Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, July 22, 1916, Page 6, Image 6

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All Highways of Borough Will
Be Practically Rebuilt as Im
provment Is Necessary
William Gipple Catches Seven
teen Large Catfish in Chiques
Creek This Week
By Special Correspondence
Manheim. Pa., July 22. William
Glbble, while fishing in the Chiques
Creek caught seventeen large-sized
catfish. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Yocum.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Keller. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Rice and Miss Mamie
Ritter, spent Sunday at Gettysburg.
Miss Marjorie Rader, of Lititz, spent
several days with Miss Pearl A. Shif
ter. Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Way
and Mr. and Mrs. J. Weidel and sons,
Albert and Russel, or Highspire, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Way.
J. B. Shreiner & Co., have started
concreting South Grant street. After
that is finished they will concrete
Stiegel street and then South Prussian
street. This will give Manheim more
than one mile of concrete pavement.
It is the intention to treat all bor
ough streets in this manner as they
wear out.
So that Itching Ceases. Sleep Fol
lows. Rest Comes At Once.
"I had eczema on my face, head,
and limbs. It came in pimples
and the places around them were red
§and itchy, and when I
scratched there came
blood. I could not sleep
with it, and I would walk
the floor all night it
pained so much.
"A friend told me
about Cuticura Soap and
Ointment so I bought
them, and I used about
three bars of Cuticura Soap and two
boxes of Cuticura Ointment and I was
healed." (Signed) A. Lee, 71 Warwick
St., Newark, X. J., Feb. 16, 1916.
It does not take you long to find out
what Cuticura will do for eczemas, rashes,
itciungs,burnings, fiery,watery pimples,
etc. Bathe the affected surface with
Cuticura Soap and hot water, dry light
ly and apply Cuticura Ointment. At
once the itching ceases, sleep and rest
follow, and complete healment in most
cases results in continued use of thesa
fragrant, super-creamy emollients.
Sample Each Free by Mail
With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad
dress post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. T,
Boston." Sold throughout the world.
Carson Long Institute
Founded By
THE BEST SCHOOL for boys and
It prepares for college
It prepares for business
It prepares for teaching
It prepares for life
$290 pays for a full school year
Fall Term opens Monday. Sept. 25
Dont miss this opportunity
Send for catalog
P. O. Box -6 New Illonmfleld. Pa.
Never Mind iLw Stroag You Are—
What d'ye Know?
That's the point—"What d'ye KNOW?"
To-day it's a battle of wits—and brains win
Muscle and brawn don't count so much as they used to.
In the fight for good jobs and big salaries it's brains
—not brawn—that win "What d'ye KNOW?" is the
one great question that draws the line between defeat
and victory between "wage*" and "salary" between
you and the Boss.
I What do YOU know f Are YOU so expert In some
'cine of work that you can "make good" as a foreman,
•uperintendent, or manager? If not, why don't you mark
and majl the attached coupon and permit the Interna
tional Correspondence Schools to show you how yon
CAN "make good" on a big job?
For 28 7e*™ th« I. C. 8. h»v» been showing men how to
do better work and earn bigger sal art ea Every month over 40t
students write of promotions or salary Increases through T n
So X. C. ■, doing for these men they
No matter where you Uve. how old you are. what hoar*
rou work, or how limited your education—tf you can read and
write and are ambitious to learn the I. C. 8. can train vou In
your own t*me, during your spare time, for a more lmDortaAt
and better-paying position.
Mark and mall the attached coupon—it won't
you in the least—and the L C. 8. will show you how you
acquire this salary-raising ability by their Limpie and easr
methods. *
It will cost you nothing to Investigate—lt may cost a Ufa.
remorse If you Aon'L Mark and Mail the Coupe*
! Box 1311. Scranton, Pa.
Please explain without uw obligation to me how I oaa <,oa u
) ttj tor the position before which 1 mark X
Electrical Engineer Mechanical Drafts I Show Cird Whm>.
, Elec. Lighting; Snpt. Refrigeration Engineer I Advert lain******
i Electric Wlreman Civil Engineer | N«lenmnn*ffl»
, Tel. A Tel. Engineer Surveyor' Teacher *
Architect Loco. Fireman * Bag. Eual'sh
i Architectural Draftsman tMI Service ArrlouKuJ^
1 Structural Engineer Railway Mall Clerk Poultry ewi.
i Building Contractor Bookkeeping Plumb A
I Concrete Xonetructlon Strao. A Typewriting Cheirlifr
1 Mechanical Engineer Window Trimming AetomobUe Rnmtieg
Name (
fit. and We.
• flUte sssfeeses.a.....
Preeent Occupation
" - ' - ' ;; v&V - v»t i; ' ?
. . . s •■■ ■ -: 9 u'V . .■- •- ■ * . ' ■
$-j _. <v-y- y'-'k:- ■ '■■ ± - _ u ; ['~-y- iy: ' ;.;. • %i ; >-.:'■■■•■ ' - -■■.■' /; '■ *•; • !'• " ; : -
Marietta, Pa„ July 22. Miss Cora D. Brouse, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harrison Brouse, a prominent young woman of Ellzabethtown was
married Tuesday to Joseph W. Eckinger, son of Mr. and Mrs. George B
Eckinger, at the parsonage of the Christ Lutheran Church, Elizabethtown
the Rev. Frank Croman. pastor, officiating. The young couple will live at
Elizabethtown, where the groom is employed by the Kreider Shoe Company
Pollyanna Club Will Drill
at Dalmatia Union Picnic
By Special Correspondence
Dalmatia, Pa.. July 22.—Mrs. E. J. !
Klingman and son Lea spent the week
end at Lewlsburg. Miss Gertrude i
i Care, who was visiting Mary Keen for
some time, returned to her home in |
Philadelphia on Monday.—J. O. Paige l
and grandson, Lawrence Radle, Wil- \
liam Snyder. J. P. Bingaman and Al- j
bert Michael spent Sunday at Tolches
ter Beach, Maryland.—Mrs. William j
Bingaman and daughter Corinne. of j
Philadelphia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. I
X G. Bingaman.—Preparations are be- |
ing made for the Dalmatia union Sun
day school picnic in Lahr's grove,
July 29. An interesting program Is
being prepared and there will be ad
dresses by the pastors in charge, fol- j i
lowed by the drill of greeting and the 11
wand drill by the Pollyanna Club. —
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, of Phila- :
delphia, visited relatives here on Mon
day.—Mrs. L. X. Bubb, of Millersburg, j ;
spent Sunday here.—Miss Delia Ke- j,
bach spent Saturday at Sellnsgrove.— |
Mrs. Francis Bingaman spent Monday | ,
at Millersburg.—Mrs. Rebecca Michael ;
and daughter Mary visited at .Cort- :
land, X. Y.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stev- ;
ens, of Sunbury. spent Monday here.— j i
Mrs. Charles Staub, of Harrisburg, i '
spent the week-end with her parents, ■
Mr. and Mrs. William White. I ,
One Squire in U. S. Army;
Another One Sick in Bed
By Special Correspondence
Selinsnrove, Pa., July 22. Mrs. F. P.
I Manhart left Saturday for State Col
lege, where she will spend several days
with MisS Elizabeth Scharf and her
daughter, Sarah Manhart. Misses
, Mary Woodruff, Dor
othy and Evelyn Allison are spending
some time at Philadelphia. James
Morton, of Belleville, spent the week
end here. Herman Kothfus, of Mon
toursville, spent several days at the
home of A. B. Keck. Henrv J. Doeb-
I ler, Selinsgrove's lone justice of the
peace (John S. Schock. the additional
i justice, having enlisted in the army),
iis seriously ill at his home here. The
venerable squire suffered a sunstroke
last week, which has left him in a
| weakened condition Forrest Doebler,
I son of the squire, Is also seriously 111
i at his home, suffering with diabetes.
Mrs. D. Edwin Ditzler and family art>
spending several weeks with Mrs. Dltz
ler's father. R. E. Yeager. Lester
] Schucker, of State College, spent the
I week-end with his parents here.
Spanking does not cure children of
bed-wetting. There is a constitutional
cause for this trouble. Mrs. M. Sum
mers, Box W, Notre Dame, Ind., will
send free to any mother her success
i Jul home treatment, with full instruc
tions. Send no money, but write her
; to-day if your children trouble you in
this way. Don't blame- the child, the
! rhances are it can't help it. This
.reatment also cures adults and aged
pecyple troubled with urine difficulties
I by day or night.—Adv.
Myerstown Family Spending
Summer on River Island
By Special Correspondence
| Halifax. Pa.. July 22. Miss Car
-1 rle Lenker, of Millersburg visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
; Gonder over Sunday. J. P. Johns
and family, of Loyalton and C. R.
1 Frank and family, of Harrisburg,
.Wore entertained at the home of S. F.
Bowman over Sunday. Albert Mil
ler, of Millersburg, and Ralph Harp
er, of Philadelphia, visited friends
here several days. John Kohler,
and wife, of Steelton, spent Sunday
hero. Mrs. Caroline Chubb, Mrs.
C. C. Bowman and* children. Alfred,
Marlin and Grace and C. C. Sweigard
spent Sunday at Hegins. Alfred
Bowman, of Lancaster, spent a day
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cor
nelius Bowman. John J. Baker
and family, of Steelton, spent Sunday
at the home of J. H. Eisenhower.
August Baughman and family, of
Steelton, spent several days at the ;
home of W. O. Glace. Florence
Snyder and Ruth Lebo spent Sunday
at Carsonvllle and Waynesville.
Harry Sheetz and family, of Enola,
spent Sunday at the home of Cornelius
Enders. Miss Annie Landis, of
« ilkes-Barre, ,4s visiting her sister,
Mrs. Charles Hummel. William
Sweigard and family, Daniel Lebo,
Peter Lebo. daughter, Emma, and
Mrs. Fred Specht and children, spent
Sunday at the home of Daniel Lebo,
at Lucknow. Charles Miller and
son, Claude, were home from Swatara
station over the sabbath. Mrs.
Arthur Sleuth, of Philadelphia, spent
several days with her aunts, Mrs
Emma Xoblet and Mrs. Ellen Bishoff.
Elmer E. Daugnerty spent Tues
j home of Joseph Umberger
and his daughter. Miss Ella Umberg
er. Rural Mail Carrier Samuel
Koppenhaver, Postmaster Harry Xob- !
'<* a nd J - Zimmerman paid a
T to Harrisburg on Tuesday.
The Ladies Bible Class of the United
™ethren ® ufi day school was enter
tained on. the lawn at the parsonage
Tuesday evening. Prof. C. W. Bow
man and family, of Myerstown, are
Hni?' he summer camping on the
river above town. Mr. and Mrs.'
L g M, and . son ; Robert, of Steel
ton, and Miss Amelia Bowman, of
w"/V; ere guests of Mr - and
~, r . ,T c - Metzgar on Sunday. Mr.
and Mrs. C. C. Baker was at Buffalo,
*• attending 1 a Masonic conven-
Jonestown, p a „ J U K- 22. Miss
Maggie Brown, of Lebanon, Is visitinjr
Mi'.. 1 '? « Miss Myrtle Leintnger
wmi Jan ® Jl fase is visiting her uncle,
G. Pasnacht, at Palmyra
Harry B Strauss and family'spent
I fvPi , wi 'h Grant G- Gerberich, near
| Walmer s Church. Mrs. Charles
Strohm and children, of Washington,
P'. C " ® re visiting Mrs. Strohms par
| ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Walmer
' Lentz * who >s employed at
■ Hershey, is spending her vacation with
t parent ?V. Mr- and Mrs. William H
Lentz. Misses Harriet and Carrie
I Bowman and Harry Blank, of Allen
! town, are visiting relatives here.—The
cottages along Bunker Hill are all
rilled and there are quite a number of
campers in tents along the Swatara
creek.—Myrle F. Harris, of Harris
burg, sp ent Sunday here. Edward
Raber, of Hood River, Ore., spent sev
eral days with his aunt, Mrs. Samuel
T. Gilbert.—The Rev. David Schelrer,
pastor of St. John's Reformed Church
and his family left for Cleveland!
Ohio where they will spend their va
cation.—Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stein, of
Avon, are visiting their son-in-law,
Jacob N Mease.—Friends of the RPV
barren J. Ellis, of Greenville, Mer
cer county, are pleased to hear of his
moving nearer this, his native heath
when he becomer a member of the
Pennsylvania Mothers and
Ridgway, Pa—"l have had a satis
factory experience with Dr. Fiereo's
§ Favorite Prescrip
tion. Sometime
ago I needed medi
cine for kidney
cured 'Favorite
Prescription' and
used three bottles.
It helped me won
came the trouble
and I grew better
- - - every day. I had
so much confidence in this remedy that
I recommended it to my daughters.
They used it with very marked benefit.
We consider 'Favorite Prescription' a
reliable and valuable remedy."—Mas.
C. L. WooDH AiiD, H. Broad St.
An affection confined to women must
have its cause in the womanly nature.
There is no doubt that a diseased con
dition of the delicate 'womanly organs,
is in general responsible for feminine
nervousness and an undermined con
For headache, backache, hot flashes,
catarrhal condition, bearing-down sen
sation, mental depression, dizziness,
fainting spells, lassitude and exhaus
tion women should never fail to take
this tried and true woman's medicine.*
Prepared from nature's roots and
herbs, it contains no alcohol nor nar
cotics, nor any harmful ingredient. In
either tablet oi' liquid form. Write
Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo,
N. Y., today. IV>ok on women's
diseases sent free. Write also for free
and confidential medical advice.
The modern improvement in pills—
Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They
help Nature, instead of fighting with
her. Sick and nervous headache, bili
onsr.ess, costiyeness, and all derange
ments of the liver, stomach and bowels
are prevented, relieved, curnd,
Personal News Items
From Nearby Towns in
Central Pennsylvania
Piketown. Miss Blanche Mumma,
of Shellsville. Miss Beatrice Mumma,
of Manada Hill, and Otto Mumma, of
near Penbrook, spent Sunday with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel
Mumma. W. H. Brown and Miss
Priscilla Ramsey entertained the fol
lowing guests on Sunday: Dr. F. E.
Bamberger, Miss Amelia Bamberger
Miss Irma Bauss. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Brown, of Lebanon; Mr. and Mrs.
Galen Funck and Howard Becker, of
Annville and H. S. Brown, of Sink
ing Spring. The Rev. and Mrs.
Jonas Martin and children, Mary and
Willis, spent Tuesday at Lancaster
with the Re*", and Mrs. G. R. Hover
ter. Mrs. Agnes McCord and daugh
ter, Romaine, of Harrisburg, spent
several days with Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Earley. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
George, of Linglestown. spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Mumma. Miss Minnie Ramsey, of
near Graubville, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ram
sey. W. C. Guth, of Philadelpha,
is spending sometime with Mr. and
Mrs. D. E. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs.
George Weaver, of Penbrook, spent
Sunday with David Mumma and fam
ily. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Nicholas
and son, Gordon, of West Fairview
spent several days with Mr. and Mrs.
Simon Weaver.
Xew Bloomfield. William B.
Sheihley of Philadelphia is visiting his
brother, H. E. Sheihley. Mr. and
Mrs. John Book of Brooklyn, X. Y.,
arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. Abner Swar
ner; Mrs. J. C. McAllister of Wash
ington, d. C., is visiting Mrs. John Mc-
Allister. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. San
derson of Saxton, spent several davs
with his sister. Mrs. Kate Heston.
Mrs. Maggie Fritz, of Harrisburg is vis
iting her sister Miss Lilla Tressler.—
Edward Hestyn, wife and son George
of Pittsburgh, are visiting his mother,
Mrs. Kate Heston. Mr. and Mrs. S.
M. Stein, of Baltimore, Md., are visiting
their son, Dr. M. I. Stein. Misses
Ernestine and Mary Rhinesmlth tre
visiting friends at Hammonton, X. J.
—Mr. and Mrs. Albert Relgel of Cat
taraugus, X. Y., are visiting their s«n,
Henry Reigel.
WormleyMburgr. —Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Quigley have been entertaining
Mr. Quigley's mother, of Shiremans
town.-Mr. and Mis. J. D. Hippie, Miss
f trst and Miss Balthaser were Milton
visitors on Tuesday.—The Rev. G. B.
Renshaw spent several days at Lykens.
—The Rev. Clay Gohn and the Rev.
Hatten, of Akron. Ohio, took dinner at
A. J. Wright's on Tuesday.—Mrs. Nor
man Hummer is entertaining her sister
from Harrisburg.— Wesley Geiger was
a Baltimore visitor on Sunday.— Mrs.
McAdams and family are spending two
weeks at Perdix in the "Philadelphia"
cottage.—Mrs. Wesley Geiger spent
Tuesday in Baltimore and got a glimpse
of the U-boat Deutschland."—Miss Edna
Eckert has returned from a trip to
Niagara Falls and Buffalo—Mrs. Fos
ter Wingerd entertained friends from
York over Sunday.
Berrysburg. lsaac Enders and
family, of Enders, visited friends in
town on Sunday. William McDor
met and family, of Steelton, and
Esther Weaver, of Killinger. spent
Sunday at the home of Daniel Weaver.
—• The Rev. C. P. Wher, pastor of the
Reformed charge here and the Rev.
Miller, of Killinger, exchanged pulpits
on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Whet
stone Mrs. Catharine Williams and
daughter, Mildred of Everett, Pa.,
motored here and were guests of Mrs'
Anna Snyder. Charles Snyder, of
Harrisburg, visited his mother. Mrs
Anna Snyder on Monday. Dorothy
\vitmer, of Wiconisco, visited rela
tives here this week. The Rev. and
Mrs. B. L. Romberger, of Wilkes-
Barre, are spending sometime at the
home of Jacob Hennlnger. On Mon
day morning and evening the Rev.
Mr. Romberger occupied the Evan
gelical pulpit for the Ret\ Hoffman
who is ill. A. M. Romberger and
family, of Elizabethville were callers
at Jacob Henninger s on Sunday.
Hazel Deibler made a visit to Millers
nw/,, and a» en <led the Evangelical
picnic. After a two week's vacation
Roseoe Daniel has returned to his
duties at Philadelphia.
Several Carloads of Crushed
Stone on Elizabethville Sts.
h H Vll l e ' Pa " July 22. Miss
Hilda M Eby has pone to Chautauqua,
rariL'wi 0 the seas °n- —Several
carloads of imported crushed stone
°2 tho borou Kh streets this
?i? he Rev> and Mrs - C. P. Wehr
will lea ve on their annual vacation in
L-ehiKh county on Monday next.—The
Rev Mr. Miller, of Killinger. occupied
the Reformed pulpit here on Sunday
eveninr — J . E. Lent*, the Rev. S. Z
Rhoads, I. T. Bufflngton and C W
Enters spent Tuesday at Myerstown.
—The Rev. J. A. Keiper and family, of
AUeiltown, spent some time with A M
Romberger and family.—The juniors
of the Lutheran Sunday School pic
nicked at the grvoe east of town on
Wednesday. Miss Florence Hoover,
of Berrysburg, spent the week with
her aunts here.—Carolus Martyn. of
Millmont, spent several days with his
mother here. The various Sunday
schools have started work on the an
nual picnic. Committees been
appointed and a site and date will
soon be selected.—Miss Cora Bonawitz
of Harrisburg, spent Sunday with her
parents here.—Mrs. William P. Ingle
has returned from a Harrisburg hos
pital where she had undergone an />p
eratlon.—Miss Verna Mattis, of the
telephone exchange, is spending her
annual vacation with Mrs. Albert Balrd
at Phoenixvillo, Pa.—Professor C. M.
Weigle left on Wednesday for his
home at Carlisle.—Nathaniel Shutt is
recovering from a spell of sickness. —
Miss Mabel Lentz spent several weeks
at Gratz.—Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Matter, of Philadelphia, spent some
time with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Jacob B. Matter.
Montandon, Pa., July 22.—Mrs. El
mer Shaffer and Miss Martha Riegel
held a 10-cent social on the lawn at
the Shaffer home on Saturday after
noon for the benefit of the Methodist
Church. Fred Garber sprained his
ankle while playing baseball at River
side Park Saturday afternoon.—The
Baptist Church was wired this week
for electric lights.—The Sunday school
classes taught by Mrs. A. A. Fairchild
and Mrs. A. G. Keyser held a moon
light picnic in Rishel's woods Wednes
day.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Riegel and
daughter Helen have returned to their
home at New Castle after a two weeks'
visit with their parents here.—W C
Burrey and family, A. Y. Keyser and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eber
hart are spending the week camping
at Rishel's woods. —Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Grimm have returned from a visit
with their parents at Herndon;—Miss
Helen Slack, of Renovo, is spending
the summer with her .grandmother,
Mrs. Alexander Martin.—Mr. Zeigler,
of Elizabethville, has been seriously ill
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Mer
rill Johnson. James Deltrick and
family spent Sunday at Lewisburg.—
Mrs. R. B. Tule. of Milton, was a.
visitor at D. H. Riegel's this week.—
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Beaver, of Phila
delphia, were visitors on Sunday with
Mr. Beaver's sisters, Mrs. H. F. Frank
and Mrs. Alice Garber.
Built of Limestone and Located in Chocolate Avenue: It Will
Be One of Finest in State
By Special Correspondence
Hershey, Pa., July 22. —Utility of
the buildings in the Chocolate Town is
shown by their easy convertibility to
other uses after they have become In
adequate for the original purpose.
With the completion of the large new
carbarn in West Hershey the present
limestone structure will be turned into
one of the finest garages in the State.
It is conveniently located in Chocolate
avenue, ne&r the center of the town,
and is more accessible than the pres
ent garage north of the railroad.
The Lutheran reunion in Hershey
Park on Tuesday brought a dozen
Sunday Schools from Dauphin, Leb
anon and Lancaster counties. Other
picnics this week included St. John s
Lutheran Sunday School, Lancaster;
Union Sunday Schools of Reading;
Market Street Baptist, Harrisburg,
and St. Stephen's Reformed, Lebanon.
—The Derry Township School Board
elected Miss Dora Dise, of York, to fill
the vacancy in the second grade
caused by the resignation of Miss
Mabel Hoffman. Justice Casaady
Railroad Patrolman Kills
Six-and-a-Half Foot Rattler
By Special Correspondence
Mifflmtowii, p a „ July 2 2.—Charles
Flnnefrock, Pennsylvania Riiilroad pa
trolman for the water lines through
Licking creek, on Sunday afternoon
killed a rattlesake which measured
6 feet 7 inches, with 19 rattles.—Mr.
Bard, of McVeytown, spent Sunday
afternoon with .T. H. Leffard.—Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Sieber, of Lewistown, spent
Sunday with Mr Sieber's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Sieber.—Mrs. Baldwin
and Miss Jean Dick have returned
home after a three weeks' stay at
Philadelphia.—Misses Mary and Ben
nett Junkin are visiting their aunt,
Mrs. John \yatts, at Belleville. —Miss
Anne Robison ,of Academia, is the
guest of Evelyn Schweyer. Miss
Virgie Yetter, an instructor in the
kintergarten school at Hershey, is at
the home of her parents here. —Dr.
Frederick Espenschade spent several
days with his father and sister while
en route to his home in Pittsburgh
from the Elks conventio nat Balti
more. Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas and
granddaughter, Eva McClellan, left
Tuesday for a two weeks' visit with
relatives at Driftwood.—Mr. and Mrs.
James Mathers and son, of Altoona,
are visiting at the home of his sister,
Miss Katherine Mathers.*—Mrs. John
B. Rendall, of Muscatine, lowa, is
home on account of the serious illness
of her mother, Mrs. I. D. Musser.—
Mrs. James Black, of Cleveland, Ohio,
is visiting at the home of Mrs. W. N.
Sterrett.—Kay Portser while en route
to his home at Greensburg from the
Elks convention in Baltimore spent
a day at the home of his brother, W.
W. Portser. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob
Dubbs left Monday for a several days'
visit at Manchester, York and Wash
ington, D. C.—Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Leffard attended the Pennsylvania
Railroad agents' picnic at Lakemont.
—Mrs. James Robison, of Altoona, is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. James F.
Sterrett. Mrs. Sullivan and two
daughters, of Columbus, Ohio, are
guests of her mother, Mrs. Sophie
19 Visitors Present at
Lewisberry Sunday School
Lewisberry, Pa., July 22.—The Rev.
Allen C. Shue, pastor of Ridge Avenue
Methodist Episcopal Church, York,
spent the week with his family, who
are visiting friends in town.—Fred
erick Rudisill returned to his home at
York after spending several weeks at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Strayer.
—Miss Ruth Shirey and Miss Frances
Shirey, of Jersey Shore, Pa., are guests
of their sister, Mrs. Harry Spangler.—
Mrs. L. Elbert Wilson will leave this
week to spend three weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fuehrer, at
Hazleton.—Miss Clara Shelley returned
to her home at Cly after spending two
weeks at the home of her brother, Ott
Shelley.—Mrs. S. W. Purvis and daugh
ter, Miss Helen Purvis, of Philadel
phia, who are spending the summer
with Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Hammond,
last week attended the Christian En
deavor convention at Harrisburg. They
were delegates from their society in
Philadelphia ar.d were guests of the
Misses Bratten, 308 Xorth street, Har
risburg.—Mr. and Mrs. Ott Shelley,
Miss Wllmana Shelley and Mrs. Leah
Potteiger spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lentz at Manchester. —Miss Sadie
Updegraff, a school teacher of Atlantic
City, is spending some time at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
IT. Laird.—A son. Paul, was born last
week to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Miller,
who live In the Yencel house.—Mrs.
D. A. Shrader is visiting at Lancaster,
the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Reed.
—Mrs. Rachel Miller and grandson,
Russell Welgle, are guests at the home
! of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Miller at Me
! chaflicsburg.—The Rev. Milton K. Fos
i ter, of Williamsrort, who spent several
i days at the Foster home, the guest of
| his brother. Frank E. Foster, and sis
ters, Mrs. Eliza A. Pennington and
Mrs. Florence J. Beistline, who is con
, fined to the house with sickness, re-
I turned home to-day.—Nineteen visitors
i were present Sunday at the Methodist
; Episcopal Sunday School session.—A-
G. Wilson, who was a guest at the
; Methodist Episcopal parsonage, has
' returned to his home at Brooklyn.
!N. Y.—The Rev. L. E. Wilson will
leave Friday for a few days' stay at
Mount Gretna. He will return to fill
[ his pulpit on Sunday evening.—Miss
Romayne Byers and Miss Ethel Rick
are guests of tr.e former's sister, Mrs.
Oscar Kister, at Steelton.
Echo Meeting of State C. E.
Convention at Thompsontown
Thompsontown, Pa., July 22.—Miss
Lenore Kniseley, of Mexico, was elected
teacher of the second school. —Miss
Ethel McCurdv and Miss Bessie Dun
can ,of Hollidaysburg, are spending
the week with Miss Annie Colyer.—
Mr. and Mrs. Jessie Nyehart, of North
umberland, are visiting the latter's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Z. Sowers.—
The Misses Witmer. of Millersburg,
were guests of Mrs. W. k. Brubaker
on Sunday.—Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Halde
man, of Harrisburg, spent the week
end with Mrs. J. G. Haldeman.—Miss
Mary Brown, of Freeburg, spent sev
eral days with Mrs. B. H. Brauthoffer.
—Mrs. Jennie Griffith, of Washington.
D. C., was a recent guest of her aunt,
Mrs. A. G. Haldeman.—Mr. and Mrs.
R. E. Stimeley, of Cleveland, Ohio,
spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Brubaker.—Miss Myrtle Dimm
is home from Swarthmore. Misses
Annie Dimm, Cora McClellan, of Lew
istown, and M-s. A. P. Dimm wero
guests of Miss Pearl Haldeman Thurs
day.—Dr. S. F. Metz was a guest of
his mother in Allensvllle from Friday
until Monday.—An echo meeting of
the State Christian Endeavor conven
tion will be held In the Lutheran
Church to-morrow evening. The
Thompson steam mill is under con
struction In North Mill sltreet. Wil
liam Rumbergcr is the contractor.
JULY 22, 1916.
| has issued a warning to motorists and
motorcyclists who have been
|ing the State speed limit of
I Rl r o>;r through Hershey and Derry
Church. Monroe Stover, a local ball
j player, and his brother, Kenneth
Stover, landed forty nne trout on a
fishing expedition along Tom's Creek.
! Mrs. J. J. Rauch, of Harrisburg,
ivisted her daughter. Mrs. Linn H.
Hawbecker. Miss Margaret Wheeler
; and Miss Olive Thomas, of Harris
burg, have taken apartments at the
[ home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zoll. —
I Miss Bertha Leibhart is spending her
vacation in Pittsburgh with Miss Alice
| Elder, former secretary of the Hershey
j Young Woman's Christian Association,
i —Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Maulfair are en
i tertainlng Misses Ella and Imogene
Mitchell, of Maquoketa, lowa, and
: Mrs. Laura Hodgens, of Sioux Falls,
S. D. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn R. Meeklns
■ spent the week-end at the Hotel Den
nis. Atlantic City. Miss Susan Pelen,
1 of Harrisburg, is spending some time
| with Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Snavely at
their home on the Gro-Mor Farms.
Linglestown People on Trip
to Philadelphia by Auto
Linglestown, Pa., July 22. Church
services will be held in the Church of
God to-morrow evening by the pastor,
the Rev. H. Whitaker; in the United
Brethren Church in the morning by
the pastor, the Rev. Clyde Lynch, and
in Wenrich's Church in the afternoon
by the Lutheran pastor, the Rev. O.
R Bittner. Mr. and Mrs. William
Wright and children of Xew Cumber
land, were recent guests of Mr. and
Mrs. John Shepler. Mrs. William
Copper of Lykens spent several days
with her paronts, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Smith. Mr. an' 1 Mrs. Earl Koons and
son Edwin spent several days as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Clay
at Harrisburg. Miss Vera Care spent
the week at Harrisburg. Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Look and daughter Fay,
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Care and son John
and Miss Jane Care motored to Phila
delphia on Saturday. Miss Mabel
Feeser, of Hershey. was the week-end
guest of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Fees
er. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Getz of Mt.
Joy, Miss Lucy Taylor and Smith
Sherk of Lancaster, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Bolton on Sunday. Mrs.
John Casse!, of Harrisburg, was the
guest of Mrs. Annie Smith on Tuesday.
—Fleck Mixell spent Sunday at Balti
more. Miss Vesta Koons, has re
turned home after spending some time
with Mr. and Mrs. Miles Backenstoe at
Mount Joy. Mrs. Levi Lee.se, of
Bellegrove, is spending some time with
Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Leese. Miss Mar
ion Smith spent Wednesday at Har
risburg. Edward Cassel, of Harris
burg, was a recent guest of his father,
Ephriam Cassel. Wiliam Siegfried
and son William, of Erie, are spend
ing some time with Mrs. Alice Rabuck.
—Mrs. J. Warfcl and son John spent
the week at Highspire.'
Millerstown Boy Scouts
Camping Along Juniata
| Millerstown, Pa., July 22. Miss
Hazel Harris, of Cross Roads, is visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. Charles Page. Miss
I Anna Eckels was a visitor at Harris
l burg Wednesday. Misses Florence
j Reeves and Helen Peter, of Phila
i delphia, are guests of the Misses
:' Rickabaugh. Mrs. Lewis Carl of
■ Newport, was the guest of Miss Jessie
i, Kipp on Wednesday. Mrs. Herman
1 Fickes of Rochester, X. Y., is visiting
her mother, Mrs. S. C. Alexander.
! Miss Kat.hryn Rickabaugh, who had
1 been visiting her sister, Mrs. T. P.
i Cochran at Pittsburgh, returned homo
; on Wednesday. She was accompanied
■; home by her nephew, „ George H.
Cochran. Mrs. J. C. Kipp accom
l panted by her son, James Kipp and
i family automobiled to Canton, Ohio.
Miss Pearl Walker of Carlisle, was
| the guest of her cousin. Miss Daisy
Walker this week. W. S. Snyder of
j Harrisburg spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. D. Bollinger. Miss Hazel
Myers of Thompsontown, is visiting
j her sister, Mrs. Charles Himes. The
! Boy Scouts and their scoutmasters, the
j Rev. C. F. Himes and Jesse Gearhart
are camping this week at the Free
burg fish house above Newport. —Mr.
j and Mrs. John Wood and Robert Hop-
I pie left Tuesday on a several weeks'
; trip to Maine by automobile. Prof.
J. O. Charles of Rose Glen spent the
week-end with Miss Helen Rounsley.
—Mrs. John Garver, daughter, Bess,
! son Frank and Mrs. Hunter of Bell
| ville, visited D. M. Rickn»>augh on
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Laura
j Carter, son Harold, and Miss Maud
Shover were at Harrisburg Sunday.—
Miss Olive Derwin wa» a. visitor in
Harrisburg on Wednesday.
Many Guests in Dauphin
Cottages and Bungalows
Dauphin, Pa., July 22. Alfred
Stees, Harvey Davis, and Richard
I Taylor, all of Baltimore, have returned
home after spending a two weeks'
| vacation at the Dauphin House.
•William Reid of West Collingswood,
| N. J.. spent the week with Dr. and
Mrs. William P. Clark. Dr. Albert
Poffenberger has returned to his home
at Sunbury after a visit with his sister
in-law, Mrs. Mary Poffenberger.
Miss Clair Demaree of Newport, spent
I the week-end here witn relatives.
Frank Ebersole Williams has returned
to Mt. Gretna after spending the
' week-end at his home here. Miss
j Mildred Florence Lybarger of Read-
I ing is the guest of Miss Sabra Clark.
| Miss Ellen Reeves of Harrisburg,
was a recent guest of Miss Elizabeth
Frantz. Welling Deibler has re
turned home from an automobile trip
'to Philadelphia, Willow Grove and
j Camden, N. J. Mrs. Albert Warner
spent several days at Hazteton. Mr.
and Mrs. William Rodenhaver of Har
risburg spent the week-end with Mrs.
I Rodenhaver's parents. Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Sellers. Miss Ida Rothen
{ berger, of Reading, is spending some
time with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frantz.
; F. 0> Gerberlch and J. D. M. Reed
i spent Thursday on the Isle of Q, at
Selinsgrove with the Big (j Society of
which they are members. Mrs. Geo.
B. Noss ,and sons, Russel, of Duncan
non and Oscar of Boston; Dr. and
Mrs. Skillman of WTlliamsport, Mr.
; and Mrs. C. H. Hill, of Palmyra, N.
J.. were recent guests of Mr. and
: Mrs. William F. Reed. Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Spong, of Perdix, and Miss
i Constance Beidleman of Harrisburg,
! spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. William
| Bell Clark. W. W. Davidson, of
Harrisburg, spent Monday with his
daughter, Mrs. Charles ShalTer.—Miss
; Harriet Shaffner of Harrisburg, was
i the week-end guest of her sister, Mrs.
; William Worcester. Miss Helen
Conner of Pittsburgh, was a recent
«uest of Miss Carrie E. Gerberlch.
; Miss Helen Louise Wallis spent several
i days with Miss Elizabeth Ann Dill of
I Harrisburg. Thomas Hawthorne or
New York City, is spending the week
i end with his mother, Mrs. J. W.
Average Present For Year at
Mt. Joy Church Was 85
Per Sunday
Boys Will Spend Ten Days
Camping on Famous Battle
field Starting Today
By Special Correspondenet
Mount .Toy, Pa.. July 22.—Four
thousand Ave hundred and twenty-five
men attended the Crusaders' Bibl©
Class of the Mount Joy United
Brethren Sunday School during the
past year, being an average attend
ance of eighty-seven for each Sunday.
The Mount Joy Scouts will make
a ten days' encampment at Gettys
burg starting next Saturday. Arrange
ments have been made with Daniel
G. Brlnser, of Ellzabethtown, to take
the boys to Gettysburg in his automo
bile truck. A son was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Homer Barr on Sunday.
Miss Helen Buohl, of Reading, spent
Sunday in town with her sister, Mrs.
Clara Brubakor, The Rev. George
N. of Philadelphia, preached
a sermon in the Presbyterian Church
on Sunday morning and at Donegal in
the evening. Christian Brenemqji.
i an assistant teacher of the Crusaders'
Bible Class of the United Brethren
Sunday School, celebrated his fifty
ninth birthday anniversary on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown, of
Philadelphia, are the guests of Wal
ter G. Brown and family. Mrs.
George A. Kercher, Mrs. Louisa Frank
and Miss Bertha Missemer attended
the Lutheran tri-county reunion at
Hershey on Tuesday. Mrs. Marv
Greider and daughter, Mrs. Jonas N.
Hostotter, of Harrisburg, were guesta
■ of Mrs. C. G. Sherk on Wednesday.—
J. Harry Roland, of Philadelphia, was
| the guest of his cousin, Joseph
Joseph Hershey. Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Brosey have returned home after
: spending a month with friends at Day
i ton, O. Gatty Sellars, of London,
, England, gave a series of organ re
| citals in the Lutheran Church on
Wednesday and Thursday evenings.—
Mrs. Mary Miller, of Richfield, Juniata
county, is spending severaj days with
ehr sister, Mrs. Jacob M. Schroll.
Miss Dora M. Billot, of Harrisburg, is
spending a wek with C. S. Longe
necker. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stam
baugh and Mrs. Paris G. Shelly spent
Saturday and Sunday at Mount Jov.
—Presiding Elder Hell, of Harrisburg.
preached an excellent sermon and ad
ministered communion In the United
Evangelical Church.
Colored People to Hold
Services Near Duncannon
t Duncannon, Pa.. July 22. Oscar
Noss of Boston, Mass., Is spending va
cation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George B. Noss.— Robert Valentino
I left on Monday for an extended visit
to his brother at Baltimore, Md. —Mrs.
j Mary Reifine has returned from visit
to relatives at Marysville. The Rev.
jW. W. Shoil filled the Methodist pulpit
jat New Bloomfield last Sunday morn
ling and held communion services and
| the Rev. H. C. Knox, of New Bloom
j field filled his pulpit here.—Misses Ina
I Jenkyn and Ruth Wills are enrolled
at Columbia University for a six weeks'
course. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McCune
: have returned from a visit to relatives
at Shippensburg. Mr. McClure with his
family will remove to Harrisburg in
the near future where he will teach
lin the high school the next term. —
Robert Cummings of Harrisburg was
a week-end guests of relatives here.—
| Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Zimmerman of
Steelton were guests of the former's
mother, Mrs. Clara Zimmerman over
Sunday. Religious services by col
ored people will be held in Sieg's
grove one half mile northwest of here
over Sundas - . The services will be con
ducted by the Revs. Pollet and James.
—Russet Lindsey of Harrisburg was
the guest of his uncle and aunt. Dr.
and Mrs. H. W. McKenzie on Tuesday.
—The sixth annual convention of the
Perry county W. C. T. U. will be held
in Newport August 1.
Mrs. Joseph H. Johnston
Entertains at Country Home
I \Vnj-nenboro, Pa. July 21. Mrs.
! Joseph H. Johnston, entertained at
cards Thursday afternoon and evening
at the country estate of her father, D.
|M. Good, south of town. Mrs. J C.
Stottlemyer celebrated her flftv-flfth
I birthday on Thursd?*. Suppe' ►/as
; served. Those present Were: Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Smith. MiSs Alice Smith.
Mrs. S. M. Brown, Miss Lillian Stottle
myer. Miss Daisy Stottlemyer and Miss
: Athie Stottlemyer and Mrs. J. W. Col
ton, Baltimore. Mrs. N D. Geiser,
! and Miss Emma Geiser are spending
| two weeks at Ocean City, N. J. Mr.
I and Mrs. Mitchel S. Mickley and daugh
ter, Vivian, Painted Post. N. Y, Mr.
I and Mrs. WiUia Ellwell and son. Oke
ley, Kansorego, N. Y. motored to
\\ aynesboro and are guests at the
home of Mr. Mickley's parents, Mr. and
Mrs E. P. Mickley.—Superintendent J.
T. Godfrey of the Madison, N. J..
schools, and Mrs. Godfrey were enter-\
tained at dinner at the home of Mr. G.
H. Russell. Mrs. Herman Crueger
and daughter. Gladys Virginia. Roa
noke. \ a., are spending two months
with her parents. Colonel and Mrs. C.
B. Clayton. Postmaster J. W. Ware
hime, J. M. Newcomer, Charles M. Le
cron, J. R. Crouse and J. E. Beck, have
returned from an automobile trip to
Baltimore. A pound party was held
at the home of Mrs. D. A. Swisher,
near aynesboro. Refreshments were
served. Superintendent O. M. Peters,
of the Emerson-Brantlnghm Company.
£ lrs V Mlss Mabel Benchoff and
Carl Zeldman, have returned from a
visit to Baltimore. The trip was made
in Mr. Peters car. A reunion of the
far 2, !ly , was he,d at th « home of
William Rock, near Waynesboro. Those
present were Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Rock
and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rock
and daughter, Wadsworth, Ohio; Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Rock, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Davis and family; Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Moats and family, Mrs. John
Shockey and daughter, Walter Rock.
Mr. and Mrs. Uilfiam Rock and family,
J sa ? c < Mrs. E. B. Fahrnev en-»*
tertained the members of her Sunday
School class at her home Tuesday even
Hawthorne. Miss Mary Coulter,
Miss Harriet Coulter and John Grazier
of Tyrone, Miss Elizabeth Coulter, and
Miss Florence Mac Donald of Ridg
way, were the guests of I>r. and Mrs.
Thdmas Poffenberger on Tuesday.
Miss Annie Hinkle is spending severa
weeks with Mrs. John Dewalt, at
Hammonton and Atlantic City. M.
G. Potts of Harrisburg. Is spending
the week with his daughter. Mrs. Geo.
S. Landis. Miss Ruth Snafler'spent
Thursday at Harrisburg. Mr. and
Mrs. William Worcester ana son, Paul,
who are summering at thesr cottage,
Limberlost, spent the week at therr
Harrisburg home.