that I have absolutely.no belief in the so-called occult sciencee. If you can convince me, I will take oft my hat to ya'-i:" The Hindoo' bowed. "Mr. Wallace shall be convinced!" he promised. The apartment had been darkened, and the Incense re-lighted. HadJ Rulu stepped back to the teakwood ta'ole and bowed his head for a moment In dee-' thought. Then he sank into a huge arm chair, and his eyes closed. For several mo ments no one spoke, and then came the Hindoo's voice elowly: "I see strange things, Mr. Wallace things which the world knows nothing of. I see you in your true character. I see you plundering and victimizing a young and helple.ts girl, left In your care. I see you wresting a large for tune from her, which was entrusted to you to administer. One half million dollars it is," he announced, mention ing the amount of the fictitious estate, which Mona had told him. Carson sprang to his feet with a white face. "Are you man or devil?" he demanded. "It Is true!" said Hadj Rulu, accus ingly. "The spirit sigh: does not lie, cannot lie. You are a wretch, deserv ing of no mercy!" He clapped his hands, and Grant stepped forth from the In ner room—a silent, accusing wltn.ss. 'Have pity!" said Carson quavering ly, catching the Hindoo's arm entreat ingly. "I swear I shall make repara tion for what I have done! I swear my ward shall not suffer in any way!" "How shall you make this repara tion?" asked Hadj Rulu, opening his eyes suddenly. "That is simple. I will go at once and secure the stocks an« deeds that represent her property, and 1 will turn them over to her—in your presence, if you wish!" •THow long will it take?" "Oh a mere matter of a few moments. The papers are in imy private box r.t my bank. I can take a taxi-cab. But you will promise, both of you. that if I do this, you will make no exposure?" CMona looked at 'he Hindoo, and Hadj Rulu nodded slightly. "We promise." she agreed, apparently unnerved at her guardian s sudden un masking and confession Carson staggered from the room, and Mona and Rodney Grant were left alone with 'he Hindoo Hadj Rulu turned ♦o tha newspaper man, and ordered him curtly out of the room. Kor Just an instant, Grant hesitated, and then remembering his supposed character he bowed deeply, and obeyed. When he vanished. Mona turned to Hadj Rulu Impulsively. "How can I ever thank vou?" she began, looking at him admiringly. "You are the most marvelous man I ever knew."' "It is nothing," protested Had* Ttulu. "Perhaps not—to you. But it means everything to me. I know what I can do to show my appreciation of you. ■Will you accept the management of my estate? Of course. I cannot go on longer with Sir. Wallace after what has happened." Hadj Rulu walked back and forth over the floor, as though debating the question. "I hardly know what to say. In the first place, I very much fear that you may be disappointed, my young friend. Your guardian may find it impossible to restore what Is rightfully yours, and I fear that In spite of all I do. you may suffer financially." "Do you really think «o?" asked Mona in dismay. "I'll tell you what I might do. If it would help you. When your guardian returns with your papers, I will buy a half interest in them for cash, if you wish it. I will give you ten thousand dollars. Of course, my interest may not be worth so much, but T am will, ing to do it if it wl'il be of any benefit to you, my little nigh priestess?" «• Be CoaUaaed Tcmunteik SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded dUea*e that science has been able to cure In all Its stages, snd that !a Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cur® Is the only positive cure now Lnown to the med ical fratermtr. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatmeut. Hall's Catarrh Cure la taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ar.d mucous surface* of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The proprietors hsve so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it falls to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. 6old by all Druggists. 75c. Take Hall s Family Pills for constipation. r i l ■ i i HEADQUARTERS FOB SHIRTS • SIDES & SIDES i I. The Small Store "W A .|/ 7 The Cut-Rate With the I I tjL B** 14 Patent Medicine . Big Business \J 1 JL' JLm. L/ Store —______—— J 300 Market St. Specials For Friday and Saturday 306 Broad St. Patent Patent Medicines Toilet Goods Toilet Goods VlOfllrinov 81.00 Bromo Seltzer 57c 25c Beccham-s puis isc Face Powders Dental Creams A.-orn salve «c Phos » ,hate 20c Djer Kiss Face Powder 37c Kolynos Dental Cream 15c Alpine Tea «c ™ M ° » S>r ' HyP ° BS ° Carmen Face Powder S4c Colgate* Dental Cream 20c Aliens Foot Ease 15c ***" Health - 8c Lablache Face Powder 32c Den,al Cream 29c Arnica Tooth Soap 15c "oq "S? Java Rlce Powder 27c a ' ph „ e "° Dental Cream 14c Atwood's Bitters lie 25c Nature's Remedy (N-R)'.'.".'!!!!! 15c Rogers & Gallet Rice Powder 21c ' " 1 Dental Cream 15c Barker's &B. I.lnlment. . 15c 50c I.lsterlnc 2#c Rogers & Gallet Face Powder 45c Euthymol Dental Cream 11c Bcllans 15c "ii™,,- 1 "! 811 ? 31 * i Satin Skin Face Powder .. 15c Lyons Dental Cream 14c Bird Manna 8c #I.OO S. S. S. slvUt's Specific 5Sc Woodbury's Face Powder 15c an tol Dental Cream 14c Eax. Bromo Quinine 15c SI.OO Othlne (double strength) 59c Sanltol Face Powder lie Tr^tVi Bromo Seltzer 15c j£ C ft n [V" 1 " ,M l. wln ® SBl> _ 0 1001,1 OWCIer S Caldwell's Syr Pepsin ..29c ««•M s \ eg. Compound 63c Toilet Creams Sanitol Tooth Powder 14c i £ £ S5. A 2 Its ISI r JS" Crea ™' ,v lis Cutlcura Ointment 3«c 250 Mustcrole 15c 50c size Stlllman's Cream 29c Lavoris Liauid 29c Damseliinsky's Hair Dye....29c 52.00 Eckman Alterative $1 19 25c size Satin Skin Cold Cream 15c Sozodont Liquid 15c I)" 0 29c SIOO Cadoniene Tablets 5 0c 25c size Satin Skin Greaseless Cream ... 15c Rubifoam Liquid 15c IDcwitt's Kidney Pills 29c p tji 25c size Satin Skin Rose Tint 15c a " ° " llc Dlapepsin 29c Odiciy Pvdzor .Diaues 50c size Pompeian Massage Cream 27c Sonf l^. mc 35c Gem r> ll c ' l r^ mp^an^ t F r^ m V c Fellows Hypos 60c -* . D , , S*. 25c size W oodbury s!• aclal Cream 15c Glovers Mange Cure 29c dimiOr OIdQCS 25c size Creme DeMerldor He OCttCT (jTOIuC OF Glyco Thymoline 69c 50c size Ingram's Milk Weed Cream ... 34c It? J «c«o«.r. «*. fo« . S c of. rACCCC Talcum Powders jDC VUf r ElLj ' !£ ES i y2r w *.:::::::: DRUGS T " c r r w<l " u m I :::::::::: gs = sc *•—«* •»»»»<>»«.«-».»«.«. :::::::::::: fcrtsssanar I'alm Olive Soap 6c „ 1# 0 15c Williams' Talcum Powder lie times ~ot so Rood. Parmint 55c -5c Sweet Spirits Mtre. 3 ozs 15c Colgate s Talcum Powder nn You can bu y s our own premiums with Pear's Enscented Soap 10c 25c Ess. Peppermint, 3 ozs 15c -wJfn*,,'* T,ir„ m n what you save here. Perana 55c 25c Lime Water, 1 pint 15c t, v " ? , Powder 11c 11 Jtm if- C Phillip's Milk Mag 17c 25c Camphorated Oil, 3 ozs. !! 15c Babcock s Corylopsis Talcum Powder... 11c •fl 1 | L.imil O Pluto Water 23c 25c Tr. Arnica, 3 ozs 15 c Jess Talcum Powder 14c I 9 1 • n » "Poslam Ointment 25c Rose Water and Glycerine, 3-oz. bottle Talcolette Talcum Powder ........... 15c OtlTl&S Besinol Ointment 33c 25c Soap Liniment, 3 ozs Johnson s Baby Talcum Powder 12c »mi nwi n i Refiinol Soap 17c 25c Spirits Camphor, 3 ozs. lSe Hheuma 29c >loth Balls. Ib yMBWHMPBIMII J'LUJ | Kubifoam 15c Motli l'lake, lb lg ( . HBBHHBBHnSHtHnBHnBn Sal He[>atica 15c, 29c, s#c. H : Specials on Cigars ? Soda 2 r 1 Sargol 59c A mTT\"«r I 10 Havana Tucks 7/.... 25c IICKPISk ® BB1 " Stuarts Dyspepsia 29c I I 1 | 8 Counsellors 25c Tonsiline 29c ,AJm *1 1 ■ ' 1. I 7 Even Stevens 25c y*J ll^, mS i >in , k Cretonne Chocolates 35c1 7 King Oscars 25c i> A?- i ,X>n Pl,ls *' c Chocolate Nougats 3,ic Q " s "'cet Girl* 25c g- 1 i wri a ,i . * . Palm Olive Soap 6c Maybolle Chocolate Cherries Strawberries, with wliipped cream.. "9cl ' Clnco 25c l\io wa«"-Bn??rr.;;;; SE M^« choro,,t,s '1 *2™™.::::::::::::::::::::::: iU the Fountain 83.00 Douilic $1.48 Good Will Chocolates 23c| At slurkct Street Store Only B BUT THIS IS HOW HE DID IT S YES MVEEP, wss FOGMD FtCTIOM (wßrCitte A VERY-UJOMVE: >YOO KhIOW,M WAS'fc BOY AT GOU^GE:WfrJEtO BUT THIS 16 HOW" HE .DID ITp jl cVtT W I 109 il SOLDIERS BUSY WITH SANDSTORM Company D Boys Now Get Fresh Meat Daily; Capture Centipede [By CORPORA Li H. J. BRKTZ] Camp Stewart, El Paso, Tex., July 28. Thursday afternoon Company D experienced the worst sandstorm since reaching Camp Stewart. The wind started to blow about 2 o'clock and continued until 7 o'clock In the evening. The air was full of flying particles of sand and dust, and It was almost Impossible to see or breathe. All the tents were tied firmly to stakes and In some instances three and four tied together to prevent them from being blown away. About twen ty men held the ends and side of the mess tent until the storm had passed. This was also one of the "biggest days the men of Company D have seen since leaving home. It was pay day and the men were paid their federal pay fj-om the 22nd of June until the Ist of August, only nine days. Capture IMK Centipede Sergeant Schuchman and Sergeant Burtnett had their troubles this morn ing when they discovered a visitor under their clothes' kit and upon close examination discovered that It was a centipede. There was some little excitement until the thing was HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH cornered and captured. They put It in a bottle and then took it to the hospital where they put it in alcohol. The centipede measured about seven inches in length and had at least thirty legs. Each leg Is short and stumpy near the body and a very sharp needle point on the end. The head is small bead-like with two long stingers, sticking out In front. There Is also two pinchers in front of the mouth which close like the pinchers on a crab. From each of these needle point legs are squirted poison and the natives claim a centipede is as bad as a rattlesnake. Corporal Selway with his fifth squad have been helping dig a rifle pit for the Eighth Regimental. Corporal Gardner also had his squad working on the same detail, and in a few days Company D will go out on this range to become proficient in rifle shooting. The commissary department Is now delivering fresh meat regularly, and Cooks Nye and Dieter are getting back into their old form of serving good savory meals which make the men think of those served back home. The physical condition of the mem bers of Company D, and in fact of the whole Eighth Regiment, is 'ex cellent, not a serious case being re ported. The men all ieem in excel lent spirit and outside of the disagree ableness of sandstorms are well con tented. LONG AUTO RIDE Special to the Telegraph Waynesboro, Pa., Aug. 3. Mr. and Mrs. M. Graeft Myers, formerly well known residents of Waynesboro, arriv ed here yesterday after an automobile trip of 3,846 miles, starting at their home in Lafayette, La., May 24. This is their flrst visit here since they left ten years ago, HOFFMAN REUNION' AUG. 19 The fourth annual reunion of the Hoffman family of all tribes will be held at Buffalo Park, Halifax, Satur day, August 19. The committee in What is Castoria. is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children —Experience against Experiment. Letters from Prominent Physicians jfeifefccontents isTinidDrada addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. Dr. Albert W. Kahl, of Buffalo, N. Y., Bays: "I have used Castoria Jij ===pj jj my practice for the past 26 years. I regard it as an excellent medicine Dr - Gustavo A. Eiscngraeber, of St. Paul, Minfl., saysr "I Ea'va used your Castoria repeatedly In my practice with good results, and can ncom* mend It aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." WV9S I r " D® lllll8 ' °' St- Louis, Mo., says: "I have used and prescribed g J 9= ® ® y° ur Castoria in my Eanitarium and outside practice for a number of yeaif gSjftSj _ and find it to be an excellent remedy for children." n-rrmoL-aPERCEytI Dr. S. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used your Cas< 2> AVe^etable PrepaialionfcrAs I toria in the case of ny own baby and find it pleasant to take, and hava •,$5 a ' simflatin4lhc?oodanilߣ&il& i obtalned excellent results from its use." sss yj I tingtbc Stomachs andßamsrfj Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago. 111., savs: "I have nserf vonr Cajrtnri* in I i-ftUulM 011303 of colic in children and have found it the best medicine of its kind NfSw ' EromotesDi^csltoV^ o^-1 Dr. E. Esklldson, of Omaha, Neb., Bays: "I And your Castoria to be a ftc© ness andßestCoolainsttflDff Standard family remedy. It Is the best thing for infanta and children 1 (>{ )iuiii,Morpiiiie HOT have ever known and I recommend it." | Not NARCOTIC. Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says:' "Your Castoria certainly) fiKpl • | JSayHjQUIkSiUnBIMBB* has merit Is not its age, ita continued use by mothers through all thesa 1 jmjainStel- years, and the many attempts to imitate it, sufficient recommendation? j££&M2t- iWhat can a physician add? Leave it to the mothers." , Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, says: "For several years I fiava recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do bo, as it baa Invariably produced beneficial results." v Dr ' N ' B ' Slzer ' of Brookl y lJ ' N - Y -» says:' "I object to what ara caned, f * Aperfectßemedy patent medicines, where maker alone knows what ingredients are put in. yteS I them, but I know: the formula of your Castoria and advise its use.* (£& genuine' CASTORIA always: llgßSig | n jjgg p of Q ver 3Q y ears Exact copy of Wrapper. "**he Kind You Have Always Bought TH * CKWTAUW COMPANY, New YORK CITV. AUGUST 3; 1916. charge is preparing an elaborate pro gram. It will be an old-fashioned basket picnic, and will be held rain or shine. Prominent speakers will be present and a history of the Hoffman family will be read. W. H. G. Hoff man, 1625 Chestnut street, this city, is president of the Hoffman Family As sociation. 9