Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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( >1
Witmer, Bair & Witmer
During August oar store will keep open Friday night
until 9 P. M., close Saturday at 1 P. M.
Continuation of our 20 per. cent. Discount Sale on all
garments in the house —waists excepted.
Nothing sent on approval, laid away, nor exchanged.
A cool store for summer shopping plenty of
ceiling fans.
Witmer, Bair & Witmer
West End Man Has a Pleasant
Celebration of His Fiftieth
Natal Dav
There was a most delightful fete on
the lawn at the home of John Kline,
2830 North Second street in celebra
tion of his fiftieth birthday. It was
an entire surprise to Mr. Kline who
received gifts and congratulations
from many friends. Jack O'Lanterns
lighted the lawn where games, music
and refreshments were enjoyed by the
following people: Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kline,
Mr. and Mrs. John Kline, Miss Lulu
Taylor, Miss Elsie Lower, Miss Helen
Lower, Miss Dorothy Lower. Miss
Dorothy Hanson. Miss Virginia
Labadie. Miss Florence Walker, of
Brooklyn. X. Y.; Miss Harriet Keller
of Philadelphia; Enimett Kline, Har
old Kline, Joe Kline, Jack Labadie,
and Robert Williams.
Grocers to Booosst Annual
Picnic With Parade
The Harrisburg Grocers' Association
held their regular meeting at the Met
ropolitan hotel hotel last evening and
completed arrangements for their an
nual picnic at Hershey Park Thursday,
August in. it is expected the attend
ance will be over 15.000.
On Tuesday evening. August R, the
grocers will hold an automobile par
ad over the principal streets to boost
the picnrc. Over 200 decorated ma
chines will be in line. The parade will
form at Front and Market streets at
The program committee has com
pleted the sporting and athletic pro
gram, and are now assigning the prizes
for the different events. Some of the
prizes Include: Cans of lard, barrels
of potatoes, and flour, crates of lemons,
hams, gold matches, $5 gold pieces, ten
pound boxes or canc.v, umbrellas and
numerous other valuables.
Miss Elizabeth Cameron of Rich
mond, Virginia, is the guest of Mrs.
Lyman D. Gilbert at Fairfield, her
country place.
Miss Helen Benson of Baltimore
■was guest of honor at a luncheon of
ten covers to-day given by Miss
Lauretta Kline of North Second street,
■whom she is visiting.
Miss Edith Strickler, of Penbrook,
and Miss Fay Renn, ot this city, spent
the week-end in York, where they vis
ited Mrs. P. F. Aldinger.
Miss Rita Buxhaum, of 1913 Xorth
Second street, and Miss Sylvia Claster,
of 801 Xorth Second street, left to-day
for Doubling Gap Springs, Pa.
Mrs. Abraham Fortenbaugh has re
turned to her home. 1713 Xorth Sec
ond street, after spending some time
in Halifax
Mrs. Sidney Rubin and son, Sid
ney. Jr., returned to their home, 1923
Xorth Second street, after spending
some time at Xew Bloomfield, Pa.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merritt Singer
and son, C. Merritt Singer, Jr.. of 2007
Xorth Second street, are spending
some time at Cold Springs cottage,
Williams Grove.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. McDevlt and
family, of 1807 Green street, left ves
terday for Inglenook to spend a "few
Mr. and Mr®. Jonas Fuld and daugh
ters. Isabel and Caroline Fuld. have
returned to their home in Baltimore
after visiting Mrs. Fuld's sister, Mrs.
Alfred Seligman. of this city.
School of Commerce,
Troup liuilcling 15 So. Market e>q.
Day & Blight School
Bookkreping. Shorthand. Stenotypjr,
Tj-pcwrillng and Penmanship
Bell 485 Cumberland 249. Y
Harrisburg Business College
A Reliable School. 31st Year
529 Market St. Harrisburg, Pa.
The Pennsylvania State College,
Edwin Erie Sparks, Ph. D., L.L. D.,
Offering thirty-eight courses of study
of four years each. Tuition free, inci
dental charges moderate. School year
begins September 13, .1916. For infor
mation, address
The Regidtrar, State College, Pa.
Dr.H. R.Wiener i
haa removed to
234 State Street
From 30(1 JVorth Second Street
Cumberland Valley
Presbyterian Reunion
Thursday, August 3d
Train leaves Harrisburg at
7:15 A. M.
81.40 For the Round Trip
■ -'1
F. & M. Employes Expect
Bigger Picnic Than Ever
i The committee in charge of the an
nual excursion of the employes of the
[Harrisburg Foundry and Machine
: Works to Willow Grove Park. Phila
delphia, to be held on Saturday,
August 12, predict that this year's
event will outstrip any of its predeces
sors in popularity. Despite the fact
that the public's attention has been
occupied the past few weeks with
| world and local events of an unusual
j character, they state that they have
| been fairly besieged with inquiries re
; garding details of their trip, from
those who make this yearly excursion
, a part of their vacation.
I The excursion is one in which any
one is privileged to participate, and
the committee is working overtime in
its efforts to make the trip a most
j enjoyable one. In addition to the new
(attractions that will be seen at Willow
, Grove Park this year, there will be a
baseball game on the National League
| grounds in Philadelphia between the
! New York Giants and the Phillies
which is bound to make a strong ap
! peal to lovers of the national game.
Miss Mildred F. Lybarger of Head
ing is visiting her sister. Mrs. L. F.
ißratten. 2152 Green street.
Mrs. George P. Drake, of 2218 North
; Fifth street, is spending the week
with Mrs. Arthur Cowdrey, Ha maker
and Eshleman streets, Highspire.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennen, of 1222 Say
ford street, are spending several weeks
j in Philadelphia and Atlantic City with
i their daughter. Mrs. Joseph Bowker.
i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Claster and
daughter, Miss Clarabel Claster of SOI
I North Second street, are home after
a delightful trip to Buffalo, Niagara
Falls and Erie.
| Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Willets, of
SOS Capital street, were called to
I Reading by the death of Mr. Willets'
aged mother.
Mrs. Violet Hollar Bolan and small
daughter, Gladys Bolan, are taking an
extended trip to Waynesboro, Pen Mar,
Chambersburg and Shippensburg.
John Denniston and daughter. Miss
Stella Denniston. have returned to
Kirksville, Mo., after visiting Dr. and
Mrs. Elmer E. Denniston, 411 North
Second street.
Mrs. Samuel P. Segelbaum, 120
South Second street, Harrisburg, is
visiting Mrs. Alvin I. Miller at Park
View cottage, Mount Gretna.
Miss Kathleen Gordon, of Rich
mond, Va., is visiting her cousin, Miss
| Elsie Gates, of Penn street, for the
i month.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Edelblute and
; children spent Sunday with Mr. and
! Mrs. William Gingrich, of Penbrook.
Mrs. Harry Zcrger, of Enhaut, spent
the day as the guest of Mrs. Carl
■ Edelblute, of 1412 Thompson street.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Tyson, of
1 406 Briggs street, and Mr. and Mrs.
Scott S. Leiby, of Marysville, have re
turned home after a motor trip to
| Pen Mar.
Sirs. Young, of Perdix, spent yes
| terday in Harrisburg.
Rusiel Wileman. of 1418 Thompson
street, has returned home after spend
i ing some time al the seashore.
Mrs. A. H. Kreider, of 1408 Derrv
j street, who has been confined to her
, home on account of illness, is con
; valescent.
John Spitler, of 1614 Swatara street,
] spent the week-end in Atlantic Citv.
j Mrs. T. P. Ettele, of 1114 North
i Second street, is convalescent after a
painful accident to the foot.
j Miss Florence Zorger, of Enhaut.,
'has reti.Tned home after an extended
j visit with her aunt at Carlisle.
Miss Elva Weirick, of 1714 Briggs
street, spent Sunday at Penbrook as
! the guest of Mrs. William Gingrich,
j Mrs. William Brown and Miss Fan-
I nic Erown, of MifHinburg. are visiting
• Mrs. J. C. Leiby, of 1264 Derry street.
; P.oss Hoffman, of Hamilton street,
left to-day for Mount Gretna, where
he will spend a few days visiting Ar
thur and Harold Hibler, of this city,
j Misses Edith and Grace Tatnal, Miss
Anna Saul and Miss Grace Rhoades
I returned to-day to this city after a
■ month of camping at Shermansdale.
Miss Charlotte Crabbe, of Whitehall
street, is spending some time at Wil
liams Grove.
I Mr. and Mrs. .T. M. Lloyd and family,
. of S3 North Saventeer.th street, left to
day for Mount Gretna, where they will
j spend rorne time.
i Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Hoke, 1809
! North Second street, and son, Russel
Hoke, left yesterday for Big Chebeague
Island, Casco Bay, Maine, where they
will spend the month of August.
( \
Quality GORGAS Service
GorgasDrug Stores
10 X. Third Street
Pennsylvania Station
Party For Miss Henrietta Riley
of Philadelphia' at the
Waldheim Cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Fishburn of
1802 Walnut street gave-a truck ride
to the Waldheim cottage at Dauphin
last evening in honor of Miss Henrietta
Riley of Philadelphia.
After a pleasant trip a light supper
was served to twenty guests. Those
present were Miss Henrietta Riley,
Thomas Jenkins, H. Kitchen, Mr. and
Mrs. Wm. Cleckner, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
H. Furman, Mr. and Mrs. Harry A.
Fishburn, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Chester.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Killinger, Mr. and
Mrs. Chester Kirk, Mr. and Mrs.
James D. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
The evening was pleasantly spent
lin dancing and contests.
Pretty Prenuptial Event
For Miss Reba Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Cohen of New
Cumberland entertained last evening
in compliment to their daughter, Miss
Reba Cohen, whose marriage to I. W.
Wilenchik of Philadelphia, will be an
event of the month.
Games, music and refreshments
were enjoyed by the Misses Henrietta
Caplan of Williamaport; Dorothy Et
tinger, Carlisle; Gertrude Levin, Ida
Yoselowitz. Sara Cohen, Katie Cohen,
Steelton; Helen Cohen, Lena Finkel
steln, Bessie Kerson, Tillie Freedman,
Etta Kline, Celia Shulman. Tillie
Basch, Mollie Freedman, Reba Shul
man. Annie Garonzik, Rose Cohen,
Sara Baturin, Rose Sherman, Anna
Michaels, Reba Cohen, Mr. and Mrs.
H. M. Cohen.
Free Outing to Poor
Mothers and Children
The Volunteers of America will
give their free summer outing to
poor mothers and children in Paxtang
Park Thursday, August 3. Cars will
leave the Volunteers' hall. 1001 North
Third street, at 9 o'clock sharp. Only
those holding tickets can go. Tickets
may be obtained from Captain J.
• Elmer Kintkiner, officer in charge.
The Ruth and Xaomi Sunday school
class of the Enola M. E. church were
pleasantly entertained at the home of
Miss Rhae Gotschall near Enola. This
is an annual hike of the class and a
large number were present. 'A pleas
ant evening was spent and refresh
ments served. August 24 the class will
be entertained by Mrs. Kuth McLain
Forrest at Xew Freedom. Mrs. For
rest is an affiliated member of the
Members of the A. O. Clut> are
home after a week's camp at Far
view cottage, Wildcat Falls. Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Behney chaperoned the
party, including Miss Katheryn Bow
ers, Miss Irene Bright, Miss Esther
Wenrich, Miss Erma Behney, Miss
Margaret Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Xewton Herb, of
1307' a Derry street, left to-day for
Lewisburg to join a party of friends on
a camping trip near Bellefonte. The
party will motor to the camp from
Mrs. Carrie Gardner, for many years
associated with Dives, Pomeroy &
Stewart, has accepted a position with
Roscnbnum & Co.. of Pittsburgh. The
best wishes of ihe many to whom she
gave such courteous attention follow
Mrs. Gardner in her new work.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Gates, 183 9
Market street, had as their week-end
guests Mr. and Mrs. Harry Land, of
Bradentown. Fla.: Mr and Mrs. Frank
S. Hates and James Phelan. of Hunt
ingdon. and Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Bolton
and little son, John Bolton, of West
Fairview. *
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Patterson and
daughter Marian, of Lakeland, Fla.,
who have been the guests of the Rev.
and Mrs. George Edward Hawes for
several weeks at their home, 12 7 State
street, left yesterday for Mercer, Pa.,
to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin, Mr.
and Mrs. Nufer. Mr. Martin. Miss Es
ther Suydam and Harry D. Long mo
tored to Lancaster and Rocky Springs
yesterday, coming home by way of
Misses Sarah and AHce Virginia
Cooper, of Camp Hill, left to-day for
Asbury Park, v.here they will spend
some time with Dr. and Mrs. Hill.
Miss Elise Wilioughby, of Tyrone, Is
visiting her aunt. Mrs. George Blakes
lee of this city.
Miss Mary Fogarty and Miss Rose
Fogarty, 2332 EUerslie street, are
visiting in Atlantic City.
J. Newton Peeter and his daughter,
Dr. Ruth Deetar, are in Chicago for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dcshong and children,
Mips Mildred Deshong and James Pe
shonp. of 222 Peffer street, and Miss
Charlotte Grove, of 548 Schuylkill
street, left to-day for Mount Gretna to
spend the month of August.
Miss Sabra Clark of Dauphin is
spending the vacation with her
brother, "William Beill Clark, in Phil
adelphia, and also at Reading and
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Myers and
family, of 1700 State street were re
cent guests of Mrs. Miller Mailey at
her cottage, The Ferncliffe, Elizabeth
ville camp.
Mrs. Henry D. Boas and Miss Helen
Espy, of North Front street, are home
from Bowmansdale, where they were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Spencer C.
Gilbert at their country place Summer
Miss Emmellne Stevens and Miss
Edith Troup are enjoying a stay in
Atlantic City.
Miss Ellen Reeves and Miss Mar
garet Hoke are visiting Miss Mildred
Burke in Mount Gretna.
Mr. and' Mrs. Paul L. Funk, of
Steelton, announce the birth of a son,
Paul Lassierre Funk, Jr., Friday'
July 21, 1916. Mrs. Funk was Miss
Jane Coleman, of Steelton, prior to
her marriage.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Theurer, of
129 South Fourteenth street, an
nounce the birth of a daughter, Gene
vieve Cecelia Theurer, Tuesday, Au
gust 1, 191b.
r Don't let the word RUMMAGE confuse you—it applies to the prices only, not to the goods. ' I
! 1 The balance of our stock of this Summer's Merchandise consisting of Summer Millinery, Trimmings, Ladies' Suits, Dresses, I
\ Skirts, Waists and all sorts of wearing apparel is placed on sale during this great sale at prices, which, in many instances do not, '
# represent one-fourth of the original cost. I
■ The goods all being of a desirable character, it will pay you to visit us on Wednesday and get the choice pickings from our i
V stock. Everything will be placed on tables and in cases and the RUMMAGE SALE PRICES will sell the stocks. 1
1 HATt wT 7 98r OF ORIGINAL COST OR VALUE -We are going to try to sell choice of stock; origi- fv Q ' I
I HATS—Wednesday, everything if a price will move it. \ nally $3.00 to $6.00.. i/OC
I _Extra Specials will be marked out ON WEDNESDAY. THE '
I FIRST DAY OF OUR SALE—not advertised here. DON'T All our TRIMMED SAIL-
WHITE FELT CRUSH MISS IT. ORS original prices $2.98 to k
' Wednesday ... C These prices are one-fourth and less of the original prices—and the AQ and 1 Q j
i hats are all the most wanted summer styles. O C v I ai/O C
I "" ALL OUR j Our Gigantic Stock Untrimmed Hats j
I WW A 1 A complete and wonderful assortment of all the newest C
| original cost. j
5 TO GO OUT AS FOLLOWS: I .■ > D Children's Untrimmed %
4 | /%.ll i 31131113 Hemp Hats; all colors;C
f LOT 1 All kinds of Trim- LOT 3—The cream of our ¥l4 ma'TsaTe Price' RUm " J
# med Hats; former prices $2.00 stock is in this lot, including J JLlflllS mage a e rice, M
Ito $4.00; as low Jj A white Hemp Hats, Leghorn $2.00 value. Rummage Sale Q Q 49 C I
■ as T'JJC Hats, Black Milan Hemp Sail- I Price i/OC i J
C The trimming on some of ors, Hairbraid Hats, etc. Some j $3.00 value. Rummage "fj QO Turh > Medium ff
€ these hats are worth three of these have been SB.OO to I Sale Price sltOO values to 's3 98* »
# times as much. SIO.OO. Choice ls,f 4 o p^ alUe Rummage 88 Sale Price, I
J LOT 2 —Elegant HIGH Si MANNISH PANA- d* <1 -iq 25c }
C CLASS TRIMMED HATS— ALL OUR CHILDREN'S I MAS = $ 2 - 50 value All Fancy Tuscan!
1 some of which were originally TRIMMED HATS, 1 All WHITE HEMP HATS—values Val "" to $4.00. J
# priced up to $7.00. About SO Ito $5.00. Rummage Sale f\Q * le nce > I
!| hats in this lot. *1 (\(\ Price B yg c gg c j
J Choice of lot ... X »vU Original prices were $1.98 to $5. 1 ' g
( Aco Panamas, trim- All Our Finest BLACK MILAN Values to SL9B - Rummage Sale Price CQ )|
f mpfl • value. QBc Rum HEMP HATS; also Lisere Sailors; Valine nn o c i r> • «
value 98c. Rum- val _ 5 t<> $5 Qg; q£ Values to $5.00. Rummage Sale Price Q Q |
€ Sale Price - Rummage Sale Price, _ __ O 2
f ftOC HAIR BRAID HATS; values to $4.00 $ 1 $
C Our Whole Stock of Fancy Our Whole Stock o{ Our Enormous Stock of |
(Feathers, Birds, Flower Wreaths, French I
{Aigrette Numidi, Ostrich Bouquets, French Roses, KilJlJvlnS' 5
I and Novelties at Greatly tansies, Fruits, etc., at
which we purchased before the rise In prices, j
'• £ i 1 n , 5-1 AI P PUff be offered during this sale at original cost— %
Keduced "rices# thus placing these Ribbons before you at 25 to #
i S 25c FLOWERS Rummage I<n 33C £ lower than present factory price. j >
5 a'-W' Sale Price .1 2C JSSTiS?Smm«.'S.Vr!e.... 19c 1
C SJSJJS Sto " 25c 39c FLOWERS. Rummage -1 ft 4 7
£ WINGS, BIRDS, FANCIES, ETC.—original Sale Price Ai/V* Sale Price 1/C < |
a prices 50c and 75c. August OQ _ 49 c FLOWERS. Rummaee or - Brocaded Moire and Satin Striped Sash Ribbon; ,
J Rummage Sale Price OXfC C . .. 29c I
? XCI ? S '. AI 9 RE TF ES ' ? I S r>S and 75c FLOWERS. Rummaee r\ Brocaded Taffeta and Satin Sash and Hair I .
K Dll'.S—actual values <sc and 98c. 4Qf c i n • XQp Kibbons; all light colors; values to 39c; OC J
3 August Rummage Sale Price Sale Price iJ eJ V* Rummage Sale Price, yard
6 LARGE WINGS, BIRDS, NCMIDIES, OS- 98c FLOWERS. Rummage Af\ Roman Striped and Scotch Plaid Taffeta Rib- g
TRICH, ETC actual values 98c and CQ„ c-i- p r ; bons; values to 30c; Rummage O-I #
b[ 5i.25. August Rummage Sale Price D"C sa J^ e "ice ~ Sale Price, yard "* C J
M ... th h . , . . „ . .„ . $1.25 FLOWERS. Rummage
g AU other higher-priced Fancies and Trim- c ; _. & K </* colors; values 25c and 29c; ift.l
| mings at August Rummage Sale Prices. bale Price Rummage Sale Price, yard
rii i rn> i> hi t
Captain and Mrs. Neilsen
to Take Vacation Trip
Captain and Mrs. Pat Neilsen, of
the Salvation Army, expect to leave
about the middle of the month for a
vacation trip, including a visit with
Mrs. Neilsen's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Ward, in Toledo, Ohio. This is
the first vacation the Captain and his
wife have had since taking up their
work in this city and it will he of
great benefit to them both. Walter
Neilsen, their eight-year-old son, will
accompany his parents.
Mrs. AValter Rankin and children,
Donald and Dorothy Rankin, left to
day for Mount Gretna, where they will
spend the month of August.
Mrs. S. Gertrude Delvey and son,
Robert Delvey, of 1917 North Second
street, have returned to this city dfter
a few weeks in Mount Gretna.
Mrs. Walter E. Dietrich, Miss Mary
Elizabeth Dietrich and Walter E.
Dietrich, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Al. K.
Thomas and son, of Bellevue Park,
motored to Delaware Water Gap,
where they will spend a week.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Benne
thum, Jr., and sons, William H., 3d,
and John, left to-day for Eaglesmere,
where they will spend some time.
Mrs. John W. Cowden, of 1711 North
Second street, leaves to-morrow for
Asbury Park as a guest at the Carlisle
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Williams and
daughter, Miss Bernice Williams, have
returned to their home at 1523 North
Second street after spending some time
at Eaglesmere.
Miss Mary Klllough and her sister,
Mrs. Samuel C. Miller, are removing
from 603 North Second street to 621
North Second stree", in the Louis
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Richards and
small daughter, Harriet Richards, have
gone home to Cleveland, Ohio, after
visiting relatives in this vicinity.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerberich and family,
of Philadelphia, spent the week-end
with Mrs. H. H. Selbel at her home
in North Second street on their way
to Canada by motor.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Hall and
small son, Spencer Gilbert Hall, Front
and Harris streets, returned to-day
from Atlantic City.
Mrs. George J!. Wonders and Mrs.
Hale Wonders, of Philadelphia, are
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Lo
gar*. of State street.
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Howard and
children. Miss Elizabeth and George
E. Howard, Jr.. ha< - e opened their
house at 1007 North Second street
after a month's stay in Mount Gretna.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson Stamm, Miss
Julia Stamm, Miss Kathryn Stamm
and Miss Maude Stamm, Thirteenth
and Reese streets, are at Buena Vista
Miss Nelle Roberts, of Baltimore,
was the guest of honor to-day at a
luncheon given by Mits Rachel Brown,
of State street, whom she Is visiting.
Miss Belle Trumball, of Washing
ton. D. C., is a guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Luther Fairlev. of Market street.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick G. Wylle, of
Akron, Ohio, are visiting their rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. Homer T. Baker,
of State street.
The Zorger-Dornbach
Wedding Tomorrow Noon
The marriage of Miss Myrtle A.
I Dornbach, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
i Edwin Dornbach to Clarence E. Zorg
| er of this city will be a pretty event
of to-morrow at noon, in the Augs
burp Lutheran Church, with the pas
tor, the Rev. A. Maxwell Stamets, of
; ficiating. Summer rlowers and ferns
will be used in decorating and after
the ceremony a wedding breakfast
j will be served at the bride's home.
I The maid of honor will be Miss
j Margaret Fry and W. H. Shriver will
|be best man. Following a wedding
| journey Mr. and Mrs. Zorger will
j make their home at Sixth and Maclay
| streets in new apartments. The bride,
a talented musician has a host of
i friends in this city. Mr. Zorger, a
I graduate of p'ranklln and Marshall
college, will be a member of the High
I school faculty the coming year.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert R. Beckwith,
! of 918 North Sixteenth street, motor
ed to Mount Gretna for a week-end
i stay at the Onoka cottage. Returning
Itiome they were accompanied by Mr.
j and Mrs. Joseph S. Rinkenbach and
small daughter, who spent the month
lof July with Mr. and Mrs. Edward
L. Rinkenbach at the resort.
I There was an attendance of 55 at
| the outing of the Galahad Recreation
[ club last evening in Reservoir Park,
(where a watermelon feast was held.
'Mrs. J. G. Seidel and Mrs. J. H. Snow
chaperoned the young folks.
Mrs. Clifton D. Peace; Tuscarora
street, and daughters, Mrs. A. R.
Michener, 166 Crescent street, and
the Misses Sara and Naomi Michener,
are spending a few weeks at Newvllle,
Mrs. S. M. Douglass, of 253 North
street, are home after visiting in Car
lisle, Mount Holly and Williams
; Grove.
Miss Clarissa Robertson has gone
home to Detroit, Mich., after visiting
her grandmother, Mrs. Amanda T.
: Robertson in this city. "
Miss Anna Brady and Miss Lerritia
Brady were wit han automobile party
going to Bedford Springs for the
I week-end.
Three of Latest Raiding
Party Jailed to Be Shot
By Associated Press
El Paso, Tex., Aug. I.—While Gen
eral Gonzales at Juarez to-day awaits
reports from the Mexican detachment
whlih took up the chase of the two
bandits driven back into Mexico Yes
terday following the fight near Fort
Hancock, three members of the same
gang are lying in the Jurez jail on the
charge Of banditry.
They were sought by Carranza
soldiers in n action on the Mexican
side two days previous to the Han
| cock fight. After the formality of a
trial the trio will be taken earl'v some
morning to the Juarez cemetery and
i placed against a wall and shot.
AUGUST 1, 1916.
Special to the Telegraph
Columbia, Pa., Aug. 1. Miss Marie
Murray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
John Murray, was struck on tne left
temple by a swift liner, while watch
ing a game of baseball here between
the Columbia and Mountville teams,
and was rendered unconscious.
Will Be Given For the
Best Name For Our
New Store
We have leased the storeroom
at 19 North Third street and will
open September first with a com
plete line of Women's Suits,
Coats, Dresses, Skirts and Waists.
We want the most appropriate
name possible for this new store
and invite suggestions from the
women of Harrisburg and vicin
ity. Only women and misses will
be permitted to contest for prize
which will be awarded by impar
tial judges. All answers should
be in before August 15th and
mailed to
Our New Locution After
September Int.
P. S— B. Bloom is now in New
Tork City selecting an entire new |
stock of the latest and most au
thentic in Women's Ready-to- i
Wear apparel for Fall and '
Winter. His years of experience
is assurance of an excellent as
sortment of the best values.
1743-47 N. SIXTH
A Perfect Complexion
Your social duties de-^-v
mand that you look I j
your best and in good Nfi jff. !
taste at all times. V£l j
Ladies of Society for ]uj U l'J » A
nearly three-quarters I \J|
century have L Y
Gouraud's "
Oriental Cream
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