[Store Open All Day and Evening Until 9 P. M. To-morrow, Friday {IMPORTANT! -gg jaufitienfe August IMPORTANT! c Do your regular Saturday Shopping to-morrow and to- l<UllininOO Evening until 9 o'clock. 1 morrow evening. V-lAv By doing your regular Saturday Shopping to-morrow J Remember, by doing so you are giving the salesforce ®'*Hr/ // \ and to-morrow evening you'll be helping our salesforce C Saturday afternoon and evening as their Summer Half \ / I to Saturday afternoon and evening summer holiday. ' 1 store wiU close During August at Ip> M - To-morrow, a Day of the Biggest Bargains Ever Offered our store win close during August at Ip.M. on sat- Jv Ll store Opens at 8 O'clock and Closes at 9 P. M. To-morrow, Friday J 5 Rummage Sale of Women's and Misses' Rummage Sale In the Rummage Sale of Women's Silk Blouses and Cotton WaistsV C ir Ready-tO-Wear Garments -*■ Bargain Basemen! Scores of Po P ular Styles, Colors, Materials and All Sizes { 25c PLAIN' LADDERS, 5 feet C_ One Big Lot of Voile and I One Lot of Silk Waists I One Lot of Fine Voile I / Extra Special v Extra Special N Extra Special N sh special Organdie Waists WArt> , . __ _ _ Waists € One Lot of Women's and Misses' One Lot of 33 Women's and One Lot of 87 Women's and CHAIR 12 1 />C Worth 75c. c% m Rummatre sSn 1 Q 1 M Cloth and Corduroy Dress Skirts, Misses' Cloth One-Piece Dresses, Misses' Spring Cloth Coats, „„ „ Rummace Sale -<7n ttummage sale Worth to $2.50. (T> -fl OA I \ worth to $4.30. 01 nn worth to $5.95. flfM worth to $5.00. tf» f C/J liS(?Ss DEN ' CAMP 25c Price, . OI C Rummage Sale Jh IXM 1 9 Choice for <p 1 tUxf Choice for <p I ,UU Choice for <7.1 »i)U Endiea« vnri«»J /i Dainty shades In Crepe de Chine Price, V 1 Only 49 Skirts in this lot; as- Made of all Shepherd check; The colors are black and white fFii ETaH " 49c broidery trimmed i sorted colors and sizes. assorted styles and sizes. checks; tan and Copenhagen. ' non " rUßt P lns *u sizes. color. Exquisite styles and all sizes. 1 v -» *■ «. 1 * -f f-rr IRONING - BOAKD 89c / I 3 Rummage Lots of Women's and Misses' Summer Dresses |~2£sS?*"'■£ Big Rummagi Sail of Man's Summar Suits and Trousars \ J Assorted styles-assorted washable materials-all colors and all sizes. . EXTRA SPECIAL fytp a st»w,t»t I % Women's and Misses' /T»-fl fkf\ Women's and Misses' rfc -* Women's and Misses' f /\r HAMPERS °»> C m Men's Slimmpr C4„i+ c £\\ a r\ ta. A 9 I Summer Dresses, JbI.UU Summer Dresses 5(1 Summer Dresses, - JKl.iJf) *1.50 LOUNGING QC n Worth tTV, n v 5R4- SO OneLotof { \ worth to $3.00, for V worth t0 $4.00. for A V worth to $6.50, for OHAIRS 03C Worth to $lo.OO. Bummage Price, ... tP'i.UU Mpn'? Palm m> A t\. < ' "tsstesssr^^..Sc H,, XSIi-Tal e^ h . ta ' $5.49 1 f ' Rummage Lots of Women's and Misses' While Wash Dress Skirts — J | ) Women's and Misaes' White QQ,. Women's and Misses'' White CI QQ I Vskets a "'".. f !^ s ! 9c ' One Lot of * ' One Odd Lot * * i J i)ress Skii-ts, worth to $1.75, for OUC Dress Skirts, worth to $2.50, A "™ V,t„-;,:. 1 Tn,"^ lIS 7 $1.49 Men's Summer Sluts Men's Summer Suits Men's Summer I / - "2SS» 89c s*i 2T3 ' $6 75 75 r 1 """ «i 9 ] 3 Rummage Lots of Women's and Misses' Silk Dresses W&ra?„.s9c "£ \ Women's and Misses' (t» ■* Women's and Misses' gr Women's and Misses' Af\ V* Ten Big Rolls 1C- suits. Assorted colors and sizes. ' ?14 TS^SuSi'mpr^ri'tt 1 ' StOCk of . Genuine JIS.OO suits, all sizes; I Silk Poplin Dresses, JK I .Hf) Silk Poplin Dresses, Silk Dresses. >4- TOILET PAPER for n ■ i. 1 &umm t r t, U ita. b ut not of each style and color. \ worth to $5.95, for worth to $7.50, for worth to $12.00, for *l-25 MATTING SUIT QQ- j " f M ____________ —a.____^^_/ CASE 24-inCll 07C ——^ mmm | 5 / i v 29c FIBRE H-VXD 19 3 SPECIAL RUMMAGE LOTS OF MFTTS pantq C fltia "Plimtnao-a TA+ Of Qlllr One Lot of Women's and Misses' Silk (TiA Ar Men's *1 Kh.ki .7, lUJLI.I O rAM 1 O I I une Kummage L/Ot UI OllK Drees Skirts, worth to $~.50. Choice tp3«95 89 25x50 G i^ UG ~ 69c Pants, 79C I ° W ° rSted JQ I Men 's «3.50 Blue Serge Ao on I Jersey Sport Coats %t Biaik Jersey- %K ERDOORMAT M9c wi.^ in 8iVer36,38, h 0T * < J Women's and Misses' Silk ■ ' \ oats u ' lll 1 al one Lot of is women's and Misses' (T>q ACT s "per^ol^tor— Vi iq Auto Dusters Straw Hats Straw Hats Panama Hats A 3 I $12.50, for Palm Beach and Silver Bloom Coat SA size 51.1 V Men's SI.SO Auto qa" Men's $1.30 nr 1 I B . . . Suits, worth to $9.00. Choice for .... tl 75 R i CE BOILERS— QO„ Dusters, O %/C Straw Hats /DC Men 's SI.OO n/i ~ Mens Panama (t> i np % S Only 12 Coats—plain colors and stripes; assorted " good size VBC n . ' , ... ouraw uats # t/1 „ jt/r Hats. Choice, <J> 1 .CO i 9 sizes. Assorted styles; sizes lb to 40 only. . , T r..,....... T.r-, - _ . 0 11 lo these good All yacht shapes—in Btra w Hats Tho«» ut. u • C I J «. J ' J $2.00 ALUMINUM TEA ®1 cC tan color mats tv-, _ t 1 ~ .. Ihese hats are sold in I-fl 1 f v KETTLES 2*1.0u toior coats. tne newest straws. Mostly sizes 7to I\i. all hat stores at $3.50 / t \ $1.25 SERVING TRAYS — 4Q„ % 3 Rummage Lots of Women's & Misses' White Lingerie & Net Dresses $15 9 —— [S $3.95 | Msir*" $4.951 $7 sft R«»«age Sale of Beys' Wash Suits, Blouses aod Pants ' worth to $7.50, for I worth to $8.50, for V [ worth to $15.00, for V , 3c SXRIPE AND CHECKED B(m , fil f V sa.n.rsfrA.'.'MOc 2 ,,J,w " b T' h Tf:° MBl3o si 75 »»"• I r \ / »uus, Wash Suits, *p JL •& O worth 75c. Rummage Four Rummage Lots of Women's and Misses' D ..!sc pa S- lIM - m mmm m 12 and 15c FIGURED VOILES " j, slzes 2to 6 years. sizes 6to 17 years. UESf" Oloth and Chinchilla Coats >?*■'• %% V>V«.ei ÜBBU WOIIBVBBBBIU VVU 1.0 yard VC Boys' Bompers, worth Boys' "Oliver Twist" Boys' Linen and Khaki Boys' Snort 810,,^ Women's and Misses * Cloth Coats, worth to $6.00, for (£Q PA 19 ciudi d ng J v oiles, 40 inches wide; 111 Price, 19c\ Wash Suits, worth 75c. I Knickers, worth 75c. I worth to 75c mrl | * s ~<jj— — 1 Yarl O0 . d . C .° 1 . Orl ' n . Ka : Good* washable' styles; Rummage Sale Eummage Sale jr Bummage Price, . I I Women's and Misses' Cloth Coats, worth to $12.50. for CPP' A A 25c to 29c FINE SILK AND COT- slzes 3 7 years " a, e ,'JoV-'c '..".1 Prlce * Odd lot of good styles , L fill TON WASH FABRICS, includ- Blzes alO ® years, well Only a hundred pair in an d sizes. I jng voiles, lawns, etc.— i q Boys' Straw Hats worth made, perfect fitting. this lot. l Women's and Misses' White Chinchilla Coats, worth to $7.00, for .. . ttO Qg FTGURED 'batiste''-.s in Si-oo and *1.50.' Bum- < Boys'Baincoats, worth to , i wide! ifea? pa?ternf fiQr ° n6 LOt 0f Boys ' Palm one Lot ot Boys' Auto $2.50. Bum- A j /j/j 1 } Women's and Misses' White Chinchilla Coats, worth to $12.50, for .. gA Specla i' yard b/4C Good'" of C ——— Jhll.rill 15c BLACK AND WHITE DOT- w»nteH «!«,. Kommage Sale j r Bummaga sale qq Only 25 Coats in this a W»WV TED VOILE. 40 inches m„ waited sizes. Price tpC,/D Price OitC lot f v wide. Yard I.UI- Q ——— I S >1.25 BED SPREADS, full QQ„ | ■ I I ~~~i^———— ————__siae and hemmed. Each..o7C ■ % / whit« SP l al Co°iored f wJih 5 WomenS Silk Sweaters, worth one Bummage Lot of Chll- 11.39 PIECE LONG CLOTH. 10 I Olrto- Attractive Wash Dresses^ 1 'wnmpn'c QilU Tir 1 V f | regularly $5.00. Rum- <£l Qg «?•*** to .95c I t. W°meii s Secc Mk jj. y SST '".T.... sl.9s mage Price 3>1.»5 ™ e S jfsl.49 ««»«. ™*u»s9c , C bravs ß White Replete. Slightly soiled; one blue, three gold and _ ~E ' I Beautiful styles of plaid and . Excellent variety of deslr -1 array'of pretty styies; sizes 6 one rose; assorted sizes. styles; all sizes 307 E °° d "inches, 3-lnch hem, seam- bq" | striped ginghams; plain color cowhand 6 1008 & ost of attractive able models, patterns and col > 10 14 Second Floor. . Second Floor. Second Floor leßS ' taCh 59C 1 chambra 6 '°'^' ar 001018 a ° d BtyleS - or »- I i V • | | MM 3 y Second Floor. Second Floor. Second Floor. J Rummage Sale of Men's Furnishings s^ e °s! worth to $5.00. j g j I $2.00. Bummage 8 t° 11 l mi I I /?U/17/Tl3l J 6 Sale Of JsW<V 'f ]d DfUO 1 r f MEN'S UNION SUITS V MEN'S STOCKINGS Rummage Sale Price, ..lvC Price CDC Bummage Price if DC _ ' C 4 I Short sleeves, three-quarter length, 1 Men's Socks, worth 12^c. Bum- I Big variety of shades; enough h,-lnl a °thf a Jl e / c^ n• = a i,L o ,L du l' Fresh, clean, popular shapes, SflflnffPC M J all sizes; 50c value QQ„ mage Sale Price, 7,/ to match any head of hair. bans. thls aeason s newesL m °d- only 2o to sell f 5 [for DVC [a pair / 'fcc ) <■ ' V * \ Second Floor. Lowßathing Shoes, 20c and 25c quid- Brooches. Scarf-pin, Cuff links. Beau- \ \ MEN'S SHIBTS t MEN'S WASH TIES \ ' jj 1 f j Men's Shirts, worth to SI.OO. I Men's 25c Wash Ties. jfx . Ml mW j\ \M i| || TiJra |i WW H k'\ llf W I 50c Rubber-lined Tourist Case 80c ««orted color i»c and 30c J 1 59c I -j rs I |JJ|I ? Bringing Up Father # # # # # By McManus 1 1 [ | . N . . . • TO LOOK NOV-IFT MR TTTF FFT T THAT WILL DO Vou f "\ , —>. OINNE®TXI^ZS E H IEE - WAITER- W?E VESY BE FINE - V W NE ? WHICH 1 THIS IS /V VFRV <S\VR»T CAIN VOO PINE TODAY- HOW DO VOU FO J ENH PN 1 H Z*SA HOTEL ' E J S ' , THEM.?! [_™j "-R YOUUWHT? THURSDAY EVENING, HAKRISBURG ffSffa TELEGRAPH 'AUGUST 3, 1916. 5
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