Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 03, 1916, Page 20, Image 20

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©| S * tm £l^ ,oees [Dices, Pomeroy & Stewart j/jV
Store Open Friday Evening Till 9 O'clock
Every Section Contributes Banner Specials For This First Full Friday Shopping Day^
Special Friday From Special Friday From Special Friday From Special Friday From Special Friday From Special Friday From Special Friday From
8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.
nr;;r \ t- / \
No Friday Specials Wood Porch Shades Special Friday From Cloth and Silk Suits Mission Porch Special Friday From Men's Shirts
C- n «. COD or Mail , A f r ° lUX t , W °°t ' ,O , rC t b BAto9 - M - P - M - Reduced Swings 8A.M.t09 P. M. SI.OO mercerized and rep
oent *-'• *-*• or shades with whipcord at- **»»-< negligee shirts, many stripe
tachments— Men S Footwear $27.50, $30.00, $35.00 and „ Four-foot mission Porch Women S Summer patterns. Special Friday,
or "none Uraers 6 feet wide. »3.00 *o 35 $2.00 white duck pumps, $37.50 Summer suits in cloth Swings with galvanized iron Footwear
Filled. Va 6 U ? e et S^ al ,r s o ay 'eo with white cemented soles and taffeta, in styles that chains^° Q n 8 iplete . for $1.50 fine woven colored
value. Special Friday $2.75 and wedge heels, sizes sto were created for women of ? 198 \alue. *P Regular $4.50 grey suede stripe madras shirts, soft
' 8 feet wide, $4.50 (to CQ g Special all dav to-mor- individual tastes. The ma- rriday pumps with Goodyear welt- fold cu ff s , Special Friday,
s va io e 'fee® P wM tt e t/i'cn row . $1.25 terials are of excellent Dives, pomeroy & Stewart. cd soles and kid covered $1.15
fkina Warp WiaU value - Special Friday &4.0U grades of checks, gabar- " asement - French heels. Special all SIOO and $1.19 sport
. 12 fee * e : *' ' 5 $5.95 Misses And dine and fancy suitings in day to-morrow .... $2.9«) shirts in solid colors and
op^s«X««rn h s mi «oT« Children's JJj&WgJ Washing Machine. |
closed out.' value Special FridavS 1.80 and children s white checks; sizes range $7.50 turbine washing ma- pumps with Goodyear welt- co n ar . Special Friday, 640
Plates, worth from $1.75 to 6 feet wide. $2.65 *o i e 5-00 black suede instep f rom 34 to 40. Extra spc- chines, cedar tub. Special ed soles and leather Cuban _
$2.25 dozen. Special IQ C value. Special Friday 10 strap pumps with low flat cial all dav to-morrow Friday $5.95 heels. Special all dav to- Men's^tofe
Friday, each AU *- 8 feet wide. $3.35 tfo heek Wrialall rlav tn- } m „ r rm„ «1 *fl
Platters. 25c to $1.90 values. value. Special Friday 3>Z.40 neelS. all da\ to $10.9.> Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, morrow tfl.oU
Special Friday 12 feet wide, $6.85 tf/i Qg morrow JK>O $35 00
\'2y 2 f to 95c value - Special Friday'4.9s Misses'sl.so black kid- $42.50 ' all-wool worsted calf ribbon pumps, with Women's Silk Fibre^
Covered dishes, SI.OO to $-.-5 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart — s^in blucher oxfords with check suits* in =izes for «, „ . _ "■ welted soles and Women S OIIK nure
values. Basement. stitched soles and low flat misses and 'women, repre- Shower Bath Sprays military heels. Special all Coats
Bouillon cups and saucers. mnrrnw senting the remaining stock 98c shower Bath Sprays day to-morrow $1.90 $6.50 silk fibre coats with
25c FlffTmn * morrow »,>c of our finest quaUty gar . with 5 feet of red rubber Dives. Pomeroy * Stewart, full sash, Copenhagen and
Custard cups, were $5.00 CoffeePots Dives Pomeroy a Stewart ments. Extra special all hose. Special Friday, 090 s " " : """• white, rose and white, green
dozen. Special $2.50 29° 2-quart granite coffee *■ ' . j a y to-morrow ... $18.50 Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, _ and white. Special Friday,
"jJaCbiii.W 5c pots. Special Friday.. ITe Bathino Suit, < ' j Drawers Soeciallv ' *''< So
Special Friday, each 0 Dlv„, Pom.roy « Suv.rt, 1 C, 1 g P " $0.98 silk fibro coats With
nim. Pnmpmv & Stewart— l Basement. IVien 8 Union OUItS n r Priced three-quarter belt, Copen-
Basement. —' SI.OO union suits, broken iveaucea Dorset Covers f)rawprs with ha & e "> black a "d White,
lines, long and short sleeves, $4.95 navy and black mo- 50c nainsook corset cov- camb ric ruffle, trimmed with black and K K een and plaid
/ « risk I ires Egyptian ribbed, sizes 34 hair suits, finished with satin 'ers, embroidery or lace trim- i 1( hem green. Special l-riday.
Water Pitchers Fisk guaranteed auto tires and 36. None exchanged. bows in front and on should- med. Special Friday, JSS? Fridav ' 15* $4.95
20c White Vitrified China BPeClally SP £m »* * * A DIVeS " St6Wart NainSOOk ' drawee'trim- Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart,
.' . c •Irr • ,IAI> ritEVD SI.OO white cotton ribbed sleeve; sizes 36 to 44. Fx- second Floor. , . , c Mens store.
water Ditchers. Special rn- 30x3, $9.90 value. Friday .. *sito 1 . 1 . • 1 << , . * med with embroidery. Spe- V j
, 11\- 30x3%. $i2.~5 value. Frifiav fn'.io union suits, short sleeves, tra special all day to-mor- „:..i
day 32X3H, $14.-0 value. Friday! »i2.tb three-fourth length Sne- row S'-» \ uai 1 rmay w.h,
33x4. $20.95 value. Friday, »i«.ao • 1 r- j & All Rnus Sfraw Hal* Extra size drawers, tuck- \
Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, 34x4, $21.30 value. Friday. »1S.«0 Cial Friday <9<? n. r> 1 /\II DOy» OITrtVV XiaiS . „ ... ) CJll,
Basement. 36x4%, $30.10 value. Friday,sa«.2s Stripe Crepe de d j j c r ruffle or trimmed with Womens oilk
' xos-skid tread Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart Ixeduced h Or rriday embroidery. Special Friday, />i
v 30x3H. $ $i'3 4 40 vtluS: Friday!> —l!——J Chine Waists Broken sizes but all sizes 25$ Gloves
Mason's Fruit Jars 13x4,^522.00 0 Oa a |'ue.' FridavVSiSllS / V Regular $3.95 waists of le ' nt ? nC f St '("'''ities Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart $1.50 sixteen - button
., r , ( , • „ 34x4. $22.40 value. Friday. #111.55 P 1 C„ • 1 ctrinp rreno Ac in l-a,r of Straws made for boys 111 becond 1-loor. length Silk gloves 111 Colors,
Quart Masons fru« jars vu«. rrCandy Special. sizes to 7. V ' broken size? Special FrU
Special tnday, dozen. .409 Dives. Ponu.oy & Stewart, milk- rtinrnhtp roc- enaer ana-W nite Dlack-and- «1 OR n „H «-? straw /' % 10,.
Quart "E. Z." Seal fruit I I ettes? Special I T' ■—— ••" ( Wash Tie. ) '»)' ••"•••••••••••• •»»?
,ars. Special Friday, dozen. < ' 1.3, L,2 98c, $1.23 and $1.49 straw lsc a „ d 18c washabl e ,
Bread Makers and Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. morrow $2.98 -5. * four-.n-hand ties. Special
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart, Basement. . 50c and 69c Straw hats, Frirlav _
Basement - Boxes V —' Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. y * TTr \
t— - T, / > l Second Floor. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. ,WOmen S HOSiery
hconomv Bread • | II I mhm Second Floor, Front. Mens store. ki l r 1 i
D \ Makers. Special Friday, Carnival Dolls , black hsle seamless
Brassieres $1.50 Carnival Dolls, 25 I (TTT : .. , pT , * hose. Special Friday .. 9?
50c brassieres trimmed 83c oak finished Bread inches tall, dressed in fancy See Additional Women S Auto Caps Men S tielts 50c black silk boot hose
with embroidery. Special Boxes, large size. Special costumes. Special Friday, Fridav 50c striped auto caps. Spe- sl-°° "elastic" leather with fashioned feet. Special
Frida y 3 °e Friday 63? 89C rriaay specials cial Friday ...390 belts. Special Friday . 69? Friday 35c
D,v *"-£s. ra "'- srss,? SUw *"' D '™- est' s " w *"- on Pa g e 18 D l v„. K ., s? » >sl .».rt, D,.,,.
' V ' v * V * 1 v •
Special Friday From Special Friday From m r v- v Special Friday From Special Friday From
8 A.M. to 9 P.M. 8 A.M. to 9 P.M. Sfc M I « 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M.
Waists Extra Silk Specials Mi Stamped Upholstery Specials
inn SpeCia ! • H PIM 4 I Ci CAR A 'l'm Needlework «rf y,b "ii
ras aS batiste wafsts" " lode -p ee ". and blacky /jK j 111AL V® L. L. ANt* C s % whlte . e "l br ,° ld - Short lengths of 25c*and
tailored white or colored rida y. yard, $1.19\ * Bi I lufl S Y 29c satine for comfortables
stripes. Special Friday. 69? de 40 - h P ecial |^ 1 "
fm Ur I IL.il J JU! 1/ Specia" ( Fridaj% each, W ~
Rnndolr Cans many new Fall shades, 36 _ ___ # _ _ _ . W/h and Special Friday, yard .. 190
chine or China silk with lace $1.39 black taffeta, 36 in- (7/ J \ I >
insertion and lace edge trim- ches. Special Friday, yard, \HW|/ I \ f Women S Basement Wash
Mi And Remember, Men, "1 %
Second floor. inches, navy and helio J//\\ 7 7 ; handkerrhi^U■ 10c Voiles. Special Fn-
stripes. Special Friday, yd., Vf V\ , handkerchiefs, 1 -/ 2 C f j ay> yard si^a
•TX" - jssteaiSf jt If You Can,t Find K Convenient to
,»rjSragS»aEii|S m Come Out During the Day, You 4?'Sr'fe
Friday $0.98 in pink, rose and maise, \ V \« %• r , • , . yard 10(?
Waltham watch bracelets. y ard iO Have ALL FRIDAY EVEN- Jj Wjl jors. Special Friday, 6 for_ I Tard
Special Friday $6.98; Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart | mir-r- . y-x-r- Y ' ! 8c LaVVns > floral st y les
t ',. iINGTILL9 0 CLOCK to r
59c gate top mesh bags.! eetß Sheeting . Friday Specials in 8c Percale, grey and
Special Friday 390 49c bleached sheets, 73x90 ill |\/| q aitw W/2kl C±r*'\"\ r •*. white grounds. Special Fri
-25c rose beads. Special inches, seam in center. Spe- X vJLIX LlvJil / f I Furniture j a y 6J4C
Friday IOC c ' Friday 390 $16.50 brass bed. Special Challis in Persian
10c hat and beauty pins. 30c unbleached sheeting. TP/W Frid a y $10.90 designs. Special Friday,
Special Friday, card ... 50 2*4 yards wide. Special All Ssl F) 00 r~ All
25c gold plated hat pins. Friday, yard 250 tt" o *j Q y^w¥^k Frida y $14.95 2j4c Batiste, neat styles
Special Friday, pair .. 100 Dive», Pomeroy & Stewart. H I P RllCy oUItS tpc/« ItJ r 3,11 Cy ollltS •tJ f x Xl Golden oak > m a hogany, on white and black grounds.
Dives. Pomeroy & Stewart. Baßement ' . «« sti-i /> r~r\ a ~ / maple and Ameri- Special Friday, yard ... 80
Unbleached Mudin All $16.50, <M A AU522.50,
Lace Special* 'M Fancy Suits «pIU. ID Fancy Suits $14./0 gAgn WJ - #0 Boy. 7 wshirt.
mWA »hT t r m a g „d' P ... /(W\ All $25.00 MOTA hISW 50c sporr shirts. Speeia!
D ' V " P — S "'"' . Fancy Suits p18.50 Ml . Leather Case. Vh'irrs with
Venise lace insertion, 2/, Embroiderv Snecials A 5 9c identification and let- striped collar. Special Fn-j
W .SL enibrJderHZ'A. /ft These are final reductions. The lot of fancy suits includes pinch- km\ Speca, Friday
Valenciennes lace edges | ngs ' °P en back English sacks with patch pockets in one and two-button models MwßsQ&ffiL _ ca^ s - j'^ ow s l eeves - Special F^i
and insertions, inch wide, J ern P. e . f e '}' a j Ues ] f 1 , . , I Sp iflS F " d ? y^ -y."" ? day 79^
values to Bc. Special Fri- to , $2 ; ' 0 - b P ecial I,r^ a > r ' J \ | and conservative sacks. 'Sgggglf SI.OO elastic belting. Spe
Dives, Pomeroy &. Stewart,
day, bolt 12 yards ....** '''em Palm Beach suits, at $6.50 and $7.50 H| "'' \°* •
2.04 inches; wL, mf Dlv „. pomeroy . st „.. rl _ Scco „ a Floor . R ,;, WW ■* tssn&,--<■ Kmh Set.
values to 59c. Special Fn- | - . M W\ » M 1 2sc knife sets - butcher
Pillow Cases day ' yard 15 * !I II BTOI U1 "ll TT B B \ ill BV\ Women S Neckwear k n if e> bread and paring
. Embroidered crepe voile / HH V I I \\\ | mln ( Bw K \ SI.OO venise lace collar knife and cook fork. Special
1 sYic bleached pillow flouncing, 45 inches; values / HH \ , \\\ I l J BP | ! j B H land collar and cuff sets in Friday 190
eases, 4dx36 inches. Special to $1.30. Special 1-riday, llii'l \\ bj B /-a B n white and ecru. Special Fri- 10c stone knife sharpener.
Fnda y 10 <* y ai "d 500 L ff /fl Tk In -JK r* day 35 * Special Friday 50
Dives, Pomeroy 4 Stewart Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart Q W Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Dives, Pomeroy 4 SUwart.
Basement. Street Floor igf Street Floor. Basement.
' I ' ' " " " ' * ' II I. i ' I I ■, .1 I I .11.1. I ■■!...
'AUGUST 3, 1916.