Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 02, 1916, Page 11, Image 11
IL "SELL"II 10 W8 f MAT USED" CAI7 ~ SELL ll 'Mil "" ~| IDeatbs SIIJEC.ER—On August 1. 1916. Nora M• ; Xrieger, aged 32 years and months. „ i Funeral on Friday afternoon, at - o'clock, from the residence of nei mother,, Mrs. C. Ishey, No. 618 NV oud bine street. Burial East Harrisburg Cemetery, Friday. Kelat L ve9 friends are invited to attend without , further notice. I Lo3t and Found LOST Bunch of keys in Jitney going uptown or in central part of cit. Return to 410 Trustee Building, J.- R- Horning. LOST Cameo pin, set with pearls. ; on Saturday evening. Liberal reward it ■ returned to 613 Kelker street. I LOST On Saturday, small diamond brooch, between ISIO Briggs street and Chestnut Street Market. Reward if re turned to ISIO Briggs street. Help Wanted —Male WANTED An experienced hotel eight clerk. Apply Senate Hotel. WANTED Boys over 16 years of j age to leara shoemaking. Apply ue vine & Yungel, Shoe Manufactui ing Co. , at Harrisburg. I WANTED Young man for shipping department. All day work. Apply, Thorley Baiting Co., Sixth and Dela- j ware streets. __ WANTED lOO men to operate air hammers and grinders on steel. \\ ages, $3.24, eleven hours; 10 millwrights, o-c and 30c per hour. In Ohio district, bee Mr. Wright, Superintendent, Plaza Hotel. . CONFIDENTIAL SECRETARIES are needed everywhere; really a new pro fession; uncrowded field; salaries large; exceptional opportunities for advance ment; the Young Men's Business Insti tute, to open in Harrisburg about Sep tember 1 will be principally a secre tarial school, preparing acceptable young men to become private secre taries' the principal, a Princeton I ni versity man and an educator with yeais of experience, knows how to train >ou, typewriter furnished each student. Foi particulars address Box G, 5121, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced butcher. Apply 226 Chestnut street. LABORERS WANTED To work on Steam Heat Trench. Apply to I ore man of Harrisburg Light and Powei Company at Sixth and Forster stieet:*. WANTED Experienced farm hand with good references. Apply Alricks Estate Farm, north of asylum. H. L Richert. Maclay Street, No. S. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES MEN WANTED Ablebodied, unmar ried Men under age of 35; Citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write the English language, tor information apply to Recruiting Of ficer, Bergner Bldg., 3rd & Market Sts., Harrisburg. TYPEWRITER FREE—To each stu dent enrolling for a course in the Young Men's Business Institute, Inc., to open in Harrisburg, Pa., about September 1, 1916; will be given the choice oi an Underwood. Remington or any standaid machine; shipped direct from factory. The Young Men's Business Institute, principally a secretarial school, will prepare acceptable young men for spec ial positions of trust in private and business life. The principal, a Prince- College man, has the endorsements |H> the largest corporation in the U. S. entrance requirements; enrollment lim ited. For particulars address Box R, 5071, care of Telegraph. CIVIL SERVICE POSITIONS Mr. Depue. of the Interstate Civil Service Bureau, of Washington, D. C., can be seen at Columbus Hotel regarding ex aminations for Railway Mail Clerk, Post Office Clerk, etc., soon to be held in this (".istrict. Full particulars as to requirements, cost of preparation, etc. Address Box A. 5070, care of Telegraph. WANTED An experienced night clerk at Royal Hotel, 422 Market street. AIR CHIPPERS Steady work for Rir chippers on piecework. Can make 53.50 to $5.50 a day working under nor mal working conditions. Penn Works. Penn Seaboard Steel Corp., Front and Penn streets, Chester, Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Largest manufacturers in the world of electric vacuum cleaners has an exceptional op portunity for six live, clean-cut. ag ?ressivtf salesmen. Salary to those who lualify. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., Frantz-Premier Co., 32 North Court street, Harrisburg. WANTED Fourteen carpenters, to jo to Midland. Pa. This Job pays s4.s'i per 8-hour day. Charles P. Walter, 449 state street. Bell phone 2435. BREAD BAKERY FOREMAN WANT ED Must be capable of taking en :ire charge of bakery production of wholesale bakery at Seranton. Pa. Ad- Iress Bakery, P. O. Box 416, Seranton, Pa MACHINISTS Lathe, Planer and Boring Mill hands ■equired for modern and large size nachines. No labor troubles, steady .vork, and best wages in the state for jood men. Apply, or write. Employment De partment, The Morgan Engineering Company, Alliance, Ohio. MOLDERS WANTED Good, steady, green sand iron mould ■rs for medium and heavy mill work. This is a permanent Job, and highest vages paid. No labor trouble of any tind. Working conditions good. Apply, or write, Foundry Depart ment. The Morgan Engineering Com >any, Alliance, Ohio. CARPENTERS WANTED on concrete orms. Long job. Apply Robert Grace Contracting Company, Forster's Island, larrlsburg, Pa jv«^^vywwyvwwrtwi :Real Estate For Salej: Briggs anil Capital Sts. I 49.8 feet on Capital and 95 ■on Briggs. Present improvements? « bring in a sufficient rental to carrys ' the property until you're ready to% ! rebuild 59,000 £ , 14 X. Third St. f ' One of the few business build-5 , ings, near Market street, that are? 1 for sale. A four-story brick'build-? • ing now rented on a long term 5 <4ease. Every year the value of this} ! property is increased by the growth/ • of the city. 3" 1 1400 S. Cameron St. £ [ Entire plot contains about 1 acres on Cameron, Twelfth and? 1 Thirteenth streets. Excellent loca-£ 1 tion for a building development —4 'the "Denny" stone house can be re-5 [ modeled into a delightful home ? 1 „ $22,000? 1 2127 X. fourth St. ? 1 A three-story brick house with? 'eight rooms—bath and furnace.s 'Lot 15x80 ft. Two-story frame shop? ,on rear of lot #.'{,ooo? ; MILLER BROTHERS & CO.:• ' REAL ESTATE J. .Insurance Surety Hondx? 1 LocuHt nnd Court Streets 1 • WEDNESDAY EVENING, Help Wanted —Male WANTED Baker for second hand work on night turn in suburban shop. Address Box B, 4 401, care of Tele graph. BAKERS Good oven man. SIB.OO week. Bench man, $16.00. Steady work. Car fare refunded. Apply Kolb'» Bakery, Fifty-sixth and Market. Philadelphia. CARPENTERS' Helpers and Rigger' Helpers. Long Job. Wages, 25 cents per hour. Apply Robert Grace Con tracting Comparty. Harrisburg. Pa. AGENT WANTED Only a hustler need apply. Apply R. W. G., 1212 Wal nut street. WANTED —4O able-bodied men for piece work. White or colored. Apply in person to agent, Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl vania Railroad Company, Division 1 street, Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED First-class outside cut ters on Ladies' shoes. Good wages and steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co.. 37 Canal street, Rochester, N. Y. SALESMANAGKR WANTED to handle a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons and Carbon Paper in Eastern Pennsyl vania. Big returns assured a live wire. No investment. Address "Manu facturer," care of Teleg^iph. MEN Young, wanted to work in automobile repair shop; our school is overflowing with repair work, there fore it gives our students a chance to obtain practical repair work on all ma chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as soon as competent. Take advantage of summer rates. Auto Transportation School, 29 North Cameron street. Help Wanted —Female WANTED Young girl, over 18. to travel. Experience unnecessary. All expenses paid. Good wages. Call at once, Carnival Grounds, Mrs. W. B. Davis, Duncannon. WANTED Girl or good white wo man, for general housework. No cook ing. Call 216 Kelker street. ,l WANTED Girls for wrapping i counter. Wm. B. Schlelsner Stores, 28- 32 North Third street. WANTED Experienced chamber maid. Apply St. James Hotel, 405 Mar ket street. WANTED Young woman with some experience operating private tele phone exchange and office work. Ad dress, with giving full particulars and salary expected, to L. M., No. 1906, care of Telegraph. WANTED A reliable white girl, or woman, for general housework. Good wages. Apply ISO 2 Green street. WANTED Dressmaker wishes ap prentices at once. Apply 400 Briggs street, or call Bell phone 531 W. WANTED Marker or assorter, im mediately, in out-of-town laundry. Near I summer resort. Transporation paid. 'Good wages and steady employment. Must have experience. Address Box L [ 4411, care of Telegraph. i WANTED Girls over 16 years old j for laundry work. Wages, $6 per week. Apply Sanitary Family Washing Com j pany. Sixteenth and Elm streets. | WANTED A middle-aged woman ! for general housework. Address Mr. ! Charles Heller, 323 North Front street, I Steelton. ' WANTED Ladies for easy embroid ! ery, home work. Call from 8 to 4, 102 . Calder street. WANTED A middle-aged woman, or girl, for general housework. Apply ; 2717 Derry street. WANTED Bright, steady girls, to work on collars, in starch room, on 1 I the mangle and In marking and sorting department. Apply Troy Laundry, i '1520-26 Fulton street. WANTED Girls over 16 to' strip tobacco. Also experienced : Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers, Filler and Binder strippers. Wel fare looked after by trained nurse. ! Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com pany, 500 Race street. WANTED, AT ONC£I Sewing ma- I chine operators. .Experience not nec essary. Pressers also wanted. Blough Manufacturing Co. "WANTED Girls experienced on powtr sewing machines. Apply Har- j : risburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernou street. ' Harrisburg. Pa Help Wanted— Male and Female WANTED A fitter, thoroughly 1 capable or taking charge of alteration ! department; Woman preferred. Phone 4255 Bell. WANTED Men and women can- I vassers; experience unnecessary. Ap | ply between 8 and 9 A. M. and 5 to 6 I P. H.. Trustee Building, Room 306-307. Situations Wanted—Male WANTED Position as chauffeur, to operate jitney on commission basis-, can furnish best of references. Bell phone 897 W. Address P. O. Box 59. ( MR. BUSINESS MAN —Do you have ' a place in your business for voung, married man, steady worker, willing to learn? High school graduate. Can give references. Address H, 5128, care ! of Telegraph. i WANTED By tin and sheetiron workman, both inside and outside heat ; ers and ranges. Apply, or address, 74S Dunkel street, Harrisburg. Pa. I WANTED First-class barber wants (position as barber; can furnish refer ences. Apply in person at 1416 Thomp -1 son street, or call 521W, C. V. phone. I WANTED Position in private fam ily or in public building as butler can | furnish reference. Address Box G, 5126, | care of Telegraph. j Situations Wanted—Female WANTED A neat, colored girl would like to have a place to do general j housework. Apply 636 Briggs street. | WANTED A neat, colored girl would like to have a place as nurse, | waitress or as second girl. Address 28 j Linden street. I WANTED Colored girl would like : general housework, or day's work. Ad j dress 907 Sarah avenue. WANTED Woman wants washing and ironing to do at home, and also day's work of any kind. Bell phone ! 4030 R. House 638 Harris street, City. ; Mrs. Bender. I WANTED A reliable colored wo man would like day's work or cleaning offices or looms in apartment house. Call, or .address. 215 North River street. WANTED Girl 14 years of age 1 would like position to assist in house work or take care of children. Address L R. t care of Telegraph. WANTED Position as housekeeper for widower, in city, by a middle-aged woman. Call 707 North Nineteenth street. WANTED Competent, middle-aged I white woman wishes position as house keeper in family without children: Trustworthy In taking charge of home. Call 1622 Park street, City. W'ANTED Colored woman would like washing and ironing to do at home. Apply Rachel Gee, 138 Dock street, Harrisburg, Pa. Real Estate For Sale 1 OK SAI4S Corner of lielly and Third streets; 2%-story frame dwelling; 7 rooms and bath: storeroom; gas, elec tric light and steam neat; 2-story frame building on rear facing Third Street. Price, $6,000.00. tfrinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut Streets. FOR SAUK 907 N. NINETEENTH STREET; 2%-story frame dwelling; 6 rooms; front and rear porches; price, $1,300.00. Brinton-Packer C 0.,, Second i and Walnut Streets. FOR SALE 226 Peffer Street; 3- story frame dwelling; 8 rooms and j bath; gas. furnace. Price, $3,300.00, or | will exchange for suburban property. ; Brinton- Packer Co., Second and Walnut ; Streets. I 238 HAMILTON STREET 3-story j brick house. 8 rooms and bath hot j and cold water—furnace; good prop-| erty, fine location. Price. $3,600. >l. A. I FOUGHT, 272 North street. I 1529-1829H-IS3I NORTH THIRD I STREET Three 2 Vi -story brick I houses sewered papered fine lo- I cation set back from building line ] —porches can be added. M. A. FOLGHT, i 272 North street. i 138 N. THIRTEENTH STREET - ! story brick house, 8 rooms and bath;j hot and cold water; furnace; front porch; side entrance; new range; new boiler; lot, 20.6x85 ft.; well constructed; ] good condition. Price, $3,500. M. A. FOUGHT. 272 North street. I ' 207 HARRIS STREET 3-story brick house 9 rooms and bath furnace hot and cold water ce mented cellar side porch corner property lot, 19x97 reet. Price, $5,- 600. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North street, j 1630 SIXTH STREET 3-story brick house A rooms and storeroom first floor 4 rooms and bath second floor —2 rooms third floor. Price, $4,700. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North street. 205 BRIGGS STREET—3-story frame —7 rooms and bath city steam gas for cooking and heating water. Price. $3,400; now rented at $25. M. A. FOUGHT, 272 North street. FOR SALE 2% -story house, 7 rooms, bath, all improvements, porches, side entrance, deep lot; drive allley iti rear. Price, $1,550. Look at 1611 Re |gina Street tor »2,950. H. G. Pedlow, j 110 South Thirteenth street. PAXTANG KELSO ST. 2%-story briclc house, built in pair. Lot, 30x125. This property has all modern improve ments; steam heat and laundry. Rear drive. Can be sold at the bargain price of $3,150. H. C. Brandt, 36 North Thira street. « FOR SALE Desirable build ing lots, located on FourtL, Fifth, Schuylkill and Atla9 streets, in blocks or the whole. A splendid opportunity for builder, inquire or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee, care of Harrisburg Telegraph, city. FOR SALE Attractive, new, three - story brick house, e'ght rooms ana bath, finished in oak, .hardwood floors, vapor heat, porches, large yard, grano litnic walks, iron fences, laundry and all other modern Improvements; gooa location. Will sell on payments ot Thirty ($3o.00) Dollars per month. MacWILLIAMS CONSTRUCTION CO., BUILDERS aNU DESIGNERS, 2150 N. FIFTH ST, Harrisburg, Pa. FARM, 4 ACRES; ALL NEW BUILD INGS, HUNTER'S RUN, Cumberland County, Pa.; ideal for chicken and truck farming, also desirable for country summer home; good train service on Reading Railroad. L Elliott Middle town, Boiling Springs, Pa. A description of this property at 409 Market Street. C. B. CARE, Harris burg. FOR SALE One new, attractive, two-story bungalow, with all conveni ] ences, on North Seventh street, above Schuylkill. Price, |;i,000.00. Easy I terms. Apply W. W. Wittenmyer, Sev- I enth and Schuylkill streets. VAUGHN | One acre plots; will sell half acre; also lots 92x230 feet along M. T. trolley; 7 He fare to all parts of Har risburg and Steelton; beautiful and healthful; ground enough for poul try and vegetables; price only sl6l* per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's Grocery Store, Linglecto tvn, Pa. Ue bcription at 409 Market Street. City. FOR SALE Desirable house on easy terms within walking distance of central business section brick seven rooms furnace conveniences —corner property porches 52,500. For full particulars address M., 4255, i care of Telegraph. Real Estate For Rent i FOR RENT Furnished house; 3- | story brick; all improvements; good location; paved street front and rear. Apply E. J. Wall, 2111 Swatara street. Bell phone 1897 J. rOR RENT Dwelling at 1631 North Sixth street. Stable on the rear. Ap ply J. M. Sanders, 1631 North Sixth street. FOR RENT For colored people only, a frame dwelling house, 1130 North Front street. Apply 22t> chest nut street. 426 North street; S rooms and bath; electric light; city steam; gas stove and gas water heater; facing new Capi tol Park. Inquire 400 Nortn street. FOR RENT Will" give to party, without family, furnished room, with use of kitchen and diningroom, for care of house. For address refer Tele graph, H., 5124. FOR RENT No. 1607 State street, modern three-story briik house in tha best of condition. Immediate posses sion. Kent, fii. J. E. GIPPLE, 1261 Market Street. Apartments For Rent NO. 128 LOCUST ST., one housekeep ing apartment, furnished or unfurnish ed. Apply office, No. IS2 Locust street. SECOND ST., No. 212 Complete apartment, fi\e rooms and bath, kitchen. Apply 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., fi P. M. to 7 P. M., 212 North Second street. SECOND ST., 1700 Five and six rooms with porch; most pleasant and open surroundings in city. Rooms For Rent FOR RENT All newly furnished rooms; all conveniences; use of bath and phone. Apply 107 South Second street. Bell phone 4358 J. FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac tive, single, double or three-room housekeeping apartments. Running water in kitchen, range and cabinet, gas, strictly private,- direct entrance. Phone and bathroom privileges. For location and prices, inquire 429 Broad 10 to 11 A. M. FOR RENT Two large, well-fur nished front, second floor rooms; all conveniences; use of phone. Apply 813 North Second street. FOR RENT lj&rge bay 'window room; also front room on second iloor; desirable for man and wife or two re fined ladies. Those wishing a real home apply 117 Pine street. FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms. Excellent location and all conveniences. Would be especially suitable for several school teachers or tot husband and wife. Call, or address, 1001 Green | stret. I FOR RENT Furnished rooms. ; singly or ensuite; all conveniences; I phone, etc.; references required. Apply 1915 North Front street. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH Wanted—Miscellaneous WANTED A family of five adults want to rent furnished cottage for month of August, within five miles of city, reasonably near street car. Ad drers Box 224, or call Bell phone 1536 M. WANTED. AT ONCE A good home, where no children are, for a girl 12 years, for boarding and clothing Call 1609 Derry street, or Bell phone 3753 R. BAGS WANTED SECOND-HAND Bags, Burlap, Scrap Bagging and Twine. Write for prices. RICHMOND BAG COMPANY. Dept. 48. Rich mond, Virginia. WANTED Good, country home for three boys and two girls ranging in age from 5 to 13 years. Call, or ad dress. 2013 North Cameron street. WANTED—Good. Christian home for child for one year only. Willing to pay. Address 8., 5125, care of Telegraph. WANTED, YOUR ATTENTION Carpets and Rugs scoured at reducea rates during the months of July and ; August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont gomery street. I Wanted—Board—Rooms WANTED Boardinghouse, country preferred, for sickly colored girl aged eight. Address P. O. Box 405, Harris burg. Pa. Board and Rooms BOARDING AND ROOMS Can ac commodate a few more boarders; rea sonable rates, with the best the market affords. 123 South Second street. For Sale —Miscellaneous PUBLIC SALE at the resi dence of Mrs. E. D. Morris, 426 North street, at 1 p. m.; a large lot of extra fine furniture, only used a short time. C. Fry, auc tioneer. FOR SALE Beautiful bedroom set, with twin beds, in perfect condition; only used two months; also a refrigera tor. brand new. Will sacrifice to quick buyer. Can be seen any evening this j week between 6:30 and S, at 107 South | Front street, Engel, or phone 356 J. ! BOOKS Build up your library with 1 good books at sacrifice prices; 10,000 ; volumes on all subjects to select from. Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third. FOR RENT -rypewriters bought, sold or rented. Harri-burg Typewriter 1 and Supplv Co., 40 North Court street. i FOR SALE Three Shetland ponies, j wagon and harness. Apply J. M. San j ders, 1631 North Sixth street. FOR SALE Marlin, 22 re -1 peating rifle. Twenty-five shot ' repeater. Handles 22 short, long |or long-rifle cartridges. Octagon barrel. Original cost $11.50. Will : sell' at bargain. Address box S-4406, care of Telegraph. FIRE SALE OF HARDWARE at 323 Broad street, daily and Saturday even ing. Immense stock of all kinds of Hardware at unheard of prices. Five hundred Atkins handsaws, chisels. Tools of all kinds. FOR SALE A two-seated surrey: also one set of single harness; as good as new. Apply Ober's Old Stand, Court and Cranberry streets. FOR SALE, at Gable s, 111-117 South Second street, Lawn Fence, Field Fence, Gates, Poultry Netting. Building Hara wai e. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board. Compo-Board, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings. Porch Posts. Pumps, etc. FOR SALE Diamond and Good rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases, Harness and Leather Goods made to order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings. HARRISBURG HARNESS & SUPPLY CO.. SECOND AND CHESTNUT STS. FOR SALE CARDS on sale at the Telegraph Business Office. ROOMS FOR RENT CARDS call be secured ct the Telegraph Business Office. AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South Second street, 6,000 gallons New Era ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. All the full line of the Acme make. AT GABLE'S, 111-117 South Second street. 6,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, 12 L primed and glased. at $1.30 per set. Also other sizes. Also door* and shut ters. For Rent—Miscellaneous STORAGE in Private Rooms; also fur nished office or unfurnished storeroom, 16x17, with large show windows, high ceiling, suitable for light repair work; cemented basement in connection. Will rent basement or room separate if de sired. Inquire 429 Broad street, 10-11 A. M., or Room 6, same building. FOR RENT—Offices suitable lor a doctor or dentist or general purposes. Light, heat and at tendance. Dr. John Oenslager, 711 North Third street Business Opportunities HOTEL OPPORTUNITY The furnishings and fixtures of the ! Central Hotel. Columbia, Pa., for sale. ' Nineteen guest rooms, large barroom and diningroom. Doing a business of SIB,OOO per year. Price, $3,600. Rent, *125 per month. J. G. Forney, Lancas ter, Pa. APPLICATION will be received by the ; undersigned, from parties of responsi bility for the GENERAL SALES AGENCY in this territory for the best selling automobile In the S6OO to sl,oou class. Liberal commissions, prompt deliveries and but small investment re j quired. Address, with full particulars, ! E. M. Carroll, Suite 618, 26 Broad street, j New Yorfc, N. T. 1 BEFORE BUYING a reoullt BICYCLE elsewhere. Inspect our stock and prices. | Special bargains and prices for summer | months. J. B. Murray, 1014 James | street. ANY Intelligent person can earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Send for pai- I Oculars. Press Syndicate. 79S Lock j port. N. Y. Business Personals - LEATHER Traveling Bags and Sult ' cases (drummers' samples) positively at the lowest prices in the city. Call and |be convinced. Also suits of clothing, I watches, diamonds and sporting goods at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable Pawnbrokers, 431 Market street, at | subway. s CARPETS AND "at re duced rates during the months of July j and August. Keystone Rug Co., 1116 | Montgomery street WHITE DETECTIVE, AGENCY Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detectlr* work bandied—one eye always open. BELL PHONF. 127 W. Hauling and Moving HAULING ~~~ I R. A. HARTMAN, National Transfer Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers | and general hauling. W. H. Lathe, Manager, Fifth and Woodbine streets. Bell phone No. 2603 R. GENERAL HAULING One and one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire. Prompt attention 'to moving. Truck parties solicited. H. G. Garmao, Mo ti ling's Garage. Both phones. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Bros. & Co., members New York and Philadelphia Stock Ex changes, 3 Xorth Market Square, Har risburg; 1338 Chestnut street. Phila delphia; 34 Pine street. New York, furnish the following quotations: New York, Aug. 2. Open. Close. Allis-Chalmers 21% 21% American Beet Sugar... 90 87% ! American Can 55% 54% I Am. Car & Foundry Co. . 59'4 57 Vi American Cotton 0i1... 53 Vi 52 % j Amer. Ice Specialists. ... 27% 27 Vi i" American Locomotive... 69% 68% ! American Smelting 93 92Vi 1 American Sugar 109% 109 % 1 Anaconda 79 78 V? ( Atchison 102% 102 Baldwin Locomotive.... 73% 70% i Baltimore and 0hi0.... 85% 85% Bethlehem Steel 435 435 Butte Copper 67% 65 Califoria Petroleum 18% 18% Canadian Pacific 176 176 Musical FOR SALE Strictly nigh grade GHAND PIANO. Used short time. Will sell at a bargain. Address Box D. 4311. • care of Telegraph. HAVE your VICTROLA, GRAFANOLA or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR ED by an expert. Bell phone 3242 J. Write, or call, at 315 Broad street. j Money to Loan MONEY TO LOAN on Real Estate ■ecurity in any amounts and upon aoy t«.ri.is to suit borrower. Address P. O. Box 174. Harrisburg. Pa. MONEY advanced to housekeeper* at l legal buslnosa confidential. Prolit Sharing I .can Society, Room 7. Spooaor Building. 'J North Market Square. Storage i FIREPROOF STORAGE. Private rooms for household goods. $2 per month and up. Wte invite inspection, i ' Low insurance. 437-445 South Second street. Harrisburg Storage Company. I STORAGE in 3-»»Oiv brick building, ! rear 408 Ka.itet street, i Household goods in private J rooms. Reasonable rates. Apply to i ! P. G. Diener. Jeweler. 408 Market St. j STORAGE 419 Broaa street, house- ! hold goods and merchandise. Private ? I rooms. $1 to $3. Wagons. 75 cents per 1 ! month. D. Cooper & Co.. 411 Broad street. Both phones. \ Summer Resorts and Cottages WANTED Family of four, no chil dren. want to rent furnished cottage at Mt. Gretna. August sto 14. Call ] 1792W Bell phone, at once. COTTAGE. FURNISHED, FOII RENT , at Riverview, along Susquehanna River, ten miles from Harrisburg. Ap ply J. K. D., care of Telegraph. FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage. 1 furnished, between Accomac and Wild Cat. Fine location. A. L Resch, Mari etta, Pa. AutomoDiies FOR SALE One Grant, six-cylinder touring car; electric lights and starter; in first-class condition; good tires; would make good jitney. Apply H. F. Willoughby, Commercial Car Co., Thir teenth and Howard street, or Bell phone 1870. FOR SALE One Hupinobile tour ing car; also one Ford delivery. Call at 1614 Regina street, or Bell phone 2091M-2. FOR SALE The following Ave and seven-passenger used touring cars at from $275 upward: Two Studebakers, Cadillac, Jackson, Pennsylvania, Metz and Ford. Your inspection is invitea. Swab Wagon Co., Elizabethville, Pa. BIG BARGAIN for quick buyer. 1914 Jackson automobile, first-class condi tion, equipped with electric starter and lights; new tires on rear; full elliptic springs; shock absorbers; run five thou sand miles. W. H. Tyson, P. O. Box 202, Millersburg, Pa. KLINE KAR Five-passenger touring; 1912 Model; 40-H.-P., 6-cylinder: 5 practically new tires; Presto-light; fully equipped; good con dition; could be converted into truck; sacrifice price. Backenstoss Bros., Kusa Building. FOR SALE Late model Ford roadster. Just been overhauled. Shock absorber. Speedometer. Extra tire. $265. Apply 424 Reily street. Bell phone 2281 W. SECOND-HAND CARS One b-pas senger De Cambel, one 5-passenger 1»14 Ford, newly painted, in excellent con dition; one 5-passenger 1916 Ford, good as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for sale at Fo:d Garage, Middletofrn, Pa. & M. Snavely. Manager. WE WANT AUTOMOBILES ot any fcind. If you cannot sell your car, why not consign it or exchange it with UJ lor a better one. Our charges for sell ing are 5 per cent only. No storage charges if car Is not sold. Auto Trans portation Exchange Department. 25-2) North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710. 1912 Ove-passenger Regal; good shape: new tires all arouna; big bar gain for quick buyer. 1912 flve-passenger Pullman, com pletely overhauled; A 1 condition; good upholstering; good top and tires; big bargain. MILLER AUTO CO.. 88 South Cameron St. Rell nhonn 4119 J. Motorcycles and Bicycles MOTORCYCLE BARGAINS See our stock of machines. Get our easy . terms. Saves money. Dayton Cycle Cq., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 385 J. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES AND PARTS Bought for highest cash prices. Write, phone or call. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. Bell phone 38oJ. FOR SALE lndian motorcycle, 1914 model, equipped with side car. No rea sonable offer refused. Can be seen from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. at 1609 Susquehanna street. WANTED Sidecar for 1915 Harley- Davidson. Write, or call, 933 Susque hanna street, City. Legal Notices NOTICE MY wife. Mrs. J. C. Hoffman, having left my bed and board of her own free will, therefore I will not be responsible for any bills contracted by her. J. C. HOFFMAN. NOTICE Letters Testamentary on the Estate of Catharine Ann Etter, late of Harrisburg, Dauphin -County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make Im mediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settle ment. CHARLES F. ETTER, GEORGE E. ETTER. Executors. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION NOTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between the WILMER & VINCENT THEATER COMPANY. WILMER & VINCENT. INC., and NATHAN APPELL, has been dis | solved by mutual agreement, and the I Interests of the said Nathan Appell be ! Ing acquired by Walter Vincent and ! Eugene L Koneke, which new firm has taken over all of the assets and assum ed all of the liabilities of the said part nership, in the City of Harrisburg. in so far as they relate to the Majestic, Or pheum and Colonial Theaters, and that all persons interested therein will gov ern themselves accordingly. FOX & GEYER, w Attorneys. AUGUST 2, 1916. - Central eLather 5414 54 I' Chioagc, Mil and St Paul 9ti 95% I Chicago, R I and Pacific 17% 18 |J Chine Con Copper ..... 47 *4 4? Colorado Fuel and Iron. 4 4 4 3 Consolidated Gas 185% 135 V* Corn Products 13 V- 13% Crucible Steel ... 69% 68% Crucible Steel pfd 116 117% Distilling: Securities .... 44 44 Erie 35% 35 1 Erie Ist pfd 52% 52% General Electric Co .... 16914 168% Goodrich R F 72% 71% 'Great Northern pfd .... 117% 117 Inspiration Copper .....' 48% 47% Kcnnecott 45 44% Lackawanna Steel 71 71 Lehigh Valley 77% 77% 1 Maxwell Motors 80% 77% ' Merc Mar ctfs 26 % 25% Merc Mar ctfs pfd 88% 86% Mex Petroleum 97% 95% Miami Copper 33% 33% Missouri Pacific 4% 5% , National Lead 63% 63 New York Central ..... 104 103% N Y N H and H 59% .58% Nor and West 128% 128% Penna Railroad ....... 55% 55% Pittsburgh Coal 27% 27% Pittsburgh Coal pfd 100% 100% Pressed Steel Car 47% 47% Railway Steel Spg 4 3 4 3 Ray Con Copper 23 22% Reading 95% 93% Republic Iron and Steel. 47% 46% Southern Pacific 98% 98 I Southern Ry 23% 23 Southern Ry pfd 67% 67% Studebaker 127% 123 Tennessee Copper ..... 25% 25 jThird Ave 61% 61% | Union Pacific 139% 137% U S I Alcohol 110% 106% lU S Rubber 52% 53 |U S Steel 87 86% U S Steel pfd 117% 117% Utah Copper 77% 77 I Virgina-Carolina Chern. 39% 38% I West Union Telegraph.. 93 93 : Westlnghouse Mfg 57% 56% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press I Philadelphia, Aug. 2. Wheat Higher; No. 2. red, spot and August, $1.27#1.30; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.25 (®I.2S. ■ Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local, I <>2@92%c; steamer. No. 2, yellow, local. 91<®91%c. Oats Firm; No. 2. white, 49@49%c; I No. 3. white, 46% @47 %c. ! Bran Market firm and higher; I CtlV mills, ttllllr. ■••I lin ;. •> 5(1 ! ern, winter, per ton, J2G.50; soft, winter. 1 per ton, $24.00@25.00; Spring, per ton, 1 $23.00®23.50. Refined Sugars Market dull; i powdered, 7.75 c; fine granulated, 7.65 c; confectioners' A. 7.55 c. Butter The market is firm; | western, creamery, extras, 30®31c; I nearby prints, fancy, 33c. ! Kegs The market la firm; | Pennsylvania and other nearby lirsts, free cases, $7.80 per case; do., current | receipts, free cases, $7.35@7.65; west ern, extras, firsts, free cases, sß.lo® : 8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.50 I @7.80 per case. Live Poultry Market steady; I fowls, 19%@21c; roosters, 14@15c; Spring chickens, 20®26c; do., broilers, 30®38c; ducks, 14@16c; geese, 14® 16c. Dressed Poultry—Steady; fowls.fancy 22@22%c; do., good to choice, 21@21%c; do., smali sizes, 18<&>2»c- old 15c; broiling chickens, nearby. 27® 34c; do., western, 22@27c; roasting chicken*, wcaicrii. chuii> funo .-tit 20c; do., fair to good. 15® 18c; Spring ducks, nearby, 19@20o; do., western. 12 @>lijc; geese, nearuy. loto-Uc, uu . w«jc em ihwile. Potatoes The market is steady; Eastern Shore. No. 1, per barrel. $1.75@2.00; No. 2, do., 75c%51.00; do., culls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. No. 1, per I barrel. $1.50@1.75; do., No. 2, do., 75c; l Jersey, per basket, 40@45c. - Flour Dull, but steady; winter, straights, $5.25(6 5.75; do., patents, $5.75 @6.00; Spring firsts, clear, $5.30@5.75; i do., straights, $5.60®5.90; do., patents. |56.00@6.50; do., favorite brands, $6.75® Hay The market is steady with a fair demahd; No. 1. large bales, $19.00 ©20.00: medium bales, $19.00020.00; No. 2. do., $17.00® 18.00; No. 3, do.. $15.00 ! @16.00; light mixed, No. il. do., $16.00®17.00; No. 2, do., $14.00© j 15.00. CHICAGO CATTI.E * By Associated Press • Chicago, 111., Aug. 2. Cattle Re ceipts, 18,000: weak. Native beef cat tle. $6.70® 10.35;. western steers, $6.65® 8.40; stockers and feeders, $5.00@7.90; cows and heifers. $3.50@9.15; calves, $8.50® 12.00. She»p Receipts, 16,000; unset tier!. Wethers, $6.75® 8.15; lambs, $7.25 @ll.lO. Hogs Receipts. 30,000; weak, 5c to 15c under yesterday's average. Bulk of sales, $9.20®9.85; light, $9.35@9.90; mixed, $8.75®10.00; heavy, $8.80®5.95; rough, $8.80@8.95; pigs, $7.75@9.40. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE By Associated Press Chicago, 111., Aug. 2.—Board of Trade closing: Wheat September, 1.30%; De cember, 1.34%. Corn September, 79%; December, 68%. Oats September, 42; December, 44. Pork—September, 24.42. Lard September, 12.55; October, 12.57. Ribs September, 13.30; October, 13.10. # Unusually Heavy Vote Cast by Kansas Republicans By Associated Press Topeka, Kan., Aug. 2. With a vote cast which political leaders and election hoard officials to-day judged to be not more than a third of the registration, Kansas came through her fifth State-wide primary yesterday with less than the usual excitement. Probably the feature of the day was ' the unusually heavy Republican vote cast which leaders declared was caus ed principally by several spirited con tests among candidates for high State offices. W. C. Landson, early to-day had a good lead over B. S: Gailskill, In the race for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination. In the first congres ' sional district on the Democratic ticket. Dr. Eva Harding Is ahead of Herbert J. Corwine. Governor Capper, who was unopposed leads the Re publican ticket. < State Commlsloner of Health Dixon Three Months' Work Ahead of Guardsmen at Border Special to the Telegraph El Paso, Tex., Aug. 2.—The militia : beginning to-day will get down to regular work, a system of training that will last three months having ■ been outliried by the military author i itles for all border troops. As a result of the orders militiamen settled down to a definite under , standing that they will have service here f<»r many months before return ing home, even if conditions In Mex ico do not call for active work in that country. The month of August will be de voted to company drills in all of the camps, the first half of September to battalion maneuevers and the last half 1 of the month to September 25 to regi -1 mental maneuvers. From September 26 to September 30 brigade move ments will he under way. During the month of October field work and maneuvers will be the order of work for the entire month. INDICT 5 FOR MURDER San Francisco, Aug. 2. lndic tments charging, murder were voted to-day by the grand Jury against five of the persons now under arrest in connection with the preparedness parade bomb explosion. " DOUBT WHETHER TROOPS CAN VOTE Capitol Officials Uncertain Whether Enrollment and Registration Stands Questions which have arisen as to the ability of Pennsylvania's National Guardsmen now at the border to cast votes at the November election will be taken up by State officials within a few weeks and there are fears that un less some way can bo found to get around the personal registration law requirements for the cities and the en rollment law for the boroughs and the townships Guardsmen will be prevent ed from voting. Personal appearance before a regis trar or an assessor is a requisite to be ing registered or enrolled, and as the Guardsmen are a couple of thousand miles from home there have been some pretty grave questions raised on Capi tol Hill. A number of inquiries have been made by men at the border about their votes, but as yet the officials in charge of ballot matters have not given any replies, as they want to get legal opin ions. Whether the requirements of registration or enrollment acts can be waived because of Federal service is doubted by some at the Capitol. The Public Service Commission will near the complaints against the rates and service of the Springfield Consoli dated Water Company in Philadelphia 1 "stead of Harrisburg, and the date will probably be set next week when an executive session is to be held. En gineers and accountants have been at work on the company's affairs as part of the investigation bv the commission for a couple of months. The following appointments of jus tices of the peace were announced at the State Capitol to-day: G. W. Heilr man, Bryn Athyn, and Patrick Gormley, East Norriton township, Montgomery; E. P. Hall, Muncy, Lycoming; Henry. Bahich. Duryea, Luzerne; John T. Kin nan, Green township, and Joseph G. Sechler, Cherry Tree, Indiana: George W. Holland, St. Clairsville, Bedford; Leslie G. Peck, Wesleyville, Erie; L. A. Skinner, Pine township, Armstrong; Ulysses S. Bird, Canton. Bradford. State Commissioner of Health Dixon to-day sent directions to the borough of Bristol to immediately inaugurate a ! clean-up of all highways and premises i in the town which are not in sanitary I condition. his action was taken be cause of reports of inspections made in the borough. —A complete report of the manner in I which tne health authorities of New York City have been handling the out break of infantile paralysis in that city has been placed in the hands of Commissioner Dixon by one of the State medical inspectors, who was de tailed to make observations some time ago. The inspector worked with the New York City authorities and had ac cess to all reports and districts. Joseph B. LeCompte, assistant cashier of the State Treasury, has returned from a brief vacation. James C. Patterson, of the Depart ment of Public Grounds, who has been ill, has been welcomed back to the Capitol by his friends. Paul N. Furman, chief statistician, has returned from some investigations into compensation matters in Lacka wanna county. M. B. Smith, of Sunbury, was appoint ed a notary public to-day. Thomas H. Garvin, chief clerk of tha House, was at the Capitol yesterday on an automobile trip through this section. Charles R. Willitts, of the State De partment, was called to his home, in Reading', by the death of his mother. Commissioner James Alcorn is act ing as Resident Public Service Commis sioner this week. Chairman Ainey has gone to his home ,in Montrose, for a .CANADIAN TOWN BURNING Quebec, Que., Aug. 2. Dispatches say the entire village of Ste. Anne do la Pocatiere is burning. Quebec and other cities have sent aid to the scene of the conflagration, the origin of which is unknown. NO REPRIEVE FOR CASEMENT London. Aug. 2. Gavin Duffy, Roger Casement's solicitor, said this after noon that he had reason to believe there would be no reprieve In the case of the former knight, who is to be exe cuted by hanging at Pentonville prison to-morrow morning. HUGHES & DIER Members Chicago Board of Trade GRAIN Wheat, Corn, Oats, Provisions Carried on Favorable Terms. Continuous Quotations Posted In Our Board Room. Large or Small Orders Will Always Receive the Same Prompt Attention. V itc lor Our Dally and Weekly Grain Letters 1435 Walnut St, \ Philadelphia i ——. , t....... ... ■.......« ■ Prospect Hill Cemetery MARKET AND "JOTH STREETS This cemetery Is soon to be en , larged and beautified under plan* prepared by Warren H. Manning. Lots will be sold with the per petual care provision. Prospect Hill Cemetery Co. * Herman P. Miller. PreMdect LOCUST AND COURT STREETS BELL. PHONE 1503 VI » ' »■« ' • • ■ ■ +4 ) Suggestion! and Eitlmatei Gives Fret J. M. SMITH 1 Hard Wood Floors LAID AND FINISHED OLD FLOORS RENOVATED t STAIRS COVERED WITH HARDWOOD ' FLOORS KEPT IN CONDITION Bell i>banei 1381 M. 1210 Brookniiod St. Harrlabar*, Pa. Dauphin County Bonds The undersigned solicits pro -1 posals for the sale to it, at not ■ exceeding par and interest, of s sufficient Dauphin County 3% Bonds j due 1931 to permit the investment of $22,577.64 for the benefit of the 3 sinking fund established for the > issue of January 1, 1901. f Proposals pursuant to this no tice should be sealed and plainly r marked "Proposals for the Sale . of Dauphin County Bonds due j s 1931," and received by the un- \ 1 dersigned not later than four , c o'clock p. m., August 3, 1916. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids, in whole or In part. [ Commonwealth Trust Company > | ; TRUSTEE Harrisburg, Pa. • „„« . . 11