Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 03, 1916, Page 8, Image 8

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No. 9—The Woman who saw too'
many Matrimonial Scarecrows Tells
Her Story.
Why do so many women who are
attractlvo, intelligent, full of human
affection and tenderness—the sort of
women who were designed by nature
to make ideal wives and mothers —
sever marry?
It It beacuso they were bent on
celibacy? Or is It because men were
too stupid to know a good thing when
they saw it, and so passed them over.
Or is it the fault of social conditions
that never gave them their matri
monial chance
It is one of life's great puzzles, and
In an attempt to solve it, Dorothy Dix
has asked a number of charming old
maids why they never married.
"The reason I am an old maid,"
eaid the ninth woman, "is because of
the awful examples of matrimony that
I saw all about me. I beheld so many
scarecrows fluttering their rags of
warning in the domestic fold that I
was afraid to enter.
"To begin with, in my own home
there was nothing to lead one to think
of marriage as a desirable, not to say,
)a holy estate. Rather It was a per
petual scrapping match. My father
and mother were both good people,
high minded, honorable, even kindly
and generous, but they were both
nervous, irritable, quick tempered and
utterly lacking in self control.
"They possessed all the virtues, and
none of the amenities of lffe, and it
never occurred to either one of them
•to use any tact or forbearance in
dealing with a mere husband or wife.
"Conscious that they were doing
their duty to each other, they did
mot feel it necessary to be polite,
or spare each other's feelings, and
the result was that my father used to
apeaic to my mother as he would never
have dreamed of speaking to any
other lady In the world, and that my
mother would say vitriolic things to
him that must have seared to the
"Yet I think my parents were
truly attached to each other. They
simply belonged to that large class
of people who feel that they have a
right to take out on their own the
nerves and temper they dare not
Inflict on the outside world, and,
that the freedom of the home circle
Is freedom to lay aside their good
manners with their good clothes,
and go negligee in conduct as well as
"However that may be, my first
impression of matrimony was as a
thing to be avoided, and I remem
ber as a small child I used to think
that if I ever did marry I wouldn't
get a husband who was as dis
agreeable about the bills as my
father was. Then I would wonder
why a man would work himself to
death to support a woman in lux
ury who manifested as little ap
preciation of what he did as my
mother did of what my father gave
"After I was grown and began to
look around a bit, I didn't see very
much to alter my original impres
sion that marriage is the greatest
gamble on earth, and the one in
which you risk the most with the
Don't Let Soap
Spoil Your Hair
When you wash your hair, be care
ful what you use. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain too much
alkali, which is very injurious, as it
dries the scalp and makes the hair
The best thing to use is Just plain
mulsifleta cocoanut oil, for this is pure
and entirely greaseless. It's very
cheap, and beats the must expensive
soaps or anything else all to pieces.
You can get this at any drug store,
and a few ounces will last the whole
family for months.
Simply moisten the hair with water
and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is
all that is required. It makes an
abundance of rich, creamy "lather,
cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out
easily. The hair dries quickly and
evenly, and is soft, fresh looking,
bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to
handle. Besides, it loosens and take*
out every particle of dust, dirt and
My biff three part treatment is
the only one known that gives i
without massage. bathing,
exercises, etc. Using it is a
real pleasure. I Bend you a
GUARANTEED treatment,
including all three parts and
a large Aluminum Box of my
peerless Beautifying Cream
for the Complexion, prepaid
by parcel post, in plain wrsp
per. if you enclose 25c (coin or
•tamps) to help pay expenses.
should hare treatment B, to I
increaso flesh, as well as to dsvelsp the bust. The ;
regular treatment is for the buetoiily and will neither
tnerease nor deercaee your weight.
LISTEN! Mrs. Gorton writes "I hated to send to
TOO as I once got a so-called trial and then paid $5.00 i
for nothing but a box of pills. But your treatment is
a wonder. Any woman who unknowingly pays more
than 28e for a treatment, wheu the can get yours, is
to be pitied."
MY GUARANTEE. You are under no obligation
and I will return yovr quarter promptly and without
question if you are not more than natiejied. Address
ct D. A- Sanative Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
» —. i
A Question
Jb question of com
perfect complex,
ion you overcome
nature's deficiencies.
.# Gouraud's u
* Oriental Cream
renders to the skin a clear, ref.ned, pearly
white appearance - the perfect beauty.
Healing and refreshing - Non-greasy.
Bond 1 o*. !.r trial elt.
fan, r. nonius a sou, »t 6r«at jcm« si.,»«« To*
School of Commerce
Troup Building IS bo. Market ttq.
Day & Night School
Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Stenotypy,
Typewriting ami Penmanship
Bell 485 Cumberland 240-Y
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School, 31st Year
820 Market St. Harria'ourg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
least prospect of winning the prize.
My girl friends married, and from
time to time I visited them, but
there was nothing in their lots that
made me want to go and do likewise.
"There was Susie, the daintiest,
most delicate, the most flowerltke
creature X ever knew in my life. She
was one of those girls who are all
Idealism and dreams, almost too eth
ereal for this sordid old world. Susie
married a nice young fellow, but he
proved to be one of the kind of men
who are simply Incapable of money
"After she had been married about
four years I went to see her, and she
was the most dragged out, washed
out wraith of a woman you ever saw.
with three or four sickly little crying
children hanging to her untidy skirts,
and her shabby hom* looking as if a
Kansas cyclone had passed through
"And there was Mamie, the gay
hearted, the laughing, a perpetual
spring of bubbling fun. Mamie
married "well." That is, she mar
ried a prosperous business man, and
has had all the comforts of life, but
the hard band of a master that had
wrung a fortune out of the women
and children that worked in his fac
tory was laid with equal heaviness
on his wife, and it didn't take long
to crush every bit of the sunshine
out of Mamie's heart, and wipe the
smile off her lips.
"Mamie has charge accounts at
all the big stores, but she never has
a penny of her own, and laat year
when her poor old mother was sick
and in need of the absolute neces
sities, Mamie borrowed a few dollars
of rae. She didn't dare to ask her
husband for it for fear of the brutal
insults about her "pauper family."
as he calls it, that he would hurl
at her.
"And there's Janie. Janie went
into business when she finished
school. She had a genius for it,
and went up in office by leaps
and bounds until she became assis
tant to the manager and was earn
ing a big salary. She gave up her
position to get married to a man
who believes that a woman's place
is in the. home, and that a wife Is
nothing but a servant without
"Janie works ten times as hard
as she ever did before, and twice as
many hours a day cooking, scrubbing,
sewing, mending and she hasn't even
a cook's wages.
"Janie traded off independence
and luxury for the life of a domestic
slave, and if she doesn't think she
made a fool bargain, I misread the
look in her eyes.
"Of course, I know that not all
marriages are failures. I know that
the successful marriage is the near
est approach to heaven on earth that
wo ever get in this world, but I hav®
asked myself, 'Who am I that I should
be one of the darlings of the
gods to be so blessed as to win the
capital prize in the great matrimonial
"And no answer forthcoming. I
have simply been afraid to risk my
all on one throw of the dice. That's
why I am an old maid—Just sheer
cowardice to undertake the gTeat ad
Frilly Skirts and Cape Collars
Are Right in the
9131 (With Basting Line and Aided
ISeam Allowance) Blouse with or with
out Cape Collar, 34 to 42 bust.
9149 (With Basting Line and Added
Seam Allowance) Flounced Skirt,
24 to 30 waist.
This is a gown that shows two dis
tinctly new features. Here, the material is
the taffeta that serves so many uses, but it
is easy to think of this model copied in a
dozen different fabrics. It would be
charming made of cripe de chine and it
could be used for charmeuse with perfect
success. The blouse is a perfectly simple
one but with an unusual collar and sleeves.
The skirt consists of a plain front that it
gathered at the upper edge, ruffled side*
and a back that is extended to farm the
fourth ruffle, the edges of which fall in
•oft drapery.
For the medium size the blouse will
require, yards of material 27 inches
wide, 2 yards 36 or 2}<j yards 44, with
yard 36 for collar and* cuffs, 5 yards of
velvet ribbon; (or the skirt will be needed,
1 yard 36 inches wide for the foundation,
7H yards 27 or 36 or sH yards 44, for the
flounces, 15 yards of velvet ribbon.
The blouse pattern No. 9131 is cut In
sizes from 34 to 42 inches bust measure,
and the skirt No. 9149 in sizes from 24 ta
30 inches waist measure. They will be
mailed to any address by the Fashion
Department of this paper, on receipt 0/
ten cents for each.
Jill "You Pay Less For Better Quality at Miller and Kades" ||
In Face of Rapidly Rising Prices We Hold This Sale!
Everyone is familiar with the way that the prices have been advancing right and left on every- 1
This Great August Sale was planned almost eight months ago. We knew then that the prices
would be on the increase and we bought accordingly. Consequently the reductions of \ to i made
during this sale mean more than what might be supposed.
In addition to the tremendous purchase made for this sale months ago, we have included all
of the odd pieces in our regular stocks of which we do not happen to have more than one or two of
a kind.
An Oak Bullet a! a Very j Two August Sale Specials \ 4 Piece Fumed Solid ' I
Reasonable Price ! ' n«i, 1 •« '
I j Ouk Library Suite j
! I ( | I Arm Chair--Armed Rocker \ j
'p~» | | Side Chair-Library Table j |
fj ft l Cpi n | OnA Ipaiic I Furnishes an entire Library or Living ill
j A - | Ovl UI dull 11 Ulld Room during this August Sale we are offer- \
LJ • j f ing t^lis ece Fumed Oak Mission Set. I
W i f Each piece is made of selected oak and is
New in - j ' * luxuriously padded and upholstered in * ||
sive in construction and of the true Colonial ! N's Boston leather. f
type, this Buffet would cost you from $6 to $S j fl 1W \ r, , , _ f
more if bought elsewhere. Look at the picture, j * 1 S I f KegUlar $£7.00 Value rOr
j note the arrangement of cupboard and drawer j W iV, «1 ftn • ■ f 4
j space, and the beautiful French plate mirror ! YVOrtn SI.UU x
j above. August Sale price, ! Special for Friday and Saturday i \1 7 i
oai r A : "s 5 '
j 69c ; $1 Cash—so Cents a Week j|
7 North Market Square j
Denmark Likely to Accept
U. S. Offer Despite Opposition
Copenhagen. Aug. S.—lt is regarded
as probable that the Rigsdag (he Dan
ish Parliament) will accept the offer
of the United States to purchase the
Danish West Indies, in spite of opposi
tion from several quarters, including J
the Socialists, who demand that the ;
negroes on the island be given the vote j
immediately. The newspaper Koebtn- t
havn is leading the campaign against
the sale of the islands.
The Polltlken says the Rigsdag will j
hold a secret session on Friday, when |
the government will answer questions .
on the subject.
The offer for the islands is $25,000,- |
000 and the cession of all American |
rights in Greenland to Denmark. A |
condition of the offer is that all exist- j
lng Dnlsh business interest in the Dan- ,
lsh West Indies will be conserved.
Butcher Boy Takes
Out Own Appendix
Greeley, Ohio. —Roy B. \V right, I#, j
an employe of a butcher here, removed j
his own appendix as neatly and effl- •
clently, physicians say, as a surgeon
might have done it. The youth is the j
son of Dr. W. O. Wright and has spent
his life as a carver of beeves.
He was cutting meat in the butcher
shop when, in stepping from one ]
block to another, he slipped and fell
directly upon a carving knife. As
sociates In the shop hurriedly called
in several physicians, one of whom
was the young man's father. The
surgeons found that the knife had been
turned in the wound and had severed
the young man's appendix without in-
Jury to the flesh about It.
Berwick, Pa., Aug. 3. —While pick
ing berries near here Frank Slckler
and several companions were chased
by a big black bear. Slckler was seated
on a rock when the bear approached
and struck at him and tore his shirt
from his back.
Starve Husband if
You'd Avoid Divorce
Washington.—Starve your husband
and avoid divorce. The Rev. Dr. D. H.
Kress, evangelist, has figured it out,
wives. if you haven't the heart to
starve friend husband, at least don't
i feed him meat.
"I welcome high meat prices," Dr.
Kress said. "It tends to lessen meat
consumption, and that means fewer
divorces. A milder man and a gentle
woman will come with the consump
tion of less blood-glvlng food like
meat." /
Dr. Kress cited Mother Eve as an
j example of what happens when meh
! are given food.
Hoboes' Summer Villa
• Is an Old Sewer Pipe
Haverhljll, Mass, —A 24-inch sewer j
pipe which was left at Plug Pond in ,
1 preparation for the building of the'
marginal sew«r was converted Into j
a summer residence by Marshall Vlllars |
Beauty and Grace After Childkirtk
Many women are disheartened by the fear of losing
their graceful figure by childbirth. By using "Mother's
Friend" the natural beauty will be preserved and most
of the pains Incidental to confinement will be eliminated,
because the Influence of "Mother's Friend" gooi Into every llfra-
I ment, thus prep;irin« It for the awful strain with ease. Get it
r Ifrfu \ *' any dnjftgist. Send for the free book on Motherhood. Ad- ✓'ah'N
/ imm \ <! r ?" The Brad field Regulator Co., 10# Lamar Bid*,
and Patrck Foley. They were found |
there by the police.
The men had constructed frame beds !
in the pipe, hung mosquito netting over;
the ends and were quite comfortably j
situated. Captain Hill charged va- j
grancy against them and they were
sentenced to three months in the House
of Correction.
By Associated Press
Paris, Aug. 3. The American air!
squadron scored another success on |
Monday, when Sergeant N. Lufberry
downed his first German flyer near
Etain. Lufberry dived immediately,
: behind the hostile machine, firing
from his mitrailleuse. The German
pilot fell forward over the controls
and thep lane dropped headlong. Three
other Germans attacked Lufberry,
but he got home safely. ,
Special to the Telegraph
I Reading, Pa., Aug. 3. The Read
ling Company yesterday announced an
i advance in the puddling rate from $6
Ito $7 a ton. the highest figure ever
! paid in the Schuylkill Valley. This is
the fourth advance in less than a year.
More than 2,000 men are affected.
AUGUST 3, 1916.
and get that cigar enjoyment that
comes only from uniform high qual
ity. This 25-year-old quality brand
is pleasing thousands of smokers
daily. Why not you, right now?
Harrisburg, Pa.
Try Telegraph Want Ads