Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, August 01, 1916, Page 13, Image 13

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IARTZELL On July 29, 1916. J-
Beck Hartzell. aged 62 years. ...
Funeral on Tuesday evening, at <:so
o'clock, from the residence of his
brother, W. E. Hartzell. 542 1-orrest
street. Burial Newport. Fa-,- «ed
nesday. The relatives and friends
are invited to attend without further
VHARTOX On Sunday evening, July
50, 1916, at his home. No. 3119 -V'Si 1
Fourth street. Riverside, Altrea u.
aged 56 > ears, 10 months
*nd 20 days. ~
Funeral services will be held at tne
above address on Tuesday evening,
at 7:30 o'clock. Body will be taken
to Newton Hamilton. Fa., on \\ ednes
dav morning, where burial will take
place. Relatives and friends are in
vited to attend without further no
Lost and Found
LOST Bunch of keys in Jitney
oing uptown or in central part of citj.
1.-turn to 410 Trustee Building, J. R.
■vOST Saturday evening, at Third
nd Hamilton streets, a carved brace-
SU Reward if returned to 4o- 1 eftei
treet. ,
?OI'XD A pocketbook. Owner may |
ave same by proving propertv at <>-•>
orth Front street, Steelton, alter b:ot>
>. M. j
LOST Cameo pin. set with pearls,
n Saturday evening. L'^ reward it
eturned to 613 Kelkcr street. 1
LOST On Saturday, small diamond .
rooch, between 1810 Briggs street ana j
liestnut Street Market. Reward if re- ,
Jined to ISIO Briggs street.
Help Wanted —Male
WANTED An experienced butcher. ;
pply 226 Chestnut street.
n Steam Heat Trench. Apply to 1 ore
lan of Harrisburg Light and Power
ompany at Sixth and Forster streets
[EN WANTED Ablebodied. unraar
led men under age of 35; Citizens of
nited Stales, of good character ana
;rr.perate habits, w ho can speak, read
nd write the English language. lor
lformation apply to Recruiting Of
cer, Bergner Bids., 3rd A; Market fcts.,
ent enrolling for a course in the Young
[en's Business Institute. Inc.. to open
i Harrisburg, Pa., about September 1.
916; will be given the choice oi an
ndenvood. Remington or any standard
lachine; shipped direct from factory.
The Young Men's Business institute,
rincipelly a secretarial school, will
repare acceptable young men lor spec
il positions of trust in private and
usiness life. The principal, a Prince
-3n College man, has the endorsements
f the largest corporation in the U. S.
Intrance requirements; enrollment lim
ed. For particulars address Box R,
971, care of Telegraph.
'epue. of the Interstate Civil Service
ureau, of Washington. D. C-, can be
?en at Columbus Hotel regarding ex
minations for Railway Mail Clerk,
ost Office Clerk, etc.. soon to be held :
i this (".istrict. Full particulars as to
;quirernents. cost of preparation, etc.
ddress Box A. 5070. care of Telegrapn.
lanufacturers In the world of electric
aeuum cleaners has an exceptional op
ortunity for six live, clean-cut, ag
ressive salesmen. Salary to those who
ualify. Apply between 9 and 11 A. M., .
'rantz-Premier Co., 32 North Court
treet, Harrisburg.
WANTED Fourteen carpenters, to
o to Midland. Pa. This job pays 14 50
er S-hour day. Charles P. Walter, 449
tate street. Bell phone 2435.
WANTED Young man to learn
rug business. Address A., 4329, care
f Telegraph.
WE WANT men to repair and drive
utomobiles; salary, <IOO per month;
iference required; also two or three
len as helpers. A chance to learn a
ood paying trade, and earn salary he
veen class hours. Fiftv dollars re
uired. Call, or write, at once. Auto
ransportation School. 25-27-29 North
ameron street.
WANTED A butcher, with experi- '
lice, that is reliable. Address A., 4327,
ire of Telegraph.
ED Must be capable of taking en
re charge of bakery production of
iiolesale bakery at Scranton, Pa. Ad
ress Bakery, T. O. Box 416, Scranton,
WANTED Ten or twelve
ood, green and dry sand
lolders. Union shop. Xo trouble,
late, $4.50 per day of 9 hours,
.pply Sharon Foundry Company,
haron, Pa.
Lathe, Planer and Boring Mill hands
•quired for modern and large size
lachines. No labor troubles, steady
ork, and best wages in the State for
ood men.
Apply, or write. Employment De
artment, The Morgan Engineering
ompany, Alliance. Ohio.
Rood, steady, green sand iron mould
r.« for medium and heavy mill work.
This is a permanent Job. and highest
ages paid. No labor trouble of any
ind Working conditions good.
Apply, or write. Foundry Depart
lent. The Morgan Engineering Com
any, Alliance, Ohio.
>rms. Long job. Apply Robert Grace
ontracting Company, Forster's Island.
arrisburg. Pa
Real Estate For Salej:
Briggs and Capital Sts. »!
49.8 feet on Capital and 95
on Briggs. Present improvements?
bring in a sufficient rental to carryj
the property until you're ready to£
rebuild SO,OOO £
14 X. Third St. i j
One of the few business build-S
ings, near Market street, that are?
for sale. A four-story brick build-?
ing now rented on a long terms
lease. Every year the value of thisj
property is increased by the growth J
of the city. 5 i
1409 S. Cameron St. i
Entire plot contains about 4>4 5
acres on Cameron. Twelfth and?
Thirteenth streets. Excellent loca-£
tion for a building development—S
the "Denny" stone house can be re-5
modeled into a delightful home ?
. „ $22,000?
2127 N. Fourth St. ?
A three-story brick house withS
eight rooms—bath and furnace 5 i
Lot 15x80 ft. Two-story frame shop?
on rear of lot $3,000?
[Bturance Surety Bonds 1 )
Locust and Court Streets \ j
. Help Wanted —Male
WANTED An experienced night
clerk at Royal Hotel. 422 Market street.
AIR CHIPPERS Steady work for
air chippers on piecework. Can make
$3.50 to $5.50 a day working under nor
mal working conditions. Penn Works,
, j Penn Seaboard Steel Corp., Front and
i Penn streets. Chester, Pa.
WANTED Baker for second hand
work on night turn in suburban shop,
i Address Box B, 4401, care of Tele
• graph.
} BAKERS Good oven man. SIS.OO
week. Bench man. $16.00. Steady work,
t'ar fare refunded. Apply Kolb's Bakery,
i Fifty-sixth and Market, Philadelphia.
I CARPENTERS' Helpers and Rigger'
• Helpers. Long job. Wages, 25 cents
per hour. Apply Robert Grace Con
tracting Company, Harrisburg. Pa.
WANTED Young man. sober and
industrious, to wash cars, and do gen
eral work in garage. Loarers not
wanted. Address, with references, R.,
I 4328, care of Telegraph.
WANTED Charging Machine Op
erators for Open Hearth plant. Experi
enced men only. Apply to Master Me
chanic's Office. Central Iron & Steel Co.
WANTED Bricklayers on Coke
Ovens. Rate, 70c per hour. Apply H.
Koppers Co.. Brier Hill Steel Co.,
: Youngstown, Ohio.
AGENT WANTED Only a hustler
need apply. Apply R. W. G., 1212 Wal-
I nut street.
WANTED —4O able-bodied
men for piece work. White or
colored. Apply in person to agent,
' Harrisburg Transfer, Pennsyl
vania Railroad Company, Division
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED First-class outside cut
ters on Ladies' shoes. Uood wages and
steady employment. Utz & Dunn Co..
37 Canal street, Rochester, N. Y.
a superior line of Typewriter Ribbons
and Carbon Paper in Eastern Pennsyl
vania. Big returns assured a live
wire. No investment. Address "Manu- '
facturer," care of Telegraph.
MEN Young, wanted to -work in
| automobile repair shop; our school is
t overflowing with repair work, there
tore it gives our students a chance to !
obtain practical repair work on all ma- I
chines. We pay 30 cents an hour as
soon as competent. Take advantage of
summer rates. Auto Transportation
.School. 29 North Cameron street. j
Help Wanted—remale
WANTED Young woman with
some experience operating private tele
phone exchange and office work. Ad- •
dress, with giving full particulars and
salary expected, to L. M., No. 1906, care
, of Telegraph.
WANTED' A reliable white girl, or
woman, for general housework. Good
wages. Apply ISO 2 Green street.
WANTED Dressmaker wishes ap- '
prentices at once. Apply 400 Briggs
1 street, or call Bell phone 531 W. [
WANTED Woman stenographer.
! One familiar with Implement, Hardware '
or Machine Shop work preferred. Ad- i
dress A. Buch's Sons Company, Eliza- i
■ bethtown. Pa.
WANTED Marker or assorter, im
mediately, in out-of-town laundry. Near
summer resort. Transporation paid. !
Good wages and steady employment. I
Must have experience. Address Box L, !
4411, care of Telegraph.
student secured a position in a Jersey '
Public School at S9OO. Will start work
September 1. Harrisburg Shorthand
School, 31 North Second street.
WANTED Girls over 16 years old
for laundry work. Wages. $6 per week.
Apply Sanitary Family Washing Com- ,
j pany. Sixteenth and Elm streets.
WANTED A middle-aged woman ,
for general housework. Address Mr. .
Charles Heller. 323 North Front street, i
WANTED Ladies for easy embroid
ery. home work. Call from S to 4, 102 i
Calder street.
WANTED White girl for general 1
housework. Small family. Good wages.
Address P. O. Box No. 5, New Cumber- 1
WANTED A middle-aged woman, 1
or girl, for general housework. Apply
2711 Derry street.
WANTED—An experienced waitress.
Apply at 1708 North Second street.
WANTED Bright, steady girls, to '
work on collars, in starch room, on i
the mangle and in marking and sorting
department. Applv Troy Laundry,
1620-26 Fulton street.
WANTED Girls over 16 to
strip tobacco. Also experienced
Rollers, Bunchmakers, Packers,
I* iller and Binder strippers. Wel
fare looked after by trained nurse.
Apply Harrisburg Cigar Com
pany, 500 Race street
. WANTED, AT ONCE Sewing ma
chine operators. Experience not nec
essary. Pressers also wanted. Blough
Manufacturing Co
WANTED Girls experienced on
powsr sewing machines. Apply Har-
I > sburg Shoe Mfg. Co., Vernon street
Hiirrlsbtirg. Pa
Help Wanted —
Male and Female
WANTED A fitter, thoroughly
capable of taking charge of alteration
department; Woman preferred. Phone
j 4255 Bell.
WANTED Men and women can
vassers: experience unnecessary. Ap
ply between 8 and 9 A. M. and 5 to 6
P. H.. Trustee Building. Room 306-307.
Salesmen Wanted
FORD STARTER—Man owning Ford
car to sell guaranteed $lO starter in
Dauphin County; easy to sell when
demonstrated; good proposition. Ad
dress R.. 5123, care of Telegraph.
Situations Wanted—Male
WANTED By tin and sheetiron
workman, both inside and outside heat
ers and ranges. Apply, or address, 748
! Dunkel' street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED First-class barber wants
position as barber; can furnish refer
ences. Apply in person at 1416 Thomp
son street, or call 521W, C. V. phone.
WANTED Position in private fam
ily or in public building as butler can
furnish reference. Address Box G, 5126,
I care of Telegraph.
WANTED By iron and sheetiron
workman, both inside and outside heat
, ers and ranges. Apply, or address, 748
Dunkel street. Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED - Colored man wants
situation. Cook for camp parties
lawns mowed, hedges trimmed, cellars
cleaned and whitewashed, automobiles
1 washed and polished. Phone 271 R.
Situations Wanted —Female
WANTED A neat, colored girl
would like to have a place as nurse,
waitress or as second girl. Address 28
Linden street.
WANTED Colored grill would like
general housework, or day's work. Ad
dress 907 Sarah avenue.
WANTED Woman wants washing
and ironing to do at home, and also
day's work of any kind. Bell phone
4030 R. House 63S Harris street. City.
Mrs. Bender.
WANTED A reliable colored wo
man would like day's work or cleaning
offices or rooms in apartment house.
Call, or address. 215 North River street.
WANTED Girl 14 years of age
would like position to' assist in house
work or take care of children. Address
L R., care of Telegraph.
WANTED Position as housekeeper
for widower, in city, by a middle-aged
woman. • Call 707 North Nineteenth
WANTED Competent, middle-aged
white woman wishes position as house
keeper in family without children.
Trustworthy in tftking charge of home.
Call 1622 Park street, City.
WANTED Colored woman would
like washing and ironing to do ai
home. Apply Rachel Gee, 13S Dock
street, Harrisburg, Pa.
WANTED A reliable white woman
desires situation for general house
work, or as housekeeper in widower's
family. Address R.. 4307, care of Tele
WANTED Position as cook in pub
lic or private family white woman; can
furnish reference. Address 5122, care
of Telegraph.
WANTED Young woman, with
small child, would like to have general
housework. Call by Bell phone 2867R-4.
WANTED Girl 15 years old wants
position helping with housework. Ap
ply 706 North Seventh street. City.
Real Estate For Sale
FOR SALE 2 %-story house, 7
rooms, bath, all improvements, porches,
side entrance, deep lot; drive allley in
rear. Price, $1,550. Look at 1611 Re
gina .Street for *2,950. H. G. Pedlow,
110 South Thirteenth street.
SALE lO rooms and bath gas
furnace lot, 20x113 good location
—well built property. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
brick house, built in pair. Lot. 30x125.
This property has all modern improve
ments; steam heat and laundry. Rear
drive. Can be sold at the bargain price
of $3,150. H. C. Brandt, 36 North Thira
FOR SALE Desirable build
ing lots, located on Fourth, Fifth,
Schuylkill and Atlas streets, in
blocks or the whole. A splendid
opportunity for builder, inquire
or address, F. R. Oyster, trustee,
care of Harrisburg Telegraph,
FOR SALE 6-acre turm; located
along Conodoguinet Creek; 10 minutes'
walk .from trolley; 2Vs-story frame
dwelling; frame barn; necessary out
buildings; sand loam soil; fruit
trees; price, 500.00. Brlnton-Packer
Co.. Second and Walnut streets.
FOR SALE Attractive, new, three
story brick house, eight rooms and
bath, finished in oak, hardwood floors,
vapor heat, porches, largo yard, grano
lithic walks, iron fences, laundry and
all other modern improvements; good
location. Will sell on payments ot
Thirty ($30.00) Dollars per month.
2150 N. FIFTH ST. Harrisburg, Pa.
INGS. HUNTER'S RUN, Cumberland
County, Pa.; ideal for chicken and truca
farming, also desirable for country
summer home; good train service ou
Reading Railroad. L. Elliott Middle
town, Boiling Springs, Pa.
A description of this property at 409
Market Street. C. B. CARE, Harris
FOR SALE *— 1429 Swatara Street;
3-story frame dwelling. 8 rooms and
bath; gas; furnace; porch; lot, 20x 105;
drive alley on rear; price, s2,sou.uu.
Brinton-Packer Co.. Second and Wal
nut streets.
FOR SALE 67 N. Seventeenth
Street; 3-story brick dwelling; 9 rooms
and bath; gas a'nd electric light; fur
nace; front and rear porches; cemented
cellar; lot, 16x89; price, $4,300.00. Brin
ton-Packer Co., Second and Walnut
•LOOK AT THOSE new semibungalow
houses now about completed on Chest
nut street near Eighteenth. Look them
over soon. Well built, conveniently ar
ranged, moderately equipped. Bell
Realty Co., Bergner Building.
ANXIOUS TO SELL 1317 Wallace
Street frame house with 7 rooms.
What is it worth to you? Any offer
carefully considered. Bell Realty Co.,
Bergner Building.
FOR SALE One new, attractive,
two-story bungalow, with all conveni
ences. on North Seventh street, above
Schuylkill. Price, $2,000.00. Easy
terms. Apply W. W. W'ittenmyer, Sev
enth and Schuylkill streets.
One acre plots; win sell half acre;
also lots 92x280 feet along M. T.
trolley; to all parts o£ Har
risburg and Steelton; beautiful and
healthful; ground enough for poul
try and vegetables; price only $163
per half acre. C. B. Care, Care's
grocery Stcre, Linglectown, Pa. in
scription at 109 Market Street, City.
FOR SALE Desirable house on
' easy terms within walking distance
of central business section brick
seven rooms furnace conveniences
i —corner property porches s2,suu.
For full particulars address M., 1258,
! care of Telegraph.
Real Estate For Rent
! rOR RENT Dwelling at 1631 North
Sixth street. Stable on the rear. Ap
ply J. M. Sanders, lt»31 North Sixth
I street.
FOR RENT For colored people
only, a frame dwelling house, 1130
: North Front street. Apply 226 Chest
nut street.
426 North street; 8 rooms and bath;
electric lignt; city steam; gas stove
and gas water heater; facing new Capi
tol Park. Inquire 400 Norm street.
FOR RENT Will give To
party, without tamlly, furnlsned room,
with use of kitchen and diningroom, for
I care of house. For address refer Tele
graph. H.. 5124.
I FOR RENT 427 Boas street; 3-
' story brick house; all improvements;
in good condition. Apply 924 North
Sixth street.
FOR RENT No. 1507 State street,
modern three-story briik houso In the
best of condition. Immedia'e posses
sion. Kent. 136.
FOR SALE A farm of about 94
acres, in good condition, situated about
one and a half miles from York Haven,
Pa.. In Newberry Township, near Pleas
ant Grove. Large bank barn, .arm
house, and other outbuildings. About 16
acres of good, heavy woodbind, and run
ning water on iarm. Pump of good
water at door. Also another small tract
of 2 acres with house, barn and other
outbuildings, and pump at door. Apply
to Aaron E. Bare. Ciy, Pa.
_ FARM of 43 acres for sale at $2,600 —
• miles from Harrisburg:, near State
road truck farm with abundance of
berries and fruit buildings in good
condition. Bell Realty Co., Bergner
Apartments For Rent
NO. 12S LOCUST ST., one housekeep
ing apartment, furnished or unfurnish
ed. Apply office, No. 132 Locust street.
SECOND ST.. No. 212 Complete
apartment, five rooms and bath,
kitchen. Apply 11 A. M. to 2 P. M., 0
IP. M. to 7 P. M., 212 North Second
FOR RENT Furnished apartment
at 2j6 North Second street. Apply be
fore \\ ednesday. Dr. B. S. Behney. 236
North Second street. Bell phone ISI4.
SECOND ST.. 1700 Five and six
. rooms with porch; most pleasant and
open surroundings in city.
Rooms For Rent
FOR RENT Unfurnished, attrac
tive. single, double or three-room
housekeeping apartments. Running
water in kitchen, rangu and cabinet,
gas, strictly private, direct entrance.
Phone and bathroom privileges. For
location and prices, inquire 429 Broad,
10 to 11 A. M.
FOR RENT A front third floor fur
nished room, on North Eighteenth
street; all conveniences; use of bath.
Bell phone 805 M. Apply A., 4330, care
of Telegraph.
FOR RENT Two large, well-fur
nished front, second floor rooms; all
conveniences; use of phone. Apply 813
North Second street.
FOR RENT Large bay window
room; also front room on second floor;
desirable for man and wife or two re
fined ladies. Those wishing a real
home apply 117 Pine street.
FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms.
Excellent location and all conveniences.
Would be especially suitable for several
school teachers or for husband and
wife. Call, or address, 1601 Green
FOR RENT Furnished rooms,
singly or ensuite; .ill conveniences;
phone, etc.; references required. Apply
IQIS North Front street.
WANTED All boys in Harrisburg
and vicinity to know that this is the
best place to secure Alger books and
other good reading matter for boys
and girls: 50c books at 10c, 3 for 25c.
Aurand's Book Store. 913 North Third.
WANTED Good, country home for
three boys and two girls ranging in
age from 5 to 13 years. Call, or ad
dress, 2013 North Cameron street.
A\ ANTED—Good, Christian home for
child for one year only. Willing to pay.
Address 8., 5125, care of Telegraph.
W ANTED, TO RENT Two tents,
about 12x14, 12x20, August 12 to 26.
Must be in good condition and reason
able. Box L, Progress.
Carpets and Rugs scoured at reduced
rates during the months of July and
August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115 Mont
gomery street.
WANTED Boardinghouse, country
preferred, for sickly colored girl aged
eight. Address P. O. Box 405, Harris
burg. Pa.
Board and Rooms
commodate a few more boarders; rea
sonable rates, with the best the market
affords. 123 South Se«.oad street
For Sale—Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Three Shetland ponies,
wagon and harness. Apply J. M. San
ders, 1631 North Sixth street.
. FOR SALE Marlin, 22 re
peating rifle. Twenty-five shot
repeater. Handles 22 short, long
or long-rifle cartridges. Octagon
barrel. Original cost $11.50. Will
sell at bargain. Address box
S-4400, care of Telegraph.
Broad street, daily and Saturday even
ing. Immense stock of all kinds of
Hardware at unheard of prices. Five
hundred Atkins handsaws, chisels.
Tools of all kinds.
FOR SALE Bricklayer's tressels
Call Eleventh and State streets.
FOR SALE A two-seated surrey;
also one set of single harness; as good
as new. Apply Ober's Old Stand, Court
and Cranberry streets.
FOR SALE, at Gable's, 111-117 South
Second street, Lawn Fence, Field Fence.
Gates, Poultry Netting, Building Hara
waie. Plaster Board, Upson Wall Board.
Compo-Board. Doors, Sash, Shutters,
Mouldings, Porch Posts. Pumps, etc.
FOR SALE Diamond and Good
rich Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle
Tires. Trunks, Bags and Suitcases,
Harness and Leather Goods made to
order. Sole Leather and Shoe Findings.
FOR SALE CARDS on sale at tbe
Telegraph Business Office.
secured ct the Telegraph Business
„ AT GABLE'S. 113, 115 and 117 South
Second street, 6.000 gallons New Era
ready-mixed paint. Acme quality. Ail
the full line of the Acme makiv
AT GABLE'S. 111-117 South Second
street. 0,000 sets new sash, Bxlo, IS 1*
primed and glazed, at $1.30 per set.
-iiso other sizes. Also door* and shut
For Rent —Miscellaneous
FOR RENT —Olxices suitable
for a doctor or dentist or general
purposes. Light, heat and at
tendance. Dr. John Oensiager,
711 North Third street.
Business Opportunities
The furnishings and fixtures of the
Central Hotel. Columbia. Pa., for sale.
Nineteen guest rooms, large barroom
and diningroom. Doing a business of
sls,ooo per year. Price, $3,500. Rent,
$125 per month. J. G. I-orney, Lancas
ter. Pa.
FOR SALE Cigar and pool
room, doing good business. Two tables
and other fixtures in good condition.
Intend to leave city. 265 North Front
street. Steelton.
APPLICATION will be received by the
undersigned, from parties of responsi
bility for the GENERAL SALES
AGENCY in this territory for the besi
selling automobile in the SSOO to sl,oou
class. Liberal commissions, prompt
deliveries and but small investment re
quired. Address, with full particulars,
E. M. Carroll. Suite 51S, 25 Broad street.
New York, Y.
elsewhere. Inspect our stock and prices.
Special bargains and prices for summer
months. J. B. Murray, 1014 James
ANY Intelligent person can earn Rood
Income corresponding for newspaper*;
experience unnecessary. Send for par
ticulars. Press Syndicate, 7»S Lock
nort. N. Y.
Business Personals
LEATHER Traveling Bags and Suit
cases (drummers' samples) positively at
the lowest prices in the city. Call and
be convinced. Also suits of clothing,
watches, diamonds and sporting gouaa
at low prices. COHEN & SON. Reliable
Pawnbrokers. 431 Market street, at
CARPETS AND RUGS scoured at re
duced rates during the months of July
and August. Keystone Rug Co., 1115
Montgomery street.
Trustee Bldg.—All kinds of detective
work bandied—one eye always open.
Hauling ana Moving
R. A. HARTMAN, National Transfer
Co. Movers of pianos, safes, boilers
and general hauling. W. H. loathe.
Manager. Fifth and Woodbine streets.
Bell phone No. 2503 R.
one-half ton to two-ton truck for hire.
Prompt attention to moving'. Truck
parties solicited. H. G. Garman. Meh
ring's Garage. Both phones.
FOR SALE Strictly nigh grade
GRAND PIANO. Used short time. Will
sell at a bargain. Address Box D. 4311,
care of Telegraph.
or EDISON Talking Machine REPAIR
ED by an expert. 801 l phone 3242 J.
Write, or call, at 315 Broad street.
Money to Loan
MONEY ativ&ncea to nouseKoepira at
icgal rotes; business confidential. Profit
bharlng Loan Society, Koo*n 7. bpooner
Building, North Market Squares
rooms for household goods, %2 per
month and up. We invite inspection.
Low insurance. 437-445 South Second
street. Harrisburg Storage Company.
STORAGE 419 Broad street, house
hold goods and merchandise. Private
rooms, tl to SS. Wagons, 75 cents per
month. D. Cooper & Co., 411 Broad
street. Both phones.
Summer Resorts and
at Rivervlew, along Susquehanna
River, ten miles from Harrisburg. Ap
ply J. K. D., care of Telegraph.
FOR RENT lsle of Recreation, op
posite erdix, ten-room house, furnished
to accommodate fifteen. Fine boating,
bathing and fishing. Reasonable rates
for week or week-ends. T. R. Kinter,
Dauphin, Pa.
FOR RENT Maplehurst cottage,
furnished, between Accomac and Wild
Cat. Fine location. A. L. Resch. Mari
etta. Pa.
FOR SALE One Hupmoblle tour
ing car; also one Ford delivery. Call at
1614 Regina street, or Bell phone
FOR SALE The following five and
seven-passenger used touring cars at
from $275 upward: Two Studebakers,
Cadillac, Jackson, Pennsylvania. Metz
and Ford. Your Inspection is invited.
Swab Wagon Co., Elizabethville, Pa.
BIG BARGAIN for quick buyer. 1914
Jackson automobile, first-class condi
tion, equipped with electric starter and
lights; new tires on rear; full elliptic
springs; shock absorbers; run five thou
sand miles. W. H. Tyson, P. O. Box 202,
Millersburg, Pa.
KLINE KAR Five-passenger
touring; 1912 Model; 40-H-P
6-cylinder; 5 practically new tire«'
Presto-light; fully equipped; good con
dition; could be converted into truck
sacrifice price. Backenstoss Bios.. liusa
FOR SALE 1914 Jackson, 5-pas
senger touring car; self-starter; elec
tric lights: shock absorbers; new rear
tires; elegant condition; $625. Address
Box 38. Millersburg, Pa.
FOR SALE Late model Ford
roadster. Just been overhauled. Shock
absorber. Speedometer. Extra tire
$265. Apply 424 Reily street. Bell phone
2281 W.
eenger De Cam be 1, one 5-passenger 1914
Ford, i.ewly painted. !n excellent con
dition; one 5-passenger 1915 Ford, good
as new; one 1912 Ford delivery, with
new body; one 1908 Overland. Cars for
sale at Fold Garage. Middleto.vn. Pa
E. M. bnavely. Manager.
kind. If you cannot sell your car why
not consign it or exchange It with us
lor a better one. Our charges for sell
ing are 5 per cent. only. No storags
charges if car Is not sold. Auto Trans
portation Exchange Department, 25-29
North Cameron street. Bell phone 1710
1»1J five-passenger Kegal; good
shape; new tires all around; big bar
gain for quick buyer.
1912 five-passenger Pullman, com
pletely overhauled; Al condltio.i; good
upholstering; good top and tires; t>:g
South Cameron St. Bell nhonA 4119J
Motorcycles and Bicycles
WANTED Sidecar for 1915 Harley-
Davidson. Write, or call, 933 Susque
hanna street, City.
Legal Notices
MY WIFE, Sarah Frank, having left
my bed and board without Just cause
I hereby notify all persons not to hat
bor nor trust her on my account, as I
will not pay any debts contracted by
be received by the County Controller
until 11 o'clock A. M., Friday, August
4, 1916, for the replacing of the wooden
floor Joists with iron "I" beams in an
iron truss bridge at Lyonsville. north
of Hershey, in East Hanover Township
Dauphin County, as per specifications
on file in the County Commissioners'
Bidders must file with the Chief
Clerk of the Commissioners, on or be
fore 11 o'clock A. M., Friday, August 4
1916. a certified check payable to the
order of the Dauphin County
sioners. in a sum equal to at least ten
per cent. (10 per cent.) of the bid price
All bids or proposals must be plainly
marked as such on the outside thereof
and delivered to the County Controller,
Room 13, Court House, Harrisburg Pa
by 11 o'clock A. M., August 4. 1916
All bids will be opened in the County
Commissioners' office at 12 o'clock noon,
of the same day and date.
The successful bidder will be required
to furnish a proper bond satisfactorv
to the County Commissioners in a sum
equal to the amoynt of the contract.
The right is reserved to reject any or
all bids.
County Controller.
MY wife, Mrs. J. C. Hoffman, having
left my bed and board of her own free
will, therefore I will not be responsible
for any bills contracted bv her.
Try Telegraph Want Ads
AUGUST I, 1916.
Mexican Petroleum Yields and
Drags Other Shares Along;
Bonds Dull
New York, Aug. 1. Selling of
Mexican Petroleum which yielded 1%
points, with a point for Texas Com
pany caused general recessions from
early advances, Reading, Canadian
Pacific and Willys-Overland, together
with other issues of less prominence
falling from fractions to more than a
point under yesterday's final quota
This was offset in a measure, by
a two-point advance in Union Pacific,
accompanied by rumors of a forth
coming dividend increase, and concur
rent strength in Southern Pacific, St.
Paul, New York Central and Erie.
The zinc shares also improved on
cables indicating more stable condi
tions in foreign metal markets. Bonds
were dull, with lower prices for inter
national issues.
_ Chandler Bros. & Co., members New
York and Philadelphia Stock Ex
changes, 3 North Market Square, Har
risburg; 1338 Chestnut street, Phila
delphia; 34 Pine street. New York,
furnish the following quotations;
New York, Aug. 1.
Open. Clos.
American Beet Sugar ... 89 89
American Can 66 55%
American C&F 58% 69 >4
American Ice Securities . 27% 27»i
American Locomotive .. 67% 69%
American Smelting .... 94 93 %
American T & T 129% 129%
Anaconda 78% 79%
Atchison 102% 102%
Baldwin Locomotive ... 72 72
i Baltimore & Ohio 85% 85%
I Butte Copper 67% 6S
I California Petroleum ... 18% 17%
Canadian Pacific 177% 176%
Central Leather 54% 54%
Chesapeake and Ohio .. 60% 60%
Chicago. Mil and St Paul 95% 96
Chicago, R I and Pacific 19% 17%
Chino Con Copper 47% 47%
Colorado Fuel and Iron. 4 4 4 4
Consolidated Gas 134% 135
Corn Products 13% 13%
Crucible Steel 69% 69%
Crucible Steel pfd 115% 116
Distilling Securities .... 41% 44%
Erie 35 35%
Erie Ist pdf 51 % 52%
General Electric Co .... 169 169
I General Motors 500 500
i Goodrich BF 72% 72%
| Great Northern pfd .... 117% 117%
'Gt Northern Ore subs ... 35 35
Inspiration Copper 47% 48%
Kennecott 45% 45%
I Lackawanna Steel 71 71
Lehigh Valley 77% 77%
Maxwell Motors 81% 81%
.Slerc Mar ctfs 26% 26%
Merc. Mar ctfs pfd .... 88% 88%
Alex Petroleum 97% 95%
i Miami Copper 33% 33%
Missouri Pacific *%
! National Lead 63 63
I New York Central 103% 104
NY N H and H 59% 59%
New York Ont and West 26% 26%
Nor and West 128 128%
North Pacific 110% 110%
Pacific Mail 20 20
Pennsylvania Railroad . 55% 55%
Pittsburgh Coal 26% 27%
Pressed Steel Car 47% 47%
Railway Steel Spg 4 3 43
Ray Con Copper 22% 22%
Reading, 95% 95%
Republic Iron and Steel. 47% 47%
Southern Pacific 97% 96
Southern Ry 22% 23%
Southern Ry pfd 67% 68
Studebaker 128 127%
Tennessee "Copper 25% 25%
Third Ave 61% 61%
Union Pacific 137% 139%
U S I Alcohol 108% 111'
U S Rubber 52% 52%
U S Steel 86% 87 '
U S Steel pfd 116% 116%
Utah Copper 76% 77
Virgina-Carolina Chem.. 39% 39%
West Union Telegraph.. 93 93
Westinghouse Mfg 57% 57%
By Associated frcss
Philadelphia, Aug. 1. Wheat
Steady; No. 2. red, spot and August,
$1.23® 1.25; No. 2, Southern, red, $1.22
Corn Steady; No. 2, yellow, local,
92<fr92%c; steamer, No. 2, yellow, local,
Slifi/dl %c.
Oats Lower; No. 2. white, 48%®
49c; No. 3. white, 46®47c.
Bran Market firm and higher;
eltv mills. Willie. ..PI I .r, ;_„SO
em, winter, per ton, $26.50; soft, winter,
per ton. $24.00@25.00; Spring, per ton,
$23.00© 23.50.
Refined Sugars Market dull;
powdered, 7.76 c; line granulated, 7.ofcc;
confectioners' A, 7.55 c.
Butter The market is firm;
western, creamery, extras, 30@31c;
nearby prints, fancy, 33c.
Eggs The market la firm;
Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts,
free cases, $7.80 per case; do, current
receipts, free cases, $7.35®7.65; west
ern, extras; firsts, free cases, sß.lo®
8.40 per case; do., firsts, free cases, $7.50
#7.80 per case.
Live Poultry Quiet, fairly steady;
fowls, 19%@21c; roosters, 13f()l-ic;
Spring chickens. 20®26c; do., broilers,
30(&38c; ducks, 14@16c; geese, 14®16c.
Dressed Poultry—Steady; fowls,fancy
22®22%c; do., good to choice, 21@21%c;
do., emati stze&. 18$P20C* »j|<J
15c; broiling chickens, nearby, 27®
34c; do., western, 22@27c; roasting
• liii k>-na. Wo*I«-||. chon- i< faiit . ,-i .»
20c; do., fair to good. 15@18c; spring
ducks, nearby, 19@20c; do., western, 12
fe lfcc, geese, unniuy. uu . v.wai
tr" 1K .1 11c.
Potatoes The market is steady;
Eastern Shore. No. i, per barrel.
$1.75@2.00; No. 2. do., 75c%51.00; do.,
rulls, do., $1.00; Norfolk. No. 1, per
barrel. $1.5091.75; do., No. 2, do., 7oc;
Jersey, per basket, 40@45c.
Flour Quiet, but firm; winter,
straights, $5.25® 5.75; do., patents, $5.75
©6.00; Spring firsts, clear, $5.35@5.75;
do., straights, $5.60@5.90; do., patents,
$6.00® 6.50; do., favorite brands, $6.75@
Hay The market is steady with a
fair demand; No. 1, large bales, $19.00
(0/20.Oil; medium bales, $19.00® 20.00;
No. 2. do., $17.00@18.00; No. 3. do., $15.00
&16.00: light mixed. $17.50 © 18.00; No.
I. do., $16.00rg>17.00; No. 2. do., $14.00©
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Aug. t. TTogrs Re
ceipts. 17,000; weak. Bulk of sales, $9.30
0 9.90; light, $9.40©9.95; mixed. $9.05®
10.05; heavy, $9.00010.00; rough, $9.00
f! 9.15; pigs, $7.7509.60.
Cattle Receipts. 3,000 steady. Na
tive beef cattle. $6.85010.40; western
steers, $6.75 ff> 8.50; stockers and feed
ers, $5.0008.00; cows and heifers. $3.50
@9.25; calves, $8.50® 11.75.
Sheep Recepits. 16,000; weak.
Wethers, $0.75 0 8.25; lambs, $7,25 0
By Associated Press
Chicago, 111., Aug. I.—Board of Trade
Wheat September, 1.24' i; Decem
ber. 1.28%.
Corn September,. 78*4; Decem
ber. 67 U.
Oats —.September. 40T4; December,
43 >4.
Pork—September. 24.67.
T.ard September. 12.70; October.
Ribs September, 13.47; October,
Grant Dosh, of Millorsburg,
Sues 801 l and Wiconisco
Telephone Companies
Grant Dosh, of
llil). 111 I M'lleraUu vrt. father
//If n—llL Mof 10-year-old Lee
- to-day entered
' wuit for $2,000 dam
—l ag-ea against the Bell
Telephone Company
an< l the Wiconisco
Telcsrraph and Tele-
PTtWCW%'Vfc'iSB phone Company.
TJI J HRIII M ' n ''' s ''"l °f com
fa fl Wl P laint the father
J [% ' J n son was in
-1914. While on his
Mi..er,burg, a, the
Piece of iron that was being hoisted to
the top of a telephone pole by men said
to be employed by the two companies,
slipped from the rope and struck the
boy on the head, inflicting a serious in
for' V tw J l w„f£ n i was con »ned to his bed
■ J.W* £ weeks by reason of the injurv
and has never fully recovered ,njursr *
Harrisburg Growing City
Declares Rabbi Freund
f or T i° leave Harrisburg,"
of nLv Si! * r f, und - former rabbi
or Ohev Sholom Temple, who. with
HaJen M f W i, lta ,ye to -night for South
tinned' Rabbi Freund con
"Harrisburg is a great, growing city.
One does not like to leave a place thit
hrl»\ anc g . so rapid 'i"- During my
three-> ear stay in your city I havo
seen Harrisburg grow in many ways.
It is a good, law-abiding community,
fhe playground movement has been'a
factor in putting Harrisburg on the
L H*.., Ther ® 's stili a lack of hotel
facilities and I hope someone will give
Harrisburg a new hotel very soon I
want to take this opportunity to thank
he press of Harrisburg for the kind
treat merit accorded me. The news
. paper people have been uniformly kind
to me and I shall never forget their
many courtesies. In saying farewell
La? Pe ? hea V °t Harrisburg soon as a
leal metropolis. It already has the
u a =Mii°J larser , cities and its greatness
is still to come.
Rabbi Freund and his family will
eave Harrisburg for the West at 9.30
to-night. They will stop at South
frfonH ' H Ch "n, f ° r a month to visit
friends and will go to Grand Rapids.
Mich where the Rev. Mr. Freund has
I accepted a charge.
Full Crew Cases Go
to Superior Court
| The first appeals from the recent
| decisions of the Public Service Com
nl'^on on the full crew law were filed
| at the office of the commission to-day
by the Philadelphia and Heading. Bal
timore and Ohio and Central Railroad
' or Xew Jersey system, which were or
i uered to discontinue the classification
lof dining or cafe car conductors as
trainmen. The appeals will be taken
up at one of the Palls terms of court.
Uulysses S. Grant, of Annville, has
! raised the question nefore the com
| mission whether an electric company
I can require a house to be wired ac
cording: to its own set of rules before
I turning on current. His complaint is
i against the Palmya and Annville
| Light. Heat and Powor Company. An
other complaint filed was by John F.
Smith, Lancaster, against rates of fare
I of the Conestoga Traction company bo
j tween Lancaster and certain parks.
Harris-Carter Wedding
Event of This Morning
j The marriage of Miss Mae Carter, of
421 Walnut street, a well-known train
ed nurse of this city, to John Toner
Harris, tratfic superintendent of the
Bell Telephone Company, took place
this morning at the Manse of the Mar
ket Square Presbyterian Church, with
the pastor, the Rev. Dr. George Ed
ward Hawes, officiating. There were
no attendants, the newlyweds leaving
immediately for a tour of the Great
■ Lakes. The bride stands high in her
profession and was for a time with the
■ lamous Mayo Brothers, surgeons, at
their Rochester, Minn., hospital. Mr.
| Harris is one of the best known tele
phone men in the State.
Shamrock Bible Class
Celebrates Anniversary
The third anniversary of the Sham
rock Fire Company Bible class, of Beth
any Presbyterian Church, was celebrat
ed last night. The Rev. John M. War
den. teacher of the class, made an ad
dress. These officers were elected:
President, John E. Straining; vice
, president. Lawrence Seiders; treasurer.
] William H. Low; secretary, Charles F.
' Hiney; lookout committee, John H.
Moore, chairman; Lawrence Seiders,
Harry G. Deibly, Benjamin M. Shank,
William Bailetts.
Through the kindness of John H.
Moore refreshments were served during
the evening.
Members Chicago Board of Trade
Wheat, Corn, Oats, Provision*
Carried on Favorablo Terms.
Continuous Quotations Posted
In Our Board Room.
Large or Small Orders Will
Always Receive tho Same Prompt
V lte for Our Daily and Weekly Grain
1435 Walnut St.
The undersigned, Executors of th«
will of Edward Brough, deceased, will
sell at public sale on the premises, the
farm situated in Butler township.
Adams county, Pennsylvania, adjoining
the Borough at Blglerville, and on the
State Highway from Shlppensburg to
York. Pa.
This farm contains 130 acres more
or less and is improved with a brick
house, bank barn and other outbuild
ings. There, are 200 bearing apple
trees on the farm and about the same
number of young trees. The place is
well watered and in a good state of
cultivation. Being convenient to town,
and upon a main highway. This is an
• exceedingly desirable property.
Any one desiring to see the property
can do so by calling on the tenant.
Sale to begin at 2 p. m., whon terms
will be made known by